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Wow! This heat has been unbelievable. My husband and I enjoy being outdoors but this heat has been tough to endure. As such, we've had to modify our time to early morning or late evenings.
Nevertheless, summertime is the time to embrace the outdoors. As children we were outside every lit moment of the day. We looked forward to the Fourth of July to light fireworks, watch the light show, and gather with family and friends.
Firework safety is important. However, somehow that message did not quite make it down to us as children in those days. My two sisters and I had an uncle and two aunts who paralleled our age. As such, they were our playmates.
As can be imagined, my uncle was a terror. He talked us into holding fireworks in our hand after we lit them. On one occasion he bent a Black Cat firework in half to expose the powder, lit it, and held it up.
Then he urged us to do the same. I was the only one to fall for his pestering after he called us "fraidy cats".
I still recall holding the firecracker, lighting it up, then feeling the burn as the powder had spilled over onto my hand, and caught on fire!
This was an example for us all. After that, I never held, or cut into a firework again. As for my uncle, he then urged me to hold a lit Roman Candle firework. And despite his taunting, the mark and memory from the first burn was reason enough to think twice about that decision.
Nevertheless, summertime with my familia, was always the best, especially on the Fourth of July. Someone from my family would go to the lake to reserve the "family spot" annually, and a day or so before. They would make sure that we were under many trees and central to the lake.
Each of my tias, as well as my mother, would prepare fabulous side dishes like potato salad, beans, rice, chilé, and salad. The men would prepare grilled meat including brisket, hamburgers, hotdogs, tripas, and so much more. Lots of tea and giant jugs of Kool-Aid, which formed rings around our mouths from drinking so much of it, topped the tasty Latino-style barbecue.
There was always plenty of food for those who didn't have family to spend time with, or the extra friends that always managed to tag along or stop by our spot.
The evening was topped with fireworks. As we drove away from the lake, we would watch the last-minute fireworks burst in the sky; but soon the evening breeze and the soothing of the motor would lull us to sleep.
Being with my family made me proud and brought such contentment. Sometimes coming together is difficult for various reasons, but I pray that no matter the distance, differences, or circumstance you will make the effort to celebrate the summer with your familia.
I'm proud to proud to live in the land of the free, because of the brave - the brave being our Veterans. Please be sensitive if you live near a combat Veterans and consider popping fireworks at a different location or just going to enjoy the firework displays around town.
On that note, we urge you to join us August 5, 2023, for our 14th Annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing" FREE event. Our objective is strengthening families, and building community. We use fishing as a hook to bring families together, and experience fishing in a relaxing and safe environment with family and friends. It's free and its safe. You can pre-register at www.letsgofishinglubbock.com
I urge you to visit our website at www.latinolubbock.net for all the info you may need or to read Latino Lubbock Magazine. You can also reach us at (806)792-1212 or (806) 544-6526. And of course, please keep sending us your news and info.
Y como siempre, Latino Lubbock is committed to highlighting the numerous contributions of our Latino community. Thank you to those who support our publication.
We are grateful to have 100,000 readers monthly.
Please continue to support our advertisers who help make it possible to keep our publication free. Thank you for your support and May God bless you! ¡Gracias por su apoyo! Que dios los bendiga. PEACE and random acts of kindness. Que las bendiciones de dios estén contigo en abril y siempre! ¡Happy Fourth of July, Feliz Declaración de Independencia el Cuatro de Julio!
Sinceramente, Christy Martinez-Garcia
Publisher & Latino Market Specialist
"Lubbock News from a Latino Perspective"
Celebrating 17 Years of Commitment to our Community