OLA CONTRIBUTIONS Revamping the Junior Campus Lecture Theatre to a multipurpose learning space: $15 000 New Senior Campus chairs and desks: $20 000 New AstroTurf in 2019 at the Junior Campus: $10 000 OLA Football Club Contribution: $800 Junior Campus outdoor furniture: $1500
Old Launcestonians and the OLA Committee have lots to be proud of. Over the last four to five years we have been in the fortunate position to fully fund or make significant financial contributions to the many initiatives a school like ours seeks to deliver. The Fun and Food Festival in Term 1 is just one of the successful initiatives on our fundraising calendar. Whilst the primary purpose of the festival is to provide an opportunity for families new and old to reconnect, it is also wonderful, through the generous donations of time, produce and support, that the OLA can raise money. The support and patronage from the broader School community for this event is amazing. I again take this opportunity to thank the members of the OLA Committee and the School community for your ongoing participation and support of the OLA.
Simon Wood, OLA President
The School has changed dramatically from when I attended Broadland House during the 1950s and 60s. The opportunity and encouragement students now have to chase and build their dreams and indulge in their passions with enthusiasm is enormous. I invite our current students to have the courage, imagination and sense of adventure to open doors and look beyond so that you can further your knowledge, as well as participate and excel in your chosen field. Be passionately curious and do not be afraid to look behind the doors to find the amazing opportunities that can be found. Never give up no matter how many obstacles you meet on your way; be inspired to keep following your dreams. Failure is not final; it is the courage to continue that counts. Daunting though it may be, courageously facing the unknown can lead to greater personal development and satisfaction.
Rosemary Stobart, BHOGA President
Mrs Margery H Sheldrick
Mrs Pauline E L Morrison
Mrs Ann Terry
Professor Ronald Gates Mrs Lesley P Cox
Mr Henry C Haines
Mrs Angela Kalnoky Mrs M C Chandler Mrs P M Lindsay Mrs M J Mcleod
Major James H Welch
Mr Andrew A Morrison
1949 1940 1939
1940 1945 1942 1942 1942
1944 1943
Mr Ian A Carrington-Jones 1946 Mr Clive N O Hill Mrs M A Trethewie
1946 1947
In Memoriam Mr Stewart C Ferguson
Mr Douglas B Brownrigg
Mr Peter D Clements
Mr Geoffrey C Clark
Mr Ronald B Gibson
Mr Leicester B Walker Mr Neville F Hyland
Mr Robert S Davidson Mr Ian L Millen
1949 1950 1952
1955 1955
Mr Norman B Andrews OAM 1959 Mr Richard B Gilchrist
Mrs Julie H Malley
Mr John H Sale
Mr Robert A Armstrong Mr David B Jones
Mrs P Watson Mr Kelvin D Cooper
1960 1959 1959 1961
Mr Garry A Thorp Mrs June Parsons
Mr D'Arcy C T Cummins
Mr Michael M Shepherd Mr Angus W Cameron Mrs Janette R Pugh
Mr Graeme L Nelson
Mrs Robin Grace West Mr Rodney D Morice Mrs Robin Lumley Mrs Diana J Griffin
Mrs Althea (Thea) Arthur
Mr Ramsay A Palfreyman
1964 1969 1971
1949 1969 1956
1969 1957
Year listed refers to alumni year