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Submission for Beijing Design Week Design Marathon (2022)
Teams: Laura Valencia Kamara, Abel Alvieto, Angeline Yuliani, Bianca, Echo, M. Reza Pahlevi Nugraha.
A public Installation to promote puppetry in more fun and interactive ways Also aims to improve people's wellbeing especially after the pandemic era.
University Project, Furniture Design Residential (2021)
Individual Works
A stool that is inspired from the teabag. It is made from Sungkai wood and "tanjung kembang" rattan woven for the seat parts This stool use many types of wood joints for it's strengthening. In addition, this stool was made in collaboration with the wooden workshop.
S k e t c h D r a w i n g s
C o n c e p t a n d E n v i r o n m e n t D e s i g n I l l u s t r a t i o n s