Dental Care Services For All Ages Patients – Brandon Dentist | Bridges Dental

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Brandon dentist Brandon Dentist offers numerous dental services aimed at helping an individual of all ages experience lasting oral health and a beautiful smile at Bridges Dental.

teetH and HeaLtHY eatinG

4 tYpes of teetH 1.incisors 2.canines 3.first moLars 4.second moLars.

How can i Look after mY teetH? Brush your teeth twice a day.

Try not to eat too many sweets.

Visit the dentist twice a year

foods tHat cause tootH decaY

How are cavities caused?

Bacteria causes a build up of plaque. Plaque acid attacks the tooth

The tooth eventually rots away

contact us 3646 LitHia pinecrest road, vaLrico, fL 33596 813-654-3399

tHank You for watcHinG our presention!

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