Catalog sustainable buildings latvia 2013 eng

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Catalog of applications for the contest «Most susitanable building and project in Latvia 2013»

Co n t e s t o r g a n i z ato r s :

professional field editions Latvijas Būvniecība and Latvijas Architektūra and Latvian sustainable building council •

2 The World Green Building Week in year 2013 was marked around the world from 16th of September till 20th of September, paying attention to sustainable, health and environmentally friendly design and construction. During the time of the global event in September 19th of 2013 in Riga the results of the competition «Most sustainable building and project 2013», which was held for the first time in Latvia, were announced. The competition is being planned in long-term to organized on yearly basis in order to identify realized sustainable building projects and ideas, paying attention to locally accessible resources in creation of sustainable buildings, spark the interest of future professionals in the development of sustainable urban environment and construction, share the information, experience, knowledge and ideas on sustainable urban environment and construction development and requirements, spreading the local experience between the members of World Green Building Council, as well as to enhance the export capacity of architects, engineers and builders. The entries were evaluated in three nominations- «Most sustainable building 2013», «Most sustainable project 2013» and «Most sustainable student idea 2013» by 9 criteria: choice of location and positioning, energy efficiency, efficient use of water resources, building materials, waste reduction during construction process and operation, transport and mobility, the quality of inner environment, social and economic benefits, innovative solutions. The competition «Most sustainable building and project 2013» was announced in February of 2013, organizers- Latvian Sustainable Building Council (LIBP) and professional issues- «Latvijas Architektūra» («Latvian Architecture») and «Latvijas Būvniecība» («Construction in Latvia»). The application deadline was 20th June of 2013 and a total of 29 applications were received from recognized architects and developers as well as from students. Five entries in nomination «Most sustainable building in Latvia 2013», five entries in nomination «Most sustainable project in Latvia 2013» and four entries in nomination «Most sustainable student idea in Latvia 2013» were advanced to second round.

Most sustainable building, project and student idea in Latvia in 2013 Jury: LIBP managing director Zane Sauka, publicist and editor in chief of the issue «Latvijas Būvniecība»

Agrita Lūse and editor in chief of the issue «Latvijas Architektūra» Jānis Lejnieks, architects Uldis Balodis and Raimonds Saulītis, master of engineering Ērika Lešinska and doctor of engineering Jānis Kļaviņš, World Green Building Council expert David Clark. Regulations – First place in nomination «Most sustainable building 2013» was awarded to office building

«Upmalas Biroji» (developer/customer – «Bauplan Nord», project authors – Michael Schlesinger; «Treimanis un sabiedrotie», «Constructus») – as a project that stands out with room functionality and high level of physical and social comfort. The second place was awarded to Ventspils Creative Centre (project authors – architect office «Virtu», Anda Kursiša, Iveta Cibule, Baiba Ērenpreisa, Renāte Bāliņa, Gita Baumane) as a project with vastly considered social function. The third place was awarded to project «Residential house FUTURIS» (project authors – bureau «ARHIS»). First place in nomination «Most sustainable project 2013» was awarded to family house project «Vecmājas» (author – architect office «Krauklis Grende»), second place was received by low energy consumption building with marketing function in industrial park of Riga (project autor- architect Roberts Riekstiņš), third place was awarded to five family house building complext in Ventspils which has also received «Passivhaus Institut» certificate. Project authors – architect office «Arhitektūras birojs FORMA» and «Krists Karklins Design». In nomination «Most sustainable student idea 2013» two places were awarded refraining from awarding the third place. The first place was received by yard cleaning project developed by architecture students, which has been realized for few years already around Latvia. The conclusion of the jury: «The project is a significant example to social services and politicians of a solution for environment culture development and real citizen integration». The second place was awarded to – Riga Building College (RBC) architecture student proposal for the great hall solutionof Tukuma district Slampes municipality Zemgales highscool .


Ag r i ta Lū s e , editor in chief of the issue «Latvijas Būvniecība» («Construction in Latvia»):

Jānis Lejnieks, editor in chief of the issue «Latvijas Architektūra» («Latvian Architecture»):

«Applications of high quality objects, buildings and projects were entered in the competition providing a strong competition to all participants. Many of the objects are also valuable as examples of practical sustainable building design and realization. As one of such I would like to mention office building «Alojas Biznesa centrs», although the opinion of jury`s majority didn`t nominate it amongst award winners, this office building is sustainable building pioneer in Latvia, verifying that in several years of operation..»

The «Vitruvian Triad» still determines the fundamental virtues of architecture. It refers to utilitas, the purpose or function of a structure; firmitas, the structural integrity, strength of a structure and its comprising materials, as well as maintenance; and venustas, the aesthetic qualities of the structure. Contemporary «Triad» of Sustainability is based on three dimensions and requires the reconciliation of national economy, environment protection and social equity demands. Novelty is Ethical consumerism. Every assessment is the good way for sustainable solutions in future.


Zane Sauka, managing director of Latvian Sustainable Building Council:

«A sustainable building does not neccessarily need to be technologically overcomplicated. Sustainable location, planning of the building to ensure correct use of daylight combined with regular, smart maintanance make a large step into the right direction. What matters is the absolute – not relative – use of resources. In other words, the question is not, what’s the consumption per square metre, but rather – how many square metres does the building have and what is it’s total consumption. Architects, engineers and building constructors in Latvia have enough knowledge and skills to build good, sustainable buildings. We have such buildings in Latvia already. In order for every building to follow this standard, more and more ambitious clients and best practice is needed. There is not, and cannot be, one and the only «sustainable building recepe» – sustainability is made up of details. As a country, Latvia has large potential to compete successfully in European sustainable building market. For this to happen, we need to take more pride, respect and care of our country and the resources it has.»

Pat r o n s o f t h e c o m p e t i t i o n World Green Building Council , WGBC,, and Ministry of Culutre of the Republic of Latvia

Issue «Latvijas Būvniecība», editor in chief Agrita Lūse, +371 28373794,,,, Issue «Latvijas Architektūra», editor in chief Jānis Lejnieks, +371 29213398,, The professional issues dedicated to architecture, construction and design «Latvijas Architektūra» and «Latvijas Būvniecība» form an alliance, creating a wholesome and independent informative platform for highlights of the relevant fields. Both magazines are issued six time a year, providing the readers with a publication of high-quality content and illustrations. Range of topics – object reviews, architecture projects, concept of sustainability,good practice examples of construction and interior design. The alliance has agreed on information exchange with important NGOs – Latvian Association of Architects, Latvian Sustainable Building Council, Lavian Association of Builders, Latvian union of Designers,and architecture platform

Supporters of the creation of the catalogue State Culture Capital Foundation,

Supporters of the contest Managing director of Latvian Sustainable Building Council Zane Sauka, +371 29194600, The goal of the Latvian Sustainable Building Council is to promote and further the development of sustainable building in Latvia. Significant role in the achievement of the goal is information and education. With this competition we look to identify and promote sustainable buildings, projects as well as creative and sustainable ideas in our country. In collaboration with World Green Building Council the information about the competition will be accessible to all WGBC members from more than 90 countries in five continents.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable building in Latvia 2013

Office building «Aloja business centre» («Alojas biznesa centrs») Public office building, «Nordea» bank headquarters, Valdemāra street 62, Riga. Authors – architects Visvaldis Sarma and Inga Zūdiņa, «SARMA&NORDE Arhitekti». Builder – «LNK Industries». Customer – «LNK Properties». Fulfilling class A office quality requirements in «Nordea» bank building there are unique technological solutions that render the building environmentally friendly as well as energysaving object. New building. Number of floors – seven above the ground and three underground. Total area of the building – 16 000 m2, area of floors above ground– 11 000 m², underground parking space (170) – 5000 m². Number of building users – 350. Put into operation in May, 2009.

Visual material: Foto: «Sarma&Norde»

5 Location. The building is located in the protection zone of the Riga historical centre, setting is determined by the character of contiguous streets- K. Valdemara street with the status of city street and the silent Alojas street. The closing back walls of the building are made fireproof thus allowing for continued construction of buildings along the perimeter of the respective block of K. Valdemara street. Retreating from the red line, on the side of Alojas street there has been created a public open space near the main entrance of the building, in courtyard- secluded recreation zone for bank employees from which it is possible to access the cafe. The construction. The construction has been developed to minimize the amount of CO2 emissions during the construction process and operation. Innovative security solutions have been applied in the construction of the underground parking space 8.5 m below groundwater level, with limited construction area in a dense building area. The floor depth and column distance has been well considered in order to efficiently use the space and daylight. Utility networks as well as microclimate maintaining equipment are installed underneath the raised floor, thus allowing for the possibility to change the shape of the room without huge expenses. Each facade has been glazed with different parameters, adjusting them to the climate influence depending on compass and the noise level of the outside environment. All factors regarding the accessibility of the environment have been observed. External blinds have been set up. Building materials and equipment. Sustainable locally produced building elements and equipment have been used, reducing the pollution caused by transportation: cement, concrete, crushed stone chips, reinforced steel elements, glass partitions, facade systems, large scale artificial stone facade decoration panels, stairs, and innovative design furniture. Carpet tiles have been supplied from a sustainable product manufacturer. Many of the materials used can be recycled. Waste reduction during construction process has been contributed to by using prefabricated, industrially produced construction elements and systems which allowed to save manpower expenses and energy. Microclimate. Ventilation system prepares the air separately for 34 user zones according to need. In conference centre CO2 levels are being determined and the necessary amount of fresh air is supplied. A special air moisturizing system is being used in order to provide a favourable microclimate through vent lines. Energy from renewable sources: the heat produced from the operation of the building is being used repeatedly as an energy source. In underground parking lot positive temperature is provided by heat of the ground and the air processed in ventilation systems. Operation. Building`s BMS system performs monitoring, measures consumption and regulates the operation of ventilation, heating, cooling, lighting and other systems. Decentralized engineering systems allow to maintain the necessary indoor climate individually in each room, adjusting their operation according to the factors of internal and external environment- sun, rain, snow, temperature, wind. Repeated use of produced hot air and water is ensured. In order to ensure economy of water resources there are low consumption water mixers used in WC zones, WC bowls are equipped with dual control flush tank mechanisms – economy is ensured by air aerator, which reduces the amount of water flowing through three times (around 6l/min) without reducing intensity of the flow. In year 2012 the building consumed 400 m3 of water per month. Maintenance is organized according to ECO OFFICE principles, involving the employees in waste sorting. Recycled paper is used in the daily work of the office. Resources are saved by the use of highquality communication technologies. Conferences with international clients and partners are held online. There is a corporate bicycle available for use when visiting clients.


Section of the building.


Floor plan.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable building in Latvia 2013

Office building «Upmalas offices» («Upmalas biroji») Public office building «Upmalas offices» («Upmalas biroji»), Mūkusalas street 101, LV – 1004. Project authors – architects Michael Schlesinger, Edgars Treimanis, «Treimanis & co» («Treimanis un sabiedrotie»), engineers consultants – «Bauplan Nord», «Constructus». Important are the socioeconomic benefits of the building: a kindergarten has been established, that is being used by the office employees and locals, there is a public cafe in the building, access to Wi-Fi, therefore the building is a great place for business meetings, also there is a partly subsidized system of meal vouchers for employees. Yoga classes are offered in the mornings, there is a postal service center in the building. New building. Total and heated area– 15 568,2 m2 . Number of building users – on average 350 people. Put into operation– 31st of October, 2008.

Visual material: «Bauplan Nord» Foto:

7 Location. The location has been chosen regarding the perspective development plan of Riga. The site has been improved, terrain leveling has been done, a public children`s playground has been set up, a pedestrian track to public transport stop has been cleaned. The orientation of the building has been planned as to bring maximal amount of daylight in the rooms. The office building is easily accessible from motorways without getting into traffic jams as well as with public transport. . Construction. Foundations – sheet wall piling, reinforced concrete. Ventilated facade system: curtain facade slab on metal carcass, ventilation gap, rock wool 150 mm, monolite reinforced concrete wall 250 or 300 mm. Plastered facade system: mineral plaster on fiberglass reinforcement mesh, rock wool 200 mm, reinforced concrete wall 250 mm, interior finish. Inverted roof technology has been applied: reinforced concrete slab covered with hot rubber bitumen, above that- heat insulation, geo glass and white pebble, that prevent the roof from heating up. Raised floor has been installed indoors allowing for a free alteration of the floor plan. Windows are equipped with automated external blinds, retaining approx. 45% of heat. Construction materials. Soil from the construction pit was used in the preparation of foundations. Locally produced materials: concrete, finish materials and plasterboard, other materials: steel, aluminum, granite, casting iron and copper pipes. Waste reduction during construction process and operation. Waste during construction process consisted mainly

of packaging that was being sorted and given away for utilization. A philosophy of using recyclable materials- metal, aluminum parapets for external window sills and window and external door profiles, for internal door- steel frames, granite internal window sills, casting iron soil stacks and water pipes, copper cooling network and heat pipes. Microclimate. Air circulation of two kinds- mechanical ventilation and opening windows. Five ventilation devices equipped with two heat exchangers (heating and cooling) and rotor type recuperation. In the ceiling there are local heating/cooling devices with the option to set the temperature individually. Night cooling during summer. Opening windows ensure additional air flow and allow for the saving of energy resources in between heating and cooling seasons. Air circulation corresponds to the number of employees, providing 30–45 m3/h of fresh air per person. The average yearly energy consumption is 109,59 kWh/m2 (electricity-54,82 kWh/m2; heating- 54,77 kWh/m2), consumption is being reduced every year. Heating system is automated. Electricity consumption for cooling devices is 76 406,5 kWh/per year, heating– 9226,0, outdoor lighting– 20 821,5, lighting for publicly shared rooms-– 44 877,5, underground parking lot lighting – 19 185,0 kWh/ per year. Sanitary units are equipped with 5L–8L electric boilers, dosing the amount of water to be heated. Lighting system in the shared rooms has been equipped with motion sensors, energyefficient LED bulbs have been used. Operation. BMS system has been installed, maintenance for which is performed by trained personnel, in order to track water consumption, heating and cooling. After in depth analysis of the collected data the consumption is optimized. In the tenant rooms there are sub-meters of electricity, water, heating and cooling, allowing for each to control the consumption. The heating of ramp is done by an economic management system that analyzes the meteorological data. Water use- economic flushing mode WC equipment, ionized water is used for window washing, parking lot washing is done by water saving equipment. Water consumption is 248 m3/per month. Waste such as domestic waste, polyethylene, metal packaging, office paper, colored and colorless glass, PET and cardboard is being sorted. A video camera is installed by the garbage disposal containers. Fees apply for the parking of private transportation thus encouraging the use of public transport. Tenants organize exercise breaks on the grass lawn.

Section of the building.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable building in Latvia 2013

Apartment building FUTURIS Apartment building, Antonijas street 16A, Riga. Authors –architects A. Kronbergs, J. Biķis, I. Kalvelis, architect technician K. Šults, design office ARHIS. Constructors – V. Celmiņš, A. Samarins, S. Haidersbach, engineers – T. Papinigis, S. Tilingaite, P. Hansson, A. Šišovs, V. Kalmikovs, A. Mihailovs, O. Ulmanis. Builder – «Āboltiņa būvuzņēmums AG» (from 2010), «PBLC» (2008–2010). Customer – «Larix Property». With the modern energy efficient seven-storey residential building FUTURIS the renovation phase of the Art Noveau block of Dzirnavu, Antonijas and Zaļā streets has been completed. New building. Total area – 7318,3 m2, heated area – 6102,9 m2. Number of floors – seven above ground, two underground parking lots. Number of apartments – 60. Number of users – around 135 people. Put into operation on May 30th of 2012.

Visual material: «Larix Foto: Property»

9 Location. The building had to be incorporated in between rather tight set of existing buildings, however from restrictions arising from such situation it has been possible to create a desirable effect, creating a narrow facade on Antonijas street and hiding a broad facade with the building`s entrance in the yard. Construction. The building is based on reinforced concrete piles driven 30m deep into the ground, its outline is a broken line, erecting the facades of the building in different levels and thus providing the maximum amount of daylight in apartments from morning till dawn. The first floor apartments have access to small green area, the middle floor apartments- to balconies and the upper floor apartments- to spacious roof terraces. The balconies are attached to the wall with mounts that prevent the formation of thermal bridges. The building is equipped with energy-efficient elevators. Building materials. For structures there has been used clay concrete blocks and reinforced concrete. Preference has been given to construction materials produced in Latvia, reducing the delivering distance and pollution. For insulation there has been used rock wool, for strengthening- innovative energy efficient dowels, membranes that protect the insulation from humidity. When choosing the colour hue of the building attention has been paid to the solar reflectance index, in order to reduce the heating up of the facade. Roof is covered with galvanized tinplate. Windows have been manufactured from timber profiles in which there are grids for the supply of fresh air, they have triple glazing and between glass panes there are energyefficient glass plane separators. There are windows built in the warm part of the roof; control of external blinds is provided by solar panels. Water supply channels have been made of stainless steel pipes. Microclimate. The ventilation valves installed in window frames ensure an optimal amount of fresh air in the rooms. Powered ventilators are installed in apartment bathrooms, ventilation hoods in kitchens, soundproof mineral wool has been installed in between walls, which also ensures optimal microclimate in the rooms. Building`s energy efficiency status in heating season of 2012./2013. – 55,52 kWh/m2. The energy consumption for heating– 42,58 kWh/ m2, for hot water – 12,93 kWh/m2. Centralized heat supply has been adapted to the outdoor temperature fluctuations, there are individual thermostats and heat consumption meters. Each heating element is connected directly to the collector. Operation. Sanitary facilities with thermostats and efficient water economy modes are installed, remote tracking of individual water consumption figures. The average water consumption rate per year – 230 m3/h. Waste is being sorted – glass and paper.

Section of layers.

First floor plan.

Technical drawing of the roof.

Technical drawing of balcony and window.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable building in Latvia 2013

National Art Museum of Latvia «Riga Bourse» Public building, Doma square 6, Riga. Author of the reconstruction and restoration project – architect Liesma Markova, «Arhitektoniskās izpētes grupa». Builder – «Pilnsabiedrība RBSSKALS&RBSSKALS Būvvadība». Customer – «Valsts Nekustamie īpašumi» (State Real Estate) The building houses the National Art Museum of Latvia «Riga Bourse», and it is architectural monument of national significance. The building was built during years of 1852.–1855., architect Haralds Juliuss Bose. After reconstruction and restoration the building perfectly combines multiple functionsthe function of museum and publicly accessible object. For the first time in the history of the building it is possible to look into previously closed halls with historical interior. Travelling collections contribute to educating the public, a quality environment for kids has been created with suitable activities and content. There is also a place for discussions, book release parties etc., which can be viewed as significant sustainability aspects for social integration. Reconstruction and restoration. Overall heated area– 5404,2 m². Number of floors – 6. Number of users– 50 employees, more than 147 000 visitors per year. Put into operation on August 2nd of 2011.

Photo: «RBSSKALS», Technical drawings: «Arhitektoniskās Foto: Izpētes Grupa»

11 History. The building is located in the historical center of Riga, the UNESCO protection zone, in Doma square, for a long time it operated as Riga bourse and corresponding to its functional significance was closed to visitors. After the Second World War the building became propaganda house of scientific equipment, cinematic lecture hall and library, the building was operated but not renovated, only small changes in the layout were made. After the fire during the renovation of 1976–1979, in year 1980 new renovation plan was designed, the realization of which was put to halt. The renovation of the building was restarted in year 2007. Construction and layout. The building has six floors and the courtyard has been transformed into atrium and partly covered with glass roof at the height of the building, which can be regarded as innovation, adjusting the building to the needs of the museum yet not interfering with the inner structure of the building. This is one of the few buildings in the Riga historical center where after reconstruction the regard to the principles of the accessibility to environment has been shown, making the building family and people with functional impairment friendly. There has been installed a spacious glazed elevator, ramps, the WC zone next to the cloakroom has a changing table for babies, on the fourth floor of the exhibition there is a recreation zone with a beautiful view on the city. In the basement of the building there is a large cloakroom in which it is also possible to use lockers for storing personal belongings. Building materials and waste reducing during construction process. Any existing material has been used either

in its original place or transferred to another part of the building, ensuring ultimate preserving of the building`s content. The 150 year old wooden beams from the dismantled roof construction have been adjusted to floor covering, the old copper roof covering has been used for indoor decoration, the restored old concrete steps make up the beginning section of the new stairs etc. The choice of any new material was determined by historical context and practical necessity. Oak has been chosen for floor as the most durable material, dolomite and granite floors in the exhibition hall and lobby correspond to the room occupancy etc. There have been some departures from the historical context realized in the project, however they have

been based on the principle of the building`s sustainability in its operation. During the construction process the sorting of construction waste was carried out – metal, wood, paper etc., that ensured a successful utilization. Heat consumption per year – specific heat consumption is 130 kWh/m², from that- 3 kWh/m² for preparation of hot water. Significant part of the heat consumption is made by the citie`s public space- atrium. Electricity consumption in year 2012 was 938 590 kWh, including lighting and facilities- 833 291 kWh, and air preparation systems 105 300 kWh. Electricity consumption is associated with the regular filming in the building and the provision of the necessary powerful equipment`s operation. Microclimate. Engineering systems with automatic operational control have been installed that provide microclimate appropriate to the standards of the museum. Ventilation systems are equipped with heat and humidity recovery heat exchangers. Central cooling facilities operate in three modes: in spring and autumn- with outside air (costless natural resource); in summer with environmentally friendly adiabatic cooling; during summer in especially hot weather- with controllable multistage compression refrigeration unit. Circulation pumps are equipped with frequency converters to adapt the cooling output to the changing consumption and save electricity. Cooling system has been made based on the location being UNESCO protection zone, it is integrated in the construction, air supply inlets are covered with decorative metal lattice. In exhibition halls a constant temperature of +20–21 °C and relative humidity of 30-55% is maintained, air inlet filters are regularly changed. Operation. BMS is installed in the building, which ensures the metering and control of energy consumption, the optimization of system operation as well as provides information on necessary system maintenance. The average water consumption per month is 174 m³. The necessary cold water for the operation of cooling systems is being metered and partly reused in automatically operated mode. Water supply system`s water is not used for the watering of plants. During operation waste sorting is not carried out. Bicycle stands are of importance because during daytime it is difficult to find a parking spot in the area. Plans of the building.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable building in Latvia 2013

Narrow-gauge railway of Ventspils The development of the narrow-gauge railway exposition, Ventspils museum and territory of Seaside Open-air museum, Riņķa street 2; Vasarnīcu street 47, 58; Aizsaules street 5; Saules street 130, Ventspils city. Project authors – architects Anda Kursiša, Iveta Cibule, Gita Baumane, Lauris Kalniņš, Baiba Ērenpreisa, «Virtu». Constructor «Ostas celtnieks». Customer – Ventspils Museum, «Komunālā pārvlade». The project expands the functions of Ventspils Openair Museum, is practical and accessible to a wide range of visitors and viewers. Interest about industrial and building heritage is inspired in visitors; while for architecture and building professionals it is important to become familiar with simple and environmentally friendly construction techniques that can last for more than 100 years- wooden buildings, locomotive of the narrowgauge railway train etc. New building, reconstruction, replication. The total area of the complex groups of buildings– 551,6 m²: station building «Kalns» – 110 m²; staation «Priede» – 7,3 m²; shelter for coaches and wagons– 185,6 m²; station building «Muzejs» – 92 m²; depot building «Aizputes depo» – 130 m²; pay office – 6,7 m²; station «Pludmale» – 20 m². Put into operation in July 2010.

Visual Foto: material: «Virtu»

13 Location. The project is realized in the territory of museums, including several parts: construction and reconstruction of railway track sections, construction of a bicycle track, replication of historical buildings, and improvement of the territory. The relief and trees of the territory were preserved to the highest possible extent. Bicycle track allows to view the narrow gauge railway in an environmentally friendly way. In accordance with traditional practices a natural rainwater runoff has been made for the whole territory due to slopes. Construction. Narrow-gauge railway depot, station «Muzejs», pay office building, shelter for coaches and wagons, coal loading site, stops and destination station building fulfil the practical function of serving the visitors and are also the exhibits of the museum of once functional narrow-gauge railway. Buildings: museum station building- a replication of the lost Mazirbes station, designed after photographs and on-site inspection of similar buildings (a standard project of the German army); Aizputes depot building replication – designed after photographs, inspection of similar buildings in Germany and from photo materials, shelter building – designed after analogous one in Germany; pay office building and station building designed after photographs and sketches from the Soviet period. Destination station building is a replica of Pļavas station building, which is close to ceasing to exist. Depot building is made in timber carcass construction, wall fill- bricks; «Muzejs» and destination station building– timber carcass construction with mineral wool insulation, timber cladding on the facade and timber wall and ceiling cladding indoors. Wooden chips are used for the roofing of station buildings, wooden channels are installed for draining the rainwater filled with tin sheets to last longer. Other buildings, facilities ad elements too have been made as simple wooden constructions. The buildings have been constructed maximally using traditional building techniques. If those were lost, solutions for rational and ecological connecting of parts were searched for. For buildings a natural rainwater drainage system has been created, moving the water through metal channels into buried tanks with breakstone that drains the water into the ground. Construction materials. Mostly local building materials have been used, construction elements manufactured in local workshops, for walls of one building there were used bricks from a demolished building. Constructors were not allowed to deviate from the historical craft, a strict task was given with an entry in all pages of the project: «All work is to be done in traditional carpentry technique, any display of modern materials in visible junctions of facade and interior is unacceptable.» Authors explained in a simple language: «It is forbidden to bring materials from a store.» Timber facades were tinted with a simple ecological material– top soil tinted water. Boards acquired a grey tone and are no more indecently new. Windows, doors are painted with linseed oil paint, wooden elements indoorswith flour paint, windows have tow sealing. Waste reduction during construction process. Before construction the old shelter was demolished, partly the railway track too. Materials were sorted and utilized, causing a minimal harm to the environment. Operation. Seasonal use from 01.05. till 31.10. and during celebration. During winter season the buildings are maintained and guarded, providing necessary amount of heat to ensure the durability of the buildings and exhibition. Electricity consumption: Kalna station – on average 75 kW per month, 11 700 kW per year. Museum buildings: depot, station – on average 3750 kW per month, 45 000 kW per year. Heat: renewable energy sources for heating of the depot building– 100% (firewood heating), «Muzejs» and destination station building – 80% firewood heating, additional heating with electric heaters. Water consumption: destination station – on average 2 m3 per month; museum buildings (depot, station) – on average 30 m3 per month, because the steam locomotive is being filled.

Section of the «Aizputes depo».

Section of the «Kalna stacija».

Section of the museum station building.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable building in Latvia 2013

Ventspils Creative House («Ventspils Jaunrades nams») Public building – educational institution, Maiznieku street 11, Ventspils, Latvia. Project authors – architects Anda Kursiša, Iveta Cibule, Gita Baumane, Baiba Ērenpreisa, Renāte Bāliņa, «Virtu». Contractor – «Pilsbūve». Lime plaster for the facade– Māris Līdaka, restoration of hall interior painting – Baiba Pilsuma. Customer – «Ventspils Izglītības pārvalde», «Komunālā pārvalde». The building complex consists of a renovated historical volume and new building, significantly improving the overall appearance of the block and the visual identity of the neighborhood. The social function is the most important, offering creativevisual and performing arts, music-, as well as educational classes for pupils and students throughout the week from 7 a.m. till 11 p.m. Better communication of employees has been resolved. During the planning stage employees were surveyed and the optimal solutions for groups of rooms were agreed on, which was a basis for the employee integration and openness, switching from cabinet system to open office room. The successful realization of indoor environment factors has allowed for unplanned expansion of the building functions- it can now be used for representation, seminars and other public events. Reconstruction and new construction. The overall area of both buildings– 3168,2 m², heated area – 2613,1 m². Number of users: 69 employees, 1761 pupils and 2500 visitors of planetarium and observatory per month. Put into operation in August of 2010. Foto: material: «Virtu» Visual

15 Location. Creative House is located in a building with a remarkable history – the former Latvian Community House of Ventspils, next to it a new construction has been built. The yard has been landscaped to be used for classes, preserving the trees and planting new greenery. Fences and walls as well as other constructions of neighboring land properties have been cleared up. During the project pavements have been repaired, ramps constructed. A learning area has been set up for children to learn the safety basics. Construction. The distribution of functions between the renovated and new construction were done by the following principle- to interfere as little as possible in the structure of the existing building, planning to allocate performing arts and music club there for it is easier to adjust the rooms to meet the needs of those activities: less walls have to be destroyed- less debris; layout corresponding to existing walls. In the new building technologies club is planned with special equipment. Renovation work in the historical building to increase the energy-efficiency: the construction of new floor with heat-insulation layer on the ground floor, insulation of the yard and end facades with 100mm heat-insulation, the north exterior wall insulation from inside with fibrolite-foam polystyrene sheets, installation of new wooden windows on the yard-facing facade with Uavg.<1,6 W/ m2K, insulation of the attic and roof with 200mm thick mineral wool slabs, replacement and sealing of window glazing for historical wooden windows, construction of new heating system, ensuring that the building is hermetic, installing blinds on the windows of Southern facade protecting the rooms from overheating. Walls of the new building have been constructed from ceramic blocks, external walls have been insulated with polystyrene heatinsulation, window and door Uavg.<1,6 W/m2K; roof heat-insulation250 mm thick. Taking into account the function, attention was paid to acoustic comfort, acoustics specialist was consulted. Construction materials. All the valuable building components and structures from the construction under renovation were stored, inventoried and re-used. Maximum use of materials produced in Latvia– ceramic blocks, cobblestone, heat insulation and acoustic finishing panels, tiles, which have been made according to historical models, wooden doors, finishing panels, parquet, and lime plaster. Many building elements had been produced in local workshops. Waste reduction during construction process. Dismantled materials- door leaf unfit for continued use, wall panels etc.- were used during construction, for example for protecting the trees, employee pathways in the yard and for temporary entrances in the building. Microclimate. Both buildings have many rooms with different temperature and air circulation criteria. They are ensured by air exchange devices and careful regulation of the equipment. Ventilation system is equipped with recuperation device. Heating elements are adjustable. Room occupancy causes heat gain from people, temperature is being controlled to avoid overheating and unnecessary opening of the windows during winter. Operation. Main electricity consumers: lighting, ventilation equipment, technological equipment in the new building – kitchen, workshops, planetarium, consumption in year 2012 – 47 kWh/ m2. Energy consumption for heating in year 2012 – 83,3 kWh/m², for hot water – 14,6 kWh/m2 a year. The energy consumption of the building is being monitored. Water consumption is reduced by economic water mixers for sinks and showers and dual flush for WC equipment. Paper right now is sorted according to possibilities in the city of Ventspils.

Section of the building.

Territorial planning.

Floor plans.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable building in Latvia 2013

The reconstruction of Kuldīga Town Hall and complex A public building complex with governing function, Baznīcas street 1, Kuldīga, Latvia. Project authors architects A.Kursiša, I.Cibule, B.Ērenpreisa, «Virtu», landscape architect E.Neilands. Constructors «Kurzemes Ligzda», «Būvuzņēmums Restaurators». Kuldīgas region Town Hall was reconstructed because the functions of the municipality needed extension. It is a local significance culture and art monument that set strict rules from state authorities and also required to show regard to the respectable old age of the building. Reconstruction. The total area of the complex building groups – 1496.4 m²: administrative building «A» – 1220.4 m2; administrative building «B» – 186.8 m2; auxiliary building «C» – 74.2 m2; auxiliary building «D» – 15.0 m2. Number of users – 54. Put into operation – November of 2011.

Foto: material: «Virtu» Visual

17 Location. The building complex is located in the historical city centre of Kuldīga, easily accessible by car drivers, pedestrians, public transportation and bicycles. The initial idea, new building extension in the yard, was corrected to a more sustainable concept- restore the old fire station (building «B»), and adjust it for the collocation of offices. The distribution of building functions was done by the principle: intrude in the existing building structures as little as possible. The buildings and nearby territory form a small block, the whole territory was reconstructed. The previously messy park was redesigned for public use. Construction. In the building «A» the attic and roof was insulated with soft mineral wool slabs, thickness of 200mm; the historical timber windows were renovated and sealed and the glazing was replaced; quality plaster and node construction to ensure that the building is hermetic; recuperation ventilation system was installed; basement renovation and hydro insulation. In the building «B»: the stone walls were renovated and insulated with 50-80mm thick pellet fill in the air gap of the walls and with 100mm thick multilayer fibrolite from the inside of the rooms; the roof was replaced and insulated with 250mm soft mineral wool slabs; the windows were replaced. In the fire station building there were created rooms in the roof construction. Additionally there is provided «second light» in the rooms with glazed hallway and floor divisions. The auxiliary building, the shed, which in the case of superficial attitude would be demolished, was carefully renovated in Kuldīga, its wooden chip roof was renewed; the harmful asbestos was handed to special disposal site. The building is used for parking employee cars and lacing the inventory of the territory. The benches in the park are made from massive timber as an alternative to expensive historical type benches. The layout of the benches attracts people of different age and creative use- conversations, observation, movement. Construction materials. In the realization of the project all historical parts were put into inventory and maintained, constructions were renewed. Windows and doors- restored and new were manufactured in the local carpentry. Facade finish and indoors: building «A» – lime plaster and painting; buildings «B» and «D» – purified and reused bricks from the existing building and from locally demolished buildings. In public rooms of the building «A» – plaster on splints. Floors in buildings «A» and «B» are made of locally manufactured oak planks and shield parquet. Local materials were used outdoors- mulch- boulder pavement, riven granite, concrete slabs, grit. Waste reduction during construction process. Work was carried out based on the principle- less demolished walls, less debris. Removed materials- unsuitable door frames, wall panels etc. were used to enclose trees, for employee pathways and entrances. Bricks from demolished walls were used in other walls. Microclimate. In building «A» the forced ventilation and air cooling is installed on the plinth rooms of the roof floor, in kitchens and WCs; natural ventilation- on 1. and 2. floor respecting the historical interior. The building «B»- completely equipped with forced ventilation. Ventilation system with recuperation. Operation. Administrative building «A» with the area of 1220.4 m2 heat consumption in year 2012- 109 kWh/ m²,building «B» with the area of 186.8 m2 – 79 kWh/ m². Comparing with the consumption in year 2008, the consumption for the building «A» is reduced more than twice, but for building «B» almost five times. All heating elements can be regulated. The balance includes internal heat gain from people, lighting and computers, room temperature is regularly controlled, to prevent unnecessary opening of windows during winter. Electricity consumption: in year 2012- 60 kWh/m2 for lighting, office and kitchen equippment, ventilation and cooling systems. Both buildings have new water supply systems, plumbing is equipped with economic water mixers, WC – with two regime flushing system. Wasten sorting is not performed because it has not been introduced in the city.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable building in Latvia 2013

Office building «Europa business centre» («Europa biznesa centrs») Office building, Ropažu street 10, Riga. Project authors- architects Dalius Striukas, Simonas Vinciunas, «Archidata». The building is a part of the newly developed block «New Teika» («Jaunā Teika»). Builder and customer – «Hanner Real Estate». New building. Total area of the building – 34 451,8 m2, calculated – 19 346,6 m2. Number of building users– 1000 – 1200. Put into operation in July of 2009.

Photo: «Hanner Foto:Estate». Real

Location. The development project of the block «New Teika» includes 7ha large territory applicable for multifunctional use. In the territory and the office centre it is possible to park more than 550 cars, there is a guarded multi-storey parking lot. The building position in the block is designed so that it would be easily accessible with a personal vehicle and from nearby public transportation stop. The territory of the block is greened and for pedestrian safety there are installed several speed bumps, the territory is illuminated. Construction. The building construction is built from 150 mm reinforced concrete with 150 mm hard mineral wool cladding. For the facade finish there has been used glass, blinds, planes, decorative plaster. The formation of thermal bridges is prevented. Load bearing external construction is located in the warm zone, which contributes to improving the microclimate, ensuring that external walls are wind and precipitation hermetic, gradual drying of external wall constructions, prolongation of the functional lifetime of the building. The internal constructive solution allows to rebuild the rooms according to individual project. Microclimate. Room climate control is automatic and in the whole building there is installed centralized climate control system (BMS), which allows to individually control the microclimate regime in each room. On each floor there is installed individual air processing units, which cools or heats the air depending on the outside temperature.. The air processing units are equipped with recuperators. For some air processing units there is air moisturizing systems installed, that work in automatic mode, maintaining the set relative air humidity parameters. Cassette type fan-coils allow to divide the rooms in separate zones with different temperatures. Energy consumption In year 2012 for heating – 73,65 kWh/m2, cooling – 18,41 kWh/m2, hot water preparation– 7,94 kWh/m2, lighting – 19,31 kWh/m2, ventilation – 21 kWh/m2. Automatic system allows to provide heat according to individual requirements and week days as well as it is possible to set variations depending on hours. It allows to save energy when the rooms are not in use. The building`s power supply system is partly automatic, light turns on and off automatically when reaching certain light intensity depending on conditions outside. Operation. The building`s utilities are maintained by specialist, who on regular basis perform inspection and maintenance in order to ensure optimal performance, continuity and longevity of all utilities. The average water consumption per month is 617 m3. Waste sorting– municipal waste, glass, paper, cardboard and plastic. Safety solution- guards 24h and video surveillance of the territory.

No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable building in Latvia 2013


Apartment building in Ropažu street Apartment building, Ropažu street 12 and Ropažu street 12k–1, Riga. Project authors – architects Dalius Striukas, Simonas Vinciunas, «Archidata». The building is a part of the newly developed block «New Teika» («Jaunā Teika»). Builder and customer – «Hanner Real Estate». New building. The total building area in Ropažu street 12 – 13 543 m2. The total building area in Ropažu street 12k–1 – 22 926 m2. Number of building users – 500. Put into operation on 1st April of 2009.

Photo: «Hanner Real Estate».

Location. The development project of the block «New Teika» includes 7ha large territory applicable for multifunctional use. In the territory and the office centre it is possible to park more than 550 cars, there is a guarded multi-storey parking lot. The building location in the centre of the block and orientation against South is planned with the intention to protect the building from city noises as well as to ensure a maximum daylight inlet and isolation. The territory of the block is greened and for pedestrian safety there are installed several speed bumps, the territory is illuminated. Construction. The buildings are constructed from 200 mm expanded clay blocks with 150 mm hard mineral wool cladding. Exterior wall finish is made of decorative plaster or decorative facade planes. For the majority of apartments there is constructed completely closing balcony glazing which is an additional barrier, withholding direct wind flow and preventing heat losses. The constructive solution allows to carry out room reconstruction according to individual requirements without re-planning. The load bearing walls are around the perimeter of the apartment. Microclimate. The ventilation system installed in the buildings ensures a constant air circulation in each apartment. Energy consumption in year 2012 for heating– 74,25 kWh/m2, for hot water preparation– 20,48 kWh/m2, lighting – 5,31 kWh/m2. The automated system allows to provide heat according to individual requirements and each weekday as well as it is possible to set variations depending on hours. It allows to save heat, when rooms are not in use. There are thermal heads installed on radiators. The buildings power supply system is partly automated, lighting in the communal areas turns on or off automatically depending on necessity. Operation. The building`s utilities are maintained by specialist, who on regular basis perform inspection and maintenance in order to ensure optimal performance, continuity and longevity of all utilities. With individual heat meters the residents can control the amount of consumed heat. When purchasing the apartment each owner is offered to install a smart house system during the finish work in the rooms, which would allow to remotely regulate the heating graph. The average water consumption in the buildings is 768,29 m3 per month, there is water saving plumbing installed. Waste sorting– municipal waste, glass, paper, cardboard and plastic. Next to mailboxes there are placed Līgatnes Paper Factory`s wastepaper collection bins, for collecting the unnecessary post and advertising material and handing over for recycling. Safety solution- guards 24h and video surveillance of the territory.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable project in Latvia 2013

Office building with marketing function Office building with marketing function, Dzelzavas street 120Z, Riga. Author – architect Roberts Riekstiņš, SIA «Roberta Riekstiņa birojs». Building structures – engineer Sandis Eglītis; heating, ventilation – engineer Uldis Jansons. Engineering solutions – SIA «Balta istaba». Builder and customer – «Rīgas Industriālais parks». The building was designed according to passive house standard. The calculated heat consumption – 15 kWh/m2, and it is one of the first passive houses with public functions in Latvia. New building. Total area – 1555,9 m2, heated area – 1088 m2, unheated area of the underground parking lot– 468 m2, taking up the whole area of the plot. Planned number of building users – 50. Technical project approved on September 6th, 2011. Put into operation – 2012.

Visual material: «Roberta Foto: Riekstiņa birojs»

21 Location. The building has been designed on a land property on which there was a guard post and transformer, which were integrated into the project. The surrounding environment is being improve and greening is done with plants in boxes that don`t interfere with the dense engineering communications network. Construction. A compact construction volume has been made in the shape of equilateral triangle, it`s determined by the configuration of the land property. Monolith reinforced concrete column skeleton building with reinforced concrete slabs and internal stability walls. External walls- self-supporting, industrially prepared timber panel structures with 400 mm rock wool insulation. Windows have 46 mm thick triple pane glazing with U=0,5 W/m2K and multistage aluminium system. The proportion of publicly shared space is low – 5% of the total area, and it allows to reduce the energy consumption. Innovation – compact shape reduces the surface area and heat losses. Glazed parts have been optimized in the design to balance heat losses and the necessary amount of daylight, the glazed area on the South side is smaller, on the North side- larger. Thermal bridges in the base, slab joints and in cornice assemblies have been averted by a continuous heat insulation layer. Construction materials. Strictly high-quality, that ensure low energy consumption during operation of the building, but at the same time balance the construction expenses and the potential energy savings. SPU heat insulation allows to reduce the thickness of the insulation layer and is especially suitable in cases when roof is operated. Waste reduction during construction process was solved by sending it to be recycled. Microclimate. The building has been designed to ensure healthy indoor microclimate, which corresponds to requirements of modern workplace. Ventilation corresponds to Passive house standard with recuperation, 90% efficiency and integrated cooling unit. System has three intensity modes, electricity consumption doesn`t exceed 0,4 Wh/m2K. Innovation – passive cooling with ground heath pump, using the ground temperature. Southwest and southeast facades have external blinds. There is no need to ventilate the rooms by opening the window, sound insulation is ensured and the discomfort creating outside noises are inaudible. Air quality and thermal comfort has been assessed as outstanding. Heat consumption 15 kWh/m2. Only renewable energy sources are used for heating and hot water production – geothermal heat pump, three 120 m deep boreholes, solar collectors on the roof, that provide up to 45% energy needed for hot water production or almost 5000 kWh of heat. Lighting: calculated energy consumption is 1,88 kWh/m2 per year, LED bulbs have been used, that are regulated automatically depending on the intensity of external lighting. It is intended to install two wind generators on the roof of the building. Operation. Water saving sanitary equipment has been installed. It is possible to sort paper and plastic waste.


Section of the facade.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable project in Latvia 2013

Passive energy-efficient residential buildings Passive energy-efficient residential development, consisting of five individual buildings, Robežu street 192, Ventspils. Authors– architect Ināra Kārkliņa, SIA «Arhitektūras birojs FORMA», architect Krists Kārkliņš, LLC «Krists Karklins Design», with participation of Agnese Smilškalne, Jānis Zaharāns. Engineering consultants: structural engineeringJēkabs Januševskis, heating solutions– Jānis Matisons, water supply, sewerage– Ligita Koroļova, power supply – Juris Kalniņš. Builder and customer – «Samrode». Project has received «Passivhaus Institut», Darmstadt (Germany) certificate in 2009. Calculations have been produced utilizing PHPP 2007 program, consultant – office «ING+ARCH» (Germany). Energy consumption is reduced through implementation of Passivehaus design principles. Construction costs of this energy-efficient building project are not significantly greater than those of a comparable size project built utilizing traditional construction technology. Five new single-family residences. Total area of one building– 233 m2, heated area – 173,3 m2 (determined according to the methodology of Passive House Institute in Germany). Number of floors – 2. Number of building users – 4–5 people. Technical project approved for construction in January of 2010. Construction of project in multiple phases – 2011 through 2014.

Visual material:

«Arhitektūras birojs FORMA», «Krists Foto: Karklins Design» Piecu pasīvo ēku kopskats.

23 Position. Five single-family residences have been situated on a building setback line, with their main entrance and facade located along the adjacent street. Each residential building is connected to a utility building and parking area for two cars is provided under the overhang of the roof at the junction of the two building volumes. Buildings are compact and oriented towards the cardinal directions of the sky. The utility building is positioned to the north of the residential house. A row of trees is planted along the street and on the south side of the residential building volume. Utilizing surrounding landscape as an active participant in the passive solar heat gain/cooling processes, the thick foliage of deciduous trees will aid in shading interior spaces during the hot months of summer, while allowing to take advantage of passive heating potential from direct sunlight during the cold part of the year. Construction. Good thermal insulation; windows with insulation in the frame construction and triple pane glazing have been used; facade has been designed according to heating and cooling requirements outlined in «Passivehaus» design guidelines. During summer, south-facing interior spaces are protected by the sloping roof overhang and the outwardprojecting balcony on the second floor. The angle of incidence of sun rays in summer and winter has been taken into account while calculating the exact distance of projection for both shading elements. The area of all glazed openings facing E, N and W exposure has been reduced to the minimum necessary for bringing daylight into rooms. Glass with increased Solar Hear Gain Coefficient is used, in order to maintain positive heat gain/heat loss balance on the interior of the building during the cold months of the year. Shading of some W exposure windows with outside shutters reduces cooling energy consumption in the summer. Buildings are supported by double-shell wood frame with low thermal conductivity coefficient (external walls u=0,087, roof u=0,066, foundation plate u=0,077, windows u=0,69, outer door u=0,63) and excluding thermal bridges, total wall thickness with insulation– 50 cm, thickness of the roof construction65cm. There is a minimum of one operable window provided in each room. Building materials. Locally-sourced, saving cost and energy required for transportation. Environmentally friendly materials – wood, eco-wool, thermo wood (doesn`t change its size and is long-lasting), concrete panels, and metal panels. PVC window frames with steel reinforcing, thermal modules and glass can be disassembled and recycled. Waste reduction during construction process. The main building material is wood and there is very little to no waste produce in the process of building construction. Microclimate. Open, double-height volume of the living space, connecting the first floor with the second, as well as the open character of the plan layout contribute to free air circulation in the house. The fireplace located in the living room also contributes to air circulation in the building. The project is expected to provide approx. 30 m3/h of fresh air per person. Mechanical ventilation system has a calculated recuperation efficiency of 86,4%. The construction of building envelope meets Passivehaus standards and ensures stable microclimatic conditions (protection from overheating and heat-loss). Buildings have warm air heating, combining the heat from the heat pump and solar panels. The total amount of energy necessary for heating and hot water – 15,4 kWh/m2 per year – can be obtained from renewable sources only. The heat pump device has been installed in the center of the house, in order to contribute to balanced heat re-distribution throughout the building. Air-to-ground heat exchange pipe system (with antibacterial coating) is being used for heating ventilated air in the winter and for cooling it in the summer. Lighting– only energy-efficient light fixtures are used in the project. Operation. Water consumption per month during one calendar year Qavg.=0,9 m3/dnn x30 =27 m3. There is a special garbage disposal/collection container located at the entry gate of the property. The ability of residents to sort residential waste is provided and encouraged. Geometry of the paved area of the driveway at the entry gate is designed to provide easy access to garbage disposal/collection containers by waste collection trucks.

View from Robežu Street.

Location of the building.

Jumta/sienu metāla lokšņu segums

Koka apšuves dēļi

Finishing materials.

Section of the building.

Apdares plāksnes


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable project in Latvia 2013

Latvian University (LU) academic centre of natural sciences The 1st round construction of academic complex, education and science building, Jelgavas iela 1, Riga, Latvia. Project authors – project manager architect V. Polkovņikova, the head of the architecture section I. Kuļikovska, site section developer I. Stankēviča; architects – D. Zariņa, M. Plāciņa, architect assistants – K. Bautra, R. Liepiņš, «Sestais Stils». Customer – «Latvijas Universitāte» (University of Latvia) The basic principles of the concept development are viewed in the context of LU development strategy– basing on the significant features and advantages of the building territory. In the complex development vision there are balanced environmental factors, energy-efficiency aspects, separate buildings are constructed according to bioclimatic architecture guidelines, energy source consumption optimization and cooperation between different interested groups is intended as the most relevant means for ensuring sustainability. Total building area – 21 046 m2. Planned number of users – 2000 students. Design project approved in October of 2011.

Visual material: Foto: stils» «Sestais

25 Location. Till year 2023 in Riga, Torņkalna area, LU plans to create a modern academic centre with approximately 10 buildings and a total area of 120 000 m2. The building complex is planned around central square which is open against South, thus ensuring favourable climate in the open space. The centre of natural sciences will be the first building, it is planned to begin the construction in year 2014. The building volume is optimally oriented on the site. Utilities solutions- parking lots, roads, pedestrian tracks and a perennial lawn, serving as a natural grassland that`s mowed once a year, in some places substituting it with crops and decorative grass collections. The building is easily accessible by pedestrians, car drivers, bicycle drivers, public transportation users. Construction. Bioclimatic architecture principles are used, the building is designed with the smallest possible perimeter, and the building is designed in the shape of irregular rectangle to let in natural daylight. Load bearing constructions- aluminium facades with energy efficient glazing. The building`s thermal volume will act as a thermal barrier, regulating the indoors temperature. Indoors there will be used acoustic materials and acoustic barriers. Roof constructions are planned in varying level- green roof is supplemented by glass covering above atrium and a greenhouse volume. Above green roof there will be installed solar collector. The green roof with succulents will ensure sound insulation, won`t allow the roof to heat up during summer and to cool down during winter, will purify the air and produce oxygen, absorb the rainwater, offer ecological dwelling place for birds and insects. Building materials. It is planned to use locally manufactured materials– reinforced concrete for walls and coverings, concrete exterior wall panels, concrete eco pavement-, as well as use building materials that are considered recyclable – timber – in the indoor finish of the building. Eco balance evaluation will be performed on building materials. Operation. The calculated energy consumption is 177 kWh/m² per year. Main heating- centralized city networks, hot water preparation – solar collectors. Air processing equipment with 50-75% heat recovery and 40% humidity recovery. Power supply- centralized networks, additionally- photovoltaic cells, providing enough power to illuminate the territory. In lighting system there will be used luminaries with high-frequency triggers and luminescence and LED bulbs. With multifunctional management system lighting will be provided autonomously for each room depending on the situation. For ground heat obtaining there will be used heat pumps and energy piles installed 3–5 m deep, there will be installed sewage wastewater heat recovery system. For warm floor and concrete covering heating/cooling systems there will be used low temperature heat carriers, equipped with automatic regulation and management systems for maintaining the regime in the rooms. In auditoriums it is intended to use active ceiling panels for heating/cooling. There will be installed BMS for the operation, maintenance and energy consumption control. The module will automatically be compared with the actual and mathematically optimal consumption, giving the possibility to react on possible consumption increase or to see the impact of saving measures. The intended water saving method includes new saving technologies – economic WC equipment, varied rainwater storage and use in watering. Waste will be sorted into compostable, reusable, combustible and those that end up in dumpsites.

Territorial planning.

Section of the building.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable project in Latvia 2013

Ambulatory health care centre in Ventspils Public building, policlinic, Ventspils, Raiņa street 6/8. Project author architect Andra Bula, SIA «OZOLA & BULA, Arhitektu birojs». Engineering calculationsi ing., building engineering expert Andris Vulāns. Constructor: General partnership «Piegādātāju apvienība RBSSKALS, RBSSKALS Būvvadība, RBSSKALS Būvsabiedrība un Ostas Celtnieks». Customer: Ventspils city municipality body «Komunālā pārvalde». Energy efficiency calculations were done using passive building design program– PHPP2007. Solutions provided building construction according to low energy consumption principles, giving the opportunity to create a modern, health care infrastructure. New building and reconstruction. Total building area- 1989 m2, heated area – 1954,9 m2. Number of employees– 75, number of visitors during three months’ time– 35 200. Approval of technical project – October of 2010. Put into operation – November of 2012. Construction costs 1 963 017,23 LVL (without PVN).

Visual material: «Ozola&Bula»

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Roof construction.

Brīvības iela

streets of the city, in historical area. To provide easy access by car, the territory was expanded adding the nearby land strip. The building is situated according to perimetrical building principles. Construction. The building is built of Portland cement blocks, partition walls are constructed of metal column-frame construction with plasterboard slab cladding. In the rooms where radiation protection has to be ensured there is a monolith concrete partition wall. Intermediate floor slabs- monolith reinforced concrete. Wall insulation – 300 mm mineral wool layer, roof- 450-550 mm. For external finish there is used suspended facade system. Roof covering for slant roofs- titanium zinc sheets. Windows – glass paned in timber frames. In hallways the suspended ceiling type was chosen regardin the acoustic requirements. The building corresponds to U2 fire safety category, as separate fire safety divisions there are designed two stairways, utility rooms, archive room as well as groups of rooms with different functional significance. There is a fire alarm with voice notification system. Environmental accessibility requirements are observed- ramps are installed, there is a lift, on stair handrail near the lower and top steps there is embedded the floor number in braille. The first and top step on each stairway is in contrasting tone. With contrasting tone on floors and door frames the entrances in examination and procedure cabinets are accentuated. Along hallway walls there are handrails installed. On each floor there are toilets for disabled. The building has atrium which provides day skylight. It together with plants and watercourse not only provides the feeling of the presence of nature, but also create the necessary microclimate properties in the rooms. s Building materials. Portland cement blocks, innovative construction passive windows with Ug=0.54 W/m2K, g=50%, insulation layer, concrete, plasterboard, finishing materials, colors. Operation. After putting into operation the building received energy efficiency temporary certificate in which it is said that the total heat consumption of the building will be 104,18 MWh, specific heat consumption 53,29 kWh/m2 per year, including heat consumption for heating- 20 kWh/m2, hot water preparation- 33,29 kWh/ m2 per year. The heat consumption of the building in the time period from 16th November of 2012 till 30th April of 2013 was 72,03 MWh, specific heat consumption was 36,85 kWh/m2, total electricity consumption was 46 329 kWh, specific electricity conumption was 23,7 kWh/m2, total electricity consumption for the operation of air circulation system 265,2 kWh, electricity consumption for the facade lighting of Ventspils policlinic was 3128,2 kWh. Heating elements are equipped with thermostats with set heating regimes. Thermostat is set on decreased temperature regime when the building users are absent and switches to desirable temperature certain time before the return of the users. Thermostats have the open window function- the heating turns off when a significant temperature decrease is detected during ventilation. In the time period from 3rd January of 2013 till 31st March the cold water consumption was 111m3. The planned cold water consumption in the Ventspils policlinic project was Ventspils 408 m3 per year. For lighting there are used the energy efficient LED bulbs. On the first floor of the building there are rooms intended for storing of chemical substances and products as well as room for disposal and collection of used syringes, bandages and other used medicine materials.

a Jāņa iel


Location. The building is located on the corner of two central


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable project in Latvia 2013

Passive office building in Liepāja Office building, Kūrmājas avenue8/10, Liepāja. Projectenergy auditor Jānis Bērziņš and architect Aivars Robiņš, SIA «ARCHE», construction calculations- energy auditor Andris Vulāns, manager of the construction project`s HVAC part Ērika Lešinska. Builder – «BIG Grupa». Customer – «Lenkas Energo». Designers had to accept the challenge and work on solutions so that the energy consumption in the building would not exceed the passive house standard, at the same time convincing the client about the benefits from the operation of the building. New building. Number of floors – 2. Area– 116,9 m2. Number of Building users – 5. Put into operation in December of 2012.

Visual Foto: material: «ARCHE»

29 Position. Designing the building according to passive house

construction principles, considerable attention has been paid to the positioning in order to maximize the use of passive solar heat. Windows are located on only one facade, facing southwest. Construction. The enclosing structures with high thermal insulation coefficient were selected in order to reach the set energy efficiency targets and to combine the building`s appearance with the architecture characteristic to the historic centre. External wall construction has been built from 240 mm thick silicate blocks and insulated with vacuum-type insulation, 40 mm in thickness, and foam polystyrene sheets, 150mm in thickness, thermal conductivity U=0,086 W/(m²xK). Floor has been built by constructing 300 mm thick layer of foam polystyrene sheets on top of concrete base and covering it with concrete levelling layer. Floor on top of ground U=0,105 W/(m²xK). Attic ceiling- monolith reinforced concrete slabs, insulated with 600 mm thick layer of cellulose insulation, construction`s U=0,063 W/(m²xK). Eight cell window frames and triple glazing units have been used with Uw=0,8 W/(m²xK). Windows are built into insulation layer, the potential occurrence of thermal bridges has been minimized. It has been achieved that the value of thermal bridge Ψ will not exceed 0,01 W/m K. Air permeability of the building is n50=0,40 1/h. Building materials. Insulating materials have been produced either in Latvia or Baltics, therefore the amount of CO2 emissions caused by transportation is minimal. Innovation – vacuum insulation, for which the nominal thermal conductivity coefficient is 0,007 W/(m*K) and 2cm thick layer corresponds to 12cm thick layer of mineral wool. It made it possible to give a classic shape to the building as required by its location in the historic centre of the city. Waste reduction during the construction process. Building material paper and wooden packaging was being sorted. Layouts were made for vacuum insulation and the exact number of panels were ordered from the factory- assembling was done free of waste. Microclimate. The chosen microclimate system has regenerative heat recovery above 90%, humidity recovery and productivity of 400 m3/h. Air circulation will provide for CO2 concentration less than 400 ppm above the concentration in the outdoor air. Ventilation system has direct control- more than 10 transducers are used in the process of increasing energy efficiency. 54 m³/h of fresh air per person is provided. During summer the heat accumulated by the air handling unit is being discharged by the night cooling function, determining the cooling intervals depending on the air temperature outside and indoors. Attention has been paid to the use of renewable energy – during winter the heat gained from office equipment, people, lighting has been included in the overall balance sheet. It can compensate for the heat losses of ventilation and heating thanks to the more than 90% efficiency of the microclimate system and enclosing structures that correspond to passive house standard. The annual energy consumption: heating – 13,80 kWh/m², water heating – 25,41 kWh/m², lighting and electrical office equipment– 19,16 kWh/m² , ventilation – 16,51 kWh/m² . Total annual energy consumption of the building 74,88 kWh/m². Operation. Separate monitoring of the ventilation system and electricity and lighting consumption is provided. Monitoring and control of the systems can be done remotely through a modem. Rainwater from the roof is used for watering green plants

Sections of the building.

Technical drawing of the window construction.

First floor plan.

Second floor plan.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable project in Latvia 2013

Single-family house «Vecmājas» Single-family house «Vecmājas», Dundaga municipality, Latvia. Architects Ervīns Krauklis and Mikus Grende, SIA «Krauklis Grende», ventilation system – RTU Heating, ventilation and air conditioning student Kristaps Safranovs. Construction manager – carpenter Intars Šulcs. Customer – private person. Project calculations was done using PHPP 7.1 software. The building is recognized as an eco-house and has been of interest for many. Indoor air quality and thermal comfort is assessed as outstanding by the users. New building. Number of floors – 2. Area – 140,4 m2, heated area– 116 m2. Number of users – 2. Put into operation in September 2012.

Photo: Ansis Starks, «Krauklis Grende» Archive, Visual material: «Krauklis Foto: Grende» Location.

31 Location. Longest facades are oriented towards North and South. Construction. Foundation – monolith reinforced concrete slab

on foam glass gravel. U=0,144 W/(m2K). Walls – timber frame double-T elements, glued-laminated timber columns, U=0,088 W/ (m2K). Roof – timber frame double-T elements, U=0,080 W/(m2K). Windows – glazed curtain wall facade system, 92 mm timber profiles, glazing –triple pane with argon gas filling and selective coating, Uw=0,796 W/(m2K), manufacturer indicated sealing has been used during installation. Airtightness testing result at 50Pa pressure – 0,44 1/h. The building is designed as thermal bridge free construction. Building materials. Local – timber, fibrolite, lime plaster, OSB, window profiles, glass panes, linseed oil paint. Materials containing recycled materials– foam glass gravel, cellulose. Waste reduction during construction process. Building contractor would have to sort waste and packaging. The material suppliers have to take the sorted packaging back and reuse it for building material packaging. Transportation is oriented on vehicles that correspond to EURO 3 standard or consume alternative fuels, for example biofuel. Multiple construction stages were carried out under temporary greenhouse construction, protecting the materials and structures during construction and creating good conditions for workers. Afterwards the greenhouse was dismantled and timber was used for building firewood shed. Microclimate. Ventilation unit with 91% heat recovery efficiency, electricity consumption 0,31 kWh/m3. The unit has been installed in the first floor bathroom behind suspended ceiling, supply and extract air ducts – in ceiling niche along the Northern external wall, thus minimizing the length of the main supply and extract air ducts for the rooms on both floors. Ventilation system can be operated in three modes: nominal, providing each building user with at least 30 m3/h of fresh air, minimal and maximal. Specific space heat demand at +20 °C is 26,2 kWh/m2 per year and is covered from renewable energy source – firewood. Heating system – fireplace with outdoor air intake, there is no additional heating distribution system. Domestic hot water producing system– vacuum pipe collectors (2,6 m2) and a boiler with additional electric heating element. 45% of energy necessary for domestic hot water production is covered by solar energy. 55% – by electricity, consuming 13,2 kWh/m2 per year. Lighting – energysaving light bulbs. Household appliances – energy class at least A. Calculated electricity consumption on ventilation – 2,04 kWh/ m2 per year, on lighting – 2,96 kWh/m2, other electrical devices – 16,4 kWh/m2. Total electricity consumption from the October 2012 until April 2013 was 3780 kWh. Operation. Energy consumption, air temperature, air humidity as well as CO2 concentration have been monitored. Waste sorting – paper, glass, plastic, municipal waste, compostable waste. Water is obtained locally from within the territory; it has to be saved considering the fluctuating level of ground water. Water consumption – 3000 l/per month. Environmentally friendly detergents are being used; the water purified in biological treatment unit is being used for watering the garden.

Section of the building.

First floor plan.

Second floor plan.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable project in Latvia 2013

Student Dormitory of Ērgļi Vocational secondary school Student Dormitory of Ērgļi Vocational secondary school, Lauksaimniecības Street 14, Ērgļi, Latvia. Project authors and construction management – architects Ervīns Krauklis and Ilze Prusaka, SIA «Krauklis Grende», PHPP and thermal bridge calculation- engineer Mare Reinberga, construction engineers- Andris Zvirbulis and Gunta Kampmane, heating and ventilation system – engineer Jevgenijs Lurje. Builder – «Kvadrum». Customer – Ērgļi Vocational secondary school. Calculations of the project done using PHPP 7.1 program. Building users assess the air quality and thermal comfort as outstanding. The building is anticipated to be Europe-wide pilot project for the approbation of the new Passive House Institute refurbishment standard «EnerPHit» in Northern European climate and it is a part of the Vocational school`s development plan- to become training and competence centre of low energy use and CO2 neutral construction in Northern Europe. Renovation. The building`s annual specific space heat demand before reconstruction was 166,4 kWh/(m2a). The service hotel was built in year 1972 as a standardised project for 384 students, it is oriented N-S direction, longest facades against E un W, there is a basement underneath the whole building area. Number of floors – 5. Area – 4870 m2, heating area – 3841 m2. Number of building users– 100. Put into operation in November of 2012. Cost of the project – 593 686,16 Ls.

Photo and Technical drawings: Foto: «Krauklis Grende»

33 Renovation. Basement ceiling has been insulated with 200mm of hard mineral wool, U=0,169 W/(m2K). Thermal bridges in the points of contact of basement`s bulkheads and ceiling have been reduced by insulating with 100mm hard mineral wool strips. Walls have been insulated with 400mm mineral wool in timber frame, U=0,081 W/(m2K). Upper floor ceiling has been insulated with 750mm loose mineral wool, U=0,061 W/(m2K). Windows- 92 mm wooden profiles, glazing- triple-glazed with argon gas filling and selective coating, Uw=0,916 W/(m2K). Airtightness (blower door) test result 0,57 1/h at 50Pa pressure. Environmentally friendly and energy efficient solution for the façade insulation frame- steel consoles have been substituted by glued wooden beams. Building materials. Local – timber, fibrolite, plaster, OSB, window profiles, insulating glass units, glulam. Materials containing recycled raw materials- mineral wool, loose mineral wool. Waste reduction during construction process.

Wooden frames have been produced in workshop without polluting the environment. Empty packages were sorted on the construction site and suppliers had to take them back, recycle and use them as packaging of building materials for the second time. Microclimate. Mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery efficiency of 81% , electricity consumption 0,47 Wh/m3. Innovative solution–supply and extract air ducts have been placed in the insulation frame of the facade and the roof. Ventilation system can be operated in two modes: normal with 0,3 1/h air change rate and on maximum. During winter the air in the rooms is humidified using moisture releasing plants. The rotary heat exchanger of the ventilation system provides partial humidity recovery from the extract air. Sliding wooden shutters provide 30% shading, thus protecting rooms from overheating. Annual space heating demand at T=+20 °C corresponds to 16,1 kWh/m2 a year and is provided from renewable energy resource – woodchips. Building is connected to the local central heating network. Dormitory room heating is provided by 400W convectors put in every room. Domestic hot water in the heating season is produced using heat exchanger of the central heating system, energy consumption– 30,8 kWh/m2 a year. During summer hot water is produced using electrical boilers. It is intended to set up solar collectors for the preparation of hot water in summer period. Lighting – energy saving light-bulbs, in common rooms- infrared motion sensors. Electricity consumption– 3,06 kWh/m2 a year for ventilation and 1,32 kWh/m2 for lighting. Operation. Heat and electricity consumption is being monitored. Waste sorting- paper and cardboard, plastic, glass, GFT and organic waste. Users are being educated on water saving, it is intended to set up water saving plumbing devices.

Detail of base.

Section of the facade.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable project in Latvia 2013

Energy efficient passive new single-family house Energy efficient passive new single-family house, Ernsta Bergmaņa Street 5, Riga. Architects- Ervīns Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga, Alice Rosini, SIA «Krauklis Grende», PHPP and thermal bridge calculations – engineer Mare Reinberga, structural engineer – Anrijs Rudzis, heating and ventilation system– engineer Jevgenijs Lurje. Technological drawings of timber structure – carpenter Gints Biezais. Builder – «Dziedrs». Customer – private person. With intelligent planning and high-quality construction work the project demonstrates the possibility to build spacious yet economical and rational passive houses. New building. Total area– 468,72 m2, heated area – 382,4 m2. Planned number of users – 5 people. Project approved in June 2011. Planned to be put into operation on September 2013.


Color solutions of the facade.

Photo: Ansis Starks, «Krauklis Grende» Archive, Visual materials and technical drawings: «Krauklis Foto: Grende»

35 Location. The building`s glass facade is oriented towards South in order to maximise solar gains in winter. The trees in the territory will be preserved and the characteristic land cover will be restored, a lawn will be created, which in certain areas will be reinforced with a cell mat, enabling the parking of cars. Construction. Foundation – monolith reinforced concrete slab on foam glass gravel layer, U=0,095 W/(m2K). Walls- supporting wood element frame with I elements insulation frame, glued wood columns, insulation – blown-in cellulose, U=0,068 W/(m2K). Second floor ceiling – glulam timber panel with blown-in cellulose insulation, U=0,058 W/(m2K). Windows – glazed curtain wall facade system and innovative wooden window profiles, glazing- triple pane with argon gas filling and selective coating, Uw=0,654 W/(m2K). Windows are installed in insulation layer, sealing – hemp fibre insulation and wood fibreboards. South side skylight windows of the central hallway that brings in the daylight, at the same time are used as night ventilation openings in summer. Airtightness (blower door) test result – 0,22 1/h at 50 Pa pressure. Waste reduction during construction process. Timber frame elements have been prefabricated in workshop, without polluting the environment. Empty packages were sorted on the construction site and suppliers had to take them back, recycle and use them as packaging of building materials for the second time. Transportation is oriented on vehicles that correspond to EURO 3 standard or consume alternative fuels, for example biofuel. Building materials. Local – hardwood, fibrolite, lime cement plaster, OSB, plywood, window profiles, glass panes, linseed oil paint, glued laminated timber, innovative passive house certified windows. Environmentally friendly- linseed oil paint, hemp fibre insulation, lime cement plaster, timber has not been treated with chemicals. Materials containing recycled raw materials- crushed foam glass, cellulose. Timber has been acquired in the woods of the building owner and naturally dried in stack for three years. Microclimate. Mechanical ventilation system, heat recovery unit with 89% efficiency and electricity consumption 0,29 kWh/m3. For the frost protection of the ventilation system an underground heat exchanger has been used, which will also provide pre-cooling of the intake air and additional passive cooling in summer. Diameter of the pipe 250 mm, overall length 60m. Ventilation system can operate in three modes: nominal, supplying each building user with at least 30 m3/h of fresh air, minimal and maximal. In winter it is supposed to additionally humidify the air with humidity-releasing houseplants and using innovative solution – indoor air humidifying from the pool, in which the temperature and deposition modes will be changed, regulating the intensity of evaporation. Pool disinfection planned without the use of chlorine. Calculated specific annual space heating demand T=+20 °C is 15,45 kWh/m2 per year, and is provided from renewable energy sources- firewood and ground heat. The building can be partly heated with the air supplied by ventilation system (calculated heating load 17,6 W/m2, can provide up to 9,1 W/m2). Domestic hot water production- panel (14,1 m2) collectors and a boiler connected to fireplace and heat pump. 43% of the energy for preparation of hot water will be obtained from sun. Lighting – economical and LED light bulbs. Appliances –class A. Calculated electricity consumption: ventilation -1,90 kWh/m2 per year, lighting – 0,88 kWh/(m2a), other electrical appliances – 9,32 kWh/(m2a). Operation. A five year long energy monitoring is intended in the building. Appliances- with optimized water consumption. Hot water consumption – 6000 l per month, cold– 9000 l. Groundwater for territory watering. Waste sorting – paper, glass, plastic, domestic waste, organic waste.

First floor plan.

Second floor plan.

Window construction.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable project in Latvia 2013

Project of «Latvia`s State Forests» («Latvijas Valsts Meži») office buildings in Jelgava, Valmiera, Dundaga The project was developed for design competition for standardised office buildings of «Latvia`s State Forests» (AS «Latvijas Valsts Meži») in Jelgava, Valmiera, Dundaga. Architects – Ervīns Krauklis, Jānis Skanis, Nataļja Skane, Roberts Sekste, RTU APF architecture student Līva Nordmane. Calculations done using PHPP 2007 software. The building was intended as a sustainable building example project for new public buildings in Latvia with the possibility to use this good practice in other projects. The goal to use highquality timber and ecological finishing materials has been fully reached in the project. The building conforms to the highest evaluation requirements of energy efficient and green buildings without the use of expensive technical systems. . New building. Planned area – 2192,2 m2, heated area – 1489,6 m2. Planned number of building users– 70, during conferences and events- up to 160 people.

Section of the building.

Visual materials: «Krauklis Grende»

37 Location. The shape of the building fits well in all three locations, it is adapted the way to be used as a standardised project with a focus on using solar energy. It is planned to plant new trees in the territory. Construction. The compact structure with the planned green roof is efficient from the aspects of energy consumption, room lighting and functionality. U-value of the constructions: external wall – 0,10 W/(m2K), insulated roofs– 0,08 W/(m2K), plinth wall – 0,12 W/(m2K), floor slab – 0,12 W/(m2K), windows and the glazed facade systems – 0,68 W/(m2K). Floor slab and basement- monolith reinforced concrete construction. Foam glass gravel is used for the insulation of floor slabs, for plinth walls- foam glass plate insulation. The load bearing structure is designed as a timber frame with massive as well as glulam timber elements. Intermediate and upper floor slabs are constructed from massive wood panels 230x1500x24 000 mm, assembled as a uniform layer. The building airtightness would be ensured with 18 mm plywood layer between loadbearing and insulation frames and by using special tapes for plywood connections. Airtight layer would be uninterrupted. Construction is intended to be thermal bridge free. Windows installed in the insulation frame level. Building materials. Materials containing recycled raw materials- foam glass gravel and plate insulation. Environmentally friendly materials- timber, glulam timber, wood fibreboard blown-in wood fibre insulation, foam glass gravel and insulation plates, linseed oil paint. Waste reduction during construction process. When using pre-fabricated timber frame structure and panels, there is addition waste. Standardised project helps to rationalise the design, building structure production and construction processes. Building contractor would have to sort waste and packaging. The material suppliers have to take the sorted packaging back and reuse it for building material packaging. Microclimate. Mechanical ventilation system with 81% heat recovery efficiency (system with rotary heat exchanger of the ventilation system provides partial humidity recovery from the extract air), electricity consumption 0,47 kWh/m3. Fresh air supply – 30 m3/h per person. Ventilation system can be operated in three modes- minimal (night), nominal, providing 0.3 l/h air change in the building and maximum. The overheating of the building is avoided by night ventilation (additional air change of 0.3l/h), 40% additional shading by roller blinds on South side and wood lamellas on West and East sides, in summer the air change rate of the ventilation system can be increased up to 0.61/h. Additional ventilation units are planned for the conference room. The calculated specific space heating demand of the building at T=+22 °C is 11–15 kWh/m2 per year, which would be covered by renewable energy sources- wood pellets. Lighting – energysaving and LED light-bulbs, infra-red motion sensors in hallways. Domestic hot water in the heating season is produced with the heat from the district heating system supported by vacuum tube solar collector, Domestic hot water energy demand– 12,9 kWh/m2 per year. From that 69% is covered by 40 m2 solar collectors, fully providing the building with hot water from the beginning of April till the end of August. Operation. Water consumption per month– 30 800 l, wastewater treatment would be carried out with artificial wetland, using the treated water for household needs, in toilets and for territory watering. Rainwater collection and utilization is intended. The artificial wetland and pool would be improvement elements. Waste sorting is planned for- paper, glass, plastic, household waste.

Location in Jelgava.

Location in Valmiera.

Location in Dundaga.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable project in Latvia 2013

Multifunctional sports centre Multifunctional sports centre, Bauska. Architect Ineta Buka, SIA «Rem Pro». Pool house has been designed as low-energy building. The social aspect- its universality and openness. Due to functional planning the building can be easy to use by groups of students simultaneously with individual visitors. New building. Heating area – 4001,05 m2, building volume – 15 987,0 m3. Expected number of users– 200 people.

Visual Foto: material: «Rem Pro»

39 Position. The land strip is located near the old town, thus requiring the building to be incorporated in the structure of the city. There is a pedestrian area intended, its surrounding birch alley is the cities green ornament. The architectonic solution has been determined by the distinguishable relief, making an optimal use of the difference in level- entrance in the building is designed in two levels, no need for building supporting walls. Layout. The building and the territory is intended to be free of obstacles that would limit the movements of people with functional impairment. Near the main entrance there are intended marked parking spots for people with special needs. Waste reducing during construction process. Contractor has to make sure to reduce and recycle waste produced during construction process, and has to develop clean technologies, removing the causes of waste production. Means of transportation that correspond to at least EURO 3 standard or vehicles that use alternative fuels (for example, biofuel) have to be preferred, Building materials. It is planned to use environmentally friendly certified materials, such that present high compatibility with environment and health in their acquisition, processing, transportation, use and waste management. Wood materials used in construction have to be legally obtained from sustainable sources, observing environmental interests. VOCs (volatile organic compounds) emissions from building materials being used will not exceed the limiting values determined by European standards. Microclimate. The average room temperature is planned to be +21 °C. For the heating of rooms water systems are intended and additional air heating system for the pool area. The anticipated air circulation rate is 2,7l/h. The building is planned to be low-energy with annual heat consumption being less than 25 kWh/m2. Energy efficiency estimation – 2680,4 MWh or 669,9 kWh/m2 a year, including: energy consumption for heating 98,24 MWh or 24,55 kWh/m2 a year; preparing of hot water– 2224,74 MWh or 556,04 kWh/m2 a year; cooling 154,52 MWh or 38,62 kWh/m2 a year; lighting 110,71 MWh or 27,67 kWh/m2 a year; ventilation 92,21 MWh or 23,05 kWh/m2 a year. The surface plane of the roof is designed so that from the south side there would be enough area to install solar collectors. The total amount of energy from renewable for the preparation of hot water is116,0 MWh or 28,99 kWh/m2 a year, which accounts for 4,33% of the overall energy use. Operation. In order to monitor the energy use after the completion of the project separate meters will be set up for heating, ventilation, lighting and hot water use. During the stage of the building being used automation of ventilation and heating systems and hot water use will be set up in order to optimize energy consumption and it will allow for a rational use of resources. Energy use is affected by the human factor, therefore a seminar will be organized «Energy use and resource control». In the building there will be provided control of water use, safety and continuity of the water supply services, and all the activities related to the use of water resources will be performed as to not deteriorate the state of the surface water and the groundwater.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable student idea in Latvia 2013

«Combination» («Kombinācija») – private house and its territory as a public space «Combination»- the concept of RTU APF student Klinta Pickaine, addresses the idea of a private house with adjacent privately public territory. The idea has been created for a specific place in Ķīpsala, on the Daugava embankment, Ģipša street 13, Riga, imagining it as a private house project commissioned by a 54 year old couple who moves from Australia to live in Latvia. The clients terms: silent, exclusive location, near the city centre, has to have green zone with privately public function, are willing to renovate degraded or unutilized territory. The building has to provide living space for the owners, rentable apartments and play and recreation rooms for children and young peoplethe multifunctional usability is an innovation on Latvian scale. The territory doesn`t have a fence, it has play and recreational zones. The sense of Australia is brought in with a winter garden and a pool. There are bicycle stands located in the nearby area. Exclusive innovation- it is intended to create a new route for the river`s small boat with a stop close to the territory. New building. Area of the territory – 100x45 m. Area of the building – 300 m2. Planned number of building users – 8.

Foto: K. Pickaine Photo:

Location. Ķīpsala is rich with a variety of buildings, alternating between modern and historical buildings. Ķīpsala is a great place, which attracts with the beautiful view of the panorama of Old Town and is popular amongst those who look for peaceful recreation. The building location has been chosen by the end of Ģipša street by Zundas canal in order to improve and further the biological diversity of the neighbourhood. Right now there is an unkempt landscape. The buildings orientation towards the cardinal points will bring in most of the natural lighting. The land property is around 4m above the water level therefore there is no risk of flooding. Construction. The plan is to build a three storey building, twisted in multiple directions and creating owners the possibility to overlook the territory. The roofs of the first and second floor will be green terraces with paths, recreation spots and plants. The owners apartment is designed on the third floor, children`s play room- on the second floor, two rentable apartments- on the first floor. The winter garden with pool will be shared by the owners and tenants. The building has good insulation, wind and vapour barriers, construction can be ventilated, the supporting structure is built from ceramic blocks, in the ceiling of the second and third floor metal mountings are built in. The wooden boards used on the facade incorporate the building in the environment, they are arranged vertically and horizontally, adapting to the environment by the means of rhythm. The chosen colour is grey-black, in order to expedite the effect of natural aging. The sizes of windows are such that they wouldn`t create perceivable heat losses. Building materials. Ecological ceramic building materials and timber is being used, for decorationclay plaster, straw walls, timber and stone tile floors. Microclimate. Desirable microclimate is ensured by ecological building materials. Ventilation and air humidity regulation systems will be installed separately so that they could be changed according to need. Individual microclimate will be ensured by independent heating system. Windows can be opened to ventilate the rooms. Electricity costs will be saved by wind generators located in the territory with connected solar panels, which will produce the necessary amount of energy for the maintenance of the complex. Two wind generators with 20 kW output are necessary. During sunny winter days the building will receive small portion of heat from the winter garden which will act as a greenhouse. Basic heating system will be a firewood boiler in the basement. The firewood for the first heating season will be processed wood materials gathered during the cleansing of the territory. Operation is intended to be ensured by paid staff, which manages the territory, maintains the facilities and ensures safety. In the basement it is intended to place a unit for the used water treatment, in order to make it suitable for the watering of the territory, as well as rain water collection and treatment systems that will provide the pool with necessary water resources. Waste sorting is intended. During night-time the territory is illuminated as well as its access road.

No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable student idea in Latvia 2013


Modern log house Author of the idea: Arvis Andersons. An interesting idea, where a cored glued timber contruction shell can be used as a log house element, but it needs to be evaluated in cooperation with specialists of building construction statics and constructional physics. It would further develop interesting ideas, finding the area of use.

Construtction. Implementation of the log house method according to sustainable building standard and requirements. Main idea of the method- with a gluing method, using thermo reactive, constructive glues, a hollow element/beam is pasted together, which after being assembled makes a mould which afterwards is filled with Eco wool by high pressure. By this method a monolith and dense insulation layer locked into the timber construction is acquired. Eco wool layer between side boards in this scenario is 400mm. The total wall thickness- 480mm. The same insulation thickness could be used in the roof and floor. Sustainability. The sustainability principle of the method manifests in the fact that 1m3 of firewood costs almost as much as 1m3 of the wool, therefore it is more reasonable to invest in the wool because it doesn`t have to be bought every year. No membranes are used there and walls with their mass ensure the humidity regulation of the room. The communications are installed in the hollow part of the wall which are afterwards locked in the insulation layer. In order to avoid thermal bridges there is not used ÂŤthe corner of the houseÂť (pakse construction) as a type of corner joint. The beam connections are also model in a way to avoid thermal bridges. The sustainability could also manifest in the fact that the construction could withstand planned as well as unplanned moving. It is possible to use the method in realit.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable student idea in Latvia 2013

Interior proposal for the great hall of Tukuma district Slampes municipality Zemgales high school Interior proposal for the great hall of Tukuma district Slampes municipality Zemgales highscool. Authors – Riga Building College (RBC) architecture students Mikus Hercs, Madara Žeikare, Marija Tkačenko, Zanda Priedeslaipa. Teachers – Inese Reitāle, Gunta Ābele. In December of 2010 the roof of the great hall in Zemgales high school failed to withstand the snow load and caved. New roof construction was built and the walls were strengthened. Upon the request of Zemgales high school administration RBC student group developed a proposal for the interior as a tribute to sustainable development of the school, thinking about the use of the hall not only for the school`s needs but also on regional scale. Reconstruction of the great hall. Total area – 512 m2.

Visual materials and technical drawings: Foto: by RCK student group.

43 Construction. The great hall is separated by internal walls, the room has small heat losses. The temporary roof, saving the expenses, has additional heat insulation. Significant changes in the existing construction are not planned. The wall plane will be levelled by plasterboard structure, hiding the featureless building structures. Lighting. Due to limited daylight there is an extensive use of artificial lighting, thus the use of LED bulbs is advisable. Microclimate. There are planned two systems to ensure air circulation – vent in the roof construction part and inlet through an air pipe canal system buried 2m deep. The open end of the canal would be located in the courtyard. Inlet during summer would help to cool the rooms, during winter the air would warm up before it reaches the room. Heating. Heating elements would be equipped with temperature regime regulators, they are inserted in the wall plane in such a way as not to cover the flow of warm air. Materials. For flooring it is planned to use vinyl material, which is appropriate for the usage of the public space and has low operational costs. Stage ladder is made from wooden carcass construction, timber is provided by a local manufacturer. In the entrance section of the hall there are planned concrete step construction and seat elevations. Concrete manufacturing and using requires the least amount of energy in comparison with other load-bearing materials. It is good at accumulating heat. Concrete construction in a room are heat accumulators and temperature fluctuation balancers. Waste reduction during construction process. Large waste doesn`t form, the particle boards of the partition wall to be repaired are reusable. Environment accessibility. It is intended to install diagonal lift platform 80cm wide when open and the possibility to use it in three directions. Acoustics. The back wall part of the hall is covered with 40mm thick acoustic panels, for ceiling there are used 20 mm thick panels, which absorb and reflect the sound. Water. The rainwater from the hall`s roof would be drained into storage and processing tanks buried in the decorative 800 m2 large courtyard and used for watering the territory.

Stage curtains.

Concrete steps in the entrance part of the hall.

Plan of the hall.

Section od the hall.

Acoustic solutions.


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable student idea in Latvia 2013

Interior proposal for the great hall of Tukuma district Slampes municipality Zemgales high school Interior proposal for the great hall of Tukuma district Slampes municipality Zemgales highscool. Authors – Riga Building College (RBC) architecture students Ieva Silbauma, Baiba Elstiņa, Madara Lezdiņa, Anna Rake. Teachers– Inese Reitāle, Gunta Ābele. In December of 2010 the roof of the great hall in Zemgales high school failed to withstand the snow load and caved. New roof construction was built and the walls were strengthened. Upon the request of Zemgales high school administration RBC student group developed a proposal for the interior as a tribute to sustainable development of the school, thinking about the use of the hall not only for the school`s needs but also on regional scale. Reconstruction of the great hall. Total area – 512 m2.

Visual materials and technical drawings: Foto: by RCK student group

45 Heating. Infrared heating panels are intended. The placement of regulating mechanisms would divide the hall in several zones and in cases when the whole hall is not used it would allow to maintain the necessary temperature in the zone that is being used instead of the whole hall, thus reducing electricity consumption. Heating panels would be integrated in the acoustic ceiling. Lighting. It is planned to use LED bulbs, which would be divided into separately regulated zones, providing the necessary lighting in each of those zones. Microclimate. A hybrid ventilation system with rotating generator recuperation, that would automatically ensure the ventilation intensity depending on the user load in the hall. Heat recovery possibility from the exhaust air reach 80%. Color solutions. It is planned to use mainly the color white as well as gray shade gradation, for accents- purple. Color white is cheaper than tinted color and optically expands the room. As an interior accent the traditional Latvian Sun sign has been used. This sign protects and brings blessing, it also is a symbol of eternal movement and life. Materials. Floor finish– multilayer PVC cover floor tiles with concrete texture, which have lower operational costs and are easier to maintain when compared to parquet. They have the, 43, abrasion degree, which ensures durability and permanency. Chair covering is intended to be abrasive easily maintained fabric with Teflon cover. It is intended to trust the manufacturing of the interior equipment to local craftsmen. The stage steps are designed as a module systemlight metal structures, easily moved with multifunctional use: choir performances, for fixing the stage decorations, theater play scenography, placement of exhibitions. It is possible to use them in the organization of outdoor events- in the courtyard or field of the school. Waste reduction during construction process. The project envisages to reuse the brick wall material from the dismantled mezzanine floor level wall, when building the new wall in the stage area. Environment accessibility. The project envisages to install vertical chair lift by the entrance with platform of the size 160x90 cm and load capacity of 225 kg. Acoustics. Above the stage it is planned to place angled panels with sound reflection coefficient of αw-0.1, which would allow for the sound to reach the audience, but above sitting area there would be sound absorbing panels with coefficient of αw-0.8, which would prohibit the sound from reflecting and would create a comfortable sound perception for the audience. Also the floor, wall, furniture and stage curtain materials have been chosen in order to raise the euphony level in the hall.

PVC grīdas segums Izlīdzinošā kārta Tvaika izolācija Siltumizolācija

Plan of the hall.

First floor furniture plan (for 300 spectators).

2.5mm 50mm 0.3mm 200mm

Dzelzsbetona plātne 200mm Siltumizolācija Hidroizolācija Blietēta grunts

100mm 0.3mm


Koka dēļu segums 50x150mm Nesošie grīdas gulšņi 100mm Skaņas izolācija 100mm Dzelzsbetona plātne 200mm

Stiegrotā betona izlīdzinošais slānis

Technical drawings of the floor construction.


Stiegrotā betona izlīdzinošais slānis 35mm Skaņas izolācija 50mm Izlīdzinoša betona javas pamatne 20mm Esošais dz/betona pārseguma panelis 220mm Dekoratīva apdare

Izelpotais gaiss

Dabiskā ventilācija

Gaisa pieplūde


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable student idea in Latvia 2013

The Big Clean-up yard improvement project – Yard movement







3 12/1.00



4 2/0.80



4 2/0.80




3 12/1.00




00 4 2/0.80








0 400










100 00

0 500 0

3 8/1.00

360 18

8 24/0.80

4 2/0.80

4 2/0.80

0 600


6 5/0.60 1 19/0.40

5 8/1.00

8 11 000 50 0



8 44/0.80

00 00




63 Eizenšteina Street, Riga. Yard improvement project.

4 2/0.80


7 13/0.50 2 10/0.20


Visual materials: by group of university students Foto:

4 2/0.80

5 12/1.00


Work is done on the day of The Big Clean-up in April. Funding – supporters of the movement «The Big Cleanup», foundation «Riga 2014». Since year 2013. Yards that were cleaned-up and improved on April 27th of 2013 in Riga– Valdeķu street 15, Balvu street 9, S. Eizenšteina street 63. Yards that were cleaned-up and improved on April 21st of 2012 in Riga – Maskavas street 170/1 and 170/2, Kojusalas street`s 21a and Balvu street`s 9 joint yard, in Kurzeme – Kalētu village Liepu alley 3 and 3A yard, in Zemgale – Jelgava city Satiksmes street 53 yard, in Latgale – Cibla municipality Felicianovas village yard of the house «Atspulgas», in Vidzeme – Madona city Gaujas street 24, Veidenbauma street 16 and 18, Rūpniecības street 18B, 18C and 18D joint yard. Yards that were cleanedup and improved on April 30th of 2011 in Riga – Nīcgales street 48 yard, Zemgale – Dobele city Bērzes street 26 yard, Latgale – Čornajas parish, Ratnieki, Krasta street 1 yard, Kurzeme – Liepāja Klaipēdas street 84 yard, Vidzeme – Alūksne city Apes street12 yard.



Yard movement – improvement of apartment building yards with students developing the project and involving the residents in the creation and implementation of ideas. Author of the idea– Anete Lesīte, journalist and painter. Leader of organizers – Andra Miklucāne, coordinator, leader of the student competition – architect Ilze Rudzāte. Groups of student project authors are represented by RTU, LLU, LMA, RISEBA.


4 2/0.80




9 Balvu Street, Riga. Yard improvement project.


Idea. The yard project dates back to the spring of 2010, when representatives of Latvian Landscape Architecture Association for the first time realized an experimental yard clean-up model, involving the residents. The basis of the yard movement is concern for a sustainable development of the environment with voluntary activities, in which cooperation manifests as an instrument of promoting the social life of a public open space. Goal. Till year 2018, the 100th birthday of Latvia, to make the country the cleanest and place on the world map. The goal of the project is to give impulse to the people to actively participate in the process of yard cleaning and improving. The process. Starts with a competition for residents to find three yards, were environment improvements are necessary. Afterwards there is a student competition for developing proposals, meeting with the residents of the buildings, evaluation and selection of student proposals. After another meeting with the residents of the buildings the details of the proposal are developed, estimates of building materials are drawn, materials are commissioned and delivered. The necessary amount of building materials is calculated precisely to avoid a need for additional transportation. Realization provides the possibility for residents themselves to finish the started work by acquiring skills in outdoor element creation, manufacturing, painting, maintaining, greenery creation and cultivating during the Big Clean-up with the help of professional architects, landscape architects and gardeners. The essence of the project is based on a balanced approach to the development of the environment, so that the outdoor lives of residents would correspond to their needs and wishes. The key aspect of the ideas is the use of recycled materials- the transformation of materials and elements on the site according to the idea of yard`s spatial development. The existing playgrounds and elements of sports fields and recreational zones are fixed, integrating them into the development solution. Greenery and groups of greenery as well as making of flowerbeds are intended for the improvement of the outdoor climate and raising the scenic value of the landscape. Waste collecting is one of the main yearly activities of the Big Clean-up movement, while the Yard movement strives to create an environment where waste collecting is replaced by the change of people’s attitude against the environment they live in. The yard cleaning and improvement promotes their use- experience shows that the number as well as variety of their users grows.



C Ribes alpinum (9)


B +1

Uzbēruma atbalsta siena

0 10


+900 +700 +500

Ribes alpinum (4)


Phaseolus coccineus (31)

Šūpoles esošās pārvietotas tuvāk žogam


Amelanchier lamarkii (4) Ribes aureum (4)

Esošs nožogojums, metāla režģis



Lonicera (11)

Cornus mas (3)

00 90



Jauns nožogojums

Viburnum lantana (4)



Smilšu kaste

Soliņi Esošs nožogojums, koka dēļu


Šūpoles no sponsoru piedāvājuma


Rotaļu zvēri

Soliņi Atsperšūpoles no sponsoru piedāvājuma

no sponsoru piedāvājuma


Esošs nožogojums, metāla režģis

Vingrošanas pilsētiņa

Actinidia kolomikta (4) Schisandra chinensis (4)

Norobežojuma stabiņi, apaļkoks Esošs betona flīžu segums

Esošs nožogojums, koka dēļu

Stā vlau kum s

5 000

Atjaunojams segums, šķembas

Yard improvement project in «Atspulgas».

15 Valdeķu Street, Riga. Yard improvement project.

Pagalms Valdeķu ielā 15


No m i n a t i o n | Most sustainable student idea in Latvia 2013

Diploma project of the RTU Faculty of Architecture and urban planning «Revitalization of the Mežciems public space» In the Diploma project «Revitalization of the Mežciems public space» by architecture student Judīte Skujiņa deals with the revitalization and sustainable water treatment in the suburb of Riga- Mežciems; solutions include treatment and moving of the sewage rainwater, involving it in the recreational function and revitalization of the public space. At the same time attention has been paid to renewal of Gaiļezers water body, providing natural hydrological mode stream. The supervisor of the Diploma project is RTU Faculty of Architecture and urban planning Dr. arch. Sandra Treija. Mežciems residential area– built during years of 1977–1985. Population – 15 885 (year 2010 data). Pedestrian street – 950 m long. Lake «Gaiļezers» – in the northeast part of Mežciems, area- 7,14 ha, basin- 0,32 km2, average depth- 1,0 m.

Visual material: Foto: J. Skujiņa

49 The aim of the Diploma project. To offer a solution for the revitalization of the public space in Mežciems, connecting the pedestrian street with the territory by the lake «Gaiļezers». Area for activities and the establishment of new social objectcommunity centre, have been outlined as well as solutions for parking. During the study of the environment and from the survey of residents it was found that there are three main problems: overgrowing of the Lake Gaiļezers, inactive pedestrian street and overload of cars in the inner blocks of the suburb. Lake Gaiļezers has lost its natural water inlets and has started to overgrow, the banks are marshy and partly overgrown, access to water is possible only in few spots, the bottom is oozy, but water of the lake is clear. The lake attracts water birds and fish. On the South side between Gaiļezera street and the lake there is a flow of wastewater, which creates a hazard risk. Sustainable water treatment. Prevention of the overgrowing of Lake Gaiļezers is planned with methods that have the least effect on the natural environment and provide a stream. It is intended to clean River Gaiļupīte which connects Lake Gaiļezers with Dambjapurva lake and later on as river Strazdupīte flows into Juglas. The rainwater in the suburb is first received by the sewage, then filtered, treated and in the end gathered in a reservoir. From there it is pumped in the open basin and further on flows into Lake Gaiļezers. Solution. In the intention to revitalize Mežciems public space it is planned to use a connected system with water, movement, activity and greenery elements. Pedestrian route would begin by the shopping centre marked by a recreational zone with a fountain, and end with an access route to the Lake Gaiļezers and the community house. Next to the pedestrian route activities zone is planned- sports, recreation, children playgrounds, skate park. Water is one of the most important components of the system. Its path is made up from multiple basins, in the beginning directing it to fountain and continuing as 10-12 cm deep water pool path. Created by the level difference between Gaiļezera street and the territory around the lake, provides the oxidation of the water. On the pedestrian routes environmental accessibility is observed. Route to the lake shore is organized in two levels- over the pedestrian crossing on Gaiļezera street or over the pedestrian bridge, which also serves as a sightseeing platform, and by the lake separates into two routes: toward West to residential area and towards East to the community house. Pedestrian bridge in the lake territory is concluded by a timber footbridge. By the lake shore there is created in Latvia little known social objectcommunity house in which there are organizations that provide social, educational and recreational activities for a certain neighbourhood, it is administrated by the local municipality. The community house is a place where every resident of the area can arrive, take part, rest, celebrate and learn. The building is designed as to have minimum impact on the surrounding environment. Its image has been made inviting, facade has tinted glazing, which associates with a rainbow, also timber construction elements are used. Roof is environmentally friendly- green roof. For parking there are underground parking lots built under the shopping centre and the pedestrian street. Over the parking lot a thick covering layer is intended, that would be suitable for greenery.








5 2,5












7,5 - 8,5







Financial support:

Originator of the content: Agrita Lūse, editor-in-chief of the issue «Ltvijas Būvniecība» Translation: Elīza Lūse Graphical design: Artūrs Maurāns Manager of the project: Gunita Jansone, «Izdevnieciba Lilita LAB», member of the Board © «Latvijas Būvnieciba», «Latvijas Architektūra», LIBP All rights reserved, citation and multiplication only with a written permission from «Izdevnieciba Lilita LAB». Download:,

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