FEBRuary 2013
Order, Chaos, and the Space Between @ Phoenix Art Museum
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Journal of the American Latino Dream
Volume 9
{February 2013}
Issue 6
Innovative Latin American art The Diane and Bruce Halle Collection is source of contemporary masterworks in new exhibit at PAM
Oscar’s little latino secret
Prof. Guillermo Reyes examines how Latinos haved fared as Oscar nominees and recipients throughout 85-year history
From the publisher
17 Latina still standing
¿Será posible?
21 Rincón del arte Teatro Bravo appoints Ricky Araiza as new
who serve 37 Those Chief Deputy Fidencio Rivera’s long career in
Connecting the hearts
No need to mind your own business – HAPItrack will do it for you
12 LP journal Implications of redistricting for leadership in
Phoenix District 8; possible Cabinet post for Grijalva?; Bless Me, Ultima finally out as film
14 Border-crossing Vibe experience portrayed by Gael
García Bernal; son huasteco celebrated in new documentary; Cuban American immigrant selected as inaugural poet
15 Mr.Anaya says Wonderful has popped the question
“True” friendship defined
artistic director
Federal student aid: How to get it or pay it back
the U.S. Marshals Service
27 Movin’ up Syleste Rodriguez moves to Fox 10; Sophie Bejarano is JPMorgan Chase’s Volunteer of the Year; Abigail Duarte, new account exec at TMC
29 Entrepreneur Cindy Morales delivers affordable legal advice 31 Briefcase Tips to maximixe tax deductions; CO+HOOTS nurtures entrepreneurship; employers’ rights to access employees’ social media accounts
On the cover:
Carlos Cruz Diez (Venezuela, b. 1923), Transchromies, 1965/2008. Plexiglas and metal, 6 modules: 33.5 x 14 x 86.5 inches each. Diane and Bruce Halle Collection.
39 Latinas Health admonished to Go Red to improve heart health, and AHA volunteer, Dr. Adriana Perez, recommends culturally relevant interventions
42 Time out Social dance, estilo latino 45 P.S.
How it feels to be a winner 46 My perspective ... on volunteering: Giving to others is in your best interest
Coming in March: Latina Trailblazers
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
be affected.
In chaos theory, the flapping wings of a single butterfly in China can create a tornado in Kansas. In art, what happens in one region of the world creates a wind of global change. Discover cutting edge, contemporary art of Latin America, and let it change everything you believed art could be.
Order, Chaos, and the Space Between: Contemporary Latin American Art from the Diane and Bruce Halle Collection February 6 – May 5, 2013 | Steele Gallery
Visit us at Central Avenue and McDowell Road in downtown Phoenix IMAGE: Carlos Amorales (Mexico, b. 1970), Black Cloud, 2007. 30,000 paper moths, dimensions variable. Diane and Bruce Halle Collection.
¡! Publisher’s letter
February 2013 Publisher/CEO Ricardo Torres
WE♥HEARTS By Ricardo Torres
That little heart symbol that shows up on bumper stickers, T-shirts,
Executive Editor/COO Cecilia Rosales, Ph.D. Copy Editor Virginia Betz Art Director Jorge Quintero Contributing Writers Catherine Anaya, Lupe Arambula Camargo, James K. Ballinger, Diana Bejarano, Virginia Betz, Erica Cardenas, Ruben Hernandez, Jonathan Higuera, Robrt L. Pela, Stella Pope Duarte, Guillermo Reyes Director of Sales and Marketing Carlos Jose Cuervo Advertising Account Executives Grace Alvarez and Barry Farber Webmaster QBCS Inc.
Contact Us P.O. Box 2213 Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 602-277-0130 Advertising: Editorial: Design:
For home or office delivery, please send your name, address, phone number, and a check for $24 to Latino Perspectives Magazine at the address above. Subscriptions also available for credit-card purchase by calling 602-277-0130. Visit for a free digital subscription. Latino Perspectives Magazine is published 12 times a year and is selectively distributed throughout Arizona. The entire contents of this publication are copyrighted by Latino Perspectives Media, LLC, all rights reserved, and may not be reproduced in any manner, in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher.
coffee mugs, etc. is the universal connector. We “♥” people, things, activities – a very large array of relationships, ranging from the fervent to the frivolous. That we have such an allpurpose expression reveals the essential truth: without connections, our hearts are pretty empty. This month’s LPM has plenty of examples of the different kinds of connections that are well described as a ♥. WE♥LOVERS: Columnist Catherine Anaya conveniently supplies us with the most classic ♥ connection – she’s gotten engaged! Read all about her idea of an ideal mate. WE♥OURSELVES: The best expression of self-love is taking care of our bodies. Our hearts are the engines that make all physiological processes possible, so, heart health is front and center this February –American Heart Month. The American Heart Association (AHA) reminds us of all the programs, strategies and services available to us (especially women) to improve and maintain a healthy heart. The AHA also provides a profile of an accomplished and dedicated volunteer, Dr. Adriana Perez, who has promoted the idea of “connecting generations” for heart health by instituting family programs whereby members act together to create heart-friendly lifestyles. WE♥FRIENDS: Our Latina Still Standing, Diana Bejarano, reminds us that long-lasting friendships are a critical form of life support. WE♥CELEBRITIES: We do! But, should we? In Guillermo Reyes’s feature on Latinos at the Oscars, he shows off his encyclopedic knowledge of Oscar trivia. This knowledge was acquired through a life-long fascination with the movies and movie stars, a fascination he shared with his mother. In Reyes’ charming memoir, Madre and I: A Memoir of Our Immigrant Lives (2010, University of Wisconsin Press), he details how both he and his mother continually drew on images and characters from Hollywood films to provide points of reference by which they could orient themselves in adapting to new and sometimes confusing cultural contexts. Because so many others, no doubt, use the narratives and characters from this powerful medium in a similar way, this imparts relevance to the issue of why it matters whether, and how, Latinos are represented among Oscar recipients. WE♥FAMILY: See all of the above. Is it surprising that we can trace back nearly all other connections to family somehow? And speaking of family, the Executive EditorPublisher connection enlarged the LPM family by one more when daughter, Victoria Sofia Torres, was welcomed into the world on December 30, 2012. LPM♥OUR READERS!
Editorial mission statement
Latino Perspectives creates community, cultivates c u lt ural pr ide and provokes, challenges and connec ts L at inos who are def ining, pursuing, and ac h iev i n g t he A me r ic a n L at i no D re a m .
Your thoughts? Tell us what you think. Send your thoughts to
Latino Perspectives welcomes feedback from readers regarding published stories or topics of interest. Please include your name and phone number. Mail letters to Editor, Latino Perspectives, P.O. Box 2213 Litchfield Park, Az. 85340. Or, email letters to
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
¡! ¿Será posible?
Not-so-vital statistics By Robrt Pela
Forget your troubles, come on get HAPI! Because, you know, in an
era where you can watch movies on your phone and read a magazine on your computer, why would you want to trouble yourself keeping track of your own physical activity? The just-launched HAPItrack is an activity tracker that motivates users to be more active, while measuring their success at staying in shape. Crammed
into the pocket of your jeans or clipped to a patented HAPItrack belt clasp, this gizmo collects and saves information, such as how many steps you’ve taken today, how far you’ve walked, the duration of your morning workout, and how many calories all this movement has burned. It’s a great innovation, really – a tiny machine that handles all the boring calculations concerning your
Who wouldn’t be more inclined to “keep up the good work” after receiving a text message from the little plastic thing that’s snapped onto their belt?
Fear sets in.
Cancer diagnosis.
exercise regimen. However, should you HAPItrack too fast, this presumably “happy” gadget will vibrate to remind you to slow down. This takes it all a step further, going all “Hal from 2001” on you by sending you personalized motivational speeches to keep you on the straight and narrow. Who wouldn’t be more inclined to “keep up the good work” after receiving a text message from the little plastic thing that’s snapped onto their belt?
Your treatment team collaborates on your case.
You meet your personal cancer team.
¡! ¿Será posible? HAPItrack is the brainchild of HAPIlabs, the same folks who last year brought you the super-goofy HAPIfork, an eating utensil that counts how many bites of food you take during a meal, and how quickly. The fitness-tracker includes a mobile app that gives you access to a web site that logs your daily steps, sleep and meals, and then generates coaching and advice based on that data. Critics are calling HAPItrack a rip-off of the Fitbit Tracker, a wireless-enabled, wearable device that was launched last year and offers similar personal-metrics information to its users. But the HAPI version of Fitbit offers an otherworldly option: It measures sleep quality by
determining how long it takes the wearer to fall asleep, how often they wake up over the course of the night, and how long they are actually asleep. All of this is well and good, but how long before someone invents a machine that will just do the exercising for us? That’s the widget we want to see.
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Conversation starters from the world around us
14 Vibe
Body images, poet Richard Blanco and el son huesteco
15 Anaya says 17 Latina Still
What love is supposed to look like
Getting by with a little help from your friends
i say... We can’t just have our say in the press, although that is an important part of our strategy. We need to be on record in Congress to remind everyone that immigration reform can’t just be a code word for a triplelayer fence and Arpaiostyle family raids.
Actor Gael García Bernal featured in new documentary, Who is Dayani Cristal?, scheduled for release this month
U.S. Rep. Raúl Grijalva
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
LP journal
Bless Me, Ultima, the movie, stars 11-year-old Luke Ganalon and the renowned Puerto Rican actress, Miriam Colón Valle
Banned Chicano book on big screen It took 30 years but, in February, film aficionados will see a big-screen version of a Chicano literary masterpiece, Bless Me, Ultima. The movie is based on the 1972 novel by New Mexican writer, Rudolfo Anaya, and directed by Carl Franklin. This classic story describes how Antonio, a young boy in New Mexico, learns about life and spirituality from the elderly Ultima, a curandera. One of the reasons it took so long to make the movie was because the novel was controversial to some, who tried to ban the book from being taught in schools. Anaya’s novel was one of the books banned by the Tucson Unified School District when it shut down the MexicanAmerican Studies Program. Since the book was published, parents in other school districts across the U.S. have claimed that Bless Me, Ultima treats religion irreverently and has bilingual cuss words, according to Banned in the U.S.A: A Reference Guide to Book Censorship in Schools and Public Libraries. This book quotes Deidra DiMaso, a parent in Wappingers Falls, New York, as saying, “The book is full of sex and cursing.” 12
Latino Perspectives Magazine
¡ February 2013!
Anaya, a prolific Chicano author and playwright, told the Los Angeles Times in 2009: “What are these people afraid of? ... We have ample evidence throughout history of what happens when we start banning books, when we are afraid of ideas and discussion and analytical thinking. The society will suffer.”
Latino political power permeates district races Growing Latino voting power and political influence may determine the outcomes of elections in Phoenix City Council Districts 8 and 4. A black council member has represented Phoenix District 8 for decades. However, last year’s council redistricting, plus Kate Gallego’s early entry into the election race, may end the black lock on the seat. Kate is the wife of state Rep. Ruben Gallego, the House’s Democratic assistant minority leader, and not a Latina. In another council contest, David Lujan, a former state legislator and candidate for state attorney general, was an early candidate for District 4. Councilman Michael Johnson now represents District 8, and the job will
be open when his term ends this year. Councilman Tom Simplot also will vacate his seat in District 4. In July 2012, the Phoenix City Council voted to adopt a redrawn District 8 map. The new lines slightly reduced the number of District 8 black voters, and also removed cultural points of pride, such as the George Washington Carver Cultural Center and the Phoenix OIC workforce complex, and plopped them in Councilman Michael Nowakowski’s District 7. In addition, economic engines such as Chase Field, US Airways Center, ASU’s downtown campus, major hotels and restaurants, and arts amenities such as the downtown arts district were shifted out of District 8 into District 7. Now, Democratic candidates are jockeying for position in the heavily Democratic District 8. Former state Rep. Cloves Campbell Jr., publisher of the Arizona Informant (with a wide circulation in the black community) has announced he will run; Lawrence Robinson, recently elected to the Roosevelt Elementary School District, filed his candidacy; and the Rev. Warren Stewart, Sr., pastor of the First Institutional Baptist Church,
LP journal has also officially announced his candidacy. But, it won’t be an easy cruise to the Council for any of these candidates, and some are tapping into Latino leadership for campaign support. All are receiving endorsements from Democratic elected officials. Nowakowski has endorsed Kate Gallego. Her husband, Ruben, managed Nowakowski’s successful 2007 campaign against Laura Pastor, daughter of Arizona Congressman Ed Pastor. Kate, a business liaison for SRP, says she has brought on Lisa Fernandez as her campaign manager. Fernandez was a former staff assistant with Congressman Raúl Grijalva, and one-time finance director for the Arizona Democratic Party. Lawrence Robinson has the highprofile endorsements of Councilman Tom Simplot and Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema. He says he has tapped Joseph “Joe” Larios as his campaign manager. Larios was the campaign manager for sitting Phoenix Councilman Daniel Valenzuela in District 5. Robinson says he and Larios will enlist young Latinos and DREAMer youth to conduct community outreach for
Michael Johnson
his campaign, as Larios did so successfully for Valenzuela. Meanwhile, David Lujan wants to represent residents in Phoenix District 4. Like District 8, District 4 leans Democratic and has a growing number of Latino voters. Lujan says the increase in registered Latino voters and their involvement in campaigns are changing the political landscape in Arizona. “I think part of getting the Latino vote out is having strong Latino candidates who are going to appeal to them,” he says. Lujan adds, “One of the most exciting things in Arizona politics is young Latinos getting involved with politics with a lot of passion and heart, because they know it’s one way they can change their future. I think we’ll start to see a number of these young Latino leaders start to run for office, and that is really going to strengthen the power of the Latino community overall.”
From Chicano activist to U.S. Interior Secretary? Latino and Native American groups head a broad coalition of 238 environmental organizations urging President Barack Obama to appoint Arizona Congressman Raúl Grijalva as the next U.S. Secretary of the Interior. If the president appoints Grijalva to the cabinet post, he would replace another Latino, Ken Salazar, and the Tucson native would become one of the highest profile Hispanics in the Obama Administration. If selected, Grijalva would take another step in his political journey that has taken this former radical Chicano activist to one of the highest leadership positions in the United States. Grijalva was unavailable for comment, but his spokesman, Adam Sarvana, said the cabinet post isn’t
Congressman Raúl Grijalva
open yet despite rumors that current Secretary Salazar wants to leave. He added that Grijalva had been considered for the job in 2009, but didn’t get it. Latinos Go Green is among the groups pushing for Grijalva’s appointment. Latino environmentalists are acquiring a higher profile in conservation politics. Rudi Navarra, director of Latinos Go Green in Pennsylvania, said, “Congressman Grijalva would be an excellent Secretary of the Interior. He understands conservation issues and would represent all Americans of diverse backgrounds in protecting America’s great wildlife and wild places for generations to come.” The Department of the Interior manages the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the National Park Service, along with other bureaus and offices dealing with natural resources. The Arizona congressman is the leading Democrat on the House Committee on Natural Resources, and has a strong record of advocacy for Native American issues and the protection of national parks, such as our state’s Grand Canyon. Two former interior secretaries, Stewart Udall and Bruce Babbitt, also hailed from Arizona.
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
Diversity in figurative art
One immigrant’s story
The human form is the unifying theme of the current
A new documentary, Who is Dayani Cristal?, is
exhibit at the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMoCA), entitled “The Human Touch,” which is otherwise characterized by an extraordinary diversity of techniques and styles. All the artworks for the show were selected from RBC Wealth Management’s extensive permanent collection by curator, Donald McNeil, for content that challenges stereotypes about gender, race and ethnicity. The show runs until April 28.
scheduled for general release this year, following its January debut at the Sundance Film Festival as one of 22 films in the World Cinema Documentary category. In its reconstructed dramatic sequences, an immigrant’s truelife story is revealed, piece by piece, after the discovery of a decomposing body in the Sonoran Desert by border police. Initially, the only clue to the man’s identity is an enigmatic tattoo. The film was directed by Marc Silver, an artist dedicated to producing works of “social-impact,” and features Mexican actor Gael García Bernal (Amores Perros, Y Tu Mamá También, The Motorcycle Diaries), also one of the film’s producers. The making of Who is Dayani Cristal? was supported by grants from the Sundance Institute, which is dedicated to advancing “risk-taking” cinema. See more at
Location: 7374 E. 2nd St., Scottsdale 85251 Times: Tues., Wed. & Sun. 12-5 p.m.; Thurs., Fri. & Sat. 12-9 p.m. Admission: $7, adults; $5, students; children 15 and under and members, free (Thursdays, free for everyone; Fri./Sat., free 5-9 p.m. only) Info:; 480-874-4666
Julia Jacquette, Radiant, 1999. Oil on canvas, 72x60 inches. Collection of RBC Wealth Management. © Julia Jacquette.
Get more Vibe at
Cuban American poet in the spotlight Richard Blanco, the son of Cuban exiles, was only the fifth poet
to be invited to read at a presidential inauguration (there have been 57 such events), and the first Latino. Blanco is also the youngest of this select group and is an openly gay man. In an interview with National Public Radio, Blanco said that composing his inaugural poem, entitled One Today, was difficult because writing about America “obsesses” him, but his perspective has always been deeply personal. “The challenge of it,” he said, “was how to maintain sort of that sense of intimacy and ... encompass a whole lot more than just my family and my experience.” Self-exploration with respect to gender identity, ethnicity and familial relationships has been Blanco’s stock-in-trade as a poet, as is evident in his third and most recent volume, Looking for the Gulf Motel (2012, University of Pittsburgh Press). Although Blanco’s poetry has received many accolades in literary circles, he has never been called a “mainstream” poet. Perhaps, that will change after his high-profile, January 21st performance on the national stage. 14
Latino Perspectives Magazine
¡ February 2013!
Anaya says Never settle for less By Catherine Anaya
Photo by Matthew Mance
As this is February, the so-called
Roy Germano brings attention to a robust Mexican folk music tradition in a new documentary
A Mexican Sound The son huasteco is a folk music
tradition that manages to be both gritty and sublime at the same time. It is still going strong in the small towns and villages of northeast and east-central Mexico, but, filmmaker, Roy Germano, believes that this captivating music deserves a larger audience. His recently finished documentary, A Mexican Sound, intends to do just that. Germano describes the style as “intense and energetic,” characterized by “rapid violin flourishes, falsetto singing, and driving rhythms,” the latter supplemented by people stomping and dancing on the tarima (a large wooden platform). A very big sound is created by a mere trio of musicians playing violin, jarana huasteca (a small, 5-string guitar) and quinta huapangera (a large-bodied, short-necked 8-string guitar). Germano was introduced to the music while a graduate student at the University of Texas-Austin doing research for his doctoral dissertation
month of romance, I thought it fitting to share the news of my recent engagement. Mister Wonderful proposed in December, on my birthday, in a place that’s about as close to paradise as I’ve ever been. It was a perfect way to cap a milestone in years and a year of milestones, and further proof of just how far I’ve come. If you read my columns regularly, you know I’ve shared some pretty tough experiences over the years. My marriage was over long before the divorce, which only made it official. I was pretty adamant I would never remarry. I had soured on the whole idea and wanted nothing more than to bask in my new-found freedom and assert my independence for the rest of my life. I chose divorce because I didn’t want my children getting a false sense of what love and marriage were supposed to be. They didn’t see their parents affectionate with each other or even say “I love you,” and, in my opinion, that picture is almost as bad as seeing your parents argue all the time. But I have wondered in the years since about what they might be missing. My son is pretty oblivious most of the time to anything other than sports, but my daughter has had a front row seat to my post-divorce dating and it hasn’t always left the best impression. That’s why I’m beyond ecstatic to be where I am right now, not just for my life but for “our” life.
I knew the first time I met my fiancé that he was something special. But, that my kids knew it as well is an even bigger testament to the man he is. He does more than just play catch with my son or take him to a sporting event (which does go a long way with a boy). He’s taught my son the importance of opening the door for his mom and stepping aside to let his mom and sister walk in front of him because “ladies go first.” With my daughter, who’s tough as steel, he helped her learn how to drive, cheered at her basketball games even when I wasn’t there, but – more importantly – has shown her what love is supposed to look like by treating me with the kind of respect I want her to expect for herself. When I called to tell her the good news, I could hear the pure joy in her voice. What she messaged me later really went to the heart of it: “Mom, I haven’t stopped smiling since I talked to you. I’m so happy for you!” That warmed my heart and made me realize that, perhaps, I’ve taught her one of the most important lessons of all: Never settle for less than what you know you deserve - even if it takes you half your life to find it. Catherine Anaya anchors CBS 5 News weeknights at 5, 5:30, 6 & 10 p.m. She is a mother of two, marathon runner and motivational speaker. Reach her at, connect with her on Facebook, twitter and at
Continues on page 17
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
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Continued from page 15
Photo courtesy of Roy Germano
in the Huasteca region. His thesis, titled “The Political Economy of Remittances,” was informed by hundreds of interviews with residents of towns where more than half the population had left to work in the U.S. These experiences also inspired his first film, The Other Side of Immigration (2010), which was recognized by the American Library Association as one of 2011’s Notable Videos of the Year. In spite of his focus on political science, Germano couldn’t forget the music! From a single beloved CD, he tracked down the studio that distributed it and, finally, the men who performed on it. Some of these musicians, from the communities of Ciudad Valles and Xilitla in eastern San Luis Potosí, are featured in A Mexican Sound. Dr. Germano’s has discussed his research and film work in many media venues, such as National Public Radio, CNN, Univision’s Al Punto with Jorge Ramos, Fox News and Telemundo, among others. The first Arizona screening of A Mexican Sound will take place during the Phoenix College Latino Film Festival in the latter part of March (visit Dr. Germano will be present as one of the Festival’s guest artists to answer questions about his work following the screening. For more information about the filmmaker, check out:
Son huasteco musicians (from left to right), Rufino Hernandez Ortíz, Martín Mata Sánchez, and Lorenzo Garcia Luna, are featured in new documentary
Latina still standing
The power of friendship By Diana Bejarano
divorces, sickness and loss. A long-term Standing motto of relying on faith, family friendship is almost like a marriage – until death do you part. and friends to help us overcome life’s Of all the people I am blessed to call obstacles. my friends, there are four that I have The dictionary defines “friend” as been close to since childhood. I have a person with whom you share a bond watched each of them grow into beautiful of mutual affection. To me, it’s also someone you can celebrate with, cry with, Latina women – marry, have children, even grandchildren. We have counseled confide in and count on when times get each other, laughed and cried with each tough. I have always found relationships other, and even argued with each other and friendships to be a very important from time to time. It’s amazing how ingredient to my success. Studies show that an active social life with good friends our closeness has stood the test of time. When someone knows the depths of your is essential to happiness and healthy soul and still accepts you with all of your living. flaws, then you have found yourself a Our circle of friends/amigas, often “true” friend. I am blessed to have found including our tias, comadres and a few “true” friends. hermanas, is very Recently my closest strong in Hispanic friend since childhood culture and extremely went to have a check-up vital to our happiness for a minor medical issue and success. We rely on and found out she was our friends to help with facing something more major life decisions; serious. The agony of we provide and obtain learning that someone advice from each other you love and talk to every on a regular basis. day may have a lifeBut, as in any genuine – Isabel Allende, Portrait in Sepia threatening illness was relationship, trials extremely hard. Thankfully, she is one of sometimes surface; but a true friendship can stand the test of time through loyalty, the toughest Latinas I know and she held her head high and said to me, “I’m going love and forgiveness. to beat this and I’m going to be OK; you I am grateful to have had several will see.” And she was right! By the grace friends in my life for decades and, even of God, she is doing excellently. though we don’t see each other daily, our Friendship is a tremendous asset and friendship remains intact. When you are in someone’s life that long, you are bound should never be taken for granted. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “The only to experience the highs and the lows of way to have a friend is to be one.” It’s an each other’s lives. You build a friendship honor to be a friend and cherish each through life’s celebrations, such as moment I spend with my amigas. graduations, weddings and births, and ¡Viva la Amistad! also the painful times, such as break-ups, I often write about the Latina Still
“La verdadera amistad resiste el tiempo, la distancia y el silencio.”
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
By James K. Ballinger
Carlos Amorales (Mexico, b. 1970), Black Cloud, 2007. 30,000 paper moths, dimensions variable. Diane and Bruce Halle Collection.
Phoenix Art Museum presents Order, Chaos, and the Space Between: Contemporary Latin American Art from the Diane and Bruce Halle Collection from February 6 through May 5
hroughout time, there are moments of happenstance that can result in profound changes and innovations, instances when the flutter of wings initiates a series of events with major implications, half a world away. Sometimes, those moments result in something that is incredibly meaningful and impactful, and such is the case with the art collection of longtime Valley residents and supporters of the arts, Diane and Bruce Halle. 18
Latino Perspectives Magazine
¡ February 2013!
The Halles’ art collection, a part of which is on view in Phoenix Art Museum’s Steele Gallery in the new exhibition Order, Chaos, and the Space Between: Contemporary Latin American Art from the Diane and Bruce Halle Collection, is one of the most important collections of contemporary Latin American art in the United States and internationally. Previously exhibited in Houston in 2007 and in Tucson more than a decade ago, this exhibition is a kind of homecoming, as the Phoenix Art Museum (PAM) was the original site of its conception. In 1995, Diane Halle was a Museum docent and trustee. It was in a series of discussions with Clayton Kirking, then librarian and subsequently the Museum’s first curator of Latin American art, that the idea for the Halle Collection first emerged. That same year, the exhibition, Latin American Women Artists 1915-1995, opened at Phoenix Art Museum, and introduced Mrs. Halle to
many fascinating artists who would later become the core of the collection, such as Mira Schendel, Lygia Clark, Liliana Porter and Ana Mendieta. What grew from that early introduction was the Diane and Bruce Halle Collection, consisting of diverse works that pertain to the most significant artistic trends in Latin America from the mid-twentieth century to the present. The Halle Collection has become an investment in a region long underrecognized, and often under-appreciated, for the scope and value of its artistic contributions to art and culture on the global scale. The Halles collected art of this region to explore not only for themselves, but also to make the public more aware of the remarkable art production of Latin America. As such, this exhibition offers many opportunities for educational engagement. Hundreds of students from Valley schools
will be visiting the exhibition, along with ASU students who will be working with artist Carlos Amorales on the installation of Black Cloud, a work consisting of 30,000 black paper moths and butterflies that will weave its way from the Museum’s Greenbaum Lobby to the Steele Gallery. PAM will also host a series of lectures by artists whose works are featured in the show, including Carlos Amorales (Mexico), Luis Cruz Azaceta (Cuba), Alessandro Balteo Yazbeck (Venezuela) and Jorge Macchi (Argentina). In addition to these activities, the exhibition will introduce members of our community to outstanding artists working throughout Latin America over the past sixty years. The cutting-edge, contemporary works will surprise and intrigue visitors of all ages, who may have come with fixed expectations of what Latin American art has been and can be; these works will inspire any visitor to leave those preconceived notions behind. Co-organized by PAM’s Beverly Adams, Ph.D. (Curator of the Diane and Bruce Halle Collection) and Vanessa Davidson, Ph.D. (the Shawn and Joe Lampe Associate Curator of Latin American Art), Order, Chaos, and the Space Between is an expansive look at contemporary works from across Latin America. It includes more than 50 individual works from renowned artists, such as Doris Salcedo, Gego, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Jorge Macchi and Hélio Oiticica. Together, the curators selected works by artists who actively question the nature of the creative process, thereby entering into a dialogue with fellow artists working across the globe. Whether working on canvas, in sculptural media, photography or installation, these radical
Antonio Dias (Brazilian, b. 1944), The Space Between, 1970. Marble and granite cubes. Collection of Diane and Bruce Halle.
Félix Gonzalez-Torres (Cuban-born American, 1957-1996), Untitled (Rossmore II), 1991. Green candies, individually wrapped in cellophane, endless supply. Dimensions variable. Diane and Bruce Halle Collection.
innovators have helped forge new artistic languages in their home countries. The collected works showcase the diverse means by which artists working in Latin America have overcome their geographic marginality in relation to global centers of artistic innovation to initiate new aesthetic currents with international resonance. Since its opening in 1959, PAM has exhibited the art of Mexico and Latin America. Order, Chaos and the Space Between brings much more South American art to the fore, including works from Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Venezuela, in addition to works from Cuba and Mexico. The exhibition will introduce our audience to a wider range of artists from this part of the world. Among the artists that will be exhibiting at PAM for the first time is Antonio Dias, a Brazilian artist whose eponymous work, The Space Between, provided not only the title for the exhibition, but a metaphor for both the Halle Collection and the role of Latin American art at PAM. In 1970, Dias’ seemingly simple work is composed of two cubes, the granite cube bears the words, “THE BEGINNING,” and the marble cube the words, “THE END.” Its title, The Space
Between, evokes a continuous present, a space and time in a latent state of becoming. Through this work, the artist reminds us that all things in life have a beginning and an ending, but that it is the space between that really counts. This is a worthy metaphor for Diane and Bruce Halle’s collection, which continues to grow, evolve and expand in new directions. This exhibition is a snapshot of the Collection at this particular moment in time – still growing, still becoming. But it is also a worthy metaphor for Latin American art at PAM. It is the second exhibition of contemporary Latin American art in less than a year’s time. Like the 2012 exhibit, Politics of Place, featuring photography from Latin America, Order, Chaos, and the Space Between is a sensitively built exhibition of compelling works from areas that exert tremendous influence on the Southwestern United States and beyond. The Museum plans to develop more opportunities, not only to present great works of art, but also to create connections that will enhance our understanding of the contributions that Latin American arts and culture bring to our city and state. It is exciting to realize that a conversation that began in the library at PAM became the spark that led to one of the most important collections of Latin American art today, one that continues to create new conversations, build awareness, change perceptions and effect change throughout Arizona and the world. For more information about lectures, films and other exhibition programming related to Order, Chaos and the Space Between, visit orderchaos James K. Ballinger has been the Sybil Harrington Director of the Phoenix Art Museum since 1982, and has been with the Museum since 1974. Order, Chaos, and the Space Between is presented through the generous support of the Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation, APS (Arizona Public Service) and JPMorgan Chase, with additional support provided by Joan Cremin. Promotional support is provided by The Phoenician and US Airways.
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
Limón Dance Company Friday, February 22, 8 p.m. Tickets start at $39 Celebrating its 65th anniversary, the acclaimed Limón Dance Company, now led by Artistic Director Carla Maxwell, performs a repertoire of unparalleled breadth, from classic to cutting-edge. Its program includes the dynamic new work Come with Me, a collaboration between legendary musician Paquito D’Rivera and choreographer Rodrigo Pederneiras of Grupo Corpo, Brazil’s leading contemporary dance company. supporting
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Latino Perspectives Magazine
¡ February 2013!
rincón del arte
New directions
Ricky Araiza, actor, director and movement specialist In January of this year, Ricky Araiza was appointed as the new Artistic Director for the bilingual theater company, Teatro Bravo. He hopes to bring the same energetic leadership to the organization as his predecessors, Fernando Tesón (2010-2012) and Guillermo Reyes (2000-2009). In addition to fulfilling Teatro Bravo’s mission to produce both new and classic works of theater that deal with the Latino experience in the U.S., Araiza also faces the challenges of an ethnic theater company trying to keep afloat in difficult economic times with their attendant drop in support for the arts. Araiza intends to pursue creative fund-raising and innovative management strategies. Currently under consideration by the board of directors is a plan to collaborate with Phoenix’ Black Theatre Troupe (BTT) on artistic and educational projects, while sharing BTT’s new facility on Washington Street. Recently, Ricky shared some stories and background data with LPM.
Education/training: I attended St. Catherine of Siena in South Phoenix. I went to Brophy College Preparatory for high school on work-study and graduated in 2000. I got my B.A. in Theater from Arizona State. I also studied physical ensemble-based theater at Dell’Arte International in Blue Lake, California.
Career highlights: Every show that I do has its own special highlights that I share with the entire cast and crew. However, I think one of the biggest and scariest moments I experienced was when I performed in front of First Lady Laura Bush and the power went out in the middle of the show. Thankfully, it came right back on just as the next sound cue was about to start. Nobody even noticed.
Why did you pursue this career? I love the theater and I love storytelling.
I feel that what I do is God’s work. Theater is just another way to show people what it means to be human.
Influences/inspiration: There are so many. I will say the main ones have been John Leguizamo, Frida Kahlo, Julie Taymor, French cinema, Charlie Chaplin and the Marx Brothers, just to name a few.
A theater director you’d like to meet: Julie Taymor – her imagination just astounds me.
Future plans and professional goals? I would like to direct more. Website:
teatro.bravo.1 There will be a fundraiser performance of American Victory by José Zárate, directed by Guillermo Reyes, in early March. Visit us on Facebook for more information.
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¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
Latinos at the
Top t welve mom ents of L
By Guillermo Reyes
Latino Perspectives Magazine
¡ February 2013!
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“Latinos sweep the Oscars!” Now there’s a headline that allows film fans to inhabit an alternate universe. The Academy Awards has featured a few of these rare sightings – Latinos – exotic beings who occasionally manage to get nominated or even win now and then. But, we all know that most of the time this headline could be followed by a cruel joke about maintenance practices at the Academy. A series of articles in the L.A. Times in 2012 revealed that the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences is no more diverse than, say, the United States Senate, which is largely represented by white, male legislators over the age of 60. Only one woman has ever won for Best Director, and no U.S. Latino has ever been nominated in that category. The Academy is an institution of privilege. In order to join, artists need to be invited on the basis of significant achievements in the industry. But there’s the catch – since Hollywood rarely finances the making of films with important roles for Latino actors or rarely hires a Latino director to begin with, the chances of developing a prestigious career are minimal. For all this, the list of Latinos who have featured prominently at the Academy Awards isn’t long but it’s a form of counter-narrative: people who have swam upstream and somehow survived to belong to an exclusive list. I have taught a class on the Oscars for two years at Arizona State University and I start with a caveat: the Oscars represent a public relations hustle of the film industry and, ultimately, the main story boils down to an elite within an elite of accomplished Hollywood insiders that vote themselves the awards. I’m too jaded to think there’s anything particularly wrong with this. The alternative is to have only critics vote for
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awards, and they’re an even more exclusive club of carping, sniveling cognoscenti, and People’s Choice Awards? Puh-lease! The average filmgoer, for instance, can’t handle subtitles; for those of us with Latino backgrounds, we know what type of ethnocentricity that represents among the American public. The Academy is what Winston Churchill said about democracy – it’s the worst system, except for all the others. Nonetheless, for those of us who can withstand a bit of glamour and take it straight, there’s great satisfaction in discussing the best films of the year, rating them, and second guessing the winners and the nominees. Here’s a list of Latinos at the Oscars, culminating in a little surprise for those of who didn’t know to what extent the Oscar statuette itself is Latino. Along the way, I also bring up the issue of how difficult it is at times to define “Latino.” Are the Spaniards included? That’ll be my first question, not to be easily resolved within this article because Latino identity itself appears to be a work in progress in this country. Many of you will have your own choices and issues. Let the second guessing begin!
#12 The Spaniards/los españoles
We may have declared independence more than 200 years ago, but the Spaniards stand in for some of our genes and some of our issues about what it means to be Latino in the United States today. When Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem get nominated or win Oscars, we celebrate for them, but we know that they are not actual Latinos. Does the rest of the country know the difference? Ellen DeGeneres, as the host for the Oscars in 2007, celebrated Penelope Cruz as an example of a Mexican artist, and then had to come back after a break and promptly apologize. Penelope is, in fact, Spanish. She won for best supporting actress in Woody Allen’s Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008), and Javier Bardem took home the supporting actor prize for playing a vicious, un-charming killer in the Coen Brothers’ No Country for Old Men (2007). Colonialism remains a relevant topic, and the frequent confusion of Spaniards for Latinos might be an important subject of discussion – but we may still celebrate the achievements of these artists without blaming them for the dissonance of this historic mix-up.
#11 The Oscar factory at the R & S Owens Company in Chicago
Mr. Anacleto Medina has been sculpting, casting and polishing the Oscar into shape for more than 40 years. (Several YouTube entries show Mr. Medina at work, e.g., watch?v=p9LvVPkmHtE.) The dedicated workers at R & S Owens, who hail from a variety of backgrounds, are eligible every year for a free trip to the Academy Awards in Los Angeles, according to Noreen Prohaska, the sales manager for the company. The workers alternate in terms of seniority, she explains. This special invite allows the actual Oscar makers to participate in the show itself.
#10 Brokeback Mountain
Bring up Brokeback Mountain at your next Oscar gathering and people might blurt out “gay cowboys!” How about you tell them Basque gay cowboys? Heath Ledger plays the sexually conflicted Ennis del Mar. The character not only suffers from sexual repression of his gay identity, but from ethnic dysmorphic ambiguity as well. The film presents Randy Quaid as Aguirre, the homophobic boss, but only his name suggests a background and a history. Aguirre is a Basque name. Is Ennis del Mar a Basque gay cowboy? Are Basques Latinos? The presence of Basque immigrants in the Wyoming setting opens up the dialogue about suppressed identities: this year it’s called the “Argo syndrome” (see entry #6). The Oscar in 2005 went to Ang Lee for directing this groundbreaking gay BasqueAmerican cowboy romance, and to Argentinian composer, Gustavo Santaolalla, for his score.
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
#9 Best Actor nominees
Edward James Olmos, Demian Bichir and Javier Bardem. The list of winners and nominees in the supporting actor/actress categories may have a greater abundance of Latino names, but Latino actors competing in the top category is a rare feat that can still be counted with less than one hand. Olmos played the embattled BolivianAmerican teacher, Jaime Escalante, who struggles to educate underprivileged students in L.A.’s Garfield High School in Stand up and Deliver (1988), and Demian Bichir plays an undocumented worker attempting to earn a living and give his son, as the title implies, A Better Life (2011; a loose adaptation of the Italian classic, The Bicycle Thief). Javier Bardem rounds out the list; he has been nominated twice, in 2000 for Before Night Falls, and in 2010 for Biutiful.
#8 Salma Hayek plays Frida Virtually alone in the Best Actress category as one of two Latinas to have been nominated for Best Actress (again, I’ll leave aside the Penelope Cruz nominations as a Spanish phenomenon which we celebrate separately), Salma Hayek brought to life the monumental epic life of the great Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo, in the film, Frida (2002). Critics in Mexico criticized the film for its “lack of authenticity.” But how many Latina actresses have managed to bring their talents to a mainstream audience with this degree of success? Brazilian actress, Fernanda Montenegro, was also nominated as Best Actress in the 24
Latino Perspectives Magazine
¡ February 2013!
Brazilian-French film, Central Station (1998), completing the slim list of Best Actress nominees.
#7 Los directores
U.S. Latino directors have not been nominated for the Oscar at all. We leave this type of achievement to foreign-born directors such as the Mexican Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu for Babel (2006) and Argentinian-born Brazilian Hector Babenco for Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985). Then there’s Pedro Almodóvar, one more entry into the Spaniards-as-Latino debate, whose films have been nominated in the Best Foreign Language Film category several times and won for All About My Mother (1999). Almodóvar achieved the even more difficult feat of winning Best Screenplay for Talk to Her in 2002, the first time a foreign language film had won in that category. But, then again, that year also included Y Tu Mamá También, nominated in the same category for the humorous, nimble screenplay by the Cuaron brothers, Carlos and Alfonso. Up until then, only English language screenplays had won. In 2007, director/screenwriter Guillermo del Toro was also nominated for Best Original Screenplay for Pan’s Labyrinth. Del Toro is a Mexican citizen who lives in California and considers himself an “involuntary exile” from Mexico because kidnapping attempts on his father led him to resettle. The lack of opportunities for Americanborn Latinos in directing becomes especially urgent as directors usually make the crucial choices that affect the fortunes of all Latino talent, which is made worse by the phenomenon described next.
#6 The Argo syndrome
Ben Affleck plays a Latino in Argo, and he’ll likely be a strong nominee this year for his accomplishments, at least as a director. What are we to do? Blame the artist for casting himself as the Latino CIA operative Tony Mendez? Unfairly target Affleck’s achievements because financial decisions call for “name” actors such as Affleck? The syndrome repeats itself from year to year. Take the example of Jennifer Connelly winning the Best Supporting Actress award in 2001 for her role of Alicia Nash, the wife of mathematician John Nash. The actual Alicia Nash was a Salvadoran immigrant. In the film, A Beautiful Mind, directed by Ron Howard, she’s represented by the American model/actress who speaks without a hint of an accent and makes no reference to her background whatsoever. This woman’s ethnicity and nationality are entirely erased. The net result is a form of American blindness towards the Latino presence in the United States. This year we also saw the curious phenomenon of a Spanish-financed film, The Impossible, in which the Spanish director Juan Antonio Bayona films the story of a Spanish family struggling to survive in the tragic tsunami of 2004. The couple is cast with Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor and any references to “home” are completely deleted. This family has no apparent background and no nationality, and the accents of the actors suggest a vague Australian/British mishmash. Spaniards – who are Europeans after all – are apparently still too foreign, or too ethnic, for American white audiences, and even Spanish financiers seem to think this is a fair business decision. Here’s where the
colonialist argument becomes urgent: the Spaniards don’t seem to understand that their casting decisions become especially destructive for Latino talent in the United States.
#5 Winner: Benicio del Toro The casting of the Puerto Rican actor to play a Mexican cop in Traffic also came under attack given the lack of opportunities for Mexican or Mexican American actors. This is the problem with “the syndrome” (see above), as Latinos of different backgrounds end up battling among themselves for the few opportunities available in the industry. Del Toro took the Best Supporting Actor prize home, while Steven Soderbergh also won for Best Director that year.
#4 Anthony Quinn
A two-time winner, Quinn was a bicultural, binational Mexican-born actor of Mexican parents with an Irish grandfather brought up in East L.A. An international star (Federico Fellini cast him without problem as an Italian male in La Strada), Quinn won two Supporting Actor Oscars, playing the French legendary painter, Gauguin, in Lust for Life and also as Emiliano Zapata’s brother in Viva Zapata! He was also nominated twice for best actor for his roles in Wild is the Wind and Zorba, the Greek.
#3 Rita Moreno
A Puerto Rican woman actually playing a puertorriqueña in West Side Story (1960) counted as a breakthrough at the time but, nonetheless, Ms. Moreno has spent the
rest of her life lamenting that her career after winning the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress amounted mostly to fielding and rejecting various offers to play the usual stereotypes, the “Conchitas” and “Lolitas.” Instead, she pursued other interests on Broadway, television and recordings and is the first Latina to not only win an Academy Award, but also an Emmy, a Tony, a Golden Globe and a Grammy in a legendary career that continues unabated to this very day.
#2 José Ferrer
The only Latino actor to have taken home the top prize, Best Performance by an Actor, in 1950 was also a puertorriqueño. Schooled in theater at Princeton University, New Jersey, Ferrer was cast to play the title role in the Broadway production of the classic French play, Cyrano de Bergerac, for which he won the Tony Award for Best Actor. Director Miguel Gordon cast Ferrer in the lead role in the film version as well, without any apparent reservations about Ferrer’s background. By then, Ferrer had also been nominated as best supporting actor in Joan of Arc (1948). This great actor broke through the curse of the “mainstream syndrome” with excellent classical training that allowed directors to see him not so much as a Latino actor, but as a great stage actor who could also duplicate his performances on film.
#1 Oscar is Mexican
The Oscar statuette isn’t just Latino, but Mexican. That’s because the young man who posed naked for designer Cedric Gibbons was an unknown Mexican actor who happened to have been friends with
legendary actress Dolores del Rio who, in turn, introduced him to her then boyfriend, Gibbons. Emilio “El Indio” Fernandez returned to Mexico, perhaps not fully understanding that his body image resulted in giving the famous statuette a character, not just a shape. Bette Davis claimed the statuette reminded her of her husband, Oscar, but the Academy’s librarian, Margaret Herrick, is credited for renaming the award after claiming that the “Award of Merit” (as it was known then) reminded her of her uncle Oscar. The fetishization of the award as a male figure has been one of the strangest developments for an award that was never officially called “Oscar.” The widespread use of the nickname, “Oscar,” can be attributed now to the sculpting of the youthful and athletic body of Fernandez as the model. Fernandez went on to become an accomplished director, winning the top prize at the Cannes Film Festival for his film, Maria Candelaria (1947), but he’ll be forever remembered as the body image of the Academy Award. So that’s how the Oscar can be said to be Latino. There’s your conversation starter for your next Oscar party as you celebrate for the winners with a touch of Latino-flavored trivia. Guillermo Reyes began his research on the Oscars at Arizona State University where he has taught a class on the subject for the last two years as a professor in the School of Theatre and Film. He is otherwise known as a playwright, director and author of the recent book, Madre and I: A Memoir of Our Immigrant Lives, which delves into his early life in Chile and later in Hollywood as an immigrant.
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
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29Entrepreneur Cindy Morales moves up the legal profession ladder
31 Briefcase
Tax deductions to keep in mind; Latino employment statistics; privacy issues in the workplace; collaborative work space for small business operaters in downtown Phoenix
Movin’ Up Rodriguez joins Fox 10
Photo courtesy of Syleste Rodriguez
Syleste Rodriguez recently joined Fox 10 Phoenix as an anchor/reporter where she will be covering Valley and state news on Arizona’s number onerated morning show from 4:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Rodriguez is a fourth generation Phoenician who previously worked at 12 News as an anchor/reporter since 2003. Rodriguez is a graduate of Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and also holds a master’s degree in public policy from ASU.
Fox 10 Arizona Morning show’s newest anchor/reporter is Phoenix native Syleste Rodriguez
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
movin’ up
Bejarano named Good Works Volunteer of the Year Sophie Bejarano, operations manager with Chase Auto Finance, has been selected as JPMorgan Chase’s second annual Good Works Volunteer of the Year Award recipient. Bejarano was chosen to receive the award for her exemplary volunteerism in the community, and was given the opportunity to dedicate a $500 grant from the JPMorgan Chase Foundation to the charity of her choice. Bejarano’s charity beneficiary of choice, the AGUILA Youth Leadership Institute, is a non-profit organization that provides a unique college access program for Latino/ Latina youth. Students take advantage of various opportunities to develop a personalized path to help prepare them for the college experience. AGUILA promotes cultural heritage, academic success, civic engagement, leadership, positive self-esteem and healthy relationships.
Ixchel del Castillo
Cox promotes del Castillo Ixchel del Castillo, until recently multicultural marketing specialist for Cox Communications in Arizona, has been promoted to Hispanic marketing manager. In her new role, del Castillo will oversee the planning and execution of Hispanic strategic, culturally-relevant marketing plans for all Cox markets nationwide, as well as the planning and development of consumer acquisition and retention programs, marketing campaigns, and communication strategies. This role is part of Cox’ newly-created national Hispanic Marketing Center of Excellence, a team solely dedicated to support Hispanic marketing initiatives for Cox markets across the U.S. In her previous role, del Castillo supported acquisitions and retention programs for the Phoenix metro area and southern Arizona.
MAHC matters The Mesa Association of Hispanic Citizens announced
Sophie Bejarano
the members of its 2013 board of directors: John Chacon, chair; Deanna Villanueva-Saucedo, chair elect; Marrisa Ramirez Ramos, secretary and Teresa Pena, Treasurer. Membersat-large are Phil Austin, Francisco Ballesteros, Henry Castillo, Armando Espinoza, Irene Frklich, David Luna, Susannah Long, Monica Margaillan, Joseph Ortiz, Dr. Edgardo Rivera, Fernando Valenzuela and Diana Williams.
Abigail Duarte
Duarte joins TMC
Ossman Enrique Padilla
Padilla promoted Ossman Enrique Padilla, formerly the marketing and promotions coordinator and public relations manager, is Azteca America-Phoenix’ new integrated sales and marketing manager. In this capacity, he will oversee all initiatives of the local sales team and marketing department. Padilla has been with Azteca America-Phoenix since 2008 and holds a bachelor’s degree in international business with a concentration in business administration from the Autonomous University of Baja
Movin’ Up Know someone who has been promoted, elected or honored? Send us the news of their achievements! Email 28
Latino Perspectives Magazine
¡ February 2013!
California (UABC), Mexico, and a bachelor of arts and liberal sciences degree in international business with a concentration in marketing from San Diego State University.
Abigail Duarte has joined Torres Marquez Communications (TMC) as a new account executive responsible for supporting some of the agency’s leading clients, including Maricopa Integrated Health System, New York Life Insurance, Mi Familia Vota and Cox Communications. Duarte joins TMC after serving as Spanish-language media and outreach director for “Richard Carmona for Arizona.” A native of Mexico City, Duarte holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua and a master’s degree in social and organizational psychology from the Escuela libre de Psicología. She is also a board member of the Arizona Interfaith Alliance for Workers’ Justice.
The law suits ... Cindy Y. Morales, Arizona Paralegal Alliance In business since:
June, 2010
Why did you decide to start your own business? As far back as I can remember, I knew I wanted to work in the legal field as a lawyer or stenographer. When I turned 18, I began my career as a receptionist/filing clerk in a small personal injury law firm downtown, and decided that I wanted to advance my career in the legal field. I enrolled in a private college/trade school, the American Institute for Legal Studies. After two years, I received my Associate of Science Degree in Paralegal Studies and, soon after, was promoted to a paralegal position. After many years of working for law firms, raising a family and helping family and friends with their legal paperwork (for free), I decided I should make this a business and applied at the Supreme Court of Arizona to receive my LDP (Legal Document Preparer license and certificate). I passed the exam and received my license six months later. I love the flexibility and being able to spend more time with my family, which is a huge perk of having your own business.
Professional background:
17 years in the legal field as a paralegal at some of the most prestigious law firms in the Valley; in 2004, I obtained my real estate license and currently work as an agent for Equity Realty Group; in 2010, I qualified and passed my exam at the Supreme Court of Arizona, obtained my LDP license and Arizona Paralegal Alliance opened its doors for business.
Career highlights: I have to say this: Being selected as “Entrepreneur of the Month” for Latino Perspectives’ February issue – my birthday month. I couldn’t ask for a better gift!
What makes your business great? The simple pleasure of helping those people who need legal help but do not have the means to hire an attorney. I love that I can save people so much money and still help them meet their goals. I get to reunite families by establishing parenting time and custody.
Business goals for 2013: I would love to open a storefront office on South Central where I can take walk-
ins and assist clients with their family law questions and/or prepare their documents right there on the spot.
Most challenging aspect of being a small business owner: I’m always on the clock! Eighty percent of my work is related to family law. So, as you can imagine, at times it’s very tough for some clients and can be a very emotional time in their lives. I keep my phone on, and will counsel or answer any questions or concerns my clients have at all times.
If you could do it all over again, what you would do differently? Not one single thing. I have no regrets and have learned so much throughout the years. I love where my life is and I absolutely love my job!
Suggest an entrepreneur Send your information to
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
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Movin’ up! Know someone who has been promoted, elected or honored? Send us the news of their achievements! Email
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For more information, or to apply online, please visit 30
Latino Perspectives Magazine
¡ February 2013!
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It’s tax time By Jonathan Higuera
The world may not have ended on December 21,
as was inferred from the Mayan calendar but, come April 15, the IRS still expects you to file your 2012 tax returns. So, if you are one of those taxpayers putting W2 forms together and compiling all the paperwork needed to file, be sure to use all the tax reduction strategies available to you. The expenses you incurred while doing charitable work are deductible. For example, if you used your car to carry out the work, you can deduct up to 14 cents a mile. You also can claim supplies you bought for the charitable endeavor. If you spent any time looking for a job, the costs associated with that search could be deductible. This applies even if you are currently employed. The exception would be college students seeking their first job. Examples of deductible costs include resume preparation fees and outplacement agency costs. Be aware, however, that the total value of these costs, along with certain other itemized costs, must exceed two percent of your adjusted gross income before they can be claimed. The Child and Dependent Care Credit helps cover the costs of after-school day care for your child or children, but, did you know you can also claim the costs of summer day camp? The proviso is that the summer camp is for day camp, not overnight camp costs. Also, if you have adult dependents who need care so you can work, those expenses also can be claimed. Medical costs are a reliable source of deductions if the taxpayer can reach the 7.5 percent threshold of adjusted gross income. Self-employed taxpayers, who are not covered by other employer-paid plans, can deduct 100 percent of their health insurance premiums. Moderate- and low-income taxpayers can claim tax savings for contributing to a retirement account, such as an IRA or a workplace retirement plan. The Retirement Savings Contribution Credit offers a tax savings of up to 50 percent of the first $2,000 you put into such accounts. This could result in a
$1,000 tax credit for you. Eligibility is based on your adjusted gross income. The income limits to qualify are $57,500 for married filing jointly, $43,125 for head of household filers and $28,750 for single filers or married filing separately. Don’t forget to investigate various education credits that offer tax-saving options, including the Lifetime Learning Credit and the American Opportunity Tax Credit. Some filers will be able to claim up to $4,000 through various education credits.
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
Employer Facebook access hits snag The increasingly common employer practice of asking job applicants for
their log-in and password to their Facebook and other social media accounts has hit a snag in California and Illinois. Last month, those states joined four others in barring employers from demanding that employees fork over their social media info, including passwords. The new laws were a response to reports nationwide that employers were demanding access to their employees’ or potential employees’ personal, non-public data on Facebook, Twitter and other social-media accounts. The California and Illinois laws took effect on January 1. Those states joined New Jersey, Michigan, Maryland and Delaware with similar laws. California assemblywoman Nora Campos, a Democrat from San Jose, California, told Wired magazine that the employer practice was simply too intrusive on a person’s privacy. “Our social media accounts offer views into our personal lives and expose information that would be inappropriate to discuss during a job interview due to the inherent risk of creating biases in the minds of employers,” she said. Job applicants should take note that none of the measures prohibits employers from reviewing what their employees or potential hires publicly post to social media accounts.
Think outside the mailbox.
Latinos and the job market Most economists characterized
LPM, sent to your Inbox. For eight years, LPM has been the only Arizona magazine focused on the local Latino community. Sign up for the free digital edition:
Latino Perspectives Magazine
¡ February 2013!
the December jobs report as a positive sign for the country’s rebounding economy. About 155,000 jobs were added in the final month of 2012, as the national unemployment rate held steady at 7.8 percent. But, beyond that positive headline, some troubling signs still exist. For U.S. Latinos, the jobless rate stood at 9.6 percent during that same period. The U.S. Department of Labor identified about 22 million Latinos in the workforce while 2.3 million were unemployed. Despite the unchanged unemployment rate overall, some 12.2 million people were looking for work in December, an increase of 164,000 from the previous month. That could be attributed to previously discouraged workers getting back into the hunt. A somewhat disturbing figure was the number of Latinos who were not looking for work. That figure grew to 1.3 million, an increase of 431,000 from January to December 2012. These are people who are stay-at-home parents
or recent retirees, but it also includes people who are too discouraged to even look for work. Again, Latinos had the highest workforce participation rate of all groups at nearly 65.9 percent compared with a 63.6 percent rate for all civilians. While Latinos clearly are trabajadores, it’s the quality of the jobs they get that concerns Latino advocates like the National Council of La Raza (NCLR). NCLR’s Monthly Latino Employment Report issued in January emphasized that “In several industries, Hispanic workers are concentrated in lowwage occupations. For instance, in the transportation sector, Hispanics are concentrated in a handful of jobs that pay below the median wage for transportation and material-moving occupations.” Hispanic workers are also more likely to encounter occupational safety and health risks related to poor job quality. Sadly, Latinos had the highest rate of on-the-job fatalities in 2011, according to the Report.
CO+HOOTS = co-work space While our state is often bashed by national media for its backward
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policies and conservative ethos, the coverage can sometimes mask some very innovative efforts to move Phoenix forward. One such effort is the development of the downtown business incubator, CO+HOOTS, founded by Jenny Poon two years ago. Created as a co-work space for small business firms and entrepreneurial-minded individuals, CO+HOOTS recently moved into larger digs along East Washington Street near downtown Phoenix. However, it’s not just any workspace. CO+HOOTS strives to Over 9 Figures in create a workplace that is compelling, inspiring and collaborative for its occupants, or Verdicts & Settlements. “creatives” as they are often called. ...................................................................................... In addition to providing desks and office amenities, CO+HOOTS offers workshops MEDICAL MALPRACTICE as learning opportunities to its members and encourages collaboration among the professionals based there. Considering that about 60 entrepreneurs and 40 companies WRONGFUL DEATH can be found there on any given day, that’s a lot of potential collaboration. BIRTH INJURIES The new location at 1027 E. Washington Street along the Light Rail is an PERSONAL INJURY important feature that boosts CO+HOOTS’ image as an urban alternative for its members and users. MEDICAL PRODUCTS & With prices ranging from $15 for a daily drop-in to $350 a month for a full-fledged PHARMACEUTICAL LITIGATION member, individuals and business owners can rent space that puts them in close INSURANCE BAD FAITH proximity to other professionals and creatives. At press time, a “re-hatching” event for the new space was scheduled for January ............................................................................................................................ 11. Scheduled to speak was Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton, along with Kimber Lanning, executive director of the non-profit, Local First Arizona, which promotes the interests of locally-owned businesses, vendors, consumers and contractors. Poon and others cite the incubator’s new location as an important part of what it wants to be: an easy access urban space that encourages entrepreneurship in The lawyers of Hodes Milman Liebeck Mosier. Unmatched courtroom experience. downtown Phoenix. Its new location places it in the area known as “Washington Row.” “As a community of local-minded and business-focused people, we are able to Accomplished medical malpractice and product liability attorneys serving Arizona and California. collaborate on projects, share resources and generate more success to support our livelihoods,” Poon recently explained to Arizona Republic reporter, Eugene Scott.
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Have a business story idea? Email us at *All lawyers are licensed in California. Robert Mosier, Managing Partner of the Arizona office, is licensed in Arizona and California.
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
College-bound: “Show me the money!” By Erica Cardenas
It’s no surprise that post-secondary education
has become increasingly important over time and that businesses are requiring a more highly-skilled workforce to meet the demands of today’s competitive global economy. But, while this is the case, there still continue to be growing concerns about the affordability, and accessibility, of higher education. According to a recent report released by the U.S. Department of Education, students and their families are bearing a greater share of college costs than a generation ago. In fact, the report notes that, at public four-year colleges and universities, tuition and fees has doubled since 1987, while the proportion funded by state and local governments has fallen by about one-third. Meanwhile, in-state tuition at public four-year colleges and universities has grown by two-thirds since 2000, after adjusting for inflation. In an effort to help offset these trends, several new policies have been implemented to provide relief for students and their families, including the introduction of the American Opportunity Tax Credit, keeping Stafford loan interest rates low, expanding “income-based repayment,” and increasing Pell grants.
Top reasons to complete the FAFSA With more than $150 billion available in federal student aid, every college-bound student is absolutely encouraged to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Here are a few convincing reasons for students and parents alike to consider completing the FAFSA. The FAFSA is free to complete, and there is help provided throughout the application process. The application can be accessed on the official FAFSA website at and should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. In fact, there have been various measures taken over the past few years to simplify the FAFSA application
process, which includes the most recent enhancement set to launch this month – the IRS Data Retrieval Tool. This tool allows students and parents to access the IRS tax return information needed to complete their application, and enables the transfer of data directly into their FAFSA from the IRS website. Many students are hesitant to complete the FAFSA because of misconceptions such as “parents making too much money” or “only students with good grades are awarded aid.” Reality check: eligibility is determined by a mathematical formula, not by parents’ income alone.
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
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Fo l l ow us on Call 602.285.7800 A Maricopa Community College.
Latino Perspectives Magazine
¡ February 2013!
There is no income cut-off to qualify for federal student aid. Many factors besides income – from family size to the age of your older parent – are considered. In addition, when completing the FAFSA, the student is also automatically applying for funds from their state. While a high grade-point average may assist with academic scholarships, most of the federal student aid programs don’t take a student’s GPA into consideration. Federal student aid provides more than $150 billion in grants, loans and work-study funds each year. The Department of Education suggests that completing the FAFSA should be the first step toward getting federal aid for college, career school or graduate school. In fact, many states and colleges use a student’s FAFSA data to determine their eligibility for state and school aid, and some private financial aid providers may use the FAFSA information to determine whether the student qualifies for their aid. For information and tips on completing the FAFSA, visit:
Pay As You Earn According to a report released by the Department of Education in 2011, the typical worker with a bachelor’s degree earned about $1,000 a week, roughly twothirds more than those with only a high school diploma, while the unemployment rate for workers with a bachelor’s degree was 4.9 percent, about half the rate for people with only a high school diploma.
Though facts and figures such as these confirm that there are monetary rewards for obtaining a college degree, for many recent college graduates, monthly student loan payments can be overwhelming. However, a new repayment plan now available to borrowers, known as the Pay As You Earn Plan, could reduce monthly payments for as many as 1.6 million Direct Loan borrowers. The Plan caps monthly payments at 10 percent of discretionary income for eligible borrowers and complements additional repayment plans offered to assist borrowers manage their debt. Those who are not eligible for the Pay As You Earn Plan may still qualify for the Income-Based Repayment Plan, which caps monthly loan payments at 15 percent of a borrower’s discretionary income. More than 1.3 million borrowers are already using the Income-Based Repayment Plan. For those who’ve already fallen behind on student loan payments, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) introduced an on-line tool this summer to help evaluate a borrower’s options. Known as the Student Loan Debt Collection Assistant, the on-line program asks a series of questions to help the user determine what steps to take if loan payments have been missed. For example, if the borrower has missed federal loan payments, the tool advises the user to ask their servicer about alternative payment arrangements, such as income-based repayment plans. The tool can be accessed via defaultoptions
A unique role in the federal justice system Fidencio Rivera, U.S. Marshals Service-Arizona District Title: Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal Years of service: 22 years Education/ training: I received a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Arizona, a M.Ed. in Counseling with an emphasis in Human Relations from Northern Arizona University, and a M.A. in Management from Webster University.
Career highlights: My position involves daily interaction with the federal judiciary, supporting Deputy U.S. Marshals who apprehend violent fugitives and sexual predators, and interacting with the community. I am also helping to shape the future of the U.S. Marshals Service. On the job/ valuable learning experience: The importance of treating others with respect.
Fidencio Rivera, U.S. Marshals Service-Arizona District
Why did you decide to pursue this career? My original goal was to work with young at-
The U.S. Marshal Service is the nation’s oldest law enforcement agency. In 1789, George Washington appointed the first 13 U.S. marshals. It wasn’t until 1870 that the U.S. Congress gave the newly created Department of Justice supervision over the U.S. Marshals Service. While the Arizona District of the U.S. Marshals Service did not become official until statehood was conferred in 1912, the first U.S. Marshals’ office was established in Phoenix in 1863. The Earp brothers, most famous for their heroic performance at Tombstone’s OK Corral in 1881, are exemplars of the early style of law enforcement practiced by U.S. marshals. While many things have changed since the “Wild West” days, the duties of U.S. marshals are still the most wide-ranging among all the law enforcement agencies. Entry into the Service is highly competitive and less than 5 percent of qualified applicants are accepted.
risk individuals (perhaps as a juvenile probation officer), but the opportunity to serve with the U.S. Marshals Service emerged while I was still going through college. I have never looked back.
Advice to others considering serving our community: I would tell them to seek a profession in which they are passionate, and do it to the best of their ability.
Chief Deputy Rivera received the U.S. Marshals Director’s Honorary Award for Meritorious Service in 2010 for superior performance over a long career.
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¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
I thought I was healthy and fit. When I learned I had a two-inch hole in my heart, my world turned upside down. Today I’m training for a marathon. My answer was Mayo Clinic. Monica Harlow, Maricopa, AZ
Monica Harlow led an active life despite being born with a serious heart condition. When a checkup showed that she might need a transplant, she was referred to Mayo Clinic. Monica’s team was able to close the hole in her heart using her own natural tissue. Mayo Clinic is an in-network provider for millions of people. In most cases you don’t need a physician referral. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 800-446-2279.
February is American Heart Month
Latino Perspectives Magazine is proud to focus on the lifesaving mission of the American Heart Association during American Heart Month in February. The following pages highlight an exceptional volunteer who has helped advance local programs educating Latinos about heart disease and stroke risk, and detail the ways you can take action to improve your own heart health.
Dr. Adriana Perez puts research into action saving lives Adriana Perez, Ph.D., ANP-BC, is a scholar who
puts her research into action saving lives. As a dedicated volunteer for the American Heart Association (AHA) for many years, Dr. Perez applies her culturally relevant research in developing wellness intervention programs among the Latino population. She is Assistant Professor and Southwest Borderlands Scholar at Arizona State University, College of Nursing and Health Innovation and co-director of the Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence. In addition, as a Health and Aging Policy Fellow, Dr. Perez works to promote policies that improve the overall health of our expanding aging population. She urges Latinas to connect with Go Red por tu Corazón, part of the national Go Red for Women movement empowering women to take charge of their heart health. Go Red marks its tenth anniversary this year, celebrating its effectiveness in raising women’s awareness of their number-one health threat. “Women who Go Red are more likely to make healthy choices,” Dr. Perez notes, “and we want to make sure Latinas are included.” The bilingual Go Red por tu Corazón movement is included in outreach and awareness programs of the AHA’s Greater Phoenix Division. The association also has a wide range of on-line resources for living a healthy lifestyle. “Heart disease is the number one killer of Latinas,” Dr. Perez explains. “It is often silent, hidden and misunderstood. Despite the heightened risk, most Latinas are still unaware of the threat to themselves and their families. Small changes can make a big difference. Go Red por tu Corazón promotes a heart-healthy lifestyle through
Adriana Perez
healthy eating and physical activity, building on strong ties to family and cultural traditions.” Dr. Perez explains: “Through community-based research, I know that Latinos want to learn about health
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
in a positive way. They do not want to be alarmed by potential health threats, but rather want to learn about all they can do to keep themselves and their families healthy to enjoy life. For the most part, Latinos want to continue to enjoy cultural traditions, so, we share ways that physical activity can be part of celebrations and how favorite foods can still be included in moderation.” While her research and clinical practice have focused on older adults, she understands the importance of connecting generations for heart health, especially among Latinos. That was reflected in recent, “Simple Cooking with Heart” classes that Dr. Perez helped implement at the Halle Heart Children’s Museum. “These classes empowered families to make healthy lifestyle choices that can transform their lives,” she notes. “It was great to see grandparents, parents and children involved in preparing a hearthealthy and delicious meal.”
Dr. Perez with local AHA mascot LubDub at a recent event
Dr. Perez is a member of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses and helped launch the local Check for Life program, a collaboration in which volunteer nurses train stylists at barbershops and salons that cater to a Latino clientele to perform blood pressure screenings
during appointments. The project has been underway for several years and has reached thousands of local residents. “We discovered high blood pressure in countless clients,” she notes. “And, thanks to this program, they now have access to educational information about the importance of healthy eating and physical activity.” Dedication to AHA community programs and a unique research focus provide Dr. Perez with important insights for her role as a member of the Health Equity Task Force for the AHA’s Western States Affiliate. The Task Force was formed in 2011 to address the health needs of diverse communities the affiliate serves across ten states. The primary focus is raising awareness about high blood pressure, obesity and healthy eating/living – essential to improving personal health and building healthier communities. Dr. Perez has been doing that here in Phoenix for many years.
Live healthy with My Life Check No matter where you stand on the road to good health, it’s never too late to make better choices. All you need is a goal, a plan and the desire to live better. That’s why the American Heart Association created My Life Check and Life’s Simple Seven. No one achieves heart health by accident. Increase the odds by practicing seven steps to live a heart-healthy life. Get active Control cholesterol Eat better Manage blood pressure Lose weight Reduce blood sugar Stop smoking Our science and research volunteers have developed a simple tool so you know where you stand. Go on-line to to find out where you stand with the Life’s Simple Seven goals. Take the quick My Life Check assessment and, in a few minutes, you will know how you’re doing with each goal. You will also get your own personal heart score and life plan. The results will show where you stand on the seven 40
Latino Perspectives Magazine
¡ February 2013!
recommended areas of focus and will create an action plan that is customized to your lifestyle and health outlook. Share the bilingual My Life Check web link with family and friends to point them in the direction of good health. The most important step in the process is promising yourself to start making positive changes for a long, healthy future.
Why Go Red?
Heart disease is the number one killer of Latinas On average, Latinas are likely to develop heart disease 10 years earlier than non-Latino white women Only 1 in 3 Latinas is aware that heart disease is their number one killer Only 44 percent of Latinas know that heart disease is their greatest health risk, compared with 60 percent of white women Just 3 in 10 Latinas say that they have been informed by their doctor that they are at a higher risk
The bilingual Go Red Por Tu Corazón
initiative advances the Go Red for Women movement among Latinas, who are at high risk for heart disease at a younger age than other women. Go Red celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. It all began when the American Heart Association (AHA), along with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, created National Wear Red Day® in 2003 to raise awareness that heart disease is the number one killer of women. At that time, cardiovascular diseases claimed the lives of nearly 500,000 American women each year, yet no one was paying attention. Now, each year on the first Friday in February, millions of women and men come together to wear red, take action and commit to fighting this deadly disease. But fighting heart disease is an ongoing challenge that demands public awareness year round. So, one year later, the AHA launched Go Red for Women – a passionate, emotional, social initiative designed to empower women to take charge of their heart health and band together to work collectively to wipe out heart disease. Go Red and Go Red por tu Corazón challenge women to know their risk for heart disease and provide tools so that they can take action to reduce personal risk. Over the past ten years, tremendous strides have been made in the fight against heart disease in women, including: 21 percent fewer women are dying from heart disease; 23 percent more women are aware that it’s their primary health threat; more than one-third have lost weight; nearly 50 percent have increased their exercise;
six out of 10 have changed their diets; more than 40 percent have checked their cholesterol levels; one-third have talked with their doctors about developing heart health plans. But the fight never ends as hundreds of thousands of women still die each year. Currently, some eight million women in the U.S. are living with heart disease, yet only one in six American women believes that heart disease is her greatest health threat.
Heart disease can be prevented. In fact, 80 percent of cardiac events in women are linked to poor choices, particularly those involving diet, physical activity and smoking. Women must make the right choices to change this statistic. It is time to stand stronger, speak louder and join the Go Red movement. Connect with Go Red por tu Corazón on-line at, or call the American Heart Association’s Phoenix Division at 602-414-5353.
Funds raised by Go Red for Women allow the American Heart Association to help women by offering educational programs, increase women’s understanding about their risk for heart disease and support research to discover scientific knowledge about heart health. The AHA turns science into materials and tools that health care providers and decisionmakers can use to help women. These include scientific guidelines on women and the most up-to-date strategies and treatments tailored to a woman’s individual risk. Go Red for Women and Go Red por tu Corazón are nationally sponsored by Macy’s © 2011, American Heart Association (also known as the Heart Fund) Go Red is a trademark of the AHA; Red Dress is a trademark of the DHHS
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
Salsa – the spice of life Wallflowers be advised: it’s just too much fun to sit out! By Virginia Betz
There is no more pleasant way to bond with others
than through recreational dance. It’s a transient bond that only lasts as long as the song, but, for the duration, that bond is your entire world. Salsa offers a combination of advantages when compared with other styles of social dance. You can get out on the dance floor with a minimum of technique and, if you’re a bit out of sync, it won’t attract attention. Salsa has a basic inventory of prescribed movements that leaves a lot of room for personal embellishment and self-expression. With salsa dancing varying levels of intimacy can be established with different partners, from the merely respectful to the mainly steamy. And, in the Phoenix metro area, there are lots of places to show off your moves. Best of all is the music; once you give yourself over to el ritmo salsero, you won’t be able to suppress the irresistible urge to dance! Basic salsa steps are easy to learn and there are a number of ways to go about it: just try to imitate what others are doing out on the dance floor; study on-line tutorials; get to the dance club early for the “intro” lesson that’s often offered at venues featuring salsa nights; or pay for some formal training at a dance studio. While 42
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¡ February 2013!
the last-named option clearly involves the most expense and time commitment, it is also probably the most efficient way to learn and gain genuine self-confidence. LPM’s insider informant, Henry “the dance guy” Carrejo ( who has been an instructor in several Valley studios and a competition judge, answered some FAQs about what to expect in a salsa class. A common fear is that mostly women attend dance classes, so that a woman signing up alone might be hard pressed to ever dance with a male partner. Henry reports that the days of one man for every four women is long gone, in fact, it is not unusual for males to outnumber females in group classes. Television shows like Dancing with the Stars and all those movies in which the guy that can dance wins the day have had a profound and positive effect on the image of social dance. In any event, whether you enroll as a single or a couple, you won’t be allowed to dance with the same person all the time. Instructors typically insist that students rotate their partners in order to avoid the limitations of relating to only one other person’s style. Reading cues from different people and learning the idiosyncrasies of a variety of individual styles is part of the fun of couple dancing.
Salsa is an highly energetic dance genre and students can expect to work up a sweat. Gym clothes are okay for the studio, but if a club dance follows, something approximating “business casual” might be more appropriate. Dressed up or down, you should avoid rubber-soled shoes. Leather-bottomed shoes with a heel are an aid to smooth turns and quick steps. Women should avoid too-high heels, which are unstable, and opt for two or twoand-a-half inch heels for sure-footedness. There aren’t any fashion police at salsa salons, so the bottom line is your personal comfort zone. According to Henry, private lessons for singles or couples usually run in the neighborhood of $80 to $120 per lesson, a price that the competitive dancer would find more sustainable than the average recreational dancer. Group instruction is much more economical (and less pressure) and is widely available in formal studio or club settings. Below is a partial list of Valley locations with frequent, scheduled classes and quality instructors and/or dedicated salsa nights.
Dance studios (times given for salsa classes only) Ambiant Dance 16597 N. 92nd St., Scottsdale 85260, 480-422-6840 When: Tuesdays, 8 p.m. group class Cost: $10 per class, drop-in; discounted packages arranged Cannedy Dance Center 6222 N. 7th St., Phoenix 85014, 602-279-4875 When: Mondays, 8:30-9:30 p.m. (two classes: beginner and intermediate) Cost: $12 per class; $20 for two classes in same month; $35 for four classes in a row; private lessons can also be arranged Mesa Stars Ballroom 2848 S. Carriage Lane, Mesa 85202, 602-690-6631 When: Tuesdays, 8:15-9:15 p.m.; Thursdays, 6-8 p.m. and 8:4510:30 p.m.; private instruction available for singles or couples Cost: varies by number of classes taken; call or check on-line for special packages Sun Devil Fit Center at ASU-Tempe campus 550 E. Apache Blvd., Tempe 85287, 480-965-9011 When: Mondays, 9-10:30 p.m. (upcoming session: March 18 through April 22) Cost: $90 for six-week session ($80 for students; $85 for SDFC members)
Clubs/salons Dave and Buster’s 2000 E. Rio Salado Parkway (Tempe Marketplace), Tempe 85281 480-281-8456 When: Wednesdays, class from 7-8 p.m. (for beginners) followed by open dancing till midnight Cost: no cover (21+ only); class is free Fat Cat Ballroom 3131 E. Thunderbird Rd. #33, Phoenix 85032, 602-324-7119 When: Sundays, 7-8 p.m. lesson, followed by open dancing till 10 p.m. Cost: $5 per person (all ages) Paragon Dance Center 931 E. Elliot Rd., Suite 101, Tempe 85284, 480-777-8877 When: Sundays, lessons from 6:30-7:30 p.m. (three levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced), followed by open dancing till 10:30 p.m. Cost: $8 per person; $6 students with ID; ages 12 and under, free (includes lesson) Pepin’s Spanish Restaurant 7363 Scottsdale Mall (Old Town), Scottsdale 85281, 480-990-9026 When: Saturdays, 10-2 p.m., “oldest Latin night in Scottsdale” Cost: $10 (21+ only) For a more complete listing, check out
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
Stella Pope Duarte
My big win By Stella Pope Duarte
Winning something can bring
excitement, joy, a new outlook on life, or just a sense of “being lucky.” What kind of win would bring you the greatest joy? Maybe you are a person centered on family, and your greatest joy would be to see your children successful and your family healthy. A big win came to me unexpectedly this past year in the strangest way; not at all something that most people would consider a “win” – yet it was huge. It came to me on the evening of June 12, a Tuesday evening, as I left my daughter Deborah’s house. The night was quiet and all seemed tranquil. As I turned left onto 7th Street, from a residential street just north of McDowell, I saw liquid splash all over my windshield. It startled me, and I instantly braked. Standing in my car lights was a man dressed in casual clothes with earphones attached, as if he were just walking through the neighborhood. My first thought was one of horror. I had almost hit him! The man then began to yell at the top of his lungs and threw an object at my windshield, which sounded
like metal. He came around to the driver’s window and was literally jumping up and down in rage, screaming obscenities that I had not heard since my divorce twenty years ago. He continued throwing things at me, unknown objects that made loud sounds – boom, boom, boom or whack, whack – it’s hard to tell what things sound like on a car’s surface. Later, I discovered he had cracked my windshield and bent the frame around the driver’s window. I rolled down my window just a bit, and was actually trying to ask him if he was okay. As one of my aunts once told me, the “S” on my forehead was not for Stella, it was for “sucker.” I have been known to continue forward in the face of danger, often not counting the cost to myself. I believe that if the man had had a gun, he would have shot me and run off into the neighborhood, probably unidentified for years to come. Surprisingly, the street was quiet, very quiet for 7th Street, and this was a blessing, as traffic did not pose a problem. I finally drove away, knowing that I would not be able to get a straight answer from the enraged man,
perhaps one under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Then the “big win” came. As I drove away, I noticed that my hands were not ice cold, and my heart was beating at a normal rate. It seemed as if nothing had happened. I drove all the way home in this condition. I knew I was not in shock, as symptoms of shock are easy to identify. I arrived home and simply reported to my son, “I’ve been attacked on the street.” He looked at me and said, “Why are you so calm?” All I could say was, “I don’t know.” At any other time, I would have been shaking, my hands trembling, my teeth chattering, as I used to get in the desperate years of domestic violence in my marriage. I called my daughter and asked her to look out her door at the street corner to see if police were there. She told me all was quiet. It was then that I discovered my “big win.” The violent man had not made me flinch; he had not touched me internally. So, that is what it means to live by the spirit and not by the flesh. The sensation was wondrous.
Stella Pope Duarte was born and raised in South Phoenix. She began her awardwinning career in 1995 after she had a dream in which her deceased father told her that her destiny was to become a writer. Contact her at
¡ February 2013!
Latino Perspectives Magazine
my perspective on: Volunteering
Enrich your life and your community By Lupe Arambula Camargo
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Having grown up in the
Valley and attended Saint Mary’s High School, I look back and reflect on the influence and inspiration I received from the Franciscan Fathers who taught there and had a strong presence on campus. We learned that living a life that included service to others was just what you did. I knew I was helping to build a stronger community and helping those who needed the support of others. What I did not expect were the numerous benefits volunteering would give back to me in the years to come. When someone decides to give of their personal time, it is generally with the hope of improving the lives of others. What studies about volunteering have shown, however, are the numerous physical and emotional benefits one receives in return. Four years ago, I joined the board of the Girl ScoutsArizona Cactus-Pine Council. My hope was to use my professional skills to impact the girls in our community. While I am able to do that, what I’ve come to appreciate are the rewards I’ve received in return. These include feeling more connected to my community, feeling a strong sense of purpose with the work being done, building friendships, and gaining new skills outside the realm of my professional life. Simultaneously, I served as a Girl Scout troop leader for my daughter. What a great opportunity it has been to be a coach, sales manager (during cookie season) and an overall mentor for the girls. And, just as the Franciscans taught me that our life needs to include service to others, my daughter has learned that same valuable lesson through Girl Scouting. In the years to come, when she sits on a community board, my hope is that she will also enjoy the rewards of giving. According to the Girl Scout Research Institute, learning to volunteer at a young age helps develop self-
Latino Perspectives Magazine
¡ February 2013!
esteem, self-confidence and new friendships, which can be a buffer against the stresses of life. The study also shows that adult females who had been Girl Scouts showed a higher probability of positive life outcomes than those who had not. These outcomes included higher educational achievement, greater self-esteem and deeper levels of engagement with their community. Volunteering as an older adult also has many rewards. As a financial planner, I strongly encourage clients preparing to retire to consider some kind of volunteer work. As our social roles change, a devastating shift in one’s sense of purpose can occur. Volunteer activities can help to build or strengthen social ties to prevent a sense of isolation. And helping others leads to a sense of greater self-worth and trust. Over the past two decades, a growing number of studies show the health benefits of volunteering. According to the Corporation for National and Community Service, those who give of their time are less likely to suffer from illness later in life. These benefits go beyond what can be received through medical care. The United States Census Bureau and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that states with higher volunteer rates also have lower rates of mortality and incidences of heart disease. There are so many good reasons to volunteer no matter your age. Thomas H. Sander, executive director of the Saguaro Seminar at Harvard University said, “Civic engagement and volunteering is the new hybrid health club for the 21st century that’s free to join.” So, as you ponder those intentions for 2013 to eat well and exercise, also consider the numerous benefits you gain from giving your time. However your inspiration began, be it a Franciscan Father or your Girl Scout experience, you can continue to take care of yourself by caring for others. Lupe Arambula Camargo is an investment advisor with Perspective Financial Services, LLC. She currently serves on the boards of the Girl Scouts-Arizona Cactus-Pine Council and the Friends of the Tempe Public Library.
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