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Parent Grade Representative Guidelines

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Contact List and Parent Communication The Parent Grade Representative will distribute a letter/form (template to be provided) for parents to complete to opt-in to have their details compiled in the Grade list and distributed to parents in the Grade. The Parent Grade Representative is to establish an email group to communicate with parents. There will be an option for parents to be included anonymously (BCC’d) in the email group; only the Parent Grade Representative will have access to these email addresses. The email list is not to be used for any unsolicited emails or spam. If any parent uses this list for purposes outside of the programme’s scope, the Parent Grade Representative is required to immediately refer the matter to the Parent Grade Representative Coordinator. At the commencement of the school year the School will distribute the Request for Contact Details correspondence for parents to complete and return to their School teacher or tutor (please refer to page 20). Following the receipt of the parent contact details, the Parent Grade Representative will introduce themselves to the class/grade families. This can be achieved through the ‘Parent Grade Introduction Letter’ (please refer to page 22) All formal correspondence with parents needs to be sighted and approved by the Community Engagement Team prior to distribution. The Parent Grade Representative will hold an Administrator role in the School’s individual Grade Facebook group. The Representative will invite the Grade parents to be members of the group. The Representative will utilise the platform to post/disseminate relevant School and Grade information and field any questions that parents may have. No other parents are to be allocated administrator or editor rights. Parent Grade Representatives are encouraged to submit articles for the fortnightly eNewsletter regarding upcoming social activities and events. These details are submitted via community@lcgs.tas.edu.au by Wednesday of the eNewsletter publication week.

Social Activities and Events It is expected that at least one social activity will be held each year, with preference for this to be hosted in Term 1. Examples of social activities include morning/afternoon teas and dinner for parents; last day of term/holidays catch ups; family picnics; play group catch ups; weekend family barbecues, drinks/after work catch ups for parents; ten bin bowling; or bare foot bowls.

Assisting Class Teacher (Junior Campus Parents) Each class teacher has individual requirements and requests for parent helpers and communication preferences. This is to be respected by parents at all times. Any and all support and assistance must be at the direction of the class teacher.

Conflict Resolution In the event that there is a disagreement between a Parent Grade Representative and other parents or the classroom teacher or tutor that cannot be resolved in a reasonable and respectful manner, the matter should be referred immediately to the Director of Community Engagement. If the Parent Grade Representative fails to adhere to the Code of Conduct (please refer to page 15), the Director of Community Engagement will discuss this with them and assist in understanding their responsibility. If the conflict or issue remains unresolved, the Parent Grade Representative may need to be dismissed from their role. In this event, the School Executive will make this decision based on the performance of the Parent Grade Representative in accordance with the Position Description and Code of Conduct.

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