THE WINDOW Temporary Exhibit Installation Garen Gallery - Kemper Art Museum Washington University in St. Louis Spring 2017, Professor Stephen Leet
“The eyes are a window to the soul” “The eyes are a mirror of the soul” unknown
“First then, upon the superficial whereon I am to work, I draw a square composed of right angles, as large as I think convenient; and this serves me as a window through which I aim to view the story which is to be painted.” Leon Battista Alberti, 1436 “Almost all paintings are spatial in one way or another.” Donald Judd Co l l a g e u s i n g t h e wo r k o f L a w re n c e We i n e r THE LIGHT OF DAY (SUCH AS IT IS), 1996 Materials and dimensions variable Font: Franklin Gothic Demi Condensed Uppercase
Exhibit Photograph 01
CollageS using the work of Luisa Lambri series: Untitled (Barragan House) 2005 5 Laserchrome prints 3 3 - 7/ 8 x 3 7- 3 /4 i n c h e s e a c h
Exhibit Floor Plan
Exhibit Photograph 02
Exhibit Photograph 03
Exhibit Photograph 04
Plan with Section Cuts
Cross Section 01
Collages using the work of Josef Albers Windows series 1929 (all sandblasted opaque flashed glass)
Cross Section 02
Cross Section 03
Longitudinal Section 05
Cross Section 04
Longitudinal Section 06