Tangle //01
Contents 07
Preface and Setting
The Layered Sandbox
Connecting to the Network
Focus of Project
38 Branding
This is an exploration of possible and preferable human-behaviour changes, fueled by weak signals found in emerging technologies. This exploration aims to resolve how companies, brands and people can begin to take steps towards a network based community. Grounded in themes like biohacking, the singularity, and looking at emerging problems such as filter-bubbles and escape-ism through the Internet.
[@pineapple] via unsplash
THE LAYERED SANDBOX understanding our current playground
the layered sandbox
What do we consider creations? I remember the first time I created something. I was 6 years old and I had made a pencil-case out of wood. My clunky and badly formed creation stood out from the rest, and I proudly displayed and used my wooden pencil-case. It was unique, my own, and I produced it. It holds a special aura, and to this day I keep the ugly thing as a reminder of that time. It was 1997 and it was a sunny day.
As we transition from tool based economy platform ecosystems how do we define th
The notion of an aura in objects exists as a unique quality to give further value to an original piece. But a replica of an original does not hold the same value. This is because once a piece is copied, and falls outside of the original creator’s hand, it no longer holds a unique moment in time and space.15 I doubt anybody would ever want to have a similar pencil-case, but if they did I couldn’t replicate it, as I am unable to go back to that sunny day in 1997 and reinsert the aura that my original pencil-case has.
the layered sandbox
ma y to s, he aura?
[Craig Culter + IBM Watson] via imblr.tumblr.com
the layered sandbox
Th cr in it co
[@anniespratt] via unsplash.com
THE LAYERED AURA understanding our current self
We are aware that our self-curated online content lags in demonstrating the certain emotion or “aura” that a physical interaction may have.
the layered sandbox
he digital self can reate unique moments n time and space as is not bound by the oncept
One could argue that the content we generate through biometrics, posting, and sharing, could be an unintentional creation. A digital mirror of our physical self. Is this digital mirror able to generate an aura?
But this does not mean that the unintentional creations, or the digital mirror lacks in value. The physical self encounters time and space in a linear fashion – while the digital mirror can move forward in time through analytic predictions and backwards in time by past-collected data. This conclusion grounded the path for exploring ways in which the digital aura can generate experiences for the physical self, and thus generate value.
Holistic Individuality
the layered sandbox
becoming a node
This is an important shift in human behaviour that companies and future planners need to become aware of. We are all involved in this transformation and in order to embrace it we must look forward to the future of value. It is not about “empowering the user” with intrinsic motivation to become attached to a brand. It is not about creating tailor-made experiences for feel good ephemeral moments. It is not about hyper-comfort and on-the-go solutions. It’s about the individual becoming a node in the new playground – the Internet, and becoming one with the network through digital and physical experiences.
the layered sandbox
7. [@nasa] via unsplash.com
the layered sandbox [@paradox_zer0] via unsplash.com
In this moment in time it is not the physical creation of goods or tools that is creating an impact, or shift in behaviours. It is the digital mediums that are catapulting change in economical and social behaviours, and they are quick and forever changing.
generate,consume, cre-
the layered sandbox
Value in Identity
An app in average has a 90 day life-time before it becomes updated or revamped16, in other words, the user never has a chance to become accustomed to a process or a good.
We are unaware most of the time of the technology behind our smart devices – this gap of knowledge will likely broaden in the future, creating a user that is unknowingly prototyping interactions along the way. Not being aware of constant iteration of a product is not a negative trait, it is a form of adaptation to the future of a node based society, we will become accustomed to the idea of never being fully accomplished.
Value in Identity the layered sandbox
release information
Value will take shape in forms that go beyond capital promise and the betterment of the Self in order to move into our aura representation. Providing value in an interaction will require mobility in time and space, just as the digital aura is able to provide. This will ensure experiences self-emerge and unite us closer and closer to our node/network. The future of value is not to create and release. The future value is about network self-generating, network self-curating and network self-releasing experiences; and so value will be placed on the release of your Self, as information.
the layered sandbox [@007felix] via unsplash.com
the layered sandbox [@tmbrg] via unsplash.com
Individuality enhancing by belonging Niche-segments created by the global wake allowed individuality to become fluid, taking shape in the form of consuming material media to demonstrate belonging.
The strive for uniqueness and betterment in the physical aura propels the purchase of the “fashionable body�. 17
the layered sandbox
Being an individual in the global market not only means becoming a good consumer, but also embodying and becoming a competitive good.
Possible Themes: Fluid Identity Passive Archiving Economy of Experiences Co-dependecy on Networks Super abundant Content Economy of Relationships Incognito
Body as a Database enhancing by belonging Your body is your password to different networks. Digital interactions engulf your senses. All the tools that you will use will be unique to yourself, as well as a way to prove your identity. Your authenticity will provide services to avoid becoming a commodity of data. You are not just experiencing it, you are part of it.
Possible Themes: Cognitive Embodiment Remixing Senses Second Skin Hijacking the body digital intimacy
How to connect to the Network: Self≠Trust Incognito Self
connecting to the network
Vanity>Privacy Body as a database
Awareness of Self(s) Cognifying Passive Self
Grant decision making Generate Content Generate Experiences
Limited Sharing
Enhanced Duality
Hyper Personalization Youniverse
Online Identity 2.0
Interact as You
Generate Your Own Life-
Acting Active Unlock as if your own
Generate Data
Crafting Self(s) Experiences
connecting to the network
9.[@nickeays] via instagram.com
Engulfing Experiences becoming whole
connecting to the network
As passive data generates content suited for you, it should also generate experiences that will
Trust and Release freedom in not owning If we think of the digital aura as an entity that creates experiences for you then we must also acknowledge that it is the physical self granting access to create these experiences. Issues of privacy are small, as vanity and
connecting to the network
10.[@designtaxi] via http://designtaxi.com/
focus of project 11.[@designtaxi] via http://designtaxi.com/news/359400/
Focus of Project individual production
Our post-industrial society values labour and consumption. The washing machine did not free the housewife for more leisurely spent time – but rather for different sorts of labour.
The promise of leisure is attractive and aspirational, but it’s hardly a reality, it is also not what people aspire – we simply want to be able produce more.
By the end of our lives, the things we leave in this world are objects, photographs, and memories. Those who knew us are able to tell our story, like archeologists, construct a narrative through their interpretation of your remains, and our hard-earned individuality begins to blurr.
focus of project
In 2017 foods like Soylent, which offers to replace your meals to a smoothie; all while containing the nutrients necessary for your day-to-day also promises freedom of time – to which most of it’s consumers (those in the start-up culture) dedicate their newfound hassle-free time to working more hours. Consuming Soylent demonstrates hard-work and determination; two of the most attractive qualities in our time.
Being able to produce, and to become contributors gives us great pride. We characterize our identity and legacy based on what we do in our profession, it’s not a strange behaviour when you take into account that the average worker spends two-thirths of their waking time labouring. Our identity is further polished by the things that we consume – brands selling lifestyles and products to cater to each niche and culture demonstrate the importance of individuality in the Western society.
Internet of Experiences Better than you but not like you Anticipate You Anticipate X Senses Awakened
Network co-dependenAutonomous
Content Overload Interacting
Youniverse Heightened Senses
Hacking the body
Connected 24/7
focus of project
“Fake� as real Duality Awareness
Heightened value on identity
Passive -youarchive
Active Creator
Self- Forecasting
Betterment Emphasis on Identity
Anti-Identity Mult.Identity Self-Mentor
Passive Archival //024
focus of project
Data & Me 8 [@tfox] via unsplash.com
focus of project
Focus of Project individual production
My project aims to design not for a currently proble conversation about an emerging signal. Hyper-perso with AI and machine learning will self-generate cont catered to you, thereby creating a more solidified Fi are the nucleus.
How far can we push individuality and hyper person consumption based society? Will this free us, or limi What will we consider freedom?
I propose to create a system in which food consump completely personalized by the aid of DNA analysis Proposing the idea that as a person you are born wi and you will be catered to those only, this will allow within a safe radius. Your experiences with food will through-out your life while creating an archive of yo This is how others will be able to experience you.
focus of project
em, but to propose a onalization intertwined tent and products that are ilter Bubble in which you
nalization in our it us?
ption has been s. ith certain taste-attributes you to explore tastes be preset our personal taste.
11.[@designtaxi] via http://designtaxi.com/news/359400/
Food & Data
focus of project 12.[@pantone] via instagram.com
Legacy Trust
Memories Storytelling Socializing
Bonding Tradition
Belonging Culture
Play through senses Creativity
Sense awareness
Personal Experiences
Body awareness
Triggered Responses Nutrition
Communicating Nutrient con-
Self-Monitoring Awareness Scarcity
Ethics Knowledge of Self //029
focus of project
focus of project [@Fless Collective] via designinspiration.net
focus of project
How far can we push individuality and hyper personalization in our consumption based society? Will this free us, or limit us? What will we consider freedom?
Proposition curiosity, food, and data
Obsession with individuality, curiosity for how our body works and consumption levels allows us a playing ground to create a system to stabilize this newfound need for knowledge.
focus of project
Food is such an important part of human lives, and yet we only eat about 8 different compounds. Tangle aims to attend to this need, and help people become the most productive, risk-safe, unique individuals. Research shows that a human’s taste palette is directly linked to DNA. We cannot be influenced to like something we were not born to enjoy.
Generate individualiz experiences through using their DNA as th ultimate guide
The target is audience is very aware of their health, they already Google the latest health-food trends and they share their meals via social platforms, going by the name of “foodies” Using this as a groundwork, the following project focuses on node to network generative experiences.
focus of project
zed food he
[@Fless Collective] via designinspiration.net
Tangle //034
Tangle Empower your senses tangle
Tangle is a light biohacking device that allows you to know exactly who you are, by knowing exactly what you like via your DNA make-up. The app and device pair allows you to adjust your taste preferences by temporarily hijacking your taste-buds.
Branding The logo went through several iterations, the aim was always to present an image with at least five colours in order to represent the five major tastes that the tongue can perceive: sweet, salty, bitter and sour.
Tangle //038
Circle branding
The aim of the project was to create an ecosystem that would merge a person closer to a network based system and to change the views of biohacking from scary to friendly. A circle was chosen as the final logo design as it encompasses holistic and infinity in the ecosystem. The colours used were selected by flavours found in nature. The word “Tangle was used as a way to represent the synergy between a digital platform, a tool based interaction and a biophysical alteration.
Colour Exploration nature branding
Each colour was specifically selected by meticulously looking at the chemical compounds found in each of the categories: sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami, as well as the perceptor or genome that triggers the reaction in the human DNA
Colours and Meaning branding
nature Knowing the chemical compounds found in each category helped when deciding colours. The results are colours that can be attributed by qualities to each of the tastes based on chemical and visual reactions.
Salty #25abd8 This shade of blue can be viewed as the ocean – where salt comes from. Like salt, this shade is crisp.
Bitter #24a351 This green can be found in most coniferous plants. To super-tasters (25% of the population) it is alarmingly unpleasant. That is because of alchelyde, a compound that in large quantities can be deadly. But to the rest of the population it is simply a strong flavour.
Sour #f7ea4a Sour in our modern food is an often man made chemical reaction. In nature, sour exists in oranges, and vegetables that are not yet ripe.
Umami #9f238d A deep shade was considered for umami. It is the most liked flavour out of all. Umami is mostly fatty-based. In nature it exists only in meat and vegetables that take a long time to produce. It is a luxury, and thus the colour purple.
Sweet #e90c8a The colour pink with shades of red can be found in nature in sweet foods such as strawberries, tomatoes, and other fruits. It is a colour that entices and draws attention to the eye.
Platform App synergy platform
An app was created to allow the exploration of different flavours through custom-creation and control through an already owned system.
Early Business Model (very)
Key Partners
Key Activities
Value Proposition
Customer Relationship
Ties the past with the present Self via the digital aura.
Customer S
Behavioural tracking
Reliving past memories
Those who wan their life-story
Memory archiving
Deeper understanding of others
Those who are c about other peo and experience
Experience generating
Data Mining
Data Mining
Sensorial Experiencing through food
Those who wan connection to fr away connectio
Key Resource
nt to share
Access to Personal Data
curious ople’s life’s es
nt a deeper riends or far ons.
Distribution Channel
Cost Structure
Revenue Stream platform
Tracking devices
Machine learning
Users and communities
Social Capital
Trackable behavioural patterns Bigger Data Commercialization of celebrity’s taste profiles.
User Experience Journey Map (Now) Actions
Wake up Check phone
Anything new going on?
Get ready for work
Running late again!
Hungry, no time to eat!
“I need to be healthier”
“I am so hungry!”
“I don’t have time to eat”
“Wish I could eat but coffee will do”
Stay in and eat prepped meal
“Not the tastiest but at least it’s healthy”
Missing out Monotony
Go out with co-workers
I hope it’s to a place I like
“Will I like the food”
Need a snack
Feeling tense
Browse social media platforms.
“What will I have for dinner?”
I don’t want to cook.
Browse social media platforms.
“I’d like to try that”
Prepare for next day
“I really don’t want to cook, but I want to eat healthy”
Browse social media platforms.
Step out for coffee
Arrive to work
platform 13 [@EnricoBecker] viahttp://www.enricobecker.com/work/gmf-food-editorial/
User Experience Journey Map (Proposed Future) Actions
Anything new going on?
Get ready for work
Running late again!
Grabbed prepped meal
I’ll eat this at work
Browse social media platforms.
“I wonder if that guy and I are food compatible”
Today’s meal looks really cool
“My meal is so much nicer than Anne’s”
Stay in and eat prepped meal
I wonder what other’s meals will be like
Go out with co-workers
I’ll check my app to see if I’ll like the dish
Need a snack
Feeling tense
Browse social media platforms.
“Can’t wait to go play my guitar”
Browse social media platforms.
“I’d like to try that”
work lunch
Eat prepped meal take photo and share
Wake up Check phone
Arrive to work
Engage in hobby Eat dinner
Happy “Wow, I never knew what this spice
platform 14 [@label-magainze] via http://label-magazine.com/lato-w-nietypowym-wydaniu-ezp-5096.html
Perceptual Map synergy
Tangle is mid-range cost providing maximum enjoyment.
Brand Values synergy Essence
Enhance yourself.
Become a different you and experience your role in the network.
Inviting and friendly
Clean Platform Mirror of you
Fun Explorative Curious Enhancing //056
Instagram Celebrities
Hyper-connected Individuals
Chefs Fans
1. pineapple-supply-co98. Pineapple Supply Co.https://unsplash.com/@pineapple .Digital Image. Unsplash. Free high resolution photos. 19 April. 2017 . <https://unsplash.com/@pineapple > Creative Commons License CC0 1.0 (Links to an external site.) 2. craigculterwatson. Pineapple Supply Co.http://chelsea.com/news/post/ibmsart-with-watson/ .19 April. 2017. <http://chelsea.com/ news/post/ibms-art-with-watson/> 3. annie-sprat-01. Annie Sprat.https://unsplash.com/@anniespratt .Digital Image. Unsplash. Free high resolution photos.19 April. 2017. <http:// chelsea.com/news/post/ibms-art-withwatson/>
6.flesscollectve-corn. FlessCollective.http://designspiration.net/image/498373375031/ 19.April.2017. <http://designspiration.net/image/498373375031/> 7.nasa09349. Nasa .https://unsplash. com/@nasa .Digital Image. Unsplash. Free high resolution photos.19 April. 2017. <https:// unsplash.com/@nasa 8.pl129123. Nasa .https://unsplash. com/@tfox .Digital Image. Unsplash. Free high resolution photos.19 April. 2017. <https:// unsplash.com/@tfox>
4. annie-sprat-01. Alessio Lin.https://unsplash.com/@paradox_zer0 .Digital Image. Unsplash. Free high resolution photos.19 April. 2017. <https:// unsplash.com/@paradox_zer0>
9.Lemon Yellow #FF44F. Daniel Seung Lee and Dawn Kim .http://designtaxi. com/news/359400/Crayola-s-Crayon-Names-Visually-Translated-Using-Colorful-Objects/ 19 April. 2017. <http://designtaxi. com/news/359400/Crayola-s-Crayon-Names-Visually-Translated-Using-Colorful-Objects/>
5.nyex6. Olivia Mia.https://unsplash. com/@nyex .Digital Image. Unsplash. Free high resolution photos.19 April. 2017. <https:// unsplash.com/@nyex>
10. Pink Flamingo #FC74FD. Daniel Seung Lee and Dawn Kim .http://designtaxi.com/news/359400/Crayola-s-Crayon-Names-Visually-Translated-Using-Colorful-Objects/>
Bibliography 11.Brick Red #CB4154. Daniel Seung Lee and Dawn Kim .http://designtaxi. com/news/359400/Crayola-s-Crayon-Names-Visually-Translated-Using-Colorful-Objects/ 19 April. 2017. <http://designtaxi. com/news/359400/Crayola-s-Crayon-Names-Visually-Translated-Using-Colorful-Objects/>
16. Kelly, Kevin. “The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future”. Viking Press New York, NY. Z2016)
12.jwevuRRHjo. Pantone .https://www. instagram.com/p/jwevuRRHjo/ 19 April. 2017. <https://www.instagram. com/p/jwevuRRHjo/>
18 April. 2017. <http://designtaxi. com/news/359400/Crayola-s-Crayon-Names-Visually-Translated-Using-Colorful-Objects/>
13.gmo-food-editiorial. Enrico Becker .http://www.enricobecker.com/work/ gmf-food-editorial/ 19 April. 2017. <http://www.enricobecker. com/work/gmf-food-editorial/>
19. Kurzweil, Ray. The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. New York : Penguin, 2006. Print. Read September 2016
14. lato-w-nietypowym-wydaniu-ezp-5096 . Paloma Rincon .http://label-magazine.com/lato-w-nietypowym-wydaniu-ezp-5096.html 19 April. 2017. <http://label-magazine.com/lato-w-nietypowym-wydaniu-ezp-5096.html>
17.Palese, Emma. “Zygmunt Bauman. Individual and Society in the Liquid Modernity.” SpringerPlus 2.1 (2013): 191. PMC. Web. 21 Apr. 2017.
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15. Benjamin, Walter (1969 [1936]). “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.” Illuminations. Ed. H. Arendt. New York, Schocken. 217–251.