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Washington Common: Elevation A
An Unmonumental Core for Our Capital City
In the 20th century, Martin Luther King Jr chose the Lincoln Memorial as the powerful stage for his renowned speech ‘I have a dream.’ The memorial landscape has been used time and time again by Americans of all colors and beliefs to rally and counter-rally for civil rights, against war, for reflection and debate, and most recently in the summer of 2020 to protest the same systemic racism and police brutality that MLK spoke against.
Today, we reckon with the vulnerabilities of the Mall not only in it’s fractured public identity, but also in the face of climate change. In 2020 we witnessed the American people use the nation’s historic setting for political assembly and protest to react to tragedy in the nation’s public realm.
Streets behind Lafayette Square, on axis with the White House, were transformed into Black Lives Matter plaza, a new space claimed in the face of a threatened public realm.
The mound at Elevation A will be a place whose principles are defined by the citizens who occupy it. By way of elevation, it will serve to protect the historic monumental landscape from flood inundation, and emphasise a change in hierarchy on the axis with BLM plaza, the executive, the ‘moral superiority’ and ideals of national identity expected from the ‘founding fathers’, and the powerful and rising Potomac. Unprogrammed and undedicated, it engages public access in potential confrontation with symbols of power. An underhanded nod to monumental high-points becomes a platform as needed- for address, celebration, petition, gathering, reflection and demonstration. It is a grounded public space that belongs to all Americans.
Earthwork as flood infrasatructure
The High Tide is expected to be at 5.5’ higher by the year 2060. The project proposes that the 18’ contour line be the guide for an elevated berm, tied back to Lincoln Memorial to the west and around to Elevation A mound.
The earthwork will protect the Mall from flooding and over 12’ of sea level rise. People’s relationship with the water and the Monumental landscape will be protected and enhanced thorugh new social and civic space.
The long landform will be the Cherry Walk, a home for new, existing and relocated cherry trees of various species that are so historically and culturally important to the area.
Left: Sections with elevation marks through the Cherry Walk landform
Below: Key views along the axis with Elevation A- from the Ellipse, Washington Monument lawn, Jefferson Memorial and BLM plaza.
Unprogrammed and undedicated, Elevation A engages public access in potential confrontation with symbols of power. An underhanded nod to monumental high-points becomes a platform as needed- for address, celebration, petition, gathering, reflection and demonstration. It is a grounded public space that belongs to all Americans.
Below and right: View of Elevation A and Cherry Walk in the distance. Crowds gathered at Elevation A.
Paving pattern near edge of seating and pathways