1 minute read

Writing a successful application for funding

Photo: Panos Georgiou

Writing a successful application for funding


When applying for project funding, you will have to write an application or complete a form, indicating how much money you will need to implement the project and how it will be spent.

Tips for a good application:

- Attentively read the guidelines for the proposed funding programmes (of the City, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Environment, EU funds) and make a list of those that are most in

line with your project. Do you have any questions? Before starting to complete an application, call the organization which offers funding. Feel free to ask any questions related to the application, guidelines or your project.

- Check deadlines

Do you have enough time from the date when the decision to fund the project was made till the offered start of your project? Also please

note when money will be transferred and when you will need to submit a report.

- Collect all the key documents / information: articles of association of the organization, project plan, budget.

Organizations that offer funding favor well-thought-out projects.

- Briefly describe your organization

What are your goals and mission? When was the organization founded? What is your legal status (Public Institution, Association, etc.)? What is your organization’s registration number?

- Use “five W” to describe your project.

- What [will be presented]? - Why [is the project needed]? - Where [will the project be implemented]? - When [will the project be completed, or is it being implemented]? - Who [will implement the project / benefit from the project and how]?

- Be specific

Funding organizations want to know what positive change their money will bring. If your project is big, it may be worth to break it down into smaller parts/ stages to be able to receive funding.

- Always refer to the guidelines for completing applications drafted by the funder.

What is the predominant topic, the issues raised? How does your project meet them?

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