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Joel Inman

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John Slade

John Slade

There’s a song by Alanis Morrisette called “Ironic”

I’m sure some of you remember it…

” An old man turned ninety-eight

He won the lottery, and died the next day

It’s a black fly in your Chardonnay

It’s a death row pardon two minutes too late

And isn’t it ironic?

Don’t you think?

General Manager

Want to know the truly ironic thing about this song…none of those things are truly ironic. Either just good luck followed by bad luck or coincidences with some not so happy endings.

Speaking of coincidences, I know sometimes we all get wrapped up in our own daily lives that we sometimes forget things that normally we would not. Like coming to the club with a tee shirt on or having a shirt that isn’t tucked in, or wearing a hoodie on the main dining room floor, or wearing a hat at the pub bar. All flukes to be certain, but all also against our dress code policy. It is imperative that each and every one of you takes the time to know our dress code policy, provide it to your guests when you bring them and then adhere to this policy. I can promise you that not a single member of my team looks forward to coming to a member to tell them either they are not, or their guest is not, dressed appropriately. No one enjoys the confrontation, or the eventual accusation embarrassing you by addressing this. If you don’t want to be embarrassed, then simply follow the policy. If you don’t know the policy, a link to our dress code is included.

Another important topic, that unfortunately is not a coincidence, is our reservation policy for large groups. I say it’s not a coincidence only because I see it happen when a group of members all want to have dinner together and they all make a reservation for 4 people. In actuality they are making a reservation for 8, 12 or 16. Once again our reservation policy that any group larger than 7 must go through management and is limited to times that we are confident that we can not only accommodate the larger group, but also all of the other members who want to dine that night. For those that do not know, when a large table orders, the entire kitchen must push that 1 check out so that everyone eats at the same time. What do you suppose happens to all of the other orders that came in behind that check? They wait. Imagine you are here with your spouse, significant other or business associates and a large table orders just ahead of you. You want your food within a certain amount of time and we want to get you your food as soon as we can. How do you suppose you would feel having to wait the better part of an hour to get your dinner? You feel fantastic! (that’s me being ironic). No, you’re upset and wonder why you can’t receive good service?

Listen, we want everyone to enjoy their night dining out with us. But I am asking you to help us, help you by adhering to the rules we have in place. It will give us the best opportunity to create a great experience for you and your guests.

Dress Code: https://www.laurelcreek.org/group/pages/dress-code2

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