Organic Matters / Thesis

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Organic Matters rethinking the future and value of regenerative economy, organic matter and local production

Master in Design for Emergent Futures 2019-20 IaaC, FabLab Barcelona and Elisava | Laura Freixas

Master in Design for Emergent Futures 2019-20 IaaC, FabLab Barcelona and Elisava | Laura Freixas

Organic Matters is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Design for Emergent Futures 2019/20 by Laura Freixas Conde and the faculty and collaborators: Faculty Oscar Tómico Tomas Díez Mariana Quintero Guillem Camprodon Marion Real Milena Juarez Anastasia Pistofidou Jessica Diaz Jonathan Minchin Kate Armstrong Eduardo Chamorro Oscar González Santi Fuentemilla Josep Martí

Collaborators Taller Esfèrica Nomad Coffee Òria Cosmètica REMIX El Barrio SISCODE Judith Gómez Secil Asfar Zoe Tzika Laura Clèries Pere Llorach Carlos Sáez Amaia Aranzabal Jordi Bou MDEF Class

Fig 1. Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation (2014). Economy Models [Drawing].

A circular economy aims to redefine growth, focusing on positive society-wide benefits. It entails gradually decoupling economic activity from the consumption of finite resources, and designing waste out of the system. Underpinned by a transition to renewable energy sources, the circular model builds economic, natural, and social capital. It is based on three principles: design out waste and pollution, keep products and materials in use and regenerate natural systems.

Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation

Master in Design for Emergent Futures Journey

Fig 2. MDEF (2019). Methodology [Diagram].







1st Term Understand how to Design for Emergent Futures

2nd Term Envision Emergent Contexts

3rd Term Create Future Speculations


Organic Matters is an initiative to rethink the future and value of regenerative economy, organic matter and local production. The initiative has different lines of research: a material platform to connect local producers with material designers and industries, a consulting service and a space to collaborate, develop and implement compostable applications that return nutrients back to Earth. The project explores the intersection between design, biology, chemistry, technology, material science, community and self-sufficiency. And from there, three questions arise: What if we use organic surplus from local producers and transform it into regenerative applications for climate-resilient economies and societies? Is it possible to program the lifespan of a material based on its use and know what nutrients it brings to the soil when it is composted? What is the minimum infrastructure to generate a local and regenerative product? Organic Matters platform promotes a local regenerative production model connecting local producers, material designers and companies interested in regenerative and low environmental impact materials. Through the platform it is possible to: map the surplus organic matter from local producers, collaborate with other material designers and generate compostable applications using artisanal and digital manufacturing techniques, and finally, seek investment to research, produce and disseminate regenerative materials and low environmental impact applications. Finally, to make the project viable and replicable, it is necessary to develop an accurate narrative and knowledge around regenerative materials, processes and systems in order to communicate and implement properly the value of the proposal to society.



Abstract 5


Area of Interest and Weak Signals 1.1 Personal Introspection 1.2 Area of Interest 1.3 Weak Signals 1.4 My personal Weak Signals


Area of Intervention 24 2.1 Exploring the space of my intervention 2.2 Organization of Matter 2.3 Mapping Opportunities in Poblenou 2.4 Surplus & Collaborations 2.5 Case Study #01: Taller Esfèrica 2.6 Polymers 2.6.1 Bioplastic Standards


2.6.2 Classification by Origin

2.7 Product Breakdown 2.8 REMIX El Barrio 03

State of the Art 60


Future Scenarios 68


The Interventions 72 5.1 Biomaterial Explorations 5.1.1 Biomaterial Research References

5.1.2 Material Composition 5.1.3 Open Source Recipe: Materiom 5.1.4 Chitosan & Cellulose Explorations 5.1.5 Case Study #02: Nomad Coffee 5.1.6 Collaboration: Judith Gómez 5.1.7 Table of Mycelium & Coffee Compositions 5.1.8 Mycelium & Coffee Explorations 5.1.9 Reflection

5.2.1 Casting 5.2.2 Injection 5.2.3 3D Paste Extrusion 5.2.4 Growing 5.2.5 Future Production Tools Experimentations 5.2.6 Reflection

5.3.2 Online Workshop in Muraly 5.3.3 Reflection

5.2 Production Tools

5.3 Biomaterial Infrastructures 5.3.1 Circular Production References

MDEF | The chapters of my journey


Designing in Emergent Contexts: Covid-19 6.1 Covid-19 Scenario 6.2 My New Me 6.3 My New Design Space



7 Hyper-Local / Global Interventions 7.1 Growth Plan 7.2 Map of interactions & Collaborations 7.3 Fab City Full Stack 7.4 Circular Product 7.4.1 Case Study #03: Òria Cosmètica


7.4.2 Òria Plants, Wood & Mold Explorations 7.4.3 Reflection

7.5.2 Water Solubility 7.5.3 Soil Compostability 7.5.4 How does composting work? 7.5.5 Compost benefits 7.5.6 Typologies of compost 7.5.7 Conditions that affect the composting process 7.5.8 Biodegradable plastics suitable for home composting 7.5.9 Abono Km0 7.5.10 Reflection

7.6.2 Material Platform 7.6.3 Reflection

7.5 Controlling Compostability 7.5.1 DIY observations at home

7.6 Organic Matters 7.6.1 Social Feedback


Identity 214 8.1 Personal Constituency & Biography 8.2 New Weak Signals in my Future Scenario 8.3 Mapping my new Weak Signals


Looking Forward 228 9.1 Emerging Narratives 9.1.1 Empathy Map

9.1.2 Instagram 9.1.3 Look & Feel

9.2 Looking Forward 10

Final Reflection 242


Reference Sources 250

Area of Interest and Weak Signals Chapter 1 1.1 Personal Introspection 1.2 Area of Interest 1.3 Weak Signals 1.4 My personal Weak Signals


Personal Introspection

Since childhood I had in mind, I wanted to be involved in the creative sector. My dream was to be an inventor or a painter. When I grew up I began to worry about nature, resources, connections between people and our future. Upon entering the university stage I saw very clearly that I wanted to do Industrial Design Engineering and later I started Product Design, both degrees in Elisava.

The “Microbial Home” is a proposal for an integrated cyclical ecosystem where each function’s output is another’s input. The home is viewed as a biological machine to filter, process and recycle what we conventionally think of as waste – sewage, effluent, garbage, waste water. The project suggests that we should move closer to nature and challenges the wisdom of annihilating the bacteria that surround us. It proposes strategies for developing a balanced microbial ecosystem in the home. In October 2016, during the realization of an academic project about bees and internet of things, we visited Johnathan Minchin in Valldaura with a classmate. His collaboration strengthened the project and connected us with AnneMarie Maes, a bioartist who combines art, science, technology and biology. The fact of knowing these people and the Valldaura space opened my mind and I realized that my personal career could be much broader than I had imagined.

Fig 3. VHM (2010). Microbial Home [Project].

The university stage was intense and marked my personal interests around the concepts: research, circular economy, self-sufficiency, community and innovation. One of the projects that has inspired me the most is “Microbial Home” of VHM Design Futures studio. Our world is sending us warning signals that we are disturbing its equilibrium. A drastic cut in our environmental impact is called for. This project explores how the solution is likely to come from biological processes, which are less energy-consuming and non-polluting. We need to go back to nature in order to move forward.

Fig 4. Fab City & Space 10 (2016). Made Again Challenge [Photo].

Area of Interest and Weak Signals | 11

When I met the work of Space10 I understood I was passionate with the design projects that were around the concept of “future living lab”. Space10 defines itself as a research and design lab on a mission to enable a better everyday life for people and planet. The “Made Again Challenge” project between Space10 and Fab City Research Laboratory inspires me. Biologists, tech professionals, local makers, craftsmen, IKEA designers, and other trailblazers gathered for the project and collected waste products from the streets of Poblenou in order to breath new life into materials that were heading to landfill. Throughout a week, the teams worked together, within the boundaries of Poblenou, to give another chance to products and materials that were on their way to the landfill. Much more than an exercise in recycling or upcycling, it turned out to be an exercise in system thinking. The participants demonstrate how productive a neighbourhood can become when its inhabitants are empowered by the knowledge, tools and infrastructure necessary to make and remake products locally and sustainably.

Fig 6. Materfad in A@W (2018). Future Woods [Exhibition].

Fig 5. Viewpoint (2018). City Futures [Magazine].

Viewpoint Magazine has been nurturing me with inspiring projects in its different publications on materials, textiles, products and colors. It is also a source of information to understand the new social, technological and cultural trends of society.

In December 2017 I started collaborating with Elisava Research and Materfad in the creation of the exhibition “Future Woods. Earth & Mars�. This project enriched my background on materials, wood innovations, applications, properties, production processes, companies in the sector and material projects developed by designers. Participating in a project with these characteristics allowed me to see and collaborate in all phases of the exhibition at Architect@Work.

Area of Interest and Weak Signals | 13

Fig 7. Freixas, Laura (2019). 0-knit, Bacterial Cellulose Threads [Project].

Parallel to the development of the exhibition “Future Woods. Earth & Mars” I started my final degree project “0-knit”, about characterized bacterial cellulose threads. The motivation of the project was to understand the growth of the material, see its possibilities to become a natural everyday polymer and offer alternatives to the textile sector. After months of experimentation, tests and errors, I saw that it could be characterized by the application of boiling and drying processes. This research showed me the complex and interesting world of biofabrication and textiles.

In October 2018 I began working in Puig Ideation FabLab with the objective to organize the in-house materials library and showroom. I was collaborating on the project “Materialization of the Trends of 2019” which translates the values and philosophy of the 6 trends of the year in 12 innovative materials (6 for the bottles and 6 for the caps). All the design and production had been carried out in Puig Ideation FabLab with 3D printing processes, numerical control machines, laser cutting and artisanal processes. I also was involved in the design of a two days innovation workshop called “Moving Towards a Circular Economy” in Ca l’Alier. In some way, I would like to make converge all these projects and interests related to biology, design and technology. And also, learn to incorporate the community vector inside the project with the objective of getting feedback, enrichment and impact on society. I think the MDEF program can show me tools to prototype ideas in the real world.

After José Luis De Vicente’s talk about “Atlas of the Weak Signals”, I have been looking at Neri Oxman’s work and I love what she has developed. Her vision, her philosophy and her projects inspire me. I keep the phrase “design for, with and by nature”. “Krebs Cycle of Creativity” is an attempt to represent the antidisciplinary hypothesis that knowledge can no longer be ascribed to, or produced within, disciplinaries boundaries, but is entirely entangled. The goal is to establish a tentative, yet holistic, cartography of the interrelation between these domains, where one realm can incite (r)evolution inside another; and where a single individual or project can reside in multiple dominions.

Fig 8. Oxman, Neri (2015). Krebs Cycle of Creativity I [Diagram].

Personally, this master’s degree is an opportunity to learn from professionals in many fields, learn from my colleagues and acquire a contemporary knowledge to develop a project with my personal interests. The topics of the MDEF program that seem to motivate me the most are synthetic biology, biomaterials, new technologies, circular economy and new production systems.

Area of Interest and Weak Signals Fig 9. Solanki, Seetal (2018). Why MAterial Matter [Book].

Area of Interest and Weak Signals | 17 1.2

Area of Interest Why Materials Matter, Seetal Solanki (2018) We are living in an increasingly interdependent world. Climate change, food security, economic and financial crises, and also, poverty and armed conflict know no borders. Individual actions by countries are not enough to deal with it or to address its causes. More than ever a collective effort is necessary both globally and locally. According to Liz Corbin throughout history societies have discovered and developed materials, made tools and artefacts from them and, in so doing, constructed themselves in the process. In many ways, we’re living out the material dreams and needs of our ancestors, with much of the lifestyles that we’re accustomed to today standing as a product of past invention. This raises the questions: what will the next 50 years look like? What will we dream up? And, most importantly, who gets to take part in the process? As avid inventors and consumers of gadgets, we talk a lot about the role technology plays in our lives and how those who shape it shape society. What we forget is that, in equal measure, so too do those who participate in the development of materials. It is precisely for this reason that materials demand special attention in the present moment. The field of materials is expanding at a rate faster than we can study, with a recent estimate counting over 160.000 unique materials in the world. What’s more, when we begin to study a material, we’re immediately launched into an ever more complicated system of scales - the nano, micro, meso and macro - that we can begin to understand its molecular makeup, mechanical properties and experiential qualities. Complexity at this order of magnitude defies any single way of knowing. Rather, it necessitates an array of techniques, from computational modelling and measuring, to experimental trial and error, to sensing and observation.

We’re quickly moving into a world where the challenges and desires we’re trying to address are far too complicated for researchers in any single subject area at any single scale to resolve. The skill of the twenty-first century’s great thinkers will not be cleverness in one particular discipline, but rather knowing how to use materials as a bridge between disciplines. As a global society, we’re going to need lots of people with different skills to tackle the complex issues that face us today. The power of materials is that they transcend the boundaries of multiple disciplines. They can act as a catalyst for bringing diverse groups of agents together, whether it be engineers, designers, architects, biologists, botanists, farmers, environmentalists or anthropologists. There is currently an European Project called MaDe which promotes Material Designers, the agents of change. They can design, redesign, reform, reuse and redefine materials giving them an entirely new purpose. Increasing the potential of materials they can go on to research, advise, educate and communicate what materials are and can be in the immediate, near and far future. These actions have the ability to implement positive social, economical, political and environmental change across all sectors, towards a more responsibly designed future. In recent years there has been an increase in projects and brands related to circular economy and sustainability. Personally there are two types of projects that interest me: upcycled waste materials and grown materials. For now, I want to focus on analyzing the upcycled waste materials and what production systems exist to transform them.


Weak Signals

A Weak Signal is an indicator of a potentially emerging issue that may become significant in the future. Weak Signals supplement trend analysis and they can be used to expand on alternate futures. When we started the Master in Design for Emergent Futures we saw about twenty Weak Signals and from there we began to select the indicators that most motivated us or caught our attention. Personally I selected the following Weak Signals: Carbon Neutral Lifestyles, Circular Data Economies, Human-Machine Creative Collaboration, Interspecies Collaboration and Rural Futures. For me, the sum of these Weak Signals generate a research space between design, biology, technology, community and self-sufficiency. Carbon Neutral Lifestyles In the near future I would like the world to be a place where carbon dioxide emissions are neutralized, that is, net zero carbon footprint. For me, the Weak Signal Carbon Neutral Lifestyles it is related to three more concepts: Green Chemistry, Self-Sufficient Cities and Negative Impact.

Green chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances. Green chemistry applies across the life cycle of a chemical product, including its design, manufacture, use, and ultimate disposal. Green chemistry is also known as sustainable chemistry. Green chemistry · Prevents pollution at the molecular level · Is a philosophy that applies to all areas of chemistry, not a single discipline of chemistry · Applies innovative scientific solutions to real-world environmental problems · Results in source reduction because it prevents the generation of pollution · Reduces the negative impacts of chemical products and processes on human health and the environment · Lessens and sometimes eliminates hazard from existing products and processes · Designs chemical products and processes to reduce their intrinsic hazards According to White Paper written by Tomas Díez, Self-sufficient cities are those that reinvent the relationship between people and nature by re-localising production so that cities are generative rather than extractive, restorative rather than destructive, and empowering

Designing for the Anthropocene

Life in the times of Surveillance Capitalism

Life after AI the end of work

··CClimate limate Conscience · Long-Termism · Interspecies Collaboration · Carbon-Neutral Lifestyles · Fighting Anthropocene

· Attention Protection · Truth Wars · Dismantling Bubbles · Circular Data Economies · Re-designing Social

· Fighting AI bias · Human-Machine Creative Collaboration · Technologies for Equality · Imagining New Jobs · Making Universal Basic Income Work

Area of Interest and Weak Signals | 19

Finally, once the Carbon Neutral Lifestyles concept becomes a reality, it would be necessary to go further and reverse the impact of carbon dioxide by betting on materials and applications that generate Negative Impact, absorbing carbon dioxide to regenerate the ozone layer and leave the Earth as it was before the extraction of fossil fuels. Circular Data Economies I imagine a collaborative and circular society where the Circular Data Economies concept is a reality with a positive impact. I personally relate this concept to: Design for Regeneration, Circular Economy and Material/Waste Flow Data. Regenerative Design is a process-oriented whole systems approach to design. The term “regenerative” describes processes that restore, renew or revitalize their own sources of energy and materials. Regenerative Design uses whole systems thinking to create resilient and equitable systems that integrate the needs of society with the integrity of nature. Designers use systems thinking, applied permaculture design principles, and community development processes to design human and ecological systems. The development

of regenerative design has been influenced by approaches found in the biomimicry, biophilic design, ecological economics, circular economics. As well as social movements such as permaculture, transition and the new economy. Regenerative design can also refer to the process of designing systems such as restorative justice, rewilding and regenerative agriculture. Related to this concept we have the Circular Economy that looks beyond the current takemake-waste extractive industrial model. A Circular Economy aims to redefine growth, focusing on positive society-wide benefits. It entails gradually decoupling economic activity from the consumption of finite resources, and designing waste out of the system. Underpinned by a transition to renewable energy sources, the circular model builds economic, natural, and social capital. It is based on three principles: Design out waste and pollution Keep products and materials in use Regenerate natural systems Material/Waste Flow Data enable cities to become more circular, i.e. close material cycles, decision-makers need detailed data about the production and treatment of waste. At city level, conventional statistics on waste are often incomplete or lack detail. Waste input-output accounting offers an alternative, using waste supply and use tables to create detailed inventories of economy-wide flows of waste.

After the Nation-State

Kill the heteropatriarchy

· Rural Futures · Refugees Tech · Making World Governance · Pick your own Passport · Welfare State 2.0

· Non-Heteropatriarcal Innovation · Imagining futures that are not Western-Centric · Gender Fluidity · Disrupt Ageism

Fig 10. MDEF (2019). Atlas of Weak Signals [Concepts].

rather than alienating, where prosperity flourishes, and people have purposeful, meaningful work that they enjoy, that enables them to use their passion and talent. We need to recover the knowledge and capacity on how things are made in our cities, by connecting citizens with the advanced technologies that are transforming our everyday life.

Human-Machine Creative Collaboration In this age of Artificial Intelligence (AI), we are witnessing a transformation in the way we live, work, and do business. From robots that share our environment and smart homes to supply chains that think and act in real-time, forward-thinking companies are using AI to innovate and expand their business more rapidly than ever. Indeed, this is a time of change and change happens fast. Those able to understand that the future includes living, working, co-existing, and collaborating with AI are set to succeed in the coming years. On the other hand, those who neglect the fact that business transformation in the digital age depends on human and machine collaboration will inevitably be left behind. Humans and machines can complement each other resulting in increasing productivity. This collaboration could increase revenue by 38 percent by 2022, according to Accenture Research. At least 61 percent of business leaders agree that the intersection of human and machine collaboration is going to help them achieve their strategic priorities faster and more efficiently. I relate the concept Human-Machine Creative Collaboration to: Optimize Processes, Program Matter and Customize Techniques. Interspecies Collaboration I understand the concept Interspecies Collaboration as the collaboration between different species as living organisms. Personally I relate Interspecies Collaboration to: Bioremediation and Augmented Empathy. Bioremediation is a process used to treat contaminated media, including water, soil and subsurface material, by altering environmental conditions to stimulate growth of microorganisms and degrade the target pollutants. In many cases, bioremediation is less expensive and more sustainable than other remediation alternatives. Biological treatment is a similar approach used to treat wastes including wastewater, industrial waste and solid waste.

Most bioremediation processes involve oxidation-reduction reactions where either an electron acceptor (commonly oxygen) is added to stimulate oxidation of a reduced pollutant (e.g. hydrocarbons) or an electron donor (commonly an organic substrate) is added to reduce oxidized pollutants (nitrate, perchlorate, oxidized metals, chlorinated solvents, explosives and propellants).[2] In both these approaches, additional nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and pH buffers may be added to optimize conditions for the microorganisms. In some cases, specialized microbial cultures are added (bioaugmentation) to further enhance biodegradation. Some examples of bioremediation related technologies are phytoremediation, mycoremediation, bioventing, bioleaching, landfarming, bioreactor, composting, bioaugmentation, rhizofiltration, and biostimulation. As Oscar Tomico describes Augmented Empathy: “We are just yet another animal species in the planet and maybe now it’s the time to actually accept it and explore a different role, a different way of being. We don’t own the Earth, we don’t own the planet and the solar system. We’re just inhabiting it and it’s the time to rethink what it means…”. “If humans are not in the centre of everything, if humans are not anymore like the main character that rules everything, if we are just anyone else, if we are just another species, if we are just you and me… I think that this completely changes the way that we relate to things. This subjective component is this idea that we are all people, we all have feelings, we all are different. Diversity”.

Area of Interest and Weak Signals | 21

Rural Futures Alternative futures take place in specific places and times. Rural environment is a specific space, extending from the urban outskirts to wilderness. When thinking about Rural Futures, it is important to observe the specific characteristics of rural places. First, the rural activity space is geographically dispersed. The logic of agglomeration lies within city boundaries, but coordination and governance of the rural activities follow the logic of a dispersed economy. Second, rural activity is bound to specific places, which has many implications. Fields, forests and minerals can not become moved and transplanted to new places where business booms. Due to the law of deminishing returns in the biological processes, ”industrialization” of primary industries faces problems. The rural businesses are bound to be rather small and local, and so is the scale of success. Third, adaptability of the rural economy is limited in some respects. The evolution of biological production is slow (e.g. change of animal stock or crop varieties), the yield of natural recources can not become regulated in the same way as a machine (e.g. natural conditions have an effect) and several sunk costs glue the activity to the existing line of action (e.g. expensive building with little alternative uses). Renewal of the rural economy is relatively slow. Fourth, rural activity is often severely policy-dependent. The use of natural resources, the food supply and the energy supply are sensitive issues which many societies are willing to control and subsidise. Rural bureacracy is an institution. In developed economies, the rural minority is affected by the dreams, fears, needs and powers of the urban majority. Among others, these four features have set specific ploys for the rural futures. What implications do they have on our rural futures under investigation? For me, the Weak Signal Rural Futres it is related to: Low-Tech Futures and Circadian Rhythms.

Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle. They respond primarily to light and darkness in an organism’s environment. Sleeping at night and being awake during the day is an example of a light-related circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythms are found in most living things, including animals, plants, and many tiny microbes. The study of circadian rhythms is called chronobiology. Biological clocks are an organism’s innate timing device. They’re composed of specific molecules (proteins) that interact in cells throughout the body. Biological clocks are found in nearly every tissue and organ. Researchers have identified similar genes in people, fruit flies, mice, fungi, and several other organisms that are responsible for making the clock’s components. Circadian rhythms can influence sleep-wake cycles, hormone release, eating habits and digestion, body temperature, and other important bodily functions. Biological clocks that run fast or slow can result in disrupted or abnormal circadian rhythms. Irregular rhythms have been linked to various chronic health conditions, such as sleep disorders, obesity, diabetes, depression, bipolar disorder, and seasonal affective disorder.


My personal Weak Signals

I have selected the following Weak Signals: Carbon Neutral Lifestyles, Circular Data Economies, Human-Machine Creative Collaboration, Interspecies Collaboration and Rural Futures. For me, the sum of these Weak Signals generate a research space between design, biology, technology, community and self-sufficiency. Carbon Neutral Lifestyles Circular Data Economies Human-Machine Creative Collaboration Interspecies Collaboration Rural Futures

Area of Interest and Weak Signals | 23

Fig 11. Freixas, Laura (2019). Personal Atlas of Weak Signals [Diagram].

Area of Intervention Chapter 2 2.1 Exploring the space of my intervention 2.2 Organization of Matter 2.3 Mapping Opportunities in Poblenou 2.4 Surplus & Collaborations 2.5 Case Study #01: Taller Esfèrica 2.6 Polymers 2.6.1 Bioplastic Standards

2.6.2 Classification by Origin

2.7 Product Breakdown 2.8 REMIX El Barrio


Area of Intervention Fig 12. Freixas, Laura (2016). Plants Fractality [Photo].

Area of Intervention | 27 2.1

Exploring the space of my intervention

During the first trimester weeks I was seeing which were the areas of knowledge that most interested me: Biology Zero, Living with your own ideas and Exploring Hybrid Profiles. Without being very aware of it, I was generating an intervention area. Biology Zero’s week with Nuria Conde was a turning point for me. These five days served to delve into the world of biology and organize the knowledge acquired over the years in a scientific way. I saw the importance of using the appropriate nomenclature and precisely defining the new concepts, understanding on what scientific basis they are found. The scientific method seemed to me a very interesting tool to use during my project. The scientific method is based on: 1 / Ask one question. 2 / Do your background research 3 / Construct one hypothesis. 4 / Design an experiment. 5 / Perform the experiment. 6 / Analyze your data. 7 / Reach a conclusion.

This course with Nuria Conde and Jonathan Minchin has shown me the importance of the DIYbio movement that encourages the open exchange of materials, data and scientific publications. The origin of the DIY movement has its peak in the 2000s due to open source electronics and open workshops. It has also made me appreciate the potential of microorganisms and their production systems. In summary, the course has inspired me to observe and learn from nature to design and build sustainable systems. In the week Living with your own ideas we saw the eassey about “Designing for, with or within: 3rd, 2nd and 1st person. Oscar Tomico presented us with the different points of view to design a system. We saw a Design Case about using and sharing sustainable energy from different points of view.

Analyzing this project has helped me to see the importance of knowing from which perspective you are acting and what are the useful tools in each case. I have seen the pros and cons of the three cases. The one I like the most is design within, as a personal challenge. Design with the existence in the context: material, waste, technology, resources, people and existing infrastructures. I decided to take action and go to Pobenou on Thursday morning to see and ask people about waste. My main question was: Is it possible to upcycle the waste generated within Poblenou? I was walking around IAAC surrounding each “illa” taking pictures of the local business. I stopped and went in to ask the places I thought I could find an interesting waste of manufacture and with the possibility of making an upcycle product. I talked to the person in charge of the space and told them that I was working on reusing waste and trying to create new products in Poblenou. In the week Exploring Hybrid Profiles in Design session we were introduced by reading the article “Designing for the unknown: a design process for the future generation of highly interactive systems and products”, and also, through a series of questions: Who you are? Why did you select the MDEF program? What’s your vision? What’s your identity? Finally, during the month of November, Mariana Quintero introduced me to Milena Juarez and Marion Real from FabLab BCN and those in charge of the European SISCODE project. Milena and Marion explained to me that in January there would be an open call for people who wanted to work with a leftover organic raw material and do an upcycling in the Poblenou area. This project is called REMIX El Barrio and there are more details in the Biomaterial Infrastructure intervention (chapter 7).


Organization of Matter Biology Zero Summary

ORGANIZATION OF MATTER Quantum Mechanics Chemistry Quantum Mechanics (Atomic Elements) Chemistry / Biochemistry (Molecules & Biomaterials) Molecular Biology (Macromolecules) Microbiology (Life Cells) Cellular Biology (Unicellular & Pluricellular) Physiology (Human Body) Cultural Evolution (Consciousness & Intelligence)

Esquema electron microscope - light microscope

SCIENTIFIC METHOD #1 Ask one question #2 Do your background research #3 Construct one hypothesis (based on facts) #4 Design an experiment #5 Perform the experiment #6 Analyze your data #7 Reach a conclusion



Area of Intervention | 29 Food



Photosynthesis Aerobic Anaerobic


Information Managment (DNA)

Phagocytosis (food particles)

Eukaryote Prokaryote


Archaeabacteria (U, P) Eubacteria (U, P) Protista (U&M, P)


Fungy (M, E) Plantae (M, E) Animalia (M, E)


Life Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Specie

Glycerol + Fatty Acids


(form membranes)


(sugar & polialcohol)


Fatty Acid

(carboxylic acid + chain of carbon)

Chemical Elements Functional Groups


(a molecule with: water loving + fat loving)


(form membranes)



Oxidoreductases (Oxidation / Reduction) Transferases (Atom / Group transfer) Hydrolases (Hydrolisis) Lyases (Group removal) Isomerases (Isomerization) Ligases (Joining of molecules linked to the breakage of a pyrophosphate bond)

Krebs Cycle Nucleotides


Monosaccharides (one sugar molecule)

Disaccharides (two sugar molecules)

Glucose Fructose

(ten or more sugar molecules)

Transferases (Atom / Group transfer) Hydrolases (Hydrolisis) Lyases (Group removal)


Isomerases (Isomerization)



Oxidoreductases (Oxidation / Reduction)


Oligosaccharides (two to ten sugar molecules)



Ligases (Joining of molecules linked to the breakage of a pyrophosphate bond)

Stachyose Starch Glycogen Cellulose

Fig 13. Freixas, Laura (2019). Biology Zero Summary [Diagram].


Mapping Opportunities in Poblenou Living with your own Ideas 07 / 11 / 2019

Is it possible to upcycle the waste generated within Poblenou?

waste and community opportunity of waste future opportunities iaac + fablab

Fig 14.1. Freixas, Laura (2019). Mapping Opportunities of Waste in Pooblenou [Map].

Area of Intervention | 31

Edge Brewery

El Torn

El “moco”

Surface “moco”




la Nau

La Siberia S.A.



FX Animation



La Fàbrica


Artisanal Beer

Hub of Ceramics

El torn

Escola Bressol

El torn

Music Space

Furniture & Gadgets

11072019 | Field Research Is it possible to upcycle the waste generated within Poblenou? Fig 14.2. Freixas, Laura (2019). Mapping Opportunities of Waste in Pooblenou [Photo].

Area of Intervention | 33

Dryied “moco”

Detail “moco”

Residency Zone





Portal del Mar

Adam Hall

Design Gallery

La Gran Bodega



Racó de la Vila

Molt VEG


El torn

El torn

Experience Technology BCN


Organic Art Food

Fig 14.2. Freixas, Laura (2019). Mapping Opportunities of Waste in Pooblen

Academy of Arts



Creative Arts





Nomad Co ee

Nomad Co ee

Nomad Co ee

Nomad Co ee

Egg Shell

Co ee Grain

“Pallofa” Co ee

Detail Samples


Hub Space


Nomad Co ee

Nomad Co ee

International School

E Waste

Nomad Co ee

11072019 | Field Reserach Is it possible to upcycle the waste generated within Poblenou? Fig 14.3. Freixas, Laura (2019). Mapping Opportunities of Waste in Pooblenou [Photo].

Area of Intervention | 35

nou [Photo].

Frida’s ’ Tierchen




Nomad Co ee

Nomad Co ee

Nomad Co ee

Nomad Co ee

(Second Hand)

La Fàbrica

Iaac Instagram


Flat Trash 7/ 7 11/19

T Tallers Ramon

(Design Shop 2H) Professional L’ L’Art





Event 7/ 7 11/19



Rua Papel Gestion Nest City Lab




Inside Mold



Apps Circular

Apps Circular

FOS Taller Esfèrica

FOS Taller Esfèrica

FOS Taller Esfèrica

FOS Taller Esfèrica

FOS Taller Esfèrica

Adel Mobile

FOS Taller Esfèrica

Adel Mobile

11072019 | Field Research Is it possible to upcycle the waste generated within Poblenou? Fig 14.4. Freixas, Laura (2019). Mapping Opportunities of Waste in Pooblenou [Photo].

Area of Intervention | 37

Nest City Lab


Detail Mold

Creu Roja Project ABS Detail

Sound Studio

Plant Seller

FOS Taller Esfèrica

FOS Taller Esfèrica

FOS Taller Esfèrica


FOS Taller Esfèrica

FOS Taller Esfèrica


FOS Taller Esfèrica


FOS Taller Esfèrica


Surplus & Collaborations Poblenou is a neighborhood of revolutions. The first of these was the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, the district of Sant Martí, known as Poblenou and more popular for transhumance than for anything else, became the Catalan Manchester. Gradually these industries gave way to residential areas in the 60s, empty lots and abandoned factories that took life with another revolution that of 22@, the commercial and economic axis that is now. And another revolution! The abandoned factories became design studios, art schools, artist workshops, showrooms, restaurants and gastronomic laboratories.

I’ve been looking at the shops, restaurants and industries of Poblenou and found some opportunities of waste that could be upcycled like Leka, Nomad Coffee and Edge Brewing. I have defined one case study: Compostable Glasses of Taller Esfèrica. In a near future, they want to develop a compostable glasses but at the moment they don’t have time to research and experiment. Personally this is material research is what I enjoy the most. This collaboration allows me to focus the personal project on a real case under a specific briefing and with the possibility of testing the result.

FOS Taller Esfèrica

Nomad Coffee


Edge Brewing

El Torn

Plat Institute

Investigate compostable and injectable materials with good mechanical properties to make glasses.

What can be done with artisan beer waste?

What can be done with the coffee peels?

Is it possible to reusel “moco” waste? The “moco” is a mixture of mud, with several glazes, enamels, wax, soap...

What opportunities can generate restaurant waste?

Are there any lines of research open around the topic “Zero Waste Mission”?

Fig 14.5. Freixas, Laura (2019). Mapping Opportunities of Waste in Pooblenou [Photo].

Area of Intervention | 39



Fig 14.6. Taller Esfèrica (2014). FOS Eyewear [Project].

Taller Esferica - Compostable Glasses

Since 2014 we have been conducting activities for universities, schools and entities interested in changing the paradigm of our consumer society. In parallel, we design and develop products that exemplify everything we teach in hands-on workshops. You can come and make them in our workshop, and have products with low environmental impact, made by you.

Fig 14.7. Taller Esfèrica (2014). FOS Eyewear [Project].

Taller Esfèrica in Nest City Lab (Àlaba, 100 /Barcelona)

Area of Intervention | 41


TALLER ESFĂˆRICA - Compostable Glasses

Collect Waste Coffee Peels Nomad

Beer Waste Edge Brewery

Fruit Peels Market Cuina

Eggshells Leka/LittleFern

Seafood Portal del Mar

Compostable Glasses Requirements






Mechanical Resistance Flection Hardness Durability

Process #1 Injection Thermoplastic Melt Flow Index

Process #2 Milling Board Format

Compostability Biopolymers Biobased Biodegradable Nature Conditions

Human Hypoallergenic Durability Quality Finish

Properties of Waste





Chemical Composition

Material Properties

Possible Processes

Composting Conditions

User Needs through Parametric Design

What parameters can have compostable glasses?







W = Waste P = Properties T = Technology


Process Waste

Which technologies can be used to process waste? 10.2


Injection Molding Milling Machine Additive Manufacturing

22.7 3.0 5.0

Use of Compostable Glasses

6.4 41.8 70.2

End of Life Compost Degradation Manage the Collection (TE)

Domestic Composting

Fig 14.8. Freixas, Laura (2019). Methodology Design Dialogues 1 [Diagram].


Industrial Composting


Fig 14.9. Freixas, Laura (2019). Taller Esfèrica Workspace [Project].

Fig 14.10. Freixas, Laura (2019). FOS Eyewer by Taller Esfèrica [Project].

Area of Intervention | 43

Fig 14.11. Freixas, Laura (2019). FOS Eyewear Mold by Taller Esfèrica [Project].

Fig 14.12. Freixas, Laura (2019). Taller Esfèrica Showroom [Project].


Polymers Bioplastic Standards What is Bioplastic? This year “biomaterial” was presented as the Material of 2019 at London Design Festival. But what actually classes something as a biomaterial and in particular a bioplastic, and how can we begin to formally identify these materials as this field grows? Due to the newness of bioplastics, within the field of biodesign and material science, it is difficult to determine whether what is being created is actually sustainable. The UK government has now called for experts to help develop a standard for bioplastics. The published document asks for experts to help gather information, and help to implement these standards. Many bioplastics are produced as one off pieces of work, mainly by students or up and coming designers. Therefore these projects generally can be seen as speculative and need further testing. Statements such as ‘biodegradable’ are used to describe the material, even though this may not proven. Also, even though something is described as ‘compostable’ it does not mean you are able to just throw it into your garden. Instead these bioplastics may need to be broken down in an industrial composter. But the UK currently has little infrastructure in place to do this, so the bioplastics could go to landfill instead. So what is a Bioplastic? Bioplastics are usually made using polymers derived from plant-based sources such as starch, cellulose, or lignin. Some designers have used materials such as algae, as seen by Eric Klarenbeek who has created a filament for a 3D printer from it. If a product is correctly labelled as biodegradable it means that it can be broken down in water, biomass, and gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane. But this can depend on the conditions in which the product is degrading. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and the

microorganisms present all affect biodegradability. It is therefore difficult to determine the length of time taken to properly degrade. Researchers from the University of Plymouth recently found that shopping bags made from plastic described as “biodegradable” could still be in the same condition after three years in the ocean. Therefore this still gives a large amount of time for these plastics to cause harm to ocean animals. However, compostable plastics are break down safely into water, biomass and gasses under composting conditions, but still the time is difficult to determine. What this means? Although these new standards may seem like a step back from innovation and something that may put consumers off these more environmentally friendly alternatives, this actually paves a huge step forward in the development of bioplastics. By creating guidelines consumers will be able to make more informed choices, and greenwashing will become something of the past. Please continue to use the more eco friendly alternatives as they are still incomparably better than plastics and other non environmentally friendly materials. But in order to truly be better we must know what we are using and what impact it has. Which, thanks to new guidelines and standards, is coming very soon. Thus making biomaterials something that will be seen as norm.

Area of Intervention | 47

Examples Designer Lucy Hughes has used fish waste to create a compostable plastic, called MarinaTex, which has won this year’s UK James Dyson Award. The material uses fish scales and fish skin that is usually a waste product that would usually be put into landfill or incinerated. The UK Sea Fish Industry Authority calculates that as a country the UK produces nearly 500,000 tonnes of waste annually through fish processing, and that the waste from just one Atlantic cod is enough to produce 1,400 MarinaTex bags. The material itself is translucent and flexible, similar to the plastics used for single-use packaging such as bags and sandwich wrappers. It is also strong, and has a higher tensile strength than LDPE (low-density polyethylene). Unlike other bioplastics this material will break down in home composts or food-waste bins within four to six weeks. It also does not require the establishment of waste infrastructure for its proper disposal. In fact, due to the materials used it could actually be used as a positive edition to nature, such as for water retention and nutrients.



Polymers Classification by Origin

Bio (PE, PET, PP, PA, PTT...)


TPS PHA PHB PBS PTT PLA Cellulose Carbohydrates Protein Based Lipid Based Natural Rubber Starch Blends




Synthetic Plastics

Area of Intervention | 49

Biodegradable Breaks down into smaller sized pieces. Requires heat, water, oxygen and microorganisms but may never fully break down. Make take decades to disappear. Plastics biodegrade into smaller pieces of plastic over a longer period of time.

Compostable Breaks down into non-toxic components. Requires heat, water, oxygen and microorganisms to fully break down. Breaks down completely and does not harm plant growth. Bio-based materials break down faster as long as the right conditions are met.

Certificates of Compostability


Product Breakdown Factors that affect the degree of decay

Type of Plastic?

Form of Product?





Size, shape and layering are also important

Degree of



Disposal Conditions?

Length of Time?

Favourable Conditions


Heat, microbes and moisture


ยบC / Water / Oxygen-Air / Microbes / UV

Unfavourable Conditions


Low light/UV in deep water Centuries

Cold and variable temperatures, lower microbial activity



Biodegradation H2O



Fig 14.13. Freixas, Laura (2019). Degree of Breakdown Design Dialogues 1 [Diagram].

Area of Intervention | 51

Fig 14.14. Freixas, Laura (2019). Presentation Design Dialogues 1 [Diagrams].


REMIX El Barrio

Remix of materials, people and social experiences in the project El Barri Circular de Poblenou a pilot of the European Project Siscode. The objective is to promote the incubation of design projects with food surpluses and residues in the Poblenou neighborhood.

Fig 15.1. Freixas, Laura (2019). REMIX El Barrio Group [Project].

REMIX El Barrio will create a set of prototypes where each participant will focus on a type of local resource while collectively exploring new opportunities, limits and ways of working through a series of activities carried out jointly with the actors of the local community.

Fig 15.2. Freixas, Laura (2019). REMIX Interaction Map [Diagram].

Area of Intervention | 55

Zoe and I are participating in the project El Barri Circular from ReMix El Barrio organized by Marion, Milena and Anastasia (SISCODE Project). The first meeting with all the participants was at FabCity Hub (29/1/20).

Fig 15.3. Freixas, Laura (2019). REMIX Meeting in Fab City Hub [Photo].

Fig 15.4. REMIX (2019). Fab Academy Material Samples [Photo].

Fig 15.5. REMIX (2019). REMIX Workshop in Connecthort [Photo].

Fig 15.6. REMIX (2019). REMIX Workshop in Connecthort [Photo].

Area of Intervention | 59

State of the Art Chapter 3

Fig 16. Freixas, Laura (2020). Laia Mogas Scales of Matter [Project].

State of the Art

State of the Art | 63 3

State of the Art

We are living in an increasingly interdependent world. Climate change, food security, economic and financial crises, and also, poverty and armed conflict know no borders. Individual actions by countries are not enough to deal with it or to address its causes. More than ever a collective effort is necessary both globally and locally.

There is currently an European Project called MaDe which promotes Material Designers the agents of change. They can design, redesign, reform, reuse and redefine materials giving them an entirely new purpose. Increasing the potential of materials they can go on to research, advise, educate and communicate what materials are and can be in the immediate, near and far future. These actions have the ability to implement positive social, economical, political and environmental change across all sectors, towards a more responsibly designed future. In recent years there has been an increase in projects related to circular economy and sustainability. Personally there are two types of projects that interest me: upcycled waste materials and grown materials. For now I want to focus on analyzing the upcycled waste materials and what production systems exist to transform them.

The Blue Economy Gunter Pauli (2010) The Blue Economy goes beyond the Globalized and the Green Economy. Time has come to shift towards a competitive business model that responds to the basic needs of all with what is locally available. This economic philosophy was first introduced in 1994 by Prof. Gunter Pauli when asked by the United Nations to reflect on the business models of the future in preparation for COP3 in Japan where the Kyoto Protocol was decided. “I wish the Blue Economy to be an open source community that inspires the young at heart and in age to become entrepreneurs who want to make a difference.” The Story of Plastic Deia Schlosberg (2019) Plastic pollution is everywhere we look, smothering our oceans and poisoning communities around the world. Meanwhile, Big Plastic only plans to expand production. Luckily, a global resistance movement is rising up to fight back. Filmed across three continents and featuring never-before-seen footage from the front lines of the crisis, The Story of Plastic is the last documentary about plastic you’ll ever need to see, a seething expose of the true villains and heroes behind plastic pollution fight.

Aquahoja Mediated Matter (2018) Neri Oxman and her team have developed programmable water-based biocomposites for digital design and fabrication. The biopolymers used in Aquahoja are all composed of chitosan, cellulose, pectin, and water. Research into chitosan as bioplastic for large-scale consumer products (created from shrimp and other crustacean species’ exoskeletons) has been ongoing for several decades. “Derived from organic matter, printed by a robot, and shaped by water, this work points toward a future where the grown and the made unite.”

Circular Manufacturing of Biocomposites Singapore University of Tech & Design (2020) Bioinspired manufacturing, in the sense of replicating the way nature fabricates, may hold great potential for supporting a socioeconomic transformation towards sustainable society. Use of unmodified ubiquitous biological components suggests for a fundamentally sustainable manufacturing paradigm where materials are produced, transformed into products and degraded in closed regional systems with limited requirements for transport.

State of the Art | 65

Microbial Home VHM Design Futures (2011) Our world is sending us warning signals that we are disturbing its equilibrium. A drastic cut in our environmental impact is called for. Microbial Home explores how the solution is likely to come from biological processes, which are less energy-consuming and non-polluting. The Microbial Home is a proposal for an integrated cyclical ecosystem where each function’s output is another’s input. In this project the home has been viewed as a biological machine to filter, process and recycle what we conventionally think of as waste: sewage, effluent, garbage, waste water. Materiom Platform (2016) Materiom provides open data on how to make materials that nourish local economies and ecologies. We support companies, cities, and communities in creating and selecting materials sourced from locally abundant biomass that are part of a regenerative circular economy.

Material Designers EU Project (2019) MaDe (Material Designers), a project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of The European Union, aims at boosting talents towards circular economies across Europe through partnering of design and cultural institutions. MaDe is a competition, event series and platform devoted to realizing the positive impact material designers can have across all creative sectors, by providing creative solutions towards more sustainable futures. MaDe will showcase 120 Material Designers, 9 Partners, 6 Workshops, 3 Cities, 3 Exhibitions, 3 Winners and 1 Awards Ceremony. Beyond Plastic Precious Plastic (2018) Their aim is to create materials and short living products that disappear after they are disposed, and don’t harm the environment they might end up in (but instead add nutrients). They simply realized that people won’t stop throwing away stuff, so it’s worth to create products that can safely decompose. We chose to start tackling single-use plastic by making bowls and containers from potato peels and wheat bran. It’s a pretty straightforward process that only takes a few minutes of pressing and no more ingredients than peels/bran and water.

The Shellworks RCA (2019) The Shellworks are a series of machines that turn seafood waste into a biodegradable and recyclable bioplastic. They invented five manufacturing machines, called Shelly, Sheety, Vaccy, Dippy and Drippy, with which to transform the crustacean shells into different objects, being sure to not use any additives in the process that could affect the recyclability of the final product. Each of the other four machines exploit a specific property of the bioplastic solution to demonstrate its potential, resulting in different products such as anti-bacterial blister packaging, food-safe carrier bags and self-fertilising plant pots. Made from Malai Gombosova&Susmith (2015) Malai is a newly developed biocomposite material made from entirely organic and sustainable bacterial cellulose, grown on agricultural waste sourced from the coconut industry in Southern India. They work with the local farmers and processing units, collecting their waste coconut water (which would otherwise be dumped, causing damage to the soil) and re-purposing it to feed the bacteria’s cellulose production. One small coconut-processing unit can collect 4000 litres of water per day, which we can use to make 320m2 of Malai.

Biocontributing Packaging Haeckels (2019) In August, British wellness brand Haeckels, based on England’s windswept Kent coast, debuted its “biocontributing” packaging. Designed for Haeckels’ scented candles and haircare and skincare sets, the box is crafted from mycelium, a material that forms the root system of mushrooms, combined with sawdust, flax, and hemp husks. This concoction is grown around a mold, with the mycelium acting like glue. The resulting dried material is lightweight and resists impact and heat.

MYLO Bolt Threads (2009) They invent and scale advanced, credible materials that put on a path towards a more sustainable future. Way better materials for a way better world. They developed MyloTM from mycelium cells by engineering it to assemble into a supple yet durable material that has the potential to biodegrade and can replace real and synthetic leather.

State of the Art | 67


Scale of Production vs Product/System Application

Microbial Home


Beyond Plastic


Circular Manufacturing of Biocomposites




Kitchen Scale

Factory Scale Shellworks

Made from Malai Wikifactory



Fig 17. Freixas, Laura (2020). Project Comparison of Production Scales [Diagram].

Bolt Threads

Future Scenarios Chapter 4

Future Scenarios

Future Scenarios | 71 4.1

My Future Scenario

My personal objective is to understand what means design for regeneration and which are the factors to take into account for designing a circular production system that follows the principles of ecosystems in nature.

I want to investigate the possibilities of turning organic waste as chitosan from seafood and coffee waste and coffee peels from Nomad Coffee into upcycled products. I’m participating in a project called “Remix El Barrio” where we share the process, tools and knowledge of upcycling waste from Poblenou with a group of creatives and material designers from Siscode with Milena, Marion and Anastasia. I want to explore digital fabrication tools to process the material for example, extrusion, casting and laser cutting. And also, start understanding which are the parameters that affect the properties of the material to design a monomaterial application with different functionalities. I also would like to explore what it means to program the life cycle of a material, understand the obtention of compostable polymers and the nutrients it has for the Earth. In addition, I would like to imagine new business models and how it could be the future microfactories of the neighbourhood. For this reason, to achieve this objectives I have structured the master project research of the second term in three interventions:

Fig 18. Freixas, Laura (2020). Interventions 2nd Term [Photo].

The Intervention Chapter 5 5.1 Growth Plan 5.2 Biomaterial Explorations 5.1.1 Biomaterial Research References 5.1.2 Material Composition 5.1.3 Open Source Recipe: Materiom 5.1.4 Chitosan & Cellulose Explorations 5.1.5 Case Study #02: Nomad Coffee 5.1.6 Collaboration: Judith Gรณmez

5.1.7 Table of Myc 5.1.8 Mycelium & 5.1.9 Reflection 5.3 Production Tools 5.2.1 Casting 5.2.2 Injection 5.2.3 3D Paste Ex 5.2.4 Growing


celium & Coffee Coffee Explorations


5.2.5 Future Production Tools 5.2.6 Reflection 5.4 Biomaterial Infrastructures 5.3.1 Circular Production Reference 5.3.2 Online Workshop in Muraly 5.3.3 Reflection

Fig 19. Freixas, Laura (2020). Laia Mogas Conference in Elisava [Photo].

The Interventions | 75 5.1

Growth Plan Term 2s







Biomaterial Explorations

Production Tools

Biomaterial Infrastructure

What if we upcycle the organic waste of Poblenou and transform it into compostable applications to program its life cycle?

Which kind of artisanal and digital production tools could be useful to produce biomaterial applications?

How are urban ecosystems going to integrate these cyclical production systems?

Objectives · Experiment with chitosan, cellulose, coffee grounds and mycelium.

Objectives · Use casting, 3D printing and growing techniques.

Objectives · Describe the purpose, capacity, tools, spaces and material flow of each production system.

· Look for interesting properties to make compostable glasses and packaging. · Colaborate with other material designers (Judith, Secil, Zoe, and Remix El Barrio team).

· Learn how to control 3D printing softwares (Rhino, Grasshopper and Repetier). · Look for advantages and disadvantages of each technology.

How could it be the biomaterial flow and microfactories of Poblenou?

· Online WKSP with “Remix El Barrio” to build a future scenario of the circular production in the neighbourhood. · Adapt and transform FabLab BCN to a microfactory of Poblenou.



5.2 Intervention 1

Biomaterial Explorations

What if we upcycle the organic waste of Poblenou and transform it into compostable applications to program its life cycle?

Objectives · Research existing biomaterial recipes and define the experiments. · Map the variations and understand the properties of the different compositions. · Search interesting properties and make my own recipes upcycling waste as basic ingredients. · Look for materials that could make compostable glasses and packaging. ___________________________________________________ Methodology · Scientific Research · Material Recipe Referents · Experiments · Document · Analyse · Iterate

Biomaterial Explorations Fig 20. Freixas, Laura (2020). Chitosan Tests [Photo].

5.2.1 Intervention 1

Biomaterial Research References

Designing the Ocean Pavilion. Biomaterial Templating of Structural Manufacturing and Environmental Performance MIT Mediated Matter

Driven by novel biomaterials design and natural aqueous formation, this research offers a new structural design perspective combining a crustacean-derived biopolymer with robotic fabrication to shape constructs that interact with the environment utilizing graded material properties for hydration-guided formation. We establish structural, manufacturing, and environmental design templating strategies informing the design of the constructs and their material makeup. We present a biomaterial- driven design process resulting in a novel structural system and a custom robotic manufacturing platform designed to deposit water-based composites unveiling novel functional, mechanical, and optical gradients across length scales. Components are form-found through evaporation patterns informed by the geometrical arrangement of structural members and the hierarchical distribution of material properties. Each component is designed to take shape upon contact with air and dissolve upon contact with water. We present the principles and method applied as a unique case demonstrating the material ecology design approach through additive manufacturing of lightweight, biocompatible and materially heterogeneous structures.

Fig 21. Mediated Matter (2017). Aquahoja [Project].

The Interventions | 79

Fig 22. Ling, Andrea (2019). Biopolymers for Responsive Architectural Scaffolds Rethinking Firmitas [Project].

The Interventions | 81

Biopolymers for Responsive Architectural Scaffolds Rethinking Firmitas Andrea Ling

Material research in architecture has thus typically been concerned with the development of longer-lasting, lower maintenance, sturdy materials. While contemporary design practice has offloaded the conseuences of the production and destruction of these materials away from the construction and maintenance of architecture such that both designer and user have a fragmented view of the life cycle of the material. By working with biologically derived materials with much shorter and fragile life spans, Ling is trying to keep those consequences in sight and on-site, developing a type of firmitas that is based on a dynamic system of decay and renewal as a means to longevity rather than static permanence.

Design and Fabrication of Chitosan based Structures Soraya Bornoz

In architecture as well as in many other fields, significant research efforts are made in order to integrate biological concepts and converge them with computation. In this context, bio-based materials such as cellulose, mycelium or algae are receiving a renewed attention as design materials for the numerous advantages they could offer in terms of weight, cost, environmental balance, mechanical properties or aesthetics. Their potential is yet to be explored after more than a century-long focus on petrochemical products. In particular, the final performances of structures made of these materials depend significantly on their nature, their original composition and the fabrication technique used. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the design and fabrication of chitosan-based structures. The aim is to understand through an exploratory experimental approach how the material behaviour of the chitosan and the digital fabrication process can inform the target design, and vice-versa. This research also provides an easily reproducible workflow to design heterogeneous structures made of chitosan.

Fig 23. Bornoz, Soraya (2019). Design and Fabrication of Chitosan based Structures [Scientific Paper].

The Interventions | 83

5.2.2 Intervention 1

Material Composition


Cellulose is an organic compound with the formula (C6H10O5)n, a polysaccharide consisting of a linear chain of several hundred to many thousands of B(1>4) linked D-glucose units. Cellulose, a complex carbohydrate, or polysaccharide, consisting of 3,000 or more glucose units. The basic structural component of plant cell walls, cellulose comprises about 33% of all vegetable matter (90% of cotton and 50% of wood are cellulose) and is the most abundant of all naturally occurring organic compounds. Nondigestible by man, cellulose is a food for herbivorous animals (e.g., cows, horses) because they retain it long enough for digestion by microorganisms present in the alimentary tract; protozoans in the gut of insects such as termites also digest cellulose. Of great economic importance, cellulose is processed to produce papers and fibres and is chemically modified to yield substances used in the manufacture of such items as plastics, photographic films, and rayon. Other cellulose derivatives are used as adhesives, explosives, thickening agents for foods, and in moisture-proof coatings.


Chitosan is a linear polysaccharide composed of randomly distributed B-(1>4)-linked D-glucosamine (deacetylated unit) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (acetylated unit).It is made by treating the chitin shells of shrimp and other crustaceans with an alkaline substance, like sodium hydroxide. Chitosan has a number of commercial and possible biomedical uses. It can be used in agriculture as a seed treatment and biopesticide, helping plants to fight off fungal infections. In winemaking, it can be used as a fining agent, also helping to prevent spoilage. In industry, it can be used in a self-healing polyurethane paint coating. In medicine, it is useful in bandages to reduce bleeding and as an antibacterial agent; it can also be used to help deliver drugs through the skin. The diverse biological activity of this polymer has been demonstrated by a vast number of assays conducted in animals and a few clinical studies in humans. Therapeutic applications have been proposed for chitosan because of its properties such as antioxidant activity, cholesterol, and triglyceride trapping, and antibacterial and hypoglycemic effects for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.

Fig 24. Oxman, Neri; Duro, Jorge; Mogas, Laia (2015). Form follows Flow [Scientific Paper].

The Interventions | 85

5.2.3 Intervention 1

Open Source Recipe: MATERIOM

The Interventions | 87

Chitosan 12%

Fig 25. MATERIOM (2020). Chitosan 12% [Online Platform].


Masure out the ingredients.


Add 200ml of hot tap water at 70-80ยบ. Add 20ml of vinegar. Stir with the blender. Add progressively the 24g of chitosan and stir again unitl a homogeneous solution is obtained. Place 5ml of glycerol and stir the mix until a homogeneous solution is obtained.


Cast the mix on a flat surface or on a mold. The thickness of the dried object will be 10 to 30% of the thickness of the cast solution.


Leave the material drying in open air until it becomes solid. Demold it soon enough to avoid bending.

Fig 26.1. Freixas, Laura (2020). Biomaterial Explorations [Intervention 1].

Fig 26.2. Freixas, Laura (2020). Biomaterial Explorations [Intervention 1].

5.2.4 Intervention 1


Chitosan & Cellulose Explorations

Fig 26.3. Freixas, Laura (2020). Biomaterial Explorations and Compositions [Intervention 1].

The Interventions | 91

5.2.5 Intervention 1


Fig 27.1. Nomad (2019). Nomad Coffee Roaster's Home [Photo].

Nomad Coffee

Nomad Roaster’s Home (Pujades, 95 /Barcelona)

During Nomad Coffee's daily activity, two types of organic waste are generated: chaff and coffee grounds. These two surpluses can be reused to generate new materials, such as mycelium.

Fig 27.2. Freixas, Laura (2020). Nomad Chaff and Coffee Grounds [Photo].

Jordi Mestre is the owner of the company Nomad Coffee. He’s two time spanish barista champion. Their coffee beans can be found all over Barcelona.

Fig 27.3. Nomad (2019). Coffee Roaster Machine [Photo].

5.2.6 Intervention 1


Fig 28. Gómez, Judith (2019). Material Designer Judith [Photo].

Júdith Gómez

Material Designer

Judith is a material designer expert in mycelium. She holds a doble degree in Product Design and Engineering in Industrial Design (Elisava). In mid-February I asked her if she wanted to collaborate to reuse surplus Nomad Coffee and feed mycelium to generate new materials. We spent a few days planning and executing the experiments. After a week we saw that it was working well and we prepared a second phase. On March 13th I had to go home because of the Covid-19 situation and I left the explorations in my room in Barcelona. Thanks to the collaboration of my roommate I have been able to see the progress through photos.

Fig 29. Freixas, Laura (2020). Mycelium and coffee explorations with Judith [Photo].

The Interventions | 95

Fig 30. Freixas, Laura; Ferrer, Maria (2020). Mycelium and coffee explorations growing during Covid-19 [Photo].

The Interventions | 97

5.2.7 Intervention 1

Table of Mycelium & Coffe Compositions Sample Nยบ

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16

Mycelium (g)

Coffee Peel (g)

Coffee Grounds (g)

Water (ml)

Chitosan (g)

















































































5.2.8 Intervention 1


Mycelium & Coffee Explorations

Fig 31. Freixas, Laura (2020). Mycelium and coffee compositions prepared with Judith Gรณmez [Photo].

The Interventions | 99

5.2.9 Intervention 1


What if we upcycle the organic waste of Poblenou and transform it into compostable applications to program its life cycle? ___________________________________________________ Conclusions After carrying out the first intervention I have seen what is the state of the art on recipes for chitosan and cellulose, and also, what possibilities does mycelium offer by feeding on the residue of coffee peels and coffee grains. I have begun to understand the properties of the material based on the composition of each ingredient. And also, what possibilities does the material offer. Meeting with different experts related to biochemistry, materials science, biomaterials and the circular economy has allowed me to collect different perspectives and have different opinions on the same field. I am very happy with the process and I think that from January to the beginning of March there has been a lot of progress. The main objective of researching and experimenting with existing biomaterial recipes has been successfully accomplished. It has also been necessary to organize and map the experiments to understand the variations of the material depending on the composition. From this base I have begun to see what are the recipes that could fit with the application of compostable glasses and packaging. Now it is important to go to the second phase and test what craft and digital tools shape and give application to the material.

Fig 32. Freixas, Laura (2020). Chitosan and coffee peels explorations [Photo].

Fig 33. Freixas, Laura (2020). Chitosan 3D Paste Extrusion [Photo].

Production Tools

5.3 Intervention 2

Production Tools

Which kind of artisanal and digital production tools could be useful to produce biomaterial applications?

Objectives · Use artisanal and digital production tools with the biomaterial recipes. · Learn how to use the software (Rhino, Grasshopper, Repetier…) that controls each digital production tool. · Define the parameters that should be controlled in each technology. · Map the possibilities of application that each technology offers with the material. · Look for advantages and disadvantages of each technology. ___________________________________________________ Methodology In this intervention, the methodology followed has been the experimentation of artisanal and digital techniques to understand how different materials can be processed. · Experimental Research · Casting · Injection · 3D Extruding · Growing · Iterate

5.3.1 Intervention 2


Casting involves introducing a liquefied material into a mold and allowing it to solidify. In contrast to molding and extrusion, casting relies on atmospheric pressure to fill the mold rather than using significant force to push the plastic into the mold cavity. The transition from liquid to solid in this case is by evaporation or external heat from the oven at 100ยบC during 2 hours. The final product can be removed from the mold once it solidifies.

Fig 34.1. Freixas, Laura (2020). Casting with chitosan and cellulose [Photo].

In the case of the chitosan and vinegar composition, a considerable reduction in the volume of the sample is observed. As cellulose is added to the composition, the sample maintains its dimensions when dried.

Fig 34.2. Freixas, Laura (2020). Casting with chitosan and cellulose in different material molds [Photo].

The Interventions | 105

Fig 35.1. Freixas, Laura (2020). Injecting chitosan and cellulose with a Taller Esfèrica mold[Photo].

The Interventions | 107 5.3.2 Intervention 2


Injection moulding is a fast, piece-by-piece manufacturing procedure which is widely used because it gives high quality moulded objects, often without any finishing process required; even for complicated shapes and extreme dimensional tolerances.

Even so, I have tried to “inject” the mixture with a syringe into one of its first closed plastic molds and I have obtained a first test. The result is a fragile glass frame that has been broken in some parts by unmolding. This first test has served to see if it can dry in a closed, almost airtight plastic mold. Right now I do not have the mold to do more tests, but in the future I would like to try a higher composition of chitosan to give more rigidity to the frame and continue incorporating cellulose to maintain the geometry and control the dimension in the drying process.

Fig 35.2. Freixas, Laura (2020). Taller Esfèrica mold [Photo].

In the case of injection, I thought that it would be possible to inject the material into a mold from Taller Esférica to make the first tests of how compostable glasses would be like. After talking to them and seeing the composition of the material we saw that it was not feasible to inject the aqueous composition of chitosan with cellulose into their molds. The main reason is that since it is a watertight and hermetic mold, the water cannot evaporate or be absorbed by the metal of the mold in a short period of time.

5.3.3 Intervention 2

3D Paste Extrusion Paste Extruders, also called paste dispensers, are extruders which process anything that can simply be pushed out the nozzle. Many interesting and useful printing material can be extruded from such a dispenser: · Syringe pushed by belt or worm dive. · Pumped extruders (progressive cavity pump). · Pneumatic Paste Extruders (air pressure).

Fig 36.1. Freixas, Laura (2020). Manual Extrusion [Photo].

At FabLab BCN I have used four different types of extruders: manual, manual with motor, Prusa with syringe and Anycubic with syringe. In the future I would like to try a Pneumatic Paste Extruder that works with air pressure.

The Interventions | 109

Fig 36.2. Freixas, Laura (2020). 3D Paste extrusion with Secil Asfar and Zoe Tzika [Photo].

By testing the manual extruder (syringe) I learned that it was important to control the viscosity of the material. If the material is very liquid, the extrusion collapses and spreads quickly. If the material is too dense it is very difficult to push the paste and it does not extrude well. The idea is to create a mix that can be easily extruded, that is compact, maintains the cylindrical shape and does not collapse when layering.

Next step was doing some tests with the manual motor extruder and later with 3D paste extrusion with a syringe and an Anycubic 3D Printer.

Fig 36.3. Freixas, Laura (2020). 3D paste extrusion with chitosan and cellulose with a hacked Anycubic [Photo].

Fig 36.4. Freixas, Laura (2020). 3D paste extrusion with chitosan and cellulose with a hacked Anycubic [Photo].

The Interventions | 111

Fig 37.1. Freixas, Laura (2020). Growing mycelium inside Taller Esfèrica mold and using the coffee surplus of Nomad [Photo].

The Interventions | 113 5.3.4 Intervention 2


Fig 37.2. Freixas, Laura (2020). Preparing the mycelium experiments with Judith Gómez [Photo].

Similar to the fruits produced by a tree, mushrooms are the reproductive fruits of a dense, root-like network of cells, called ‘mycelium’. In the wild, this white network of fine threads grows out in all directions, breaking down its food into simpler molecules to further fuel its growth. When it runs out of food, or is put under some other form of environmental stress, it switches into survival mode and produces mushrooms in order to release its spores to the wind and find a better place to live.

Fig 37.3. Freixas, Laura (2020). . Preparing the mycelium experiments with Judith Gรณmez [Photo].

Fig 37.4. Ferrer, Maria (2020). Mycelium growing out of the petri [Photo].

The Interventions | 115

5.3.5 Intervention 2

Future Production Tools Experimentations In the future I would like to test how the material behaves with the following manufacturing processes: laser cutting, cnc, thermoforming, hot press and heatable mold. The first three processes are available at FabLab BCN and I would like to test these processes once the Coronavirus situation is over. The Hot Press and Heatable Mold Precious Plastic process has started testing them in their Beyond Plastic project. Next I leave the links of the Hot Press and Heatable Mold where the status and results are explained: Heatable Mould

“I think a lot of biodegradable materials work the same: They need heat, pressure and a way for water to evaporate. So the plan is to build a stand-alone machine that is able to process a lot different raw materials. A heatable mould might be an important part for this machine.”

Fig 38.1. Precious Plastic (2019). Beyond Plastic Heatble Mold [Project].

Hot Press

“The Sheet Press System we are going for consists of a Hot Press, a Prep Table and a Cooling Press. We discovered that getting the molds out while they are hot and pressing them further in a second press until they cooled down makes the process more efficient.”

Fig 38.2. Precious Plastic (2019). Beyond Plastic Machines [Project].

The Interventions | 117

5.3.6 Intervention 2


Which kind of artisanal and digital production tools could be useful to produce biomaterial applications?

___________________________________________________ Conclusions As a final reflection of this intervention I want to say that it has helped me to begin to see how artisanal and digital processes work with recipes of biomaterials. At the moment the casting method is one of the fastest to obtain concrete geometries with good results. Although it is necessary to take into account the reduction of the material due to the evaporation of the water. As for the injection, I have seen that the mixture of chitosan with cellulose has not given me good results, surely due to the amount of water that the composition carries and also due to the low pressure applied with the syringe when inserting the material into the mold. I have been wanting to continue learning the 3D extrusion of pasta with the Anycubic machine and the mechanism of the syringe pushed by the motor. And also, I would like to test the compressed air tank. As a general conclusion, I have to learn more about Rhino, Grasshopper and Repetier. As for the mycelium I have not been able to see or touch the final results, even so, my roommate has sent me photos and it seems that the samples are growing well. As soon as I return to Barcelona I will document what the properties of the material are.

The Interventions | 119

Next, I leave a table that summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the processes used with chitosan with cellulose and mycelium with coffee: Tested Production Tools



3D Paste Extrusion

Fig 39. IaaC (2019). FabLab Barcelona Machines [Photo].


Pros (+)

Cons (-)

Easy to generate molds Small-medium production Precision High work rates (productivity) Complex forms Precision

Large initial investment (moulds) Reserved for mass-production

Customization Extrusion of different material pastes Small-medium production

Mediocre dimensional tolerances Matter becomes orientated

You just need to feed mycelium Reuse organic waste matter

Clean space Temp. conditions and growth time Control the growing parameters

In the future I would like to test how the material behaves with the following manufacturing processes: laser cutting, cnc, thermoforming, hot press and heatable mold. The first three processes are available at FabLab BCN and I would like to test these processes once the Coronavirus situation is over. The Hot Press and Heatable Mold Precious Plastic process has started testing them in their Beyond Plastic project.

Fig 40. Singapur University (2019). Biocomposites [Diagram].

Biomaterial Infrastructure

5.4 Intervention 3

Biomaterial Infrastructures

How are urban ecosystems going to integrate these cyclical production systems? How could it be the biomaterial flow and microfactories of Poblenou?

Objectives 路 Describe different future scenarios related to structures that upcycle organic waste: education, research and production. 路 Define the scales of production local systems: kitchen, FabLab and microfactory. 路 Describe the purpose, capacity, tools, spaces and material flow of each production system. 路 Adapt and transform FabLab BCN to a microfactory of Poblenou.

___________________________________________________ Methodology The third intervention is in the process of being carried out together with Zoe, Marion and Milena. The intention is to do an online intervention with the collective Remix El Barrio to define what possible scenarios could be linked to the upcycling of organic waste projects. At the moment we have defined three scenarios: education, research and production. Another interesting topic to analyze is the scale of local production, that is, defining the minimum infrastructure (capacity, spaces, tools and flow of materials) of the following contexts: kitchen, FabLab and microfactory. When I was making the presentation of Design Dialogues Term 2 Santi told me that Jess, Alessandra and Xavi were developing the Pop-machina project. The objective of this project is to create a circular community distributed in different countries. During this process of carrying out the intervention, the two teams will be in contact to share progress and doubts.

5.4.1 Intervention 3

Circular Production Reference #1 Microbial Home, VHM Design Our world is sending us warning signals that we are disturbing its equilibrium. A drastic cut in our environmental impact is called for. This Probe explores how the solution is likely to come from biological processes, which are less energy-consuming and non-polluting. We need to go back to nature in order to move forward. The Microbial Home is a proposal for an integrated cyclical ecosystem where each function’s output is another’s input. In this project the home has been viewed as a biological machine to filter, process and recycle what we conventionally think of as waste – sewage, effluent, garbage, waste water. Creating a cyclical eco-system

The Probe suggests that we should move closer to nature and challenges the wisdom of annihilating the bacteria that surround us. It proposes strategies for developing a balanced microbial ecosystem in the home.

Fig 41.1. VHM (2010). Microbial Home System [Project].

In the Microbial Home Probe we adopt a systemic approach to many of the domestic processes we take for granted and ask questions about how we deal with resources. It is a proposal for an integrated cyclical ecosystem where each function’s output is another’s input. We view the home as a biological machine to filter, process and recycle what we conventionally think of as waste – sewage, effluent, garbage, waste water.

Fig 41.2. VHM (2010). Microbial Home [Project].

The Interventions | 123

5.4.1 Intervention 3

Circular Production Reference #2 Beyond Plastic, Precious Plastic

We’re conceptualizing a collection, storage and pressing system that enables users to gather local food waste from both individual households as well as restaurants and cafes. We want to share what we’ve done so far and would love feedback from anyone who might have some ideas on how to improve this system. We’ve made some decisions based on resources available to us here in Eindhoven, but our goal is to create a concept for a workspace that could be easily recreated by anyone, anywhere. This being said, we’d love to hear new ideas or alternative solutions for what we’ve done so far

Collection Vessels This system would rely on participation from local people and food businesses. We decided on using glass jars as the main collection vessels to be dropped off and picked up by those who are keen to contribute. Many restaurants order their ingredients in glass jars and accumulate a decent amount to recycle or reuse. We tried about a dozen places until we found a few that were willing to save some jars for us in the coming days/ weeks. Using two jar sizes allow for controlled intervals between pick up and drop off in order to prevent organic matter from molding before entering the workspace. We sought smaller jars for household collection and medium jars for food businesses that produce greater quantities of waste regularly. These larger jars often contain pickled foods, olives, sundried tomatoes, etc. They were a bit harder to come by, but once we found some restaurants that agreed to save some for us, we had enough after a couple of weeks. The largest containers are for bulk storage of materials that a workspace may be used regularly and in large amounts.

Fig 42.1. Precious Plastic (2019). Beyond Plastic Workspace and Machines [Project].

We want this to be a space where makers can rely on local food waste streams to create and experiment with biomaterials, create products using a heat press and aluminum molds, and/or host workshops.

Fig 42.2. Precious Plastic (2019). Beyond Plastic Workspace [Project].

The Interventions | 125

Drop-Off Point The Drop-Off point is a physical structure that holds the jars and can be placed in a public space near the workspace. Some jars could have labels for specific materials a workspace would need/seek. People who live in the community could take a jar labeled with common specific food waste products, collect these materials at home and drop it off again once full. When dropped off, participating community members could easily swap it for a fresh empty one to continue collection. In order to prevent bio-scraps from molding, it would be important to choose the right size, but this is something that could be felt out once a workspace is up and running. The location of the drop-off point could vary from workspace to workspace: It could perhaps be on a neighborhood corner, placed in a busy square or next to the subway stop, or other places that get a lot of foot traffic or set up at weekly markets. This is something we haven’t yet tested, so we would love to hear any ideas on making this a practical drop-off point from the user’s end.

Dehydrator Most collected food waste coming in would probably still retain a bit of moisture. Materials need to be completely dry before they can be pulverized in preparation for pressing, so the next step would be spreading the scraps out in a dehydrator. Jannis and Zsofie made one here. It has a small heating element on the bottom, a small fan that circulates air from the top, and 10 racks.

Blending & Storage Once the bio-scraps have been dried out, they can be thrown into a blender to prepare for pressing as well as reducing in volume (we bought a blender on Marktplaats for 12 euros). The smaller jars are intended to hold less frequently used materials and experiment materials. The medium jars contain more frequently used materials in the workspace, and the largest containers, as mentioned above, are for storing bulk materials.

Pressing Once materials are pulverized they are ready for heat pressing!!! We left some space beside the heat-pressing station for handling hot moulds, cleaning moulds, and packing biomaterial products.

5.4.1 Intervention 3

Circular Production Reference #3 Fab City White Paper, Tomás Díez

Fig 43. DĂ­ez, Tomas (2019). Fab City White Paper [Paper].

The Interventions | 127

5.4.2 Intervention 3

Online Workshop in Muraly with Remix El Barrio Imagine and draw the future of your project: Part A (do it before monday 6th) - What materials are you using? - How are they transformed? - What tools do you use? - Necessary knowledge and methodologies? - People who are involved and spaces? - The purpose of your project? - How is it degraded?

Use the icons, draw, write a text, add an image or a post-it and any other thing that you would like in order to describe how you would like to develop yourself and your circular project.

Fig 44.1. Tzika, Zoe; Freixas, Laura (2020). Preparation of the online workshop [Screenshot].

Part B (do it before thursday 9th) - Make connections between the projects of the different participants and also suggest new ways to explore or any recommendation that you think is convenient (if it’s possible use black post-its).

Zoe’s map about future materials in architecture.

Elisenda’s map about circular orange and wool fashion.

Josean and Silvana’s map about circular kids products.

Secil’s map about upcycling vegetable peels to make cookies.

Giorgia’s map about making natural inks from organic waste.

Fig 44.2. Tzika, Zoe; Freixas, Laura (2020). Online workshop in Muraly with REMIX El Barrio [Screenshot].

Laura’s map about compostable glasses and packaging.

Fig 44.3. Tzika, Zoe; Freixas, Laura (2020). Online workshop in Muraly with REMIX El Barrio [Screenshot].

5.4.3 Intervention 3


How are urban ecosystems going to integrate these cyclical production systems? How could it be the biomaterial flow and microfactories of Poblenou?

___________________________________________________ Conclusion The third intervention is still in process of being developed by the participants of Remix El Barrio. In my case I’m interested in describing the future scenario of FabLab BCN and microfactories in Poblenou related to production and research of circular production of organic matter. I have started to define the scales of production and purposes of local systems:





Fab Lab


· Small production · Personal Waste · Waste-Material-Product?

· Small-Medium production · Group of people Waste · Waste-Material-ProductDistribution?

· Medium-Large produciton · District Waste · Selling point? · Input of stakeholders*

· To collect & divide the waste · To prepare the material (clean, dry, boil, smash) · To store (cold, hot, normal temp.) · To transform the material · To create applications with the material · To control the drying process of the material · To store, pack and distribute the product · To compost or manage the discarded waste Molds, frames, syringe, 3D print, oven, crusher

Finally I would like to adapt and transform FabLab BCN in a Circular FabLab or microfactory for 2030. This intervention is still in progress.

Molds, frames, syringe, 3D print, oven, crusher, cnc, laser cut, thermoforming, dehyrator

Molds, frames, syringe, 3D print, oven, crusher, cnc, laser cut, thermoforming, dehyrator, heatable mold, press...

Designing in Emergent Contexts: Covid-19 Chapter 6 6.1 Covid-19 Scenario 6.2 My New Me 6.3 My New Design Space


Designing in Emergent Contexts: Covid-19 Fig 46. Freixas, Laura (2020). Chitosan Tests [Photo].

Designing in Emergent Contexts: Covid-19 | 137 6.1

Covid-19 Scenario

Poblenous begins Zero Waste Production Pilot

For this reason, we are starting a pilot called ORGANICS MATTER to upcycle organic matter inside the neighbourhood of Poblenou.

It’s the first day of 2021 and everyone is excited for this year to start because as of February 1st the quarantine is over. The past year with the appearance of the coronavirus COVID-19 the world order has completely changed.

ORGANICS MATTER is a microfactory where some of the industrial organic waste is collected to be upcycled in new compostable materials. At the moment they are starting with eggshells, seafood, coffee grounds, coffee peels and cellulosic plants as onions and garlics. The waste is collected once a weeb by the different bars, restaurants, coffee roasters, fishermen and industrial factories of Poblenou.

Through all the tragedy, fear and despair spread, in even the remotest places of the Earth, some rays of hope, that we now have a chance to change and fix anything that was broken with our world as we knew it before COVID-19 had emerged. New ways of living, more sustainable, and environmentally friendly centered arose. Ajuntament of Barcelona has explained in an official announcement that they want to be an autonomous and productive city in 2030 and for this reason they’re testing with local industries and companies. One of the oldest production areas of Barcelona: Poblenou, which in the last years has become the epicenter of creativity and innovation, will be a pilot neighbourhood of zero waste production in Barcelona. In order to achieve that, they asked from a group of Emergent Futures Designers, to propose 6 initiatives that would help achieve that goal. All of them are briefly described in these following pages. Circular Production of Organics Matter In 2030 we won’t have more new materials. We will have to reuse the existing ones and upcycle the organic waste to create compostable materials. Cities will be inspired by the cyclical mode of production and degradation of biological materials by organisms using limited energy and material resources found within localized conditions.

This microfactory is located inside FabLab BCN and has different spaces to prepare the upcycled waste: classification room, treatment with hot temperature and water, drying process, growing room, vacuum storage, crusher machine, mixer machine among others. Once the waste is prepared there are several tools that transform the material into an application through: cast ing molds, injection machine, extrusion machine, 3D paste printing, CNC, laser cutting, thermoforming and heating molds. At the moment ORGANICS MATTER is manufacturing compostable packaging for shops and industries. They are also starting to do research on food packaging. On the other hand, they have a brand called: made in Poblenou. This brand is made by local design studios that want to make small productions such as eyewear and lamps from biopolymers. Finally once the product has done its function, it can go directly to the home compost or in the garden compost and it’s transformed it into nutrients.


11 EDITORIAL : Circular Economy


t’s the first day of 2021 and everyone is excited for this year to start because as of February 1st the quarantine is over. The past year with the appearance of the coronavirus COVID-19 the world order has completely changed. Through all the tragedy, fear and despair spread, in even the remotest places of the Earth, some rays of hope, that we now have a chance to change and fix anything that was broken with our world as we knew it before COVID-19 had emerged. New ways of living, more sustainable, and environmentally friendly centered arose. Ajuntament of Barcelona has explained in an official announcement that they want to be an autonomous and productive city in 2030 and for this reason they’re testing with local

A special curated edition for a post corona world. 01.02.2021

POBLENOU BEGINS ZERO WASTE PRODUCTION PILOT industries and companies. One of the oldest production areas of Barcelona: Poblenou, which in the last years has become the epicenter of creativity and innovation, will be a pilot neighbourhood of zero waste production in Barcelona. In order to achieve that, they asked from a group of Emergent Futures Designers, to propose 6 initiatives that would help achieve that goal. All of them are briefly described in these following pages.

BARCELONA UNDER RE-USE During the Covid-19 pandemic the international imports and exports of products diminished to the basic ones. The countries are still trying to control what enters their borders and they have imposed cuts to the cargos by 90%. Although in the beginning the construction sector had paused almost completely, after the first month of quarantine some works had to start in order to cover needs that were appearing. Many spaces had to be re-adjusted for the new needs such as: apartments had to be rearranged in order to accomodate the home office, people started growing their own food and in some cases the neighbors of a building decided to make in common vertical gardens, hydroponique systems or roof gardens as collective food resources. Workshops started producing things that people needed locally, by 3d printing objects that were impossible to find, as a result of the restrictions of imports. Many local stores

focused on the repairing of objects rather than selling new ones, and others on the fabrication of customized ones according to what a customer would need. The materials that all of the above used had to be found locally, local Catalan wood was the main material of construction, reused materials from older buildings and many places turned to upcycling stations in order to find ways to recycle and create new materials out of waste. The efforts of the people have started focusing on how to reuse everything we have, rather than ordering new stuff, which is not economically feasible. Since the restrictions will start losing from the following month, the city of Barcelona is determined to keep the good practices of this period, by supporting these initiatives. All the construction is shifting in using only local materials and upcycled ones, repurposing spaces and producing only what we need in each neighborhood.



arcelona, April 7th - In a news article in La Vanguardia in 2019, they stated that according to The Foundation for Waste Prevention and Responsible Consumption of Catalunya, Rezero, “Each Catalan [in 2018] produced an average of 509 kilos of waste per year.” (La Vanguardia, 2019). Rezero indicated that there was an increase in waste production attributed to the thinking of “There is a fictitious belief that the more we produce and consume, the richer and happier we are” (La Vanguardia, 2019). But this transition took a forced, faster pace during the coronavirus global crisis. During the pandemic, it became harder for the city government to pick trash because the virus was highly contagious. So, for a month and for the safety of the personnel and the citizens, the government had to shut down all the containers in the city and had to go back to the old method of selecting a different day in each neighborhood to pick up the trash of the gray, blue, yellow and green containers, every 2 weeks, while the organic trash of the brown container every week. Of course there was a big discomfort for citizens, as they had to live with their own trash for 2 weeks and 1 whole week with their organic

residues, but the Generalitat de Catalunya shared some “tips” about how to go through that month. The first tip was: ‘think and rethink about your grocery shopping and all the single-use packaging you will be throwing away right away’, this was for stopping the immediate generation of trash, the less waste you generated, the less waste you had to live with. That was the most important advice, followed by: ‘try doing a compost at home’, for the organic residues which were the most difficult to “live with”. The first 2 weeks citizens were freaking out, especially because they realized the real amount of trash they were generating, they started to turn their consumption attention from ‘everyday brands’ that used single-use packaging, to bulk stores in their neighborhoods (because during quarantine you could not go far from home) and bulk stores online. The next 2 weeks they kind of got used to it, but the decrease in waste generation was not significant. The real challenge came when the quarantine had to be extended for at least another month. At the end of the first month citizens realized that the need for reducing waste was a priority, not just for the environment itself,

but for them, as they were the ones sharing their own, private space with trash. That is when the real change happened. The second month showed important decreases in waste generation and it seemed most of the people were getting comfortable with bulk stores, getting their own containers and not having to buy single-use containers that were not at least compostable anymore. After the quarantine, citizens demanded more regulations for bulk selling and buying, gaining terrain from those “normalized” brands that were so strong before but did not care about the damage they were doing to the environment. The government started to work on the regulations because the citizens demanded it, certain types of packaging were penalized and brands had to adjust to the new regulations, gaining the consumer’s trust again slowly. That is how, as of today, Catalunya has reduced its waste production by 4.3% since the COVID emergency, and the result of everyone (citizens, government and companies) working together for a better good. Right now, the next step could be designing containers that can be used for different brands or different product types and a system to return them to be cleaned and pick up a “new” one for groceries.



lot of things have changed in the past year. We have seen some all-time highs and some deep lows. We see a new balance now. High death rates but low healthcare capacity, high debts and low markets, high temperature and low pollution in cities. High screen times, low travel time. Some of these were unimaginable, some were considered unreachable. The way we live our lives now are highly designed by the times of corona. Unprecedented, capitalism has cracked and is allowing for a more distributed network of making things. This practice is however

limited, at the individual level - like making and growing of food. Communities have come together virtually to make and distrubute in novel ways, more complex things - even medical equiptment! Knowledge sharing is abundant and the . Participating in production has made people more mindful of their consumption habits. Daily consumables, food are made in communities. A lot of people in the world turned vegetarian, when they were challenged to kill their animal before they eat them. Hunting remains a right of passage to eat meat. Clothes, and construction are crafted

at a local level. These things take time, because everything is produced by order, so as to keep no waste inventory. People therefore plan their need in advance, and therefore buying things on a whim is no longer a practice. Some new industried have started popping up - comfort or needs have different, their own places. The Adjuntament has now declared the 22@ innovation hub of Poblenou, as a test ground for picking up the right things. Fab City is no longer an initiative, it is now who we are - self sustainable, collaborative, equal producers as consumers.


12 A special curated edition for a post corona world.

EDITORIAL : Circular Economy




n 2030 we won’t have more new materials. We will have to reuse the existing ones and upcycle the organic waste to create compostable materials. Cities will be inspired by the cyclical mode of production and degradation of biological materials by organisms using limited energy and material resources found within localized conditions. For this reason, we are starting a pilot called ORGANICS MATTER to upcycle organic matter inside the neighbourhood of Poblenou. ORGANICS MATTER is a microfactory where some of the industrial organic waste is collected to be upcycled in new compostable materials. At the moment they

are starting with eggshells, seafood, coffee grounds, coffee peels and cellulosic plants as onions and garlics. The waste is collected once a weeb by the different bars, restaurants, coffee roasters, fishermen and industrial factories of Poblenou. This microfactory is located inside FabLab BCN and has different spaces to prepare the upcycled waste: classification room, treatment with hot temperature and water, drying process, growing room, vacuum storage, crusher machine, mixer machine among others. Once the waste is prepared there are several tools that transform the material into an application through: cast-

ing molds, injection machine, extrusion machine, 3D paste printing, CNC, laser cutting, thermoforming and heating molds. At the moment ORGANICS MATTER is manufacturing compostable packaging for shops and industries. They are also starting to do research on food packaging. On the other hand, they have a brand called: made in Poblenou. This brand is made by local design studios that want to make small productions such as eyewear and lamps from biopolymers. Finally once the product has done its function, it can go directly to the home compost or in the garden compost and it’s transformed it into nutrients.

“We’ve already got enough stuff out there, We’ve extracted enough resources from our planet, and We just need to circulate those resources around,” - sara arnold



nce, clothing was a pure necessity, protecting our naked bodies against environmental conditions and cruel weather, covering our fragile and intimate areas. Since the industrial revolution, fashion has become a synonym for cruelty, human gluttony, status and insanity. The fabrics made mainly of extracted oil have choked up the planet as they smudged the filthy black stains on all living and nonliving compounds of our nature. The innocent little black dress hanging in your wardrobe is unfortunately no exception. Coronavirus has arguably committed a vast damage on human lives however, it has also blessed us with medicine for addiction and forced the doors of retails to shut and speed of production lines to pause. It has blessed us with time to reflect and with bravery for committing huge systemic changes required by the urgent situations. “We need to take a similar approach in facing climate emergencies and we need to address and cut the unnecessary out of the system. Coronavirus has shown us the world keeps rotating even without fashion production wheels. The epidemic has given us a sample of a vibrant green world caused by radical cuts in production, ” says Paloma Wool representative from Associació Moda Sostenible. Months after the quarantine, various movements have emerged, aiming to cut the production of clothing to a

bare minimum. Associació Moda Sostenible Barcelona has become the leading movement in Spain. In collaboration with Ajuntamento Barcelona, Ateneu de Fabricacio and FabLabs, they achieved complete shutdown of a stream of unsustainable fabrics into the city and brought up a new system with an approach of designing for scarcity. Circular economy is now not an option, it is becoming the new normal. “We’ve already got enough stuff out there, we’ve extracted enough resources from our planet, and we just need to circulate those resources around,” Paloma Said. Therefore the vision of the new system consists of purely biodegradable fabrics, produced from citizens organic waste (which is where main research currently is), 3d printed items and upcycled items. The popular option for parents has became the 3D printed origami extendable clothing for children in growth process. Ateneu Fabricacio has came up with the new system of algorithmic up cycling allowing for personalisation from existing stock limited and optimised through the use of as little material as possible. This shifted the production methods to purely on-demand-production. Minimalism and post-consumerism will be the new normal, bringing hopeful treat for never-ending dissatisfaction of the old materialism. Do you remember fast fashion?



t has now been a year since COVID-19 entered our lives, and more than nine months since the whole planet has been on quarantine. During this time, the way our society functions has drastically changed. The way we consume and learn, the way we work, how we exercise, the way we manage our health, how we socialize, and we communicate adapted to a new status quo. This crisis was a tough ordeal for humanity as a whole, but through our struggle to overcome it, we have emerged stronger and equipped with new ways and ideas to run our society more humanely and respectfully. Coronavirus, like climate emergence, is partly a problem of our economic structure

which is not environmentally sustainable. Although both appear to be “environmental” or “natural” problems, they are in reality socially driven. It has now become clear that uncontrolled human intervention in the ecosystem results in creating unbearable conditions for humanity itself. However, the counter crisis measures have also shown that when working together, humanity through discipline and the strength of human will, can find new ways to overcome not only these harsh conditions but also correct the mistakes of the past. The conditions that we lived in during the quarantine indicated that it is not just necessary but also possible to decrease movement and transfer of humans and

goods to the needed. This has inspired new environmental legislation that will permanently restrict car movement, both personal and commercial. From now on, each family will be allowed to have only one car strictly. This will enhance the already huge shift in production of cars as well as car consumables that would now decrease dramatically. Vast stockpiles of new, low priced car tyres, will add to the ones we already have. For that reason, IaaC is working on new ways of collecting tyre crumbles and powder, and through sustainable and environmentally friendly processes -such as injection moulding or 3d printing- turn them to useful base material for the fabrication of much-needed products.

Fig 46. Tzika, Zoe; Restou, Ergina; Barankova, Natalia; Parikh, MItalee; Garduño, Elsa; Freixas, Laura (2020). Future Scenario after Covid-19 [Newspaper].


My New Me

I took everything I could from the Barcelona flat and took it in my wheeled suitcase. Instead of taking clothes, I took the things that could be most useful for my personal project of MDEF and Fab Academy. In Barcelona I had to leave mycelium samples and some of the ingredients I was using for the project.

At first I was a little shocked by the new routine: online classes, online meetings, online corrections, online group work... There were weeks that I spent more than 20 hours in front of the computer doing online video conferences. Luckily we have been able to rest a few weeks from so many video conferences and it seems that this third quarter the online interaction will be a little more controlled. At the moment, my work routine consists of doing about 8/10 hours a day of work from Monday to Friday and looking to disconnect on weekends. Another important part of my routine is looking to get 1 hour of exercise a day, sunbathe if possible and eat less quantity and healthier ingredients. I really miss running and hiking in the mountains and making plans with my friends. Fig 47.1. Freixas, Laura (2020). Collage of my new me during Covid-19 [Photo].

This situation we are experiencing was not within our plans. It seems incredible how things can change in less than a month. When I heard the news about Wuhan, I saw the situation very far away and thought that I was not going to make it to Europe. But it came and in what way! The week of March 9 to 13 we lived it with much uncertainty and unknowns about what was going to happen. I realized that until after Easter I would surely not be able to return to Barcelona, ​​and that has been the case, but it seems that it will last longer.

Designing in Emergent Contexts: Covid-19 | 141 6.3

My New Design Space

Fig 47.2. Freixas, Laura (2020). Collage of my new design space during Covid-19 [Photo].

My Kitchen

oil vinegar



My Desktop


fresh air clock

pens glasses


blender syringe


water computer



cutting mat


My Workspace Right now the workspaces and social interaction have been transformed and everything happens at home. Luckily I can change my workspace and this helps me focus more. There are days that I feel like reading articles or writing from my bed, then I go to my desk all morning and in the afternoon I move to the “workshop / kitchen� space where I do tests with the materials and tools I have at my fingertips. Who was going to say that the Master in Design for Emergent Futures we were going to do it from our own home.



Mapping My Domestic Experimental Laboratory







Trying compostable glasses

Experimenting at home

Lessons in class

Remix Experimenting

Taking coffee waste

Preparing mycelium

Secil & Zoe 3D printing

Remix Meetings

Planning to mill a mold

Collaborating with Judith

FabLab Machines

Remix Tools

Laser and CNC cutting

Sterilizing mycelium food


Mycelium Samples

Taking coffee waste

Growing glasses in a mold


Remix Meetings

Secil & Zoe 3D printing

My flatmates








Before Covid-19

Designing in Emergent Contexts: Covid-19 | 143

Mapping My Domestic Experimental Laboratory





My desktop

My desktop

My workspace

My kitchen

Online Lessons

Remix Experiences

Blue City Lab Webminars

My project

MDEF Meetings

Remix Meetings

Jess & Pop-machina

Jesse MA CSM

MDEF Mighty Network

Remix Workshop on Muraly


Blender machine



Plants from Òria

Plants experimentations

Group 2 Design Dialogues

Remix & AbonoKm0

Exploring packagings









During Covid-19

Hyper Local / Glob Intervention Chapter 7 7.1 Growth Plan 7.2 Map of interactions & Collaborations 7.3 Fab City Full Stack 7.4 Circular Product 7.4.1 Case Study #03: Òria Cosmètica 7.4.2 Òria Plants & Wood 7.4.3 Reflection

7.5 Controlling Composta 7.5.1 DIY observat 7.5.2 Water Solub 7.5.3 Soil Compos 7.5.4 How does co 7.5.5 Compost be 7.5.6 Typologies o 7.5.7 Conditions o

bal ns

ability tions at home bility stability omposting work? enefits of compost of composting process

7.5.8 Plastics suitable for home composting 7.5.9 Abono Km0 7.5.10 Reflection 7.6 Organic Matters 7.6.1 Social Feedback 7.6.2 Material Platform Forms 7.6.3 Reflection


Growth Plan

Term 2 & 3 Interventions







Biomaterial Explorations

Production Tools

Biomaterial Infrastructure

What if we upcycle the organic waste of Poblenou and transform it into compostable applications to program its life cycle?

Which kind of artisanal and digital production tools could be useful to produce biomaterial applications?

How are urban ecosystems going to integrate these cyclical production systems?

Objectives · Experiment with chitosan, cellulose, coffee grounds and mycelium.

Objectives · Use casting, 3D printing and growing techniques.

Objectives · Describe the purpose, capacity, tools, spaces and material flow of each production system.

· Look for interesting properties to make compostable glasses and packaging. · Colaborate with other material designers (Judith, Secil, Zoe, and Remix El Barrio team).

· Learn how to control 3D printing softwares (Rhino, Grasshopper and Repetier). · Look for advantages and disadvantages of each technology.

How could it be the biomaterial flow and microfactories of Poblenou?

· Online WKSP with “Remix El Barrio” to build a future scenario of the circular production in the neighbourhood. · Adapt and transform FabLab BCN to a microfactory of Poblenou.



Hyper Global / Local Interventions | 147

Organic Matters









Circular Product

Controlling Compostability

Organic Matters

What do we need to create a circular and local product?

How can we control compostability of biomaterials?

How to build a biomaterial designers platform?

Objectives · Create a product that meets a local need from organic waste.

Objectives · Define what types of compost exist, what parameters affect the compound and what nutrients they provide.

Objectives · Define the project’s mission, vision, objectives, values, communication and identity of organic matters lab and hub platform.

· Visualize how composting phases works.

· Share biomaterial experiments through my Instagram account: @organicmatters.lab

· Analyze its life cycle and the impacts it generates. · Define the necessary production infrastructure and scalability. · Propose packaging that can be composted for the organic soap from Oria Cosmetics. · Define for who I am designing: local productors (Òria).

· Analyze how the material’s experiments are degraded in water and soil at home. · Understand home composting regulations and compostable polymers. · Abono Km0 online presentation.

· Make a form to ask what are the productive needs of biomaterial designers. · Interview people from the circular economy sector and potential product users via Instagram Stories and Google Form surveys.

Coffee Peels

Taller Esfèrica

Coffee Grounds

Design Studio

Nomad Coffee

Material Producer

Barcelona Judith Gómez

Mycelium Expert FabLabBCN

3D Extruding Experts

Material Designers Community (REMIX)

Secil Asfar

Marion Real

Zoe Tzika

Milena Juarez

Eduardo Chamorro

Anastasia Pistofidou

Santi Fuentemilla


Naif Factory





Organic Matters


Ă’ria Cosmètica


Material Producer


Typeform Platform

REMIX El Barrio

MaDe Material Designers Community


MDEF Pop-Machina

Material Futures CSM

Blue City Lab Iaac

Jess Guy

Jesse Adler

Futureproof Packaging Elisava


Fig 48. Freixas, Laura (2020). Connections with communities [Diagram].

Bay Leaf

Map of Interactions & Collaborations with Organic Matters


What do we need to make a circular product by upcycling organic leftovers?

Hyper Global / Local Interventions | 151


Fab City Full Stack

Fig 49. FabLab (2019). Fab City Full Stack [Diagram].

The Fab City Global Initiative is envisioning and constructing possible urban futures by working at multiple and interconnected scales

Circular Product Fig 50. Freixas, Laura (2020). MyceliumTests [Photo].

7.4 Intervention 4

Circular Product

What do we need to create a circular and local product?

Objectives · Create a product that meets a local need from organic waste. · Analyze its life cycle and the impacts it generates. · Define the necessary production infrastructure and scalability. · Propose packaging that can be composted for the organic soap from Oria Cosmetics. · Define for who I am designing: local productors (Òria). ___________________________________________________ Methodology · Scientific Research · Material Recipe Referents · Experiments · Document · Analyse · Iterate

7.4.1 Intervention 4


Fig 51.1. Danés, Alba (2018). Òria Cosmètica Products [Photos].

Òria Cosmètica

Òria Cosmètica Natural i Artesanal (La Fageda, Olot) Òria is an aromatologist, social educator and nature lover. From these hydrolates and essential oils she started to make homemade creams, oil synergies and other preparations. Throughout these years she has been specializing at a formal level in this fascinating field, studying aromatherapy, botany, formulation of natural cosmetics and, above all, learning self-taught.

Fig 51.2. Danés, Alba (2018). Òria Cosmètica Soap [Photo].

Hyper Global / Local Interventions | 155

Toxic free products My products are totally natural. Free of dyes, perfumes and synthetic preservatives. They are made without oils, paraffins or chemical products derived from petroleum or petrochemicals. Respectful with life They are not tested on animals. Hydrolates and oils are 100% vegan. I only use beeswax for creams. I buy it from a family of local producers who work with great respect for the animals and the product. To care for skin and soul They are related to your body and have natural components that reinforce the functions of your skin. But not only that, since thanks to the virtues of aromatherapy they also have beneficial effects on your mood and emotions.

Fig 51.3. Danés, Alba (2018). Òria Cosmètica Brand [Photo].

From the pyrenees to your skin Wild, sustainable and respectful collection, between 800 and 2000 meters high, in the Catalan Pyrenees and pre-Pyrenees. The plants that I cannot find in these areas due to their climate, I buy from producers who work with high quality.

A soap box for Òria Cosmètica

Material Needs Òria needed a container to store a solid soap bar of dimensions (7x7x2cm). This bar of soap can be purchased in bulk or if you want to make a gift, it could be purchased with a compostable box. This box must cover the following requirements: · See the color of the soap at first sight. · Be able to smell the soap. · Be produced from local organic waste. · Made with compostable materials. · Reuse organic material from the production of Òria.

For my part I have carried out tests with chitosan and mycelium, both resources purchased through the internet. Chitosan comes from a company called Mystic Moments in the UK. The mycelium comes from a company called Bolets de Soca which is located in Hostalets de Balenyà. The tests done with chitosan and aromatic plants have not had good results but those of mycelium have.

Fig 51.4. Freixas, Laura (2020). Òria Cosmètica Surplus [Photos].

Extraction of the Waste Òria uses aromatic plants from her garden (La Fageda) and also reuses pieces of wood from local producers in Olot.

Thyme Rosemary Bay Leaf Cedarwood

Hyper Global / Local Interventions | 157

"A Material Designer detect unused materials from technical or natural flows and transform them into circular materials by using their design attitudes”. MaDe

Fig 51.5. Freixas, Laura (2020). Material Explorations and Òria Cosmètica Soap [Photos].

7.4.2 Intervention 4

Fig 51.6. Freixas, Laura (2020). Designing a mold [Photo & Screenshot].

Òria Plants, Wood & Mold Explorations

The idea of this intervention is to carry out tests with different materials: chitosan, mycelium, pieces of wood and aromatic plants from Òria Cosmètica. Being at home due to Covid-19 and not having access to all the materials I need implies having to organize with the resources I have on hand and being a bit creative. Cardboard molds I started making molds with cardboard and plasticine, but when working with solutions in water it was difficult to remove the mold and it did not have good results. Using existing molds from home The second test was with existing molds that I had at home: silicone, plastic, glass, ceramic. The results with silicone and plastic were the ones that worked best since the material did not stick to the walls of the mold and the final piece came out whole. "Silicon" mold Seeing that the silicone molds were working I tried to make a mold with foam and covered it with the silicone hot glue sticks. When I put the mold in the oven at 50ºC to dry the material tests I saw that it melted a little. Plaster mold Next I decided to try a plaster mold. I repeated the mold with foam and covered it with the plaster. It was a process that would have worked if you had taken into account the thickness of the plaster walls. Using existing molds from home Finally I decided that to grow the mycelium I was going to use existing molds that I had at home and that were waterproof and suitable for disinfecting with alcohol since the mycelium needs a sterilized medium to grow without contamination from other organisms.

Hyper Global / Local Interventions | 159

Experimenting how to make a circular product in my home lab. Step #1: prototyping my first cardboard molds and experimenting with home organic leftovers.

Step #2: using home molds of silicone, plastic, glass and ceramic and experimenting with Òria cosmetic’s leftovers (thyme, rosemary and bay leaf).

Step #4: trying to make a mold with plaster and foam.

Step #5: growing mycelium inside silicone, glass and plastic molds and feeding with Òria cosmetic’s leftovers (thyme, rosemary, bay leaf and cedarwood).

This intervention is still in the process to be continued.

Fig 51.7. Freixas, Laura (2020). Making a mold iterations [Photos].

Step #3: prototyping my first DIY silicone mold.

Fig 51.8. Freixas, Laura (2020). Mycelium and aromatic plants Explorations for Ă’ria Cosmètica Soap [Photos].

Fig 51.9. Freixas, Laura (2020). Mycelium feeding with aromatic plants from Ă’ria Cosmètica [Photos].

Hyper Global / Local Interventions | 161

Fig 51.10. Freixas, Laura (2020). Quote: Make things, not waste [Photo].

Fig 51.11. Freixas, Laura (2020). Mycelium feeding with plants from Òria Cosmètica and coffee from Nomad [Photo].

Hyper Global / Local Interventions | 163

Fig 51.12. Freixas, Laura (2020). Mycelium growing inside a Lego mold [Photo].

Fig 51.13. Freixas, Laura (2020). Mycelium growing inside a thermoformed Lego mold [Photo].

7.4.3 Intervention 4


What do we need to create a circular and local product?

___________________________________________________ Conclusion This fourth intervention has helped me to see what involves making a circular product with organic waste from a local producer in my own house during the quarantine: 1/ Explain the project and show the material explorations to forge a collaboration with the local producer. 2/ Meet and go to collect organic waste in the local producer place. 3/ Evaluate the possibilities of each waste and how it could be processed. 4/ Prepare the kitchen space, tools and molds to do the experiments. 5/ Define the recipes, which will be the ingredients, quantities and processes of each exploration. 6/ Take photos of the material preparation process. 7/ Let the material dry naturally in the kitchen, on the terrace in the sun or in the oven. 8/ Evaluate the qualitative properties of the material. If it needs to improve, rethink the mateiral recipe and iterate. 9/ Take photos of the material to generate documentation of the results. 10/ Communicate the results with the local producer. 11/ Test the material with the final product of the producer with whom you will be in contact. 12/ Do a compostability test of the material to understand under what conditions it is composted. 13/ Analyze the life cycle and impacts of the developed material. If it’s necessary rethink the recipe. 14/ Think how to scale the production process.

Finally I would like to say that I’ve enjoyed this process of making and analyzing a circular product. Being part of all this process has motivate me to understand better how circular production could be implemented more efficiently in a future.

Controlling Compostability

Fig 52. Freixas, Laura (2020). Solubility Tests [Photo].

7.5 Intervention 5

Controlling Compostability

How can we control compostability of biomaterials?

Objectives · Define what types of compost exist, what parameters affect the compound and what nutrients they provide. · Visualize how composting phases works. · Analyze how the material’s experiments are degraded in water and soil at home. · Understand home composting regulations and compostable polymers. ___________________________________________________ Methodology · Scientific Research · Experts Consultancy · Set the Experiments · Document · Analyse · Iterate

7.5.1 Intervention 5

DIY observations at home water solubility & soil compostability From April 5th to June 15th I have been periodically observing the biodegradation of my material explorations: #C3 4g chitosan 9ml vinegar 5ml glycerol 100ml water #C6 4g chitosan 9ml vinegar 5ml glycerol 7g powder cellulose 100ml water

On the one hand, I have been looking at the water solubility of the samples, that is, what changes occur in the material made of chitosan and cellulose when immersed in water in a closed container on the outside On the other hand, I have been looking at compostability on land, that is, what changes occur in the material when it is half buried inside a closed container outside.

Fig 53.1. Freixas, Laura (2020). Chitosan and Cellulose Compositions [Photo].

#C14 16g chitosan 36ml vinegar 20ml glycerol 15g powder cellulose 200ml water

Hyper Global / Local Interventions | 171

Chitosan + Cellulose #C6

Chitosan #C3

Chitosan + Cellulose #C14

Water Solubility

500ml water 1g material #C6

500ml water 1g material #C3

100ml water 1g material #C14


40g soil 1g material #C6

40g soil 1g material #C3

40g soil 1g material #C14

Material Samples








Fig 53.2. Freixas, Laura (2020). Chitosan and Cellulose DIY compostability and water solubility observations [Photo].

Composition Exp. 5 April 2020 6 April 2020 7 April 2020 8 April 2020 9 April 2020 10 April 2020




500ml water 1g material #C6

500ml water 1g material #C3

100ml water 1g material #C14

4g chitosan 9ml vinegar 5ml glycerol 7ml powder cellulose 100ml water

4g chitosan 9ml vinegar 5ml glycerol 100ml water

16g chitosan 36ml vinegar 20ml glycerol 15g powder cellulose 200ml water


500ml water 1g material #C6

500ml water 1g material #C3

100ml water 1g material #C14

4g chitosan 9ml vinegar 5ml glycerol 100ml water

16g chitosan 36ml vinegar 20ml glycerol 15g powder cellulose 200ml water

Water Solubility


4g chitosan 9ml vinegar 5ml glycerol 7ml powder cellulose 100ml water

7.5.2 Intervention 5


Fig 53.3. Freixas, Laura (2020). Chitosan and Cellulose water solubility observations [Photos].

15 June 2020

21 May 2020

4 May 2020

17 April 2020

15 April 2020

12 April 2020



Hyper Global / Local Interventions | 173

Composition Exp. 5 April 2020 6 April 2020 7 April 2020 8 April 2020 9 April 2020 10 April 2020




500ml water 1g material #C6

500ml water 1g material #C3

40g soil 1g material #C14

4g chitosan 9ml vinegar 5ml glycerol 7ml powder cellulose 100ml water

4g chitosan 9ml vinegar 5ml glycerol 100ml water

16g chitosan 36ml vinegar 20ml glycerol 15g powder cellulose 200ml water



500ml water 1g material #C6

500ml water 1g material #C3

100ml water 1g material #C14

4g chitosan 9ml vinegar 5ml glycerol 100ml water

16g chitosan 36ml vinegar 20ml glycerol 15g powder cellulose 200ml water

7.5.3 Intervention 5

4g chitosan 9ml vinegar 5ml glycerol 7ml powder cellulose 100ml water

Soil Compostability


Fig 53.4. Freixas, Laura (2020). Chitosan and Cellulose soil compostability observations [Photos].

15 June 2020

21 May 2020

4 May 2020

17 April 2020

15 April 2020

12 April 2020



Hyper Global / Local Interventions | 175

7.5.4 Intervention 5

How does composting work?

It is a technique that imitates nature to transform -in a more accelerated way- all kinds of organic remains, in what is called compost or mulch, which after its application on the surface of our land will be associated with humus, which is the essence of good living of a healthy, fertile and balanced soil in nature.

Fig 54. Abarrataldea (2020). Energy and nutrients conversion [Diagram].

This technique is based on a biological process (full of life), which is carried out under aerobic fermentation conditions (with air), with sufficient humidity and which ensures a hygienic transformation of organic remains into a homogeneous food and highly assimilable by our soils. . In this biological process, the microbial population intervenes, such as Bacteria, Actomycetes, and Fungi, which are responsible for 95% of the activity of composting and also algae, protozoa, and cyanophyceae. In addition, macroorganisms such as springtails, mites, earthworms and others from many other species also intervene in the final phase of this process.

Diagram from:

Fig 55. Abarrataldea (2020). Compostability phases [Diagram].

Hyper Global / Local Interventions | 177

The composting or composting process can be divided into four periods, depending on the evolution of temperature: Mesolithic The plant mass is at room temperature and mesophilic microorganisms multiply rapidly. As a consequence of metabolic activity, the temperature rises and organic acids are produced that lower the pH. Thermophilic When a temperature of 40 ยบC is reached, the thermophilic microorganisms act transforming the nitrogen into ammonia and the pH of the medium becomes alkaline. At 60 ยบC these thermophilic fungi disappear and sporagenic bacteria and actinomycetes appear. These microorganisms are in charge of breaking down waxes, proteins and hemicelluloses.

Cooling When the temperature is below 60 ยบC, the thermophilic fungi reappear, reinvating the mulch and decomposing the cellulose. When it drops below 40ยบC, the mesophiles also restart their activity and the pH of the medium drops slightly. Ripening It is a period that requires months at room temperature, during which secondary reactions of condensation and polymerization of the humus occur.

7.5.5 Intervention 5

Compost benefits

We will save on fertilizers Making compost with our remains we will not need to buy fertilizers or substrates, since we will have them at home for free and of high quality. We will save on garbage collection It is estimated that between 40 and 50% of a household garbage bag is made up of organic waste. It is an absurd expense to pay because these remains and those of lawn mowing and mowing - many times tens of kilometers - are collected, moved and piled up to rot or burn, being able to transform them into a rich compost in our own house or immediate environment with the consequent savings. We will contribute to reducing pollution The closer we take advantage of organic waste, the more fuel consumption for transport will be reduced, there will be less accumulation of waste in landfills and we will contribute to a notable reduction of toxic substances and harmful gases in them, since organic waste is dumped in landfills. rot (anaerobic system), wrapped with all kinds of inorganic materials. Of course we will also avoid the pollution produced by burning them. We will improve the health of the soil and plants The compost obtained from our organic waste can be used to improve and strengthen the soil of the lawn, shrubs, trees and orchards, with a quality of assimilation incomparably superior to that of chemical substances or substrates of unknown origin that we buy, since compost invigorates the soil and favors the activity of microbial life, prevents erosion and leachate of nutrients and in general enhances and favors all the biological activity of soils, which is the best guarantee for preventing pests and diseases in the vegetables.

Fig 56. Planeta Huerto (2020). Organic Matter Cycle [Illustration].

Hyper Global / Local Interventions | 179

7.5.6 Intervention 5

Typologies of compost

Compost on surface It consists of spreading on the ground (never burying or wrapping) a thin layer of organic material (less than 10 cm.), Leaving it to decompose and gradually penetrate the ground. As the natural process of incorporation into the soil occurs, new remains are spread in a continuous process. The more crumbled it is the faster the absorption will be but also the more quickly some nutrients will be lost. This composting is mainly used in orchards and serves as mulch for the soil, which in turn prevents the evaporation of humidity and the birth of unwanted herbs and even protects against frost in cold seasons. The living organisms in the soil are the ones that will give a good account of the scattered remains and will be in charge of incorporating them into the different levels of the soil. Surface composting has its limitations for use in orchards, as some crops such as beans and carrots do not support this type of fermentation well. Even so, this difficulty can be overcome with an adequate distribution of the plants and this type of composting in the garden. Compost in heap When there is an abundant and varied amount of vegetable and organic waste (about 1m3 or more), this type of composting can be carried out, which in turn has a large number of variants and of which we propose some: plant pruning, waste vegetables and manure, conifers and leaves.

The drawer or silo is very easy to prepare A drawer made of any type of material with a sufficient volume to contain all the organic waste that we are producing for at least four months. It has no bottom since direct contact between the earth and the remains is essential; It must have ventilation holes on all sides. We will cover the upper part to better control the humidity, although it is also convenient to have small ventilation holes and some humidity to enter; This part will dump waste. One of its side faces will be prepared to open and allow better access to the pile. At the bottom of this side we will incorporate a small hatch where you can take out the compost already prepared. Composting in these bins or silos can operate continuously, respecting humidity and ventilation conditions.

Fig 57. Abarrataldea (2020). Compost Recipe [Diagram].

Hyper Global / Local Interventions | 181

Fig 58. Abarrataldea (2020). Basic parameters that affect compost [Diagram].

Hyper Global / Local Interventions | 183 7.5.7 Intervention 5

Conditions that affect the composting process

As mentioned, the composting process is based on the activity of microorganisms that live in the environment, since they are responsible for the decomposition of organic matter. In order for these microorganisms to live and develop decomposing activity, optimal conditions of temperature, humidity and oxygenation are required. The factors that intervene in the biological process of composting are many and very complex, being in turn influenced by the environmental conditions, type of waste to be treated and the type of composting technique used. The most important factors are: Temperature Temperatures in the range 35-55 ยบC are considered optimal to achieve the elimination of pathogens, parasites and weed seeds. At very high temperatures, many microorganisms interesting for the process die and others do not act when they are spoiled. Humidity In the composting process it is important that the humidity reaches optimum levels of 40-60%. If the moisture content is higher, the water will occupy all the pores and therefore the process would become anaerobic, that is, a putrefaction of the organic matter would occur. If the humidity is excessively low, the activity of the microorganisms is decreased and the process is slower. The moisture content will depend on the raw materials used. For fibrous materials or thick forest residues, the maximum allowable humidity is 75-85%, while for fresh plant material, it ranges from 50-60%. pH It influences the process due to its action on microorganisms. In general, fungi tolerate a pH range between 5-8, while bacteria have a lower tolerance capacity (pH = 6-7.5).

Oxygen Composting is an aerobic process, so the presence of oxygen is essential. The oxygen concentration will depend on the type of material, texture, humidity, tumbling frequency and the presence or absence of forced aeration. Balanced C / N ratio Carbon and nitrogen are the two basic constituents of organic matter. Therefore, to obtain a good quality compost it is important that there is a balanced relationship between both elements. Theoretically a C / N ratio of 25-35 is adequate, but this will vary depending on the raw materials that make up the compost. If the C / N ratio is very high, the biological activity decreases. A very low C / N ratio does not affect the composting process, losing excess nitrogen in the form of ammonia. It is important to properly mix the different residues with different C / N ratios to obtain a balanced compost. Organic carbon-rich and nitrogen-poor materials include straw, dry hay, leaves, twigs, peat, and sawdust. The poor in carbon and rich in nitrogen are young vegetables, animal manure and slaughterhouse waste. Microbial population Composting is an aerobic process of decomposition of organic matter, carried out by a wide range of populations of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes.

7.5.8 Intervention 5

Biodegradable plastics suitable for home composting Australian Standard / AS 5810 (2010) This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee EV-017, Degradability of Plastics, to assist authorities that regulate polymeric materials entering into the Australian market, and ensure product quality with respect to biodegradability and toxicity claims. This Standard forms part of a series of test methods and performance standards to enable certification bodies to validate and, if appropriate, support claims. The Environment Protection and Heritage Council agreed to initiate the development of Australian Standards on degradation of plastics for disposal environments in Australia. The objective being to reduce accumulation of polymeric waste materials in the environment by composting, and other aerobic and anaerobic microbial degradation. This Standard applies the principles of AS4736—2006, Biodegradable plastics— Biodegradable plastics suitable for composting and other microbial treatment, to determine the suitability of biodegradable plastics for home composting. In the preparation of this Standard, the Committee also referred to the following: (a) OK Compost HOME: Initial acceptance tests, Program OK 2 Home compostability of products, AIB-VINCOTTE International, Edition C. (b) AIB-VINCOTTE International, Edition C. (c) ISO 17088:2008, Specifications for compostable plastics.

Test methods and limit values for compost may be introduced into future revisions of this Standard as more experience is gained. The term ‘informative’ has been used in this Standard to define the application of the appendix to which it applies. An ‘informative’ appendix is only for information and guidance.

CONTENTS 1 Scope 2 Referenced Documents 3 Definitions 4 General Requirements and Considerations 5 Assessment 6 Recording of Assessment Outcome 7 Organization of Theme Scheme _____________________________________________________

1 Scope This Standard specifies requirements and procedures to determine whether a plastic material is biodegradable in home composting conditions and provides the basis to allow labelling of materials or products made from plastics as ‘home compostable’, for use in home composting systems. This Standard stipulates pass/fail criteria addressing biodegradability, disintegration during biological treatment, effect on the biological treatment process and effect on the quality of the resulting home compost. Home composting systems vary considerably in their design, construction and operation; hence their performance also varies considerably compared to commercial composting facilities. Consequently, this Standard, in comparison to AS 4736, uses lower temperatures in test environments and a longer test duration, to account for such variations in home composting performance.

2 Referenced Documents AS 4454 and 4736 AS ISO 14582 and 14855 ISO 10634, 14851 and 20200 ASTM E1676 EN13432

3 Definitions

5 Assessment

Biodegradability The ability of organic substances to be broken down by micro-organisms in the presence of oxygen (aerobic) to carbon dioxide, water, biomass and mineral salts or any other elements that are present (mineralization).

5.1 Designation The plastic product or plastic component shall only be designated as ‘home compostable’ if all the criteria set out in this Clause 5 are met.

Component A part of a plastic product that can be separated by hand or by using simple physical means. Composting The aerobic degradation of organic matter to make compost. Constituent The chemical materials and substances of which a plastic is composed. Disintegration The physical breakdown of material into very small fragments (ISO 20200). Home compost The product of privately or home generated organic waste, such as food, garden and paper product waste, which has been subjected to composting, and which product is applied to private property soils without any commercial transaction. Home compost system A system to produce home compost. Plastic A material that contains large molecular weight organic polymeric substances as an essential ingredient. Reference substance A micro-crystalline cellulose powder with known characteristics for comparison with samples under test. Total dry solids The amount of solids obtained by drying material at 105–110°C to a constant weight. Volatile solids The amount of solids obtained by subtracting the residues of a material after incineration at 550–580°C from the total dry solids content. The volatile solids content is an indication of the amount of organic matter in the material.

5.2 Assessment Assessment of plastics shall include the following four procedures, which are covered in Clauses 5.3 to 5.6: (a) Characterization. (b) Biodegradability. (c) Disintegration. (d) Compost quality (including toxicity).

only for information and guidance. 5.3 Characterization 5.3.1 General Characterization is the determination of the constituents of plastics. This is important because some constituents can be harmful to the environment. 5.3.2 Criteria Each plastic under investigation shall be identified and characterized prior to testing as follows: (a) The information about and identification of each component of the plastic (e.g. thickness) shall be determined or obtained, and recorded. (b) The volatile solids content of the plastic shall be determined and recorded. The plastic shall maintain a minimum of 50% of volatile solids. (c) The presence of heavy metals and other toxic and hazardous substances shall be determined and recorded. The concentration of any constituent present in a plastic shall not exceed the value given in Table 1. (d) The organic carbon content and total dry solids of the plastic shall be determined and recorded. (e) The thickness of the plastic shall be determined and recorded. (f) The colour constituents of the plastic shall be determined and recorded. NOTE: Colourants can affect the outcomes of test, in particular, ecotoxicity.

5.4 Biodegradability 5.4.1 General This process involves the alteration of the chemical structure of plastic brought about by biological action, resulting in the loss of a specific property of the substance. Biodegradability shall be determined for all organic constituents of the plastic as a total material including dyes, inks and colours. 5.4.2 Aerobic biodegradability Criteria Test samples shall not be subjected to conditions that will accelerate biodegradation prior to testing. The maximum period of this test shall be 12 months. The test sample shall degrade at least 90% w/w (dry weight) in total or equal to the maximum degradation of a suitable reference substance (see Clause 3.9). The maximum percentage biodegradation of the reference substance shall only be obtained after a plateau has been reached in the rate of biodegradation. The ultimate aerobic biodegradability shall be determined for the whole material or for each organic constituent that is present in the material at a concentration of more than 1% (by dry mass). Constituents that are present at concentrations of less than 1% do not need to demonstrate biodegradability. However, the sum of such constituents shall not exceed 5%. Test method The limit value for biodegradation is based on conversion of the carbon of the test material into carbon dioxide and biomass. The details of calculation depend on the test and analytical methods used. AS ISO 14855 shall be used as the standard test method, unless inappropriate for the type and properties of the plastic under test. When alternative methods are necessary, either ISO 14851 or AS ISO 14852 shall be used. For all test methods (AS ISO 14855, ISO 14851, and AS ISO 14852), the test environment shall be at an ambient temperature of 25 ¹5°C. The temperature shall be kept below 30°C for the duration of the test. Information on how to handle materials having poor water solubility for use in aquatic biodegradation tests may be obtained from ISO 10634.

5.5 Disintegration 5.5.1 General When testing finished articles and products, testing shall be conducted starting with the articles and products in the same form as they are intended to be used. For products and materials that are made in several different thicknesses or densities, such as films, containers and foams, only the thickest or most dense products and materials need to be tested providing the chemical composition and structure remains otherwise the same. Due to the nature and analytical conditions of the disintegration test, the test results cannot differentiate between biodegradation and abiotic disintegration. It shall be demonstrated that a sufficient disintegration of the test material is achieved within the specified treatment time of 180 days. When tests on ecotoxicity are performed it is important to use compost from disintegration tests that have been run with and without the test material to compare the test results directly and to find out any relative ecotoxic effects. Special attention should be given to the visual aspects of compost. NOTES:

1 The compost generated from the disintegration test may be used for assessment of compost quality (see Clause 5.6). 2 If the compost quality of the product has already been assessed under AS 4736, the result from AS 4736 can be used to meet ecotoxicity criteria, as outlined under Clause 5.6.3 of this Standard. 3 Two evaluative methods are available for assessment of disintegration. If a product is to be tested only for disintegration, either ISO 20200 or a slide frame test may be used. If a product is to be tested for disintegration and ecotoxicity in one test series (as per Clause 5.6) it is necessary to use the method as outlined in ISO 20200.

5.5.2 Criteria When tested to ISO 20200 as modified by Clause 5.5.3 below, a plastic product shall be considered to have demonstrated satisfactory disintegration if, after 180 days in a controlled composting test, no more than 10% w/w (dry weight) of the original dry weight of test mater

ial fails to pass through a 2 mm fraction sieve. Any remaining plastic residue shall not be distinguishable from the other material in the compost at 500 mm as observed by the naked eye. For the slide frame test as set out in Clause 5.5.3, the criterion for evaluation is that 90% of the film has disintegrated from the slide frame and any remaining plastic residue shall not be distinguishable from the other material in the compost at 500 mm as observed by the naked eye. 5.5.3 Test Method For measurement of the degree of disintegration either ISO 20200 or 35 mm photographic slide frames may be used. ISO 20200 shall be used with the following modifications: (a) The test environment shall be at a temperature of 25 Âą5°C. (b) The test duration shall be 180 days. If using the slide frame test, the test material shall be prepared as a plastic film clamped to standard 35 mm photographic slide frames (5 cm Ă— 5 cm). The slide frames, mixed with the compost inoculum, shall be incubated at ambient temperatures in the dark. Care shall be taken during regular turning and mixing of the compost to ensure structural integrity of the slides is maintained. At the termination of the test, slide frames shall be retrieved and visually inspected. For measurement of the degree of disintegration and ecotoxicity in one test series, ISO 20200 shall be used, with the following modification: The plastic sample shall be added to the biowaste in a concentration of 10% (wet weight basis) before starting the compost process.

5.6 Compost Quality 5.6.1 General As the quality of compost may be influenced by any plastic added, it is preferable that evaluation of any possible environmental risk attaching to such compost be based upon the best available criteria on compost quality. This may be achieved, for example, by determination of the ecotoxicological effects of the biodegradation products of plastic or by performing ecotoxicological tests with compost produced with and without plastic and comparison of the test results. 5.6.2 Negative effect Criteria The quality of compost produced by a given control waste treatment process shall not be negatively affected by the addition of the plastic under test. The physical and chemical parameters of the compost with and without addition of plastic shall be compared as set out in Clause Test method The following parameters shall be measured in accordance with AS 4454 and used for the comparison:

(a) Volumetric weight (density). (b) Total dry solids. (c) Volatile solids. (d) Salt content. (e) pH value. (f) The presence of total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Report The comparison of the parameters measured in the procedure shall be recorded. 5.6.3 Ecotoxicity General

Any toxicity effect of biodegraded metabolites of plastic can have an adverse effect on plant germination, plant growth and earthworms. Therefore, it is necessary to assess any such effects on those species due to the presence of plastic residues and metabolites. Criteria Ecotoxic effects on two higher plants shall be determined as set out in Clause, using

Appendix E of EN 13432 to compare the compost produced with and without addition of plastic. The germination rate and the plant biomass of the sample composts of both plant species shall be more than 90% of those from the corresponding blank compost. Ecotoxic effects on worms shall be determined by ASTM E1676, if there is greater than 10% difference in the morbidity or mean weight of surviving worms between the treated compost and the control, this criterion is not met. Test method General ASTM E1676 14-day Eisenia fetida earthworm toxicity test shall be used in addition to the plant growth test method in Appendix E of EN 13432. Reference substrate Any reference substrate is suitable if it allows normal seed germination and plant growth. It should preferably have a composition and structure similar to the compost samples. Fertilizers shall not have been added. Suitable reference substrates are given in AS 4454. Test method The samples shall be prepared as follows:

(a) Prepare mixtures of the reference substrate with 25% and 50% (w/w or v/v) of compost. (b) Use the compost obtained after disintegration of the test material (sample compost) and the blank compost, obtained from the parallel process without addition of test material. Procedure The procedure shall be as follows:

(a) Fill each tray with a minimum of 200 g of the samples as in Clause (b) Add as a minimum 100 seeds comprising at least two species as specified in Appendix E of EN 13432, on the top. It is recommended to spread seeds out when planting to reduce the effect of enhanced germination from planting seeds clumped together. (c) Cover the seeds with a thin layer of inert material, such as siliceous sand or perlite. (d) Perform the tests in accordance with ASTM E1676, in three parallels for each mixture. (e) Add water until 70% to 100% of the water holding capacity is reached. (f) Supply distilled water periodically during the whole test duration as needed. It is of advantage to keep the trays in a dark place or to cover them during the germination period Calculation and comparison of results The germination numbers (number of grown plants) and the plant biomass of the sample compost and the blank compost shall be compared in all mixing rates. Both germination rate and biomass shall be calculated as a percent of the corresponding values obtained with the blank compost. .

6 Recording of assessment outcome 6.1 Checklist For each plastic sample the result of each assessment or test undertaken (as required in Clause 5.2) shall be recorded, for example, on an assessment check list. The documentation shall provide for the identification of any supplementary information (including externally sourced technical data) that is necessary to support the conclusions reached in the assessments. The documentation shall be retained and made available for inspection if required. NOTE: A recommended check list is given in Appendix A.

6.2 Supporting Documentation The check list together with any other information (including externally sourced technical data) necessary to support the conclusions reached in the assessments shall be retained and made available for inspection if required.

7 Organizations of a test scheme To be designated ‘home compostable’ the plastic shall meet all the criteria of the five procedures set out in Clause 5.3 to Clause 5.6. There is no requirement for the procedures to be organized in any particular way or sequence. Where required, the disintegration test may also be used to obtain information on any negative effects that the plastic could have on the composting process.

7.5.9 Intervention 5


Abono Km0

Abono Km0 Connecthort: Dr. Trueta, 100 (Poblenou, Barcelona) AbonoKm0 is a decentralized management service for the organic fraction at strategic points in the city for on-site reception and treatment mediated through citizen empowerment, rewarding commitment upon delivery of a valuable product resulting from this process. It is a decentralized, local, participatory, educational and biotechnological program. Cooperates with Connecthort, Barcelona Sostenible and Barcelona Activa.

Fig 59.1. Abono Km0 (2020). Miki and Diego working in Connecthort [Photo].

We are transforming the organic remains of the neighborhood into fertilizers.

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How to take part? 1/ Bring and throw away your organics without the bag to the container available 24 hours. 2/ Earthworms and microfauna transform it in the same garden. 3/ Write us to receive your own 100% ecological, nutritious and locally-based Fertilizer. For free! Where? Connecthort: Dr. Trueta, 100 (Poblenou, Barcelona) Soon also in your neighborhood. Attention: If you have a garden and you want to be a Pass of AbonoKm0. Write us that we will mount it for free in your space.

Fig 59.2. Abono Km0 (2020). Working with compost and vermicompost [Photos].

What to bring? 路 Vegetables 路 Citrus 路 Cooked remains 路 Cardboard and torn paper

Fig 59.3. Abono Km0 (2020). Online webminar about compostability [Screenshots].

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7.5.10 Intervention 5


How can we control compostability of biomaterials? Objectives · Define what types of compost exist, what parameters affect the compound and what nutrients they provide. · Visualize how composting phases works. · Analyze how the material’s experiments are degraded in water and soil at home.

___________________________________________________ Methodology · Scientific Research · Experts Consultancy · Set the Experiments · Document · Analyse · Iterate

Fig 60. SSWM (2020). The nutrients cycle [Diagram].

· Understand home composting regulations and compostable polymers.

Fig 61. Cradle to Cradle (2020). Biological and Technical Cycles [Diagram].

___________________________________________________ Conclusions As a final reflection of this intervention I want to say that it has helped me to understand how compostability works, which are the existing regulations for home composting and compostable polymers, and also, how to make DIY compostability analysis. The material explorations of chitosan and cellulose that were submerged in water in a closed container have been diluted and in all the samples a dark stain has begun to grow somewhere in the material. It is surely a process of bacterial decomposition. Regarding the samples of materials buried inside a closed container, it is observed how the color of the samples has changed from beige to yellowish or orange and brown tones. It is surely due to the heat and UV rays of the sun. Thanks to the organization of REMIX El Barrio we have been able to do an online session with Abono Km0 where they talked about waste management systems, bioplastics, compostability regulations, urban digestion and vermicomposting.

Miki and Diego proposed us to do a composability test through vermicompost in Connecthort. They also commented that there are not many articles talking about vermicomposting and urban composting of bioplastics. I personally want to continue with these trials and it will surely be done in July 2020 with the collaboration of AbonoKm0 in Connecthort.

7.6 Intervention 6

Organic Matters

How to build a material platform to connect locals producers with surplus of organic matter, material designers and industry?

Objectives · Make a form to ask what are the productive needs of material designers. ___________________________________________________ Methodology · Exploratory Investigation · Survey · Interview · Social Feedback

Social Feedback Organic Matters Fig 62. Freixas, Laura (2020). Typerform [Screenshot].

Hyper Global / Local Interventions | 203 7.6.1 Intervention 6

Social Feedback

Organic Matters is an initiative to rethink the future and value of regenerative economy, organic matter and local production.

First of all I have made a general form through Typeform to see what the needs of the platform are.

The project has different lines of research: a material platform to connect local producers with material designers and industries, a consulting service and a space to collaborate and develop regenerative and compostable applications that return nutrients to the Earth.

And finally, I have made a form with Google Forms to enter the materials on the platform.

I have been interested in the field of materials for about three years, and I want to ask the people I have met (REMIX El Barrio, MaDe, Fabricademy, MDEF, IaaC, Elisava, Materfad...), what is their opinion and needs about the platform.

Coffee Peels

Taller Esfèrica

Design Studio

Coffee Grounds


Nomad Coffee

Bay Leaf

Material Producer



Organic Matters


Judith Gómez Òria Cosmètica Mycelium Expert Material Producer FabLabBCN

3D Extruding Experts

Material Designers Communit (REMIX)


Secil Asfar

Zoe Tzika

Milena Juarez

Eduardo Chamorro

Anastasia Pistofidou

Santi Fuentemilla

REMIX El Barrio

MaDe Material Designers Community




Naif Factory Pop-Machina

Material Futures CSM

Blue City Lab

Jess Guy

Jesse Adler

Futureproof Packaging





Typeform Platform


Linkedin Intervention 6

Material Platform: Typeform to understand the needs of material designers 1/ As a biomaterial designer, what area of ​​knowledge would you like to work in?

2/ Which platforms do you use to inform yourself about biomaterials and / or publish your results? · Research Scientific Papers · Instagram Accounts · Materiom · Designers Recipes Cookbooks · Ellen Mac Arthur · Deezen · WGSN · Design Boom · Pinterest · Facebook Forums · ISSUU · Vimeo · Github · Shroomery · Tech Webpages · Google Drive

· BioFab Forum · Textile Lab Amsterdam · Green Lab London · · Make Works · Fabricademy · Materfad · CSM Material Library · Material Connection · Material District · Materiability · Bioteca Materialarchive · Remix Barrio Circular Group · Not actually found the right one yet

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3/ Would you like to present your biomaterials on a platform to search for potential clients and find opportunities for material production?

4/ What would you be interested in highlighting about your material on the platform?

5/ What applications do you think your biomaterials can have? Possible Applications

Personal Opinions

· Compostable Packaging · Interior products · Household · Leather and 3D structure · Jewellery · Fashion · Complements · Toys · Educational tools · Furniture · Lamps · New energy systems · Architectural applications · Growing buildings · Medicine · Cosmetics · Save the world · In every sector of production · Filtering/purifying · Reinforcing · Adding dynamism/kinetism · Dissolving · Become a new Design Tool

“I believe that the function of a material comes from the materials atributes. So depending which materials we are reffering to we have to understand that specific material itself, and from there on we can find applications (Instead of applying a material to a product, which it might only have visual purposes)”. “Depend which biomaterial I am talking about. But the idea is to know the properties that gave different biopolymers to be able to design the material regarding the product, taking in consideration tensile strength, chemical properties and the durability of the product (very important)”. “I think they have the potential to replace single use plastics, be used in the fashion and textile industry, used for products that do not require long life, in art, agriculture/gardening, food packaging, ornaments”. “It would be interesting for the biomaterials to have utilitarian purposes, and so to replace other materials that are not in agreement with sustainability”. “Anything that can be imagined can be possible. They are increasingly necessary however for single use items whose life post consumption often does not justify it’s purpose as a disposable material”. “Using packaging waste biocomposites that kids can make in their kitchen then use to build their own toys and play structures. Also household objects that can be made from packaging waste. “Hope all of them soon, hardly high temperature exposed ones and most of them packaging or products”. “I haven’t produced any, just inspired by them”.

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6/ Have you ever made a biomaterial recipe with organic waste from local producers?

7/ Have you ever carried out any biodegradation or compostability test on your biomaterial?

8/ Do you think your biomaterial could be easily produced without making a large investment?

9/ Do you think that in the near future (about 10 years) the circular economy will be a reality?

10/ How do you think the organic waste management system could improve? “Local stakeholders need to be better conntected to ensure that the flow of informations are transparent. Furthermore the tracking of “raw waste” materials need improving, as so far online data are rarely uptodate which makes real time data analysation and response from interdisciplinary design groups which could use these materials dificult. The imaginary of it being ”waste” must change in the societial view. Furthermore I believe we need more multilevel interdisciplirary spaces which offer peer to peer learning experiences and support from experts (i.e. local stakeholder) for broader engagement with the issue“. “There should be more information provided on biomaterials”. “Giving benefits to the society (like the Pant System in Norway for example)“. “More composts in urban housing for household waste. For industrial waste have programmes supporting industry collaborating with material consultants to make best use of industrial surplus”. “By creating and managing collect center for any kind of waste with an access to people who wants to use them“. “Better canals of reception of the organic waste to people that can transform this“. “With government investments, I think that there should be public centers specially dedicated to manage this work, transform the waste in biomaterials”. “It could have a clear purpose after being recycled”.

“We could all improve at analysing our assumptions of what our needs are, taking care of our habits of consumption and being aware of what we throw out and it’s life after us. Taking care of our garbage before we pass it on to outside agents to take care of it for us. Mending, reusing, repurposing and conserving are the keys to waste management. After we change our own waste habits we will be able to take care of our communal waste in a much more circular way I hope”. “Clear, graphic literacy (coloured bags, leaflets, manuals, simple stickers to stick in your kitchen by your trash bins...) so that you remember what to do, what to not do, how to separate organics properly so that the process is efficient from the start, from the moment I throw out the stuff. Even if restaurants are collaborating with an initiative, that they have cleared designed in-situ strategies to know and remember where/how to throw out residuals!”. “I think that we need to reeducate people about what they perceive waste to be. Just because the cardboard box wasn’t the thing you ordered doesn’t mean it should just be tossed in the trash“. “Circular Models at different scales”. “Government policies and change of mindset about consumption (in government and individual levels)”. “By understanding better the qualities of organic waste and how they interact or how can we separate them”. “Combining thinking about localised materials with new technology to make something more efficient such as 3D printing”.

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“Awareness, education, neighborhood organization, change of policy, undo monopolies for the incineration of garbage and waste.” “Educating consumers on how to use their organic waste for composting, energy or hot water production through anaerobic digestion and the possibilities of making new products and materials with their waste. There could be nodes, like the waste bins that currently exist but bigger and more organised, that people bring their waste to, with knowledge about their different waste items, they could separate them and each item could perform differently. For example avocado pips for making dyes, orange peels for new materials, left over food in bio-digester, and general organic residue for composting. In return, people connected to each node could receive free hot water, electricity, bio-based plant pots, fresh soil or even fruit and veg if the there could be an allotment at the node etc. There could be workshops demonstrating how to make these new materials, how to compost at home and how to grow your own fruit and veg“. “With a more obvious and spread connection of waste production, waste collectors and the people to whom the waste is taken in order for them to transform it”. “Labeling materials properly”. “If there was a way of citiciens or and bussines to see that their organic waste is used for, will be more appealing. For example when users bring their domestic waste to do compost and heal soil in communal urban gardens”. “Making visible the waste that is generated in our community. Creating a network that would link this waste to people who might be interested in working on its transformation”. Intervention 6

Material Platform: Google Form to upload materials to Organic Matters ___________________________________________________




Nombre de tu biomaterial Autor del biomaterial Portfolio Online (web, behance, cargocollective, linkedin…) Cuenta Instagram Personal Bio País de Residencia Breve Descripción del Biomaterial (unas 100 palabras) De donde viene el material? Por qué es interesante trabajar con este material? Cual es el resultado final? Cual es el objetivo de la participación en la plataforma con tu/s biomaterial/es? · Buscar expertos e indústrias para investigar y producir el biomaterial · Buscar colaboradores para producir localmente el biomaterial · Buscar oportunidades para comunicar el biomaterial (exhibiciones, talleres educativos, formación…) · Tener un espacio donde puedo tener visibilidad e oportunidades · Buscar colaboradores para intercambiar conocimientos y experiencia sobre biomateriales. · Especificar otros objetivos

Cual es el reto que quieres solucionar con tu biomaterial? · Packaging compostable · Moda y complementos · Materiales de interiorismo · Muebles y lámparas · Tintas naturales · Productos ( diseño industrial) · Others

Qué ingredientes utilizas para generar el biomaterial? De donde obtienes los diferentes ingredientes? Especificar proveedores y sitio geográfico. ___________________________________________________ MATERIAL PRODUCTION Cual es tu capacidad diaria de producción de biomaterial en tu espacio ? · Infraestructura cocina (1-30 unidades) · Infraestructura microproducción (30-300 unidades) · Infraestructura industrial (+300 unidades)

Qué tipo de infraestructura y herramientas estás buscando? Especifica tus necesidades. Qué proceso/s utilizas para generar el biomaterial? Durante algún proceso consumes energía eléctrica? Especifica el tipo de proceso, la herramienta y el tiempo aproximado de uso. Durante la producción del biomaterial se genera algún residuo? Especifica cuales son los residuos generados durante el proceso de producción del biomaterial. Durante la producción del biomaterial crees que utilizas mucha energia?

· Si, es muy intenso . · Si , es normal como cualquier otra producion de material. · No, he implementado procesos que no requieren mucho consumo de energia. · No, solo es mi tiempo. · No lo sé y me gustaría que me ayudaran evaluarlo otro.

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___________________________________________________ MATERIAL PROPERTIES Qué aplicaciones podría tener tu material? Color (especificar) Dureza

· Duro · Resistente · Blando

Translucidez · 0%

Durante cuánto tiempo crees que utilizaría el biomaterial? Especifica cuántas veces el material puede ser utilizado. · Un solo uso · Más de 15 veces · Entre 1-3 años · Entre 3-10 años · Entre 10-30 años · Para siempre (si se mantiene en condiciones óptimas de temperatura y humedad) · Others

___________________________________________________ MATERIAL END OF LIFE

· 0-50% · 50-100% · 100%

Sabes si tu biomaterial es compostable?


· Se puede reutilizar · Se puede reciclar y hacer una nueva aplicación · Se puede compostar · Se puede tirar en el contenedor de residuos resto · Others

· Alta · Media · Baja


· Pesado · Medio · Ligero

Temperatura · Frío · Templado · Cálido


· Inoloro · Moderada · Fuerte


· Gruesa · Suave · Variable

___________________________________________________ MATERIAL USE Quien seria el usuario de tu biomaterial? · Una indústria · Un negocio o marca · Un consumidor · Una escuela · Others

Cómo se debería gestionar el biomaterial una vez acabada su vida?

___________________________________________________ STRATEGIC WHEEL OF ECODESIGN El material creado podría hacerse con materiales de menor impacto ambiental? Si/No se/No

El material creado se podría hacer con menos ingredientes? Si/No se/No

El material creado podría tener productores más locales (de km0)? Si/No se/No

El material creado podría optimizar las técnicas de producción? Si/No se/No

El material creado podría tener un impacto menor durante la fabricación? Si/No se/No

El material creado podría tener una mayor vida útil del producto? Si/No se/No

El material creado podría tener un final de vida útil? Si/No se/No

7.6.3 Intervention 6


How to build a material designers platform?

___________________________________________________ Objectives


· Make a form to ask what are the productive needs of biomaterial designers.

Personally, I think it has been very interesting to develop both forms to see what people who are involved in material design think.

___________________________________________________ Methodology · Exploratory Investigation · Survey · Interview · Social Feedback

The first general form has helped me to see what are the needs and the most relevant information of the material. This intervention has allowed me to know in detail the opinion on certain topics and collect about 40 opinions in a week and almost 80 people opened the form. The second form has helped me to see that it is necessary to make different iterations with interested users to define a good platform, with a short and focus form to upload the materials. It is also very important to be clear about the differentiating value of the platform and enhance it through design and interaction. In this second form I send it to 18 people and just 1 person answer it, this means I should improve the form and is a future objective that I have.

Fig 63. Freixas, Laura (2020). Organic Matters Material Platform [Screenshot].

Identity Chapter 8 8.1 Personal Constituency & Biography 8.2 New Weak Signals in my Future Scenario 8.3 Mapping my new Weak Signals


Personal Constituency & Biography

Professor Ron Wakkary in the second term introduced us to the concept: designer as biography, in more than human-centered worlds. As designers we have a responsibility to leave what surrounds us better than what we have found. Explore alternative design approaches to coexist with other species and non-human matter. Humans and things are interconnected because they are radically situated together in their lifeworld. For example plastic bags and the pollution they cause in the environment and seas. The designers, producers and users of plastic bags have a relation with the bags that are in the environment. As Ron Wakkary says, our biographies are the present, past and future evolving lifeworld of the designer of things and things. We are in the middle of things that are contestable and political. The designer as force occurs at “scale one” in real-time and at full scale. Being a speaking subject gives us an “exceptional kind of power”: language of communication. Wakkary describes that the speaking subject is at the origins of designing a thing, giving it desires and goals at the beginning even though these will change and be changed.

The designer as biography is a designer as force that includes a speaking subject. Ron Wakkary

Identity Fig 64. Freixas, Laura (2020). Chitosan Flow [Photo].

Another value that I have since I was little is admiration for nature (forests, mountains, waterfalls, rivers, small beaches, coastal trails, plants, animals...). When taking a trip for a few days I like the feeling of freedom and self-sufficiency. You, alone or with your friends, with a common challenge, many hours of sunshine ahead, impressive landscapes with pleasant sounds, observing the environment around you to interpret what the road conditions will be before reaching the top or refuge where to sleep. And at that moment you carry on the basics of water, food and clothes to spend a few days. And you are aware of yourself, of the value of the people around you and the environment. Past When I had to choose what I wanted my professional career to be, I doubted between Architecture and Engineering in Product Design. When I saw the projects that were being done in Elisava, it was clear to me. In the third year of the degree I saw that I did not want to design things because the market needs to get new products out and follow the wheel of consumerism, I wanted to design useful and necessary things, taking into account the impacts that were generated in the extraction of raw materials, the production and distribution processes, the use stage and the end-of-life management of the product. Knowing the concept “Material Designer� I found my place and discovered that this term implies different disciplines that interest me: design, biology, chemistry, technology, material science and self-sufficiency.

Present Upon entering the Master in Design for Emergent Futures, I was clear about what I wanted my learning objective to be: reconnect with the productive systems of nature. This objective can be approached from different disciplines: I looked at approaching it from the biology and chemistry side but I saw that being at the FabLab it was more appropriate to approach it from the community, self-sufficiency, design and technology points of view. In November, I made a decision that marked the trajectory of the project. I decided that I was going to visit the producers in Poblenou. While I was walking down the street, I was taking pictures of the different shops and establishments that exist, and in which I thought they could generate reusable waste, I entered and established a conversation. This action helped me map different opportunities for waste reuse. I connected with Aniol and Marc from the FOS project, glasses made from recycled plastic, and also with Nomad Coffee coffee roasters that generate surplus leather and coffee beans. In January I had the opportunity to participate in REMIX El Barrio in the European Project SISCODE. Being able to be in this group has allowed me to meet more people who are interested in promoting circular and local production systems, sharing knowledge and experiences throughout the process. It has been a great luck to be part of the REMIX El Barrio family and I think it has been an important support during the Covid-19 quarantine. Every week we made a video call and we kept up to date with the advances, ideas or problems that arose individually. Fig 65. Freixas, Laura (2020). REMIX El Barrio Online Meeting [Screenshot].

Personal Values If I analyze my biography throughout my life, I can identify certain values that I have maintained since I became aware and others that I have acquired over the years. From a very young age I liked creating: observing, imagining, drawing, building, painting, inventing ... That is why, in the future, I saw myself as an inventor or painter, I think I was not much wrong.

Identity | 219

Future Right now, when I think about the future, many thoughts come to me at once and uncertainty about the new stage that will soon begin. Still, I am reassured to see how productive and intense these last 9 months have been and the attitude that we have been forging among classmates and teachers throughout the master’s degree. I think that in the end, the most important thing is to be good with yourself, know your skills and limitations, know how to observe the environment from different perspectives and try to add value with your knowledge. And from here, share your passions with other people with common interests to generate regenerative systems and applications.




Present Identity

Future Identity

Observation Organization Visualization Persevering Leadership Always trying to Prioritize

Scientific Methodology in Biopolymers Biopolymers Material Essays Processing Biopolymers Modelling Rhino Parametric Design with Grasshopper Web Development Communication Abilities

Material Design Industrial Design Engineering Circular Economy & Sustainability Some Biology and Chemistry Technology and Production

Biopolymers Composition and Properties Biodegradation and Compostability Biopolymers Additive Manufacturing Material and User Parametric Design

Curiosity Research Passion Experimentation Positive Thinking Global and Local Vision Self-consciousness

Design for, with and by nature (Regeneration) Fast iterations (Learning by Doing) Implementing projects in Local Communities Generate Feedback Loops inside the project Adaptability Professional Relations

Area of Interest






Weak Signals

Interspecies Collab. Bioremediation Augmented Empathy

Human-Machine Creative Collab. Optimize Processes Program Matter Customize Techniques

Carbon Neutral Lifestyles Green Chemistry Negative Impact Self-Sufficient Cities

Circular Data Economies Design for Regeneration Circular Production Material Flow Data

Rural Futures Low-Tech Futures Circadian Rythms












Biomaterial Explorations

Production Tools

Biomaterial Infrastructure

Circular Product

Controlling Compostability

What if we upcycle the organic waste of Poblenou and transform it into compostable applications to program its life cycle?

Which kind of artisanal and digital production tools could be useful to produce biomaterial applications?

How could it be the biomaterial flow and microfactories of Poblenou?

What do we need to create a circular and local product?

How can we control compostability of biomaterials?

Chitosan + Cellulose


Circular FabLab 2030

DIY Molds

Water Solubility

Coffee + Mycelium

3D Extruding

Remix WKSP (Muraly)

Plants + Chitosan

Soil Compostability

Plants + Mycelium

Vermicompost (aKm0)


Final Intervention

Rethinking the future and value of Regenerative Economy, Organic Matter and Local Production.

An open source platform to upcycle organic matter and make compostable applications locally.

Organic Matters

The initiative has different lines of research: a material platform to connect local producers with material designers and industries, a consulting service and a space to collaborate, develop and implement compostable applications that return nutrients back to Earth. If we organize and collaborate, we win.

Identity | 221 8.2

New Weak Signals in my Future Scenario

At the beginning of the course I selected five weak signals that were related to five disciplines that I am passionate about: design, biology, technology, self-sufficiency and community. From here, I defined using key concepts what these weak signals mean to me. During the Covid-19 quarantine, weak signals that he had not taken into account intensified, and this new context changed the trajectory of the Organic Matters project.

Covid-19 NEW Macrotrends Weak Signals

Keywords related to Weak Signals

Weak Signals

The project went from being a set of material explorations to a systemic initiative with different functions, one of them being an online materials platform.

Carbon Neutral Lifestyles

Circular Data Economies

Interspecies Collaboration

Human Machine Creative Collaboration

Rural Futures

Green Chemistry

Regenerative Design


Optimize Processes

Low-tech Futures

Negative Impact

Circular Production

Augmented Empathy

Program Matter

Circadian Rhythm

Self-Sufficient Cities

Material Flow Data


Customize Techniques


Self-Sufficient Cities & Local Production

Online Communities of Knowledge

Hyper-Local & HyperConnected

Low-tech DIY tutorials




Local Binders Interlearning


Active Matter


During Coronavirus Scenario

Before Coronavirus Scenario

Mapping my New Weak Signals during Covid-19

The Shellworks

Design for Regeneration

Microbial Home

Carbon Neutral Lifestyles

Hyper-local Hyper-connected Fab Lab Community

Lovely Trash

Interspecies Collaboration

Self-sufficient Cities and Local Production #voluntaris3Dgarrotxa


Identity | 223


Human-Machine Creative Collab.


Circular Data Economies

Beyond Plastic

Rural Futures

Online communities Low Tech of knowledge DIY tutorials Remix El Barrio

Organic Matters

How to build a Dehydrator

The vision of Laura Clèries She is an educator at a design and engineering university and leading an emerging design research department, her role is to teach and transfer knowledge on futures research methodologies, focusing on innovation and disruptive solutions – i.e. to deliver design-led strategic foresight. One of the quotes in the field of futures is ‘The future is already here, it is just not evenly distributed’ (William Gibson, 2010), meaning that the ‘new ways of doing’ are always there, led by a small bunch of innovators. These ‘new ways of doing’ that impact on a long-time span and technically known as megatrends, consist on emerging signals - weak heartbeats of what later it is to be spread across the whole society and shake the system. But, guess what? The future is here, now. Suddenly and dramatically all amongst us. The ‘Future’ has slapped us in our faces. It hurts, but it wakes us up. A mortal virus has had the role to speed up the process for change and shake our society. And rapidly indeed. As a humble contribution to provide a roadmap for reflection towards more ‘positive futures’ in the aftermath of these crises, here is a sneak preview of our research, those ‘new ways of doing’ that are no longer emergent. Ephemeral towards Resilient. In her book ‘Inspired by scarcity’, designer Hanae Shimizu analyzed a series of actions that were undertaken by society in face of the material shortage of World War I and II. A period of scare resources that forced imagination and creativity. The result of this analysis: 7 different categories according to method that could be extrapolated to different contexts: extend, divide, multiuse, cut down, substitute, imitate, and protect. Surely, we are in a time of scarcity after a period of obscene abundance and a new mindset, away from the ‘take-and-dispose’ one, needs to be adopted. Upgraded from the concept of ‘sustainability’, the new concept is ‘resilience’. Individual or collective resilience (understood as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness) is deployed as a response to the primitive sense of survival and conservation.

Individual towards Collective. Most people need a place and a group where they belong, which in turn greatly influence our view of group ethics and morals. In times of health crisis, data ownership menaces, or individual isolation, collective views reinforce the need for sharing services, collective data privacy management, conviviality and solidarity. Collaborative gestures and a social approach add an ethical and ‘kindness’ dimension to our actions. The community lure is the next collective narrative in which ‘togetherness’ and ‘for the greater good’ are the languages. Machine towards Human. In the exhibition ‘PostHuman- when technology embeds society’, already in 2017, visitors were invited to reflect and share on questions such as What are some things you feel you do better than a machine?, How will I know I’m talking to a human and not just another machine?, What roles can’t be automated?, ‘Cars drive themselves, robots deliver pizza, humans…’. An analysis of the responses to this ‘questions for humans’ exercise delivered an interesting collection of keywords that point out to a humanistic perspective: heart, empathy, instinct, dancing, sex, being a mum, humanity, perception, alive, feelings, emotions… In face of a technological takeover, humans strive to make a statement of our intrinsic, differentiating and valuable emotional nature. Mental health and emotional unbalances are unveiled and embraced as part of our existence, recognized and un-tabooed by celebrities. With the rise of the ‘mindfulness’ movement, we demonstrate our inner power to achieve a somehow consciousness of our being in this world. Hard towards Soft. A wave of technological development is being achieved through machines and hardware, a technical ‘hard’ perspective on innovation which not always can provide meaningful solutions. In the book ‘Fashioning Apollo’ shows a clear historical example of the failure of ‘hard’ technology: from an engineered spacesuit, uncomfortable to wear, towards the flexible spacesuit, a 21-layer textile layers’ spacesuit carefully sawn by the seamstresses at Playtex. As The New Yorker review stated: ‘It offers a wonderful David & Goliath story about the triumph of Oldenburg-like soft objects over phallic, rigid ones, and of hard-working seamstresses over hard-nosed

Identity | 225

engineers’. We are currently witnessing a more ‘soft-innovation’ path in which 3D printers are taken over by biological processes that are able to surprisingly grow objects and pieces of clothing. The innovators have coined the term ‘biofabrication’. Softness refers also to the embracing of more natural rhythms, the quiet intelligence and smartness that nature holds. Physical towards Phygital. The T-jacket project is a hug vest that simulates the feeling of a hug when triggered by a message from a digital app. Launched some years ago, it represented the blending of physical effects of a digitally managed information. We are in a phygital built environment whose development is still in its infancy. The world has become one economy, one society with two worlds: the physical and the virtual. Advances in virtual technologies open the window to multiple identities, realities and experiences. To name a few, politics, retail, health, work, education and social behaviors are bound to be transformed towards a blended and meaningful use of these technologies. Wise towards Critical. The consequences of a loss of faith in the political and public system, has opened an opportunity gap for other ‘heroes’ (organizations or individuals) to build faith and loyalty. As an example, the Branded cities report, explores the role of brands into city-making. Civic brands can become the ones generating intellectual narratives that create hope and meaning, some sort of lifestyle coaches. Brands uptake ethical and social approaches and their responsibility towards society, generating a dialogue with consumers by going away from storytelling towards storyproving. Additionally, in an information society, critical thinking and creative skills will be relevant to discern and generate a personal cultural path. The concept Cultural Intelligence gains force as it pitches into ambiguous nuances that Artificial Intelligence cannot grasp. Heavy towards Lightness. Idiomatic expressions such as ‘I feel like plastic’ or ‘Inorganic kingdoms’ – referred to skyscraper cities – are being incorporated into series scripts. At the time where we have entered the Anthropocene era, mankind is more aware of our ecological footprint and of the social burden of materials. There is a need to lighten the burden imposed onto the planet. John Thackara’s book

‘In the bubble: designing for a complex world’, addresses a world based less on stuff and more on people, where the design focus is on services, not things. Nomadic, mobile attitudes reinforce the need to travel ‘light’. Globalization makes five extra things mobile: money, information, workplaces, people and products. Centralized towards Distributed. Werkplaats Centraal, by Jurgen Bey (Studio Makkink & Bey) and Dirk Osinga is a design research project on the future of the workplace in light of new visions of professional education, technological developments and the creative industry. Three out of the seven speculative models that they generated (transport terminal, digital workshop, mobile workshop), indicate a shift from a centralized structure into a mobile, distributed one. This is just an example that highlights how fabrication or intelligence are going towards distributed models. Large factories become obsolete thanks to the raise of digital manufacturing, and the city, with projects such as Unto this last, becomes the productive hotspot. In distributed systems, not only new professions can emerge, but also new economies can be developed. Business strategies such as ‘The long tail’ point towards realizing profits by selling low volumes of hard-to-find items to many customers, instead of the traditional business mindset of selling large volumes of a reduced number of popular items. Distributed data also allows for a non-monopolized ownership of citizen’s data. Surely, we will be deeply hurt from this slap in the face. The sore feeling will last for some period. The aftermath of this crises is going to have profound political, economic and social implications. But we need to wake up and take this as an opportunity to creatively move away from traditional methods and mindsets to shake the system. More than ever, it is our collective responsibility to follow the roadmap that leads to positive change. ‘Positive’ futures (in plural, as many different as opportunities are) just mean our today. The future is just an attitude, not a time frame. And, at a glance, our today is emotional, social and cultural.

Projecting into the Future Chapter 9 9.1 Emerging Narratives 9.1.1 Empathy Map 9.1.2 Instagram 9.1.3 Look & Feel 9.2 Looking Forward


Emerging Narratives




Material Designers

Redesign waste systems by Invest too much time in upcycling organic matter and material explorations. utilizing it to address human needs.

Identify audience

Reason for communication with them


Possible barriers to their engagement or interest

Look for collaborations and make the project real. Local Producers

Upcycle organic matter into regenerative and circular materials.

Little desire to participate.


Research and develop regenerative and circular products.

Investment and time to develop regenerative and circular products.

MDEF Faculty

Learn how to implement my project in the real world.

Long communications with technicalities.

My friends

Share my passion with regenerative design and circular products.

Communication with technicalities.

Projecting into the Future | 229


create a regenerative and circular everyday for people Mission

reconnect people with natural production systems

Key Message



Make regenerative and circular materials.

The future of materials is regenerative and circular.

Website Instagram

Turn organic matter into regenerative and circular materials.

Organic surpluses are valuable resources.

Website Instagram

Implement regenerative and circular products.

We need a transformation of the production system in the world.

Website Technical Data (Thesis)

What you will tell them, what they need to hear

What you want them to do, a call to action

Connecting local producers, Organic Matters is driven by material designers and indus- changemakers. try to create compostable and regenerative applications.

Where you will be in contact

Thesis Website

Connecting local producers, The future of production Instagram material designers and indus- systems are regenerative and try to create compostable circular. and regenerative applications.


Empathy Map

Local Producer


What type of waste do I generate? Could they be reduced? Could they be reused?

Climate chan tion models f

What procedure could I implement that would be practical and beneficial for my company?

Reducing the account LCA.

How can I store and sell the organic waste I generate? And pay less waste taxes?

Willingness to that are reinc

What does he/she see?

Companies that use their organic waste for other applications (generating compost, food, compostable materials ...).

Digital manuf prototyping, r

What does he/she say and do?

Collaborate with small-scale local designers.

Experiments regenerative

What does he/she think and feel?

Try to reduce the plastic waste of your business.

Look for syste local product

What does he/she listen?

Climate change, new production and consumption models for new generations.

Compostable be viable.


It wants to be an environmentally responsible company.

It wants to be production ec

Communicate the value of your company.

Lack of invest


Adapt to change, continue to produce locally and Implement ci be a recognized company that generates value for ble products. customers and the neighborhood. Reduce the u Implement “waste� in your business. rials with high

Projecting into the Future | 231

al Designer


nge, new production and consumpfor new generations.

Investment and time involved in producing regenerative and compostable materials.

e environmental impact, taking into .

Effectiveness, perception and properties of regenerative and compostable materials.

o do research and apply materials Technology is advancing very fast. corporated into nature, closing cycles.

facturing offers new opportunities for Existence of small businesses that already impleresearch and production. ment compostable and regenerative materials. Shopping malls and brands demand materials with low environmental impact. and produces small-scale tests of and compostable materials.

Look for companies that produce materials with low environmental impact.

ems of collaboration, investment and tion.

Look for advisors on trends and materials.

e and regenerative materials cannot

Climate change, new production and consumption models for new generations.

e part of a circular and regenerative cosystem.

Reducing the environmental impact, taking into account LCA. Get customers to value and accept regenerative and compostable materials.

tment and knowledge of the subject.

ircular, regenerative and composta.

use of disposable plastics and mateh environmental impacts.

Reaching new customers, generating a brand with social recognition.


Instagram @_organicmatters

After spending a few months thinking about making an Instagram account for the project, the day came when I did it. First I registered the name, I was modifying it until at the end of May it was clear that it would be: @_organicmatters.

The second step was to think what kind of account was going to be. I decided that I wanted to share the process that the project during the master. And later, it would communicate as a brand or initiative, in a more corporate way.

Fig 66. Freixas, Laura (2020). Organic Matters Instagram Audience [Screenshots].

Projecting into the Future | 233

On Friday June 5th, I started the activity in the account by uploading a selection of the content generated throughout the 9 months of the master. On Monday June 8th, I was explaining each image in the comments and tagged the material designers who have collaborated on the project Judith, Secil and Zoe. I also tagged local growers Nomad Coffe and Òria Cosmètica, who have supplied their organic surpluses to the Organic Matters project. That same day I started to follow accounts of friends, companies and other projects on materials and sustainability. Judith and shared on her Instagram profile a photo with our collaboration in the Nomad Coffe project. And also, Future Learning Unit with a picture of a 3D paste extrusion of chitosan and cellulose. On Tuesday June 9th, Òria Cosmètica shared the collaboration with her two posts on her Instagram account mid-morning and posted 3 stories at night. Her publications had a lot of impact and were well received by followers of her profile. In the account profile there is a Statistics section that shows the number of new followers per day, the interactions, the origin of the accounts that follow you, the age range, the sex and the hours of the day where people start to follow the Organic Matters account. Making this Instagram account has been a challenge and a motivation to keep working and showing the process and results. With this account I have overcome the fear of sharing the process of my work and I consider it a personal success.


Look & Feel

Organic Matters

Projecting into the Future | 235


Looking Forward

Planet Organic Matters






September 2019

1st Term

June 2020

2nd Term

3rd Term

Understand how to Design for Emergent Futures

Envision Emergent Contexts

Create Future Speculations

· Personal interests: design, biology, chemistry, technology, community and self-sufficiency

· Personal interests: design, biology, chemistry, technology, community and self-sufficiency

· Personal interests: design, biology, chemistry, technology, community and self-sufficiency

Fig 67. Freixas, Laura (2020). Future of Organic Matters [Diagram].

Projecting into the Future | 237

July 2020


Setember 2020

Look for Opportunities

Setember 2025

Create my own Studio

Design for Living

Build Organic Matters initiative

Grow Organic Matters initiative

· Learn how to use digital fabrication tools.

· Learn and have experience with biopolymers compostability and recycled materials.

· Have my own sutdio and develop regenerative projects and consultancy.

· Design with MDEF class.

· Make compostability · Develop and implement tests with my material regenerative systems and explorations together with applications. Abono Km0. · Collaborate with local producers and material designers.

· Collaborate with experts from other disciplines.

Projecting into the Future Fig 68. Real, Marion (2020). REMIX Interactions [Diagram].

Projecting into the Future | 239

CCCB Remix El Barrio

Material District Materfad MaDe Materiom

Online Material Comminities

FabLab BCN Taller Esfèrica Abono Km0

Ă’ria Organic Matters

Malai Haeckels Green Chemistry

Puig Nomad Coffee

Zero Waste Waste Management EU Elisava Projects Research Eurecat


Fig 69. Freixas, Laura (2020). Organic Matters Networks [Diagram].

Compostable Applications

Climate Crisis

Waste Management + Plastic Pollution

SelfSufficient Cities + Circular Economy

Circular & Local Production + Green Chemistry

compostable & regenerative production systems

Ă’ria Nomad Coffee Taller Esfèrica


Local Case Studies Upcycling Local Organic Leftovers Transdisciplinary Teams Local Investment in Material Research Communication of the Value

in 5/10 years

Puig Bazar Chinos & other big brands related to oil companies

Circular & Local Production Circular Economy Carbon (Negative) Lifestyles Short Supply Chains More personalisation

Projecting into the Future | 241

compostable & regenerative production systems

Precious Plastic Beyond Plastic Made from Malai Haeckels Ecovative Myco Bolt Threads Modern Meadows Ginkgobioworks

· Circular & Local Production · Transdisciplinary Design (Biology, Chemistry, Technology, Community, Self-sufficiency, Business...) · Regenerative Cities · Revalue Nature & Resources · Circular Economy

Final Reflection Chapter 10

Final Reflection

Fig 69. Sarraceno, Tomas (2020). Spider [Photo].

Final Reflection | 245

Fig 70.2. Freixas, Laura (2020). Biology Zero [Photo].

Making a final reflection of the Master in Design for Emergent Futures 2019-20 is not easy, a lot has happened in 9 months. At the city level, we have experienced different social and political phenomena (Barcelona Rosa de Foc, October 2019), environmental (Climate for Change Strike, November 2019), environmental storms (Strom Gloria, January 2020) and a global pandemic that has forced us to be quarantined (Covid-19, March-June 2020). At the learning level we have gone through different stages: two weeks of introduction to the master through MDEF Bootcamp, the first quarter with the aim of understanding how to design for emergent futures, the second trimester about emergent contexts and the start of Fab Academy, the “trip to Cuba” transformed into a living archive of the practices during the pandemic, and finally, the third quarter creating future speculations from home during Covid-19.

During the first quarter we deal with 11 emerging themes, one for each week, and the last week we celebrate the Design Dialogues transforming our class into an exhibition of personal projects. For me, Biology Zero, Living with your own Ideas and Hybrid Profiles weeks were very important since in a certain way, they defined the trajectory of my project. In general, the rest of the weeks seemed necessary to me and I valued very positively the weeks that contained a lot of practical parts and teamwork, I think they are very valuable moments where you really learn.

Fig 70.1. MDEF Class (2020). Bootcamp Furniture [Photo].

Participating in the Bootcamp was a good way to start picking up the pace, internalizing the “learning by doing” and “making small iterations” methodologies. It was also a way to get to know the space, have a first contact with digital manufacturing machines and meet classmates and teachers.

Fig 70.4. Link Journal (2020). Hyper Domestic X Hyper Global [Screenshot].

In the second term we started to focus on our personal project and discover Fab Academy. It was also the beginning of the interventions and collaborations with the people and communities that were related to our projects. The second quarter was an intense period in which to relearn how to design, collaborate and document the interventions. The three interventions I made helped me understand what it means to design my project with a more systemic vision: Biomaterial Explorations, Production Tools and Biomaterial Infrastructures. Regarding the interventions, we have learned a new methodology to design from within the context, collaborating with the people who are part of the community, with a “bottom-up” vision. Personally, I think it is very important to maintain this focus in the design world and continue working from the iteration of proposals and scale the project as it is validated with the community.

We met Ernesto Oroza at the beginning of the quarter and he introduced us to Cuba in three hours, and then, we met him again online before Easter. The truth is that his humanity, mentality and work inspired me a lot. It was a pity not to be able to go to Cuba, even so, I think that doing the “Hyper-Domestic & Hyper-Global” living archive of the practices during the pandemic helped us to share and face the situation among all. It was a tough week but I think it was worth it and very sincere and humane projects came out. Personally, I participated in the assembly of: face shields within a group of volunteers called #voluntaris3Dgarrotxa and I was excited to see how hundreds of people were organized and the passion they invested in the project.

Fig 70.3. Freixas, Laura (2020). REMIX Presentation [Photo].

Final Reflection | 247

The third quarter was a bit tough due to the situation of the Covid-19, the distance between classmates and teachers and the fact of not having access to the FabLab. Still, I think we’ve been doing pretty well and there has been a good balance between hours of personal work and video conference meetings. I highly appreciate the sessions we have had at Design Dialogues, Design Studio and Curating New Normals.

Fig 70.5. MDEF Class (2020). Valldaura Visit [Photo].

In addition, we had to refocus our projects on the new situation and think about what type of interventions we were going to carry out from our homes and with the possibility of using the Internet. Before starting the third quarter, I decided to carry out three more interventions: Circular Product, Controlling Compostability and Organic Matters. Making this decision helped me to structure better the third trimester and develop the three interventions in parallel throughout the course from home.

Finally, I want to highlight the importance of the colleagues and the different professors who have collaborated in the master. Sharing this experience with them has been a privilege, and fortunate to have so much cultural diversity, skills and points of view.

Fig 70.6. MDEF Class (2020). Valldaura Visit [Photo].

Reference Sources Chapter 11

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Organic Matters rethinking the future and value of regenerative economy, organic matter and local production @_organicmatters

Master in Design for Emergent Futures 2019-20 IaaC, FabLab Barcelona and Elisava | Laura Freixas

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