www.studiopop.net studio@studiopop.net +44 0141 5481500
1.Ecodesign STUDIO POP enterprise founded by group ofof 1.Ecodesign STUDIO POP is is aa new socialsocial enterprise founded by aaby group STUDIO POP isnew a social new enterprise founded a group of 1.Ecodesign 2.Education, coaching and 2.Education, coaching andtraining training ecological designers that green spaces ininour city. 2.Education, coaching and training ecological designers thatmake make greengreen spaces ourin city. We design, ecological designers that make spaces ourWe city.design, We design, design 3.Service design play make buildings, public art, gardens and 3.Service design playand and make ecological buildings, publicpublic art,community community gardens and 3.Service play and ecological make ecological buildings, art, community gardens and and 4.Co-design andco-production co-production DIY We aa hand-on ecological experience by and co-production DIY workshops. workshops. We offer offer offer hand-on ecological experience by 4.Co-design DIY workshops. We a hand-on ecological experience by 4.Co-design exchange, agency and projects 5.Knowledge exchange, agency anddevelopment development projects regenerating urban gaps live remaking techniques and 5.Knowledge exchange, agency and development projects regenerating urbanurban gapsthrough through liveclinic, clinic, remaking techniques and 5.Knowledge regenerating gaps through live clinic, remaking techniques and 6.Alternative technologies (remaking, self-build &&DIY techniques 6.Alternative technologies (remaking, self-build DIY& techniques pop-up interventions. We ininScotland through the 6.Alternative technologies (remaking, self-build DIY techniques pop-up interventions. Weoperate operate Scotland through theCommunity Community pop-up interventions. We operate in Scotland through the Community on urban regeneration, landscape 7.Research oncommunity-led community-led urbanurban regeneration, landscape Empowerment Act and programmes ofofsocial and 7.Research on community-led regeneration, landscape Empowerment Act(Scotland) (Scotland) andvarious various programmes social and 7.Research Empowerment Act (Scotland) and various programmes of social and design and heritage design andcultural cultural heritage environmental innovation. design and cultural heritage environmental innovation. environmental innovation. 8.Testing and live 8.Testing andpiloting piloting liveprojects projects 8.Testing and piloting live projects 9.Bespoke consultancy on lancape and 9.Bespoke consultancy ondesign, design, lancape andurbanism urbanism We municipalities, students, housing associations, 9.Bespoke consultancy on design, lancape and urbanism We work work alongside municipalities, students, housing associations, We alongside work alongside municipalities, students, housing associations, social enterprises, community gardens and stakeholders toto to socialsocial enterprises, community gardens and other otherother stakeholders enterprises, community gardens and stakeholders reactivate deprived areas and communities. STUDIO reactivate deprived areasareas anddisadvantaged disadvantaged communities. STUDIO reactivate deprived and disadvantaged communities. STUDIO POP transforms our by expertise inin in POPcreatively creatively transforms ourbuilt built environment byoffering offering expertise POP creatively transforms ourenvironment built environment by offering expertise urban design, landscape ecology, horticulture, eco-design, urbanurban design, landscape ecology, horticulture, eco-design, design, landscape ecology, horticulture, eco-design, environmental art, design, workshops and environmental art, service service design, workshops and charrettes, charrettes, environmental art, service design, workshops and charrettes, trans-disciplinary research, cultural heritage planning and trans-disciplinary research, cultural heritage planning andcommunity community trans-disciplinary research, cultural heritage planning and community activation. activation. activation.
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Map Glasgow urban Mapofof Glasgow urbanvoids voids voids Map of Glasgow urban
PEOPLE PEOPLESKILLS SKILLS SKILLS PEOPLE This STUDIO POP by Erasmus for Thissummer, summer, STUDIO POPwas wasawarded awarded bythe the Erasmus forYoung Young This summer, STUDIO POP was awarded by the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs totodevelop our and business model Entrepreneurs develop oursocial social andenvironmental environmental business modelmodel Entrepreneurs to develop our social and environmental business PROBLEMATIC PROBLEMATIC PROBLEMATIC and experiences with practices ininEuropean cities. We andexchange exchange experiences withgreen green practices European cities.cities. We We and exchange experiences with green practices in European are on synergies totooffset industrial and arefocussed focussed oninnovative innovative synergies offset industrial andbuilding building are focussed on innovative synergies to offset industrial and building Brownfields, abandoned buildings and lands are Brownfields, abandoned buildings andvacant vacant landslands areunresolved unresolved Brownfields, abandoned buildings and vacant are unresolved waste inin cities by reusing and them into wastewaste cities by re-purposing, re-purposing, reusing and recycling recycling themthem into into in cities by re-purposing, reusing and recycling environmental and problems ininmany European and environmental andsocial social problems many European andScottish Scottish environmental and social problems in many European and Scottish upcycled eco-products. InInaddition, we an upcycled eco-products. addition, weare are prototyping aninteractive interactive upcycled eco-products. In addition, weprototyping are prototyping an interactive cities. Urban deprived areas demand innovative design and cities.cities. UrbanUrban deprived areasareas demand innovative design andaffordable affordable deprived demand innovative design and affordable online service that site the ofof of onlineonline service thatactivate activate sitegaps gaps byconnecting connecting theculture culture service that activate site by gaps by connecting the culture solutions. The are: solutions. Themain main problems are: are: solutions. Theproblems main problems remaking, social media and community engagement. remaking, social media and community engagement. remaking, social media and community engagement. a.a.Environmental: Poor totooffset, reuse and Environmental: Poorsynergies synergies offset, reusereuse andremanufacture remanufacture a. Environmental: Poor synergies to offset, and remanufacture
urban waste locally urbanurban wastewaste locally locally b.b.Social: Disconnection between waste industry, creative practices and Social: Disconnection between wastewaste industry, creative practices and and b. Social: Disconnection between industry, creative practices WASTE VACANT WASTE WASTE HOUSING HOUSING VACANTSITE SITE SITE HOUSING VACANT OUR local totoactivate deprived areas. OURVISION VISION localcommunities communities activate deprived areas. OUR VISION local communities to activate deprived areas. ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION c.c.Financial: No public/private budget totoremediate gap Financial: Noenough enough public/private budget remediate gapsites sites in in c. Financial: No enough public/private budget to remediate gapinsites POP aabroad range ofofsystemic design management, poor and smart communities. Existing STUDIO POPbrings bringsbrings broad rangerange systemic design management, poorcommunities communities andbuild build ecological smartsmart communities. Existing STUDIO POP a broad of systemic design management, poor communities and ecological build ecological communities. ExistingSTUDIO innovation and activation totomake our donation models are money-based and socialsocial innovation andenvironmental environmental activation make betterbetter ourcities. cities. donation models aremainly mainly money-based anddon't don't dealwith with non-cash innovation and environmental activation to better make our cities. donation models are mainly money-based anddeal don't dealnon-cash with non-cashsocial InInorder gap based on and support like and contributions order toreactivate reactivate gapsites, sites, weapply apply amodel model basedbased onshare share and and support liketime-banking time-banking andin-kind in-kind contributions In to order to reactivate gap we sites, we aapply a model on share support like time-banking and in-kind contributions remaking. We industrial waste totocreate self-build structures, remaking. Wetransform transform industrial wastewaste create self-build structures, remaking. We transform industrial to create self-build structures, temporary gardens and open educational workshops with temporary gardens and and openopen educational workshops with with temporary gardens educational workshops DIGITAL DIGITALPLATFORM PLATFORM DIGITAL PLATFORM disadvantaged community inin deprived areas, through volunteering disadvantaged community deprived areas, through volunteering disadvantaged community in deprived areas, through volunteering for STUDIO POP co-design Digitalplatform platform forcommunity community STUDIO POPcommunity-led community-led co-design Digital platform for community STUDIO POP community-led co-designDigital work, donation and funding. work,material material donation andpublic public funding. work, material donation and public funding. model modelmodel
support support support