COC Encore Legacy Proposal Document

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Legacy through Planned Giving

Canadian Opera Company Foundation

Your legacy in the arts

Your gift to the COC helps secure opera’s future as we attract new audiences with innovative and accessible digital programs, create new artistic collaborations across our cultural field, and provide world-class training to emerging artists and creators in our communities.

Through charitable estate planning, visionary arts lovers like you can ensure the COC's innovation and imagination will endure for future generations

Founded in 1986, the Canadian Opera Foundation Endowment invests bequest gifts, life insurance, and investment gifts from generous donors to support COC programs, and long term sustainability.

As educators, Janet McIntyre and Peter Lindsay invested years of their energy guiding and inspiring youth to achieve their highest potential. It has been a legacy of learning. Part of this legacy has involved providing students exposure to the performing arts to enable transformative experiences. “I’ve always tried to integrate music and drama into my curriculum,” says Peter. “I saw the rewards – the wide-eyed enthusiasm in the kids as they got involved in the creative process.” As a principal, Janet made sure the performing arts had a place in her school by supporting student coffee houses. “It allowed them to take a chance, go on stage and do something they could be proud of, “ Janet says. Peter has partnered with the Canadian Opera Company Teaching artist to bring the Opera Makers program to his students. The program provides interactive, engaging programming and contributes to the accessibility and appreciation of opera, where participants of diverse backgrounds and education can engage in creative exploration of the art form. Janet and Peter know how important the arts are to young people and that moved them to leave a gift for the future. "It's our legacy to the arts. Leaving something from our estate ensures the COC can bring the same joy it has to us, to future generations of young people.” .“

You can be part of creating tomorrow’s inspirational moments by establishing your legacy gift today.

Extraordinary moments on stage, unforgettable arts experiences, and transformative community impact – our passionate supporters make all this possible every season through their generosity and involvement.

“The Canadian Opera Company has been doing attention-grabbing work” NY Times

“A performance to resonate for a lifetime” The Globe and Mail

“How can I make a lasting gift?” You can bring oepra encores to future generations through your estate plan. A planned gift to the Canadian Opera Foundation Endowment Fund is a significant statement of support, often unlocking greater income while securing tax benefits.

A Bequest in Your Will

Appreciated Securities Gifts

These gifts are made through an individual's estate; they receive a charitable tax credit .

By donating publicly traded securities ithrough your Will, your estate will receive a tax receipt for the fair market value at date of transfer without being subject to capital gains tax.

Direct Beneficiary Gifts You can make the COC the beneficiary of your RRSPs, RRIFs or TFSA and your estate will receive a tax receipt for the fair market value of the gift at the time of transfer.

A Gift of Life Insurance

You can make the COC the direct beneficiary of a life insurance policy that you no longer need. You can also transfer ownership of a new or existing policy to the COC.

Tax Benefits When arranging a planned gift, we recommend that you consult with your independent financial and legal advisors to evaluate the tax benefits of estate giving and to help determing what type of gift is right for you

DIRECTING YOUR GIFT The Canadian Opera Foundation Endowment are funds that the Foundation holds in trust for future need. Invested by the COC’s professional financial managers, we use only the investment income each year while the capital is retained to preserve growth. This fund helps attract internatinal artists to the COC stage, and fosters Canadian talent through its Ensemble Studio, Orchestra Academy and Company-in-Residence programs.

You may designate your planned gift to add to an existing endowed fund or, with help from us, name a fund of your own. You can also establish a named fund in honour of someone or as part of your personal legacy.

How your Encore gift makes a difference “The first time I saw the Magic Flute was back in 2011 here at the COC. Now, to be able to perform in that very same production, I couldn’t be more thrilled!” – Tenor and Ensemble Studio graduate Andrew Haji “ Last night was the most incredible experience for my young patients. I brought six teens all in various stages of illness or survivors of trauma, and it was just an incredible night. The whole evening was amazing. All of the teams that I work with expressed an interest in attending again.” Morgan Livingston, Certified Child Life Specialist, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilityation Hospital and SickKids.

“The COC’s Virtual Choir fits into this rising tide as a leading example of how digital platforms can deepen community engagement with performing arts organizations.” — Opera Canada

OUR HEARTFELT GRATITUDE. As appreciation of your legacy gift, we will include your name in all COC house programs. As well as acknowledging your philanthropy, you will inspire others to support the COC as a an Encore Legacy member. Legacy donors are honoured at our annual Encore celebration.

Please contact us to discuss the ways you can create your legacy at the COC; your personal encore. We can provide you with custom bequest language for your Will, or other gift documents, to review with your lawyer or estate advisors. Contact: Laurel Swinden Advancement Associate 888-123-4567

building legacy Your Encore Charitable Registration Number:11883 4829 RR0001

Laurel Swinden Advancement Associate 888-123-4567

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