2 minute read
Joel Inman
General Manager
Daniel Bianco President
Scott Duman Vice President
John Venne Treasurer
Hughey Secretary
Sean Fox
Erich Herkloz
Dean Kramer
John Higgins
Greg Markus
Gene Martin
Well it appears that another spring is right around the corner. I love the spring, mainly because it feels like things are new again. One thing for sure that is new is our website and app.
If you haven’t kept up on all that’s been going on at the club, please take note of this.
Our new app went live on the 1st of March for Apple phones and for Android based phones it should be available this week.
There are a few standard features similar to our previous app…dining reservations, tee times, tennis court bookings, but there are also a few new and exciting features that you should notice.
After you download and log into the app (remember username is your membership number consisting of a letter and 3 numbers and your password is your last name all lower case) you will see the home screen. This home screen can be modified so that the top 3 things you are interested in seeing will always be there. Some of the options include “Upcoming Reservations, Upcoming Events, Weather, Current Statement, Book a Tee time”. In order to change what you see at the bottom there is a small pencil inside of a circle next too the bell icon. Just click that pencil icon and you can change your settings to fit your needs.
Also right next to the bell icon is a dollar sign inside of a circle. This is where you will find any open dining tickets you have while at the club. You will now have the option of signing your check on your phone, just incase you are in a hurry. If you prefer to have the server help you, you will now be able to sign one of the iPads to sign your check instead of a piece of paper. Either way you chose, you will receive and email of your check once you sign. Also in the very near future you will also have a quick member survey to fill out if you would like to provide us some feedback. The other feature I really like is the “Feed” button on the bottom menu. This is where you will get information regarding what is going on at the club as well as some updates from us regarding new and exciting things that are happening.
As the month continues, we will continue to provide you with updates, as well as video tutorials on how best to use the app to make your experience here at Laurel Creek the best it can be.
As always if you have any questions or are having trouble, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help.
Looking forward to seeing you all at the club.