Laura Dean Financial Solutions
Philosophy Laura Dean Financial Solutions is a privately owned and operated financial services practice with a ‘Total Financial Solutions’ philosophy. We pride ourselves on providing a wide range of financial and investment services, all under the one roof. At Laura Dean, clients have access to: o o o o o
Expert Financial Planners Self Managed Super Fund specialists Home loan finance via our in-house Mortgage Broker Expert Life Insurance Advisor And a full range of Tax & Accounting services
To find out how Laura Dean can help you, book in for your FREE initial consultation with one of our financial planners. We look forward to helping you reach your financial goals.
Services Laura Dean Financial Planning Model Laura Dean can help you achieve the lifestyle you have always wanted but didn’t think you could afford, by offering expert superannuation and retirement planning services, as well as providing consultancy concerning all aspects of wealth creation. With our holistic approach, we can provide professional advice tailored to help you maximise your individual financial situation. The five pillars of the Laura Dean Business Model designed to provide the frameworks for the long- term financial security of its clients are: o o o o
Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) Mortgage Reduction Strategy Investment Strategy Insurance Strategy
SMSF Most people have a clear idea in their head of what retired life will look like. The real question is... Will your super balance fund the retirement lifestyle of your dreams? Laura Dean has helped many clients in this predicament take control of their superannuation and their future retirement by setting up a Self Managed Super Fund.
Mortgage Reduction Strategy Mortgage Reduction is a system that allows you to pay off your mortgage many years sooner. By re-structuring your mortgage payment procedures you can save yourself thousands of dollars. The first step normally is to refinance your existing loan. This will ensure you have the correct loan product to maximise the effect of the Laura Dean Strategy and take full advantage of the increased cash flow. Investment Strategy Laura Dean Financial Solutions is committed to providing clients with a holistic framework to deliver long-term financial stability and security to help make whatever lifestyle they choose to live throughout their working life and in their retirement years, become a reality not just a dream. Insurance Strategy There are Common types of insurance policies held within a SMSF these include: o Life Insurance o Income Protection o Total and Permanent Disablement o Critical Illness By having a Life Insurance strategy in place it allows people to save for unpredictable life events in an efficient way. It is designed to protect your family and other people who may depend on you for financial support by providing a safety net for when you need it most. Laura Dean Financial Solutions believes that wealth creation during working life needs to be seen in the context of current opportunities and future expectations. To take advantage of current opportunities is to leverage strategies to reduce the burden of debt, including mortgage and credit card. Retirement planning is a process that has to begin sooner rather than later, to ensure that sufficient funds have been stored away safely to provide a life style that is in line with expectations and opportunities. Laura Dean Financial Solutions will always strive to advise and assist clients to achieve their financial goals and peace of mind.