Frock 'n' Roll - fashion film feature

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special feature 1 0 8 fashion

frock ‘n’ roll Making suave online content for couturiers is a nifty revenue stream for production We’ve been on the shoots, sweetie. We’ve seen the crews’ Crocs. And Puffa

About 60 per cent of its archive is made up of film. And the idea of

jackets. And their stonewashed 501s. Yet somehow the worlds of production

showcasing new clothing collections in filmed “look books” only really

and fashion, two seemingly incompatible tribes, have enjoyed a long, fruitful

entered the mainstream over the last year or so, with more commercials and

— if occasionally ill-fitting — relationship. From The Devil Wears Prada and

music video production companies getting in on the act. Fashion films ain’t

Zoolander, to this year’s brace of Coco Chanel biopics. But it’s not just

new, but they’re certainly getting made with more frequency.

feature films — over the last couple of years, fashionistas have been

One of this new wave of fashion films was the split-screen film Colonel

swapping the catwalk for the camera, turning to directors to help them

Blimp’s Sarah Chatfield and Chris Sweeney created for Yves Saint Laurent’s

showcase their collections in arty short films. As designers become more

creative director Stefano Pilati, to promote the label’s Autumn/Winter 2008

confident working with film, the opportunities for production companies

collection. Its success prompted a second series for YSL’s 2009 season,

have grown. (And like, umm…maybe you guys might pick up a few tips too?)

starring Simon Woods and Jack Huston. While these two are easy on the

Much of the world has caught catwalk shows on the small screen since the

eye, they are everymen rather than typically elfin male models: so the films

start of the ubiquitous satellite channel Fashion TV in 1997, but it wasn’t until

were arty, but you could relate to them too.

the 21st century that things got creative. In 2000, photographer Nick Knight

“Film is emotive,” say Chatfield and Sweeney, “it can be full of drama, mood

launched his online fashion and art project-cum-production company,

and atmosphere, and I think a catwalk show would always struggle to match

SHOWstudio, to create both still and moving images for high-end designers.

the emotion you can provoke in a piece of film.” What’s more, by making a

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(From left) Burza’s short for Topshop; Ferguson for Erika Trotzig and (below) for David David; and (strip, bottom) Farahmand’s Ghost for Alexander McQueen

houses. So is fashion and film a perfect fit? Laura Swinton on hemlines and bottom lines film, they argue: “you can create a world for the clothes that is linked

houses. At a time of global recession, even the beautiful people have to face

directly to the designer’s inspiration for the collection.”

up to the bottom line. (Wanton extravagance is so mid-noughties.) Brit

On a practical level, film also allows the audience to see the texture and

designer Gareth Pugh pared back his usually extravagant catwalk show at

detail of clothes in a way that traditional shows can’t. (But be warned,

Paris Fashion Week this March, opting instead to screen an eight-minute,

focussing your lens so closely on beautiful embroidery or immaculate

CGI-heavy short featuring just one model to audiences instead. The film was

stitching could have unexpected results. “We learned lots,” say Chatfield

shot by Ruth Hogben through SHOWstudio.

and Sweeney wryly, “including how much we love designer clothes.”)

Catwalk shows can cost around £300,000 — which doesn’t exactly scream

Since fashion films are proliferating fast on the web, it’s a crowded and

credit-crunch chic. While a production company could quite easily spend that

competitive area, pushing constant creative innovation. Among the most

kind of money, given half the chance, a young director and some creative

surprising was this year’s collaboration between Partizan’s Saam Farahmand

simplicity could get you a film for as little as five grand.

and Alexander McQueen, on a film for the designer’s sportswear collection

The YSLs and Louis Vuittons of the fashion world may be using film in a very

at Puma. Ghost sees two stylish martial artists fight it out in elegant slow

high-end way, smaller, edgier labels are finding collaboration with young

motion. By employing a combination of intricate post and high-speed

directors to be not just fruitful but cost effective too. And it works both

cameras, the film has an ethereal “ghosting” quality to it (hence its name).

ways: more commercial than a music video, but more like a music video than

It’s not just creative considerations that make film appealing to design

a 30-second ad, fashion films can be a helpful middle step for any up-and-

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(Above and strip) Pane’s film for Diesel Kids, (right) YSL’s Figures Entwining by Chatfield and Sweeney

“Advances in technology means that people can pause the video, zoom in. The mileage in these films doesn’t stop at people seeing the films - they can click on links and buy.” comer hoping to move their directing career on a step or two. And young

magazines, turning online for their fashion news instead. For example, style

designers struggling to get their work seen now have a new platform.

and fashion site has 1.5 million unique users and gets 22

Kathryn Ferguson is a director who came to film following a degree in

million page impressions — and such sites are always desperate for new

fashion communication, and who now curates the fashion film segment of

content (especially when it’s free).

the women’s film festival, Birds Eye View. She has shot several films for edgy

That’s not to say the digital + fashion + film formula is infallible. Earlier this

designers like Erika Trotzig and David David, and is an advocate of the

year Honeyshed, a content-driven online retail venture from Publicis and

benefits for both designer and director. “A catwalk show costs an

Droga5 was forced to go offline due to a disappointing initial hit rate and the

extortionate amount of money therefore making it incredibly difficult for

climate of economic instability.

start-up designers to get their work out there,” she says. “The development

Deborah Cartwright is a PR consultant who helps high-street brands such

of fashion and film now means young designers can share their vision with

as Diesel and Topshop make the most of online media and the production

the masses should they want to.”

industry’s filmmaking expertise. “A photoshoot in a print magazine might

When talking about fashion films, it’s easy to get swept up in fantasies of

look nice but it doesn’t do very much, ” Cartwright says. “Advances

unattainable glamour or the impenetrably abstract fashion-as-art scene. But

in technology mean that people can pause video, zoom in. The mileage

mainstream clothes brands are catching up and beginning to see the benefit.

in these films doesn’t stop at people seeing the films — they can click on

The potential is huge — the all-important 18-25 demographic is buying fewer

links and buy.”

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(Left) Ferguson’s Tingel Tangel work (below) Pharrell Williams in Rozan Schmaltz’s film for Vuitton; and (strip) Nez for Halston

Partizan’s Kinga Burza has just finished a film for UK high-street fashion

abstract:groove, it sees adventurous children navigate a soft, purplish

titan Topshop, for Biba designer Barbara Hulanicki’s new collection. The

“steampunk” landscape. With its Golden Compass aesthetics, flying ships

retailer has worked with film and digital media before — its website is home

and winged horses, the film is playful, warm and fantastical. Far more

to some very basic movies — but the idea of creating an original short was

appealing to children and parents than a staid old runway.

still new territory for its marketing department.

But can these moving look books really replace the catwalks of Milan, New

“It was the first time for all involved,” says Burza, “so we were all finding our

York and London? It’s tempting to think so — the benefits of film over live

feet a bit. I think perhaps our project lacked a creative director — which

shows are manifold. But there have been grumblings among the sceptical

would be the equivalent of a commissioner on a video shoot — but

fashionistas who still love a good ol’ catwalk show. And it’s not just because

nevertheless it was a great learning experience.”

of the generous goodie bags. Allegedly. No, a catwalk is an exclusive event,

Diesel is another mainstream brand embracing the cyber catwalk. It’s a

a private club, they say, and nothing says “luxury designer brand” like a

brand with a history of experimental digital advertising — such as the recent,

show most of us can’t get into.

glorious headfuck Pete the Meat Puppet campaign. For the most part, their

So it’s unlikely that directors will be making runways redundant quite yet.

films are more about brand identity than showcasing specific collections of

“It’s a tricky one,” muses Ferguson, “exclusivity is such an important element

clothes, but they have made the leap with their children’s wear film,

of fashion. So while film is going to play a bigger part, I don’t think there is

Explorers of the Past and Future. Shot by Luigi Pane through Italian studio

any chance of it replacing the catwalk for a long time.”

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