Sugar Moon Brand Guidelines

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Sugar Moon Bake Shop Brand Guidelines 2012

Brand Guidelines 2012

82 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

We are a design team based in Atlanta, Georgia who seeks to provide unique, meaningful brands and fun, innovative illustration for its diverse array of clients. Break the Box is passionate about providing smart solutions for its clients—creative strategic thinking that will inspire the masses. We are the main marketing team for Sugar Moons branding. If you have any questions regarding the use of their brand please contact on of your designers.

Making �e worl� a be�ler place, one cupcake at a time . Brand Introduction

Designers and Info: Laura Sharp 678.447.7166 Nusrat Alam 703.980.2165

Amy Dinsmore 678.779.1842 Deborah Bush 770.298.4485 Shu Chen 678.200.6231

Sugar Moon is a community-oriented cupcake store in Oakhurst with unique and exotic flavors. The shop is located in an area that is considered “transitional,” where new businesses are appearing to attract middle class citizens. Although the clientele is fairly diverse, many young families and business professionals frequent the shop. They strive to be as fresh as the cupcakes that comes out of their ovens. Sugar Moon’s owner, Amy Hutsell Kiefer, worked at a 24 hour crisis center that served women and children in need. Although she loved helping those in need, she decided to take a layoff and take up a profession that wasn’t so mentally or emotionally troubling after 10 years. Sugar Moon aims to provide a service or good that brings happiness to people’s lives.

80 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Table of Contents

website and App Integration The layout for the Sugar Moon's #10 letter envelope is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should not be changed. The recommended typeface for the address is: Trade Gothic bold, 14 point for the recipient's name. Trade Gothic Light, 12 point with 14point leading for address. Finish Size and Layout Details: 9.49 inches x 4.13 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

All cards should be printed double sided on a #10 soft white, matte envelope and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Logo and Trademarks


Primary Logo


Logo Type


Logo Icon


Cupcake Icon


Logo and Icon Don’ts


Color Palette


Primary Colors


Full Color Palette




Header Typeface


Body Typeface


Specialty Typeface


Proper Typeface Usage


Patterns and Textures






Brand Guidelines 2012 • 81 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354





Pumpkin Spice Cupcake

Pumpkin Spice Cupcake


707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354 yo u r ho me to w n b ake s ho p


your hometown bake shop

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH h ow we ’r e s we et


Like grandma’s house minus Sugar Moon Bake Shop the mothballs.

Like grandma’s house minus the mothballs.

Sugar Moon Bake Shop

FOOD TRUCK h it t i ng th e s tr ee ts to b ri ng yo u s we et s


how we’re sweet



707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354 w eek l y mus i ng s o n t re at s t o ma ke yo ur al l t hi n gs ta st e y g ue st s d r oo l




hitting the streets to bring you sweets



weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool





Caramel cupcake topped with expresso flavored buttercream and drizzled with caramel sauce.

Imagine the wafts of fragrant freshly pressed expresso while feasting on a fresh baked pastry.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet

FOOD TRUCK hitting the streets to bring you sweets


OUTREACH weekly musings onyour hometown treats to make your all things tastey bake shopguests drool how we’re sweet





hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 79

82 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

We are a design team based in Atlanta, Georgia who seeks to provide unique, meaningful brands and fun, innovative illustration for its diverse array of clients. Break the Box is passionate about providing smart solutions for its clients—creative strategic thinking that will inspire the masses. We are the main marketing team for Sugar Moons branding. If you have any questions regarding the use of their brand please contact on of your designers.

Making �e worl� a be�ler place, one cupcake at a time . Brand Introduction

Designers and Info: Laura Sharp 678.447.7166 Nusrat Alam 703.980.2165

Amy Dinsmore 678.779.1842 Deborah Bush 770.298.4485 Shu Chen 678.200.6231

Sugar Moon is a community-oriented cupcake store in Oakhurst with unique and exotic flavors. The shop is located in an area that is considered “transitional,” where new businesses are appearing to attract middle class citizens. Although the clientele is fairly diverse, many young families and business professionals frequent the shop. They strive to be as fresh as the cupcakes that comes out of their ovens. Sugar Moon’s owner, Amy Hutsell Kiefer, worked at a 24 hour crisis center that served women and children in need. Although she loved helping those in need, she decided to take a layoff and take up a profession that wasn’t so mentally or emotionally troubling after 10 years. Sugar Moon aims to provide a service or good that brings happiness to people’s lives.

80 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Table of Contents

website and App Integration The layout for the Sugar Moon's #10 letter envelope is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should not be changed. The recommended typeface for the address is: Trade Gothic bold, 14 point for the recipient's name. Trade Gothic Light, 12 point with 14point leading for address. Finish Size and Layout Details: 9.49 inches x 4.13 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

All cards should be printed double sided on a #10 soft white, matte envelope and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Logo and Trademarks


Primary Logo


Logo Type


Logo Icon


Cupcake Icon


Logo and Icon Don’ts


Color Palette


Primary Colors


Full Color Palette




Header Typeface


Body Typeface


Specialty Typeface


Proper Typeface Usage


Patterns and Textures






Brand Guidelines 2012 • 81 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354





Pumpkin Spice Cupcake

Pumpkin Spice Cupcake


707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354 yo u r ho me to w n b ake s ho p


your hometown bake shop

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH h ow we ’r e s we et


Like grandma’s house minus Sugar Moon Bake Shop the mothballs.

Like grandma’s house minus the mothballs.

Sugar Moon Bake Shop

FOOD TRUCK h it t i ng th e s tr ee ts to b ri ng yo u s we et s


how we’re sweet



707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354 w eek l y mus i ng s o n t re at s t o ma ke yo ur al l t hi n gs ta st e y g ue st s d r oo l




hitting the streets to bring you sweets



weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool





Caramel cupcake topped with expresso flavored buttercream and drizzled with caramel sauce.

Imagine the wafts of fragrant freshly pressed expresso while feasting on a fresh baked pastry.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet

FOOD TRUCK hitting the streets to bring you sweets


OUTREACH weekly musings onyour hometown treats to make your all things tastey bake shopguests drool how we’re sweet





hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 79

78 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Table of Contents

Print Ads The layout for the Sugar Moon's #10 letter envelope is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should not be changed. The recommended typeface for the address is: Trade Gothic bold, 14 point for the recipient's name. Trade Gothic Light, 12 point with 14point leading for address. Finish Size and Layout Details: 9.49 inches x 4.13 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

All cards should be printed double sided on a #10 soft white, matte envelope and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Collateral Design


Business Cards








Note Cards






Cupcake Boxes


Paper Bag




Store Sign


Sidewalk Signs


Menu Sign


Individual Flavor Signs






Custom Converse Shoes


Table of Contents Hats






Food Truck




Mobile App




Cupcake Truck Locater


Ad Campaign


Print Ad


Website and App Integration


Marketing Team Info


ad Campaign Print Ads website and App integration

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 75

game To open our app to several demographics we have also added a game that lets users play and have fun. The game is based on the game bejeweled. The game also incorporates a reward system that lets users earn coupons and special offers that they can use in the store. The ultimate goal of this app is to establish a cult following with Sugar Moon, and draw attention to their great products and potential services.

78 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Table of Contents

Print Ads The layout for the Sugar Moon's #10 letter envelope is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should not be changed. The recommended typeface for the address is: Trade Gothic bold, 14 point for the recipient's name. Trade Gothic Light, 12 point with 14point leading for address. Finish Size and Layout Details: 9.49 inches x 4.13 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

All cards should be printed double sided on a #10 soft white, matte envelope and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Collateral Design


Business Cards








Note Cards






Cupcake Boxes


Paper Bag




Store Sign


Sidewalk Signs


Menu Sign


Individual Flavor Signs






Custom Converse Shoes


Table of Contents Hats






Food Truck




Mobile App




Cupcake Truck Locater


Ad Campaign


Print Ad


Website and App Integration


Marketing Team Info


ad Campaign Print Ads website and App integration

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 75

game To open our app to several demographics we have also added a game that lets users play and have fun. The game is based on the game bejeweled. The game also incorporates a reward system that lets users earn coupons and special offers that they can use in the store. The ultimate goal of this app is to establish a cult following with Sugar Moon, and draw attention to their great products and potential services.

74 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Logo and Trademarks Primary Logo Logo Type Logo Icon Cupcake Icon

Daily Flavors and Cupcake Truck locater The daily flavors section of the app lets the user navigate through all the different flavors Sugar Moon has to offer for that day. The daily flavors menu also lets users connect with one another and rave about their favorite cupcakes, and leave feedback within multiple networking sites like Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.

Another feature that app has is a Sugar Moon food truck finder "The Sweet Spot". This feature uses a map, and this lets the user keep track of where the food truck is and how soon it will be within their reach.

Logo and Icon Don’ts

72 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 13

Main Screen

Logo Type

The main screen of the mobile app is mainly used for navigation purposes. This screen also focuses on connecting the user to multiple networking sites like facebook, twitter, and pinterest showing the versatility of the app and its capabilities to connect with other users.

This version of the logo is for special pre-approved horizontal applications. The logo type should be used only when the primary logo cannot be used due to space limitations.

Clear space: Always leave a clear space equivalent to the height of the “S” in the logo type. This allows the logo to retain prominence when placed with other graphics.

Logo Colors: Gray - Pantone 7540C - 100% Mint - Pantone 7714C - 100%

One color logo: Is used in limited color situations and can be used in any of the primary brand colors, black or white. It is always recommended for the logo to be white when used on colored backgrounds.

12 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Primary Logo This is Sugar Moon’s standard and preferred logo. It is designed to be used in all pieces unless size or technical restraints effect legibility. This logo is customized artwork and not a typeface, DO NOT recreate it. The original artwork is available from Sugar Moon’s marketing team. Logo Colors: Gray - Pantone 7540C - 100% for logo type and 50% for gray circles. Mint - Pantone 7714C - 100% for logo type

and 75% / 50% for mint circles. Clear space: Always leave a clear space equivalent to the height of the “S” in the logo type. This allows the logo to retain prominence when placed with other graphics. One color logo: Is used in limited color situations and can be used in any of the primary brand colors, black or white. It is always recommended for the logo to be white when used on colored backgrounds.

14 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

mobile app Main Screen Daily Flavors and Cupcake Truck Locater game

Logo Icon The logo icon is approved to be used as a supporting graphical element. The logo icon graphic is a secondary graphic element and should be used as such. The artwork shown above is the only configuration approved for use as a secondary graphic. Approved artwork files are available on the enclosed CD. DO NOT substitute other artwork or create your own. It should NEVER be shown in any unapproved colors. See the color palette section for color options.

Logo Colors: Gray - Pantone 7540C - 50% circles. Mint - Pantone 7714C - 75% / 50% for assigned circles. One color logo: Is used in limited color situations and can be used in any of the primary brand colors, black or white. It is always recommended for the logo to be white when used on colored backgrounds.

74 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Logo and Trademarks Primary Logo Logo Type Logo Icon Cupcake Icon

Daily Flavors and Cupcake Truck locater The daily flavors section of the app lets the user navigate through all the different flavors Sugar Moon has to offer for that day. The daily flavors menu also lets users connect with one another and rave about their favorite cupcakes, and leave feedback within multiple networking sites like Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.

Another feature that app has is a Sugar Moon food truck finder "The Sweet Spot". This feature uses a map, and this lets the user keep track of where the food truck is and how soon it will be within their reach.

Logo and Icon Don’ts

72 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 13

Main Screen

Logo Type

The main screen of the mobile app is mainly used for navigation purposes. This screen also focuses on connecting the user to multiple networking sites like facebook, twitter, and pinterest showing the versatility of the app and its capabilities to connect with other users.

This version of the logo is for special pre-approved horizontal applications. The logo type should be used only when the primary logo cannot be used due to space limitations.

Clear space: Always leave a clear space equivalent to the height of the “S” in the logo type. This allows the logo to retain prominence when placed with other graphics.

Logo Colors: Gray - Pantone 7540C - 100% Mint - Pantone 7714C - 100%

One color logo: Is used in limited color situations and can be used in any of the primary brand colors, black or white. It is always recommended for the logo to be white when used on colored backgrounds.

12 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Primary Logo This is Sugar Moon’s standard and preferred logo. It is designed to be used in all pieces unless size or technical restraints effect legibility. This logo is customized artwork and not a typeface, DO NOT recreate it. The original artwork is available from Sugar Moon’s marketing team. Logo Colors: Gray - Pantone 7540C - 100% for logo type and 50% for gray circles. Mint - Pantone 7714C - 100% for logo type

and 75% / 50% for mint circles. Clear space: Always leave a clear space equivalent to the height of the “S” in the logo type. This allows the logo to retain prominence when placed with other graphics. One color logo: Is used in limited color situations and can be used in any of the primary brand colors, black or white. It is always recommended for the logo to be white when used on colored backgrounds.

14 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

mobile app Main Screen Daily Flavors and Cupcake Truck Locater game

Logo Icon The logo icon is approved to be used as a supporting graphical element. The logo icon graphic is a secondary graphic element and should be used as such. The artwork shown above is the only configuration approved for use as a secondary graphic. Approved artwork files are available on the enclosed CD. DO NOT substitute other artwork or create your own. It should NEVER be shown in any unapproved colors. See the color palette section for color options.

Logo Colors: Gray - Pantone 7540C - 50% circles. Mint - Pantone 7714C - 75% / 50% for assigned circles. One color logo: Is used in limited color situations and can be used in any of the primary brand colors, black or white. It is always recommended for the logo to be white when used on colored backgrounds.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 15

Cupcake Icon The cupcake icon is a secondary graphic element and should be used as such. The artwork shown above is the only configuration approved for use as a secondary graphic. Approved artwork files are available on the enclosed CD of Sugar Moon's Image Bank. DO NOT substitute other artwork or create your own. It should NEVER be shown in any unapproved colors. See the color palette section for color options. The multi color cupcake icon shown above is only approved to be used on a white background.

68 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Icon Colors: Gray - Pantone 7540C - 80% / 85% circles. Coral - Pantone 7418C - 100% / 75% / 50% One color Icon: Is used in limited color situations and can be used in any of the primary brand colors, black or white. The one color cupcake icon is the only one approved to be on a colored background and if the icon is outlined the inside color needs to be the same as the background color.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 17

Ad que venis delia dipitae dolore simagnihit eat et, sequae sam aut occati te nobis reperfe rsperum

Logo and Icon : DON’TS

Vespa Above is an illustration of what the Vespa should look like. The details of this drawing should not change and will be sent to the manufacture only by Sugar Moon's marketing team. On the back of the Vespa is a custom cupcake container. The marketing team is also in charge of it manufacture. This should always be on the Vespa when it is in use. It is apart of the branding and promotional signage of the Vespa.

Paint Colors and Materials: The paint colors should use the CMYK screen mixes to come as close as possible to Sugar Moon's color palette. The fabric of the seat should match as close as possible to Sugar Moon's Buttercream color (PMS 1555C).

Do not do any of the actions show here or anything else that breaks the integrity of Sugar Moon's logos or icons. Do Not: - Change the colors in the logo - Change the orientation, layout, or size proportions of the Logo lock up - Add any additional items to the logo lock up - Place the logo over or behind text - Place the full color cupcake icon on a colored background.

- place a solid color cupcake icon on a different color background.

16 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 69

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 67

Passenger Side Closed for Driving

404.377.3354 • 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

Food Truck Above is an illustration of what the Food Truck should look like. The details of this drawing should not change and will be sent to the manufacture only by Sugar Moon's marketing team. Bakeshop on wheels, this will be used as a secondary storefront. This food truck is a moving advertisement for the Sugar Moon brand. The van can be used in catering events as well as an avenue to engage with the street food community.

Paint Colors and Materials: The paint colors should use the CMYK screen mixes to come as close as possible to Sugar Moon's color palette. The fabric of the seat should match as close as possible to Sugar Moon's Buttercream color (PMS 1555C).

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 15

Cupcake Icon The cupcake icon is a secondary graphic element and should be used as such. The artwork shown above is the only configuration approved for use as a secondary graphic. Approved artwork files are available on the enclosed CD of Sugar Moon's Image Bank. DO NOT substitute other artwork or create your own. It should NEVER be shown in any unapproved colors. See the color palette section for color options. The multi color cupcake icon shown above is only approved to be used on a white background.

68 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Icon Colors: Gray - Pantone 7540C - 80% / 85% circles. Coral - Pantone 7418C - 100% / 75% / 50% One color Icon: Is used in limited color situations and can be used in any of the primary brand colors, black or white. The one color cupcake icon is the only one approved to be on a colored background and if the icon is outlined the inside color needs to be the same as the background color.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 17

Ad que venis delia dipitae dolore simagnihit eat et, sequae sam aut occati te nobis reperfe rsperum

Logo and Icon : DON’TS

Vespa Above is an illustration of what the Vespa should look like. The details of this drawing should not change and will be sent to the manufacture only by Sugar Moon's marketing team. On the back of the Vespa is a custom cupcake container. The marketing team is also in charge of it manufacture. This should always be on the Vespa when it is in use. It is apart of the branding and promotional signage of the Vespa.

Paint Colors and Materials: The paint colors should use the CMYK screen mixes to come as close as possible to Sugar Moon's color palette. The fabric of the seat should match as close as possible to Sugar Moon's Buttercream color (PMS 1555C).

Do not do any of the actions show here or anything else that breaks the integrity of Sugar Moon's logos or icons. Do Not: - Change the colors in the logo - Change the orientation, layout, or size proportions of the Logo lock up - Add any additional items to the logo lock up - Place the logo over or behind text - Place the full color cupcake icon on a colored background.

- place a solid color cupcake icon on a different color background.

16 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 69

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 67

Passenger Side Closed for Driving

404.377.3354 • 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

Food Truck Above is an illustration of what the Food Truck should look like. The details of this drawing should not change and will be sent to the manufacture only by Sugar Moon's marketing team. Bakeshop on wheels, this will be used as a secondary storefront. This food truck is a moving advertisement for the Sugar Moon brand. The van can be used in catering events as well as an avenue to engage with the street food community.

Paint Colors and Materials: The paint colors should use the CMYK screen mixes to come as close as possible to Sugar Moon's color palette. The fabric of the seat should match as close as possible to Sugar Moon's Buttercream color (PMS 1555C).

66 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Passenger Side Open for service

Color Palette

404.377.3354 • 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

Primary colors Full Color Palette Driver Side

isn’t life sweet.

64 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 21

Silver PMS 7540C CMYK : 68/59/53/33 RGB : 75/78/83 # 4B4E53

Mint PMS 7714C CMYK : 100/35/46/10 RGB : 0/116/127 # 00747F

Chocolate PMS 4975C CMYK : 49/77/69/67 RGB : 65/31/31 # 411F1F

Strawberry PMS 7418C CMYK : 13/81/61/1 RGB : 209/84/88 # D15458

Buttercream PMS 1555C CMYK : 0/33/43/0 RGB : 255/185/141 # FFB98D

Full Color Palette The secondary colors are to be used in support of the primary colors. None of the Sugar Moon logo lock-ups should be used in any of these second-tier colors. These colors are for use in the menu, store signage, special promotion and other forms of advertisement. The colors listed above and the primary colors are the only ones to be used with any Sugar Moon brand materials.

CMYK screen mixes are designated for each color swatch for the situations where a PMS (Pantone Matching System) ink is not available. Do not deviate from the formulas provided. The RGB and HEX numbers are only to be used when producing materials for web or digital displays.

20 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

vehicles Mint PMS 7714C CMYK : 100/35/46/10 RGB : 0/116/127 # 00747F

Food Truck

Silver PMS 7540C CMYK : 68/59/53/33 RGB : 75/78/83 # 4B4E53


Primary Colors These are the colors used in all of the official Sugar Moon brand logos and communicate ions. Please refer to the Logo sect ion of this manual for examples of how these colors are used within the logos.

The RGB and HEX numbers are only to be used when producing materials for web or digital displays.

CMYK screen mixes are designated for each color swatch for the situations where a PMS (Pantone Matching System) ink is not available. Do not deviate from the formulas provided.

22 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 63


66 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Passenger Side Open for service

Color Palette

404.377.3354 • 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

Primary colors Full Color Palette Driver Side

isn’t life sweet.

64 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 21

Silver PMS 7540C CMYK : 68/59/53/33 RGB : 75/78/83 # 4B4E53

Mint PMS 7714C CMYK : 100/35/46/10 RGB : 0/116/127 # 00747F

Chocolate PMS 4975C CMYK : 49/77/69/67 RGB : 65/31/31 # 411F1F

Strawberry PMS 7418C CMYK : 13/81/61/1 RGB : 209/84/88 # D15458

Buttercream PMS 1555C CMYK : 0/33/43/0 RGB : 255/185/141 # FFB98D

Full Color Palette The secondary colors are to be used in support of the primary colors. None of the Sugar Moon logo lock-ups should be used in any of these second-tier colors. These colors are for use in the menu, store signage, special promotion and other forms of advertisement. The colors listed above and the primary colors are the only ones to be used with any Sugar Moon brand materials.

CMYK screen mixes are designated for each color swatch for the situations where a PMS (Pantone Matching System) ink is not available. Do not deviate from the formulas provided. The RGB and HEX numbers are only to be used when producing materials for web or digital displays.

20 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

vehicles Mint PMS 7714C CMYK : 100/35/46/10 RGB : 0/116/127 # 00747F

Food Truck

Silver PMS 7540C CMYK : 68/59/53/33 RGB : 75/78/83 # 4B4E53


Primary Colors These are the colors used in all of the official Sugar Moon brand logos and communicate ions. Please refer to the Logo sect ion of this manual for examples of how these colors are used within the logos.

The RGB and HEX numbers are only to be used when producing materials for web or digital displays.

CMYK screen mixes are designated for each color swatch for the situations where a PMS (Pantone Matching System) ink is not available. Do not deviate from the formulas provided.

22 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 63


62 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop


tl sn’ ife






tl sn’ ife

Header Typeface


Body Typeface




Specialty Typeface


T-Shirts The Sugar Moon t-shirts are designed to be worn employees as well as sold in the shop for customers to purchase and wear; this will help to self-promote the shop and garner interest in the brand. The first design is printed in Sugar Moon Strawberry, and has banded sleeves. The logo appears on the front left of the chest along with logo moon icon far below near the hem. The back of the shirt features the cupcake illustration with the type "isn't life sweet" in the Clarendon typeface.

Proper Typeface usage

The second t-shirt design is printed in Sugar Moon Mint. Like the first design, the logo appears on the front left of the chest along with logo moon icon far below near the hem. The back of the shirt features a custom illustration of a cupcake character swinging from the moon. The illustration communicates the fun, laid-back personality of the Sugar Moon brand.

60 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 25 Trade Gothic Condensed No. 18

aBcdefGhijklMnopqurStuv w xyz a b c d e f g h i j k lm n o p q u r s t u v w x y z 1234567890

Trade Gothic Medium

a b c d e f g hi jk l m n o p q u r s t u v w x y z a b c d e f g hij k lm n o p q u r s t u v w x y z 12 3 4 5 678 9 0

Trade Gothic Bold

ABCDeFgHIjkLMNOPqUrSTUV w x yz abcde f ghijklmnopqur s tuv w x y z 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Custom Converse Shoes

Body Typeface

Shoes are also an important part of the Sugar Moon brand. Two custom Converse designs are available—one flavor in Sugar Moon Strawberry that features the iconic moon illustration from the logo along its side in addition to white stitching and shoe laces. The second custom Converse design is painted in Sugar Moon mint and showcases custom fabric design with one of the Sugar Moon patterns and red lacing.

The designated sans serif font for all official Sugar Moon communications is Trade Gothic. The available weights are Light, Medium, Bold, Condensed No. 18, and Bold No. 2. All weights come in an Oblique option. Trade Gothic should be used as a secondary accent face in conjunction with Clarendon BT. It can also be used for heads and subheads in varying weights. This is the preferred choice for long bodies of copy. Please refer to the Corporate Communications section of this manual for an example of how to use this face.

Verdana, Arial, Helvetica and sans serif are our back-up sans serif fonts, in that order, for HTML text on the Web.

24 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop Clarendon BT Bold Condensed

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 61

a bcdefghi jk lmnopqurstu v w x y z abcdefghi jklmnopqurstuv wx yz 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Clarendon BT Bold

a BCdefgh Ij k Lm noPqu r sT u v w xyz a b c d e f g h ij k l m n o p q u r s t u v w x y z 12 3 4 5 6 78 9 0

Clarendon BT Black

a bcdefghijk lm nopqu rst u v w x y z abcdefghijk lmnopqur stuv w x y z 12 3 4 5 67 8 9 0

Header Typeface


The designated serif font for all official Sugar Moon communications is Clarendon BT. The available weights are Condensed, Bold Condensed, Light, Roman, Bold, Heavy and Black. Clarendon BT should be used for heads and subheads in varying weights. Please refer to the Corporate Communications section of this manual for examples of how to use this face.

Hats are the icing on the cake. Two styles of cap are available, in the work-era style, which feature the Sugar Moon text logo along one of its sides with the cupcake graphic on the brim.

Garamond, Times and Times New Roman are our backup serif fonts, in that order, for HTML text on the Web.

26 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop Lavanderia Delicate

abcdef ghijk l m nopqu rs tuv wxyz abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz 123 4567890

Lavanderia Regular

abcdefghijklMnopqurstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz 1234567890

Lavanderia Sturdy

abcdefghijkl mnopqurstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz 1234567890

Specialty Typeface The designated script font for all official Sugar Moon communications is Lavanderia. The available weights are Delicate, Regular, Sturdy. Lavanderia should NOT be used for subheads or body copy in any varying weights. Lavanderia is to be used for call outs, special headers, and a stand alone line of text. Please refer to the Corporate Communications section of this manual for examples of how to use this face. Learning Curve, Forelle and Honey Script are our backup serif fonts, in that order, for HTML text on the Web.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 59

62 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop


tl sn’ ife






tl sn’ ife

Header Typeface


Body Typeface




Specialty Typeface


T-Shirts The Sugar Moon t-shirts are designed to be worn employees as well as sold in the shop for customers to purchase and wear; this will help to self-promote the shop and garner interest in the brand. The first design is printed in Sugar Moon Strawberry, and has banded sleeves. The logo appears on the front left of the chest along with logo moon icon far below near the hem. The back of the shirt features the cupcake illustration with the type "isn't life sweet" in the Clarendon typeface.

Proper Typeface usage

The second t-shirt design is printed in Sugar Moon Mint. Like the first design, the logo appears on the front left of the chest along with logo moon icon far below near the hem. The back of the shirt features a custom illustration of a cupcake character swinging from the moon. The illustration communicates the fun, laid-back personality of the Sugar Moon brand.

60 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 25 Trade Gothic Condensed No. 18

aBcdefGhijklMnopqurStuv w xyz a b c d e f g h i j k lm n o p q u r s t u v w x y z 1234567890

Trade Gothic Medium

a b c d e f g hi jk l m n o p q u r s t u v w x y z a b c d e f g hij k lm n o p q u r s t u v w x y z 12 3 4 5 678 9 0

Trade Gothic Bold

ABCDeFgHIjkLMNOPqUrSTUV w x yz abcde f ghijklmnopqur s tuv w x y z 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Custom Converse Shoes

Body Typeface

Shoes are also an important part of the Sugar Moon brand. Two custom Converse designs are available—one flavor in Sugar Moon Strawberry that features the iconic moon illustration from the logo along its side in addition to white stitching and shoe laces. The second custom Converse design is painted in Sugar Moon mint and showcases custom fabric design with one of the Sugar Moon patterns and red lacing.

The designated sans serif font for all official Sugar Moon communications is Trade Gothic. The available weights are Light, Medium, Bold, Condensed No. 18, and Bold No. 2. All weights come in an Oblique option. Trade Gothic should be used as a secondary accent face in conjunction with Clarendon BT. It can also be used for heads and subheads in varying weights. This is the preferred choice for long bodies of copy. Please refer to the Corporate Communications section of this manual for an example of how to use this face.

Verdana, Arial, Helvetica and sans serif are our back-up sans serif fonts, in that order, for HTML text on the Web.

24 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop Clarendon BT Bold Condensed

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 61

a bcdefghi jk lmnopqurstu v w x y z abcdefghi jklmnopqurstuv wx yz 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Clarendon BT Bold

a BCdefgh Ij k Lm noPqu r sT u v w xyz a b c d e f g h ij k l m n o p q u r s t u v w x y z 12 3 4 5 6 78 9 0

Clarendon BT Black

a bcdefghijk lm nopqu rst u v w x y z abcdefghijk lmnopqur stuv w x y z 12 3 4 5 67 8 9 0

Header Typeface


The designated serif font for all official Sugar Moon communications is Clarendon BT. The available weights are Condensed, Bold Condensed, Light, Roman, Bold, Heavy and Black. Clarendon BT should be used for heads and subheads in varying weights. Please refer to the Corporate Communications section of this manual for examples of how to use this face.

Hats are the icing on the cake. Two styles of cap are available, in the work-era style, which feature the Sugar Moon text logo along one of its sides with the cupcake graphic on the brim.

Garamond, Times and Times New Roman are our backup serif fonts, in that order, for HTML text on the Web.

26 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop Lavanderia Delicate

abcdef ghijk l m nopqu rs tuv wxyz abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz 123 4567890

Lavanderia Regular

abcdefghijklMnopqurstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz 1234567890

Lavanderia Sturdy

abcdefghijkl mnopqurstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz 1234567890

Specialty Typeface The designated script font for all official Sugar Moon communications is Lavanderia. The available weights are Delicate, Regular, Sturdy. Lavanderia should NOT be used for subheads or body copy in any varying weights. Lavanderia is to be used for call outs, special headers, and a stand alone line of text. Please refer to the Corporate Communications section of this manual for examples of how to use this face. Learning Curve, Forelle and Honey Script are our backup serif fonts, in that order, for HTML text on the Web.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 59

58 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 27

Header Type Header Type

Body Type

Sugar Moon Bake Shop

707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354


Apron The uniform for the employees is casual, current, bright, and cohesive with the rest of the brand. The uniform is important because it re-clarifies the brand with the guest —that Sugar Moon is a fun place for customers to come and enjoy cupcakes. The uniform consists of a custom-designed Sugar Moon t-shirt and converse shoes, apron, hat and khaki slacks.




Proper Typeface Usage The aprons are Sugar Moon Mint and feature the Sugar Moon logo that is centered along the front area of the garment. The apron is an integral part of the Sugar Moon uniform, and is designed to be worn by all employees in the shop.

Specialty Type WELCOME

Body Type

Sugar Moon Bake Shop is a full service bakery located in the Oakhurst community of Atlanta, Georgia. The shop offers a wide range of made-from-scratch signature cupcake flavors as well as an assortment of cookies and baked goods. People come from miles around to enjoy what is quickly becoming a local favorite. It is not unusual for parents or grandparents to bring in their family to enjoy our fresh baked goods who declare that they taste just as good as when they were kids. So, stop by and get a taste of home.

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet







hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

Patterns and Textures Patterns Textures

uniforms Aprons Custom Converse Shoes and Hats T-Shirts

30 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Patterns We have created a pattern background that is available in a range of colors in our color palette. These patterns are to be used in the visual look of Sugar Moon for a number of years and are very versatile for all of our communications. These patterns appear in everything from our web site to our in-store elements. The above is an example of a variety of background colors available. Approved graphic pattern backgrounds can be found on the CD of Sugar Moon's Image Bank.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 55

58 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 27

Header Type Header Type

Body Type

Sugar Moon Bake Shop

707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354


Apron The uniform for the employees is casual, current, bright, and cohesive with the rest of the brand. The uniform is important because it re-clarifies the brand with the guest —that Sugar Moon is a fun place for customers to come and enjoy cupcakes. The uniform consists of a custom-designed Sugar Moon t-shirt and converse shoes, apron, hat and khaki slacks.




Proper Typeface Usage The aprons are Sugar Moon Mint and feature the Sugar Moon logo that is centered along the front area of the garment. The apron is an integral part of the Sugar Moon uniform, and is designed to be worn by all employees in the shop.

Specialty Type WELCOME

Body Type

Sugar Moon Bake Shop is a full service bakery located in the Oakhurst community of Atlanta, Georgia. The shop offers a wide range of made-from-scratch signature cupcake flavors as well as an assortment of cookies and baked goods. People come from miles around to enjoy what is quickly becoming a local favorite. It is not unusual for parents or grandparents to bring in their family to enjoy our fresh baked goods who declare that they taste just as good as when they were kids. So, stop by and get a taste of home.

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet







hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

Patterns and Textures Patterns Textures

uniforms Aprons Custom Converse Shoes and Hats T-Shirts

30 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Patterns We have created a pattern background that is available in a range of colors in our color palette. These patterns are to be used in the visual look of Sugar Moon for a number of years and are very versatile for all of our communications. These patterns appear in everything from our web site to our in-store elements. The above is an example of a variety of background colors available. Approved graphic pattern backgrounds can be found on the CD of Sugar Moon's Image Bank.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 55

54 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 31

Strawberry Daiquiri

Browned Butter Spice

Mint Chocolate

Pumpkin Spice

Individual Flavor Signs


This texture is designed to give a variety among Sugar Moons collateral and marketing materials which keeping with the brand feel and look. The lines should never be more then 25% opacity and should always be in Silver (PMS 7540C) or white.

This texture is designed to give a variety among Sugar Moons collateral and marketing materials which keeping with the brand feel and look. The lines should never be more then 25% opacity and should always be in Silver (PMS 7540C) or white.

The above is an example of a variety of background colors available. Approved graphic pattern backgrounds can be found on the CD of Sugar Moon's Image Bank.

The above is an example of a variety of background colors available. Approved graphic pattern backgrounds can be found on the CD of Sugar Moon's Image Bank.

52 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Collateral design

Pina Colada

Double Chocolate

Crea m De Menthe Brown Butter Spice

Red Velvet

Banana Pupping

Cara mel Macchiato Salted Chocolate Carmel

Vanilla Buttercrea m


Business Cards Letterhead

Sidewalk Sign For the sidewalk sign we used a similar concept and the same style that is used in the interior signage of the Sugar Moon's store. This sidewalk sign is two sided one showcases a large printed logo on the back, while the front shows the specific flavors available in the store today.

envelopes Invoice Note Cards

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 53

Menu Sign We created a new menu design for Sugar Moon, for the design we wanted the menu to be easily legible. So, we choose a very bold look and a design consisting of mainly typography. This design also adds a bit of modern rusticness to the bakery, which goes with the overall tone of Sugar Moon. The typefaces used in this menu are mostly from the Trade Gothic font family, however some of the header in the menu uses Clarendon.

34 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop Back

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 51 Front

Amy Kiefer

Chief Cupcake Baker cell: 770.823.2633 404.377.3354 707C East Lake Drive Decatur, Georgia 30030

Business Card Option 1 This is the primary business card layout and is shown above at actual size. The front and back of this card is the only authorized combination to use for this design. These card designs can be used for anyone in the company and could be at the same time. The configuration of type, logo, and icon placement should not be changed. Finish Size and Layout Details: 2.5 inches x 2.5 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/4 inch

We also designed this menu to be versatile, with both printed type and also bottom portion that is to be handwritten which can change day to day based on the flavors Sugar Moon has in store. This handwritten element adds a playfulness to the overall design of the menu.

All cards should be printed double sided on soft white 110# cover, matte paper and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

54 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 31

Strawberry Daiquiri

Browned Butter Spice

Mint Chocolate

Pumpkin Spice

Individual Flavor Signs


This texture is designed to give a variety among Sugar Moons collateral and marketing materials which keeping with the brand feel and look. The lines should never be more then 25% opacity and should always be in Silver (PMS 7540C) or white.

This texture is designed to give a variety among Sugar Moons collateral and marketing materials which keeping with the brand feel and look. The lines should never be more then 25% opacity and should always be in Silver (PMS 7540C) or white.

The above is an example of a variety of background colors available. Approved graphic pattern backgrounds can be found on the CD of Sugar Moon's Image Bank.

The above is an example of a variety of background colors available. Approved graphic pattern backgrounds can be found on the CD of Sugar Moon's Image Bank.

52 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Collateral design

Pina Colada

Double Chocolate

Crea m De Menthe Brown Butter Spice

Red Velvet

Banana Pupping

Cara mel Macchiato Salted Chocolate Carmel

Vanilla Buttercrea m


Business Cards Letterhead

Sidewalk Sign For the sidewalk sign we used a similar concept and the same style that is used in the interior signage of the Sugar Moon's store. This sidewalk sign is two sided one showcases a large printed logo on the back, while the front shows the specific flavors available in the store today.

envelopes Invoice Note Cards

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 53

Menu Sign We created a new menu design for Sugar Moon, for the design we wanted the menu to be easily legible. So, we choose a very bold look and a design consisting of mainly typography. This design also adds a bit of modern rusticness to the bakery, which goes with the overall tone of Sugar Moon. The typefaces used in this menu are mostly from the Trade Gothic font family, however some of the header in the menu uses Clarendon.

34 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop Back

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 51 Front

Amy Kiefer

Chief Cupcake Baker cell: 770.823.2633 404.377.3354 707C East Lake Drive Decatur, Georgia 30030

Business Card Option 1 This is the primary business card layout and is shown above at actual size. The front and back of this card is the only authorized combination to use for this design. These card designs can be used for anyone in the company and could be at the same time. The configuration of type, logo, and icon placement should not be changed. Finish Size and Layout Details: 2.5 inches x 2.5 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/4 inch

We also designed this menu to be versatile, with both printed type and also bottom portion that is to be handwritten which can change day to day based on the flavors Sugar Moon has in store. This handwritten element adds a playfulness to the overall design of the menu.

All cards should be printed double sided on soft white 110# cover, matte paper and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

50 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 35 Back


Amy Kiefer

Chief Cupcake Baker cell: 770.823.2633 404.377.3354 707C East Lake Drive Decatur, Georgia 30030

Store Sign

Business Card Option 2

The signage is reminiscent of a rustic chic style. This signage will be living outside of the store, and will fit well within the style of the Oakhurst community. This is a rough mock-up.

This is the secondary business card layout and is shown above at actual size. The front and back of this card is the only authorized combination to use for this design. These card designs can be used for anyone in the company and could be at the same time. The configuration of type, logo, and icon placement should not be changed. Finish Size and Layout Details: 2.5 inches x 2.5 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/4 inch

All cards should be printed double sided on soft white 110# cover, matte paper and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 37 Front


September 12, 2012

Dear Mrs. Smith, Thank you for hosting such a wonderful bridal show. I know how much time and effort you put into the whole production. You did a magnificent job coordinating all the vendors and the fashion show. The girls looked great in the different wedding dress. I really like that you had the different ages. I really don’t know how you had time to sleep with all that work. It was a successful show for us as well. We received several clients and look forward to participating next year. Please let us know if you need any help with the coordination or set up. Thank you again for all of your hard work and time. You are truly an amazing woman. Sincerely, Amy Kiefer

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

Letterhead The typical layout for the Sugar Moon letterhead is shown. This is an example of how to format correspondence on the letterhead aligning with the address line and keeping the margins consistent. The recommended typeface for letters is Trade Gothic Light, 10 point with 12 point leading. Finish Size and Layout Details: 8.5 inches x 11 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: as shown on left page

All letterhead should be printed double sided on soft white 80# text, matte paper and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

36 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop 1.5"



September 12, 2012


Dear Mrs. Smith, Thank you for hosting such a wonderful bridal show. I know how much time and effort you put into the whole production. You did a magnificent job coordinating all the vendors and the fashion show. The girls looked great in the different wedding dress. I really like that you had the different ages. I really don’t know how you had time to sleep with all that work. It was a successful show for us as well. We received several clients and look forward to participating next year. Please let us know if you need any help with the coordination or set up.

Store Sign

Thank you again for all of your hard work and time. You are truly an amazing woman.

Sidewalk Sign

Sincerely, Amy Kiefer

Menu Sign Individual Flavor Signs Other Interior Signs

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030




38 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 47

707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

Mrs. Jane Smith

20 Marietta Street, Suite 102 Atlanta, Georgia 30303


#10 envelope The layout for the Sugar Moon's #10 letter envelope is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should not be changed. The recommended typeface for the address is: Trade Gothic bold, 14 point for the recipient's name. Trade Gothic Light, 12 point with 14point leading for address. Finish Size and Layout Details: 9.49 inches x 4.13 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

Merchandise Bag All cards should be printed double sided on a #10 soft white, matte envelope and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

The bag can also be used to hold other merchandise and showcases the logo on the front and decorative patterns on the side. The merchandise bag features one of the custom Sugar Moon patterns along each folding side in addition to the Sugar Moon mint hue. The front and back sides of the back showcase the Sugar Moon logo on a white background.

50 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 35 Back


Amy Kiefer

Chief Cupcake Baker cell: 770.823.2633 404.377.3354 707C East Lake Drive Decatur, Georgia 30030

Store Sign

Business Card Option 2

The signage is reminiscent of a rustic chic style. This signage will be living outside of the store, and will fit well within the style of the Oakhurst community. This is a rough mock-up.

This is the secondary business card layout and is shown above at actual size. The front and back of this card is the only authorized combination to use for this design. These card designs can be used for anyone in the company and could be at the same time. The configuration of type, logo, and icon placement should not be changed. Finish Size and Layout Details: 2.5 inches x 2.5 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/4 inch

All cards should be printed double sided on soft white 110# cover, matte paper and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 37 Front


September 12, 2012

Dear Mrs. Smith, Thank you for hosting such a wonderful bridal show. I know how much time and effort you put into the whole production. You did a magnificent job coordinating all the vendors and the fashion show. The girls looked great in the different wedding dress. I really like that you had the different ages. I really don’t know how you had time to sleep with all that work. It was a successful show for us as well. We received several clients and look forward to participating next year. Please let us know if you need any help with the coordination or set up. Thank you again for all of your hard work and time. You are truly an amazing woman. Sincerely, Amy Kiefer

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

Letterhead The typical layout for the Sugar Moon letterhead is shown. This is an example of how to format correspondence on the letterhead aligning with the address line and keeping the margins consistent. The recommended typeface for letters is Trade Gothic Light, 10 point with 12 point leading. Finish Size and Layout Details: 8.5 inches x 11 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: as shown on left page

All letterhead should be printed double sided on soft white 80# text, matte paper and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

36 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop 1.5"



September 12, 2012


Dear Mrs. Smith, Thank you for hosting such a wonderful bridal show. I know how much time and effort you put into the whole production. You did a magnificent job coordinating all the vendors and the fashion show. The girls looked great in the different wedding dress. I really like that you had the different ages. I really don’t know how you had time to sleep with all that work. It was a successful show for us as well. We received several clients and look forward to participating next year. Please let us know if you need any help with the coordination or set up.

Store Sign

Thank you again for all of your hard work and time. You are truly an amazing woman.

Sidewalk Sign

Sincerely, Amy Kiefer

Menu Sign Individual Flavor Signs Other Interior Signs

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030




38 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 47

707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

Mrs. Jane Smith

20 Marietta Street, Suite 102 Atlanta, Georgia 30303


#10 envelope The layout for the Sugar Moon's #10 letter envelope is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should not be changed. The recommended typeface for the address is: Trade Gothic bold, 14 point for the recipient's name. Trade Gothic Light, 12 point with 14point leading for address. Finish Size and Layout Details: 9.49 inches x 4.13 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

Merchandise Bag All cards should be printed double sided on a #10 soft white, matte envelope and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

The bag can also be used to hold other merchandise and showcases the logo on the front and decorative patterns on the side. The merchandise bag features one of the custom Sugar Moon patterns along each folding side in addition to the Sugar Moon mint hue. The front and back sides of the back showcase the Sugar Moon logo on a white background.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 39


46 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

12 c


12 c


Mrs. Jane Smith

20 Marietta Street, Suite 102 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

6 ct



Cupcake Boxes

A-2 greeting Card envelope

The package design re-establishes the Sugar Moon brand by using the similar shapes, colors, and patterns used within the brand.

The layout for the Sugar Moon's A-2 greeting card envelope is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should not be changed. The recommended typeface for the address is: Trade Gothic bold, 14 point for the recipient's name. Trade Gothic Light, 12 point with 14point leading for address.

The three set box is broken into three different color groups. The large 12-count box uses the mint color, the 6-count box uses the strawberry color. These boxes are to be used for cupcakes only.

Finish Size and Layout Details: 4.375 inches x 5.75 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

44 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

All cards should be printed double sided on a A-2 soft white, matte envelope and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 41

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

isn’t life sweet.

greeting Cards These are a few greeting cards for Sugar Moon. These designs need to stay similar to the ones shown above, but the copy can be changed to include other wording as needed. The layout of the logo and company info on the back should NOT be changed. Finish Size and Layout Details: 4.25 x 5.5 inches or 7 x 4.5 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/4-1/2 inch

All cards should be printed double sided on a #110 soft white, matte card stock and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors.

Back of all

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

isn’t life sweet.

40 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, Geogria 30030

Item 1. 2. 3.

Description Red Velvet Mint Chocolate Caramel Macchiato


Invoice #: 00167 Date: August 17, 2012 Amount Due: $60.00

Broken Box / Laura Sharp 4310 Northlake Circle Atlanta, Georgia 30345 678.447.7166

Unit Cost ($) $30/dozen $30/dozen $30/dozen

Quantity 1.5 1.0 1.5

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, Geogria 30030

Price ($) $ 45.00 $ 30.00 $ 45.00

Item 1. 2. 3. NOTeS:

Subtotal :


Total : Amount Paid :

- 60.00

Balance Due :

$ 60.00


Invoice #: 00167 Date: August 17, 2012 Amount Due: $60.00

Broken Box / Laura Sharp 4310 Northlake Circle Atlanta, Georgia 30345 678.447.7166


Unit Cost ($)

Red Velvet Mint Chocolate Caramel Macchiato


$30/dozen $30/dozen $30/dozen

1.5 1.0 1.5


Price ($) $ 45.00 $ 30.00 $ 45.00



Thank you for your business.

Paper Bag

Please make checks out to: Sugar Moon Bake Shop Mail payments to: Amy Kiefer 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, Geogria 30030 Paypal Paments to:

Invoice The layout for the Sugar Moon's invoice is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should NOTeS: not be changed. The recommended typeface to use is Trade Gothic Light, 10 point with 12point leading for address. Finish Size and Layout Details: 8.5 inches x 11 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

Thank you for your business. Please make checks out to: Sugar Moon Bake Shop Mail payments to: Amy Kiefer 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, Geogria 30030

All Invoices should be pre-printed on a #32 text, soft white, matte paper and cut to full bleed. The 120.00 recommended way of printing isSubtotal offset: press with the Total : 120.00 appropriate PMS colors. Amount Paid :

- 60.00

Balance Due : $ 60.00 PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Paypal Paments to:

42 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 43 Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Sugar Moon Bake Shop

707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354





707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354






WELCOME Sugar Moon Bake Shop is a full service bakery located in the Oakhurst community of Atlanta, Georgia. The shop offers a wide range of made-from-scratch signature cupcake flavors as well as an assortment of cookies and baked goods. People come from miles around to enjoy what is quickly becoming a local favorite. It is not unusual for parents or grandparents to bring in their family to enjoy our fresh baked goods who declare that they taste just as good as when they were kids. So, stop by and get a taste of home.



MON, WED BUCKHEAD 11am - 4pm

Hit it early and hit it often. Sugar Moon’s mobile cupcake truck braves the street of Atlanta weekly to bring you the goods. Come and get your fix.

Sugar Moon Bake Shop


707C EasM t LI ak e, N Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354 De TD rOi vW

11am - 4pm







LITTLE 5 10am - 2pm

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet




hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet




hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

website The layout for the Sugar Moon's website is shown above. The website contains large photos, and encompasses a minimalistic design. The user interface is quite simple and easy to navigate. The main objective of the website is to be an overview of Sugar Moon's variety of flavors and also lead customers to the Mobile App. Finish Size and Layout Details: 8.5 inches x 11 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

The website accomplishes this objective by showing a visual reference to the different flavor cupcakes Sugar Moon has to offer. The website also lets the guest track the food truck and by providing detailed information about the Mobile App. and how to download it. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

C A R A M E L M A C H I AT T O Caramel cupcake topped with expresso flavored buttercream and drizzled with caramel sauce.

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet




hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 39


46 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

12 c


12 c


Mrs. Jane Smith

20 Marietta Street, Suite 102 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

6 ct



Cupcake Boxes

A-2 greeting Card envelope

The package design re-establishes the Sugar Moon brand by using the similar shapes, colors, and patterns used within the brand.

The layout for the Sugar Moon's A-2 greeting card envelope is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should not be changed. The recommended typeface for the address is: Trade Gothic bold, 14 point for the recipient's name. Trade Gothic Light, 12 point with 14point leading for address.

The three set box is broken into three different color groups. The large 12-count box uses the mint color, the 6-count box uses the strawberry color. These boxes are to be used for cupcakes only.

Finish Size and Layout Details: 4.375 inches x 5.75 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

44 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

All cards should be printed double sided on a A-2 soft white, matte envelope and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 41

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

isn’t life sweet.

greeting Cards These are a few greeting cards for Sugar Moon. These designs need to stay similar to the ones shown above, but the copy can be changed to include other wording as needed. The layout of the logo and company info on the back should NOT be changed. Finish Size and Layout Details: 4.25 x 5.5 inches or 7 x 4.5 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/4-1/2 inch

All cards should be printed double sided on a #110 soft white, matte card stock and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors.

Back of all

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

isn’t life sweet.

40 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, Geogria 30030

Item 1. 2. 3.

Description Red Velvet Mint Chocolate Caramel Macchiato


Invoice #: 00167 Date: August 17, 2012 Amount Due: $60.00

Broken Box / Laura Sharp 4310 Northlake Circle Atlanta, Georgia 30345 678.447.7166

Unit Cost ($) $30/dozen $30/dozen $30/dozen

Quantity 1.5 1.0 1.5

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, Geogria 30030

Price ($) $ 45.00 $ 30.00 $ 45.00

Item 1. 2. 3. NOTeS:

Subtotal :


Total : Amount Paid :

- 60.00

Balance Due :

$ 60.00


Invoice #: 00167 Date: August 17, 2012 Amount Due: $60.00

Broken Box / Laura Sharp 4310 Northlake Circle Atlanta, Georgia 30345 678.447.7166


Unit Cost ($)

Red Velvet Mint Chocolate Caramel Macchiato


$30/dozen $30/dozen $30/dozen

1.5 1.0 1.5


Price ($) $ 45.00 $ 30.00 $ 45.00



Thank you for your business.

Paper Bag

Please make checks out to: Sugar Moon Bake Shop Mail payments to: Amy Kiefer 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, Geogria 30030 Paypal Paments to:

Invoice The layout for the Sugar Moon's invoice is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should NOTeS: not be changed. The recommended typeface to use is Trade Gothic Light, 10 point with 12point leading for address. Finish Size and Layout Details: 8.5 inches x 11 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

Thank you for your business. Please make checks out to: Sugar Moon Bake Shop Mail payments to: Amy Kiefer 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, Geogria 30030

All Invoices should be pre-printed on a #32 text, soft white, matte paper and cut to full bleed. The 120.00 recommended way of printing isSubtotal offset: press with the Total : 120.00 appropriate PMS colors. Amount Paid :

- 60.00

Balance Due : $ 60.00 PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Paypal Paments to:

42 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 43 Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Sugar Moon Bake Shop

707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354





707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354






WELCOME Sugar Moon Bake Shop is a full service bakery located in the Oakhurst community of Atlanta, Georgia. The shop offers a wide range of made-from-scratch signature cupcake flavors as well as an assortment of cookies and baked goods. People come from miles around to enjoy what is quickly becoming a local favorite. It is not unusual for parents or grandparents to bring in their family to enjoy our fresh baked goods who declare that they taste just as good as when they were kids. So, stop by and get a taste of home.



MON, WED BUCKHEAD 11am - 4pm

Hit it early and hit it often. Sugar Moon’s mobile cupcake truck braves the street of Atlanta weekly to bring you the goods. Come and get your fix.

Sugar Moon Bake Shop


707C EasM t LI ak e, N Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354 De TD rOi vW

11am - 4pm







LITTLE 5 10am - 2pm

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet




hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet




hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

website The layout for the Sugar Moon's website is shown above. The website contains large photos, and encompasses a minimalistic design. The user interface is quite simple and easy to navigate. The main objective of the website is to be an overview of Sugar Moon's variety of flavors and also lead customers to the Mobile App. Finish Size and Layout Details: 8.5 inches x 11 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

The website accomplishes this objective by showing a visual reference to the different flavor cupcakes Sugar Moon has to offer. The website also lets the guest track the food truck and by providing detailed information about the Mobile App. and how to download it. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

C A R A M E L M A C H I AT T O Caramel cupcake topped with expresso flavored buttercream and drizzled with caramel sauce.

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet




hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

40 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, Geogria 30030

Item 1. 2. 3.

Description Red Velvet Mint Chocolate Caramel Macchiato


Invoice #: 00167 Date: August 17, 2012 Amount Due: $60.00

Broken Box / Laura Sharp 4310 Northlake Circle Atlanta, Georgia 30345 678.447.7166

Unit Cost ($) $30/dozen $30/dozen $30/dozen

Quantity 1.5 1.0 1.5

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, Geogria 30030

Price ($) $ 45.00 $ 30.00 $ 45.00

Item 1. 2. 3. NOTeS:

Subtotal :


Total : Amount Paid :

- 60.00

Balance Due :

$ 60.00


Invoice #: 00167 Date: August 17, 2012 Amount Due: $60.00

Broken Box / Laura Sharp 4310 Northlake Circle Atlanta, Georgia 30345 678.447.7166


Unit Cost ($)

Red Velvet Mint Chocolate Caramel Macchiato


$30/dozen $30/dozen $30/dozen

1.5 1.0 1.5


Price ($) $ 45.00 $ 30.00 $ 45.00



Thank you for your business.

Paper Bag

Please make checks out to: Sugar Moon Bake Shop Mail payments to: Amy Kiefer 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, Geogria 30030 Paypal Paments to:

Invoice The layout for the Sugar Moon's invoice is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should NOTeS: not be changed. The recommended typeface to use is Trade Gothic Light, 10 point with 12point leading for address. Finish Size and Layout Details: 8.5 inches x 11 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

Thank you for your business. Please make checks out to: Sugar Moon Bake Shop Mail payments to: Amy Kiefer 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, Geogria 30030

All Invoices should be pre-printed on a #32 text, soft white, matte paper and cut to full bleed. The 120.00 recommended way of printing isSubtotal offset: press with the Total : 120.00 appropriate PMS colors. Amount Paid :

- 60.00

Balance Due : $ 60.00 PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Paypal Paments to:

42 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 43 Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Sugar Moon Bake Shop

707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354





707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354






WELCOME Sugar Moon Bake Shop is a full service bakery located in the Oakhurst community of Atlanta, Georgia. The shop offers a wide range of made-from-scratch signature cupcake flavors as well as an assortment of cookies and baked goods. People come from miles around to enjoy what is quickly becoming a local favorite. It is not unusual for parents or grandparents to bring in their family to enjoy our fresh baked goods who declare that they taste just as good as when they were kids. So, stop by and get a taste of home.



MON, WED BUCKHEAD 11am - 4pm

Hit it early and hit it often. Sugar Moon’s mobile cupcake truck braves the street of Atlanta weekly to bring you the goods. Come and get your fix.

Sugar Moon Bake Shop


707C EasM t LI ak e, N Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354 De TD rOi vW

11am - 4pm







LITTLE 5 10am - 2pm

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet




hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet




hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

website The layout for the Sugar Moon's website is shown above. The website contains large photos, and encompasses a minimalistic design. The user interface is quite simple and easy to navigate. The main objective of the website is to be an overview of Sugar Moon's variety of flavors and also lead customers to the Mobile App. Finish Size and Layout Details: 8.5 inches x 11 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

The website accomplishes this objective by showing a visual reference to the different flavor cupcakes Sugar Moon has to offer. The website also lets the guest track the food truck and by providing detailed information about the Mobile App. and how to download it. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

C A R A M E L M A C H I AT T O Caramel cupcake topped with expresso flavored buttercream and drizzled with caramel sauce.

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet




hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 39


46 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

12 c


12 c


Mrs. Jane Smith

20 Marietta Street, Suite 102 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

6 ct



Cupcake Boxes

A-2 greeting Card envelope

The package design re-establishes the Sugar Moon brand by using the similar shapes, colors, and patterns used within the brand.

The layout for the Sugar Moon's A-2 greeting card envelope is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should not be changed. The recommended typeface for the address is: Trade Gothic bold, 14 point for the recipient's name. Trade Gothic Light, 12 point with 14point leading for address.

The three set box is broken into three different color groups. The large 12-count box uses the mint color, the 6-count box uses the strawberry color. These boxes are to be used for cupcakes only.

Finish Size and Layout Details: 4.375 inches x 5.75 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

44 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

All cards should be printed double sided on a A-2 soft white, matte envelope and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 41

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

isn’t life sweet.

greeting Cards These are a few greeting cards for Sugar Moon. These designs need to stay similar to the ones shown above, but the copy can be changed to include other wording as needed. The layout of the logo and company info on the back should NOT be changed. Finish Size and Layout Details: 4.25 x 5.5 inches or 7 x 4.5 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/4-1/2 inch

All cards should be printed double sided on a #110 soft white, matte card stock and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors.

Back of all

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

isn’t life sweet.

40 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, Geogria 30030

Item 1. 2. 3.

Description Red Velvet Mint Chocolate Caramel Macchiato


Invoice #: 00167 Date: August 17, 2012 Amount Due: $60.00

Broken Box / Laura Sharp 4310 Northlake Circle Atlanta, Georgia 30345 678.447.7166

Unit Cost ($) $30/dozen $30/dozen $30/dozen

Quantity 1.5 1.0 1.5

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, Geogria 30030

Price ($) $ 45.00 $ 30.00 $ 45.00

Item 1. 2. 3. NOTeS:

Subtotal :


Total : Amount Paid :

- 60.00

Balance Due :

$ 60.00


Invoice #: 00167 Date: August 17, 2012 Amount Due: $60.00

Broken Box / Laura Sharp 4310 Northlake Circle Atlanta, Georgia 30345 678.447.7166


Unit Cost ($)

Red Velvet Mint Chocolate Caramel Macchiato


$30/dozen $30/dozen $30/dozen

1.5 1.0 1.5


Price ($) $ 45.00 $ 30.00 $ 45.00



Thank you for your business.

Paper Bag

Please make checks out to: Sugar Moon Bake Shop Mail payments to: Amy Kiefer 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, Geogria 30030 Paypal Paments to:

Invoice The layout for the Sugar Moon's invoice is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should NOTeS: not be changed. The recommended typeface to use is Trade Gothic Light, 10 point with 12point leading for address. Finish Size and Layout Details: 8.5 inches x 11 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

Thank you for your business. Please make checks out to: Sugar Moon Bake Shop Mail payments to: Amy Kiefer 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, Geogria 30030

All Invoices should be pre-printed on a #32 text, soft white, matte paper and cut to full bleed. The 120.00 recommended way of printing isSubtotal offset: press with the Total : 120.00 appropriate PMS colors. Amount Paid :

- 60.00

Balance Due : $ 60.00 PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Paypal Paments to:

42 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 43 Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Sugar Moon Bake Shop

707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354





707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354






WELCOME Sugar Moon Bake Shop is a full service bakery located in the Oakhurst community of Atlanta, Georgia. The shop offers a wide range of made-from-scratch signature cupcake flavors as well as an assortment of cookies and baked goods. People come from miles around to enjoy what is quickly becoming a local favorite. It is not unusual for parents or grandparents to bring in their family to enjoy our fresh baked goods who declare that they taste just as good as when they were kids. So, stop by and get a taste of home.



MON, WED BUCKHEAD 11am - 4pm

Hit it early and hit it often. Sugar Moon’s mobile cupcake truck braves the street of Atlanta weekly to bring you the goods. Come and get your fix.

Sugar Moon Bake Shop


707C EasM t LI ak e, N Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354 De TD rOi vW

11am - 4pm







LITTLE 5 10am - 2pm

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet




hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet




hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

website The layout for the Sugar Moon's website is shown above. The website contains large photos, and encompasses a minimalistic design. The user interface is quite simple and easy to navigate. The main objective of the website is to be an overview of Sugar Moon's variety of flavors and also lead customers to the Mobile App. Finish Size and Layout Details: 8.5 inches x 11 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

The website accomplishes this objective by showing a visual reference to the different flavor cupcakes Sugar Moon has to offer. The website also lets the guest track the food truck and by providing detailed information about the Mobile App. and how to download it. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

C A R A M E L M A C H I AT T O Caramel cupcake topped with expresso flavored buttercream and drizzled with caramel sauce.

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet




hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 39


46 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

12 c


12 c


Mrs. Jane Smith

20 Marietta Street, Suite 102 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

6 ct



Cupcake Boxes

A-2 greeting Card envelope

The package design re-establishes the Sugar Moon brand by using the similar shapes, colors, and patterns used within the brand.

The layout for the Sugar Moon's A-2 greeting card envelope is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should not be changed. The recommended typeface for the address is: Trade Gothic bold, 14 point for the recipient's name. Trade Gothic Light, 12 point with 14point leading for address.

The three set box is broken into three different color groups. The large 12-count box uses the mint color, the 6-count box uses the strawberry color. These boxes are to be used for cupcakes only.

Finish Size and Layout Details: 4.375 inches x 5.75 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

44 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

All cards should be printed double sided on a A-2 soft white, matte envelope and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 41

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

isn’t life sweet.

greeting Cards These are a few greeting cards for Sugar Moon. These designs need to stay similar to the ones shown above, but the copy can be changed to include other wording as needed. The layout of the logo and company info on the back should NOT be changed. Finish Size and Layout Details: 4.25 x 5.5 inches or 7 x 4.5 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/4-1/2 inch

All cards should be printed double sided on a #110 soft white, matte card stock and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors.

Back of all

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

isn’t life sweet.

36 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop 1.5"



September 12, 2012


Dear Mrs. Smith, Thank you for hosting such a wonderful bridal show. I know how much time and effort you put into the whole production. You did a magnificent job coordinating all the vendors and the fashion show. The girls looked great in the different wedding dress. I really like that you had the different ages. I really don’t know how you had time to sleep with all that work. It was a successful show for us as well. We received several clients and look forward to participating next year. Please let us know if you need any help with the coordination or set up.

Store Sign

Thank you again for all of your hard work and time. You are truly an amazing woman.

Sidewalk Sign

Sincerely, Amy Kiefer

Menu Sign Individual Flavor Signs Other Interior Signs

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030




38 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 47

707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

Mrs. Jane Smith

20 Marietta Street, Suite 102 Atlanta, Georgia 30303


#10 envelope The layout for the Sugar Moon's #10 letter envelope is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should not be changed. The recommended typeface for the address is: Trade Gothic bold, 14 point for the recipient's name. Trade Gothic Light, 12 point with 14point leading for address. Finish Size and Layout Details: 9.49 inches x 4.13 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

Merchandise Bag All cards should be printed double sided on a #10 soft white, matte envelope and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

The bag can also be used to hold other merchandise and showcases the logo on the front and decorative patterns on the side. The merchandise bag features one of the custom Sugar Moon patterns along each folding side in addition to the Sugar Moon mint hue. The front and back sides of the back showcase the Sugar Moon logo on a white background.

50 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 35 Back


Amy Kiefer

Chief Cupcake Baker cell: 770.823.2633 404.377.3354 707C East Lake Drive Decatur, Georgia 30030

Store Sign

Business Card Option 2

The signage is reminiscent of a rustic chic style. This signage will be living outside of the store, and will fit well within the style of the Oakhurst community. This is a rough mock-up.

This is the secondary business card layout and is shown above at actual size. The front and back of this card is the only authorized combination to use for this design. These card designs can be used for anyone in the company and could be at the same time. The configuration of type, logo, and icon placement should not be changed. Finish Size and Layout Details: 2.5 inches x 2.5 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/4 inch

All cards should be printed double sided on soft white 110# cover, matte paper and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 37 Front


September 12, 2012

Dear Mrs. Smith, Thank you for hosting such a wonderful bridal show. I know how much time and effort you put into the whole production. You did a magnificent job coordinating all the vendors and the fashion show. The girls looked great in the different wedding dress. I really like that you had the different ages. I really don’t know how you had time to sleep with all that work. It was a successful show for us as well. We received several clients and look forward to participating next year. Please let us know if you need any help with the coordination or set up. Thank you again for all of your hard work and time. You are truly an amazing woman. Sincerely, Amy Kiefer

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

Letterhead The typical layout for the Sugar Moon letterhead is shown. This is an example of how to format correspondence on the letterhead aligning with the address line and keeping the margins consistent. The recommended typeface for letters is Trade Gothic Light, 10 point with 12 point leading. Finish Size and Layout Details: 8.5 inches x 11 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: as shown on left page

All letterhead should be printed double sided on soft white 80# text, matte paper and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

36 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop 1.5"



September 12, 2012


Dear Mrs. Smith, Thank you for hosting such a wonderful bridal show. I know how much time and effort you put into the whole production. You did a magnificent job coordinating all the vendors and the fashion show. The girls looked great in the different wedding dress. I really like that you had the different ages. I really don’t know how you had time to sleep with all that work. It was a successful show for us as well. We received several clients and look forward to participating next year. Please let us know if you need any help with the coordination or set up.

Store Sign

Thank you again for all of your hard work and time. You are truly an amazing woman.

Sidewalk Sign

Sincerely, Amy Kiefer

Menu Sign Individual Flavor Signs Other Interior Signs

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030




38 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 47

707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

Mrs. Jane Smith

20 Marietta Street, Suite 102 Atlanta, Georgia 30303


#10 envelope The layout for the Sugar Moon's #10 letter envelope is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should not be changed. The recommended typeface for the address is: Trade Gothic bold, 14 point for the recipient's name. Trade Gothic Light, 12 point with 14point leading for address. Finish Size and Layout Details: 9.49 inches x 4.13 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

Merchandise Bag All cards should be printed double sided on a #10 soft white, matte envelope and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

The bag can also be used to hold other merchandise and showcases the logo on the front and decorative patterns on the side. The merchandise bag features one of the custom Sugar Moon patterns along each folding side in addition to the Sugar Moon mint hue. The front and back sides of the back showcase the Sugar Moon logo on a white background.

50 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 35 Back


Amy Kiefer

Chief Cupcake Baker cell: 770.823.2633 404.377.3354 707C East Lake Drive Decatur, Georgia 30030

Store Sign

Business Card Option 2

The signage is reminiscent of a rustic chic style. This signage will be living outside of the store, and will fit well within the style of the Oakhurst community. This is a rough mock-up.

This is the secondary business card layout and is shown above at actual size. The front and back of this card is the only authorized combination to use for this design. These card designs can be used for anyone in the company and could be at the same time. The configuration of type, logo, and icon placement should not be changed. Finish Size and Layout Details: 2.5 inches x 2.5 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/4 inch

All cards should be printed double sided on soft white 110# cover, matte paper and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 37 Front


September 12, 2012

Dear Mrs. Smith, Thank you for hosting such a wonderful bridal show. I know how much time and effort you put into the whole production. You did a magnificent job coordinating all the vendors and the fashion show. The girls looked great in the different wedding dress. I really like that you had the different ages. I really don’t know how you had time to sleep with all that work. It was a successful show for us as well. We received several clients and look forward to participating next year. Please let us know if you need any help with the coordination or set up. Thank you again for all of your hard work and time. You are truly an amazing woman. Sincerely, Amy Kiefer

404.377.3354 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

Letterhead The typical layout for the Sugar Moon letterhead is shown. This is an example of how to format correspondence on the letterhead aligning with the address line and keeping the margins consistent. The recommended typeface for letters is Trade Gothic Light, 10 point with 12 point leading. Finish Size and Layout Details: 8.5 inches x 11 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: as shown on left page

All letterhead should be printed double sided on soft white 80# text, matte paper and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 53

Menu Sign We created a new menu design for Sugar Moon, for the design we wanted the menu to be easily legible. So, we choose a very bold look and a design consisting of mainly typography. This design also adds a bit of modern rusticness to the bakery, which goes with the overall tone of Sugar Moon. The typefaces used in this menu are mostly from the Trade Gothic font family, however some of the header in the menu uses Clarendon.

34 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop Back

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 51 Front

Amy Kiefer

Chief Cupcake Baker cell: 770.823.2633 404.377.3354 707C East Lake Drive Decatur, Georgia 30030

Business Card Option 1 This is the primary business card layout and is shown above at actual size. The front and back of this card is the only authorized combination to use for this design. These card designs can be used for anyone in the company and could be at the same time. The configuration of type, logo, and icon placement should not be changed. Finish Size and Layout Details: 2.5 inches x 2.5 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/4 inch

We also designed this menu to be versatile, with both printed type and also bottom portion that is to be handwritten which can change day to day based on the flavors Sugar Moon has in store. This handwritten element adds a playfulness to the overall design of the menu.

All cards should be printed double sided on soft white 110# cover, matte paper and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

54 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 31

Strawberry Daiquiri

Browned Butter Spice

Mint Chocolate

Pumpkin Spice

Individual Flavor Signs


This texture is designed to give a variety among Sugar Moons collateral and marketing materials which keeping with the brand feel and look. The lines should never be more then 25% opacity and should always be in Silver (PMS 7540C) or white.

This texture is designed to give a variety among Sugar Moons collateral and marketing materials which keeping with the brand feel and look. The lines should never be more then 25% opacity and should always be in Silver (PMS 7540C) or white.

The above is an example of a variety of background colors available. Approved graphic pattern backgrounds can be found on the CD of Sugar Moon's Image Bank.

The above is an example of a variety of background colors available. Approved graphic pattern backgrounds can be found on the CD of Sugar Moon's Image Bank.

52 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Collateral design

Pina Colada

Double Chocolate

Crea m De Menthe Brown Butter Spice

Red Velvet

Banana Pupping

Cara mel Macchiato Salted Chocolate Carmel

Vanilla Buttercrea m


Business Cards Letterhead

Sidewalk Sign For the sidewalk sign we used a similar concept and the same style that is used in the interior signage of the Sugar Moon's store. This sidewalk sign is two sided one showcases a large printed logo on the back, while the front shows the specific flavors available in the store today.

envelopes Invoice Note Cards

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 53

Menu Sign We created a new menu design for Sugar Moon, for the design we wanted the menu to be easily legible. So, we choose a very bold look and a design consisting of mainly typography. This design also adds a bit of modern rusticness to the bakery, which goes with the overall tone of Sugar Moon. The typefaces used in this menu are mostly from the Trade Gothic font family, however some of the header in the menu uses Clarendon.

34 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop Back

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 51 Front

Amy Kiefer

Chief Cupcake Baker cell: 770.823.2633 404.377.3354 707C East Lake Drive Decatur, Georgia 30030

Business Card Option 1 This is the primary business card layout and is shown above at actual size. The front and back of this card is the only authorized combination to use for this design. These card designs can be used for anyone in the company and could be at the same time. The configuration of type, logo, and icon placement should not be changed. Finish Size and Layout Details: 2.5 inches x 2.5 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/4 inch

We also designed this menu to be versatile, with both printed type and also bottom portion that is to be handwritten which can change day to day based on the flavors Sugar Moon has in store. This handwritten element adds a playfulness to the overall design of the menu.

All cards should be printed double sided on soft white 110# cover, matte paper and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

54 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 31

Strawberry Daiquiri

Browned Butter Spice

Mint Chocolate

Pumpkin Spice

Individual Flavor Signs


This texture is designed to give a variety among Sugar Moons collateral and marketing materials which keeping with the brand feel and look. The lines should never be more then 25% opacity and should always be in Silver (PMS 7540C) or white.

This texture is designed to give a variety among Sugar Moons collateral and marketing materials which keeping with the brand feel and look. The lines should never be more then 25% opacity and should always be in Silver (PMS 7540C) or white.

The above is an example of a variety of background colors available. Approved graphic pattern backgrounds can be found on the CD of Sugar Moon's Image Bank.

The above is an example of a variety of background colors available. Approved graphic pattern backgrounds can be found on the CD of Sugar Moon's Image Bank.

52 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Collateral design

Pina Colada

Double Chocolate

Crea m De Menthe Brown Butter Spice

Red Velvet

Banana Pupping

Cara mel Macchiato Salted Chocolate Carmel

Vanilla Buttercrea m


Business Cards Letterhead

Sidewalk Sign For the sidewalk sign we used a similar concept and the same style that is used in the interior signage of the Sugar Moon's store. This sidewalk sign is two sided one showcases a large printed logo on the back, while the front shows the specific flavors available in the store today.

envelopes Invoice Note Cards

uniforms Aprons Custom Converse Shoes and Hats T-Shirts

30 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Patterns We have created a pattern background that is available in a range of colors in our color palette. These patterns are to be used in the visual look of Sugar Moon for a number of years and are very versatile for all of our communications. These patterns appear in everything from our web site to our in-store elements. The above is an example of a variety of background colors available. Approved graphic pattern backgrounds can be found on the CD of Sugar Moon's Image Bank.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 55

58 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 27

Header Type Header Type

Body Type

Sugar Moon Bake Shop

707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354


Apron The uniform for the employees is casual, current, bright, and cohesive with the rest of the brand. The uniform is important because it re-clarifies the brand with the guest —that Sugar Moon is a fun place for customers to come and enjoy cupcakes. The uniform consists of a custom-designed Sugar Moon t-shirt and converse shoes, apron, hat and khaki slacks.




Proper Typeface Usage The aprons are Sugar Moon Mint and feature the Sugar Moon logo that is centered along the front area of the garment. The apron is an integral part of the Sugar Moon uniform, and is designed to be worn by all employees in the shop.

Specialty Type WELCOME

Body Type

Sugar Moon Bake Shop is a full service bakery located in the Oakhurst community of Atlanta, Georgia. The shop offers a wide range of made-from-scratch signature cupcake flavors as well as an assortment of cookies and baked goods. People come from miles around to enjoy what is quickly becoming a local favorite. It is not unusual for parents or grandparents to bring in their family to enjoy our fresh baked goods who declare that they taste just as good as when they were kids. So, stop by and get a taste of home.

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet







hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

Patterns and Textures Patterns Textures

uniforms Aprons Custom Converse Shoes and Hats T-Shirts

30 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Patterns We have created a pattern background that is available in a range of colors in our color palette. These patterns are to be used in the visual look of Sugar Moon for a number of years and are very versatile for all of our communications. These patterns appear in everything from our web site to our in-store elements. The above is an example of a variety of background colors available. Approved graphic pattern backgrounds can be found on the CD of Sugar Moon's Image Bank.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 55

58 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 27

Header Type Header Type

Body Type

Sugar Moon Bake Shop

707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354


Apron The uniform for the employees is casual, current, bright, and cohesive with the rest of the brand. The uniform is important because it re-clarifies the brand with the guest —that Sugar Moon is a fun place for customers to come and enjoy cupcakes. The uniform consists of a custom-designed Sugar Moon t-shirt and converse shoes, apron, hat and khaki slacks.




Proper Typeface Usage The aprons are Sugar Moon Mint and feature the Sugar Moon logo that is centered along the front area of the garment. The apron is an integral part of the Sugar Moon uniform, and is designed to be worn by all employees in the shop.

Specialty Type WELCOME

Body Type

Sugar Moon Bake Shop is a full service bakery located in the Oakhurst community of Atlanta, Georgia. The shop offers a wide range of made-from-scratch signature cupcake flavors as well as an assortment of cookies and baked goods. People come from miles around to enjoy what is quickly becoming a local favorite. It is not unusual for parents or grandparents to bring in their family to enjoy our fresh baked goods who declare that they taste just as good as when they were kids. So, stop by and get a taste of home.

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet







hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

Patterns and Textures Patterns Textures

24 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop Clarendon BT Bold Condensed

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 61

a bcdefghi jk lmnopqurstu v w x y z abcdefghi jklmnopqurstuv wx yz 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Clarendon BT Bold

a BCdefgh Ij k Lm noPqu r sT u v w xyz a b c d e f g h ij k l m n o p q u r s t u v w x y z 12 3 4 5 6 78 9 0

Clarendon BT Black

a bcdefghijk lm nopqu rst u v w x y z abcdefghijk lmnopqur stuv w x y z 12 3 4 5 67 8 9 0

Header Typeface


The designated serif font for all official Sugar Moon communications is Clarendon BT. The available weights are Condensed, Bold Condensed, Light, Roman, Bold, Heavy and Black. Clarendon BT should be used for heads and subheads in varying weights. Please refer to the Corporate Communications section of this manual for examples of how to use this face.

Hats are the icing on the cake. Two styles of cap are available, in the work-era style, which feature the Sugar Moon text logo along one of its sides with the cupcake graphic on the brim.

Garamond, Times and Times New Roman are our backup serif fonts, in that order, for HTML text on the Web.

26 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop Lavanderia Delicate

abcdef ghijk l m nopqu rs tuv wxyz abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz 123 4567890

Lavanderia Regular

abcdefghijklMnopqurstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz 1234567890

Lavanderia Sturdy

abcdefghijkl mnopqurstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz 1234567890

Specialty Typeface The designated script font for all official Sugar Moon communications is Lavanderia. The available weights are Delicate, Regular, Sturdy. Lavanderia should NOT be used for subheads or body copy in any varying weights. Lavanderia is to be used for call outs, special headers, and a stand alone line of text. Please refer to the Corporate Communications section of this manual for examples of how to use this face. Learning Curve, Forelle and Honey Script are our backup serif fonts, in that order, for HTML text on the Web.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 59

62 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop


tl sn’ ife






tl sn’ ife

Header Typeface


Body Typeface




Specialty Typeface


T-Shirts The Sugar Moon t-shirts are designed to be worn employees as well as sold in the shop for customers to purchase and wear; this will help to self-promote the shop and garner interest in the brand. The first design is printed in Sugar Moon Strawberry, and has banded sleeves. The logo appears on the front left of the chest along with logo moon icon far below near the hem. The back of the shirt features the cupcake illustration with the type "isn't life sweet" in the Clarendon typeface.

Proper Typeface usage

The second t-shirt design is printed in Sugar Moon Mint. Like the first design, the logo appears on the front left of the chest along with logo moon icon far below near the hem. The back of the shirt features a custom illustration of a cupcake character swinging from the moon. The illustration communicates the fun, laid-back personality of the Sugar Moon brand.

60 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 25 Trade Gothic Condensed No. 18

aBcdefGhijklMnopqurStuv w xyz a b c d e f g h i j k lm n o p q u r s t u v w x y z 1234567890

Trade Gothic Medium

a b c d e f g hi jk l m n o p q u r s t u v w x y z a b c d e f g hij k lm n o p q u r s t u v w x y z 12 3 4 5 678 9 0

Trade Gothic Bold

ABCDeFgHIjkLMNOPqUrSTUV w x yz abcde f ghijklmnopqur s tuv w x y z 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Custom Converse Shoes

Body Typeface

Shoes are also an important part of the Sugar Moon brand. Two custom Converse designs are available—one flavor in Sugar Moon Strawberry that features the iconic moon illustration from the logo along its side in addition to white stitching and shoe laces. The second custom Converse design is painted in Sugar Moon mint and showcases custom fabric design with one of the Sugar Moon patterns and red lacing.

The designated sans serif font for all official Sugar Moon communications is Trade Gothic. The available weights are Light, Medium, Bold, Condensed No. 18, and Bold No. 2. All weights come in an Oblique option. Trade Gothic should be used as a secondary accent face in conjunction with Clarendon BT. It can also be used for heads and subheads in varying weights. This is the preferred choice for long bodies of copy. Please refer to the Corporate Communications section of this manual for an example of how to use this face.

Verdana, Arial, Helvetica and sans serif are our back-up sans serif fonts, in that order, for HTML text on the Web.

24 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop Clarendon BT Bold Condensed

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 61

a bcdefghi jk lmnopqurstu v w x y z abcdefghi jklmnopqurstuv wx yz 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Clarendon BT Bold

a BCdefgh Ij k Lm noPqu r sT u v w xyz a b c d e f g h ij k l m n o p q u r s t u v w x y z 12 3 4 5 6 78 9 0

Clarendon BT Black

a bcdefghijk lm nopqu rst u v w x y z abcdefghijk lmnopqur stuv w x y z 12 3 4 5 67 8 9 0

Header Typeface


The designated serif font for all official Sugar Moon communications is Clarendon BT. The available weights are Condensed, Bold Condensed, Light, Roman, Bold, Heavy and Black. Clarendon BT should be used for heads and subheads in varying weights. Please refer to the Corporate Communications section of this manual for examples of how to use this face.

Hats are the icing on the cake. Two styles of cap are available, in the work-era style, which feature the Sugar Moon text logo along one of its sides with the cupcake graphic on the brim.

Garamond, Times and Times New Roman are our backup serif fonts, in that order, for HTML text on the Web.

26 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop Lavanderia Delicate

abcdef ghijk l m nopqu rs tuv wxyz abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz 123 4567890

Lavanderia Regular

abcdefghijklMnopqurstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz 1234567890

Lavanderia Sturdy

abcdefghijkl mnopqurstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz 1234567890

Specialty Typeface The designated script font for all official Sugar Moon communications is Lavanderia. The available weights are Delicate, Regular, Sturdy. Lavanderia should NOT be used for subheads or body copy in any varying weights. Lavanderia is to be used for call outs, special headers, and a stand alone line of text. Please refer to the Corporate Communications section of this manual for examples of how to use this face. Learning Curve, Forelle and Honey Script are our backup serif fonts, in that order, for HTML text on the Web.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 59

62 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop


tl sn’ ife






tl sn’ ife

Header Typeface


Body Typeface




Specialty Typeface


T-Shirts The Sugar Moon t-shirts are designed to be worn employees as well as sold in the shop for customers to purchase and wear; this will help to self-promote the shop and garner interest in the brand. The first design is printed in Sugar Moon Strawberry, and has banded sleeves. The logo appears on the front left of the chest along with logo moon icon far below near the hem. The back of the shirt features the cupcake illustration with the type "isn't life sweet" in the Clarendon typeface.

Proper Typeface usage

The second t-shirt design is printed in Sugar Moon Mint. Like the first design, the logo appears on the front left of the chest along with logo moon icon far below near the hem. The back of the shirt features a custom illustration of a cupcake character swinging from the moon. The illustration communicates the fun, laid-back personality of the Sugar Moon brand.

60 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 25 Trade Gothic Condensed No. 18

aBcdefGhijklMnopqurStuv w xyz a b c d e f g h i j k lm n o p q u r s t u v w x y z 1234567890

Trade Gothic Medium

a b c d e f g hi jk l m n o p q u r s t u v w x y z a b c d e f g hij k lm n o p q u r s t u v w x y z 12 3 4 5 678 9 0

Trade Gothic Bold

ABCDeFgHIjkLMNOPqUrSTUV w x yz abcde f ghijklmnopqur s tuv w x y z 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Custom Converse Shoes

Body Typeface

Shoes are also an important part of the Sugar Moon brand. Two custom Converse designs are available—one flavor in Sugar Moon Strawberry that features the iconic moon illustration from the logo along its side in addition to white stitching and shoe laces. The second custom Converse design is painted in Sugar Moon mint and showcases custom fabric design with one of the Sugar Moon patterns and red lacing.

The designated sans serif font for all official Sugar Moon communications is Trade Gothic. The available weights are Light, Medium, Bold, Condensed No. 18, and Bold No. 2. All weights come in an Oblique option. Trade Gothic should be used as a secondary accent face in conjunction with Clarendon BT. It can also be used for heads and subheads in varying weights. This is the preferred choice for long bodies of copy. Please refer to the Corporate Communications section of this manual for an example of how to use this face.

Verdana, Arial, Helvetica and sans serif are our back-up sans serif fonts, in that order, for HTML text on the Web.

20 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

vehicles Mint PMS 7714C CMYK : 100/35/46/10 RGB : 0/116/127 # 00747F

Food Truck

Silver PMS 7540C CMYK : 68/59/53/33 RGB : 75/78/83 # 4B4E53


Primary Colors These are the colors used in all of the official Sugar Moon brand logos and communicate ions. Please refer to the Logo sect ion of this manual for examples of how these colors are used within the logos.

The RGB and HEX numbers are only to be used when producing materials for web or digital displays.

CMYK screen mixes are designated for each color swatch for the situations where a PMS (Pantone Matching System) ink is not available. Do not deviate from the formulas provided.

22 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 63


66 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Passenger Side Open for service

Color Palette

404.377.3354 • 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

Primary colors Full Color Palette Driver Side

isn’t life sweet.

64 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 21

Silver PMS 7540C CMYK : 68/59/53/33 RGB : 75/78/83 # 4B4E53

Mint PMS 7714C CMYK : 100/35/46/10 RGB : 0/116/127 # 00747F

Chocolate PMS 4975C CMYK : 49/77/69/67 RGB : 65/31/31 # 411F1F

Strawberry PMS 7418C CMYK : 13/81/61/1 RGB : 209/84/88 # D15458

Buttercream PMS 1555C CMYK : 0/33/43/0 RGB : 255/185/141 # FFB98D

Full Color Palette The secondary colors are to be used in support of the primary colors. None of the Sugar Moon logo lock-ups should be used in any of these second-tier colors. These colors are for use in the menu, store signage, special promotion and other forms of advertisement. The colors listed above and the primary colors are the only ones to be used with any Sugar Moon brand materials.

CMYK screen mixes are designated for each color swatch for the situations where a PMS (Pantone Matching System) ink is not available. Do not deviate from the formulas provided. The RGB and HEX numbers are only to be used when producing materials for web or digital displays.

20 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

vehicles Mint PMS 7714C CMYK : 100/35/46/10 RGB : 0/116/127 # 00747F

Food Truck

Silver PMS 7540C CMYK : 68/59/53/33 RGB : 75/78/83 # 4B4E53


Primary Colors These are the colors used in all of the official Sugar Moon brand logos and communicate ions. Please refer to the Logo sect ion of this manual for examples of how these colors are used within the logos.

The RGB and HEX numbers are only to be used when producing materials for web or digital displays.

CMYK screen mixes are designated for each color swatch for the situations where a PMS (Pantone Matching System) ink is not available. Do not deviate from the formulas provided.

22 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 63


66 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Passenger Side Open for service

Color Palette

404.377.3354 • 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

Primary colors Full Color Palette Driver Side

isn’t life sweet.

64 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 21

Silver PMS 7540C CMYK : 68/59/53/33 RGB : 75/78/83 # 4B4E53

Mint PMS 7714C CMYK : 100/35/46/10 RGB : 0/116/127 # 00747F

Chocolate PMS 4975C CMYK : 49/77/69/67 RGB : 65/31/31 # 411F1F

Strawberry PMS 7418C CMYK : 13/81/61/1 RGB : 209/84/88 # D15458

Buttercream PMS 1555C CMYK : 0/33/43/0 RGB : 255/185/141 # FFB98D

Full Color Palette The secondary colors are to be used in support of the primary colors. None of the Sugar Moon logo lock-ups should be used in any of these second-tier colors. These colors are for use in the menu, store signage, special promotion and other forms of advertisement. The colors listed above and the primary colors are the only ones to be used with any Sugar Moon brand materials.

CMYK screen mixes are designated for each color swatch for the situations where a PMS (Pantone Matching System) ink is not available. Do not deviate from the formulas provided. The RGB and HEX numbers are only to be used when producing materials for web or digital displays.

16 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 69

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 67

Passenger Side Closed for Driving

404.377.3354 • 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

Food Truck Above is an illustration of what the Food Truck should look like. The details of this drawing should not change and will be sent to the manufacture only by Sugar Moon's marketing team. Bakeshop on wheels, this will be used as a secondary storefront. This food truck is a moving advertisement for the Sugar Moon brand. The van can be used in catering events as well as an avenue to engage with the street food community.

Paint Colors and Materials: The paint colors should use the CMYK screen mixes to come as close as possible to Sugar Moon's color palette. The fabric of the seat should match as close as possible to Sugar Moon's Buttercream color (PMS 1555C).

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 15

Cupcake Icon The cupcake icon is a secondary graphic element and should be used as such. The artwork shown above is the only configuration approved for use as a secondary graphic. Approved artwork files are available on the enclosed CD of Sugar Moon's Image Bank. DO NOT substitute other artwork or create your own. It should NEVER be shown in any unapproved colors. See the color palette section for color options. The multi color cupcake icon shown above is only approved to be used on a white background.

68 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Icon Colors: Gray - Pantone 7540C - 80% / 85% circles. Coral - Pantone 7418C - 100% / 75% / 50% One color Icon: Is used in limited color situations and can be used in any of the primary brand colors, black or white. The one color cupcake icon is the only one approved to be on a colored background and if the icon is outlined the inside color needs to be the same as the background color.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 17

Ad que venis delia dipitae dolore simagnihit eat et, sequae sam aut occati te nobis reperfe rsperum

Logo and Icon : DON’TS

Vespa Above is an illustration of what the Vespa should look like. The details of this drawing should not change and will be sent to the manufacture only by Sugar Moon's marketing team. On the back of the Vespa is a custom cupcake container. The marketing team is also in charge of it manufacture. This should always be on the Vespa when it is in use. It is apart of the branding and promotional signage of the Vespa.

Paint Colors and Materials: The paint colors should use the CMYK screen mixes to come as close as possible to Sugar Moon's color palette. The fabric of the seat should match as close as possible to Sugar Moon's Buttercream color (PMS 1555C).

Do not do any of the actions show here or anything else that breaks the integrity of Sugar Moon's logos or icons. Do Not: - Change the colors in the logo - Change the orientation, layout, or size proportions of the Logo lock up - Add any additional items to the logo lock up - Place the logo over or behind text - Place the full color cupcake icon on a colored background.

- place a solid color cupcake icon on a different color background.

16 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 69

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 67

Passenger Side Closed for Driving

404.377.3354 • 707C East Lake Dr. Decatur, GA 30030

Food Truck Above is an illustration of what the Food Truck should look like. The details of this drawing should not change and will be sent to the manufacture only by Sugar Moon's marketing team. Bakeshop on wheels, this will be used as a secondary storefront. This food truck is a moving advertisement for the Sugar Moon brand. The van can be used in catering events as well as an avenue to engage with the street food community.

Paint Colors and Materials: The paint colors should use the CMYK screen mixes to come as close as possible to Sugar Moon's color palette. The fabric of the seat should match as close as possible to Sugar Moon's Buttercream color (PMS 1555C).

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 15

Cupcake Icon The cupcake icon is a secondary graphic element and should be used as such. The artwork shown above is the only configuration approved for use as a secondary graphic. Approved artwork files are available on the enclosed CD of Sugar Moon's Image Bank. DO NOT substitute other artwork or create your own. It should NEVER be shown in any unapproved colors. See the color palette section for color options. The multi color cupcake icon shown above is only approved to be used on a white background.

68 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Icon Colors: Gray - Pantone 7540C - 80% / 85% circles. Coral - Pantone 7418C - 100% / 75% / 50% One color Icon: Is used in limited color situations and can be used in any of the primary brand colors, black or white. The one color cupcake icon is the only one approved to be on a colored background and if the icon is outlined the inside color needs to be the same as the background color.

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 17

Ad que venis delia dipitae dolore simagnihit eat et, sequae sam aut occati te nobis reperfe rsperum

Logo and Icon : DON’TS

Vespa Above is an illustration of what the Vespa should look like. The details of this drawing should not change and will be sent to the manufacture only by Sugar Moon's marketing team. On the back of the Vespa is a custom cupcake container. The marketing team is also in charge of it manufacture. This should always be on the Vespa when it is in use. It is apart of the branding and promotional signage of the Vespa.

Paint Colors and Materials: The paint colors should use the CMYK screen mixes to come as close as possible to Sugar Moon's color palette. The fabric of the seat should match as close as possible to Sugar Moon's Buttercream color (PMS 1555C).

Do not do any of the actions show here or anything else that breaks the integrity of Sugar Moon's logos or icons. Do Not: - Change the colors in the logo - Change the orientation, layout, or size proportions of the Logo lock up - Add any additional items to the logo lock up - Place the logo over or behind text - Place the full color cupcake icon on a colored background.

- place a solid color cupcake icon on a different color background.

12 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Primary Logo This is Sugar Moon’s standard and preferred logo. It is designed to be used in all pieces unless size or technical restraints effect legibility. This logo is customized artwork and not a typeface, DO NOT recreate it. The original artwork is available from Sugar Moon’s marketing team. Logo Colors: Gray - Pantone 7540C - 100% for logo type and 50% for gray circles. Mint - Pantone 7714C - 100% for logo type

and 75% / 50% for mint circles. Clear space: Always leave a clear space equivalent to the height of the “S” in the logo type. This allows the logo to retain prominence when placed with other graphics. One color logo: Is used in limited color situations and can be used in any of the primary brand colors, black or white. It is always recommended for the logo to be white when used on colored backgrounds.

14 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

mobile app Main Screen Daily Flavors and Cupcake Truck Locater game

Logo Icon The logo icon is approved to be used as a supporting graphical element. The logo icon graphic is a secondary graphic element and should be used as such. The artwork shown above is the only configuration approved for use as a secondary graphic. Approved artwork files are available on the enclosed CD. DO NOT substitute other artwork or create your own. It should NEVER be shown in any unapproved colors. See the color palette section for color options.

Logo Colors: Gray - Pantone 7540C - 50% circles. Mint - Pantone 7714C - 75% / 50% for assigned circles. One color logo: Is used in limited color situations and can be used in any of the primary brand colors, black or white. It is always recommended for the logo to be white when used on colored backgrounds.

74 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Logo and Trademarks Primary Logo Logo Type Logo Icon Cupcake Icon

Daily Flavors and Cupcake Truck locater The daily flavors section of the app lets the user navigate through all the different flavors Sugar Moon has to offer for that day. The daily flavors menu also lets users connect with one another and rave about their favorite cupcakes, and leave feedback within multiple networking sites like Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.

Another feature that app has is a Sugar Moon food truck finder "The Sweet Spot". This feature uses a map, and this lets the user keep track of where the food truck is and how soon it will be within their reach.

Logo and Icon Don’ts

72 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 13

Main Screen

Logo Type

The main screen of the mobile app is mainly used for navigation purposes. This screen also focuses on connecting the user to multiple networking sites like facebook, twitter, and pinterest showing the versatility of the app and its capabilities to connect with other users.

This version of the logo is for special pre-approved horizontal applications. The logo type should be used only when the primary logo cannot be used due to space limitations.

Clear space: Always leave a clear space equivalent to the height of the “S” in the logo type. This allows the logo to retain prominence when placed with other graphics.

Logo Colors: Gray - Pantone 7540C - 100% Mint - Pantone 7714C - 100%

One color logo: Is used in limited color situations and can be used in any of the primary brand colors, black or white. It is always recommended for the logo to be white when used on colored backgrounds.

12 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Primary Logo This is Sugar Moon’s standard and preferred logo. It is designed to be used in all pieces unless size or technical restraints effect legibility. This logo is customized artwork and not a typeface, DO NOT recreate it. The original artwork is available from Sugar Moon’s marketing team. Logo Colors: Gray - Pantone 7540C - 100% for logo type and 50% for gray circles. Mint - Pantone 7714C - 100% for logo type

and 75% / 50% for mint circles. Clear space: Always leave a clear space equivalent to the height of the “S” in the logo type. This allows the logo to retain prominence when placed with other graphics. One color logo: Is used in limited color situations and can be used in any of the primary brand colors, black or white. It is always recommended for the logo to be white when used on colored backgrounds.

14 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

mobile app Main Screen Daily Flavors and Cupcake Truck Locater game

Logo Icon The logo icon is approved to be used as a supporting graphical element. The logo icon graphic is a secondary graphic element and should be used as such. The artwork shown above is the only configuration approved for use as a secondary graphic. Approved artwork files are available on the enclosed CD. DO NOT substitute other artwork or create your own. It should NEVER be shown in any unapproved colors. See the color palette section for color options.

Logo Colors: Gray - Pantone 7540C - 50% circles. Mint - Pantone 7714C - 75% / 50% for assigned circles. One color logo: Is used in limited color situations and can be used in any of the primary brand colors, black or white. It is always recommended for the logo to be white when used on colored backgrounds.

74 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Logo and Trademarks Primary Logo Logo Type Logo Icon Cupcake Icon

Daily Flavors and Cupcake Truck locater The daily flavors section of the app lets the user navigate through all the different flavors Sugar Moon has to offer for that day. The daily flavors menu also lets users connect with one another and rave about their favorite cupcakes, and leave feedback within multiple networking sites like Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.

Another feature that app has is a Sugar Moon food truck finder "The Sweet Spot". This feature uses a map, and this lets the user keep track of where the food truck is and how soon it will be within their reach.

Logo and Icon Don’ts

72 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 13

Main Screen

Logo Type

The main screen of the mobile app is mainly used for navigation purposes. This screen also focuses on connecting the user to multiple networking sites like facebook, twitter, and pinterest showing the versatility of the app and its capabilities to connect with other users.

This version of the logo is for special pre-approved horizontal applications. The logo type should be used only when the primary logo cannot be used due to space limitations.

Clear space: Always leave a clear space equivalent to the height of the “S” in the logo type. This allows the logo to retain prominence when placed with other graphics.

Logo Colors: Gray - Pantone 7540C - 100% Mint - Pantone 7714C - 100%

One color logo: Is used in limited color situations and can be used in any of the primary brand colors, black or white. It is always recommended for the logo to be white when used on colored backgrounds.

ad Campaign Print Ads website and App integration

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 75

game To open our app to several demographics we have also added a game that lets users play and have fun. The game is based on the game bejeweled. The game also incorporates a reward system that lets users earn coupons and special offers that they can use in the store. The ultimate goal of this app is to establish a cult following with Sugar Moon, and draw attention to their great products and potential services.

78 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Table of Contents

Print Ads The layout for the Sugar Moon's #10 letter envelope is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should not be changed. The recommended typeface for the address is: Trade Gothic bold, 14 point for the recipient's name. Trade Gothic Light, 12 point with 14point leading for address. Finish Size and Layout Details: 9.49 inches x 4.13 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

All cards should be printed double sided on a #10 soft white, matte envelope and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Collateral Design


Business Cards








Note Cards






Cupcake Boxes


Paper Bag




Store Sign


Sidewalk Signs


Menu Sign


Individual Flavor Signs






Custom Converse Shoes


Table of Contents Hats






Food Truck




Mobile App




Cupcake Truck Locater


Ad Campaign


Print Ad


Website and App Integration


Marketing Team Info


ad Campaign Print Ads website and App integration

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 75

game To open our app to several demographics we have also added a game that lets users play and have fun. The game is based on the game bejeweled. The game also incorporates a reward system that lets users earn coupons and special offers that they can use in the store. The ultimate goal of this app is to establish a cult following with Sugar Moon, and draw attention to their great products and potential services.

78 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Table of Contents

Print Ads The layout for the Sugar Moon's #10 letter envelope is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should not be changed. The recommended typeface for the address is: Trade Gothic bold, 14 point for the recipient's name. Trade Gothic Light, 12 point with 14point leading for address. Finish Size and Layout Details: 9.49 inches x 4.13 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

All cards should be printed double sided on a #10 soft white, matte envelope and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Collateral Design


Business Cards








Note Cards






Cupcake Boxes


Paper Bag




Store Sign


Sidewalk Signs


Menu Sign


Individual Flavor Signs






Custom Converse Shoes


Table of Contents Hats






Food Truck




Mobile App




Cupcake Truck Locater


Ad Campaign


Print Ad


Website and App Integration


Marketing Team Info


Brand Guidelines 2012 • 81 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354





Pumpkin Spice Cupcake

Pumpkin Spice Cupcake


707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354 yo u r ho me to w n b ake s ho p


your hometown bake shop

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH h ow we ’r e s we et


Like grandma’s house minus Sugar Moon Bake Shop the mothballs.

Like grandma’s house minus the mothballs.

Sugar Moon Bake Shop

FOOD TRUCK h it t i ng th e s tr ee ts to b ri ng yo u s we et s


how we’re sweet



707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354 w eek l y mus i ng s o n t re at s t o ma ke yo ur al l t hi n gs ta st e y g ue st s d r oo l




hitting the streets to bring you sweets



weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool





Caramel cupcake topped with expresso flavored buttercream and drizzled with caramel sauce.

Imagine the wafts of fragrant freshly pressed expresso while feasting on a fresh baked pastry.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet

FOOD TRUCK hitting the streets to bring you sweets


OUTREACH weekly musings onyour hometown treats to make your all things tastey bake shopguests drool how we’re sweet





hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 79

82 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

We are a design team based in Atlanta, Georgia who seeks to provide unique, meaningful brands and fun, innovative illustration for its diverse array of clients. Break the Box is passionate about providing smart solutions for its clients—creative strategic thinking that will inspire the masses. We are the main marketing team for Sugar Moons branding. If you have any questions regarding the use of their brand please contact on of your designers.

Making �e worl� a be�ler place, one cupcake at a time . Brand Introduction

Designers and Info: Laura Sharp 678.447.7166 Nusrat Alam 703.980.2165

Amy Dinsmore 678.779.1842 Deborah Bush 770.298.4485 Shu Chen 678.200.6231

Sugar Moon is a community-oriented cupcake store in Oakhurst with unique and exotic flavors. The shop is located in an area that is considered “transitional,” where new businesses are appearing to attract middle class citizens. Although the clientele is fairly diverse, many young families and business professionals frequent the shop. They strive to be as fresh as the cupcakes that comes out of their ovens. Sugar Moon’s owner, Amy Hutsell Kiefer, worked at a 24 hour crisis center that served women and children in need. Although she loved helping those in need, she decided to take a layoff and take up a profession that wasn’t so mentally or emotionally troubling after 10 years. Sugar Moon aims to provide a service or good that brings happiness to people’s lives.

80 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Table of Contents

website and App Integration The layout for the Sugar Moon's #10 letter envelope is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should not be changed. The recommended typeface for the address is: Trade Gothic bold, 14 point for the recipient's name. Trade Gothic Light, 12 point with 14point leading for address. Finish Size and Layout Details: 9.49 inches x 4.13 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

All cards should be printed double sided on a #10 soft white, matte envelope and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Logo and Trademarks


Primary Logo


Logo Type


Logo Icon


Cupcake Icon


Logo and Icon Don’ts


Color Palette


Primary Colors


Full Color Palette




Header Typeface


Body Typeface


Specialty Typeface


Proper Typeface Usage


Patterns and Textures






Brand Guidelines 2012 • 81 707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354





Pumpkin Spice Cupcake

Pumpkin Spice Cupcake


707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354 yo u r ho me to w n b ake s ho p


your hometown bake shop

ABOUT US your hometown bake shop

COMMUNITY OUTREACH h ow we ’r e s we et


Like grandma’s house minus Sugar Moon Bake Shop the mothballs.

Like grandma’s house minus the mothballs.

Sugar Moon Bake Shop

FOOD TRUCK h it t i ng th e s tr ee ts to b ri ng yo u s we et s


how we’re sweet



707C East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404.377.3354 w eek l y mus i ng s o n t re at s t o ma ke yo ur al l t hi n gs ta st e y g ue st s d r oo l




hitting the streets to bring you sweets



weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool





Caramel cupcake topped with expresso flavored buttercream and drizzled with caramel sauce.

Imagine the wafts of fragrant freshly pressed expresso while feasting on a fresh baked pastry.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH how we’re sweet

FOOD TRUCK hitting the streets to bring you sweets


OUTREACH weekly musings onyour hometown treats to make your all things tastey bake shopguests drool how we’re sweet





hitting the streets to bring you sweets

weekly musings on all things tastey

treats to make your guests drool

Brand Guidelines 2012 • 79

82 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

We are a design team based in Atlanta, Georgia who seeks to provide unique, meaningful brands and fun, innovative illustration for its diverse array of clients. Break the Box is passionate about providing smart solutions for its clients—creative strategic thinking that will inspire the masses. We are the main marketing team for Sugar Moons branding. If you have any questions regarding the use of their brand please contact on of your designers.

Making �e worl� a be�ler place, one cupcake at a time . Brand Introduction

Designers and Info: Laura Sharp 678.447.7166 Nusrat Alam 703.980.2165

Amy Dinsmore 678.779.1842 Deborah Bush 770.298.4485 Shu Chen 678.200.6231

Sugar Moon is a community-oriented cupcake store in Oakhurst with unique and exotic flavors. The shop is located in an area that is considered “transitional,” where new businesses are appearing to attract middle class citizens. Although the clientele is fairly diverse, many young families and business professionals frequent the shop. They strive to be as fresh as the cupcakes that comes out of their ovens. Sugar Moon’s owner, Amy Hutsell Kiefer, worked at a 24 hour crisis center that served women and children in need. Although she loved helping those in need, she decided to take a layoff and take up a profession that wasn’t so mentally or emotionally troubling after 10 years. Sugar Moon aims to provide a service or good that brings happiness to people’s lives.

80 • Sugar Moon Bake Shop

Table of Contents

website and App Integration The layout for the Sugar Moon's #10 letter envelope is shown above. The typographic configuration and logo placement should not be changed. The recommended typeface for the address is: Trade Gothic bold, 14 point for the recipient's name. Trade Gothic Light, 12 point with 14point leading for address. Finish Size and Layout Details: 9.49 inches x 4.13 inches Bleed: 1/8 inch Margins: 1/2 inch

All cards should be printed double sided on a #10 soft white, matte envelope and cut to full bleed. The recommended way of printing is offset press with the appropriate PMS colors. PMS Colors Used: Silver (PMS 7540C) Mint (PMS 7714C) Please refer to the color palette section of the manual for more details.

Logo and Trademarks


Primary Logo


Logo Type


Logo Icon


Cupcake Icon


Logo and Icon Don’ts


Color Palette


Primary Colors


Full Color Palette




Header Typeface


Body Typeface


Specialty Typeface


Proper Typeface Usage


Patterns and Textures






Sugar Moon Bake Shop Brand Guidelines 2012

Brand Guidelines 2012

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