2 minute read
Cincinnati Zoo: Birds of a Feather
Saturday, March 18th • 11am and 1pm
Location: Auditorium
The Cincinnati Zoo is bringing their feathered friends to the library! From parrots to raptors, birds big and small will fly, climb, and mesmerize you in this fun and educational program. Learn what unique stories and interesting facts make these birds the stars of the show!
Hats Off to Dr. Seuss: Birthday Bash
Thursday, March 2nd • 4-6pm
Location: Community Room
It’s a hatful of Seuss at this celebration. We’ll join Bartholomew on his adventure to rescue his kingdom form the Oobleck. After our exciting adventure, we’ll make some Oobleck and enjoy some delicious birthday cake in honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday!
Super Science Saturday: Gems and Geodes
Saturday, March 4th • 2-4pm
Location: Community Room
Aspiring geologists can dig into the science of these interesting stones and start their own rock and crystal collection. We’ll identify a variety of gems and geodes, learn how they were formed, and mine for a special gem our of our own! Crack open some of our books to find some sparkling photos and interesting facts about other rocks, minerals, and gemstones.
Homeschool Happenings:
Freddie Fish and the Pollution Solution
Thursday, March 9th • 11am-12pm Location: Community Room
Freddie was a happy fish until he decided to travel downstream to his new home. Throughout his journey he noticed that the water was dirty and full of pollution. We don’t want Freddie to get hurt. We’ll get our hands wet and learn how pollution can affect our fishy friends, as we help him clean up his river!

Thursday, March 16th • 6-7pm
Location: Community Room NO REGISTRATION
Did you know that building with LEGO’S enhances fine motor skills? Bring your favorite master builder and take advantage of the library’s LEGO collection. Take home a LEGO book full of fun ideas that will keep building on your child’s imagination.
Sensory Stay-N-Play

Thursday, March 23rd • 4-7pm
Location: Community Room
No Registration
This sensory playdate is geared for families with children ages 3-8 years old on the autism spectrum, or who may have other sensory needs. We’ll have stories, props, puzzles, toys, and other tactile objects to explore different ways to learn and have fun!

Storytime Schedule
10am • Babygarten
11am • Storytime
Wednesdays 10am • Babygarten
11am • Storytime 4pm • Readers are Leaders
Homeschool History Fair
Monday, March 13th • 9am-12pm Location: Auditorium
Love history? The Homeschool History Fair is the place for you!

Participants will be placed in four grade categories (K-2, 3rd-5th, 6th- 8th, and 9th -12th). There will be three winners awarded within each category, along with an overall winner taking home the BIG TROPHY!
A Homeschool History Fair entry form can be downloaded from the library website, or can be picked up in the children’s department. Entry forms may be turned in the morning of the History Fair.
Babygarten: Designed for children up to age 3, this program provides a basic understanding of child development, while providing an engaging time for children and caregivers!
Storytime: This interactive storytime is designed for preschool aged children, and focuses on building cognitive, social, physical, and early literacy skills.
Readers are Leaders: Geared for school aged students, this program provides a time to discuss books, play games, and participate in exciting hands-on activities.