Consumer Behavior Final Report Team 6 Snapchat Research
Executive Summary This research endeavor looks into the awareness, current usage, and possible avenues for conversion of nonusers of Snapchat within the age bracket of 3554. Secondary research on the brand was conducted to acclimate to the current situation that Snapchat faces. Situational awareness intact, preliminary personal interviews with persons within the desired 3554 yr old age bracket were conducted to ascertain a qualitative view of the situation from current users or potential users’ perspectives. Personal interviews were also used to make sure the wording of questions was clear to the respondents. Next, an online survey created on Qualtrics was disseminated to a convenience sample through social media and then posted on Amazon Mechanical Turk to get further responses. Results and insights will then be presented in the form of reports on awareness, perceptions and usage. A marketing plan derived from the results obtained will also be presented.
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Product Snapchat is a social media application that was founded in 2011 by Stanford University students, Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy. This mobile application enables users to send photos and videos to friends through personal messages that disappear after they’ve been opened. If the receiver takes a snapshot of the sender’s content the sender is immediately notified. Their content can also be uploaded to a personal snap story, a feature which accumulates an individual’s content and displays it for friends to see for a 24 hour period. Another key feature of Snapchat is curated storytelling which allows users to submit their content for snap stories which are centered on a common theme, location, or event. Lastly, Snapchat has partnerships with various brands and news outlets which have featured channels on the application. These partners publish fresh content every 24 hours, which offers a method to inform and entertain viewers.
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Situational Analysis Political Snapchat has had a long history of public disputes within the political environment since the formation of the company in 2011. According to legal documents, the company has been involved in multiple lawsuits. The first legal dispute involved ousted cofounder Frank Reginald Brown, who claimed he came up with the idea for disappearing photos but was pushed out and not given equity. Both parties attempted to settle their disputes twice, but ultimately failed until they were able to come to confidential mutually agreeable terms in 2014 ( ). The company was involved in another lawsuit against two sisters, Sarah and Elizabeth Turner, for violation of statutory rights of publicity and common law rights of publicity ( ). The Turner sisters claimed that they unexpectedly became the face of Snapchat when they agreed to pose for photos used to promote the application. The Turners claimed they did not receive financial compensation and are now suffering serious reputation damage. Cofounder Evan Spiegel is also no stranger to public controversy. A series of offensive emails written by Spiegel were made public in early 2014 ( ). These messages contained references to drug use and sexual and misogynistic behavior. Spiegel was forced to make a public apology for the offensive remarks and juvenile behavior he displayed when he was a student at Stanford University. Economic Snapchat has become one of the most popular social media applications and is now worth 15 billion dollars. That’s five times more than the initial offer Facebook made when they attempted to purchase the application in 2014. With over 200 million users, this popular social media application is causing businesses to take notice and invest in the company. Some of the ways Snapchat generates revenue is by partnering with publishers to broadcast media on personalized channels. The company currently has partnerships with 11 publishers. According to ReCode, “Snapchat is charging these companies around $100 CPM , or cost per thousand views ( ). Given the many impressions that are generated in a single day, it is easy to see how this can amount to a substantial amount of income for the company.” Companies can also request to have specific filters for their brand and/or be featured in the stories function, where viewers can see which events are occurring around the world. This type of ad placement reportedly costs $750,000 a day ( ). While the economics of Snapchat's profitability are still unclear, it is clear that the possibilities to generate revenue are are continuously growing. Social Snapchat has become increasingly popular among teens and has quickly risen to the top. According to the Wall Street Journal, “ A survey by Piper Jaffray of American teens found Group 6 | Galvan, Jones, Lara, McAdams Perceptions and Opportunities for Growth of Snapchat Among 3554 Year Olds 4
that Instagram was the most popular social site for 33 percent of teens. In second place was Twitter with 20 percent, and following that was Snapchat with 19 percent.” Perhaps the most th shocking information from this survey was Facebook’s 4 place ranking ( ). This survey showed that Facebook has trouble engaging teens as much as other social sites that have unique things to offer the young demographic. Another recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan found that “when it comes to experiencing the most rewarding interactions, Snapchat follows right behind facetoface meetups”( ). This application is most commonly used to communicate and interact with close friends and causes users to experience more positive emotions when interacting on Snapchat than on Facebook. However, participants felt that feelings of support were less supportive on Snapchat compared to interactions on other social media platforms. Technological As technology continues to advance, today’s youth are quickly becoming immersed in the digital and social media age. With a variety of resources now readily available at hand, teens have plenty of options to choose from when it comes to mobile applications. The constant evolution of technology has led to an increase in demand for businesses to provide superior services for their users. This type of environment attracts competitors who seek to imitate and dominate the social media application category. Some of Snapchat’s main competitors include Wickr, Facebook Poke, Clipchat, Instagram Direct, and Squawk. These applications offer users privacy features that are similar to Snapchat’s core functionalities. As photo sharing and privacy concerns become increasingly popular in today’s society, Snapchat will continue to attract competitors. If Snapchat can continue to expand its services and create additional features that are not offered by its competitors, it will remain a leader in the social media category.
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Strengths: ○ Unique approach to mobile messaging ○ High engagement among users ○ Wide and growing user base ( ) ○ Functionality that deletes content and messaging allows for a more private, and Less risky longterm, approach to interacting with others via social media (digital footprint) ○ Mobileready and simplistic design give the app an easytouse and sleek interface Weaknesses: ○ Limited demographic ( ) ○ History of lax attitude toward user privacy ○ No current source of consistent revenue ○ Lack of a diverse product line ○ Controversies surround the company, specifically to its ability to enable things like sexting, offensive or lurid comments, or abuse of others without evidence or record ○ Inability to retain messages or content can be a frustrating side effect as much as a useful feature ○ The company still needs to demonstrate how to plans to monetize the app, and its evergrowing legions of followers Opportunities: ○ Multitude of potential advertising partners ○ Increased desire for higher security among social media users ○ Growth has continued to boom, especially among the teenage segment, allowing for potential courting of advertisers looking to attract these consumers with vast disposable income ○ Additional features that could continue to make the app a unique offering for teens would be an additional bonus in keeping users engaged, and not drifting to alternatives like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter Threats: ○ Entrance of copycat applications ○ Aging user base ○ Entrance of new social media application popular among Snapchat’s demographic
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○ ○
Legal ramifications of Snapchat’s functionality remain to be seen. The company has avoided major liability issues for now, but they continue to lurk Press coverage and public opinion, especially influenced by the continued prevalence of cyberbullying and sexual abuse, could easily mark Snapchat as an enabler or medium for these issues.
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Secondary Research Snapchat has seen massive success recently, with AdWeek proclaiming the app to be the fastest growing social network of 2015 ( ). Boasting that their 100 million users are watching 2 billion mobile videos daily, while Facebook’s 1.5 billion users rack up 4 billion daily mobile video views. What is notable between the volume of Facebook video views and Snapchat video views is that Facebook has over 10x as many users, but only 2x as many mobile video views per day. We began our study of Snapchat by trying to understand who Snapchat’s current users are. We located statistics published by Snapchat, and other outside research organizations, all indicating that while Snapchat enjoyed relatively strong usage levels with Millennials, and even more so with Generation Z, usage of Snapchat with Generation X was decidedly lower than other social networks such as Facebook and Instagram ( , ). Recently, Snapchat has been expanding it’s abilities as a userdriven, liveevent and breakingnews social platform ( ) ( ). Snapchat features userdriven curated feeds of major events such as the North Carolina floods, the Wimbledon Finals, MLB World Series, and other live events pertinent to this age bracket.
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Primary Research Research Objectives We were interested in learning what level of brand awareness Snapchat has among Generation X (3554 age bracket), and what perceptions members of this generation have (if any) regarding Snapchat that may impact their willingness to use the social platform? InDepth Interviews We began our research by conducting indepth interviews with members of the target demographic to better understand the kinds of questions we could ask in a quantitative manner. We approached these interviews with the intent to learn which social networks the participant did use, which they avoided, and why they had those preferences. We developed a list of questions to serve as the core for our interviews, with the interviewer fleshing out the interview with more indepth questions as appropriate. For the full text of the interview questions, see Appendix A. Online Survey We used the insights gleaned from these interviews to develop a list of survey questions designed to evaluate awareness levels of Snapchat within the target demographic, as well as any perceptions held regarding the app. Further, we developed descriptions of the four core features of Snapchat, and measured the level of appeal each feature held with the respondents. For the full text of the survey questions, see Appendix B. A survey of 131 adults ages 18+ was conducted between November 20th and December 4th, 2015. It was presented online in English on using snowball and convenience sampling. The margin of error for the full sample is +/ 3.6 percentage points. The margin of error for internet users is +/ 3.9 percentage points. The margin of error for cell phone owners is +/ 3.7 percentage points.
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Results & Insights Awareness Results showed that awareness was not an issue as 81% of respondents had awareness of the app and 26% of respondents were highly familiar Snapchat. This indicates that awareness is not necessarily the issue, although clarification of the usage of Snapchat may be a reasonable message. Perceptions Some respondents noted that although he/she knew what Snapchat was, the perception of the app was that it was either difficult to use or was used for promiscuous purposes. The learning curve that comes with Snapchat presents an opportunity for Gen X parents to learn new features from their children. In the past, with Facebook and even Instagram, when the parents arrive, the kids bail. However, the selective nature of Snapchat that allows users to include (or exclude) certain Snapchat contacts is a possible way to circumvent youth desertion of the app. Usage Those who actively used Snapchat noted that by and large they do not create much content themselves, but rather use the app as a way to connect with younger family members like nieces and nephews or collegeage offspring. This presents an opportunity for Gen X parents to connect with their kids by creating content that can be shared with them, but does not come with the digital footprint that Facebook or Instagram would leave.
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Creative Brief
Why Are We Advertising? To position Snapchat as a unique alternative to other social media/messaging applications, offering a shortlived, uncensored glimpse into the lives of their friends.
Whom Are We Talking To? Adults between the ages of 35 54, also commonly referred to as Generation X, who are seeking for better ways to communicate with their loved ones. This generation has heard of Snapchat but does not feel the need to use the application.
What Do They Currently Think? “This application is for the younger generation who like to communicate in selfies. No one my ages uses this application.”
What Would We Like Them To Think? “Snapchat is a communication application tool that doesn’t take itself too seriously and allows me to communicate with my family on a more personal level.”
What Is The Single Most Persuasive Idea We Can Convey? Snapchat is used to communicate in unconventional ways, which breaks traditional communication barriers.
Why Should They Believe It? Snapchat has an average of over 800 million photos and videos being shared per day, making it s the fastest growing social network of 2015.
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Live in the moments
Life isn’t perfect but it has its moments, and for those moments Snapchat is there to help share your story.
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Marketing Strategy Through Snapchat communication with their children and relatives, Gen X parents will become more efficacious about Snapchat use through the following tactic:
Family Filter Snapchat will create a family filter that encourages children to snap a photo with their parents, allowing them to show their appreciation.This tactic will help spark the conversation between the children and their parents about the application. Children can begin the conversation on how to use the application and lay the foundation for selfefficacy for use among parents. They can show them new features, which will help overcome the learning curve.
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Public Relations
Newsworthy headline: Snapchat aims to engage parents of millennials The Snapchat staff will develop and implement a comprehensive public relations plan and timeline that fits the budget, targets the desired markets and promotes the incentive to build a campaign targeting smartphone owners in the U.S. between the ages of 35 and 54, with the goal of increasing adoption and usage rates . The objectives of our promotional efforts will be to target consumers with ads by implementing the following: ● ● ●
● ●
Increase awareness of available services Position Snapchat as a positive, vital force in the community Establish viable working partnerships with business and industry that already contain the 3554 year old as a captive audience Increase positive recognition, enthusiasm and support for Snapchat as a leader in delivery of quality video/photo streaming messages This strong, working public relations plan will include: ○ Identifying and targeting existing markets ○ Identifying and targeting partnership opportunities for business and industry groups ○ Identifying reasonable timelines to achieve the desired goals
Potential Markets 1.
3. 4. 5.
General population markets including the following current and potential markets: ● Women ● Men ● Age: 3554 years Business and economic community including: ● Employers ● Social support organizations that maintain constant captivation of 3554 age demographic Political markets including legislators, mayor and civic officials Neighbors businesses, homes in the immediate geographic location News media
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Goal Increase number of users in desired age bracket, heighten public awareness and enlist active moral and financial support for Snapchat as a platform of messaging for the the potential market of 3554 age bracket.
Strategy Utilize proven communications tools to effectively reach the target audiences through: ● ● ● ●
News media stressing the transparency this may provide Key leaders by creating communication as if you are talking to your followers and fans Sporting events Anything that has the potential of live streaming
Tactics Newsletters
Research, write, produce and distribute by in house mail, regular mail and/or email, a quarterly newsletter to business and civic, community, lawmakers, local, regional and state political leaders, advisory committees, friends, staff, board members,, administration. Focus is on contribution of Snapchat to the educational, economic and social welfare of the community and include features on organizational success stories, programs and courses designed to help others, articles which position your organization as a significant contributing force to the economy and as a partner with business and government in overall contribution to the community.
Promotional Materials
Research, write, design and produce appropriate promotional materials as needed, including invitations, handouts, letters, etc. Work with staff members on development and delivery of appropriate printed materials packages as needed for direct mail and/or personal contact.
Video and Website Materials In the ongoing effort to more effectively reach the audience targets with information about Snapchat, explore opportunities for Internet access, including development of a Snapchat website and publicize website access information/address. Group 6 | Galvan, Jones, Lara, McAdams Perceptions and Opportunities for Growth of Snapchat Among 3554 Year Olds 15
Appearances, Tours and Display Opportunities In order to establish and maintain a high visibility image in the community, it is important to identify opportunities for personal visits and appearances to Snapchat projected by the target publics. In order to take advantage of these opportunities we will: ● Research, design, organize, update and maintain trade show, events, or anything with large enough audiences to display that the events can be sponsored by Snapchat ● Identify appropriate event opportunities at school/business/educational/community trade shows/expos on daily basis ● Develop materials and incentives to draw customers to uploading the application
Additional promotional ideas Award/recognition banquets Award/recognition/networking breakfasts Award/recognition/networking luncheons/business after hours Make buttons promoting sponsored events Provide certificates of recognition Join service clubs Obtain a proclamation from the mayor/governor promoting a special day/month Write a newspaper column about the services Snapchat provides
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Success In order to measure the success of our campaign strategy we will track the rate of new Snapchat accounts created by users in the target demographic, as well as active usage by the same demographic. This campaign will be considered successful if Snapchat sees an increase in new user registration and active users in the 3554 age bracket within the first 6 months of 2016.
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Works Cited "Ad." Ads • Snapchat . Snapchat, n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2015. < >.
Buxton, Ryan. "Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel Apologizes For 'Idiotic Emails' He Wrote During College." The Huffington Post ., 29 May 2014. Web. 06 Dec. 2015. < >. Byers, Dylan. “Peter Hamby leaving CNN for Snapchat.” Politico. 27, April, 2015. Web. 06 Dec. 2015. < 8 >. Hoelzel, Mark. “UPDATE: A breakdown of the demographics for each of the different social networks.” Business Insider., 29 June 2015. Web. 06 Dec. 2015. < differentsocialnetworks20156 >. Majaski, Christina. "Snapchat Makes You Happier than Facebook and Not Because of Sexting." Digital Trends . Digital Trends, 23 Oct. 2015. Web. 06 Dec. 2015. < >.
Morrison, Kimberlee. “Snapchat Is the Fastest Growing Social Network (Infographic)” AdWeek SocialTimes., 28 July 2015. Web. 06 Dec. 2015 < graphic/624116 >. Raymundo, Oscar. “Snapchat wants to break the news of who is elected President in 2016.” CIO., 06 May 2015. Web. 06 Dec. 2015 < oiselectedpresidentin2016.html >. Richmond, Steven. "How Snapchat Makes Money (BABA,FB,TWTR,YHOO)." Investopedia .
Investopedia, 19 June 2015. Web. 06 Dec. 2015. < >.
Shontell, Alyson. "Snapchat Settles Lawsuit Filed By Ousted CoFounder And Fraternity Brother, Reggie Brown." Business Insider . Business Insider, Inc, 09 Sept. 2014. Web. 06 Dec. 2015. < dfraternitybrotherreggiebrown20149 >. Tadeo, Maria. "Snapchat Lawsuit: Sisters Sue Founder Evan Spiegel over Bikini Photos." The Group 6 | Galvan, Jones, Lara, McAdams Perceptions and Opportunities for Growth of Snapchat Among 3554 Year Olds 17
Independent . Independent Digital News and Media, 25 Sept. 2014. Web. 06 Dec. 2015. < vanspiegeloverbikiniphotos9754792.html >.
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Appendix A InDepth Interview Questions 1. Do you have a smartphone? 2. Do you have/use social media (of any sort)? 3. What networks do you use? 4. What networks do you prefer? a. Why? 5. What features do you value the most in social media networks/apps? 6. What do you feel abou the ability to send quick, informal, video messages to your friends, family? 7. What do you know about Snapchat? 8. What kinds of things have you heard (if any) about Snapchat?
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Appendix B Survey Questions You are invited to participate in a research survey regarding social media. This survey is a component of research being conducted by students at the University of Texas at Austin, under the supervision of Dr. Kathrynn Pounders. The risks in participating in this survey are minimal, and there is no reward for participation. If at any time you choose not to participate, you may exit the survey by closing your browser window. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this survey, please contact Dr. Pounders at 1. Please indicate your age bracket. a. 1824 b. 2534 c. 3554 d. 55+ ( if question 1 answer is not “ C” skip to end ) 2. What is your ethnicity? a. Caucasian b. African American c. Native American/Alaska Native d. Asian e. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander f. Hispanic/Latino g. Other ______ 3. What is your gender? a. Male b. Female c. Other ______ 4. What is your marital status? a. Single b. Married c. Widowed d. Divorced e. Separated 5. What is your employment status? Group 6 | Galvan, Jones, Lara, McAdams Perceptions and Opportunities for Growth of Snapchat Among 3554 Year Olds 20
a. b. c. d. e.
Employed, fulltime Employed, parttime Not employed, looking for work Not employed, NOT looking for work Retired
6. Including yourself, and all children, how many persons live in your household? a. 1 to 2 b. 3 to 5 c. 5 or more 7. How many children (if any) under the age of 18 in household? a. None b. 1 to 3 c. 3 to 5 d. 5 or more 8. What is your approximate annual household income? a. Less than $10,000 b. $10,000 to $19,999 c. $20,000 to $29,999 d. $30,000 to $39,999 e. $40,000 to $49,999 f. $50,000 to $59,999 g. $60,000 to $69,999 h. $70,000 to $79,999 i. $80,000 to $89,999 j. $90,000 to $99,999 k. More than $100,000 9. Do you have/use a smartphone, tablet, or similar device? a. Yes b. No ( if question 9 answer is no , skip to end ) 10. How familiar are you with the Snapchat app? a. I’ve never heard of Snapchat b. It sounds familiar but I don’t really know anything about Snapchat. c. I’ve heard a few things about Snapchat, but don’t use it. d. I’m somewhat familiar with Snapchat. Group 6 | Galvan, Jones, Lara, McAdams Perceptions and Opportunities for Growth of Snapchat Among 3554 Year Olds 21
e. I am very familiar with Snapchat. 11. (if question 10, answer D or E is selected) Do you actively use Snapchat? a. Yes b. No 12. (if Q 11 is yes): In your own words, please describe how you tend to use Snapchat, and what feature(s) you like about Snapchat. Feel free to express your thoughts, things you know, or any perceptions you have (positive or negative) that impact your opinion of the app. {text box} 13. (if Q 10 is C, D, or E, AND Q 11 is no): In your own words, please describe any reasons why you do not use Snapchat. Feel free to express your thoughts, things you know, or any perceptions you have (positive or negative) that impact your opinion of the app. {text box} 14. Do you actively use Instagram? a. yes b. no {survey page break} Snapchat has four core functionalities. Please read the following descriptions of each function and indicate the level to which you agree with the statement that follows the description. UsertoUser Messaging: With Snapchat, users can take photos or short video clips and edit them with onscreen doodles, text, filters, etc. These “snaps” can be sent to one or more recipients. 15. “I find usertouser messaging appealing” a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d. Agree e. Strongly Agree {survey page break} Group 6 | Galvan, Jones, Lara, McAdams Perceptions and Opportunities for Growth of Snapchat Among 3554 Year Olds 22
Snapchat has four core functionalities. Please read the following descriptions of each function and indicate the level to which you agree with the statement that follows the description. UsertoFollowers Storytelling: A user can create a “snap” just like the usertouser messaging and post it to their personal “story”. These posts last for 24 hours. A user can view the “snap story” of a friend, which contains the snaps posted in the past 24 hours by that friend. 16. “I find usertofollowers storytelling appealing” a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d. Agree e. Strongly Agree {survey page break} Snapchat has four core functionalities. Please read the following descriptions of each function and indicate the level to which you agree with the statement that follows the description. Curated Storytelling: Users can submit their snaps for consideration in curated snap stories. These stories may be centered around a common theme, location, or event. These stories are curated by snapchat staff, and are visible to all relevant snapchatters. Examples of themes/audiences for curated snap stories include major sporting or news events (which are often visible nationally or even globally) and schoolcentered stories, which are available for a short time to users who are at that location. 17. “I find Curated Storytelling appealing” a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d. Agree e. Strongly Agree {survey page break} Snapchat has four core functionalities. Please read the following descriptions of each function and indicate the level to which you agree with the statement that follows the description. Group 6 | Galvan, Jones, Lara, McAdams Perceptions and Opportunities for Growth of Snapchat Among 3554 Year Olds 23
Branded Channels: Currently, Snapchat has partners that include Food Network, ESPN, CNN, and others. Each partner has a branded channel that offers highly interactive visual content, similar to content one would find in a magazine published by that brand. The content published by these channels is updated every 24 hours. For example, Food Network may post a collection of pie recipes on National Pie Day, and users can see photos of each pie, as well as recipes and helpful “howto” videos. 18. “I find branded channels appealing” a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
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