Mission Statement Microbubble is a unique form of brand consultancy that supports micro businesses aspiring to produce a macro impact and creative start-ups with a contagious work ethic. We aim to inspire and instigate the production of sustainable business models, we promote the notion of skill sharing and encourage the development of creative collectives to work together and produce unique outcomes. We are driven by good conversation and collaboration; we pride ourselves on nurturing micro-businesses and offer a platform for creative brand/self expression.
Our Philosophy The future is small, it’s niche and it’s networked. In order for a business to survive and grow in todays turbulent climate, that business has to be open to change and constant reinvention. At Microbubble we have recognised that with turbulence comes oppurtunity and individuals have become more savvy and self-reliant. The internet has made it possible for people to start building profitable and unique businesses of their own; a new entrepreneurial mindset is taking hold, a hunger for skills. People are less fearful of testing the market with highly experimental ideas, they are essentally releasing these ideas in prototype form or beta mode allowing for a reciprocal development process involving input from others to forward and shape the idea. Flexibility is key. At Microbubble we believe in the power of thinking small , that a great idea can come from anywhere and we encourage small pockets of exchange that have the potential to develop into grand narratives. Born out of a culture of sharers we comunicate the benefits of working together, being collaborative and creating a buzzing community of likeminded people. Social media has taken hold and the internet has switched from a hub of information to a socially exciting one. Microbubble embraces the power of the network enabling people to click to collaborate.
Our Bubble At Microbubble we are essentially a co-op style business, driven by one clear vision and a team of creative contributors.
Laura Parsons: // Company Founder, Creative Director and Social Expert.
Sarah Louise Smith: // In-House Illustrator.
Ross Vernon McDonald: // Freelance Filmmaker.
Sam Whiffing: // Freelance Web designer and online consultant.
Business Set-up With the online world seeming the most logical platform to introduce our business concept, our website is our launch pad, allowing us to constantly update content, spark interest and make connections. www.microbubble.org.uk
Our initial start-up costs have consisted of the website development including a freelance designer creating the site, and charging a day rate of approximately ÂŁ50 pounds a day for a regular period. An inhouse illustrator has also been employed on a part-time basis, we really wanted the aesthetics of our platform and online identity to communicate our ethos of creativity and a mix of skills/disciplines. Our in-house illustrator specialises in mixmedia collage and as a recent university graduate she has openly wanted to be involved in the project, producing unique designs for the webpage to build her commercial portfolio. To complete the team a freelance filmmaker is also on board producing professional documentary style films with industry faces and budding startups that really get us excited.
This freelancer is also employed on a more regular basis requiring a paid day rate of approximately ÂŁ60 pounds a day inclusive of travel fees to various locations. As a small business trying to survive and grow in this tough economic climate we have faced difficulty, but by approaching and collaborating with likeminded creative individuals we have managed to get our vision off the ground. Social networking sites such as twitter have allowed us to publicise our development story and get people talking about the services we provide. To further develop and grow we are seeking enthusiastic sponsors or financial investors that recognise the potential scope of our idea. 7
Competition or Co-opetition Co-opetition is a notion coined by the research team at LSN:Global the lifestyle news network partnered with the future laboratory. This concept relates to the future of competitive brands cooperating with each other and working in a more convivial and productive way, the development of brand alliances. Interestingly a lot of macro and micro brands are beginning to adopt this approach.
‘The future is less about brands in isolation and more about partnerships’ Debra Warmsley, Insight Manager, Homebase
At Microbubble we respect or competition and are open to the idea of developing business alliances and future collaborations.
The trend boutique is a subscription only resource for creative students the website has a diverse mix of content yet is strictly managed, to subscribers only. The organisation offers a wide range of workshops and events these services are very affordable suiting their target demographic of students or recent graduates. However not being based in London perhaps limits the accessibility of the organisation.
The future laboratory is a trend-forecasting organisation that specialises in lifestyle and cultural trends, developing brand strategies and innovative projects for clients. LSN : Global is a lifestyle news network that is closely associated with the future laboratory, the LSN: Global team produce specialised and in-depth biannual trend seminars. The organisation has an impressive client base, generally working with macro brands to invigorate their brand strategy. However there is a mention of assisting smaller businesses, yet the affordability of such services maybe an issue for smaller brands and start-ups, this could be recognised as a weakness or future opportunity for the consultancy business to adapt their offering.
Visual pinning sites such as Designspiration and Pinterest are currently really capturing consumer interest. Pinning and curating inspiring imagery is a behaviour that is becoming increasingly widespread, people are using sites such as Pinterest to share pinboards that are often ideas in development for business related ventures. There is opportunity for linking a consultancy service to a site used for developing visual narratives, a lot of small craft style businesses are promoting products and processes through the platform. The request an invite element apparent on both sites is likely to unsure only creatively motivated individuals will attempt to join, giving the site an element of exclusivity. Linkedin is a social networking site created for industry professionals to develop connections, with over 150 million members the site allows individuals to manage their professional identity promote their employment history and engage in a business orientated network. The visual aesthetic of the site is very simple and purely functional. There is perhaps opportunity to develop a site with similar intention that allows more creative budding entrepreneurs and individuals seeking job opportunities to develop a more visually creative identity, incorporating the expressive feel of sites like Pinterest, but for promoting employment related oppurtunities. Contagious is a forecasting organisation, the organisation is centred round the development of their quarterly publication and DVD accompaniment. The brand has a global reach with representatives based worldwide. There is a unique focus on technology developments, and each publication issue involves a feature which covers small businesses that are ‘punching above their weight’. However due to the cost of subscription and bespoke consultancy, micro-businesses would struggle to afford services at Contagious. Perhaps there is an opportunity to develop the regular feature into more of a platform for smaller brands involving sponsorship, or workshops that would be more affordable. Taking inspiration from businesses such as kick-starter that are centred around funding start-up initiatives. 9
Business Talk S. As a small business our strengths include our ability to stay nimble to reinvent, experiment and test ideas with limited risk. Our open attitude allows for diversity, meaning our outcomes and projects are always unique and from a new approach. We are based in Shoreditch central London, one of the most creative boroughs within one of the world’s most vibrant and culturally diverse cities. We constantly work with creative’s that are simply passionate about we can achieve at Microbubble meaning often contributors will collaborate with us often for little money. We are focused on offering people a platform/outlet for expressing their creativity and tapping into a highly motivated entrepreneurial mindset, which is currently very widespread. W. We see our weaknesses as potential to improve our business and essentially our driving force to keep evolving. In particular we struggle as a business to stay economically sound, we have found it to be surprisingly difficult to develop a business that makes money but also instigates changes for the better and gives a voice to niche businesses. However we are exploring new avenues to promote our business and hopefully gain funding, we will not give up. Another possible weakness would involve the limitations we face being a very small team when attempting large-scale projects. However through the use of our network we are looking to grow our in-house team offering more opportunities to budding entrepreneurs that request to join our conversations and get involved.
O. Future opportunities involve the development of a networking app for our members to use to stay in contact, stream live updates including new documentary style films and also make notes or plan projects. A physical coworking environment is also part of our future vision, as well online developments including a section of our website publicising projects produced through our networking platform, successful collaborative narratives that have been produced. T. At Microbubble we are homing in on area within business that is very current, and as a consultancy based business we face a lot of stiff competition from major forecasting and branding organisations that appear more established and experienced finding our USP has proven to be difficult. However through our webpage we aim to appear more openly accessible, keeping our services affordable, with a real focus on community inspired ventures, and social projects. The social networking service becoming something people use independently from Microbubble is a possible threat to our model, however we have focused on initially limiting the number of members joining the network by creating an ‘invite only’ partial barrier, creating a sense of exclusivity in the bid to only obtain members who are truly joining our mission. We also aim to stay interesting to any fleeting members by constantly uploading inspirational short films and discussions from other industry organisations and avid collaborators.
Target Market At Microbubble our target demographic consists essentially of creative professionals that are open to collaboration. Particularly creative’s focusing on developing small businesses within the fashion, interior and graphic design, industries also architects and interactive designers that specialise in working with technology or even taxidermists, people with very specific or unusual trades. We hope to build a vast community of sharers that is diverse in terms of skills sets, individuals that can learn from each other creating new approaches in a very saturated creative market place.
Illustration by Sarah Smith, Inspired by Open Structures
Business Talk P. Our product is our consultancy business, and innovative concept, nurturing small businesses that begin at a grass root level; we insure the provision of a platform designed solely for creating connections, and encouraging the development of sustainably open-source business models. P. At Microbubble we want to create a democracy an equal playing field, with our subtle branding and growing industry following we are instigating a vision that will become vital for re-writing the rules for brands. We focus on a collaborative and crowd sourced approach and aim to persuade individuals to become a permanent part of our diverse creative centre. A more experimental approach to business is becoming more and more and vital in correlation with the current state of turbulence. P. Although we are small we fill a big gap. In terms of market position we feel our offering is unique in that it fulfils a range of needs. Acting as professional consultancy specialising in collaborative projects and Idea generation we forecast for and steer small business to success, we also provide a more fitting platform for creative job promotion through a network in a similar way to sites such as Linkedin yet we offer a more fun approach involving skill sharing and profiling your creative self in a more conceptually interesting way.
P. Our hub is based online, we feel at home online due to its extensive offering allowing us to connect globally with our audience and keep a constant dialogue with industry innovators. We are at the beginning of our story therefore the web world keeps us accessible it allows us to transform, reinvent, branch out and stay engaging constantly facilitating current content P. The way we package our brand allows for evolvement, we are still growing and nothing is concrete. We have designed our aesthetic and consistent neutral branding to utter the message that we are the blank canvas for your ideas, we aim to carefully keep our aesthetic gender neutral and appealable to a vast target audience of creative heads. Using promotional tools in the form of posters, newsletters and a constant feed to social networking sites such as twitter we are connecting with our tech-savvy audience across a vast number of platforms. A Microbubble app is on its way. P. Centred at the heart of our business is the need for community, we are passionate about bringing people together likeminded individuals with burning ambitions, wanting to get stuck in and produce multidisciplinary projects. At Microbubble we work collaboratively producing a united force, open to input and inspiration we regularly converse with individuals or organisations we consider to be pioneering. Sharing knowledge and experiences is how we seek grow and inspire.
Consultancy & Services Through our consultancy service we facilitate bespoke projects that specialise in working collaboratively; we assist with idea storming processes, advertising campaigns and company branding. With our creative team and diverse skill sets we provide advice to start-up businesses that are just finding their feet by specialising in forming vital connections and helping you develop a creative community and fan following behind your business. We offer an online platform for you to communicate, develop and express your creative identity plus start conversations with other businesses that are open to collaboration. Our networking events and workshops offer the opportunity for you further develop the relationships you make online into a real world environment to take your project ideas or business plans to new heights. We believe that working in the creative realm should be a constant education; we encourage and invite subscribed members to present and communicate their industry experiences, sharing knowledge is key. The cost of our networking events and workshops vary in terms of location and content schedules, more information and future event tickets will be available via our website or www.eventbrite.com
For cost information concerning our consultancy services please contact us for more details. www.microbubble.org.uk info@microbubble.org.uk laura@microbubble.org.uk All of our projects are completely bespoke and costs are dependant on the volume of work and research required. At Microbubble we also offer a quarterly social trend report package, including reviews on new technologies and insight into creative innovators, plus what trends early adopters are buying into. These reports will discuss developments within the fashion, design and media industries and will involve an anthropological focus really mapping interesting behaviours relating to new collaborations. These reports will act as a news feed inspiring business or brand strategy and planting new ideas. Subscription to these reports will in the near future be available on our webpage and will include a DVD creatively documenting our findings and more in depth interviews with creative professionals. The report package will retail at ÂŁ85 + VAT with annual subscription costing an affordable ÂŁ300 + VAT.
In Conversation With, Our insight feed consists of a constant dialogue, a continuously updated series of accounts from industry professionals, alternative businesses and collaboration gurus. We see this portal as a feed of inspiration sharing experiences and keeping up to date with innovative creative forces that are driving social and market trends. The insight feed exists on our web page as an ‘in conversation with’ section as a series of documentary style short films, we feel the use of film emphasises the sense of conversation, and offers a more visually stimulating and interactive experience.
‘I think collaboration is a useful business model for the moment, due to the economic downturn, I think it gives start-ups the oppurtunity to get going without tonnes and tonnes of overheads’ Alex Bec, Its nice That
‘Having more of a dialogue, and being able or mobile enough to shift with the times and changing needs of your consumer is vital’ Hannah Robinson, The Future Laboratory
‘This is a really excitting time for start-ups, ideas can literally just bubble up, digital natives are increasingly using social networking sites to start-up businesses and really gather steam’ Paul kemp-Robertson, Contagious
Join our community We seek to build a community around our brand, a supportive hub that is centred around vital small circuits of involvement that are ultimately connected to wide narratives, that have the power to instil change and produce sustainable unique business ventures. The general purpose of our niche social networking service is to allow members to simply click to collaborate. It is essentially about putting a diverse mix of creatives and small business start-ups on one platform, allowing them to trade skills, seek advice from one another and produce collaborative projects.
‘The Microbubble network is definetly something I would use I always struggle to find people to help with woodwork and even my website I am terrible with technology’ Jazmine Miles-Long, Taxidermist
We promote micro-activism, and instigate a vibrant currency of idea exchange. We believe the concept of community is in flux, we are intrigued by the evolving interest in localism and the sense of belonging that comes with membership. The world is getting increasingly smaller, with the notion of urban islands people coming together all over the world to celebrate and discuss shared interests and passions. At Microbubble we have produced an online community of skill sharers, with unemployment at its highest we hope to offer an outlet for promoting various work opportunities within the creative realm, with feelings of anxiety and uncertainty increasing the concept of our in-house network or web of people not only provides a valuable service assisting individuals develop relationships, it also offers a sense reassurance that comes from being part of a collective.
Web of People
We are Workers At Microbubble we have become intrigued by the concept of re-defining work for the 21st century co –working and co-creation have become buzzwords when considering the future of clever business models. In the face of adversity it is human nature to question how we as people could be more profitable or self-reliant, the most interesting concepts appear when we have to think a little harder. At Microbubble we are driven by the notion of turning your passions into niche businesses and how the accessibility of the internet is allowing people to do just that and become more entrepreneurial.
‘This new generation of entrepreneurs is even more self-reliant than its predecessors, due to a lack of available business funding and relevant jobs, this means networks have become more important than ever’ Hannah Robinson, The Future Laboratory.
The pairing of work and our identities is an interesting consideration, in historical context your personal trade or occupation was ingrained into your identity, now as creative individuals we dabble with varying processes, part of being creative is being curious, yet we each pride ourselves on our specialism. At microbubble we have explored this concept of the need for a consistent identity be it as a brand, business or creative entrepreneur. We have paired this investigation with the notion of ‘stuff’ictaion, a term coined by the future laboratory to describe a monumental shift away from materialism culture, an act of editing down. At Microbubble we have created our very own method of profiling, to join or community of skill sharers you must create a conceptual vision of your own personal identity and professional offering, we are obsessed by tools and relationships with curious objects, we feel this offers an interesting snapshot into an individuals personality and work ethic. 18
‘ I consider my Ipad to be my floating desk’ Marion Bergin, Bitching and Junkfood
Creative Curation
Generation of Pinners With visual pinning sites such as Pinterest and Designspiration gaining more interest than established social networking sites for example you tube and facebook it is becoming evident that there is a growing trend for curating imagery and developing a visual dialogue online.
‘Pinterest is driving more brand traffic than the likes of you tube with over 76 million worldwide users’ Mintel, 2012
Social media in general is evolving and its purpose is changing from purely a platform that allows us to connect with others, to an interest-sharing hub where we can curate and express our passions. A post-digital generation that is network savvy and fearless of technological advancement is driving this trend, viewing the online world as place for self expression and unlimited experimentation. These digital natives are spending endless amounts of time on sites such as tumblr building their own unique world, applying themselves to assembling content and plugging their own creative work, opening it up to be shared or critiqued, ultimately in the bid to obtain creative work opportunities. Evidently high levels of uncertainty and unease are feelings that echo in today’s climate leaving people on a quest for identity, social media has essentially created a global community of storytellers, we feel encouraged to document our lives and thoughts online. For example instagram the image sharing app has over 27 million regular users worldwide (The Future Laboratory, 2012), allowing people to generate a visual archive of their lives.
Moodboard mania has taken hold and feelings of aspiration and status are being increasingly connected to what we can achieve and activities we are involved in people are becoming more conscious of their online reputations and how they are perceived by the ‘network’. Entrepreneurialism is an important factor, it is becoming more possible to market a small business successfully and to a wide audience from just a bedroom, with it proving more difficult to find stable employment individuals are becoming more inventive pursing more experimental avenues and adopting a ‘doing’ attitude. The future market will be abundant with these underground initiatives larger more established businesses will have to adapt to stay more nimble. At Microbubble we have recognised opportunity in this growing trend for curation and tumblring activity, we have noticed a gap in the market for the formation of a direct link between creative showtation and real world employment opportunities, we provide our network members with a platform to prototype ideas and the option of promoting creative project opportunities through direct conversation. Encouraging a bottom up revolution. At Microbubble we are inspired by micro-brands or single individuals that aspire to produce a macro impact, social media allows for the development of a creative identity allowing for that small niche business idea to have a vast impact and influence. ‘There’s is an appetite out there for new ideas and fresh ideas … technology is ubiquitous and with the rise of these pervasive networks it has become very possible with little money to produce scalable, global ideas.’ Paul Kemp-Robertson Contagious Magazine
Future Vison
Future growth At Microbubble we aim to grow and evolve our following and services we offer. For example improving the networking events and workshops we run by involving a wider range of guest speakers from retail ambassadors and technology heads to advertising creative’s and social media experts. These events will encourage involvement from respected members of the creative industry and create hype around our brand and company, the events will be documented online and the industry speakers will be invited to join our network to offer continuous insight and advice to budding start-ups. Furthermore we are exploring extending our in-house team, to create microdepartments including a small sales team to assist with project cost enquiries, event ticket sales and our quarterly social reports. Also we are in the process of collaborating with a number of professional sociologists and anthropologist to further develop the level of behavioural insight tracked within our reports. As a future vision we are looking into what forms of advertising would be appropriate and most useful to our creative community. Intriguing new products such as Sugru an air-curing rubber that allows you to fix your office tools instead of replacing them maybe an example of useful merchandise that could feature. However we are conscious of not bombarding our members with advertisements, interesting company profiles and unique product launches will further feature on our ‘in conversation with’ insight feed.
More future developments also involve a Microbubble networking app and the production of several beta co-working labs.
Bubble Investment, Slices of the Pie
#Hyperloyalty is an interesting notion coined by the Future patrol which involves ‘the ultimate like button’. This concept allows consumers or particularly passionate individuals to click and purchase micro shares in growing companies, funding and investing in their development. As a co-op style organisation we are open to contribution and understand the emotional attachment involved with ownership and a sense of belonging that comes with membership or being part of an exciting project. We value co-creation and see models such as ‘Hyperloyalty’ as new concepts that will really map the future for brand survivival and develop new ways of generating revenue, allowing the consumer or fan to have the ultimate input. Creating a complete democratisation inspired by sharing and hacker culture. Plus the increasing demand for complete brand transparency and alternative economies.
Macro thinking Micro Corporate and established brands are beginning to realise that its okay to think, small, more and more macro brands are recognising that they need to tap into a community based mindset in order to reconnect with an increasingly discerning customer base.
Insight is really exploding, ‘I think historically customer insight was a case of “nice to know”, now it has become very much a case of ‘this is absolutely crucial’ and what we need to make our business a commercially viable one’. Debra Warmsley, Insight manager, Homebase.
Open source systems are taking over, with the demand for consumer involvement increasing, brands need to focus more on models of co-creation, profiting from the network savvy and skilled nature of today’s consumers. Social media has encouraged brands to move away from a linear approach when obtaining insight and develop a very holistic picture of the consumer. At Microbubble we consider co-creation, crowd sourcing and processes that involve collaboration to be absolutely key. Social media has completely altered the brand and consumer relationship, creating a sense of democracy. With Microbubble as a niche networking service gaining more interest we see future potential in allowing larger more established brands to enter the conversation.
We are inspired by the notion of macro brands exploring village initiatives and supporting smaller players, this involvement could prove mutually beneficial. For example this development would offer micro businesses and start-ups an insight into the workings of a macro brand or involvement in global projects. Plus with the notion of brand transparency becoming crucial, means that larger brands are looking to appear more nimble, ethically sound and supportive of smaller community led ventures. Sharing culture and the accessability of the internet means companies are inevitably becoming less precious with ideas, and are likely to benefit from a conversational platform in which to test concepts and obtain valuable feedback, a more reciprical way of working would allow for more error and value to the final outcome because the process has touched more people.
‘Brands need to adapt, … Open up in terms of collaboration let people hack your brand’ Joanna Tulej, The future Laboratory It is open for disucussion whether larger brands would essentially become network members and part of the Microbbuble network of niche creatives in existence, or simply enlist opportunities of which offer the chance of participation. Current members could perhaps vote on ideas, or even barter for briefs.
Microbubble Advocates At Microbubble we are exploring the notion of awarding advocacy to particular entrepreneurs that consistently participate and collaborate with others. In the future we will introduce opportunities for our selected advocates, which will involve being encouraged to present and run at workshops discussing the difficulties faced by a start up business or how best to self manage as a freelancer. Advocates will also be invited to help us at Microbubble improve our service and update our offering. We believe our business model and brand architecture should be evolvable, and open to input from others, we practice what we preach in that we are open sourced and take a mercurial approach of constant reinvention. However this notion of advocacy would not be about creating a hierarchy amongst our members, but a bid to playfully spark feelings of aspiration and status linked with involvement, aiming to simply encourage and inspire other members to collaborate more and make more connections.
The Bubble Offline In order to produce collaborative projects and develop solid relationships we have recognised the importance of meeting in real-time and the need for face-toface interaction. Being an online-based organisation we provide an accessible platform to facilitate projects to a global audience, however the prevailing importance of offline contact has become more noticeably apparent through discussions with existing collectives, who have stated the necessity of a studio space and physical working environment. With the retail sector currently suffering, a large majority of high streets across the u.k are in demise. With more and more vacant shops appearing the decreasing footfall effects whole areas, leading to a chain reaction of more stores closing. This process needs to be prevented.
‘26,500 retaillers will be forced to close down by 2050’ James Wallman 2012 As an organisation that is passionate about ventures that bring people together and promote community values, at Microbubble we have ambition, we recognise the importance of our high streets as buzzing environments where communities congregate. As part of our future vision we in devour to produce a number of co-working environments of which suit the needs of our creative members who long for an affordable space to work on projects. The addition of useable co-workspaces will effectively add to the vibrancy of struggling areas making a considerable impact. This development would be mutually beneficial for the creative’s and for the local area.
‘Getting our studio space was really key, commuinty for us is about seeing eachother and working together on a day-to-day basis.’ The Decorators Collective
At Microbubble we wish to produce a series of community hubs that provide a physical platform for our network to visit; these hubs ultimately will stay connected to the greater micro-network. We have a vested interest in really pushing ideas through a network of innovators; these ideation methods and processes would perhaps work even more productively in a physical space allowing enthusiasm to build and larger scale projects to be formulated. We have felt inspired by the recent interest in rescuing the high street and the plans being pushed forward by industry influencers including the retail guru Mary Portas seeking government action;
‘Instead of working from home people should have the chance to come to the highstreet and work together in ‘hubs’, re-appropriating vacant units to create a shared space’ The Portas Review, 2011
Store launch date TBC
Illustrations by Sarah Smith 29
Online presence Development Our future vision involves online developments including a new section of our website dedicated to publicising inspiring Microbubble narratives. Projects that have created a stir and gained interest will be displayed, along with the story of that projects development and the creative’s involved. We believe in the power of story telling, this platform will be about showtation but also about inspiring other collaborations and showing what skill sharing can productively achieve. This stream of content will also spark more conversations that will feed back into the community.
We aim to get this platform live during July 2012.
‘Being a creative is really about problem solving’ Suzanne O’Connell, The Decorators Collective
Microbubble Mobile Real-time Artefact #1 In the UK, 28% of consumers own a Smartphone, by 2015 1.5bn Smartphone’s will be sold a year. The Future Laboratory, 2012
App Design When analysing the tools most frequently presented by our network members it appears that technologically advanced products rank very highly in importance. In particular the Smartphone consistently appears as a vital tool used by most entrepreneurs and micro businesses.
The app-economy is ever growing, with companies developing an app for every intention imaginable. It seems that due to the ubiquitous nature of the Smartphone it would be a wise decision for us at Microbubble to design a networking app, that conveniently allows our members to be constant communication with the skill sharing community. It could also prove useful for creative’s that currently use photo-sharing services such as instagram to add to their inspiration wall and current project pages. The app would also become a useful planning tool allowing members to develop lists, keep track of current projects, store contact information and create inspiration boards.
App Design As a future recommendation the app could also function using location based mapping technology allowing our members to check into a particular location, this development would compliment the launch of the co-working spaces, creating more of a presence of the Microbubble brand in real-time.
The insight feed would also function through the app allowing our members to stream videos straight from the web-page, a feed of constant inspiration.
App lauch date TBC
“The entrepreneurs who are not prepared to say “die”, who are willing to adjust and remodel their business with changing needs and who are open to working in collaboration with other businesses to build value are the ones who will survive”. British Library, supporting small businesses report 2009
With Credit to; The portas Report, 2011 www.futurepatrol.com LSN: Global, Netstalgia Trendbreifing 2012 www.Mintel.com www.wgsn.com www.pinterset.com www.flickr.com Viewpoint Magazine, Issue #28
Contact us Web: // www.microbubble.org.uk Email: // info@microbubble.org.uk / laura@microbubble.org.uk Tel: // (020) 8250 6000 Tweet at us: // @micr0bubble