2 Year Flexible Plan
2011 - 2012
Skills Progression within Curriculum for Excellence. Literacy across learning. Assessment of English and Literacy
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To share good practice and examples of a variety of assessment records/folios to continue to develop consistency in the assessment process throughout the authority..
To assess and evaluate the impact on the consistency of assessment using the skills framework developed.
5 Culture and Ethos
To develop a range of strategies and resources to increase confidence in effective learning and teaching to ensure opportunities for pupils’ learning in literacy across the curriculum. To develop a progression of Literacy and English skills, within curriculum for excellence outcomes, to support planning, assessment and consistent practice within the authority. To evaluate and continue to promote opportunities for learning in literacy across the curriculum.
Literacy across learning.
LeadershipVision and
Area of Development
2010 2011
Learning and Teaching
5 Broad Areas of Excellence
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Area of Development: Literacy across learning Desired Outcome(s) Implementation Process (Actions)
By whom?
Time Scale
Monitoring by whom ? how? David McLean. Completed draft and approved final policy.
Updated West Lothian English and Literacy Policy completed and approved.
Review and update the current language policy in line with Curriculum for Excellence to produce a draft and then final policy for approval. This has been done
David McLean , Julie Renfrew , Steve Athwal, Primary & secondary head.
Draft - Dec 2010 Final – Feb 2011
Increased awareness of the responsibility of all for the learning and teaching of literacy.
Develop literacy across learning resources based on the ‘Write to the top’ and ‘Reading Routes’ resources. Ongoing March 2011 Organise and co-ordinate short, focused blocks to raise awareness of specific literacy skills across all curricular areas. Share models of good practice and current developments within English and literacy using GLOW and termly newsletter.
Julie Renfrew, Mairi Easter.
May 2011
David McLean & Julie Renfrew. Development Post Holder meetings and resources shared.
4 x newsletters – 1 per term.
Lisa Davies & Julie Renfrew – Newsletter produced and circulated.
Impact on the professional development of staff and enhance the learning experiences of pupils.
GLOW ready Newsletters 2
Gemma Ritchie Lisa Davies, Julie Renfrew, Nicola Hamilton & Development Post Holders Nicola Hamilton, Lisa Davies & Julie Renfrew
Weekly update of GLOW once relaunched - Jan 2011. Jan 2011
Nicola Hamilton – GLOW print outs of hits to group.
Improve and update the current GLOW Group to be an engaging and informative group in order to encourage population.
Relaunch Literacy GLOW group with updated presentation, easy to use tools and resources.
Increase awareness and use of resources available to support the additional learning needs of pupils and impact on their skills, abilities and confidence.
Collate additional learning needs resources developed by other agencies within West Lothian and make available to all through Literacy GLOW group.
Lisa Davies, Educational Psychology & Occupational Therapy Departments
Jan 2011
Lisa Davies – Resources added to GLOW group and link added to home page.
Continued use of debating, as a tool to promote English and Literacy, within schools throughout the authority. Increased awareness of learning and teaching strategies which can be used to develop the extended writing skills of pupils.
Organise school debating competition and entries to crossauthority and national events.
Competition –
David McLean & Julie Renfrew.
Julie Renfrew
Other events ongoing Mar 2011
Develop ‘Text Talk’, a weekly GLOW meet to discuss a variety of texts with other schools.
Review current practice and develop CPD to meet needs and impact on learning, teaching and attainment.
Feb 2011
Nicola Hamilton, Lisa Davies & Julie Renfrew GLOW print outs of hits to group
March 2011
David McLean & Julie Renfrew – Completed CPD opportunity and resources uploaded to GLOW. 3
Evidence (How do we know?) The following evidence will be gathered to support evaluations –
Has West Lothian Literacy and English policy been updated? Have a range of strategies and resources been developed to support English and Literacy across learning?
A draft policy has been shared with all key stakeholders with comments sought before approved final policy is published.
Resources shared through CPD, GLOW and/or Learning Festival.
Newsletters produced and circulated.
GLOW group relaunched and population of group increasing.
‘Text Talk’ has been developed and is taking place on a weekly basis. Population to the group is increasing.
ALN resources have been added to GLOW Group.
Debating competition held.
CPD sessions held.
Area of Development: Consistency in the progression of skills within Curriculum for Excellence levels. Desired Outcome(s) Implementation Process (Actions) By whom? Produce a coherent, consistent progression of skills for within the Curriculum for Excellence Levels to help support planning and assessment.
Create a working group of interested, knowledgeable practitioners to develop a framework of skills in Literacy and English.
To gather evidence and review emerging practice towards developing framework of skills. Consult with staff within/across authorities and develop a framework to increase consistency in Literacy and English skills across the authority. Pilot framework within planning and assessment formats of at least two schools. Share skills framework with authority using CPD, GLOW and email . Measure impact of skills framework using pre/post skills framework questionnaires.
Time Scale
Monitoring by whom ? how? David McLean & Lisa Davies.
Lisa Davies, Julie Renfrew, Alison MacDonald, Secondary Network Leader and x2 group members. Lisa Davies
Dec 2010
Dec 2010
Lisa Davies
Lisa Davies, Julie Renfrew, Alison MacDonald, Secondary Network Leader and x2 group members., cross authority development group.
Mar 2011
David McLean
Lisa Davies
Mar 2011 & May 2011
Lisa Davies, David McLean
Evidence (How do we know?) The following evidence will be gathered to support evaluations –
Is there some consistency in the progression of Literacy and English skills within the authority? Has the skills framework been incorporated into the planning and assessment formats of schools within the authority?
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Pre/post skills framework questionnaire. Collated evidence. Resource and evidence shared through CPD, GLOW and/or Learning Festival.