Laura Boffi portfolio before CIID

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things in my mind I eventually designed by designer Laura Boffi

email: telephone: +44 (0) 7727930715 skype contact: laura.boffi

Tsunami WaveBag An automatic inflatable safety vest for the mother and the baby. It is meant to protect against crashes and drowning in case of tsunami .

Tsunami wavebag

It has six air chambers: 2 on the front, 2 on the back and 1 each side.

work period_2006_BA thesis

This Evolution of the Needs Status is a tool I designed to research psychological and physical needs in case of emergency. It shows time and needs status in a carthesian diagram to understand how design needs to address different targets of people in particular time of the emergency. It helped me to develop new concepts during my project on the tsunami emergency.

The Evolution of the Needs Status applied to the tsunami emergency

The Emergency System is a tool I designed to research the different layers of causes and meanings around an emergency. It shows how natural, cultural, political context influence the way people could be exposed to emergencies. It helped me to understand where we were lacking design interventions to psychologically and physically protect people.

The Emergency System applied to the tsunami emergency

Tubbolo Tubbolo A foldable lamp with acoustic switch for children. The sound produced by unfolding/folding the tube makes the LED lights turn on and off.

work period_2003/2004

Modular tile One modular tile that combines in different patterns.

work period_2004

A project that looks forward at a possible use of nanotechnology in the future that would help to bring the presence of our dead beloved ones back. It is based on the use of the smart dust, a nano network of sensors, that would be implanted in the body since we are born in order to record our physical and emotional data. After dying, the smart dust would stand as virtual ashes that would help us to bring the presence of the dead person back. We would collect the smart dust from the body of the dead person and put it into smart objects that would interact with the collected data stored in the smart dust sensors. Smart objects would consist of a different range of objects we are familiar with in our daily life: from mobile phones, to work period_2007

pockets in our clothes. Some of the smart dust would remain in the decomposing body of our dead beloved

of the body and it would do this by the smart dust communicating to the processor in

r co


Storing our data that tell about our presence ( creating a kind of electronic ashes)

a li t y

nc ei

a r n a ti o n

After dying our electronic ashes could be strewed in an Intelligent Ambient to give us back a virtual presence of the dead person

a noth


the band-aid. We would pray near the grave or from the apposite online cementery

vi rtu a

tool. The band-aid would realease serotonin according to the level of decomposition

and the healing communication between the dead and the living would start.



mourning period. It would be both a medical device to help recovering and a praying


d nte



and it would communicate with a particular band-aid that we would wear during the

We could be provided with smart dust sensors during our live on the earth Sensors capabilities: - temperature; - sounds; - movements - ...

Invisible and ubiquitous network

Sensors comunicate with the sorroundings via wirelss

Micro/nano computers forming a network of embedded sensors dust grain size< 1mm3

Actual uses:

Virtual reincarnation in interfaces

- spread into the environment; - glued on people; - included to textile; - mixed in intelligent wall coating to monitorate, spy, fight.

re q u e st i on i


Smart dust

u al v al u r act es ou

Setting up of a virtual interacting Hereafter world

memory ashes after dying Self energy supplying: temp/movements; - light; - electro magnetic field

c ultu

Creation of a new religion, god, icons Sensors reconfigurate the network themselves either if a grain is added or subtracted


l ria

Another way of praying (tools for praying)

Sensors informations are sent to the Ambient Intelligence to make it perform its funcionality

nanoscale electronic ecosystem

a lt e r n a ti v






n ta r y

as an answer to the psychological need of dead people presence


Interacting Hereafter

Subtracting people to the earth life could mean adding virtual souls to the after death dimension and souls could interact among themselves



o t ec h n ol o g


When the smart dust would be into a NBIC environment (N nanotech, B biotech, I intormation


tech, C cognitive science), the sensors embedded in our body could live in symbiosis with





wireless subsystem based on radio or infrared frequency

nano-scale mechanical system


Smart dust




ol o g y


o r m ati o n


n ch

it, upgradind as the brain would evolve and sensing/processing/ storings data like neurons.



TinyOS CPU microcomputers





thinking and brain process

g Co

n it i v e S c i e


C and S m I B N Intelligent Adaptive Dust?


ti o

Living in symbiosis with the body and storing informations from the brain?

s t Du t

N a n ote



te c

hnolo gy

Smart Dust and the Technologies Convergence for a nanoscale hereafter network

I nf o r m a

processors like neurons, able to receive feedback and learn from the outside


plasticity of brain that evolves with thinking: hardware and software upgrade together


nano-scale solar device or electronical device to transform vibrations or magnetism into energy

S ce

for detection in the environment (often inspired by biomimecry)

C o g nitiv e


power supply




lac kin g nol

g o lo



y + Bi ot ec

I h

lo no

During life, sensor network capts data about yourself and the context and transmits it to the central processor in the Ambient Intellingent

data transmitter for incoming data (via RF or Laser)

data transmitter for outgoing data to the central processor in the AI (via RF or Laser)

sensors capting temperature, movementes, sounds, images, etc.

After dying, our smart dust are strewed in kind of interfaces comunicating with the AI.

* which kinds of interactions could give you the presence of a dead person back?

micro computer processing and sending data collected by the sensors

solar panel for energy sufficiency

smart dust node NBIC components

Smart dust ashes

how translating data stored in the past into interactions for now?

battery self charging by vibrations, light, magnetic field, etc.

ambient intelligence * where could we carry our smart dust during the life? body implanted smart dust?

processes and store people data when they are in life; translate these data later, after their death, into interactions/phenomena in your daily life when similar context is around you.

* which kind of data should we store in order to develop a virtual hereafter when people die? *ask people which kind of sensations are connected with the person they love?


If smart dust capts similar context to those ones stored when the person was alive , it should generate an interaction which gives you the presence of that person back.

* ask this question to people throughout a blog to get concepts of possible interfaces for the Hereafter.

vi rt





qu es t

Having you in the hereafter


ni ng

ou ra


ua l


lu es

Having you in the hereafter concepts

After being born

v ir

tu al i nte



n at

io n

he re aft er b

an d-a id

fte r he he re a Ha vin gy ou in t is



h o ld yo u to




I wi


how to keep your presence?

s ti ll i n f l u e

Passing away


you would collect memories as data by the smart dust sensors



I w is h






integrated with smart dust

ys i c a l i n f

to lis t e n to


Religious hereafter rituals



with smart dust cookies


Being weaned

During your life


he re aft er po ck et



ft e


a ll


a l re i n



Hereafter pocket Hereafter message Hereafter band-aid


t i v it y

you would get the smart dust through your powerd milk

Hereafter pocket

Hereafter message

Smart pocket in your pyjamas containing

From the internet, you can post memories to your

the smart dust from your dead beloved.

beloved ones during your life in the personal Memory Will webpage.

The pocket takes the shape of the dead person as

After dying, the ones who collected your smart

if he was holding your hand

dust into their hereafter mobile phone will be reminded to check the website by a SMS text and read the related post from you when experiencing a situation similar to a particular one shared with you (like drinking a coffee in the cafè you used to go together).

Hereafter band-aid The smart rosary band-aid communicates with the smart dust in the dead body. it is both a medical device and a praying tool. It releases serotonin according to the level of decomposition of the body each time we pray at the cementary (analogical pray) or from the internet (digital pray). According to Edgar Morin, anthropologyst, the mourning period depends on the decomposition of the body.

Cultural probes To test the reactions of people on the band-aid, I made cultural probes as chocolate cookies in the shape of the band-aid itself, releasing serotonin as well because of the chocolate! Only after eating, the people were told about the band-aid project and I asked them to write back their thoughts on the it. Icould continue the project, adapting it to the reactions I received.

I gave the cultural probes to my colleagues, from different cultures and nationalities during a school trip on the bus. Everybody enjoyed the cookie and reacted back during the time of the bus journey!


Eindhoven Zoo

work period_2006

Eindhoven Zoo A project about bringing to my own country, Italy, an aspect that interested me in the city of Eindhoven. I did it as soon as I moved to Eindhoven, The Netherlands, for my master. After going around and taking pictures, I realized that the strangest thing was the change of scale, from architecture to food. I decided to reproduce in Italy this experience of feeling like a dwarf or a giant thanks to a spheric mirroring architecture and a flying big balloon with the pictures of Eindhoven overturned.

Personal reportage of Eindhoven as I experienced it

Dutch urban camouflage A project about how to how to deal with the Dutch xenophobia and survive to the naturalization process. From the analysis of my personal suitcase towards the development of an urban camouflage to be recognized as a Dutch while preserving your own identity as foreigner. The urban camouflage is a two sided jacket. One side is the illegal, with the Dutch flag camouflage as hiding metaphor and one side is the legal, with the reflecting textile as

Dutch Urban Camouflage

passive mimicry in the non-native country.

work period_2006

Kulfirator pot A pot to make ice cream and preserve it cold. It is a project about the use of appropriate technologies and it is inspired by the way Indian street vendors use to make Kulfi, their local ice cream, by salt mixed with ice

Kulfirator pot

which causes a drop in temperature. To improve the cooling capacity, Kulfirator pot is made from terracotta.

work period_2007

Body rice protections A family of objects to protect our body from eventual sport crashes. Each protection has an impact absorbing honeycomb made from popped rice. The honeycomb can fill any volume as it can be folded into any tri-dimensional shape from a flat sheet. After a crash, you just have to replace the damaged honeycomb by cutting the flat sheet as you need.

Body Rice Protections work period_2006

Particular of the honeycomb flat sheet and how it is put into the protections cover

Plume spoon gives you the chance to taste your yogurt or ice cream up to the last mouthfuls. It is made from porcelain and its colour is white as a plume. Its asymmetric shape is meant to make you enjoy your food up to the end. Its lightness is thought to make you concentrate only on the taste you carry in your mouth. Plume spoon is the tool that can make you experience dulcis in fundo each day in your life.

Plume spoon workshop with Ole Palsby_work period_2007

It is a collaborative project me and my collegues of Man and Humanity master developed during an intensive workshop, hosted in the Izmir Ekonomi Universitesi, Turkey. The project is about the vaccination compaigns and the preservation of the cold chain

Cold Chain project

for the vaccines in remote areas. We tried to develop new concepts around the way the vaccination is comunicated to people and a new cold box that could be carried more easily and store the cold for a longer period. Over a week of model makings and testing, we came out with a graphic identity that could be flexible and used with different mediums, from printing on textiles to skin removable tatoos that could help doctors in identifying who still need to be vaccined or not.

collaborative project during Man and Humanity master, DAE, may 2008

On the other side, we worked on different levels of innovation in the box, such as the ice pack stored inside the external insulating shell ( “the box�), the opening of the box providing working space for the administration of the vaccine, the shape of the box itself in order to be stockable and easy to carry with strings.

Scheme of the network involved in the Cold Chain project that helped us in understanding the different stakeholders we wanted to communicate to and the mediums to approach them.

Me and my team took care about the development of an inflatable cold box and a foldable ice pack to put inside of it. Our concern was to keep the cold box distant from the body when carried by a person and to provide an extra insulation through the air in the inflatable cushions. The blue pipes in the models simulate the inflatable ones, which would both help the insulation and give structure to the box.

Final logo and its possible applications on textiles, on the streets and as a tatoo during the vaccination compaign.

Final prototype with details of the opening, the foldable ice pack, the working space on the opening and the ways of carrying it.

Knitting your passage A project that looks at the unsuccessful aspects of the medicine on terminal patients. When medicine cannot fix their bodies, they experience death as an expiration date.The amount of life that they still have to live is codified into vital parameters, numbers and graphics. The devices they are connected to seem to deny them any chance to build a new life through the illness. The project addresses the medical machines that record

Knitting your passage

the vital data. They knit a canvas according to this data and the feelings of the patients and their familiars by selecting different yarns.

work period_2007 up to now

Schematic model of the hospital machine working Canvas details: stitches and yarn

Knitted stitches with electrocardiogram Regular heart working_ regular stitch

Tachycardy_ high yarn tension

Arrhythmias_ variable yarn tension

Brachicardy_ low yarn tension

Extra systolis_ lazy stitch

Sinus atrial block_ lazy stitch, low yarn tension

Ischemia_ hole

Atrioventricular block_ tuck stitch

Infarction_ dropped stitch

Skipping a bit_ pointelle

Fibrillation_ reverse stitch

Patient feeling_ shape memory yarn, elastic yarn, water soluble yarn

Asystole_ reverse stitch, floating, variable tension

Familiars feeling_ various colour yearn

Canvas from electrocardiogram and illustration with knitted heart and IV fluid cables transporting the yarns

Bio_instincts A project that looks at the biotechnology and regenerative medicine and how they are changing the way we may perceive life and death. Thanks to them, man is experiencing the possibility to live longer and longer, reaching almost an a-mortality. But anyway man is still susceptible of accidental death, from a gas leak to a terroristic attack. If on the one hand, he is losing the consciousness of his mortality, on the other hand he is


completely unprotected from accidents. What if man could get the instincts of accidental death, of danger, like animals, thanks to biotech? Would parents allow the bioengineering of their baby genoma? And how would these genes be expressed in the body?

work period_2007/2008_MA thesis

The project focuses on the case of domestic gas leak presenting the design of eyes with chemo recepting eyelashes and glowing eyelids in case of gas leak during each stage of evolution. An incubator is required at home to let the new genes express in the body of the baby. The mother provides the baby with the right toxic environment breathing out her CO2 into the incubator from time to time in order to let his/her gas leak instinct develop.

Amy got her embryo bioengineered with the instinct of gas leak. Her genoma was implanted with extra genes that make her eyelashes as chemoreceptors for gas and give her extra eyelids that glow in case of gas detected by the eyelashes. When she would be completely developed, in case of gas leak she would have the possibility to be woken up at night by the light from her eyes and survive the danger.

To favour the expression of the bioingeneered genes and to protect her from the danger of gas leak in the house, Amy is put into her incubator when she is brought home from the hospital.

The mother provides the baby with the right toxic environment breathing out her CO2 into the incubator from time to time in order to let her gas leak instinct develop.

The development of the bioengineered eyes through the life ages

It is a collaborative project I developed together with the author Carolina Caluori and other volunteer professionals at MediaLab Prado, Spain, during the intensive workshop Visualizar ‘8: Database City. The aim of the project was to create an interactive map

Lazarillo GPS

of a turistic route in Madrid using a GPS device. Due to the group lack of computing skills, we developed an analogic printable map for wheelchair users. I developed the system to collect the information to be shown in the map that could be interesting for a wheelchair user: from the musems to the zebra crossing lines taking notes every 10 metres, the distance that qualitatively we took as equivalent to 100 metres for a not disable walking user. I also developed the graphics of the maps

collaborative project in MediaLab Prado, november 2008

showing both the pictograms and the variation of the altitude of the route (previously taken by a GPS device) and a concept of physical installation of the map in the touristic office. We invited to work with us Carlos, a wheelchair user, who made the route with us before and after designing the map, giving very important insights and feedbacks.

The map is downloadable from the website of the project:

Carolina with a 10metre rope along the touristic route from Plaza Mayor to Cibeles, Madrid, taking notes of the interesting information/places for a wheelchair user.

A printable page of the prototype of the map as it can be downloaded from the Lazarillo GPS website. For every 10metres in the real scale, a row of pictograms is reported in the map, showing what you can get in that distance. In grey, you can qualitatively understand the variation of the altitude. The maps is detailled for both sides of the streets.

Learning from Carlos’ eye tracking way of communicating, I thought of the possibility of having a big map printed on acrilic in touristic offices or along the touristic streets. The acrilic surface would be round shaped and will embrace the whole view angle of the wheelchair user in order to make it easier to track his/her eyes on the big map. Me and Carolina developed the concept in some basic simulations.

Carlos is showing us his way of communicating through a transparent panel with pictograms. Amanda, understanding the direction of Carlos’ eyes watching at the panel, like an analogical-human eye tracking, can retrace the pictogram and know what he wants to say.

(breath)3 An inflatable dress interacting with the breath of people: if you blow strongly in the mask, the dress starts to inflate. I designed and made the dress in order to perform with it at the scenography festival Crash! Boom! Bau! in Jena, Germany, 5th-6th May 2009. The concept is about me representing the inflatable temporary theater of the Theaterhaus Jena having an empathic relationship with the theater audience. Both the



theater and the audience breath...and from the relationship of mutual air exchange, little inflatable cushions give life to plants inside. It is a project I developed at the Interprofessional Studio AAIS at the Architectural Association, London. To see the video of the performance:

work period_2009

This is the card I prepared to give to people in the street of jena. There is a little explanation of the performance and a hole, so that they could blow in my mask putting the card between their faces and the mask, avoiding any physical contact.

Salon curtains A project of three curtains for the Front Members’ Rooms at the Architectural Association, London, in occasion of the AAIS Salon exhibition. The curtains were shaped in order to be also used as screen for projections during the exhibitions. The textile, quite unsual for making curtains, was selected and tested for its particular properties to diffuse light and to stretch under the weight of the metal

AAIS Salon curtains

tubes. The curtains is made only by two sewn lines and a cut through.

work period_2009

Collective memories book A project of a book binding for a photo collection of memories among the different partecipants who took part to the Interprofessional Studio at the Architectural Association, London. The binding of the book begins connecting the paper pages with textiles and then the different layers are sewn together. The pages join and overlap each other like the story

Collective Memories Book

of the people shown in it. They are people creating a collective project, but still individual professionals. This is the reason why the binding is of course joining all the sheets together, but it is also openable by velcro. By the desing of the book binding, I would like to remind the reader that a collective memory is always made by individual stories and by the personal ways people remember those stories themselves.

work period_2009

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