3 minute read
St. Joseph is Worthy of Honor
I encourage you today to connect with people who are like-minded, like-hearted and like-spirited. Also, remember throughout your day to love with all your heart! This helps to connect!
been in ministry for 32 years.
St. Joseph truly is the silent figure of the New Testament. For instance, the Gospel does not record one spoken verse for St. Joseph. Nevertheless, what this great saint did in his life for God speaks volumes. To appreciate him and his role in sal vation, we need to glean the Gospels.
St. Joseph was en gaged to Mary when he discovered that she was pregnant.

Since St. Joseph did not yet know God’s plan but knew his wife was pregnant not by himself, the Gospel reads that he “decided to divorce her quietly” (Matthew 1:19). According to the Torah laws, St. Joseph could have had Mary stoned to death for infidelity (cf. Deuteronomy 22).
angel commanded. St. Joseph fulfilled his obligations courageously. Throughout the gospel he faithfully and unquestioningly obeyed the commands of God: taking his family to the safety of Egypt to flee the wrath of King Herod; returning to Nazareth; presenting his child in the Temple for circumcision and formal presentation; and traveling to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. He accepted the responsibility of his vocation– being the faithful spouse and father.
Church Bulletins
“A MESSAGE FOR OUR TIME”Speaker Immaculée Ilibagiza will share her inspirational story of the Apparitions of Kebeho. Diocesan Eucharistic Revival event, Mar 11th 9 am - 12:30 pm, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Lubbock, 9821 Frankford Ave.
ENCHILADA PLATE AT LENT the Guadalupanas at Our Lady of Grace will be selling enchilada plates every Friday during lent during lunch hours 11-2 pm, at 3111 Erskine St.
THEOLOGY ON TAP - Finding the Eucharist in the World. 18 and up. March 24th 6 - 7 pm, Bierhaus, 2009 Broadway St STATIONS OF THE CROSS San Ramon Church, Fridays during Lent, 6:30 pm - 7 pm, Woodrow, 15706 TX-493 Loop
STATIONS OF THE CROSS (Bilingual) at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Every Friday of Lent at 6 pm. Morning Holy Hour - Every Tuesday of Lent from 7 -8 am. Located at 1120 52nd St.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS - each Friday during Lent at 6 pm - 7 pm at Saint Joseph Church, Slaton, 205 S 19th St
FISH FRY Our Lady of Guadalupe invites you every Friday of Lent beginning from 11 am to 6 pm for their fish fry. Located at 1120 52nd St.
LENT - MEATLESS MEAL join Saint John the Baptist Church,March 10, 24, and 31, 5:30 pm - 7 pm, at 10805 Indiana. $10 adult plate, $5 kid’s plate. List of Food Options and Pre-Orders available at stjohnbaptistlbk.org/friday-lenten-meals-pre-order
TRAINING Parish volunteers & staff remember you can take your safe environment training through the diocese’s website at www.CatholicLubbock.org/SafeEnvironment.html
LAS ESTACIONES Presented by Our Lady of Grace Church for persons 60 years and older, meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Join for prayer, fun and fellowship.
BIBLE STUDY AT OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH Father Piña’s Bible Study in English will be held on Wednesdays, at 7 pm. at 1120 52nd St. El Estudio Bíblico en Español con Emilio Abeyta estará los Miércoles, a las 7pm.
They are always popular for their good food and great spirit! Thank you, ladies from Latino Lubbock Magazine! (Photo by St. Joseph's Church of Lubbock)
Nevertheless, the Angel of the Lord appeared to St. Joseph in a dream, revealed to him that Mary had conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and commanded that he take Mary as his wife and Jesus as his own Son. Without question or hesitation, St. Joseph did as the
Today in his honor, the St. Joseph's Table, a ritual meal done in fulfillment of a promise made to St. Joseph for his assistance in a time of family or personal crisess celebrated and includes the altar with an image of Saint Joseph, flowers, candles, fruit and bread as well as the special meal of meatless dishes served at what is traditionally an open house at the home of the person/family giving the Table.
YOUTH BIBLE STUDY at Our Lady of Grace, every Wednesday and Friday, 5:30 pm - 7 pm, at Buxkemper Hall, 3111 Erskine St.
DIVINE MERCY Chaplet online at https://www.thedivinemercy.org/message/ devotions/novena
PRAY THE ROSARY ONLINE at https://www.cathedralofmary.org/faithformation/resources/pray-the-rosary-online
UNDERSTANDING THE SCRIPTURES online at https://catholicboard. com/