1 minute read
Coastal UEST!
Just call me a rock star!
I’ve got thousands of kids to carry!
When the tide comes in, this lump of red jelly transforms – its tentacles reach out to sting passing prey, including crabs, shrimp and small fish. They will fight off others to defend their patch of rock.
This super-sensitive animal will detach its arms if disturbed! It scavenges on dead sea creatures but can also raise its long arms to catch plankton and other tiny bits of food floating by.
Nom nom!
I love to float in the sunlight!
These bubbly brown fronds might look like a plant, but they are actually algae. The air bladders help them float towards the sunlight where they make energy by photosynthesis.
This stripy creature hides in crevices or under stones. It’s a scavenger and will eat anything from decaying seaweed to dead mussels. The females carry around their fertilised eggs, up to 4,000 at a time!

There’s no place like home!
One of these was recorded with 83 tiny sand eels in its colourful bill! Its flipper-like wings help it to dive and swim as it hunts small fish. Its coarse tongue and spiky palate (a part of its mouth) means it can hold on to its catch while diving for more.

This creature is nicknamed ‘the fish with antlers’ because of the frilly tentacles on the top of its head. It is very territorial, so if you return to the same spot, you’ll see the same fish.

ANSWERS Write your answers 1-9 in the spaces below and check them on page 34.
Common prawn
Hold on to your lunch, I’m feeling peckish!
How many starfish and how many seahorses can you see in the picture? Write your answers here and check them on page 34. STARFISH

Use flour and water paste to try a batik-inspired art technique!