She grew more pensive day by day

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She grew more pensive day by day. Head in hand, sorrowful, soul foul and distraught. She remembered how it felt to feel happy and she was crying inside recalling her past. The days of running around without a care in the World were long gone. Now the air was dense, the nighttime grew nearer and there was no one. No sounds, no phone calls, solitude. This gave Jasmine time to think. It felt heavy but somehow she was being led to dwell and regenerate anew. A tiny voice inside her head said “take my hand and let me guide you in the direction of your dreams�. She had an inner-knowing that this was a critical turning point in her Life. It felt painful like a re-birth but somehow satisfying to learn that this was her time to re-create, co-create and find out what would make her Life feel full. The past was finished and the future was unclear. Jasmine finally felt the peace within to understand completely that the present would carry her forward for the rest of her Life. She awakened and knew from that moment forward she could design the Life she so desired from a place deep within. The time was NOW and to live awakened was the pain into joy.

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