Laie BoyCott Monsanto Brochure

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Wasting Away: Superfund's Shell Game from The Center for Public Integrity

“Roundup Ready”: GMOs that

Monsanto Market Power Scrutinized in Lawsuit Reuters Aug 25, 2004 Seeds of Suicide: India's desperate farmers Frontline, July 26, 2005PBS Fighting on a Battlefield the Size of a Milk Label. Ney York Times, March 9, 2008 .html

My name is Lā’ie Boy. I was killed by Roundup® in August 2009, because of misinformation our landlord believed about its “safety”. Please join my family in a boycott of Monsanto in my memory!

have been specifically created to live through heavy Roundup spraying, producing a highly toxic crop. “Terminator Seeds”: GMO Seeds that have been created to produce only one crop, from which replanting is impossible. A major threat to food security.

B oycott Monsanto …and all its products!


SPREAD the WORD. Misinformation is Monsanto’s biggest weapon. Disarm it with the truth.

TALK to PEOPLE, especially people who “don’t want to hear it”. Farmers and other Roundup customers are an important group that can have a lot of impact. Don’t be rude, but let them know the truth about this company & its products.


SUPPORT ORGANIC FARMING!! Yes, it’s expensive, but it’s worth it – to the greatest degree possible. This is the strongest way to drive Monsanto OUT.

BE ACTIVE. Support those fighting against GMO’s and other Monsanto interests. Go to the demonstrations, write the letters, and help them out!!!





Some Monsanto products:

Monsanto LIES.

  

Roundup herbicide Ortho garden products of all kinds Aspartame sweetener, including: o




rGBH Bovine Growth Hormone – present in most non-organic milk

High-Fructose Corn Syrup

present in soda, ketchup, candy, and millions of other products, is primarily produced with Monsanto’s GMO corn.  

Most non-organic soy, wheat, and corn. Ambien, Motrin, Xanax medications are made by Monsanto affiliates.

Kellogg’s Products (the major purchaser of Monsanto’s GMO sugar beets)

Morningstar Farms is

unfortunately owned by Kellogg’s, and uses GMO soy. 

Ethanol is mosty produced with Monsanto’s GMO corn.

USDA Beef, Pork & Chicken are grown primarily on Monsanto’s GMO corn and soy.

Monsanto promotes Roundup® as safe, though it has been proven to cause cancer, epilepsy, and other serious health problems. New York and other jurisdictions have banned the “biodegradable” labeling. Monsanto has lost numerous lawsuits over this, but they just keep lying.

Monsanto POLLUTES. 

Monsanto is responsible for 56 contaminated sites (Superfund sites) in the United States.

Monsanto is infamous for chemical dumping in low-income areas. For example, they knowingly discharged mercury and PCBladen waste into creeks in Anniston, Alabama for over 4 0 years and dumped thousands of tons of PCBs at Groesfaen, Wales – among many others.

Agent Orange, used widely by the U.S. military, devastated ecosystems and killed and deformed millions of people worldwide (See picture of woman in Viet Nam, right).

Aspartame & rGBH have similar stories.

ROU NDUP IS NOT BI ODE GR AD ABLE ! Up to 98% of the glyphosate (Roundup’s “active ingredient”) has remained present on sprayed leaves and branches after 90 days. Glyphosate has a half-life of 45 days in soil. In other words, it can remain active in soil for months (it does, however, wash out – toward the water table). Glyphosate readily "nitrosates" to form a new compound called N-nitrosoglyphosate, which is known to cause tumours Glyphosate is not the only toxic chemical in Roundup, but it is the only one listed on the label. Others are not disclosed, as they are considered “inactive ingredients”, but it is suspected that some of the “surfactants” may be quite toxic themselves, as well as forming new chemicals in their interaction with Glyphosate. Roundup has made three species of frogs extinct in Australia. It is suspected that more animals may have been extinguished as well, as a result of Roundup use.

Monsanto PLAYS DIRTY. 

Monsanto has been repeatedly sued for coercively monopolizing markets.

The FDA and EPA administrations include many former high-level Monsanto employees. Conversely, agency officials have often gone to work for Monsanto after leaving their posts.

Monsanto has infamously bullied opponents; for example, milk can’t be labeled “rGBH-free” without a misleading disclaimer under threat of a “bully suit”.

Monsanto employs inhumane child labor in countries such as India, forcing children to handle toxic pesticides such as Endosulfan.

Fox News executives shut down a story on the link between rGBH milk & cancer under pressure from Monsanto. (the story about

Monsanto KILLS.

And don’t forget these great Monsanto products of yesteryear:

 Agent Orange  DDT  Saccharin

Seed policies have caused starvation worldwide.

Over 4,000 farmers in India committed suicide as a result of being driven out of production by Monsanto and having their livelihood completely destroyed.

Korean farmer Lee Kyung Hae. killed himself at the WTO 2003 in protest of Monsanto.

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