Lord Of The Flies

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LORD OF THE FLIES Prepared by: İrem İslim

İrem İslim


Objectives: Part I To present the classical book Lord of the Flies by W. Golding interms of :

Key Facts Characters Setting Island Map

İrem İslim

Part II To analyze the book by its: Themes&symbols Motifs Major conflicts and by asking evaluation questions


Index : Part I Key Facts I Characters Setting The Island Map Key Facts II

İrem İslim


Index : Part II Themes & Symbols Motifs Major Conflicts Evaluation Questions References

İrem İslim


Key Facts 1: full title · Lord of the Flies author · William Golding type of work · Novel genre · Allegory; adventure story; castaway fiction; loss-of-innocence fiction language · English time and place written · Early 1950s; Salisbury, England

İrem İslim


Key Facts 1 (contd.): date of first publication · 1954 publisher · Faber and Faber narrator · third-person narration, conveys the events of the novel without commenting on the action. Tone: Dark; violent; pessimistic; tragic; unsparing Tense: Immediate past

İrem İslim


Key Facts 1 (contd.): point of view: third person, primarily focuses on Ralph’s point of view but following Jack and Simon in certain episodes. omniscient narrator, gives us access to the characters’ inner thoughts. setting (time): Near future setting (place): A deserted tropical island Protagonist: Ralph

İrem İslim


Characters Ralph:

the most charismatic of the group, is described as being built "like a boxer," and chosen as leader due to his many positive qualities, maintains a conflict with Jack throughout the novel.

İrem İslim


Characters Jack:

is about Ralph's age and is described as being "ugly without silliness.“ From the very beginning, seems to harbor emotions of anger and savagery. Finally, overtakes Ralph as chief.

İrem İslim


Characters Piggy: short,overweight, wears glasses represents order and democracy, tries very hard to cling to civilization, probably the smartest boy on the island.

İrem İslim


Characters Roger: represents pure evil and wrongness, has no mercy, and is the first one to intentionally kill another boy on the island when he smashed Piggy with a boulder.

İrem İslim


Characters Sam and Eric: are two young twins who always travel and do everything together, Without each other, they are incapable of very much, They represent reliance and unity, like one person referred to as Samneric. İrem İslim


Characters Simon: is very good and pure, and has the most positive outlook, insist multiple times that they will get rescued, is killed soon afterward by all of the other boys who were caught up in a savage dance. İrem İslim


Setting: The island is a very isolated place with absolutely no contact with the outside war. Lord of the Flies takes place on an island, which Golding never gives an exact location. Although he does not tell us where the island is, he describes it in detail.

İrem İslim


İrem İslim


Key Facts II rising action In the election for leader, Ralph defeats Jack, who is furious when he loses. As the boys explore the island, tension grows between Jack and Ralph. When rumors surface that there is some sort of beast living on the island, the boys grow fearful, and the group begins to divide into two camps supporting Ralph and Jack, respectively.

İrem İslim


Key Facts II (contd.): climax Simon encounters the Lord of the Flies and realizes that the beast is not a physical entity but sth that exists within each boy on the island. When Simon tries to approach the other boys to convey this message, they fall on him and kill him savagely.

İrem İslim


Key Facts II (contd.): falling action All the boys on the island abandon Jack and Piggy and descend further into savagery and chaos. When the other boys kill Piggy and destroy the conch shell, Ralph flees from Jack’s tribe and encounters the naval officer on the beach.

İrem İslim


Key Facts II (contd.): foreshadowing The rolling of the boulders off the Castle Rock in Chapter 6 foreshadows Piggy’s death; the Lord of the Flies’s promise to have some “fun” with Simon foreshadows Simon’s death.

İrem İslim


Themes: Power : Democratic power is shown when choices and decisions are shared among many people on the island. Jack shows authoritarian power by threatening and terrifying others.. Blindness and Sight: Piggy is blind to his immediate surroundings but really understands what is going on on the island. Unfortunately, the boys do not realize that Piggy sees more, and he is treated poorly and is eventually killed.

İrem İslim


Themes (contd.): Fear of the Unknown: The boy's fear of the unknown on the island leads to their fear of the beast. The recognition that no real beast exists, and that the only beast on the island is fear itself is one of the deepest meanings of the story.

İrem İslim


Symbols: Piggy and the glasses.. Clear sightedness, intelligence… brings "fire" to the island, which is really the fire of knowledge. breaking of Piggy's glasses... the decay of rationality The conchshell... Democracy and Order Simon... Christ-like Figure, pure goodness

İrem İslim


Symbols (contd.): The island... a microcosm representing the world The beast... the capacity for evil within everyone Roger... evilness and sadism Jack... savagery and anarchy Ralph... democracy and civilization; the capacity for evil Lord of the Flies... the devil, great danger

İrem İslim


Motifs: Biblical parallels; Natural beauty; The bullying of the weak by the strong; The outward trappings of savagery (face paint, spears, totems, chants)

İrem İslim


Major Conflicts: Civilization vs. savagery Ralph vs. Jack Boys vs. Beastie Boys vs. Nature Boys vs. Piggy Jack vs. Society

İrem İslim


Evaluation Questions • 1. What does it mean to say that Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel? What are its important symbols? • 2. Compare and contrast Ralph and Simon. Both seem to be “good” characters. Is there a difference in their goodness? • 3. How does Jack use the beast to control the other boys?

İrem İslim


References • www.google.com.tr • http://images.google.c om.tr • http://www.gerenser.c om/lotf/ • http://www.sparknotes .com/lit/flies/ • Golding, W., Lord of the Flies, USA: 1954.

İrem İslim


Lord of the Flies

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İrem İslim


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