“My personal experiences as a grandparent, parent and daughter have given me maturity and greater understanding of people. It is important to have the patience and compassion to really listen to people, to be available to them when they communicate and express themselves.”
by: Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: Where did you grow up? Cissy Boza Sevelin: I am a Florida native. I grew up in West Tampa. We first lived on Union Street and then moved to Carmen Street where I resided until I married. I began working for Olympia Bakery when I was 12 years old. Although I reside in Thonotosassa, my heart remains in West Tampa. Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: Tell us about your education. Cissy Boza Sevelin: I was married at a very young age. When I was 25 years old and a single mother of three, I decided it was time to better my life and that of my children. I began taking classes at Hillsborough Community College while working fulltime and achieved my Associates Degree. I then applied to the University of South Florida where I first obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and then a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance. During my time at the University of South Florida I was required to take a business law class. As a result, my interest continued in the study of law. I attended the Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law, Barry University and obtained a Master of Business Administration and my Juris Doctorate. During my time in law school, I also became a Florida Supreme Court
County Mediator and a Flori- to become a Judge? da Supreme Court Family Law Cissy Boza Sevelin: I have watched, when time permitted, Mediator. virtually every legal television Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: Tell us show which has been produced. why as a practicing attorney you To boot, I watch live hearings of choose to do your cases pro-bo- real cases being televised. no. Cissy Boza Sevelin: I spent ap- Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: Why do proximately nine years work- you think you will make a good ing for the Federal Bankruptcy and fair Judge? Court in the Middle District of Cissy Boza Sevelin: I have the Florida, as a Career and Term experience; balance and matuLaw Clerk. During my time rity that make me stand out as with the court, I was not permit- a candidate. My work has ented to do any type of pro bono compassed banking, accountwork. During the same time, I ing, bankruptcy (debtor and also owned and operated a wed- creditor), foreclosures, family ding venue, Victorian Gardens, law, and civil trial. I worked as a judicial assistant to various located in Thonotosassa. Prior to becoming an attorney, county and circuit court judges I needed legal help and couldn’t and in mediation and diversion afford to pay an attorney. In service. Through this experiOctober 2013, after my position ence, I have not only gained a with the Bankruptcy Court was sense of various areas of the law, abolished due to the death of my but the many functions of the Judge, the Honorable Alexander clerk of court. I have significant L. Paskay, I decided – I had been practical work experience in all very successful and very bless- of these areas. I have worked ed and now it was time for me for the government, as a solo to give back. So, with the sup- practitioner and in a small law port of my husband, I provide practice and in the corporate legal assist to the indigent and world of banking. These work oppressed, in areas of domestic environments have prepared violence, family law, dependen- me to understand the chalcy, delinquency, wills and trust lenges facing the attorneys who and take on other matters when could practice before me. appropriate. Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: What Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: When are the attributes of a good did you decide that you wanted judge? This Issue of Latin Times Magazine is sponsored by
Cissy Boza Sevelin: Intellect; maturity; analytical ability; calm and patience; ability to move a docket and to make decisions; organizational skills; research and writing; compassion; sensitivity; caring and listening. Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: How can people help you win your campaign? Cissy Boza Sevelin: Tell friends about me. Volunteer to canvass neighborhoods. Put signs up at their businesses and in their yards. Volunteer to be at the voting locations the weeks prior to and/or the day of the election. Invite me to gatherings were I can meet voters in person. Volunteer to be on my host committee or contact my host committee to hold fundraisers. Attend functions on my behalf so I can attend other events which are being held on the same day and at the same time. Follow me on Facebook at Cissy4Judge and share my page. Visit my website located at cissysevelin4judge.com and signup to volunteer.
Read the entire interview at: www.LatinTimesMedia.com