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Initially exploring ways to document and raise awareness of gentrification through fashion, film, music and poetry whilst undertaking the renovation of a house in the area.

This resulted in the creation of ‘A S o c i a l P o l i c y f o r

G e n t r i f i c a t i o n’

containing a short poetic series alongside photography, artworks and the co-created findings of

“T h e r e ’ s S t i l l L i f e H e r e”. A collection of public thought on local planning gathered during related exhibitive projects in both Nottingham and Leicester.



mixed-media map drawings explore the psychogeography of a site in Anstey, Leicestershire that has planning for over 600 houses and services.

site north and south of Groby Road is identified in Charnwood’s Local Plan, Policy

DS3(HA43) and will envelop the local cemetery, allotment and other residencies.

The studies are a personal attempt to ‘map’ the site by means of photography, mark-making and drawing in response to sights, sounds and feelings.


Gemma Vincents’ work

“Y O U ’ R E F R O M B E A U M O N T L E Y S !” takes its name from the negative stigma and judgement associated with being ‘b o r n ‘ n ’ b r e d’ in Beaumont Leys.

It delves into the areas history, particularly in the late 70s and early 80s, when L e i c e s t e r C i t y C o u n c i l promoted the area as a promising new town.

Despite decades of neglect, lack of funding, community facilities and a shortage of investment in s o c i a l h o u s i n g, Gemma highlights the thriving community in Beaumont Leys, where everyone knows each other and works together.

Gemma shares her personal experiences of growing up in social housing and highlights the need for more.

R e c y l e d p a p e r s , found text and upcycling underpin Gemmas practice, attributes which despite having limited resources, reflect the the creative and resourceful nature of her community.


Charnwood Borough Council (2022) CHARNWOOD LOCAL PLAN 2021-37 STATEMENT OF COMMON GROUND BETWEEN CHARNWOOD BOROUGH COUNCIL, DAVIDSONS DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED, AND WILLIAM DAVIS LIMITED AND CHAPMAN ESTATES (LEICESTER) LIMITED RELATING TO SITE HA43: LAND WEST OF ANSTEY. Leicester: Charnwood Borough Council. Available at: https:// www.charnwood.gov.uk/files/documents/exam_24_n_ ha43_statement_of_common_ground_land_west_of_ anstey/EXAM%2024n%20-%20HA43%20Statement%20of%20 Common%20Ground%2C%20Land%20west%20of%20Anstey. pdf. (Accessed: 31/03/23).

Google Earth Image Capture

Attribution: Imagery ©2023 Bluesky, Getmapping plc, Infoterra Ltd & Bluesky, Maxar Technologies, Map data ©2023

Leicester City Council (2021) Leicester City Council Housing Allocations Policy.

Leicester: Leicester City Council. Available at: https://www.leicester.gov.uk/media/jwlm3npo/housingallocations-policy-june-2021.pdf (Accessed: 28/04/23).

Nottingham City Council (2020) Land and Planning Policies - Local Plan Part

2. Nottingham: Nottingham City Council. Available at: https://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/media/3332773/ land-and-planning-policies-document-lapp-2020.pdf. (Accessed: 08/04/23).

Nottingham City Council (2019) Waterside Supplementary Planning Document.

Nottingham: Nottingham City Council. Available at: file:///Users/ldicki01/Downloads/Waterside%20SPD%20 (web%20version)%20(1).pdf. (Accessed: 08/04/23).

Publication by Laura Dickinson Interdiciplinary Artist & Fashion Educator @lauradickinson.creative www.laurartist.com with thanks to Invited Artists & Fashion Educators Stephen Hughes and Gemma Vincent Stephen Hughes @stephen.r.hughes Gemma Vincent @gemma_vincent_illustration Funded by:

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