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RE-FORMING ROME Strategic plan #Urban regeneration
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Tag: #Strategic plan #Urban regeneration Team: UNIPA, Re-Cycle Italy Year: 2015 Area: 100 sqkm Type: Workshop Promoter: Municipality of Rome, MAXXI Museum Exhibition:18-12-2015 / 17-01-2016 @ MAXXI
Roma 2025 - New life cycles for the metropolis is an international workshop which called 25 research groups from universities from all the world to design the future of Rome, with the support of the international research program on urban regenration Re-Cycle Italy. The urban territory has been devided into 25 squares, one for each team. The square n. 12 designed by UNIPA group is a highly marginalized suburb outside the urban centre. It is crossed by big road infrastructures (G.R.A.), by the railway and by the river Tevere, that characterize and shape the landscape. The area concentrates important centralities, identitary neighborhoods and pieces of landscape without any relationship. The result is a fragmented identity accentuated by infrastructural boundaries. The project on this area, named “Re-Forming Rome - The Agri/Fab Metropolis”, aims to referom the physical, reational and productive space, to recompose a rur/urban archipelago and to establish a circular metabolism fueled by agriculutral resources and the related manufacturing production. The project has been developed through the Cityforming © method which acts by incremental and adaptive steps necessary to produce partial results that become the generative basis of the next step. The masterprogramming is developed through a period of 10 years in three phases: “colonization”, “consolidation” and “development”. In the colonization, the ex Caserma Donato is opened to temporary functions, hosting some first activites related to the urban / rural manufacturing district. The edible park, Edible Cucco, fuels the district and provides the raw material for local start-up of the agricultural sector. The linear square of Trullo neighborhood trasforms into a social platform that links the district to Monte Cucco and the ex Caserma. The Agri/Fab District develops also in Trullo courtayrds and provides hydroponic cultivations, community composting, photovoltaic and micro-wind energy, recovery of rainwater, phyto-purification. In the phase of consolidation the new functions are fixed thanks to the settlement of a new makers and farmers community in the manufacturing district in the ex Caserma, which becomes a food farming business incubator where urban agriculture meets the new digital manufacturing. Finally the development aims to obtain a Fluid Metabolism that links all the urban islands in a liquid archipelago. The area in close contact with Tevere will become a watergate, with a green promenade, camping area, lakes for organic acquaculture activites, hydroponic agriculture and phyto-purifi cation. The floodplain of Tevere becomes a Water Arena, where flood water becomes a resource. The Bosco Grande tranforms the G.R.A. in a linear forest, with the aim to improve the quality of the air and to connect the green system of the landscape.
connections and the infrastructural network act as components of the new and aspire to recompose a rur/urban archipelago in which even the landscape aims to be an action that re-form the physical, relational and productive space scale 1:10,000). Devices. Re-Forming Rome. The Agri/Fab Metropolis. The project fungano da componenti del nuovo metabolismo dell’area. / Macro 12 (originally in rur/urbano in cui anche le connessioni paesaggistiche e le armature infrastrutturali lo spazio fisico, relazionale e produttivo e che ambisce a ricomporre un arcipelago Rome. The Agri/Fab Metropolis. Il progetto si propone come un’azione che ri-forma Quadrante 12 (elaborato originale in scala 1:10.000). Dispositivi. Re-Forming
Quadrante 12 (elaborato originale in scala 1:10.000). Dispositivi. Re-Forming Rome. The Agri/Fab Metropolis. Il progetto si propone come un’azione che ri-forma lo spazio fisico, relazionale e produttivo e che ambisce a ricomporre un arcipelago rur/urbano in cui anche le connessioni paesaggistiche e le armature infrastrutturali fungano da componenti del nuovo metabolismo dell’area. / Macro 12 (originally in scale 1:10,000). Devices. Re-Forming Rome. The Agri/Fab Metropolis. The project 4 aims to be an action that re-form the physical, relational and productive space and aspire to recompose a rur/urban archipelago in which even the landscape connections and the infrastructural network act as components of the new metabolism of the area.
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PALERMO Dipartimento di Architettura Università degli Studi di Palermo
while generates potential accessibility, produces separation. The Grande Raccordo Anulare (GRA) determines, indeed, a clean break-point between inside and outside the city, and with its congestion it erodes for many kilometers the territorial values. Also the Tevere is a separation rather than a blue infrastructure connection. In the Macro it is possible to recognize four cities: the Roman countryside in a phase of productive decline, suburbs in search of a new metropolitan identity, the city in transformation by great and incomplete projects and precious reserves of resilience contained in the inner suburbs, suspended outside of contemporaneity. The project Re-Forming Rome that re-form the physical, relational and productive space by focusing on suburbs inside the GRA and it aspire to recompose a rur/urban archipelago in which even the landscape connections and the infrastructural network act as components of the new metabolism of the area. A circular metabolism based on alternative settlement to central Rome, fueled by agricultural resources and the related manufacturing production, that reactivates the Trullo’s neighborhood (already subject of an urban proto-creativity) and the ex caserma Donato as a cell of the Agri/Fab Metropolis integrating the opportunities of urban agriculture with new digital
Dispositivi. Cityforming Protocol. Il progetto della Agri/Fab Metropolis segue un approccio processuale e incrementale di rigenerazione urbana basato sul riciclo (Recycle-based Cityforming). Nella dinamica processuale di Cityforming, i grandi eventi (le Olimpiadi del 2024 e il Giubileo del 2025), sono interpretati come opportunità ed attivatori di urbanità non episodica, dando un contributo per la riattivazione e la rigenerazione della città ordinaria. / Devices. Cityforming Protocol. The project of the Agri/Fab Metropolis follows a processual and incremental approach of urban regeneration based on recycling (Recycle-based Cityforming). In the processual dynamic of Cityforming, the great events (as the Olympic Games of 2024 and the Jubilee of 2025) are interpreted as opportunities and activators of not occasional urbanity, contributing to the reactivation and the regeneration of the ordinary city.
Dispositivi. Project Devices. I dispositivi di una urbanistica parametrica del re-ciclo non sono elementi di omogeneizzazione ma, al contrario, stimolano la creatività della loro adattabilità alle situazioni di contesto. / Devices. Project Devices. The devices of a parametric urban planning of re-cycle are not elements of standardization but, on the contrary, they stimulate the creativity of their adaptability to situations of context.