A solid foundation Intentional and wonder-filled with students ‘learning how to learn’ is how Primary Years Programme Coordinator, Claire Calvert describes the experiences delivered by highly qualified and experienced educators for students aged 3 to 5 years at Launceston Grammar.
“We value play and the development of relationships skills, combined with symbolic expression for our young learners,” says Claire. “Our teachers are responsive, providing both explicit and inquiry-based activities designed to promote questioning, problem-solving and independent thinking. “All within an environment that is small enough to ensure each child is truly known and able to develop their own interests and passions. We help guide students through moments of joy, wondering, frustration and challenge too, as and when they arise. “We have had children starting in our School for the first time this year who have had separation issues in the past. Each child has responded beautifully with our teachers and teacher assistants who have successfully put strategies in place to help them assimilate into the learning spaces.” An Early Learning education is a partnership between family and School underpinned by the delivery of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) at the School’s Junior Campus.
“The IB PYP started in the 1990s, however the Learner Profile was introduced in the 1970s. The aim of the Learner Profile is to encourage our students to respect themselves, others and the world around them,” says Claire. “Through the PYP we use the same language about learning across the entire campus. The learning is sequential and developed through a process of sustained collaboration with groups of our staff working together. This allows us, as educators to connect the learning and experiences of our Early Years students with staff and students right through to Grade 6. “We take students to many and varied places and introduce them to experts in the field so that they can experience things first-hand with authentic learning opportunities. This is a strength of our School. “Meeting each child at their point of need is essential. Students at this developmental stage really do live in the present. Our job is to understand exactly where each child is at on their journey and what they need in each moment in time, to ensure that each experience is
meaningful for them. We believe that meeting a child’s needs in the present moment will give them the foundations for the future. “We value wholeheartedly that each student is an individual who may learn differently, interact differently and respond differently. “Within Early Learning we focus on early intervention, making sure students receive the support they may need prior to Prep. “I see Early Learning as the base of the pyramid, the foundation from which seeds are planted, grow and mature.” Compassion, understanding, and listening are three key strengths of our Early Learning staff, as well as a thirst to be as good as they can be. “Within the Early Learning team, we have a varied and highly experienced group of people who have worked within other education settings and across different countries including New Zealand, United Kingdom and Hong Kong,” says Claire.
News from Launceston Grammar