Enterprising Libraries Event 5 March 2013 Whitechapel Idea Store
YOUR CLASS Your class can be about anything and can be structured in any way you like. Just be sure that you feel comfortable setting the tone and sharing information. You are in charge during your class! Past topics and approaches to teaching have ranged from butter-making workshops to foraging walking tours; from business lectures to group discussions. BARTER ITEMS Think of the barter items you ask for as a giant wish list. Make it as long and as creative as you can. This is a way for students to get to know you, or to begin learning about your topic before class begins. Try to ask for skills and non-monetary things (like research, advice, tips, help cleaning up, enthusiasm) as much as monetary-requests (like clothes, food, materials, etc.).
How to Grow Giant Courgettes Beginners guide to preparing soil/pots, planting and nuturing + then cooking/ presenting courgettes Teacher: Sue
Barter items:
How to insulate the loft Sailing skills
Scrapbooking Short workshop in creating your own scrapbooks Teacher: Amy
Barter items: Old jam jars Pot plants Records
Photography Skills and Tips Guiding people to use a camera for the first time to improving beyond basic skills Teacher: Peter
Barter items:
Studying local history A nice Italian meal
Cocktail Making Easy cocktails with simple ingredients
Teacher: Rawden
Barter items:
Bike maintenance help Glassware
Digital Case Studies How to capture and communicate human experiences for maximum impact Teacher: Aiice
Barter items:
Interview techniques Digital photograph Film editing
Getting Your Children to Sleep Sharing tips and lessons from helping my own two young children - terrible sleepers as babies - sleep well at night! Teacher: Ciara
Barter items:
Basic sewing class
Sharing Books With Your Child Ideas to make reading to your child a more interactive experience Teacher: Alison
Barter items: Seedlings Cuttings Fence painting
Card Mailing How to make 3 dimensional greetings cards for friends and family Teacher: Laura
Barter items: Fabric scraps Glue sticks Loose leaf tea
Holiday German Learn the basics to travel, eat, drink and enjoy your stay in Germany Teacher: Sue
Barter items:
A good sandwich Tea and biscuits Help with advanced social networking Cuttings for my gardens
Making Sponge Cakes How to make a basic sponge cake mix and what can be added to them Teacher: Susan
Barter items:
Babysitting Vegetable seeds / plants Favourite recipe
Introduction to Permaculture Learn simple design methods from permaculture that can help you grow anything from a garden, to a business, to a healthier life!
Teacher: Hannah
Barter items:
Clothes making lessons Bookkeeping support Gardening volunteering Borrow a drill
The History of Tottenham Corner A walk around the local area pointing out + chatting + exchanging info Teacher: Pauline
Barter items: Material Fruit Paper
Real Ale for Beginners
Teacher: Andrew
Barter items:
How to grow vegetables Guitar lessons Basic car mechanics
Public Speaking Giving people the confidence to talk in public - and a few top tips Teacher: Dave
Barter items:
Interesting real ales
How to Write Funding Bids Learn the phrases, techniques & approaches to achieve success in applying for community funding bids Teacher: Kevin
Barter items:
Contacts of people interested in joining library events Volunteer to help with library events Peanut butter and jam sandwiches
Household Tips Non expensive cleaning options
Teacher: Gill
Barter items:
Using Adobe photoshop Map reading for walkers
Technology For You Basic social networking skills to utilise Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc Teacher: Jodi
Barter items: Anything!
Netball Learn the skills and rules of netball
Teacher: Helen
Barter items: Knitting Golf lessons Recipes
Keeping Tropical Fish Setting up a fish tank
Teacher: Ayub
Barter items: Pottery skills
DIY for Beginners How to best prepare for a good quality finish when decorating
Teacher: Jason
Barter items:
A dessert Jam Movie recommendations
Carnival Arts "MAS" costume + sculpture collaborative for parade Teacher: Gill
Barter items:
Bread baking Shakespeare for starters/ spoken music & dance Sailing skills
Basic Excel and Budgeting
Teacher: Jonathan
Barter items: Plants Books DVDs / CDs
Find Out Who You Are Explore how you get your energy, see your world, make decisions and plan your life Teacher: Tricia
Barter items: Fresh flowers Fresh bread
How to Make the Most Impact When Talking to a Politician Teacher: Kerry
Barter items: French class
Tracing Your Family History
Teacher: Geoff
Barter items: Ironing!
Web Design/Dreamweaver
Teacher: Alan
Barter items: Photoshop
Flower Arranging Having friends to dinner and perhaps want to have a floral home - I can show you how to do this. Teacher: Sue
Barter items:
Time for Cerbiche How to prepare Peruvian cebiche
Teacher: Jorge
Barter items:
Finding Your Skills Identifying your skills and wishes for work Teacher: Fiona
Barter items:
Volunteering in the library Teaching own skills Giving talks in the library Baking cakes for sale in the library
Story Telling Sharing books and fun with young people
Teacher: Barter items: Dance Skills
Introduction to Film Noir
Teacher: Henry
Barter items:
Intro to SLR photography Beginners Italian
How to Make the World Peaceful and Sustainable in 3 Easy Lessons An intro to the Earth Charter Teacher: Jeffrey
Barter items:
How to Make Pastry and Tarts Teacher: Victoria
Barter items:
Help run a fundraising event at the library
SLR Photography for Beginners Learn how to use your SLR camera and master some basic creative efforts Teacher: Anton
Barter items: Lunch Photographer Frames
Public Speaking with Confidence Tips on speaking with confidence and care Teacher: David
Barter items:
Fresh coriander A CD of Strauss waltzes Lapsang tea
Time Value of Money Learning to recognise the value of interest rates Teacher: David
Barter items: Home valuing
I.T. Basic IT
Teacher: Kathy
Barter items: Knitting Craft Walks
Making Curries & Wellbeing
Teacher: Colin
Barter items: