The Digital Dragon - Volume 3 Issue 1

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Volume 3 Issue 1




I PLEDGE, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school, and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.





CLUB UPDATES -Board members -Committee heads -Event recaps


WHAT'S TO COME -Future activities




Editor's Note 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0

Hey Key Club! It's the beginning of a new service year, which means it's time for new ideas! I hope the motivation from the Leadership Training Conference in March has inspired all of you to be more active and contribute to the community. I know I've already set goals for myself that, hopefully, will be achieved by next year. Keep up all the hard work and let's strive for a successful service year! P.S. This is my first newsletter, so I hope you guys enjoy :) - Laura Song


2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0

BOARD MEMBERS Meet your president! Hey guys! I'm Jack and I'll be your President for the 2019-2020 service year! I look forward to finding more events and incorporating more of you guys in Key Club when doing so. In my free time, I like doing things like playing guitar, sports and video games. I can't wait to see what fun events and fundraisers the new service year has in store!

...Your Vice President! Hello, Key Clubbers! As you may already know, I am Karen Wu. During this service year, I am the Vice President. I am currently a junior and the President of Asian Student Association. A few fun facts about me is that I am left-hand and enjoy watching chinese drama/ TV shows.As Vice President, I hope to increase the amount of fundraisers to help our service project, the NY Chapter of the Special Olympic. In addition, I would like to recruit more members into this wonderful club. If you guys have any question or would like to know more about Key Club, please feel free to approach or contact me! (I promise that I don’t bite)


Secretary! Hi, everyone! My name is Aiko Gerra, and I am a junior on the math track. I will be the club's secretary for the 2019-2020 service year. I believe that it is important to be a supportive member of my community, which is why I care about Key Club. I hope to ensure that all of our paperwork is on time and correct, along with helping out the rest of the club and board so that everything continues to run smoothly. As for my other extracurricular activities, I am also involved in Asian Student Association, where I am presenter and webmaster; in addition, I volunteer at my local library every week. In my free time, I enjoy reading, drawing, and programming - I am currently reading American Gods, and I am planning to take on more difficult reads during the summer. The board and I will do our best to make this a great service year, and I am confident that the whole club will do the same.

Treasurer! Hi my name is Pratik Yallapragada and I’m the Treasurer of HSMSE Key Club for the 2019-2020 term. As treasurer, I hope to increase our membership and increase our presence in our division. Another goal i plan on achieving is having more fundraisers in order to donate to charities like our Service Project and use for LTC. Being a Key Clubber from the start 9th grade, I’ve transformed from my past self and I looking forward for Key Club to change our members for the better of this community.


EDITOR! Hey guys! I'm Laura Song, your editor. I'm currently a junior in the engineering track. Formerly, I was the visual arts committee head of key club. I decided to step up this year and use my creative skills twoards creating newsletters. I promise to provide you guys with the most fun newsletters filled with information to keep you all updated. If you have any questions or want to write an article, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to an amazing service year!

WEBMASTER! Hi Key Club! My name is Luis Pagan. I am the current webmaster for HSMSE Key Club and have been a part of Key Club since my freshman year. This year I would like to reinvent our website make our social media presence more active so that members of our key club and other key clubs in our district can join all the fun opportunities in store. I excited by every new service year not only because of the variety of new opportunities to volunteer but also because of the community we build with our members. This new service year will be a great opportunity to make our key club even better than it was last year and to improve our service to the community.





getting an idea of their goals for this service year

EVENTS Hey! I’m Brianna Nee, the Events Committee Head for this cycle. I’m currently a freshmen at HSMSE. As events head, I want to provide a variety of events that all members can participate in and enjoy. If anyone has suggestions or wants to contribute in any way, feel free to let me know!

FUNDRAISING I am Tahoor Arif, your Fundraising committee head for cycle 1 of this service year. I plan to help HSMSE Key Club carry out its fundraising goals by holding fundraisers more frequently and efficiently. I hope for our fundraisers to help raise awareness while also offering the participants a fun experience.

MARKETING Hello my name is Melanie and I'm going to be your marketing committee head for this cycle. I've been in Key Club since freshman year and I enjoy it very much. I like to do creative things like drawing, crocheting, and oragami. I hope we can all work together to show our passion for volunteering.




one member from each committee explains what they do

EVENTS Hello, my name is David Eyal and I have been in Key Club for a month. Despite my short time as a member, I’ve had a great experience being introduced to many fun volunteering events. From cultural evvents to fundraiser walks, they are all enjoyable. The events committee organizes all these oppurtunities.

FUNDRAISING Hello Key Club, I'm Siddhaarta Venkatesh and I am a member of the fundraising committee. The reason I joined this committee because we can help more communities with the money with fundraiser. We brainstorm different fundraising ideas and hope to have a successful fundraiser.

MARKETING I’m Angelo Lontok. For this service year, I’m serving as the District Editor, and I’m also a member of the Marketing Committee! We’re the ones making posters and advertising for important events (like a certain barbecue coming up). We’re reaching out to both members within this club and members from other schools, helping the events that we plan thrive!



It’s that time of the

Upon arrival, the energy of the whole

We can't wait to attend

year again... where

environment was already very welcoming

next year! This was a

old board members

and upbeat. On the first night, everyone


went to Playfair and particpated in many

experience that filled

icebreakers. On the second night, after a

our club members with

day of workshops and meetings, the

an undesribable amount

Governor's Ball helped us unwind and

of inspiration.

have fun.


step down, and new members look for inspiration and motivation. Every March, hundreds of key clubbers from

Our previous webmaster, Kiln Chen, upgrade to Division 11's Lieutenant

different key clubs all

Governor; our previous vice president,

over the New York

Linna Cheung, is now the new District

state gather at the

Secretary; finally, our previous editor,

Desmond Hotel in

Angelo Lontok, became the new District

Albany for three days


of fun.

Edittor! We're very proud to have mutliple district board members in our own club.

Keynote speaker, Rob Chasteen-Scheer (left), represented Comfort Cases and spoke aboutt their service for orphans. International trustee, Alice Geng (right) provided us with an inspirational speech.

Four of our key club members won distinguished key clubber awards. On the upper left, senior Ben Hatch; on the upper right, freshman Jack Lehman; bottom left, sophomore Tahoor Arif; bottom right, junior Pratik Yallapragada. We are so proud of you guys, congratulations!



This walk is to fight for awareness for MS (multiple sclerosis) which is a major crippling disease which damages the central nervous system. Synonyms can vary from lack of coordination to losing all the nerves in a limb(s). As of right now there is no known cure for MS and the only treatment serves to speed recovery from attacks. MS mostly effect anyone from 16 to 55 yrs old, women, and it is genetic meaning the rest of the family is more likely to develop this disease. Key club's job was to manage the rest stop that was in the middle of the 3 mile walk and signaling the walkers where to go to continue the run at checkpoints.

MARCH FOR BABIES-4.30.19 by Pratik Yallapragada

WALK MS -4.30.19 by Peter Yapp

March for Babies happened on the 28th of April. This event was meant to provide help for all the moms either being pregnant or already having kids. It gives moms and babies better, happier, healthier lives as they prioratize their needs and support them every step of the way. This event began early in the morning when Stuy Key Club was fundraising their Krispy Kreme Donuts. They were pretty tasty for the most part. We had taken tons of pictures of D11 and D8 was there too. The walk started between 62nd St. and 65th St of Lincoln Center and ended around Grand Central 42st. We walked three miles where the route took us from west side of Mahattan to the east side of Manhattan. It took about 1 hour and 30 minutes to walk a but it definetly fun. I feel that we've made a huge impact coming to the walk. Even though we were a small group of people compared to the thousands that walked, it's the little things that count. If there were to be another walk like this next year, I would definetly go again.




This year's Japan Day took place at the Naumberg Bandshell, once again. Volunteers were assigned to different tents to assist with food, drinks, or activities. D11 Lieutenant Governor, Kiln Chen and our very own key clubber, Julie Li (to the left)

"I was the only person from our key club at the tea tent, but I loved getting to know the Bronx Science Key Club volunteers, and working with them." -Laura Song


"I feel like if it wasn’t for the bad weather, I would’ve had a better time. Nonetheless, Japan Day was still a nice experience and I can’t wait for it next year!" -Aaron Das

One of the featured dishes from Japan, at the festival, was Okonomiyaki. It is a delicious pancake consisting of eggs, cabbage, and sometimes meat.



19 MAY 2019


Instead of volunteering at this division event, we participated in the walk! Members of Division 11 Key Clubs met up at 59 street and 5th avenue, in front of the fountain (above). We started walking uptown through the park till 110th street. At the midway point, we were provided with snacks and water to help us keep going. We started walking back and along the way, we received even more snacks such as chips and popsicles. When we finally arrived at the finish line, there was a feeling of accomplishment. It was an extraordinary experience seeing so many different people from different backgrounds get together and walk 6.2 miles to support this cause. We definitely look forward to attending next year! 17

"it was the perfect oppurtunity to learn about my best friend's heritage" -Jacqueline Mahfooz

passport to taiwan AN








BY LAURA SONG Since the year 2002, New Yorkers have attended this festival to experience Taiwanese culture. This year, on May 26 at Union Square North, our very own key club got the chance, once again, to help out with the many tents. Linna and Angelo helped out at the shaved ice tent while the rest of our volunteers helped set up the sound. Not only was this a learning experience, it was also an oppurtunity to bond with other key club members. From volunteers in Bronx Science to Francis Lewis to Bayside, we all worked together to help set up and clean up the



In addition to the tents, there was a main event happening on the front stage. One of the most impressionable performances was by Da-Guan Dance Theater (on the right). They traveled all the way from Taiwan to showcase an amazing series of dances representing the experience of quotidian Taiwanese life. Another outstanding performance was by Journey to Broadway (below). Consisting of a line of talented rising actors studying in NYC, they provided a fulfilling show.

Add a heading This was truly an exciting experience (especially because the weather was so nice). We can't wait to attend again next year! Thanks for having us!


Future Events


June 2

Unite Against Bleeding Disorders Walk

June 8

Beautify Fort Tryon Park

June 15

4th Annual BBQ Fundraiser!

June 16

Coney Island Classic 5k and 10k

June 22

Project WASTE Volunteering

Contact Us President Jack Lehman

Vice President Karen Wu

Secretary Aiko Gerra

Treasurer Pratik Yallapragada

Editor Laura Song

Webmaster Luis Pagan

Events Head Brianna Nee

Fundraising Head Tahoor Arif

Marketing Head Melanie Andrade

Facebook Page and Group HSMSE Key Club





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