Causes And Treatments Of Dead Tooth | Bridges Dental

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Causes And Treatments Of Dead Tooth

A tooth is considered to be dead when it no longer has to reach blood flow. Our teeth are made up of three layers which are enamel, which is the hardest substance in our body, dentin that is the softer layer in the enamel and pulp, which is the deepest area of our teeth that carries nerves and blood in order to make a tooth alive .

Causes of a dead tooth ď‚— Tooth decaying and dental trauma are the two major

reasons that lead to a dead tooth. ď‚— Tooth decaying: - When decaying is not getting treated, it starts going through inside the tooth until it reaches the pulp or nerve causing it to get damaged and die. Your immune system is trying to remove all the bacteria in the cavity from the body. However, it cuts all the blood supply to the tooth and kills the pulp. ď‚— Dental trauma: - Dental trauma is the hard blow against a tooth during any sports or other activities which leads to a dead tooth. The dental trauma separates the blood supply at the tip of the root which causes the pulp to die.

How to treat a dead tooth?  There are two ways to heal a dead tooth:

• Root canal  According to Dental crowns Lithia, a root canal is the best solution to treat a dead tooth. In the process of the root canal, a dentist can remove the dead pulp, treat the infection and leave the tooth intact. It is always recommended to prevent tooth damage. It is better to save natural tooth structure and after getting root canal treatment, you can save the tooth and restore function with the addition of a dental crown. • Extraction  As per dentist Brandon, extraction is also the second treatment to save a dead tooth. Dentist Brandon will also help you in saving the structure of your tooth. But if the tooth is not treated with a root canal, removing that tooth will be the only option in order to protect your oral health.

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