Latin Times Magazine 1st Qtr 2008

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february - April


1st Quarter 2008


Volume 7 No 1

Headed to Washington D.C. for the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Legislative Conference Marketing Tips For Today’s Business Entrepreneur.

A Publication for the Elite Latino

The World’s Best Conguero

Giovanni Hidalgo & direct from japan rie akagi “East meets west” latin Jazz concert


¿Y Ahora Qué?

Además: [ Meet some of Tampa Bay’s Latina Movers N Shakers... ]

A Publication for the Elite LatinoFor co

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M O S T E Headquarters ME Jolie R. González Publisher / Editor In Chief Libni Cáceres Creative Director

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Marti López Editor Beatriz Bujan Translator / Interpretor Sergio Sodre Hispanic Market Liaison Daisy Medina Community Liaison Rosa Mercado Editorial Assistant / Staff Writer / Reporter Anthony J. Gonzalez, Jr., Esq. Staff Writer Robert Casañas, M.D. Staff Writer

Sales Staff Carmen Santiago Account Executive/Special Reporter Conchita Burpee Intermixx Marketing Julio Aviles Account Executive / Special Reporter

Photography / Video Juan Ruíz of Ziur Photography Special Events Reporter/Photographer Laura Gómez Contributing Writers Norma Camero Lissette C. Negrón For a one (1) year subscription (4 issues), please send a check or money order in the amount of $12.00 to: P.O. Box 262574, Tampa, FL 33685-2574 Thank you to: GOD! Thank you to Alfred Frederick for Business Photography, Carmen Santiago for being a great mom, Nikko Gonzalez for being the best son in the world, and to my wonderful friends, who always seem to be there when I need them the most!


LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE | February - april 2008

cing you y introdmupa Bay b e m ti l specia here in the Ta ! brate this ay e, we celenas that live theereach and everyd in z a g a s ti M a s th e L a p d im tin T l and talente re paving our fu sue of La e In this ise of the wonderomen are out th l Latinas! to som area. These w d beautifu n a t n e ig tell Strong , in




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The Latin Files





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Main Office: (813) 901-5292 Websites: For events:





Action Avenue Calendario de Eventos

No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent from Latin Times, LLC., 2001-2008. Proud Members of: Tampa Bay Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce of the Gulf Coast, eWomenNetwork, Hispanic Professional Women Association, Upper Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce, Latin ConneXions Network and HYPE.

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letter from the editor [ It ’ s t h e d aw n i n g o f a n e w e r a … ]

Hola Mi Gente Bonita de Tampa Bay! Welcome to our first issue of Latin Times Magazine in 2008! As I said goodbye to 2007, I was gathered with my close friends, and I felt consumed with gratitude, the many blessings from God so apparent in this past year, and 2008 promises to be even better. What better way to start off this new and exciting year than by re-capping my year, a year filled with so many wonderful blessings. I feel very fortunate to be living a dream, by pursuing what is in my heart. My biggest moments in 2007 were: February 2007: Winning the 2007 Tampa Bay Business Journal’s Minority Business Person of Year in Professional Services. August 2007: Winner of the Idiolo Award for Best Spanish Owned Magazine in Tampa Bay – By Centro Asturiano

[ Thank you to God, thank you to my incredible son Nikko, thank you to my wonderful family, thank you to all my wonderful clients and thank you to my wonderful circle of Friends! ] I am not going to attempt to list all of the individual names, because I don’t want to run the risk of forgetting to mention anyone! You know who you all are! I made so many wonderful new friends in 2007, there are my girls of course and to them I send a special message: 2008 is our year! (See you on the Island!) What a journey it has been, at least for me it was….2007, wow great wonderful surprises as it was my biggest year of growth, AND my greatest year of sacrifice, with many disappointments along the way. Lo bueno, con lo malo –right? After all, that’s life. 2008, is a year of growth and prosperity for us all, it’s time to look around us and enjoy the many opportunities that are just sitting there waiting to be noticed and taken. It’s a dawning of a new era… I feel it! In recent years there have been so many changes for Latinos in America, never have those changes been more prevalent than in 2007, with this New Year being an election year, I would like to urge everyone to VOTE in 2008! Get educated and know where the candidates stand on important issues, such as Health Care, Education and most especially IMMIGRATION. I would like to stress the importance of that subject –although I am from Puerto Rico, I feel compassion and understanding for my Latino brothers and sisters from other Latin Countries. I stand with you, and urge everyone once again to VOTE! Latino let our voices be heard in 2008!


LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE | February - april 2008

My advice to you for 2008:

Live a dream with every moment you live, enjoy it with every breath you take….. Live every moment of your life, like it’s your last…. Fight, for your dreams…and your beliefs, laugh, laugh, laugh….. enjoy every moment, all the while pursuing your every dream as if your life depended on it. I was relieved to see 2007 end, because I have a lot of goals that will finally become a reality in 2008. The premier of our new Website:! will incorporate local and national cultural information as well as many wonderful features and useful functions, all presented in an attractive website format that is entertaining and easy to use. Latin Times Commercials! The Latin Times Magazine and Latin ConneXions Business Networking Commercials will start appearing on Telemundo in 2008. Stay Tuned to LatinoWebTV! Latin Times will be releasing a local, cultural web TV show in 2008! Our Fabulous Events! Please make sure you visit our website often to check on our new and exciting upcoming events! If you are not receiving our e-Latino Weekly Newsletter, please register TODAY! Thank you to God and mi familia! See you at the next Latin ConneXions! -Sigue Pa’lante, Jolie

As I was finishing off this 1st. issue of 2008, I found out that my beautiful grandmother in Puerto Rico had died. Such huge sadness fills me as I dedicate this issue to her memory: Maria Aponte, Corozal, Puerto Rico.

En la comunidad

By: Norma Camero

Pu er t o Ri co [ Colonia o Estado Libre Asociado ] Después de haber sostenido una discusión acerca de quienes fueron los primeros habitantes de Puerto Rico y enterarme que el tercer grupo que llego a habitar Puerto Rico fueron los Indios Tainos (significa bueno o noble) que se llamaban a si mismos jibaro o boricua, de origen arahuana y provenientes de Venezuela mi país de origen me sentí inclinada a estudiar el tipo de gobierno de esta bellisima Isla. En 1952 Luis Muñoz Marin ayudo a Puerto Rico a cambiar su status colonial a Estado Libre Asociado (ELA) a Estados Unidos. Pero que significa ELA: es una fórmula de autonomía política de naturaleza limitada, territorial y sin la total soberanía de un país independiente; soberanía para pactar tratados internacionales y no controlan las aduanas, moneda, servicio postal, defensa, y muchas otras áreas importantes. Los líderes políticos de Puerto Rico no son llamados presidentes, sino gobernadores pero los puertorriqueños no votan para elegir al Presidente de los Estados Unidos a menos que esten viviendo en Los Estados Unidos (algo que me parecio interesante y a discutir en un futuro). La representación de Puerto Rico en la Camara de Representantes está limitada a un solo delegado con derecho a voz pero no a voto. Desde la firma del pacto bilateral llamado “in a nature of a compact” “como si fuese un pacto” y cuya definición no está clara según el Derecho Internacional. Lo que preocupa ahora el pueblo puertorriqueño es que rumbo debe seguir en el futuro. ¿Debe continuar siendo un Estado Libre Asociado? ¿Debe tratar de ser admitido como el estado número 51 de los Estados Unidos? ¿O

debe buscar la independencia y encontrar su propio destino? Particularmente entiendo que lo mejor es ser una nación libre e independiente, pero cada cual, cada nación soberana, debe hacer lo que crea correcto y buscar el bien común y eso debe respetarse. La Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas adoptó el Tratado Internacional y Multilateral de los Derechos Civiles y donde establece el Principio de la Autodeterminación de los Pueblos. El “Derecho de Autodeterminación es el derecho de un pueblo a decidir sus propias formas de gobierno, perseguir su desarrollo económico, social y cultural y estructurarse libremente, sin injerencias externas y de acuerdo con el principio de igualdad”. Este principio de autodeterminación supone para un pueblo su derecho a ser consultado, a expresar libremente su opinión sobre cómo desea conformar su condición política y económica, y si así lo deseare, el derecho a convertirse en un Estado soberano e independiente; todo esto forma parte del Derecho Internacional Positivo. Puerto Rico ha tenido tres Plesbicitos donde se han planteado las opciones de un status permanente ya sea la independencia, el estado libre asociado con mayor soberania o la anexion del país a Estados Unidos con un estado federado a esa nación. Los últimos dos plesbiscitos no ha alcanzado la mayoria absoluta (solo mayoria simple) en las votaciones y esto solo asoma la gran división que existe entre los puertoriqueños. Estos no han sido avalados por los Estados Unidos solo ha servido para medir el grado de aceptación de cada uno de los mismos entre los puertoriqueños. Cualquiera

Body & Soul Spiritual Healing For today’s busy business professional.

The magic hands of Sachiko Seda definitely had a relaxing, spiritual and yes –even a healing touch. Sachiko, who is a Licensed Reiki Therapist, was born with the healing gift of touch. After years of studying the art of Reiki she is now practicing her “calling” right here Tampa Bay, where I had the pleasure of experiencing my first (Not MY LAST!) Reiki Massage, or aka “Body & Soul, Spiritual Healing” from Sachiko. The message lasted approximately 60 minutes, and in that time the soft sounds of Asian music filled the room. I felt my mind relaxing first, as her hands heated up like coals each time she placed them on me. When it was over, I was completely dizzy, and had to sit still for an additional 15 minutes. The results, I have never felt better – a feeling of complete exhilaration ran through me and made me feel as if I were ready to tackle the world, I have to say ----I have been! I highly recommend that all busy business people schedule a visit with Sachiko, remember we have to take care of our health in order to be at peak performance at work! To learn more about Sachiko and her Body & Soul Spiritual Healing, call: (813) 215-3029. 8

LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE | February - april 2008

sea la decisión de los Puertoriqueños acerca de su futuro como nación independiente o asociada es un problema de soberania y nadie debe inmiscuirse en ello. Solo pienso en cuantos paises les gustaria estar en la condición actual de Puerto Rico de Estado Libre Asociado a Los Estados Unidos donde se respeta la libertad, mantienen un pasaporte americano y tienen casi todos los derechos de un estadounidense. Por supuesto, todo esto tiene un precio y uno de ellos es haber entregado parte de su soberania para que se les devuelva en servicios y derechos. Puerto Rico debe dar una mirada a los paises cercanos a ella para ver en la situación politica y economica en que se encuentran y darse cuenta que su situación no es tan mala como piensan. Cualquiera sea la decisión de la “Isla del Encanto” acerca de su futuro en cuanto a su status en Los Estados Unidos debe ser orientado hacia el derecho Internacional y respetando el Pacta Sunt Servanda (lo pactado obliga). Todo empezo con un contrato bilateral y debe terminar de la misma forma.

Enrique Cabrera, Presidente de la Union Hispana de Tampa y la Escuela Enrique A/C Training en su promocion de graduacion.

International Day Against Human Trafficking Event Held in St. Petersburg, FL

Recently, an important event was held to raise public awareness of the serious problem of human trafficking, modern-day slavery. The event was held on Friday, January 11th at the Scientology Life Improvement Center at 336 1st Ave. North.

En la comunidad

Latin Times

Participates In The Great American Teach In What a wonderful way to spend your day! November 15, 2007, was the Great American Teach It in Tampa Bay. Jolie Gonzalez, publisher of the Latin Times Magazine participated at Farnell Middle School in Tampa, FL., where her son Nikko Gonzalez attends, and is in the 7th grade. Latin Times would like to say “Thank you” to the students at Farnell who were very intelligent, attentive and respectful. A BIG Thank you to Ms. Yamel Arronte, a great friend and a wonderful teacher!

Though very little is reported in the media, the human rights abuses of slavery continue to be a major problem all over the world, even in the United States. The purpose of this event was to bring awareness to this horrible crime against humanity. The hard-hitting video NOT FOR SALE was shown to all attendees. Based on a book by David Batstone, the movie was produced and directed by Robert Marcarelli. The film crew traveled over 120,000 miles across five continents investigating the modern slave trade and shot undercover footage of trafficking operations. The crew also captured on film the spirit of those dedicated defenders of human rights working in the field to emancipate the victims. Through personal interviews and startling footage, NOT FOR SALE tells the story of these heroes in an effort to inspire other people to follow their example and ignite a global antislavery movement. The event was sponsored by the Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking. For more information and to find out what you can do to stop human trafficking, see www. The event was co-sponsored by Youth for Human Rights of Tampa Bay, an independent non-profit group, with the purpose to educate people about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights so they become valuable advocates for tolerance and peace. Information: www. Youth for Human Rights of Tampa Bay is sponsoring the Human Rights Walkathon on March 1st, beginning at 9am in North Staub Park, St. Petersburg. Information:

Heart Disease: Too Big of a Secret to be Kept By: Lissette C. Negron


t the age of 46, Santa Negron was a relatively healthy Latina.

Santa had yearly check ups, went to see her family physician at any sign of illness and even walked in an annual Charity Race. Yet on April 4, 2006 Santa died of a massive heart attack. It was sudden and very quick. Her mistake was not knowing that heart disease ran in her family. This bit of knowledge could have saved her life. As Latinos we are a proud people. Our business is generally our own. What we perceive as our downfalls are kept quiet. After my mother’s death, I learned that two of my maternal uncles have pacemakers, another had a stent put in, and an aunt of my mother’s died of a heart attack as well. Those little secrets that were kept even within our own family were detrimental to my mother’s health. According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is America’s number one killer and stroke is number three. In retrospect, the warning signs were evident. My mother experienced sudden fatigue, occasional loss of breath and discomfort in her back. However, those were aliments that could have been affiliated with her job as a daycare teacher. The severe chest pain and loss of feeling in her left arm did not come until it was too late. Women can experience a heart attack in a different manner than men. Therefore, it is imperative that you educate yourself about all the warning signs, and when it comes to family “bochinche”, it’s ok to talk about when it can save your life. Letting la familia know when Tio or Tia had a surgery and what kind can be helpful. Log into the American Heart Association’s website at www.americanheartassociation. com for more information.

February - april 2008 | LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE


D Biz block

Does My Vote Count? By Al Frederick

I think this year it is time for everyone to vote. It is time to leave the apathy at home. Florida is a diverse state and is always crucial in determining who will be the next President of the United States. Look at the 2000 and 2004 elections on how close the vote was and you realize how important our state’s vote is. In past elections only 6 percent of the actual voters were Hispanic. I hope this condition changes this time as most of the present issues directly target concerns in the Hispanic community such as the Iraq War (there is an inequitable and unbalanced proportion of Hispanic soldiers in comparison to the general population demographics) and Immigration (need I say more?). Does my vote count? Yes it does, in Florida all elections have been close. Mel Martinez won with less than 1% difference. President Bush won with only 3000 votes (and I will not go into detail about how contested that election was). The closer the election the more important the individual vote. Always remember Adolf Hitler won by only one vote. Just think what the world would have been like if it did not suffer World War II. This election is especially important to the immigrants. Whoever wins will set the immigration policy of the USA for years to come. Will it be a humane and fair policy or will it be based only on security concerns? Do you care or did you forget all of our families except the Native Americans had ancestors that were immigrants at one time? It is your decision and yes you can make a difference.

Top House, Senate, FCC, FRB Leaders to Headline USHCC Legislative Conference, March 11-13 Before the historic 2008 elections take place, the USHCC invites you to participate in the leading legislative forum representing the interests and agenda of the Latino and Latina business community. The 18th Annual USHCC Legislative Conference brings together Hispanic elected officials, members of Congress, government leaders, influential Hispanic entrepreneurs and members of corporate America.

LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE | February - april 2008

Legislative issues and agenda-setting will focus on: Hemispheric Trade, Economics of Energy Efficiency (going green), Small Business and Federal Procurement, Telecommunications/ Technology, Immigration, Education and Healthcare.

Don’t miss this critical Legislative Event, Hispanic Business - Shaping Tomorrow’s Policy, and dedicate March 11-13, 2008 to the top issues that are at the forefront of the national economic agenda. The USHCC Legislative Conference has drawn world leaders including President George W. Bush, President Leonel Fernandez of the Dominican Republic, and then-President Felipe Calderon of Mexico in past years. Hispanic-owned businesses are fastest growing business segment in the country. There are more than

For more information, or to register to attend this exciting event, please visit: Latin Times is a media partner in this event. We will be attending and participating in the event schedule. If you are interested in attending as part of our group, please contact Jolie @ (813) 901-5292.

Sun Trust Mortgage

Steps Up To The Plate Ready To Help Tampa Bay’s Hispanic Community with Mortgage needs Jaime A. Yepes is a Mortgage Loan Consultant at SunTrust Mortgage, Inc. His goal for 2008 is to help 125 new families achieve the dream of owning a home. Along with this goal, Jaime wants to educate the Hispanic community on the steps necessary to becoming a homeowner. A retired First Sergeant for the United States Army, Jaime spent more than 22 years in the military, 11 of those years recruiting our nations finest. Through his military background, Jaime A. Yepes brings extensive leadership experience, ethical standards and discipline to his business, and dedication his community. Through Jaime’s knowledge of the retail lending market, he provides his customers with an easy and educated home purchase experience. With constant communication, support and follow-up, he ensures that all of his clients make informed, educated decisions. As a cancer survivor, Jaime supports the American Cancer Society. He is a proud single dad of two beautiful children and resides in the Town and Country area. For assistance with your mortgage needs, please contact Jaime @ his office: 813-2242949, or on his cell phone: 813-695-3868, or email him at: Website: jyepes


2.5 million Hispanic-owned businesses in the US, which collectively generate more than $388 billion in revenue annually. Additionally, Hispanic-owned firms in the United States expected to grow to 3.2 million by 2010, with total revenues surging to more than $465 billion

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[By: Anthony J. Gonzalez, Jr., Esq.]

Ask el Abogado Nothing is more important to you in your day to day life than your car. It is our primary mode of transportation. When you are involved in a car accident there are many things you need to know.


espite what you hear in the insurance company commercials, an insurance company representative does not show up at the accident scene with a check.

To help you understand how car damage claims are handled in Florida. There are typically two types of insurance coverages which come into play. Every driver of a car is required to have property damage coverage. This coverage covers a driver of a car who causes a car accident, and damages another person’s car. The second type of coverage is called collision coverage. Collision coverage covers you if your car is damaged because of your own fault, or if you have an accident with an uninsured driver. There is no requirement that you carry collision coverage, however, if your car is not paid for, then the finance company or bank will likely require you to carry collision coverage. It is important that you also understand, that the insurance policy is a contract. Because you are not a party to the contract between the at fault driver, and his or her insurance company, you cannot force the at fault party’s insurance company to repair your car. What typically happens is that when an accident occurs, the insurance policy conditions require the drivers to contact their own insurance companies, and let them know that an accident has occurred. Notification is required and failure to notify your insurance company can result in a denial of coverage, meaning the insurance company will not pay benefits under the policy. You are required to call your insurance company, whether you are at fault or not. When you call your insurance company, you will speak with a representative who will take information from you about the accident, and give a claim number. The claim number is used to identify your case throughout the claims handling process. You will subsequently be called to give a recorded statement. It is likely you will get a call back from an insurance adjuster within 24 hours who will want to take a recorded statement from you. If you have been injured in the accident, I recommend you do not give the recorded statement without contacting us first.

In most cases, the insurance company for the fault driver will take responsibility for repairing the car of the driver who was not at fault. In some cases, the at fault driver may not contact their insurance company. If this happens the process becomes more complicated. Keep in mind that the insurance company of the at fault driver, will not take any action, until contact has been made with their driver, and they confirm the facts of the accident. Additionally, they may not take any action until the police report has been obtained. Ordinarily, the police report is ready for viewing within 7 to 10 days after the accident. The adjuster may come to you or you will have to go to a claims office or body shop for the estimate. The adjuster will contact you directly to discuss where the vehicle is located, to arrange a time to inspect your car, and to arrange to have your car repaired. If the at fault party insurance company agrees to repair your car, then they will likely agree to pay for a rental car while your car is repaired. In order to obtain a rental car, you will need to be 21 years of age, and have a major credit card. The credit card will not be billed, but is required to protect the interest of the rental car company should something happen to their rental car. In most cases, the rental car company will bill the insurance company directly. Many insurance companies require you to pay the cost of the rental car up front, and then they will reimburse you. Florida law gives the insurance company two options, it must either repair your car to the condition it was prior to the accident, or if the cost of repairs exceeds the fair market value of your car, it must declare the car a “total loss”. Fair market value is not the same as the retail price. Retail price is the price you paid for the car. Fair market value is defined as the highest price your car would receive in the open market. You may have paid more for your car that the fair market value of your car. If your car is declared a “total loss”, there is a possibility that you may owe more on your car than the fair market value of your car, this is sometimes referred to as being “upside down” or “backwards”. The law only requires that the fair market value

The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you written information about our qualifications and experience.


LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE | February - april 2008

Anthony J. Gonzalez, Jr., Esq. Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer price be paid. If you have gap insurance, the insurance company will pay the difference between what is owed, and the fair market value. If you do not have gap insurance, then you will be responsible to the financing company for the difference. Gap insurance is not part of your automobile insurance policy, it would have been purchased at the time you financed your car. If the at fault driver’s insurance company will not voluntarily agree to repair your car, or pay the total loss, you can go through your own insurance if you have collision coverage. In some cases, it is advisable for you to allow your own insurance to inspect your car, and prepare an estimate, just in case the at fault insurance company takes the position their driver was not at fault. If the at fault driver’s insurance company does not believe their driver was at fault, then you will have to see if you have rental car coverage. Rental car coverage is not mandatory, and is not included in every policy unless you requested it.

At Byrd & Gonzalez, P.A, we are experienced in handling personal injury and property damage claims resulting from an accident. If you are injured in an accident, call and speak with us for a free consultation, before speaking with an insurance company. Anthony J. Gonzalez, Jr., Esq. Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer Byrd & Gonzalez, P.A. 217 N Lois Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Phone 813-281-8801

[ B y R o b e r t J . C a s a ñ a s , M . D . ]

ask el doctor you take, this kind of doctor would recommend medical supplements, enzymes, minerals, etc. You don’t find this approach in any “medical spas”; they are there to sell you procedures and beauty products for your outside, the skin. But you need to address the internal processes as well.

Dear Doctor, Hi, I’m thinking of having laser lipo done to my stomach and love handles. What would be the risk for me I’m 50 years old in good health, I don’t smoke, don’t drink or do drugs but I’m still nervous about this procedure. Do I go to a plastic surgeon or have a doctor who has performed over 100 of this procedure done okay to visit? Worried Linda! Dear Worried Linda: Any laser procedure needs to be done with caution with the right equipment and the right adjustments to the patient’s complexion status. It is often the case that darker pigmented people have the most side effects. Make sure that you see a physician and not a technician or nurse practitioner. As a rule, laser is not a hazard to someone like yourself, as far as medical complications. Sometimes infection due to contaminated equipment can occur but it is rare. When you combine two or three modalities in aesthetic (cosmetic) medicine, there seems to be a higher probability of success. Most, if not all, plastic surgeons associated with a “medical spa” will have other people do their procedures. They make better money doing surgery. An experienced dermatologist is also an option. The “lipo” to which you refer is a procedure whereby injections are given to melt the fat and then laser is used to firm up your collagen. I would recommend a physician do this procedure. You might want someone to perform a complete assessment of your metabolism and anti-oxidant status so as to yield you a better pre-emptive long term result. This is what I refer to as “functional beauty”. By knowing what biochemistry and hormones and nutrient

Overall, it sounds like you should do well with this procedure. Don’t buy “packages”; if it’s going to work you should begin to see results in two or three sessions. Make sure they offer you topical anesthesia as well. Good luck to you. Let me know if additional info is needed. My website is Dr Robert Casañas

Dr. Doctor, I am of Hispanic descent, (Mexican) in my late 20’s. My mother is a diabetic. I just recently learned that I am a diabetic. I am also a father to 2 beautiful little girls. Is diabetes more prevalent in “Hispanos?” What can I do make sure that my children don’t inherit this disease from me. Henry Muñoz Dear Mr. Muñoz: Congratulations on your beautiful daughters. While it is a done deal that your daughters already inherited your genes, Diabetes of the adult variety or type 2, non-insulin dependent seems to be a tendency or propensity if they have the genes (which your daughters do), but not a sure thing. You would first go through a phase called insulin resistance (or metabolic syndrome) and later develop the diabetes itself, when your blood sugar fasting is above 100. If they keep a low-glycemic index diet (food that doesn’t make your body release a lot of insulin) and maintain their ideal weight and take certain supplements to keep down the ravages of oxidation (a sort of biological rusting), they may not necessarily “get” Diabetes. I can estimate that in your case, you could get off your meds if we get you to lose weight and take certain supplements to decrease your sugar. For instance the use of hops extract and acacia berry along with cinnamon and fenugreek could make you drop your sugar. Most doctors, when

they find a “disease” want to quickly give you a “drug”. They have their place, but there is so much more. There seems to be a higher incidence of Diabetes in Latinos (or Hispanics as you call us ), but it’s probably more due to the dietary staples, like rice, bread, pastas, all of which are diabetogenic, or causers of diabetes. These foods demand a lot of insulin, excess insulin makes you obese, cause hypertension and along with triglycerides. Ultimately, sugar levels will rise (but not at first). This is why outdated unsophisticated doctors will miss the early stages when you can still turn it around. So yes, the genes are inherited but what those genes will produce depends, for a lot of human disease, on the environment you make them live in, or what you eat and fail to detoxify from the toxins all around us. Beware of plastic containers which release phthalates, a chemical that will cause diabetes by itself, just to cite one example. Keep your daughters active, away from TV and violent video games, away from trans fats, chemical toxins, engage them in physical hobbies. A lot of tendencies for disease will take shape in formative years. Please don’t let them eat fast food. Try organic foods. Teach them about good proteins and good carbs. Pack them lunch and don’t let them eat the school’s foul meals, if possible. When we become duped by big business we are dead in the water. Avoid the packaged toxins in the supermarkets, the fast food at the hospital (TGH), vending machines at school, etc. Get your health coaching from a doctor that can be your coach and friend and not a pill-pusher who gives you five minutes of his time. As Vasconcelos your countryman said, we are the “cosmic race”, so let’s act like we are just that. Take back control of your health; yes even that of your genes. ¡Si se puede! Dr Casañas Dr. Casañas is a Board Certified Internist and Board Certified Pain Management specialist. Dr. Casañas practices out of two offices, Unicorn Medical office in West Tampa and Lunasol Institute in Westchase. Submit your question for Dr. Casañas by emailing: AskElDoctor@ Or contact him directly at: (813) 855-6530.

February - april 2008 | LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE


Biz block



Barking dogs, screaming kids, a blaring television—these are the sounds you don’t want a client to hear when you run your business from home.

¿Y ahora que? Now What? Marketing tips for today’s business Entrepreneur. How effective is your “own” Marketing Plan


Ambition comes before the fall. Many small businesses make the mistake of jumping into too many marketing and advertising initiatives but fail to plan according to their resources. So what they end up doing is, NOT following through the original plan on each one. You are much better off if you do fewer things, but do them more frequently and well thought out; thus creating integrity in your advertising methods.


Don’t forget your Current market. Of course you want to attract new customers utilizing by your new marketing strategies. Don’t be tempted to forget your current customers which are the VIP’s of your company’s success. Make sure your marketing mix gives them the same attention and a shared budget.


MIX it up! You can be adamant of only using one channel for marketing such as, word of mouth, direct mail, e-newsletters, e-blasts, printed media or an interactive Website. You should really reconsider to deliver your message through a variety of media. The term “marketing mix” is not just a winsome name. By planning a more diverse campaign, you increase your reach to your specific target and cause a better impression.


Let the Pro’s handle your marketing and media plan. Knowledge is power. That is, power for increasing your bottom line. You might be an expert in your business, but do you really want to guess and take a chance at what you think will work as an effective marketing and Ad campaign? ¿Y ahora que? –Now what? It is so easy to spend your hard earned marketing and advertising budget doing the wrong things. An effective marketing plan can bring you closer to your goals and you will see the return on your investment a lot sooner. Seek advice. Neysa Rodriguez-Battistini VP and Marketing Specialist Hands In Motion Music Production & AD Media


LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE | February - april 2008

When you own a business, you can’t afford to look unprofessional—and you may not need or want to spend thousands in rent or a mortgage, office supplies, a receptionist’s salary and other expenses that accumulate with a traditional office space. So many businesses rely on communicating mainly by phone or e-mail—things that don’t require being in an office. That’s where Intelligent Office, a virtual office, comes in. You can work from anywhere—the golf course, your car or at home—and for a fraction of the cost of a traditional office, its impressive Tampa facility will serve as your office base. When a client calls your business number, a trained receptionist will answer the phone with the greeting you request, and then transfer the call to you or text you with the message. Wherever you are, it’s just as if you’re in the office as the call is screened, announced and connected to you. The company offers a temporary and virtual workplace with all the amenities—fully equipped



offices, conference rooms, copiers, high speed internet and office supplies. Whether you need a permanent remote receptionist, or an office for an hour, a month or a year, Intelligent Office has a plan to fit your business needs. From attorneys to real estate agents, hundreds of businesses in the Bay area are taking advantage of this service. It’s not just about saving money, says sales coordinator, Karen Gillman. It’s about living a great lifestyle. So work from anywhere, or take that vacation, and feel secure that your business will be taken care of— calls answered, messages taken, mail delivered— by your professional staff at Intelligent Office. For more information,




The “BrunchMasters”

his diverse group of Business Professionals will meet twice a month to exchange ideas and referrals with other local business professionals. The “Brunch” meeting will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month between the hours of 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM, @ The Original Brunchery @ 3611 W. Hillsborough Ave in Tampa. Informal networking begins at 9:15 AM. Brunch is served at the low cost of $10.00 all inclusive. The networking social will take place on the 1st. Friday of month at Mirage Restaurant and Lounge @ 3605 W. Hillsborough Ave in Tampa, FL. Present at the first meeting were the following: Jackie Rojas – Quinones, Hig Rodriguez Dillinger, Al Frederick, Jolie Gonzalez, Teresa De La Torre, Leo Alvarez, Dr. Sybil Johnson, Sylvia Alvarez, Wanda DeLaRosa and Blanca Madrid.

For complete coverage of this feature, please visit our website at: where complete interviews and bios are available are available for you to read!

Meet some of Tampa Bay’s

Latina Movers N Shakers In this issue of Latin Times Magazine, we celebrate this special time by introducing you to some of the wonderful and talented Latinas that live there here in the Tampa Bay area. These women are out there paving our paths each and everyday! Strong, intelligent and beautiful Latinas!

Damaris Soto Frassica

Title: Marketing Director/ Office Administrator Business Name: Habitat Home Realty of Florida, Inc. Latin Times: How did you get involved with your profession? Damaris: I established Habitat Home Realty of Florida, 21 years ago when I arrived in Florida. It has transformed from a real estate management company to real estate sales and investment firm. 90% of our sales are within the Hispanic community. Latin Times: What was your toughest moment or obstacle in being a Latina business woman or community leader? Damaris: When I was living in Boston, Mass. and I applied for my first job, I was very excited; I thought I could do everything with my work experience in the Dominican Republic. My first week at the workplace, I was fired due to my verbal communication skills, and heavy Hispanic accent; that was a wake- up call for me. I realized I needed to go to school for English.

Alicia Trigo

Title: Executive Director Southeast Region Business Name: Verizon Telecom Latin Times: What is your profession? Alicia: Sales and Marketing Executive Director for the Southeast Region of Verizon Telecom, and President of An Amazing Organization, Inc. Latin Times: What was your toughest moment or obstacle in being a Latina business woman / or 16

LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE | February - april 2008

community leader? Alicia: It is difficult to define a tough moment as a Latina, mainly because anything that can be challenging for a Latina can be overcome with grace; but as a woman it has been very tough to balance a healthy mother time with my daughter and still stay connected with business. It took me some time to master a schedule in which I keep a diligent record of steady mom and daughter time while also investing time at work and with the community which I love so much. Now my daughter helps me with the community endeavors and I make appointments to spend quality time with her without delays or cancellations. I now have a metric system to keep me real!

Vanessa Vazquez

Title: Online Producer Business Name: Latin Times: What is your profession? Vanessa: I am the Content Producer for the daily website CENTROtampa. com and write some entertainment stories for the weekly and sister publication CENTRO Mi Diario. Latin Times: How did you get involved with your profession? Vanessa: I grew up in the newspaper business. I loved how the old time reporters followed their lead of story in order to make a difference (hint, the real Watergate). I became a reporter. Soon I noticed how the internet and computers were becoming part of our lives. When newspaper business experimented with the idea at first, I jumped with them. No one believed it was going to be possible, just like when people believed the CDs were expensive. Now, years later, it has become the “it” medium. A newspaper online complements the three: radio, tv and, of course, the newspaper. It is innovating and challenging, and the outreach is amazing. I love both, the internet to learn my news in the now, and the newspaper to read in-depth of a story.

Maritza Astorquiza Title: Owner Business Name: Coda Sound Inc

Latin Times: How did you get involved with your profession? Maritza: My first profession was various positions with national company for 15 years as a Human Resource professional and then a National Hispanic Marketing director. At one point, I decided that I needed a break from corporate life and decided it was time to work for my own company. I joined my business partner (husband) who had been preparing a new company. Latin Times: Who do you consider to be a role-model to you? Maritza: This is a question that is often asked. As I walk thru life, I believe individuals crossed my path, that have demonstrated strengths that serve to educate me. Role models are not just one person. I believe that I come across role models often although it could be for a brief period of time however their gift to me stays forever.

Maria del Pilar Ortiz Title: News Director / Anchor Business Name: Univision Tampa

Latin Times: What is your profession? Maria del Pilar: Mass Communication / Journalism for the last 10 years I have been working with Univision Tampa. I am

the local News Anchor for the 6 PM Broadcast and the New Director for all our news programming including “Al Despertar” and the 6 and 1:00 PM newscasts. Latin Times: What does being Latina mean to you? Maria del Pilar: EVERYTHING! I am myself in Spanish. I love my culture, my roots and my background. I want to the best person I can be, on a daily basis. I do my best to make decisions based on the values that my family taught me over the years.

Maria Esther Carrillo

Title: Founder Director Business Name: TICH Hispanic American Inter Cultural Workshop/ Taller Inter Cultural Hispano Americano. Latin Times: What was your toughest moment or obstacle in being a Latina business woman / or community leader? Maria Esther: Yo llegue a Estados Unidos con una educación y experiencia Professional de varios años adquirida en Colombia, en otra cultura y en otro lenguaje; el español. Aprender el idioma, aprender otra cultura, aprender como funciona el sistema norteamericano, particularmente en el sector de las entidades sin ánimo de lucro ha sido difícil. Pero lo más difícil ha sido no tener mi familia a mi lado y vivir sola con mi esposo y 2 hijos, lejos de las voces, el amor y el apoyo de mis padres y de mis 8 hermanos. Latin Times: What does being Latina mean to you? Maria Esther: Ser Latina significa para mi identidad cultural y eso va desde la forma como me expreso es decir desde el idioma que domino, la música, arte, comida, danza que disfruto hasta la percepción e interpretación de la comunidad que me rodea, como también significa la definición de mi compromiso con mi propia comunidad hispana y la comunidad en general norteamericana.

Agustina Guerrero

Title: Press Secretary Business Name: Congresswoman Kathy Castor Latin Times: Who do you consider to be a role-model to you? And why/ how? Agustina: My mother is my role model. She was a history teacher in high-school, and also an excellent mother.

She juggled the important jobs of motherhood and her profession in an outstanding way, shining in everything she did, respecting others, and always giving 100 percent of herself in the process. Latin Times: What did you dream of being when you were a little girl? Agustina: I always wanted to be an announcer on TV or radio. I’ve always loved journalism, and in fact I still consider myself a journalist, which was my previous job, before taking this position with Congresswoman Castor.

Madeline Rivera

Title: Morning News Anchor Business Name: Univision Channel 62 Latin Times: Who do you consider to be a role-model to you? Madeline: I have a couple, but the first one is my mother, because she taught me manners and she educated me very well. I always receive compliments about that. For my profession, I admire Howard Shapiro a lot. I love his style; I do not copy him, but try to be more on the colloquial side. Latin Times: What are some of your immediate goals? Madeline: Every day, I try to learn more about different areas of my profession, for instance, how to be a better reporter, a better producer, and a better weather-woman. But in the future, I would like to get involved with a group that motivates other people who have low self-esteem. I think this is particularly important in our Latin community.

Raquel Aché Leonard

Title: Community Ambassador & Resident Artist Business Name: Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center Patel Conservatory and at TECO Children’s Gallery of Art. Latin Times: What is your profession? Raquel: I was a born artist. I studied to be a professional artist (Performer dance, theater) Right now I am an educator and performer working at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center as Community Ambassador and at TECO children’s Gallery of Arts as Resident Artist.

Latin Times: What are some of your immediate goals? Raquel: My immediate goals are: First: to continue striving to accomplish The American Dance Theater Ensemble Company as a venue to educate, entertain and to give this community the most important an interesting Ensemble Company. Second to continue the outreach programs with the diversity of culture. Latin Times: What message would you send to other aspiring Latinas, young and old about the pursuit of a woman’s dreams? Raquel: To be authentic, consistent, and to strive for their dreams, with vision and mission of what they really want to pursuit.

Norma Camero Reno Title: International Attorney Business Name: N/A

Latin Times: What is your profession? Norma: International Attorney Latin Times: What is your definition of the word success? Norma: Success is what exudes from the personality. It is not how much you have in your wallet or where you come from; it is something you can feel by touching or by looking at a person. Sometimes, just talking to somebody you can feel if the person is successful, the way a person moves or walk, or sees is a good way of knowing how successful a person can be. Successful people are determinant and don’t let others dictate the way they should act. Latin Times: Tell us about your family. Norma: My mother has 3 children and she raised 5 more. We were raised as a very closed family, with little money but lots of love. My mother used to help many people in her neighborhood. I have a brother and a sister living in Venezuela. I have 3 daughters (36 years old, 35 yrs. old and 25 yrs. old). They are all graduated from the university and very successful young women. I am very proud of them. I consider my family to be a happy family. My husband is a very respectful person, very intelligent and very sweet. I consider myself lucky to have found him.

For complete coverage of this feature, please visit our website at: where complete interviews and bios are available are available for you to read!

Ella es abuela, madre, hermana, prima, sobrina, nuera, hija, o nieta. Ella es cuñada, vecina, amiga… ...Mujer Latina – Jolie

February - april 2008 | LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE



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Horoscope highway

America Georgine Ferrera

(born April 18, 1984) is a Latina actress. She is perhaps best known for her Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild, and Emmy Award-winning role as Betty Suarez on the ABC television comedy-drama series Ugly Betty, and for her roles in the films Real Women Have Curves and The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. America is the youngest of 6 siblings, born in Los Angeles, California, to Honduran parents. She was raised by her mother, and started acting at the age of 8 in school plays and community theater. Ferrera has noted the contrast between the image of the “typical Latina” experience and her own childhood, where growing up in a mostly Jewish, nonHispanic neighborhood, she attended 52 bar mitzvahs and not a single quinceañera”. In 2006, she landed the lead role in Ugly Betty, an adaptation of the Colombian hit telenovela Betty La Fea, in which she portrays a girl whom her peers find extremely unattractive, thus the series title. As Betty Suarez, Ferrera wears fake braces on her teeth, bushy eyebrows and a disheveled wig, and make-up and clothing intended to downplay her own looks. Ferrera’s famous smile is reportedly insured by Lloyd’s of London for $10 million. For her role in Ugly Betty, Ferrera won a 2007 Golden Globe for her performance, beating out fellow nominees Marcia Cross, Felicity Huffman, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Mary-Louise Parker. As a result of the award, she was congratulated by the U.S. House of Representatives as being a role model for young Hispanics. In January 2007 Ferrera won the prestigious Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Female Actor in a Comedy Series. In 2007, Time Magazine chose Ferrera as one of the top artists and entertainers in their “Time 100: The Most Influential People In The World” issue. In July 2007, America Ferrera also won Imagen Foundation’s Creative Achievement Award. In September 2007, Ferrera won a Primetime Emmy Award for her role of Betty Suarez on ABC’s Ugly Betty.


LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE | February - april 2008

By: La Chic A’Divina | Note: Written in Spanglish Aries (March 21 – April 19) Your work figures strongly en el 2008! This is the year you reap what you sow! Continue sowing, there will be lots y lots of great oportunidades! Your energy y confidence increase dramatically at the end of January. This is a gradual process that begins then y builds through February y March. El Romance se calienta en Mayo y your strongest financial period en el 2008 is April and May!

Scorpio (Oct. 24 – Nov. 21) Communications, learning, y social contact are areas de tu vida that are undergoing a major transformation in 2008. You are becoming more conservative y cautious with your finances. At the same time, your ability to communicate and get your mensaje across is enhanced. October is an exceptionally busy, romantic, and dynamic month for you in 2008, when love, partnership, and work seek you out and find you.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) What awaits you in 2008? Travel y aventura look for you and you feel very inquieto/a! Your 2008 highlights? Lots of opportunities to travel, or to study will expand your horizons, and to meet Nuevo y exciting people. Your strongest financial period en el 2008 will be in May and June. Make that dinero work for you!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) 2008 starts an año-long trend towards greater abundance of personal income. At the root of your focus this year is your deseo for increased freedom, and you instinctively feel that taking care of your practical affairs will help you to eventually enjoy mas freedom of movement. Amor finds you most easily in April and from mid-November to the end of the year.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21) Big learning year is ahead for you, as learning to share on financial and intimo levels brings you mucha felicidad. A bigger drive for reorganizing your home and domestic life comes into play. Other people’s dinero may come your way or you might secure some real estate. This is a year in which you develop and enhance your sexualidad on a deep level. Septiembre brings the strongest period for romance and fun to you. Cancer (June 22 – July 22) 2008 brings you un nuevo personal cycle, and you feel fresh and re-energized. It’s all about you now, so es tiempo to put your best piez forward. Some people find themselves feeling restless, discontented, or in an emotional state, or that there is mas on their plato than they expected or wanted. If this is you, remember that these feelings are there por que you need to make a change, however grande or small. Use it to stimulate activity and positive change. Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) 2008 is certainly going to be an easier año than 2006 or 2007 were for you. This year, you find joy in even your daily routines. A move towards working out of your casa is likely for many of you. If you have been trying to land a dream trabajo, this is more likely to occur in 2008. Avoid over-analyzing your personal relaciones, or treating them more like businesses. Finances are a serious matter for you this year, and you could take pleasure in building your resources and analyzing your dinero flow. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) A beautiful trend occurs for you in 2008! Virgos are learning to let their cabello down and have some serious fun this year! You will enjoy tremendous energía, and feel like you could move montañas. Getting your vida completely on track is also a strong theme, but you are able to find a healthy balance between el trabajo and play. The strongest month for money is in September. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 23) An energetic transformation of your vida personal is in the works for you in 2008. You could be making dinero from home, acquiring new items for the home that involve networking, and devoting much energy to building and maintaining your “nest”. You are likely to be making money from your home, and there is certainly mucha actividad on the home front. September is an exceptionally busy and prospero mes en 2008 for you.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) 2008 es excelente for personal popularity and influence, as well as for getting your personal initiatives off the ground. You have special charisma y magnetism this year. You tend to be mas helpful to others and spiritually inclined now, and a healthy perspective on your vida helps to keep everyday stresses from getting to you too much. Love finds you more readily in the first half of Febrero and in the first half of May. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Your intuition is heightened to grande levels this year. While 2008 is a contented one on many levels, you enjoy an increasing feeling of hope, optimism, and spiritual protection. You are building your resources, getting your finances straightened out, and learning mucho about what makes you, and the people around you, tick. In 2008, you are working on perfecting el arte of intimate bonding with another persona on a deep level. An especially active period for career matters occurs in octubre. Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Networking and branching out brings you mucha felicidad en 2008! Your business income looks fortunate, and benefits come from friendships and group associations. La vida is a little more challenging when it comes to closer personal connections con otros. This is a year when partnerships come under scrutiny, and it may not always be pleasant. In fact, for some of you, this year and next are “make or break” in this area of your vida. In the past 4-5 years you have been hell-bent on expressing yourself freely, and this trend continues en 2008.

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Calle social

Join us at the Latin ConneXions Business Networking Socials by Latin Times Magazine!


Over 200 Business Professionals through the 3 + hour event, First 50 people receive a free drink ticket! Free Parking, Complimentary Buffet & Entertainment! Great Networking Opportunities!

Leaders, Corporate Professionals, Doctors, Attorneys, Real Estate Professionals, and MORE! Events are fun, and you will find people easy to speak with and to approach. Meet your next client here, or make a new friend!

The first 2 hours of these events are a business card exchange. Latin ConneXions offers you a unique opportunity to meet and great other local business professionals. Latin ConneXions guests include Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Community

Sponsored: Latin Times Magazine, Fiesta Creators, The Brunchmaster, Mirage Restaurant and Lounge, Pollo Tropical, US Exhibit/sponsorship opportunities: (813) 901-5292 or email: JGonzalez@


For exhibit/sponsorship opportunities for any of the events listed above, please email: or call: (813) 901-5292 Every 1st. Friday of the Month! Presented by: Latin Times Magazine Price: Free Time: 5:45pm – 9:30pm Visit:

3rd Annual Christmas Toy Drive

Casino Night

Sponsored By: Elite Casino

Calle social


Don’t miss these exciting upcoming Latin ConneXions events! Friday, February 29th, 2008 (Leap Year!) Latin ConneXions Small Business Expo in Ybor @ Centro Asturiano 1913 Nebraska Avenue in Tampa (Ybor City). 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM Get your exhibit space today. Over 30 companies expected. Great music, Art exhibit and more!! FREE to attend. First 50 People receive a FREE DRINK TICKET. FREE Parking, Complimentary Buffet - Great networking!








1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

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The Team

Friday, March 7th, 2008 1st Friday Latin ConneXions – Business Networking Social @ Mirage Restaurant & Lounge – 3605 Hillsborough Avenue, (Tampa). Held on the 1st Friday of every month, this is Tampa Bay’s premier monthly business networking social, and the biggest, most exciting business networking social in Tampa Bay! Bring plenty of business cards and your dancing shoes. Free parking. Complimentary buffet: Pollo Tropical, great giveaways and much more! Presented By: Latin Times Magazine. Price: Free, Time: 5:45pm – 9:00pm. Friday, April 4th, 2008 “3rd Anniversary Celebration of Latin ConneXions Business Networking Socials @ Mirage – 3605 Hillsborough Avenue, (Tampa). Held on the 1st Friday of every month, this is the biggest, most exciting business networking social in Tampa Bay! Bring plenty of business cards and your dancing shoes. Free parking & buffet, giveaways and much more! Presented By: Latin Times Magazine. Price: Free, Time: 5:45pm – 10:00pm. To exhibit your company or for sponsorship info: (813) 901-5292 or email: events@



Elite Casinos |

Explosion Latina


A Publication for the Elite Latino • February - april 2008 | LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE


bochinche boulevard

Sponsored by:

Mirage Still the best Latin Nights in Tampa Mirage Restaurant and Lounge @ 3605 W. Hillsborough Ave in Tampa, FL, is a great place to hang out on Friday nights if you are a “Salsa Lover”, Mirage is also home of the 1st. Friday, Latin ConneXions events. Info:

Mr. Regason! Born in Puerto Rico in 1981, Anibal Oyola was born into a world of music, rhythm, and dance. Those first few years would shape his future ambitions, but in 1986 the family moved to Detroit MI. Though immersed into another world, music and rhythm remained a part of young Anibal’s environment. Still the family hadn’t found its “home”; and moved on to Rochester, NY. It was there that he was introduced to rap. He had cousins that rapped and they would take him along to the studio. This was the beginning of the Mr. Regason’s future, it was also around this time he started being called “Pichy”. His family made another move, finally settling in Tampa Bay. It wasn’t long before “Pichy” was becoming a strong talent. He soon became a fixture on the open mic circuit locally and regionally, finally ending up at Rising Sun Music Studios. He was originally part of a project for another artist but soon got the attention of John Seda, president

of Rising Sun Music. John started to feature “Pichy” on projects and was impressed with how easily he worked with the musicians that recorded at the studio. Rising Sun Music had just finished a project very close to the roots Pichy was used to. They decided to do a few test tracks and see what developed. What came out was “Mr. Regason”, his first full project on Rising Sun Music. Says Mr. Reggae Son, “I grew up rapping to all kinds of beats. So, my music is diverse, which is something they love at Rising Sun Music anyway. You will hear a lot of different beats and rhythms, a lot of feels and styles in my music I think the world is ready for my sound.” For more information on Mr. Regason, email: risingsunmusic@verizon. net

Festival El Día De Los Tres Reyes Magos On January 6, 2008, the Northwest Hillsborough YMCA celebrated “El Día De Los Tres Reyes Magos,” the Epiphany, remembering the day when the Three Wise Kings following the star to Bethlehem, arrived bearing their treasured gifts to Baby Jesus. The Northwest Hillsborough YMCA celebrated this day with the Hispanic community of Tampa Bay. Guests enjoyed ethnic foods, live entertainment, toy give-a-ways and a drawing for 20 bikes. Toys will were given to children as supplies lasted. The event was free and attracted many people!

Green Iguana Another Great Vaya DJ production @ Green Iguana Fabulous Thursday Latin Nights!

Floyd’s hot latin nights Every Thursday @ The Hard Rock Seminole Casino!


LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE | February - april 2008


bochinche boulevard

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Conga Caliente festival which was held on November 11th, 2007 @ Al Lopez Another Great The Park in Tampa, Florida was a HUGE success for the 4th consecutive year! With a an incredible line-up of exciting Latin Talent, the event attractive well over 30,000 Year For The people. Conga Caliente Conga Caliente is produced by Coda Sounds, for more information on other great Festival! events produced by Conga Caliente, please visit:

Latin Times Team Delivers Hundreds of Toys to Needy Children on Christmas Day!

Plenty of kids had big smiles this past Christmas when the Latin Times team, led by the Sodre family delivered toys collected at the 3rd Annual Latin Times Children’s Toy Drive! A Big THANK YOU to all of you that supported our 3rd Annual Drive! Thank you to Laura Gomez, of Regions Bank and her beautiful daughter for helping us in distributing the Toys on Christmas morning!

Kids Are Heroes TOO!

Congratulations to Steven Esposito, Jr., who was presented with an award for being a HERO!

February - april 2008 | LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE


Cruisin la calle

The Biggest Latin Jazz Concert to hit Tampa Bay! Thursday, April 10th, 2008 “East Meets West”

(El Oriente llega al Oxidente) is a cultural musical event infusing the soul of Latin rhythms with the magic of the Land of the Rising Sun. Directly from Japan, “The Magic Flute” Rie Akagi featuring her “Japo-Boricua” Latin Jazz Band, in their US Caribbean Tour share their music of Latin Jazz along with a special performance by Grammy Winner Lannie Battistini and his “Hands in Motion” Latin Jazz Quintet.

With Special Performances by world famous, Grand Master Conguero, Giovanni Hidalgo!

This is a can’t miss performance of three master musicians!

Produced by Hands In Motion Music Productions and Latin Times, LLC. A limited number of VIP tickets are also available, pricing includes a Sushi and Latin Buffet, Champaign and the opportunity to mix and mingle with performers! For Tickets and sponsorship opportunities call: (813) 901-5292 or visit: or

[ Time for Sabor Sensations! ] If you have yet to visit this trendy new spot, located at 4020 W. Kennedy Ave in Tampa, then you definitely should! Sabor Sensations is a new cafe concept, created in September of 2006 and opened to the public on March 31st of 2007. “Our aim is to introduce tropical flavors from Colombia to the Tampa Bay Area.”

Giovanni Hidalgo

Why Tropical Gourmet Cafe? It is a Tropical Gourmet Cafe because Colombia is geographically located in the tropical zone in the northwest region of South America, surrounded by both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and bordered by Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Panama.


What’s on the menu? The Sabor Sensations menu offers a wide variety of dishes for all tastes and includes healthy and custom items freshly prepared with high-quality ingredients that contain Zero Trans-fat oil.

Giovanni first became popular outside of Puerto Rico in the early eighties when traveling to Cuba to work with the group Batacumbele, in which he forged his life-long friendship with Changuito. Hidalgo soon after appeared on Batacumele's debut album, which has subsequently become a cult favorite. Featuring his incredible hand-drumming technique, the album shot Giovanni to instant prominence. Inspired by his method, Cuban musicians incorporated it into their own, hybrid musical style called Songo.

The dishes are a modern interpretation of many traditional Colombian dishes that include diverse foods, seasonings, preparation methods and ethnic influences. Colombian cuisine has a big European influence, which is the reason why crepes and sauces are widely featured on the menu. To find out more about Sabor Sensations, please visit their website at:


LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE | February - april 2008

idely acknowledged as one of the greatest Congueros of our time, Puerto Rican born LP artist, Giovanni Hidalgo, began playing percussion at the age of five. Born into a family of musicians, Giovanni first played on a set of congas handcrafted by his father, the great Jose "Maneñgue" Hidalgo.

While performing with Eddie Palmieri in New York, Giovanni forged another life-long friendship, this time with Dizzy Gillespie, with whom he toured in 1988 as a member of Gillespie's United Nations Orchestra. He has also toured extensively with Tito Puente and

Mickey Hart's Planet Drum, and has performed with the likes of Dave Valentin, Paquito d'Rivera, and Carlos Santana. In 1992, Giovanni accepted a teaching position at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. That same year, he released his first solo album, Villa Hidalgo, following it up with Worldwide in 1993. His collaborative effort with pianist, Michel Camilo, Hands of Rhythm, released in 1997, was nominated for a Grammy award in The Best Latin Jazz category. An unrivaled performer, whose skill and technique are admired by percussionists around the world, Giovanni is constantly evolving as a musician. His style is a melding of Latin, jazz, and folkloric influences, delivered in his signature nimble handed fashion. In 2000, The Conga Kings, comprised of himself, Candido Camero, and Patato Valdez, was released; the follow up in 2001 was Jazz Descargas. Don’t miss his special performance on Thursday, April 10, 2008! For more info visit:

Cruisin la calle

Great New Tampa Bay Locations! Pollo Tropical (pronounced Po-Yo Tropical) – wildly famous

throughout South and Central Florida for its signature citrus marinated, flame-grilled chicken is bringing its secret recipes and fresh ingredients to Oldsmar by opening its fourth restaurant in the greater Tampa Bay area. Pollo Tropical will open on Tampa Road (3134 Tampa Road by the AMC 20) in early March with grand opening festivities scheduled for Friday, March 7 and Saturday, March 8. Officials from the city of Oldsmar and Pinellas County will be on hand for a ribbon-cutting ceremony. The family-friendly bash will also include tropical games, interaction with Pollo Tropical mascots, games and prizes. All the festivities are free and open to the public.

Latin Times

By Marti Lopez

covers the World Salsa Championships in Orlando, FL!

Pollo Tropical also offers a number of savory Caribbean and Latin-inspired side dishes to complement the flavorful chicken. All are made-from-scratch and include black beans, rice, corn, yuca (pronounced You-Ca), plantains, and soup. The chicken is marinated in a secret blend of tropical fruit juices for 24 hours before it grilled to perfection over an open flame. In addition to great taste, Pollo Tropical is also known for its great value.

For more information about Pollo Tropical, including menu items and locations, visit them online at

Late Night Dinner @ The Black Palm Restaurant with Tito Puente, Jr.

The Latin Times team caught up with Tito Puente Jr., while he was in town performing with the Florida Orchestra, for a delicious late night dinner at one of Tampa Bay’s best Latin Restaurants – The Black Palm, which is located right off of St. Pete Beach. The Black Palm Restaurant offers the best in South American and Caribbean cuisine, where tradition fused with creativity bring innovated Latin cuisine to Pass A Grille, Florida. Dine indoors or on the patio under the stars and enjoy the succulent seafood, tropical salads, Chimichurri-marinated meats and signature Ceviches. A very special thank you to owners; Mr. & Mrs. Lui Arrango, and also to Mr. Max Martin for including us in this gathering! 109 8th Avenue Pass-A-Grille, Florida. (727) 360-5000 Info:


he 3rd Annual World Salsa Championships took place at Disney’s Coronado Spring Resorts on December 12 – 16, 2007, and it was vastly entertaining and explosive, complete with exhibitor championship dance competitions, seminars, and after-parties! El Gran Combo provided a live performance for one of the after parties, and they rocked the Resort! Albert Torres, the world’s premier producer of live salsa music and dance events, along with a group of salsa lovers called “Salsa Seven”, have created this magnificent showcase of entertainment, with talent coming from all over the world to passionately compete to this wonderful music we call Salsa. Some of the events that Albert Torres has created, known as “Salsa Congresses” have taken place in exotic Dubai, The United Arab Emirates, Japan, Hong Kong, Holland, Hamburg, France, Spain, Guadeloupe and England. The 1st and 2nd World Salsa Championships took place in Las Vegas in 2005 and 2006; we are happy that the Salsa Seven chose Orlando’s Disney Coronado Spring Resorts as the location for the 3rd WSC. We certainly hope to see them again next year! For more information on the WSC and Salsa Congresses, go to or visit February - april 2008 | LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE








Action Avenue Thursday, February 7th, 2008 – Monday, February 18th, 2008 Florida State Fair @ The Florida State Fairgrounds The Florida State Fair Authority (FSFA) will unveil the new LA PLAZA Hispanic Village at the 2008 Florida State Fair on February 7-18, 2008. The Fair’s LA PLAZA Hispanic Village will offer authentic food from various Hispanic countries, shopping, live entertainment, and other cultural activities representing the Latino community. It will be located near lakeside on the south end of the Fairgrounds by the giant slide and across the street from the stage where Spanish Lyric Theatre performs during the Fair. Info: Monday, February 18, 2008 Van Halen @ St. Pete Times Forum (Tampa, FL) 7:30 PM – Friday, February 22nd, 2008 Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce of the Gulf Coast - Luncheon @ Latam Restaurant in Ybor City, Tampa – 1903 Nebraska Ave. $20.00 includes a delicious buffet. Guests speakers and networking opportunities. Info: (813) 884-0267 Friday, February 29th, 2008 (Leap Year!) Latin ConneXions Small Business Expo in Ybor @ Centro Asturiano 1913 Nebraska Avenue in Tampa (Ybor City). 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM Get your exhibit space today. Over 30 companies expected. Great music, Art exhibit and more!! FREE to attend. First 50 People receive a FREE DRINK TICKET. FREE Parking, Complimentary Buffet - Great networking! For participation options: (813) 901-5292 or Tuesday, March 4, 2008 Gypsy Kings LIVE @ Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, FL The Gipsy Kings are largely responsible for bringing the joyful sounds of progressive pop-oriented flamenco, called Sevillana in Spain, to the world. The band started out in Arles, a village in southern France during the ‘70s when brothers Nicolas and Andre Reyes, the sons of renowned flamenco artist Jose Reyes, teamed up with their cousins Jacques, Maurice and Tonino Baliardo. Concert: 8:00 PM. Tickets: Friday, March 7th, 2008 1st Friday Latin ConneXions – Business Networking Social @ Mirage Restaurant & Lounge – 3605 Hillsborough Avenue, (Tampa). Held on the 1st Friday of every month, this is Tampa Bay’s premier monthly business networking social, and the biggest, most exciting business networking social in Tampa Bay! Bring plenty of business cards and your dancing shoes. Free parking. Complimentary buffet: Pollo Tropical, great giveaways and much more! Presented By: Latin Times Magazine. Price: Free, Time: 5:45pm – 9:00pm. To exhibit your company or for sponsorship info: (813)901-5292 or email: 1stFriday@


LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE | February - april 2008

Sunday, March 9th, 2008 Blue Man Group @ St. Pete Times Forum (Tampa, FL) 7:30 PM – Tickets: Friday, March 14, 1008 Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce of the Gulf Coast – Networking Social @ Jackson’s Bistro on the Harbor @ 601 S. Harbor Island Blvd. Join the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce of the Gulf Coast for this Business Networking Social and enjoy a complimentary buffet, great music and lots of great networking opportunities. $5.00 Day at door. For more information: (813) 884-0267 Sunday, March 16, 2008 Calle Ocho – Miami, Florida Part of the popular Carnaval Miami season, the Calle Ocho Festival brings a fabulous finale to the twoweek program of events. Spread across a 23-block area in the heart of Miami, the festival features three distinct zones with entertainment and attractions for visitors of all ages. Live music provides a continuous soundtrack to the day with bands and musicians performing a range of different musical styles across 30 different stages located on each block intersection. Other attractions include a KidzZone with plenty of events for children, a food and drink area selling mouth-watering dishes from all over the world and special cultural displays and workshops. An estimated 1 million people attend the festival each year creating a fabulous party atmosphere Info: Friday, April 4th, 2008 “3rd Anniversary Celebration of Latin ConneXions Business Networking Socials @ Mirage – 3605 Hillsborough Avenue, (Tampa). Held on the 1st Friday of every month, this is the biggest, most exciting business networking social in Tampa Bay! Bring plenty of business cards and your dancing shoes. Free parking & buffet, giveaways and much more! Presented By: Latin Times Magazine. Price: Free, Time: 5:45pm – 10:00pm. To exhibit your company or for sponsorship info: (813) 901-5292 or email: Big Special Event! Thursday, April 10, 2008 Japo-Boricua, International Latin Jazz Band in LIVE Concert with special performance by: Master Congero Giovanni Hidalgo & Grammy Winner Lannie Battistini @ Green Iguana, 9202 Anderson Road in Tampa, FL. Direct from Japan, in a concert of world wide significance; join us for this once in a lifetime performance of these master musicians, that are famous throughout the world! One exciting night full of spectacular performances, Sushi and Latin Food! Limited VIP tickets are available. Please contact us for participation options! Produced by: Hands in Motion Music and Advertising Media, LLC, and Latin Times, LLC. Tickets: LatinJazzConcert@thelatinvillage. com or call: (813) 901-5292 or (813) 655-9292 or visit our website at: to purchase tickets online. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Sunday, April 13th, 2008 Bright House Networks Fiesta Medina – Orlando, Florida For information: Renesproductions. com

Saturday, April 26th and Sunday, April 27th, 2008. SummerFEST LIVE 2008 – Largo Central Park in Largo, FL. Saturday: Tito Puente, Jr. with his band will be taking the stage at 8:15 – 9:45p.m. Tito has been following in his father’s footsteps. Performing his father’s music, which is not only Latin Jazz but rhythm and blues as well. Sunday: The Neville Brothers are back, which means be ready for the feel and depths of New Orleans rhythm and blues to hit Largo. The Neville’s continue to provoke, entertain and excite audiences around the globe. This is a FREE festival! For more information on SummerFest, to sponsor or to volunteer, go to or call 727-584-3528. Saturday, April 26th, 2008 20th Annual Puerto Rico Cultural Parade of Florida in Tampa, FL Parade starts at: Noon, Festival from 1 – 10 PM. Folklore festival with musical groups and performers coming from Puerto Rico, New York and throughout the United States. Admission to festival and parade is free. Family oriented event. For more information, visit: Friday, May 2nd, 2008 – 4th Annual Cinco de Mayo Celebration @ 1st Friday Latin ConneXions – Business Networking Social in Tampa, FL @ Mirage @ 3605 Hillsborough Avenue, (Tampa). Held on the 1st Friday of every month, this is the biggest, most exciting business networking social in Tampa Bay! Bring plenty of business cards and your dancing shoes. Enjoy a delicious complimentary FREE Mexican buffet! Free parking, giveaways and much more! Presented By: Latin Times Magazine. Price: Free, Time: 5:45pm – 10:00pm. To exhibit your company or for sponsorship info: (813) 9015292 or email: Saturday, May, 2008 (Date to be announced) Ladies Tea Party – By Invitation Only Just for ladies tea party/meeting. Held in West Tampa, on the top floor of a charming and unique business that will delight as your explore it! Join us at this elegant and exact replication of Victorian Ladies Tea Cottage. Complete with elegant chaise lounges, parlor room, and a minimuseum room filled with great feminine treasures. On the menu: An array of hand selected Teas from all around the world. Spoil yourself with such delicious delights such as petite sandwiches, Savannah honey & cheese board, chocolate fountain, fruit compote, an incredible assortment of chocolates, cookies, petit fours and more! Enjoy the roof-top Spa we create, while relaxing under the firm hands of your own personal massage therapist, get a pedicure, a manicure, facial and more! Shop at the little rooftop shopping village we have created with perfect ladies treasures and gifts. This invite is for the elite, of the elite and is limited to just 40 ladies, by invitation only. Info: or call (813) 9015292. Tickets: $50.00 in advance, $55.00 day of event. Sponsorship opportunities are available.

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