May - July
2nd Quarter 2008
Volume 7 No 2
LATINTIMES A Publication for the Elite Latino
Carlos Peña
En la Comunidad
Meet Anita De Palma, Miriam Velez and Susan Valdez, three outstanding local Latinas currently running for office!
Biz Block Don’t miss our exciting
upcoming business networking events!
Coming Soon! Tampa Bay’s 1st Annual Elite Latino Awards – 2008 Pg. 15
Además: Meet some of Tampa Bay’s LatinO Movers N Shakers... Roy De Jesus
Orlando Nieves
Jorge Hernandez
Luis Lopez
Jayme Ribiero Neto
Abel Ibarra
Hig Rodriguez Dillinger
Luis Baron
Enrique Cabrera
Jorge Vazquez
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Tampa Bay’s Latino Movers N Shakers BAY’S e visit
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EN SSM E N I was BUS ly sister my on k jubilant r that, or TINO A ars afte from w d to ye L 4 de ck d ci ba G had de born, an y dad came person ked for as I was day, m pany he wor ing the only ADIN m offered rn. One be E co d, bo as e g! w an in L Th rest Juan ppy. ish, he weeks we us inte or long and ha office in San k Span Y’S t makes ediate and/ d spea w office. In 2 ere a at’s wha open an ce that coul imm e ne y. We w nts A BA yles. Th t are your offi O nize th rest is histor P pare d all st ha in the CENTR d orga W an M e : g an th es. My in e ES TIM matter TA manag co, and the tough tim ue grow Tampa Bay. Ri to no in , LATIN to nt co in I hing Puer
A Publication for the Elite Latino
Headquarters Jolie R. González Publisher / Editor In Chief
yt to als? cs in my York. were in y family even ry about an term go O: Right now r all Hispani le to share in New your pp D fo to wor rrio Latino” gives of be ab very ha ORLAN ‘plaza’ ted me proud tually l ba Nothing eone d uly the ver wan e was in “e ld always be to even ith others. ser an m e ne po so into tr lik m lif rd shou rm I’d eat co nces w able to help naciera how ha ht that you e a gr Long te and experie A aunque I were na I quot being ur ug y ’s no ta an Jo Title: da ng ca th was this borin learni sure en if on: TV es. s 9 and to o sería se can ev ore plea st experienc Professi : Bay New roots, te Hou own, “Y be Puerto Ri me m pa ny Roy Br the Whi to my Compa would friend, thanks resee in ñol na” (I Lu n you fo long io . la do at n) En Espa en and/or : Who e this N the Moo did TIMES mediate its tim be a born on : How LATIN ars election? 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ÚS E JES er ROY D Report nchor/ list
Libni Cáceres Creative Director Viviana Saletnig Administrative Intern
ge covera
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co where es.com
w.Lat at: ww
Sergio Sodre Hispanic Market Liaison
A Publication for the Elite Latino Rosa Mercado Editorial Assistant / Staff Writer / Reporter
Carlos Peña
Anthony J. Gonzalez, Jr., Esq. Staff Writer Robert Casañas, M.D. Staff Writer
Roberto Germain Meet Miriam Velez and Susan Staff Writer – The Sports Room Valdez, two outstanding local Latinas currently running for office!
Sales Staff BIZ BLOCK
Don’t miss our exciting upcoming business networking Carmen Santiago events!
Account Executive/Special Reporter
Conchita Burpee Tampa Bay’s 1st Annual Elite Latino Awards – 2008 Intermixx Marketing
O R.
ADEMÁS: Orlando Nieves
Jorge Hernandez
Luis Lopez
Jayme Ribiero Neto
Abel Ibarra
Hig Rodriguez Dillinger
Luis Baron
Enrique Cabrera
Juan Ruíz of Ziur Photography
Thank you to: GOD! Thank you to Alfred Frederick for Business Photography, Carmen Santiago for being a great mom, Nikko Gonzalez for being the best son in the world, and to my wonderful friends, who always seem to be there when I need them the most!
LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE | May - july 2008
Ask el doctor By: Dr. Robert Casañas
15 Main Office: (813) 901-5292 Websites: www.TheLatinVillage.com www.Latin-Times.com For events: www.Latin-Connections.com.
Cover Story Tampa Bay’s Latino Movers N Shakers
Carlos Peña By: Roberto Germain
Horoscope Highway Spanglish Horoscopes By: La Chic A’Divina
Calle Social By: Jolie R. González
Bochinche Blvd
Cruisin La Calle
For a one (1) year subscription (4 issues), please send a check or money order in the amount of $12.00 to: P.O. Box 262574, Tampa, FL 33685-2574
Biz Block By: Jolie González
Enrique Cabrera
Photography / Video
En La Comunidad JAYME NETO By: Jolie GonzálezRIBEIRO
Ask el Abogado By: Anthony J. González, Jr., Esq.
ES MAG Julio Aviles TIN TIM 16 LA Account Executive / Special Reporter MEET SOME OF TAMPA BAY’S LATINO MOVERS N SHAKERS...
Letter from La Editor in Chief By: Jolie González
LY 2008
Roy De Jesus
The Latin Files
Action Avenue Calendario de Eventos
No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent from Latin Times, LLC., 2001-2008.
was ant d to rson ffered ks we were a arents matter York. I of your d oser an a e nacier e er w I if
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letter from the editor
Hola Mi Gente Bonita de la Bahia de Tampa! Welcome to another edition of Latin Times Magazine! The elections are looming ahead, and its time for us to all get ready to vote again, except that this is the “BIG ONE”, the presidential election in the most pivotal election of our time….maybe even all time? The Hispanic vote has always been important, but it has never been more important than it is right now, when there are so many issues such as health care, education and immigration at stake. I am personally committed to this effort, and in the coming months Latin Times will be hosting a voter’s registration drive. I would like to count on the support of all our readers in order to make sure that it is a success! My goal is also to offer more news and education, so that when you do vote – you are educated on all of the “real” facts. If our voice is heard, we can make a difference – and believe ME, our voice is most definitely heard! I know, I’m media, and therefore should refrain from sharing my opinion, and be non-committal, but have you heard of a Latina that could refrain from sharing her opinion…? Keep an eye out on our weekly newsletter for updates! For details on how you can help, please contact me at: JGonzalez@thelatinvillage.com
Summer Time FUN! Summer Time fun is just around the corner and its time to start heading for the beach – I, as always, am thrilled that we live in the Sunshine State, and that here in Tampa Bay we have such easy access to such beautiful beaches. We are currently looking for volunteers to assist us in putting together our first annual Latin Times Picnic! Interested individuals should contact: Events@thelatinvillage.com En El Negocio We are at a time when the local and national economy is going through “bad’ times and life is “rough and tough”, and let’s not forget that those gas prices just keep climbing, and climbing! Some people have lost their jobs, and may be feeling the affects of a partial recession. I think its time to tighten up our “belt strings” or as we say in Puerto Rico, amarate los pantalones! I also think that its time for us to diversify, maybe start by finding new and creative ways to make some residual income, maybe consider a business opportunity, there are many opportunities out there and it’s only a matter of finding them, and studying them, and deciding which one would work best for you, because some of them DO NOT WORK. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is! 6
LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE | May - july 2008
As Latinos/Hispanics we are definitely at an advantage, speaking two languages, and being able to market ourselves internally within our own communities, this is a business skill that is currently in high demand in the business world. If you are the type of person that is interested in finding out about new ways to earn residual or extra income, please email us at: BusinessOpprotunities@thelatinvillage.com for a list of local client business opportunities. Our Fabuloso Events! Please make sure you visit our website often to check on our new and exciting upcoming events! If you are not receiving our e-Latino Weekly Newsletter, please register on our website TODAY! Thank you to God and to my familiar! See you at the next Latin ConneXions! -Sigue Pa’lante, Jolie PS: During the course of working on this issue, I found out that my aunt had passed away from Cancer. Justina Santiago (titi Justy), was such a good woman, who seemed to pass her entire life working hard and battling personal problems, but she was so strong, and she never gave up. I dedicate this issue to her beautiful memory. May she finally rest in peace.
letter from a valued reader “My personal experience with Latin Times has enriched my life significantly! The networking events create opportunities for business owners just like you and me to meet and accomplish more by working together and/or connecting business owners we meet with one another. For example, it only took a few extra minutes for me to recently connect two business owners who quickly found common ground and then worked out an arrangement that was of benefit to both of them. It was a win/win situation! I bring over 20 years of Accounting experience; strong detail and project oriented skills; 12 years in the USAF; a Bachelors Degree from St. Leo University; over 10 years experience with QuickBooks Pro and I am a Certified QuickBooks Pro Advisor. Everyone benefits from networking when they are willing to get involved. It takes such a small effort to do such great things. Why not give it a shot? You have nothing, absolutely NOTHING to lose!!!” Maritza Ruiz, President QuickBooks Pro Solutions
en la comunidad Anita de Palma, Democrat and resident of Pinellas County has joined the race of other Democrats for Florida’s District 9 seat in the US House of Representatives presently held by Republican Gus Bilirakis.
Miriam Velez
Anita de Palma
Although born in New York City, Ms. de Palma has deep family roots in the Tampa Bay area- which traces back to the 1880’s. Anita de Palma has lived in Clearwater for over 20 years and has been involved in National issues for many years. She has just finished 4 terms as Florida State Director of LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens), the oldest and largest civil rights organization in the United States. Her candidacy makes her the only woman and lone Hispanic in the battle for this Congressional seat. For more information, please contact: Anita de Palma, District 9 candidate: (727) 446-0272
VOTE * AUGUST 26, 2008
Shortly after graduation, she began her now 12 year career in the legal system serving first as a Probation Officer working for the Salvation Army and later as a Correctional Probation Officer with the Department of Corrections, Probation & Parole in Tampa. In 1997, she joined the Department of Justice’s Drug Enforcement Administration where she specialized in intelligence. While with the Department of Justice, Miriam trained in the FBI Academy, in Quantico Virginia. Assigned to the Tampa District Office she assisted in the investigation of money laundering cases and historical conspiracies. Miriam was responsible for providing strategic, operational and tactical intelligence on drug cultivation, production and emerging trends to both DEA Headquarters and Field offices. Miriam was admitted to Stetson University College of Law in 1999. An active member of the Hispanic Bar Association, she served as Treasurer in 1999 and President in 2000 and 2001. While at Stetson, Miriam was selected for and completed several internships. During the summer of 2000, she served as a reach assistant to
the Summer Professional Development Series
The Tampa Bay Chapter of the National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA), invites youtoourSummerProfessionalDevelopment Series, sponsored by our corporate partners: The American Cancer Society, Prudential and State Farm. These events will take place the 3rd or 4th Thursday of the month at different locations to be announced in Tampa. Our keynote speakers will cover a variety of professional development topics and they will focus a majority of their presentations on career development, and how to use networks and affinity groups to increase the quality of professional opportunities.
MIRIAM VELEZ FOR CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE, GROUP 2 Miriam Velez has been a resident of the Tampa Bay area since 1990. She currently resides in West Tampa with her husband Jason and their daughter Ellianna Elizabeth. Miriam attended the University of South Florida where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English.
The Tampa Bay Chapter of the National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA), presents
the Honorable Judge Alexander Paskay, Chief Bankruptcy Judge for the Middle District Court of Florida. In the spring of 2001, she fulfilled an internship with the United States Department of Justice Trustees Office. Lastly, in the fall of 2001, Miriam interned as a certified legal intern with the 13th Judicial Circuit, State Attorney’s Office in Tampa. Following law school, Miriam began working as an assistant state attorney where she prosecuted thousand of criminal cases in Hillsborough County. In 2003, Miriam joined the Law Firm of Isaak & Zwirn, P.A. Miriam now practices with her husband, Jason at the Law Office of Valkenburg & Velez, P.A. where they focus on criminal defense, personal injury, contracts litigation and family law. It is with the full support of family and friends that Miriam pursues her career goal of serving the citizens of the United States as a Circuit Court Judge.
“If you are a student, a business owner or a professional, these series of events are a great opportunity to increase your network and increase your success.” said Eric Lopez, PresidentoftheTampaBayNSHMBAChapter. “The partnerships between the corporations andNSHMBAgiveourmembersaddedvalue to their memberships through access to the most desirable networks in business today” added Paola Shafee, membership officer of Tampa Bay NSHMBA Chapter. “We expect that our members will take advantage of the topics and use these opportunities to network and meet other professionals in the area.” “NSHMBA’sSummerDevelopmentSerieswill take place on the third or fourth Thursday of each month, beginning May 29th, June 19th, 2008 and July 17th, 2008 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Locations for the events will be announced shortly. There is no cost for NSHMBAmembersandStudentswithproper ID, an entrance fee of For non-members $15.00 will be charged, this fee can be added towardstheprofessionalmembershipshould non-members decide to apply for NSHMBA membership during the event. To RSVP please go to our website: http://tampabay.nshmba.org/ or call Eric Lopez at 813-210-0461.
en la comunidad A Huge Milestone for the Puerto Rico Day Parade and Folklore Festival – 20 Years!
Juez EJ Salcines recibe máximo galardón del Condado de Hillsborough El honorable Juez EJ Salcines recibió en el premio George Simmons Good Government por sus ejecutorias en el servicio a la comunidad. Este es el más alto galardón que otorga la Junta de Comisionados del Condado de Hillsborough a una persona por su servicio a la comunidad. Es el primer hispano que recibe este reconocimiento. El salón de reuniones de la Junta estuvo repleto de amigos y familiares que compartieron con el Honorable Juez este merecido premio.El Presidebte de la Junta de Comjisionados del Condado, Ken Hagan, tuvo a bien entregar el mismo.
National Spanish Exam achievements Students from Spoto High School earned a total of 3 awards at the National Spanish Exam Achievements. Camila Cremata was awarded a Gold Award; Luis Rivero was award a Silver, and Maria Gonzalez was presented with an honorary mention. “Attaining any placement or honorable mention for any student on the National Spanish Examinations is very prestigious,” said Kevin Cessna, National Director of the Exams, “because the exams are the largest of their kind in the United States with well over 106,000 students participating in 2008.”
Thousands of people came out to celebrate and participate in this great event, an event that has been taking place in Tampa Bay for 20 years now. A parade down Seventh Avenue in Ybor City started off the festival, which marked its 20th year. Last year’s festival and parade drew about 80,000 people, this year there were less people, but no less love and enthusiasm from the Latino community. Some of this year’s entertainers included famous Salseros such as
Hector Tricoche, Choco Orta and others. This year, the veteran event had to combat several other area events in order to attract their usual audience of 80,000 plus people. Given that the community should be standing together, it was unclear as to why there would be other Latino events planned for the same day as the areas biggest and oldest Hispanic Festival. Despite the fact that there were 2 other major events in the area, the 20th Annual Puerto Rico Cultural Parade was a success.
Latin Times would like to congratulate Ms. Sandra Acevedo, and Ms. Wanda Santiago, and the entire Puerto Rico cultural parade team, despite the many obstacles that presented themselves, they were able to put on another memorable event.
For more information on this event, please visit: www. puertoricoculturalparade. com
LLAMADO A ARTISTAS | “3er CONCURSO DE PINTURA CALENDARIO ALIANZA 2008-2009” Tampa, Florida. El Comité del Calendario de la Alianza Hispana de la Bahía de Tampa, tiene el placer de anunciar e invitar a los Artistas Plásticos Latinoamericanos de Tampa Bay a participar en el concurso de pintura que tendrá lugar el día Jueves 24, de Julio 2008. Los Artitas ganadores y finalistas se presentaran, 13 de noviembre del 2008, a las 6:00 p.m. en el Carrollwood Cultural Center, de la 4537 Lowell Road, Tampa, FL 33618. De este concurso se seleccionarán 13 obras de arte que serán incluidas en el calendario
2008-2009 de la Alianza Hispana de la Bahía de Tampa. Las obras originales horizontales de tamaño mínimo 24”x 18” máximo 36”x 42” deben ser sometidas para concurso por medio de fotografías, las fotografías de las obras de arte deben ser en tamaño 8.5” x 11” en JPEG File, 200 dpi. En un disco compacto el 26 de Junio del 2008, por correo postal a 3002 W. Price Ave.Tampa, FL 33611. Las obras serán seleccionadas por un jurado entendido en la materia el 24 de Julio del 2008.
La Alianza Hispana de la Bahia de Tampa es una organización sin fines de lucro cuya misión es promover la cultura, educacion y liderazgo de las organizaciones afiliadas. Será un honor para esta organización contar con su participación celebrando los valores y presencia artística Latinos Americanos en la Bahía de Tampa. Contactos: Damaris Soto-Frassica (813) 966-7612, damasoto@gmail.com Maria Teresa Owens (813)920-1104, Rowens1@tampabay.rr.com
A Hero’s Welcome A new website, called Mymilpics.com is dedicated to keeping our service men and women connected with their family, friends, and loved ones. My Mil Pics invites all service men and women of every branch of the Armed Forces to join our community, whether you are on active duty, reserves, or a veteran, create a profile and get connected. If you are currently serving or have served in the US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, National Guard, or the Coast Guard, we want you to make www.mymilpics.com your home on the web.
May - july 2008 | LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE
biz block The Top 25 minority-owned businesses on the Tampa Bay Business Journal’s Minority-owned Businesses List were honored as part of the TBBJ Diversity and Inclusion Awards. Companies and individuals who have been instrumental in contributing to the success of minorityowned businesses were also recognized. Rankings on the List were announced at the awards event, and included Jason’s Hauling Inc., CIRSCO, Henriquez Electric Corp., Kisinger Campo & Associates Corp., Manzi Metals Inc., MarkMaster Inc., Mission Critical Solutions - MCS of Tampa Inc., MLI Integrated Graphic Solutions, MSGI Corp., NuJak Development Inc., Paul J. Sierra Construction Inc., AaSys Group Inc., Alfonso Architects Inc., Ambient Technologies Inc., American Data & Computer Products, Apex Office Products Inc., ASC Geosciences Inc., Bowen Travel Service - Varsity Enterprises Inc., Quality Building
Controls, RCS Company of Tampa, Sanwa Growers Inc., Sun State International Trucks LLC, Superior Mechanical Systems Inc., The Bernd Group Inc. and The Diaz/Fritz Group Inc. dba Diaz Fritz Isabel.
Photo by: Danielle Freyre
The City of Tampa - Department of Economic and Urban Development and Microsoft Corp. in Tampa was also recognized for their work in the Tampa Bay area. Irma Elder of Elder Automotive Group and Kim Pham of the Kaleisia Tea Lounge were also recognized as individuals for their diversity and inclusion efforts. The Diversity and Inclusion Awards luncheon was held on March 20 at Embassy Suites Tampa - USF.
Conferencia Mujeres Empresaria fue todo un ¡Éxito! El Fondo de Iniciativa para Negocios Hispanos (HBIF por sus siglas en ingles) presentó la primera conferencia ¡Éxito! Conferencia para Mujeres Empresariales el pasado 21 de marzo de 2008 en el Westshore Hotel. El evento comenzó con un mensaje de felicitaciones e inspiración por parte de la Administradora del Condado de Hillsborough Pat Bean. Ella compartió sus experiencias al llegar a Tampa y su carrera en el mundo del servicio publico. Esto dio paso a los entrenamientos. Durante la conferencia un grupo de 30 mujeres y hombres, dueños de empresa y profesionales del área disfrutaron de entrenamientos en las areas de comunicación efectiva, balanceando el caos, y alternativas de financiamiento. El evento fue auspiciado por State Farm Insurance, Eastern Financial Florida Credit Union, R’Club Chile Care, Centro Mi Diario y el Tampa Tribune. Durante el almuerzo cuatro mujeres destacadas en sus negocios compartieron con los presentes sus definiciones de éxito. January Dennison presidente y CEO de Technology Research Consultants, Ivette Mayo Presidente de Yo Soy I Am, Jolie Gonzalez Editora y Publicista de Latin Times y Agustina Guerrero Secretaria de Prensa para la Congresista Kathy Castor, compartieron sus experiencias frente a un publico de 70 personas. “Estamos sumamente complacidos con el esfuerzo, resultado y opiniones recibidas sobre este evento. Agradecemos a los voluntarios, auspiciadores y todos los que participaron de esta conferencia. La conferencia fue todo un ¡éxito!” citó Yanina Rosario presidente del HBIF.
Latin Times participated in the 18th Annual United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Legislative Conference! Each year during the session of the United States Congress, the USHCC hosts its annual Legislative Conference. The conference provides chamber members, Hispanic business leaders, and corporate executives the opportunity to discuss legislative policy issues that impact the small business community. Hispanic chamber executives also utilize this opportunity to meet with their Congressional representatives. In addition, every two years, the USHCC issues its Legislative Policy and Priorities to the White House and Congress. This year, Latin Times traveled to Washington D.C., to participate as a media sponsor at all the conference workshops and events. Our trip was full of educational adventures, and some aggressive distribution, spending an afternoon on Capital Hill visiting the offices of Florida officials and introducing ourselves to them. Several copies of Latin Times Magazine were left at each of these offices as well. The trip gave us the opportunity to meet many great Hispanic business leaders that attended the conference from various areas of the United States. We also had the opportunity to attend the Presidential briefing, at which Latin Times Magazine was present as the ONLY print media representing Tampa Bay, and perhaps even the State of Florida!
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ask el abogado
DO I HAVE ENOUGH HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE? It is that time of year when the calm of spring gives way to the storms of summer. With storms comes damage from fire, wind, flooding, and lightning just to name a few perils. Your home is your single largest investment. How do you know if you have enough insurance to cover losses? This article will focus on damage to the structure of your home. You should also be aware that a homeowner policy provides coverage for theft or damage to personal property, and liability for injuries sustained by individuals while on your property.
So how much insurance do you need? The quick answer is you need enough insurance to cover the cost of rebuilding your home at current construction costs. The cost of rebuilding could be more or less than the price you paid or could sell it for today. Banks and mortgage companies may only require you to buy enough insurance to cover the amount of your mortgage. If you base the amount of insurance you purchase on the amount of your mortgage, make sure it’s enough to cover the cost of rebuilding. Most homeowners are aware of their home’s value when they first purchase it, however, as time goes on the value changes. Adding an addition to your home, ever changing construction cost and changes to building codes all affect the value of your home. Living in hurricane prone areas like Florida makes it especially important for homeowners to secure proper limits and specialty coverages. The basic homeowner insurance policy provides coverage for damage due to fire, lightning, hail, explosions and theft. Damage due to floods, earthquakes or damage caused by lack of routine maintenance is generally excluded, or requires you to purchase additional coverages. Therefore, it is important to periodically review your policy with your insurance agent to ensure you are adequately covered. Generally, damage to your home is based
on replacement cost, which means that in the event of a total loss, your policy will provide reimbursement, up to the policy limit, to replace the structure. Ideally, a homeowner should buy enough insurance to completely rebuild the home, known as replacement value. This figure may not be the home’s actual market value or what you originally paid for the home. This is especially true in a depressed or an inflated market or if the home is simply not replaceable to its condition prior to the loss. For example, if you are insured with replacement cost coverage, if the structure of your home is insured for $300,000.00, the insurance company will designate a percentage of additional coverage on top of the insured amount. If the company designated 125% replacement cost coverage, then you would receive an additional $75,000.00, or a total of $375,000.00. Replacement coverage can be purchased for as high as 200%.
square footage of your home by local building costs per square foot. To find out construction costs in your community, call your local real estate agent, builders association or insurance agent. Factors that will determine the cost of rebuilding your home: »» Local construction costs »» The square footage of the structure »» The type of exterior wall construction– frame, masonry or veneer »» The style of the house »» The type of roof and materials used »» Other structures on the premises such as garages, sheds »» Fireplaces, exterior trim and other special features like arched windows »» Whether the house, or parts of it like the kitchen, was custom built »» Improvement to your home Call your agent and review your homeowner policy periodically. You should stay up-to-date on your insurance because you never know when you will need to rely on it. Should you encounter problems making a claim for damages to your home, feel free to contact us for a free consultation.
In Florida, most homeowner policies have a hurricane deductible. Most Florida homeowners have a 2% deductible, which means that if your home is insured for $300,000.00, and your home is damaged due to a hurricane, then you are responsible for the At Byrd & Gonzalez, P.A, we are experienced in handling first $6,000.00 of your personal injury and property damage claims resulting from an loss. Additionally, the accident. If you are injured in an accident, call and speak with standard policy does not cover damage us for a free consultation, before speaking with an insurance caused by flood. Storm company. surge from a hurricane is also considered Anthony J.Gonzalez, Jr., Esq. flood damage and Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer not covered by your Byrd & Gonzalez, P.A. homeowner’s policy. 217 N. Lois Avenue This coverage must be Tampa, FL 33609 purchased separately Phone: (813) 281-8801 through the Federal Government’s Flood AskElAbogado@thelatinvillage.com Insurance Program. www.byrdandgonzalezlaw.com For a quick estimate of the amount of insurance you need, multiply the total
Disclaimer note: The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you written information about our qualifications and experience.
ask el doctor
Stay Safe in the Sun Feature Courtesy of Dr. Robert. J. Casañas To email Dr. Casañas, please email: AskElDoctor@thelatinvillage.com
(CL) — Disregarding health advisories when sun bathing can be very dangerous. Each year, 1 million new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the United States alone, making skin cancer the most common form of cancer in the country. What’s more, better than 90 percent of those cases stem from overexposure to the sun. That only adds to the importance of exercising caution and heeding the Skin Cancer Foundation’s advice when heading outside. • Be careful early. Beachgoers love to get to the beach early and claim the best spots the beach has to offer. Unfortunately, the sun’s rays are most damaging between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Whenever outdoors during those hours, seek out the shaded areas or create your own shade, using beach umbrellas and/or wide-brimmed hats. • Avoid tanning booths. You can still get a golden, natural-looking tan even if you stop going to the tanning booths or behave more cautiously when outside. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognizes sunless tanning products containing dihydroxyacetone (DHA) as safe. It’s important to note DHA is the only color additive approved by the FDA. DHA works by reacting with dead cells in the outermost layer of the skin, temporarily darkening the skin’s appearance. Many tanning salons offer spray booths, and a spray-on tan lasts for an average of five days while offering safety that tanning booths and sun exposure cannot provide. • Cover up. Sunburns don’t only come in the peak of the beach season. Rather, many people suffer sunburns in spring, fall and even winter. That’s potentially very dangerous, as the Skin Cancer Foundation notes that a person’s risk for skin cancer doubles when they have had five or more sunburns. Be sure to cover up this fall whenever heading out into the sun. Just because the temperature outside isn’t hot, that doesn’t make the sun’s rays any less harmful. Check the UV rating on a daily basis as well.
• Wear sunglasses. The sun cannot only burn your skin but do damage to your eyes as well. UV-blocking sunglasses will protect your eyes from the sun while also making it easier to see. • Keep kids covered. Newborns have particularly sensitive skin and should never be exposed to the sun. Once a child has reached the age of six months, apply sunscreen with a minimum SPF (sun-protection factor) of 15 before going out in the sun. Parents should strongly consider sunscreen with an SPF higher than 15 for young children as well. • Get checked. Like any form of cancer, how early skin cancer is detected can determine how effective treatment can be. If you spend significant time out in the sun each year, be it in spring, fall, summer, or winter, make sure to make an annual visit to your physician for a skin exam. While you should examine your skin for moles or other signs each month, your physician will know better than anyone what to look for.
This feature brought to you by Dr. Robert Casañas. To learn more about skin care, or have some type of medical question, please contact Dr. Roberto Casañas at AskElDoctor@thelatinvillage.com
May - july 2008 | LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE
biz block
Florida Latina, Vivian Lopez-Blanco keeps two of the most profitable quick service restaurant chains in America humming! The queen bee, or queen "V" as she's often referred to at Pollo Tropical is Miami-raised Vivian LopezBlanco. In addition to Pollo Tropical's 87 restaurants, she is the CFO of Carrols Corporation's other darling chain - the 140 Taco Cabana Restaurants in Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. She divides her time between Miami at Pollo Tropical's headquarters and San Antonio, Texas at Taco Cabana's headquarters. About VIVIAN LOPEZ-BLANCO, CPA Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Vivian Lopez-Blanco is the Chief Financial Officer for the over $300 Million Hispanic Restaurant Division of Carrols Corporation and has served as CFO for eight years. Carrols Corporation is the parent company of both Miami-based Pollo Tropical restaurants and San Antonio-based Taco Cabana Restaurants. Both Taco Cabana and Pollo Tropical restaurants have been hailed as two of the most profitable Quick Service Restaurant chains in America. Parent company Carrols is also the largest BURGER KING® franchisee. In her position, she is responsible for all financial
policies, procedures and systems including, budget preparation and forecasting, international franchise audits, and reporting of financial results and key business driver performance. Lopez-Blanco supervises the Finance/Accounting department staff of 20 and reports to Dan Accordino, President of Carrols Corporation. Her professional affiliations include the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the Women’s Chamber of Commerce. Lopez Blanco further serves her community as the Treasurer of the Family Resource Center. She is active in United Way as well as a number of cultural events that promote Hispanic culture throughout the United States. She is a recognized expert in the field of corporate accounting. She is a graduate of Florida International University and is a sought after speaker on forensic accounting, corporate profitability and performance-based measurement tools.
Save The Date! The 2008 Tampa Bay Med Week is scheduled for September 16th – 19th, 2008.
Med Week is an annual event called the Tampa Bay Minority Enterprise Development Week (Med Week). It is made possible by the Minority Enterprise Development Corporation of Tampa Bay, Inc. For more information on this and other great events, please sign up to receive our e-Latino Weekly Newsletter at www.latin-times.com or visit our events page at www.latin-connections.com
Short Business News According to Hispanic Business Magazine, and its HispanTelligence Market Brief released in April of 2008, The U.S. Hispanic Purchasing Power has reached nearly $870 billion in 2008, and is expected to reach as much as $1.3 trillion by 2015.
2ndAnnualHispanicJobFair @ MOSI You cannot miss the upcoming 2nd Annual Hispanic Job Fair on Friday, July 11th from 10:00am to 2:00pm at the Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI). This job fair was created for companies looking for bilingual candidates as well as for candidates looking for better opportunities. Due to the rapid growth of the Hispanic market, more and more companies are now requiring bilingual personnel. This Hispanic Job Fair offers the diversity of both markets to candidates and employers. With over 50 local and national companies expected, it is important to highlight the importance of being bilingual in today’s competitive society. Bilingual candidates are encouraged to attend in search of some great job opportunities. This years Hispanic job fair is the perfect setting for not only “Corporate America”, but will also serve as an excellent opportunity for local businesses to tap into quality, bilingual staff. Our media sponsors include Univision, LaNueva, Latin Times Magazine, SieteDias and La Guia. Other sponsors include The Spot Marketing and Pollo Tropical. For more information, you may contact Mari Sallaberry-Mallicote of Unforgettable Events & Productions, Inc. at 813.846.0263.
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For complete coverage of this feature, please visit our website at: www.Latin-Times.com where complete interviews and bios are available for you to read!
Meet some of Tampa Bay’s
Latino Movers N Shakers T am p a B a y ’ s L e adi n g L ati n o B u si n e ssm e n Roy De Jesús
Title: Anchor/Reporter Profession: TV Journalist Company: Bay News 9 En Español Latin Times: How did you get started in your profession? Do you enjoy your job? Roy: I was lying around, watching TV during my college years... I loved watching the learning channels...you know Discovery, TLC, Travel, Arts and Entertainment... and I think it was “A and E” where they had the program “Great Chef’s of the World”. What a great show?!! Not only would I learn one of my passions, which is COOKING…I would learn from all corners of the globe. I said to myself...I need to be involved with something like this. My first job was in Tallahassee and it launched my career on learning about the News Industry. Latin Times: What was or is your biggest challenge as a Hispanic Professional? Roy: As a Hispanic Journalist I think the biggest challenge is getting the rest of the industry to take us as a formidable communicator. And within our community, letting them know that Journalists are not out there to exploit but to help out. Latin Times: Tell us about your family. Roy: I am married to a wonderful accomplished Journalist that not only serves as my confidant and mentor but is also my best friend. I am the second of six siblings, and after years of having to work to get attention, being in front of the camera is not a problem. I’m proud of all of them and I am most proud of having parents that symbolize what a Hispanic Professional should be. Latin Times: What are your immediate and/or long term goals? Roy: Continue to strive and make the Latino community recognized as a powerful professional group. Hopefully one day when Don Francisco decides to retire, I can be there to fill the void. You got to dream big…
Orlando R. Nieves
Title: General Manager, CENTRO Mi Diario Profession: Publisher Company: Media General, Inc Latin Times: What was or is your biggest challenge as a Hispanic Business Man? Orlando: Getting people to recognize and validate more than 20 years of experience outside the U.S. Someone once told me: “Oh, but Puerto Rico is not a market…” And at that time I was responsible for $45M dollars in product sales there. Truly mind boggling! Latin Times: What does being a Latino mean to you? Orlando: One word: Pride. It means showing others the diversity of our heritage and opening their eyes to the contributions we can make to whatever country we decide to live in. We come in all colors, all shapes
and all styles. That’s what makes us interesting! Latin Times: What are your immediate and/or long term goals? Orlando: Right now to continue growing CENTRO into truly the ‘plaza’ for all Hispanics in Tampa Bay. Long term I’d like to eventually be able to share my learning’s and experiences with others. Nothing gives me more pleasure than being able to help someone thanks to my past experiences. Latin Times: Who do you foresee in the White House in this years election? Orlando: Barack Obama. I think its time this Nation healed and moved on. The 2010 Census will be a BIG wake up call to many and they MUST realize that the U.S. has always been a ‘melting pot’. The only difference now is that it has more ‘sazón’…
Jorge L. Hernández
Title: News Anchor / Producer Profession: Communicator Company: Entravision, Inc. (Univision) Latin Times: Do you enjoy your job? If so, why? Jorge: My job can be very rewarding if at the end of the day I feel that I have accomplished what I set out to do. Because at the end of the day, I feel that through providing information I have helped somebody. I feel satisfied and enormously happy. Latin Times: Tell us about your family… Jorge: My gorgeous wife Ines Hernandez, my precious daughter Cristina. I have 1 brother in Tampa, Carlos, and one in Miami, John, who lives with my sister Marina. My father lives in Barranquilla, Colombia, and my mother passed away 2 years ago. Latin Times: Are you involved in community organizations? Which ones? Jorge: Univision can be considered a community organization because that’s who we serve on a daily basis. Everyday we are involved with the community and the things that matter to them...
Luís López
Title: Producer and director, Buenos Días Tampa Bay Profession: Radio Announcer, Public Relations Company: WQBN, Hillsborough County Latin Times: What does being a Latino mean to you? Luís: It was a very tough time in New York. I remember, as a child, the things we had to do to survive. Fighting harsh discrimination, yes, discrimination. There were signs on apartment buildings that read: “No dogs, no Puerto Ricans”. It was a very difficult time, but my parents fought it and succeeded. My dad went to night school in order to become a Certified Public Accountant. Mom stopped working (outside of the house) as soon
as I was born, and 4 years after that, my only sister was born. One day, my dad came back from work jubilant and happy. The company he worked for had decided to open an office in San Juan and, being the only person in the office that could speak Spanish, he was offered to manage and organize the new office. In 2 weeks we were in Puerto Rico, and the rest is history. We were a very happy family even in the tough times. My parents never wanted me to worry about anything, no matter how hard life was in “el barrio Latino” in New York. I was taught that you should always be proud of your roots, and to this day I quote a great composer and friend, Roy Brown, “Yo sería borincano aunque naciera en la Luna” (I would be Puerto Rican even if I were born on the Moon). Latin Times: What are your immediate and/or long term goals? Luís: Being part of this Latino community is something that I treasure every day. When I sit behind the microphone, or at my office on the County, nothing makes me more proud. Now, in this time of my life, I don’t distinguish countries, for me we are all Latinos and we should defend our rights and contribute to the happiness of others. When I talk about our traditions, our languages, our cultures, it is the soul of a community that has no equal, a hard working and generous community that is moving forward. For now, being in radio gives me the great honor to touch so many lives every morning, to contribute and educate, as well as being an agent of change and unity for this community. I can’t see myself doing anything else. Long range plans, if possible, I might try to buy a radio station. Latin Times: Who do you foresee in the White House in this years election? Luís: This year’s elections are very important; it is an era of change. Many tough decisions await the next incumbent of the White House. But all Latinos who are able to vote MUST do so, not only for this country, but for our community. Our voice must be heard.
Jayme Ribeiro Neto
Title: General Manager Profession: Broadcasting Company: WRMD Telemundo Tampa Latin Times: What was or is your biggest challenge as a Hispanic Business Man? Jayme: When you work on Hispanic Media, you have a lot of convincing to do. Educating people about the immense value of the Hispanic market is a big challenge, but it is also quite rewarding. Latin Times: Where were you born and raised? Jayme: I was born in Uberlandia and was raised in Belo Horizonte. Both cities are in the state of Minas Gerais, in the southeastern part of the country. Minas Gerais is Portuguese for “General Mines.” The state got this name because during Brazil’s colonial period, the Portuguese explored the area in search of gold and diamonds. A lot of people might not be familiar with those towns, but they’re pretty big Brazilian cities. Latin Times: What does being a Latino mean to you?
Jayme: I see being a Latino as a big advantage. It is so fantastic to be able to move from one language to the other and from one culture to the other. This is very valuable, especially in business.
Abel Ibarra
Title: Spanish Editor Profession: Journalist and TV producer. Company: La Gaceta and Univision Tampa.
in various sports and helped to run the community and church organizations that focused on kids programs. Today I am more involved with business and trade associations and support those efforts. I feel that I would probably be more helpful to the community serving in a mentor capacity and helping to create individual successes.
Latin Times: What was or is your biggest challenge as a Hispanic Business Man? Enrique: Maybe one of the biggest challenges for me is being a minority and a business owner at the same time. Sometimes, you have to deal with certain racial discrimination at some degree, and that’s still not something that is easy to deal with.
Latin Times: How did you get started in your profession? Do you enjoy your job? If so, why? Abel: I started teaching T.V. Journalism and T.V. production in the Universidad Central de Venezuela. In my career, while writing books (essays, poems and a novel) I used to write articles and columns for several newspapers in my country. When I came to live in Miami I collaborated with newspapers and magazines like “El Venezolano”, “Conexiones”, “Hispánica”. In Tampa I had a short period writing for 7 Días and finally became Spanish Editor of “La Gaceta”. Also, I am running a TV segment in Univision about the origins and meanings of Spanish words. Of course I enjoy my job and can say with Yogi Berra: “They pay me to do what I enjoy”. Latin Times: What was or is your biggest challenge as a Hispanic Business Man? Abel: To contribute to journalism with a high quality that allows me to get the necessary advertising to continue running the newspaper.
Higinio (Hig) Manuel Rodriguez Dillinger
Title: President/Owner Profession: Entrepreneur Company: CIRSCO Latin Times: What country are you from? Hig: I was born in the United States but my father is Incan and Spanish and is from Lima, Peru. I was raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. Latin Times: Tell us about your family… Hig: I have three wonderful children who have grown to adulthood and all three work with me in our business. It has been a true blessing to watch them from birth and still get to watch them as they grow to become outstanding businesspersons. Latin Times: What is your definition of success? Hig: In business I believe that success is doing what you really enjoy doing but always having the legitimate option to completely change course to do anything else that you would also like to do. On a personal level I am most gratified that my immediate family has grown to be so close and that each of us has a full sense of love and respect for each other. Latin Times: Are you involved in community organizations? Which ones? Hig: For nineteen years I coached kids as a volunteer
a couple of years in the business, I saw a niche for an air conditioning training school within the Hispanic community, so I decided to open my own technical school, Enrique A/C Training. I really enjoy what I do and I love helping people, especially the Hispanic community.
Title: Publisher Profession: Journalism Apprentice Company: TV Net Media Group, (7DIAS and La Guía)
Latin Times: What country are you from? And where were you born and raised? Enrique: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Latin Times: How did you get started in your profession? Do you enjoy your job? Luis Baron: I graduated in Architecture, however I worked in the TV industry since when I was a kid. When I came to America I decided to change my life. The closest business I could think of was print media and thus started my first publication. Today we have four. I really enjoy my job every single day. You can really change lives through your writing, especially helping people and becoming a voice in your community. Latin Times: What was or is your biggest challenge as a Hispanic Business Man? Luis Baron: I started the business without knowing anyone, without a credit history (which in this country is like if you don’t exist), and with just $1000 in capital. Latin Times: Tell us about your family. Luis Baron: I am married to the most beautiful, lovely, intelligent, woman on the face of the earth, my wife Martha Lucía: my partner and friend. We have three wonderful children, Juan Sebastian (18) who wants to study Cinematography, Daniela (16) the future CEO of the company and Manuela (12) my publisher in 20 years. Two dogs: Filemón and Isabella, and two cats: Tony and Oreo. Latin Times: Who do you foresee in the White House in this years election? Luis Baron: If the democrats do not win it is because they don’t deserve the presidency. This will be a very easy election for them but the ambitions of their candidates are going to destroy their possibilities. If you ask me now, I say McCain.
Jose “Enrique” Cabrera
Title: President/Owner Profession: Business Owner Company: Enrique A/C Training / Enrique A/C Supplies Latin Times: How did you get started in your profession? Do you enjoy your job? why? Enrique: I started in my profession as a part time job. I really enjoyed what I was doing, so I decided to do more training in the field. After many years in the field I decided to open my own business in that field. After
Jorge Vazquez
Title: CEO/ Sales Instructor Profession: Licensed Financial Consultant, R.R./Insurance Agent/ Public Notary/Real Estate Investor Company Name: V&V Real Estate Associates & Financial Specialists Latin Times: How did you get started in your profession? Jorge Vazquez: I started as a customer services Rep/ Cashier at a small bank while going to school for Business Administration and continued to advance in my career until becoming the Top Regional Financial Specialist 2002-2003. My interest in real estate began when I bought my first home at the age of 18 Latin Times: What was or is your biggest challenge as a Hispanic Business Man? Jorge Vazquez: Our biggest challenge at the beginning was the English language barrier and breaking into the predominantly Caucasian financial business community as well as getting Hispanics to invest and think of a long term future in advance. Latin Times: What does being a Latino mean to you? Jorge Vazquez: I am very proud of my roots as a Latino. I embrace my culture and my HISTORY. UTILIZING my native language DAILY is one of the most important things in my life.
For complete coverage of this feature, please visit our website at: www.Latin-Times.com where complete interviews and bios are available for you to read!
Tampa Bay’s First Annual Elite Latino Awards is coming this September! Do you know someone that deserves to be nominated? Log on to our website and complete the simple nomination form TODAY!
law, health, human services, volunteer, entrepreneur, outstanding students 18-22 and/or other professions. This event will pay homage to the Elite Latinos who have excelled within their profession by demonstrating and practicing ethical, professional and responsible behavior.
Criteria for Nominations: Nominees may be from the public or private sector, and include education, arts, media, entertainment, hospitality, government,
This Oscar-Style, “Red Carpet Event” is expected to be among the most prestigious Hispanic/Latino event in the Tampa Bay Area. The goal of the Elite Latino Awards is to nominate and award Hispanic/Latino
individuals who have positively impacted the community with their hard-work and efforts. These elite individuals will be awarded in the following categories: 1. Community Service 2. Government Service 3. Education 4. Media 5. Health Care 6. Technology 7. Business Services 8. Manufacturing
We will also be honoring an excelling student between the ages of 18 – 22. Nominees must have resided in the Tampa Bay area for at least one year. For more information, or to nominate someone, please log into our website at: www.Latin-Times.com or contact our office at (813) 901-5292.
May - july 2008 | LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE
in the sports room
Carlos Peña By: Roberto A. Germain
The Tampa Bay Rays. The hottest team in baseball has a new name, new uniforms and a brand new attitude that have the Rays playing the best baseball in the team’s history. Young talented ballplayers with outstanding play have the Bay area fans energized about the 2008 season. One of the biggest names to look out for this year is Carlos Peña. The biggest surprise for the Rays last year is on his way to becoming one of the premier sluggers in all of baseball. The comeback player of the year in the 2007 season, Carlos is hoping to continue exactly were he left off last year. After seven years playing in the majors with five different teams (Texas, Toronto, Oakland, Detroit, and Boston) and signed as a free agent April 1st, 2007, Carlos came to the Devil Rays (Now Tampa Bay Rays) on a minor league deal with reasonably average production from a major league first baseman. He had not had a stellar career thus far with a few tours in the minors and rehabilitation assignments. And, now, with the Tampa Bay Rays, Carlos might have found exactly the right ingredients to set his career on fire. Carlos became only the 11th American League Player in last year’s season to have had 45 Home Runs, 120 RBIs and 100 Walks, a career year in his first season with the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. The team knows it is a contender in the American League East, considered to be the toughest division in both the American and National Leagues. After sweeping the Boston Red Sox at home and taking 3 out of 4 home games from the New York Yankees, the Rays have a promising future. 2008 is full of expectations with a cast of talented players such as All Stars - Outfielder Carl Crawford, Pitcher Scott Kazmir and the 2006 first round draft pick Evan Longoria. The first-place Rays are expected to play .500 or better this year bringing more excitement to Bay area fans. Team ownership has been in a reconstruction phase putting all the pieces together in bringing the right caliber ballplayers to Tampa, not only outstanding athletes, but players with character. A new outdoor
stadium deal is currently in the process of becoming a reality for Pinellas County and the City of St. Petersburg. The team has also developed a new marketing plan that has changed the look of the Rays. Tampa Bay finally has a Professional organization that knows exactly how to operate a Major League Ball Club! Carlos Peña is believed to be a big part of that rebuilding plan. Signed in January 8th 2008 for $6,000,000 a native of the Dominican Republic where many of today’s best talent in the majors come from, Carlos is now one of the leaders on this team, a team that is no longer expected to finish last, and only expected to improve and to produce wins. Already the club leader in Home Runs with 10 to start the season, second in the American League, scouting reports have Carlos at being able to generate impressive power with a quick, short swing. He is also quite smooth around the bag, thanks to quick feet and an above-average glove. Carlos Peña is exciting to watch at bat, he has hit some towering Home Runs at the Trop, and the fans are enjoying this team. Everyone here at Latin Times want to encourage the Tampa Bay Rays and Major League Baseball fans to come on out to Tropicana Field and enjoy a game. Tickets are inexpensive; you and your family members are guaranteed to have a wonderful time. This is not the old neighborhood team we all grew up with up North as kids; those were great memories but we have a new hometown and a new team! Now you have the opportunity to re-live those good times by experiencing new memories. Let’s Go Rays!
Career Stats Year 2008 2007 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2004 2003 2003 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002
Team Tampa Bay Tampa Bay Pawtucket Columbus Boston Toledo Detroit Detroit Toledo Detroit Total Oak/Det Sacramento Oakland Total Oak/Det Sacramento
GP 38 148 11 105 18 71 79 142 8 131 115 44 40 115 44
AB 138 490 37 381 33 257 260 481 30 452 397 175 124 397 175
R 18 99 7 65 3 43 37 89 4 51 43 30 12 43 30
H 2B 29 2 138 29 17 3 99 17 9 2 80 17 61 9 116 22 10 4 112 21 96 17 42 10 27 4 96 17 42 10
3B 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 4 1 6 4 1 0 4 1
HR 8 46 4 19 1 12 18 27 0 18 19 10 7 19 10
RBI BB K SB 19 17 47 0 121 103 142 1 8 5 5 0 66 63 89 4 3 4 10 0 45 45 65 3 44 31 95 0 82 70 146 7 5 4 7 0 50 53 123 4 52 41 111 2 33 24 49 3 16 15 38 0 52 41 111 2 33 24 49 3
CS 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 5 2 0 0 2 0
OBP .312 .411 .523 .370 .351 .424 .325 .338 .429 .332 .316 .340 .305 .316 .340
SLG .399 .627 .865 .454 .424 .525 .477 .472 .533 .440 .448 .480 .419 .448 .480
AVG .210 .282 .459 .260 .273 .311 .235 .241 .333 .248 .242 .240 .218 .242 .240
E 0 8 0 0 0 8 3 6 1 13 4 3 1 4 3
Year 2002 2002 2001 2001 2000 1999 1998 1998 1998
Team Oakland Detroit Texas Oklahoma Tulsa Charlotte Savannah GCL Rangers Charlotte A Total Total Total Total Total
GP 40 75 22 119 138 136 30 2 22 693 358 138 173 2
AB 124 273 62 431 529 501 117 5 1 2313 1311 529 640 5
R H 2B 3B 12 27 4 0 31 69 13 4 6 16 4 1 71 124 38 3 117 158 36 2 85 128 31 8 22 38 14 0 1 2 0 0 6 1 0 0 346 577 106 16 220 372 89 6 117 158 36 2 108 172 46 8 1 2 0 0
HR RBI BB K SB 7 16 15 38 0 12 36 26 73 2 3 12 10 17 0 23 74 80 127 11 28 105 101 108 12 18 103 74 135 2 6 20 8 26 3 0 0 3 1 1 3 2 8 0 1 140 383 329 691 14 68 231 221 342 21 28 105 101 108 12 24 126 84 169 5 0 0 3 1 1
CS OBP 0 .305 2 .321 0 .361 3 .408 0 .414 5 .365 2 .385 1 .625 .360 .318 9 .348 7 .395 0 .414 8 .368 1 .625
SLG .419 .462 .500 .550 .533 .457 .598 .400 .273 .491 .516 .533 .478 .400
AVG .218 .253 .258 .288 .299 .255 .325 .400 1 .249 .284 .299 .269 .400
E 1 3 2 11 22 16 3 0 36 0 22 20 0
horoscope highway
By: La Chic A’Divina |
Note: Written in Spanglish
(March 21 – April 19) Aries, you will enjoy some intense chemistry with your querido or querida this summer, and for some summer fun! An offer for help from a friend may be premature, pero you may need it soon enough. Your career is full of interesante surprises for much of the summer, be prepared to be in a strong position to bargain. Aggressive Ariens think they are all set.
(April 20 – May 20) Taurus, you certainly appreciate the finer things in life, pero no todo lo que brilla es oro! Comfort makes you complacent and that makes you mischievous. If you want a reaction you’re sure to get one. In business, your laid back attitude may land you in a little hot agua.
(May 21 – June 21) Gemini, let yourself be carried away by the exciting things happening in your vida. Its okay to dream a little, and to believe in those dreams, what is coming your way is muy bueno para ti, be prepared for a romantic rebirth. Things look great for you this summer in your career.
(June 22 – July 22) Cancer, broaden your horizon, explore new posibilidades, this could also be a time when bitterness ends, and sweetness begins. There is an energetic transformation of your vida in both your career and personal life. This could be a time of evaluation, and you could find a way to make dinero from home and devoting mucho energy to building and maintaining your “nest”.
(July 23 – Aug. 22) Leo, you are feeling especially ferocious this summer. Seems like just a few weeks ago, you were sitting en tu casa twiddling your thumbs, and now the adventures and oportunidades are all around you, be cautious in regards to your finances, some opportunities should be taken –others should be passed up.
(Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Virgo, your convictions y tu personalidad are in conflict right now, wanting dos diferentes things. Rivals still shake hands and close deals, perhaps stepping away from the situation will help you reach a happy medium, the art of negotiation is in your corner right now, use it to your advantage.
(Sept. 23 – Oct. 23) Libra, life is imitating your best sueño, this may not be an entirely magical experience, pero you are willing to keep the faith.
At work, you are breaking records for speed and efficiency, this will not go unnoticed. You are making things happen, and even though you have a lot on your plato right now, you are full of confidencia!
(Oct. 24 – Nov. 21) Scorpio, its time to clean house, in with the nuevo, y out with the viejo! Sell or trade what you aren’t using, to make space for the great new things that you will soon have. This will be an especially fruitful time for you, and you may even find yourself consumed by a nuevo romance, the ball is in your court, so if you want to make those one work, you will!
(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Sagittarius you are mysterious and alluring to people right now, so preparate, you may get an enticing invitation or proposition… proposal? Whatever! The adventurer in you says YES, SI, SI, pero your sensible part craves a nice quite corner where you can just sit back and relax.
(Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Capricorn, you should be taking mejor care of your health. Stop allowing so many things stress you out! You may find that by confronting what is bothering you will feel much better, inside and out. Lowered vitality could affect your trabajo, scheduling some type of outdoor sporting activity should make you feel better, you may find yourself a bit frazzled or overwhelmed this summer.
(Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Aquarius, llego el verano….summer is here, and you are feeling especially happy and at peace, a beautiful trend is unfolding before your very eyes, move forward with confidence and don’t be afraid of the outcome of your actions, fate seems to be con tigo.
(Feb. 19 – March 20) Pisces, even with all the clues assembled neatly for you, you still have trouble seeing the whole picture, ill informed efforts will only produce half bake results, so what should you do? Put off making any big decisiones until you have carefully studied and understand the facts involved - si tu puedes!
Top 10 Latin Websites 1. Latin-Times.Com 2. HispanicHealth.org 3. PewHispanic.org 4. HispanicFund.org 5. QuieroLatino.com 6. LatinMusicDirectory.com 7. LatinoUSA.Org 8. LatinoVoices.com 9. LatinoStories.com 10. LatinAmericanAssoc.org
Jennifer López
Birthplace: Bronx, New York Birthday: July 24, 1969
Does she require an introduction? Not this Bronx-born actress, singer, dancer, businesswoman, wife and most recently mother of Puerto Rican descent! Jennifer Lopez was born on July 24, 1969. Her father David; was a computer programmer, and her mother, Guadalupe was a kindergarten teacher. Even as a child, the young Lopez always dreamed of becoming a performer. With talents in acting, singing and dancing, Jennifer made her film debut in “My Little Girl” in 1986. Jennifer’s real showbiz break came when she beat out 2,000 other aspiring singers and dancers while impressing choreographer Rosie Perez and landing a spot in the chorus of “In Living Color”. Lopez was later catapulted into the spotlight when she was cast in the title role of “Selena” (1997), the moving biopic about the beloved slain Tejano singer and her excellent portrayal in that movie made Jennifer Lopez a household name in most Hispanic homes. Going on to do several films, and winning rave reviews for her performances, Lopez was well on her way to superstardom, and made the most of her fame by releasing her debut album, entitled “On the 6” after the subway line that runs from her Bronx home into Manhattan. From Jennifer, to J-Lo, to Bennifer and back to Jennifer, this talented and outstanding Latina is one of our biggest stars, and as most stars she shines brightly in the limelight. Shortly after a much publicized relationship with actor Ben Afleck, followed by a breakup, Lopez shocked the world by suddenly marrying the newly divorced Salsa sensation, Marc Anthony in a surprise ceremony that has her being coined the Elizabeth Taylor of her generation.
calle social
1st Fridays Business Networking Socials @ Mirage Restaurant and Lounge Join us at the Latin ConneXions Business Networking Socials by Latin Times Magazine! Over 250 Business Professionals through the 3 + hour event, First 50 people receive a free drink ticket! Free Parking, Complimentary Buffet & Entertainment! Great Networking Opportunities! The first 2 hours of these events are a business card exchange. Latin ConneXions offers you a unique opportunity to meet and great other local business professionals. Latin ConneXions guests include Entrepreneurs, Small Business
Owners, Community Leaders, Corporate Professionals, Doctors, Attorneys, Real Estate Professionals, and MORE! Events are fun, and you will find people easy to speak with and to approach. Meet your next client here, or make a new friend! Sponsored: Latin Times Magazine, Fiesta Creators, The Brunchmaster, Mirage Restaurant and Lounge, Telemundo Tampa, Pollo Tropical, US Latino.com. Exhibit/sponsorship opportunities: (813) 901-5292 or email: JGonzalez@thelatinvillage.com.
Small Business Expo
For exhibit/sponsorship opportunities for any of the events listed above, please email: JGonzalez@thelatinvillage.com or call: (813) 901-5292 Every 1st. Friday of the Month @ Mirage Restaurant and Lounge 3605 W. Hillsborough Ave in Tampa, FL. Presented by: Latin Times Magazine Price: Free Time: 5:45pm – 9:00pm Visit: Latin-Connections.com
Don’t miss these exciting upcoming Latin ConneXions events! Friday, June 6th, 2008 - 1st Friday Latin ConneXions – Business Networking Social in Tampa, FL @ Mirage – 3605 Hillsborough Avenue, (Tampa). Friday, July 4th, 2008 – 4th of July - 1st Friday Latin ConneXions – Business Networking Social in Tampa, FL @ Mirage – 3605 Hillsborough Avenue, (Tampa). Friday, August 1st, 2008 - 1st Friday Latin ConneXions – Business Networking Social in Tampa, FL @ Mirage – 3605 Hillsborough Avenue, (Tampa). Friday, August 29th, 2008 - Latin ConneXions Small Business Expo New Event Coming Soon! 1st Annual Tampa Bay Elite Latino Awards – Fall 2008 Ladies Tea Party – By Invitation Only Just for ladies tea party/meeting. Held in West Tampa, on the top floor of a charming and unique business that will delight as your explore it! Join us at this elegant and exact replication of Victorian Ladies Tea Cottage. Complete with elegant chaise lounges, parlor room, and a mini-museum room filled with great feminine treasures. On the menu: An array of hand selected Teas from all around the world. Spoil yourself with such delicious delights such as petite sandwiches, Savannah honey & cheese board, chocolate fountain, fruit compote, an incredible assortment of chocolates, cookies, petit fours and more! Enjoy the roof-top Spa we create, while relaxing under the firm hands of your own personal massage therapist, get a pedicure, a manicure, facial and more! Shop at the little rooftop shopping village we have created with perfect ladies treasures and gifts. This invite is for the elite, of the elite and is limited to just 40 ladies, by invitation only. Exhibitors: JGonzalez@thelatinvillage.com or call (813) 901-5292. Tickets: $50.00 in advance, $55.00 day of event. Sponsorship opportunities are available. To exhibit your company or for sponsorship info: (813) 901-5292 or email: events@thelatinvillage.com
calle social
4th annual cinco de mayo celebration
the team
East Meets West
Intelligent Office
Mr. Regason
Pollo Tropical
latina movers & shakers
Somos MĂşsica Mr. Regason with John Seda
May - july 2008 | LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE
bochinche blvd
Congratulations to Cirsco! Tampa based CIRSCO announces relocation CIRSCO – Commercial Industrial Roof Services Company is pleased to announce its expansion and relocation to its new facilities at 8402 Sabal Industrial Blvd., in Tampa. CIRSCO was founded in 2002 by Hig Rodriguez Dillinger its CEO, and is a family owned and operated establishment with his three children, Scott & Steve Dillinger and Nichol Bartley all actively involved in the company’s daily operations. Rodriguez Dillinger has over 35
Familia Cruz
Calurosos saludos a la la familia Cruz.
years of experience in roof consulting, facilities management, roofing product systems in national, regional and local markets. CIRSCO is a minority and service disabled veteran owned and is a member of many local, regional and national trade associations. “Our mission is to assist Building Owners to maintain their roofs and to develop long-term programs to help them manage their roof assets to maximize their performance,” says Rodriguez Dillinger.
square feet in the State of Florida and was recently recognized at The Tampa Bay Business Journal’s Diversity and Inclusion Awards Luncheon as one of the Top 25 minorityowned companies in Tampa Bay. The firm offers complete commercial and industrial roof services including consulting services, maintenance, leak repairs, disaster response, emergency services, roof inspections and analysis, restoration, and re-roofing to assist building owners in managing the commercial building assets.
The combined staff at CIRSCO has managed roofing product on hundreds of millions of
For more information visit us at www.cirsco.com or call 813-740-8080.
Familia Sodre
Saludos a la familia Sodre!
Pedro Jesús y Familia
Saludos a el Salsero Pedro Jesus with familia y Vaya DJ
Roberto Germain
Saludos a Roberto Germain con la familia Kobel
Carmen Santiago
Saludos a Carmen Santiago
bochinche blvd
A Special THANK YOU TO Local Classica Salsa Band Somos Musica, for their incredible performance at 1st. Friday @ Mirage! They are available for private functions! Info: (813) 249-0275
El Festival de San Juan Bautista 2008 The 2008 Festival of San Juan Bautista in the Rancho “El Lago” is scheduled for Sunday, June 29, 2008. Rancho “El Lago” is located at 1600 Taylor Road, in Brandon, Florida. This event is expected to draw several thousand people, and is family oriented. There will be 2 International stars, 3 folkloric groups and a Wrestling Exhibition.
Don’t miss out & Advertise with us!
For rates call: 813-901-5292 or e-mail: jgonzalez@thelatinvillage.com
For more information on this exciting event, please email: Convergencia_Internaional@yahoo.com or call (813) 4070333.
May - july 2008 | LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE
cruisin la calle
Tampa’s Upscale Latin Night! WOW – In case you haven’t heard yet, there is a fantastic new Latin Night in town, and it caters to Tampa Bay’s upscale Hispanic community! Latin Times was at the opening night event, which was held on Friday, May 9th, where there was a packed house! The events’ are produced by Codigo Bleu and is guaranteed fun – great music keeps the dance full, great location and plenty of parking. Congrats to Gil Sanchez and his team on a job very well done. For information please email: codigo.bleu@gmail.com
East Meets West Latin Jazz Concert |
n a night filled with fantastic music, East definitely met West at the East Meets West Latin Jazz Concert, with a lineup which featured the exciting performance of Rie Akagi (The Magic Flute), and her “JapoBoricua” Latin Jazz Band, Grammy Winning performing artist: Lannie Battistini and his “Hands in Motion” Latin Jazz Quintet, and the exciting performance of Master Conguero Giovanni Hidalgo!! The event was hosted by Al Santana of Tampa Bay’s Jazz station WSJT. Many dignitaries were in attendance, and guests included the Deputy Consulate General of Japan, The honorable Naohito Watanabe who
Presented by: Verizon and Telemundo Tampa.
welcomed the Japan guests to the United States. The event was held at the Green Iguana and was produced by Hands in Motion music, and Latin Times Magazine. Sponsors: Verizon, Telemundo Tampa, Green Iguana, Latin Times Magazine, Hands in Motions Music, Vaya DJ., Presidente Beer, Cirsco Roofing, Don Q Crystal, Sakana Sushi, Jason’s Hauling, RFC (Real Fighting Championships) Reeves Import Motorcars, Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce of the Gulf Coast, Boricua.com, Japan Foundation.
The Venue – Upscale, great looking, and just over “the bridge” Just a short drive right over the bridge, we highly recommend checking it out soon! Latin Times checked out the club formerly known as "Storman's Palace", and now known as ‘The Venue”, recently and had a great time! This amazing establishment is an upscale entertainment complex, which officially opened in late Feb 2008.
The 23,000 square foot building includes two new restaurants and 8 different themed areas including; an Ultra Lounge, a Martini Bar, an outside Deck Bar, a Champaign Lounge, a Wine Room for private dining, and the Cabana Deck. The new restaurants are Viaggio, an international journey into Tapas and Takara, a restaurant serving both contemporary and traditional style sushi. The Venue is available for business meetings, private
dinners, wine tours and personal celebrations. The VIP room has a private entrance and is available by invitation only. The Venue is located 2675 Ulmerton Road St. Petersburg, Florida 33654. For more information, call: 727-571-2222.
cruisin la calle
SummerFest 2008 Another Big Year for SummerFest 2008, which was held on Saturday, April 26th & Sunday April 27th @ Largo Central Park in Largo, Florida! FREE MUSIC, GREAT FOOD, & FAMILIY FUN Presenting a day event, with Saturday being themed as the “Latin Day”, among the great line-up of talent was Lannie Battistini and his Latin Jazz Band which opened for the talented Tito Puente, Jr. For more information on SummerFest, to sponsor future events, go to www.summerfestlive.com or call 727-584-3528.
Coqui Bowling Tournament C
ongratulations on a Job very well done to Roberto Rodriguez, who recently produced and hosted the 3rd annual Coqui Bowling Tournament, which was held in Orlando, Florida. The tournament hosts bowlers representing various Latin Countries, including Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Brazil and more! This year’s event attracted over 300 bowlers from all around the world. The event is held over a period of a week and closes off with the awards Gala which honors that week’s biggest winners. For information on how you can participate in next years event, please email: CoquiBowlingClub@yahoo.com
Florida State Fair | La Plaza HISPANIC VILLAGE! The Florida State Fair reported another successful year as the curtain closed on the 2008 Florida State Fair - “It’s Showtime, Baby!” The audited attendance figures from the Office of the Inspector General for the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services indicated 490,513 people visited the 2008 Florida State Fair through its 12-day run. This is a 7% increase in attendance from the prior year. The increase was in part due to the Hispanic Village which was added in 2008. La Plaza Hispanic Village featured great live Latin entertainment, foods and more! For information on you can participate in the 2009 State Fair, call 813627-4314 or e-mail shreavd@doacs.state.fl.us This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it.
May - july 2008 | LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE
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action avenue Friday, June 6th, 2008
1st Friday Latin ConneXions – Business Networking Social in Tampa, FL @ Mirage – 3605 Hillsborough Avenue, (Tampa). Held on the 1st Friday of every month, this is the biggest, most exciting business networking social in Tampa Bay! Bring plenty of business cards and your dancing shoes. Free parking & buffet, giveaways and much more! Presented By: Latin Times Magazine. Price: Free, Time: 5:45pm – 10:00pm. To exhibit your company or for sponsorship info: (813)9015292. Visit: www.Latin-Connections.com
Sunday, June 15th, 2008 Father’s Day
Friday, July 18th, 2008
Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce of the Gulf Coast presents Guayabera Night 5:30 Pm – 8:30 PM @ The Latam Restaurant in Historic Ybor City. $5.00 cover, www.puertoricanchamber.net
Saturday, June 2008
Ladies Tea Party – By Invitation Only Just for ladies tea party/meeting. Held in West Tampa, on the top floor of a charming and unique business that will delight as your explore it! Join us at this elegant and exact replication of Victorian Ladies Tea Cottage. Complete with elegant chaise lounges, parlor room, and a mini-museum room filled with great feminine treasures. On the menu: An array of hand selected Teas from all around the world. Spoil yourself with such delicious delights such as petite sandwiches, Savannah honey & cheese board, chocolate fountain, fruit compote, an incredible assortment of chocolates, cookies, petit fours and more! Enjoy the roof-top Spa we create, while relaxing under the firm hands of your own personal massage therapist, get a pedicure, a manicure, facial and more! Shop at the little rooftop shopping village we have created with perfect ladies treasures and gifts. This invite is for the elite, of the elite and is limited to just 40 ladies, by invitation only. Exhibitors: JGonzalez@thelatinvillage.com or call (813) 901-5292. Tickets: $50.00 in advance, $55.00 day of event. Sponsorship opportunities are available.
June 26th – 29th, 2008
Jesus Christ Superstar @ Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center - Carol Morsani Hall Jesus Christ Superstar, the first masterpiece from the legendary writing team of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber, exploded onto the scene in 1971 changing the world of theater forever. With a score of amazing songs – "I Don't Know How To Love Him," "Hosanna," "Everything's Alright," "What's the Buzz" and "Superstar" – this original groundbreaking production starring Ted Neeley in the title role and Living Colour's Clorey Glover as Judas is as relevant and timeless as ever. Info: www.tbpac.org
Wednesday & Thursday, July 2nd & 3rd, 2008
Chris Rock @ Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center Morsani Hall, Tampa, FL Show times vary, tickets available at: www.ticketmaster.com
Friday, July 4th, 2008 – 4th of July!
1st Friday Latin ConneXions – Business Networking Social in Tampa, FL @ Mirage – 3605 Hillsborough Avenue, (Tampa). Held on the 1st Friday of every month, this is the biggest, most exciting business networking social in Tampa Bay! Bring plenty of business cards and your dancing shoes. Free parking & buffet, giveaways and much more! Presented By: Latin Times Magazine. Price: Free, Time: 5:45pm – 10:00pm. To exhibit your company or for sponsorship info: (813)901-5292. Visit: www. Latin-Connections.com
Monday, July 7th, 2008
Pat Benatar @ Ruth Eckerd Hall, Clearwater, FL Long acknowledged as one of the leading female rock vocalists in the industry, Pat Benatar is a certified rock n' roll superstar. She's a fourtime Grammy winner with six platinum and four gold albums to her credit as well as such hit singles as "I Need A Lover," "Treat Me Right," "Hit Me With Your Best Shot," and "Love Is A Battlefield." Show at 8:00 PM, tickets available at www.ticketmaster.com
Sunday, July 13th, 2008
Juan Luis Guerra @ Amway Arena, Orlando, FL Show: 7:00 PM. LA TRAVESIA TOUR JUAN LUIS GUERRA Y 440 EN CONCIERTO. Tickets: www.Ticketmaster.com
Friday, August 1st, 2008
1st Friday Latin ConneXions – Business Networking Social in Tampa, FL @ Mirage – 3605 Hillsborough Avenue, (Tampa). Held on the 1st Friday of every month, this is the biggest, most exciting business networking social in Tampa Bay! Bring plenty of business cards and your dancing shoes. Free parking & buffet, giveaways and much more! Presented By: Latin Times Magazine. Price: Free, Time: 5:45pm – 10:00pm. To exhibit your company or for sponsorship info: (813)901-5292. Visit: www.Latin-Connections.com
Saturday, August 2nd, 2008
Bay! Bring plenty of business cards and your dancing shoes. Free parking & buffet, giveaways and much more! Presented By: Latin Times Magazine. Price: Free, Time: 5:45pm – 10:00pm. To exhibit your company or for sponsorship info: (813)901-5292. Visit: www. Latin-Connections.com
Saturday, May 24th, 2008
Alicia Keys – As I am Tour @ the St, Pete Forum 8:00pm Featuring Ne-Yo and American Idol’s Jordin Sparks. St. Pete Times Forum 401 Channelside Dr. - Tampa, FL 33602 - (813) 301-6500. Tickets on sale at www. stpetetimesforum.com
2008 Children & Teen Salsa Congress Hosted By Edwin Rivera Sunday, July 6th, 2008
@ the Hyatt Regency Tampa. Event by Children-Teen Salsa Congress, Inc.. Edwin Rivera invites you to the 4th annual Children-Teen Salsa Congress in Tampa Florida July 4th to July 7th, 2008. “A Congress like No Other” At the The Hyatt Regency Tampa - 211 North Tampa Street- Tampa, Florida, 33602 - All Performers are Children and Teen Groups (No adult groups permitted). Discounted Passes to Busch Gardens Theme Park and Adventure Island Water Park Imagine a destination where you can have family fun during the day and dance all night. For the second time that destination has been created for you and your family.
The Wizard of Oz - Saturday, June 7th, 2008
George Michael 25 LIVE Tour @ The St. Pete Times Forum (Tampa, FL) Show: 8:00pm. After performing 80 shows in 12 European countries for a staggering 1.3 million fans over the past year alone, legendary superstar George Michael will be bringing his smash 25 LIVE tour to North American arenas in the summer of 2008. Info: www. stpetetimesforum.com
7:30pm @ the Progress Energy Center for the Arts: Mahaffey Theater, St Petersburg, FL Come join Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow, Tinman and the Cowardly Lion as they sing and dance their way down the Yellow Brick Road through Munchkinland and The Emerald City. With the help of Glenda the Good Witch, they will outwit the Wicked Witch of The West and her Flying Monkeys, and will find their hearts desires. Tickets on sale @ www. mahaffeytheater.com for as low as $19
Thursday, August 21st, 2008
September 2008
Pop Tarts presents American Idols LIVE! Tour 2008 One of the hottest shows ever is back for another great tour you won’t want to miss. Check out your favorite Idol live and in person when American Idols Live! comes to the St. Pete Times Forum August 21, 2008. Info: www.stpetetimesforum.com
Friday, August 29th, 2008
Latin ConneXions Small Business Expo @ NEW Location (TBA) Get your exhibit space today. Over 40 companies expected. Great music, Art exhibit and more!! FREE to attend. First 50 People receive a FREE DRINK TICKET. FREE Parking, Complimentary Buffet - Great networking!
August 19 - 24, 2008
Mamma Mia! @ Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center - Carol Morsani Hall Three possible fathers …Two unforgettable days. One fantastic musical! Mamma Mia!, based on songs of ABBA, has become one of the most successful musicals of all time. The infectious and funny production features 22 of ABBA's best known songs. Info: www.Tbpac.org
Friday, September 5th, 2008
Latin Xpressions 1st Friday Latin ConneXions – Business Networking Social in Tampa, FL @ Mirage – 3605 Hillsborough Avenue, (Tampa). Held on the 1st Friday of every month, this is the biggest, most exciting business networking social in Tampa
Tampa Bay’s First Annual Elite Latino Awards is coming this September 2008! Do you know someone that deserves to be nominated? Log on to our website and complete the simple nomination form TODAY! Criteria for Nominations: Nominees may be from the public or private sector, and include education, arts, media, entertainment, hospitality, government, law, health, human services, volunteer, entrepreneur, outstanding students 18-22 and/or other professions. This event will pay homage to the Elite Latinos who have excelled within their profession by demonstrating and practicing ethical, professional and responsible behavior. For more information, please email EliteLatinoAwards@thelatinvillage. com
Tampa Bay Rays’ Games - Tropicana Field - Tampa Bay Rays
June 13, 2008 7:10pm vs. Florida Marlins June 17, 2008 7:10pm vs. Chicago Cubs June 20, 2008 7:10pm vs. Houston Astros June 30, 2008 7:10pm vs. Boston Red Sox July 4, 2008 5:10pm vs. Kansas City Royals July 18, 2008 7:10pm vs. Toronto Blue Jays July 21, 2008 7:10pm vs. Oakland Athletics August 1, 2008 7:10pm vs. Detroit Tigers August 4, 2008 7:10pm vs. Cleveland Indians August 23, 2008 7:10pm vs. Los Angeles Angels of Anheim August 26, 2008 7:10pm vs. Toronto Blue Jays For more great events, visit us at: Latin-Times.com Or sign up to receive our e-Latino Weekly Newsletter which features more great events and local news.
10:00AM - 2:00PM MOSI (museum of science and industry)
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P: 813.846-0263 F: 813.949.9644 E: unforgettable_events_productions@verizon.net
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