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I ndulgence

Contents Page Page 3 and 4- Easy Key Lime Pie recipe Ingredients and method

Page 5-6: Local Baker of the week Meet Lucinda and learn her recipes

Page 7 - 8: Easy Raspberry Fluff Recipe Ingredients and Method

Page 8 - 9: Cocktail of the week Learn how to make TGI Friday’s famous


Letter from the Editor Dear Indulgence Reader, Welcome to Indulgence Magazine: Easy Recipe Edition! Here at Indulgence we arecommitted to making cooking and baking easier for you. We search the whole of the UK for the tastiest and easiest recipes just foryou. We hope that the recipes featured in this magazine inspire you to make and create your own dishes and fall in love with baking. The recipes featured in this months issue are perfect for those of you that don’t have time to slave away in the kitchen for hours on end. Perfect for the readers who are in rush. Enjoy! See you next issue! Laura Milligan Editor


Key Lime Pie Ingredients 4 limes, for juice 1 lime for garnish 600 ml double cream one tin of condensed milk 25g of butter 250g of digestive biscuits

Method 1. Crush the digestives in until they are fine, even crumbs 2. melt the butter in a pan and then add the digestives and mix 3. Add the mixture to a round dish and press down to create a firm base and then place in the fridge 4. add the juice of four limes, to the double cream and condensed milk to a bowl and stir until well mixed 5. add the mixture to the set base and spread to give an even top and put in the fridge to set over night 6. once set decorate with lime zest and lime wedge

Go to the app to find out more about the recipe 4.

Local Baker of the Week Lucinda Mcgovern, 19, has won multiple awards for her baking and is well known in the community of Cumnock for her baking and helpful charity work. Indulge sat down with Lucinda and got to know more about her love of baking. I: So Lucinda, how long have you been baking for? L: I probably started when I was about four or five when I used to help my Grandma Molly , so about 14 years. I: So was it your Grandma that got you into baking? L: Yeah definitely. She was always baking when I was little. Whenever my family went around to her house there were always piles of baked goods. Her house always had that really sweet smell from all the baking and I was obsessed with that smell. That’s actually why I wanted to bake, so that my house smelled like baking (laughs). I: What about your mum? Is she a big baker? L: My mum isn’t a big baker. If she’s in the mood she joins in and helps and it’s a tradition when my Grandma Molly comes up to visit that we bake something new together. But my mum definitely prefers to eat than bake (laughs). She’s going to kill me for saying that. I: Well we know that you won a few awards in school for your baking. What was it like winning prizes for baking? L: It was okay. I never really wanted to enter the competitions. My home economics teacher kind of forced me into it. I’m not a competitive person. It was nice to win and know that people enjoyed my food but I won’t be entering anymore contests now there is no one to force me in to it. I: So we won’t be seeing you on the Great British Bake Off then? L: (laughs) Definitely not! I don’t think I’m up to standard for Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood just yet. I love watching it though. I get so many great ideas from it but it just looks so stressful. Baking chills me out and the last thing I want is for my hobbie to stress me out.

I: Did you bake a lot in school? L: Not really. I did the cooking module of home economics but to be honest it was just for the easy A and to fill my last module. I prefer to bake at the weekend and take my time. I used to bake for school bake sales and I used to help out at the assisted learning school when they baked on my free periods but that was it really. I: What about events outside of school? Do you ever bake for community events? L: Only for church charity events. They’re the only people that I really help. My Granny Rose is really involved in the local church so whenever they are doing a charity event I always bake for them. I prefer to do charity things. I feel like I’m actually doing some good even though all I’m doing is making a mountain of pancakes and cupcakes. I was asked to do a bake for a local business but they wanted 3000 cupcakes and wanted me to pay for all the ingredients so I had to tell them no. That’s why I’m against selling and

I: Do you use recipe books or do you make things up as you go along? L: A bit of both really. I use recipe books but most of the time I change the recipes. I prefer to use my Grandma Molly’s

“I’m not a competitive person”

baking for big events. I: What is your favourite thing to bake? L; I love making different flavours of scones and breakdfast muffins as well. I make them weekly. We are a very unorganissd family especially in the morning so it’s easier just to grab a breakfast muffin in the morning than make and sit down to a breakfast for me anywhere. I: Is there anything new you are trying to bake now? L: I’m practicing potato scones right now. They are actually really difficult to make. I can’t seem to get them right. But I’m stubborn so I’m going to keep practicing until I get them perfect.

recipes since she is the best baker I know and that since she’s down in Newcastle it makes me feel home and closer

to her. I: Do you have any tips for our readers that bake? L: Just that nothing ever works right the first time so you need to practice what you nake. Don’t give up. You will get better and better as you practice. And the fresher the ingredients are the better your bake will taste. That’s about it really haha. Lucinda’s breakfast muffins recipe is on the next page but if you want a step by step guide head to the app for the video guide.

Lucinda’s Breakfast Muffins Ingredients 6 slices of ham 190g of cheddar cheese 75g of butter 1 egg 250ml milk 300g self-raising flour 1/2 teaspoon of paprika a pinch of sea salt

Method Preheat the oven to 190°C/375ºF/gas mark 5. Lightly grease a muffin tin. Cut the ham into 1cm chunks, and grate the Cheddar or chop it roughly. Cut the butter into pieces. Beat the egg in a bowl with the milk. Sieve the flour, paprika and salt into a large mixing bowl, and rub the butter into the flour until it looks like breadcrumbs. Add the ham and cheese, then pour in the egg and milk mixture and mix thoroughly. Spoon into the muffin tin and cook in the oven for 20 minutes. Place on a wire rack to cool.

Scan code to head to the app for a step by step guide


Raspberry Fluff Ingredients 600ml double cream 600ml greek yogurt 300g raspberries 200g marshmallows Light Muscovado Sugar

Method 1. Quarter the marshmallows 2. mix marshmallows, raspberries, double cream and greek yogurt together in a bowl until mixture turns pink 3. Spoon into serving dishes 4. put an even layer of Muscovado sugar over the mixture until the pink can no longer be seen on top 5. put in fridge to cool and set over night 6. serve with a raspberry on top to garnish.


Cocktail of the Week TGI Friday’s is one of the biggest and most successful restaurants in the UK. Not only are they famous for their amazing American-style food but also their vast range of cocktails. Indulgence were invited down to the restauramt to learn how to make one of their most popular cocktails: purple rain. We are going to share the sercret of the purple rain so that you can make it at home.

You will need:


A tall glass A cocktail shaker A unit measurer Ice Vodka Lemonade Blue Curacao Red Grenadine

If you don’t have a unit measure the vodka bottle cap is about the same but if you want a real unit measure the NHS give them out for free

Method: 1. Fill the cocktail shaker with 3 units of vodka, 1/4 glass of lemonade, 1/4 glass of blue curacao and a 3 units of red grenadine. 2. Shake the mixture together until the drink turns purple (hence the name purple rain) 3. Fill a tall glass with ice and then pour your drink into the glass. Enjoy!



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