aking Meta
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567 890!@# $%^&*() :;,.?“ Meta Book Roman at point size 56
Introducing Meta
n 1984, the German State Post Office, the Budespost, was persuaded by Erik Spiekermann
of MetaDesign to commission a new, exclusive font for use on all of the Budespost’s printed material. The aim of the project, which began in 1985, was to develop a face that was easy to read in small sizes, available in several weights, unmistakable as an identity, and technologically up-to-date. Although the font was digitized, tested, and approved in the summer of 1985, the project was canceled. The Bundespost returned to using one of its many previous typefaces, Helvetica, assuming that digital type would not catch on. In 1989, after design software made creating new fonts more efficient, MetaDesign refined the Bundespost typeface for its own exclusive use, renaming it Meta. Initially, Meta was just used for inhouse projects, but soon MetaDesign began to use it in mail-order catalogs for FontShop, a digital type foundry, confounded by Erik Spiekermann. FontShop encouraged the parent company to license the face. Released as FF Meta, it has become one of the most successful typefaces available from FonFont, a subsidiary of FontShop. Origins
Erik Spiekermann
rik Spiekermann, born in 1947, calls himself an
When it comes to the design of typefaces, Spieker-
information architect. He is equally comfortable
mann sees himself as more of a problem solver than
and prolific as a writer, graphic and typeface design-
an artist. His process for beginning a new typeface is
er, but type is always at the epicenter of this com-
simple and straightforward. “Identify a problem–like
munication dynamo. Even as a child, Spiekermann
space saving, bad paper, low resolution, on-screen
was drawn to the typographic arts. “I had a little
use–then find typefaces that almost work but could
printing press and taught myself to set type when I
be improved,” he explains. “Study them. Note
was twelve,” he recalls. “Years later, when I went to
the approaches and failings. Sleep on it, then start
university to study art history, I made a living as a
sketching without looking at anything else.”
letterpress printer and hot metal typesetter.” In 1988, Spiekermann started FontShop, a digital typeface foundry and distributor of fonts. Spiekermann currently holds a professorship at the Academy of Arts in Bremen, is vice president of the German Design council, president of the International Institute of Information Design, president of the International Society of Typographic Designers and a board member of ATypI. His book, Stop Stealing Sheep, first published in 1993, has sold over 150,000 copies and is currently in its second edition. He withdrew from the management of MetaDesign in 2000 to work on a new project: The United Designers Network, a collaboration of many designers he has worked with over the years.
“Identify a problem–like space saving, bad paper, low resolution, on-screen use–then find typefaces that almost work but could be improved,” Designer
Making Meta
s for the construction of the letter forms, Meta
are both flat. The Z has angled finials on both ends,
has capitals with flat apices, similar to those
unlike the lowercase z, which has an upright finial
of Helvetica. It has a wider opening in the C, which
at the top and an angled one at the bottom. Several
also has angled finials. Angled finials also occur in
of Meta lowercase have particular traits that distin-
the top strokes of the E, F, G, and on both ends of
guish the face from other sans serifs. The ascenders
the S. The E has an extended base, while the base of
of the b, k, h, and l are slightly bent at the top, a
the G has no spur and the J, no loop. The K has one
feature that is carried through the stems of the m,
junction. The tail of the Q is wavy and the leg of the
n, p, q, and the spur of the u. The finials of the v,
R is slightly curved. The junction and base of the W
w, and y are slightly angles, unlike the Meta family
capital letters.
Cap Height
k E Curved Leg
No Spur
Wavy Tail
Angled Finials
Single Junction
Angled Top Final and Extended base
Bend Ascender
Top Angled finial only in capital
Characteristics 5
Me Pt 680
was des Pt 200
so that it could Pt 90
be easily read at Pt 36
many different sizes Pt 4
The New Helvetica
eta was created to replace Helvetica. One of
Other distinguishing features include the double-
Spiekermann’s goals was to create a typeface
storied g that has a highly unusual open bowl. This
that could be read at a variety of small sizes, es-
is a feature shared by the transitional typefac-
pecially since it would be used mostly for in house
es Baskerville and Cheltenham; only a few other
documents. The letters were created to be highly
sans-serif typefaces, such as Kabel, have this fea-
individualized and more spread out than Helvetica.
ture. Most san serif fonts, such as Helvetica do not
This is what makes it easier to read at smaller
approach a bowl at all.
point sizes.
Both Meta and Helvetica have thin shoulders. Overall, Meta is a more condensed face than Helvetica, and it has only a slightly lower x-height, meaning that Meta takes up less space. This makes it more cost and space efficient.
While the dots of Meta letter forms and punctuation are rounded, Helvetica has square dots.
The nuanced construction of the Meta typefaces sets it apart from Helvetica’s regularized structure, creating the face’s appealing personality.
Unique Unique 8
Meta Helvetica
g g Helvetica
MM Meta
The junction of the M rests on the baseline,
like Helvetica, but Meta stems are oblique.
Meta’s y has an offset junction and angled finials
that individualizes it from its capital counterpoint and other typefaces like Helvetica.
Meta is much more compact than Helvetica. The e is one of the most commonly used letters in the English language. Reducing its size dramatically reduces the size of a large block of text, making it more a more office friendly typeface.
At the same point size, Meta’s numbers are much shorter than Helvetica. The 1 in Meta even has an extended base that would help to differentiate it from letters.
Meta Helvetica
While the dots of Meta letter forms and punctuation are rounded, Helvetica has square dots. The i in Meta also has an angled final which juxtaposes the round dot.
Illuminate Illuminate Meta really works to individualize each letter to increase readability. In Helvetica the I and l are basically the same shape and almost the same size. They are easily confused and do not lead to affective legibility.
Bibliography and References
Sweet, Fay. MetaDesign: Design from the Word up.
1. Fonts.com, Available at http://www.fonts.com/
New York: Watson-Guptil Publications, 1999. (A&A:
VNC999.6.G4 M48 1999 and Vault)
Accessed November 1, 2005
Spiekermann, Erik and Ginger, E.M. Stop Stealing
2. Leland M. Hill. Revival of the Fittest: Digital
Sheep & Find out how Type Works. USA: Hayden,
Versions of Classic Typefaces (New York: RC Publica-
1993. (Vault)
tions), 142-143.
Revival of the Fittest: Digital Versions of Classic
3. Ibid., 143, 144.
Typefaces/essays by Carolyn Annand ... [et al.]; edited by Philip B. Meggs and Roy McKelvey, New York: RC Publications, c2000. (A&A: Z250 .R45 2000) http://www.linotype.com http://www.fonts.com http://www.fontfont.com http://www.typography.com
Bibliography and References
4. Ibid., 145.
This book was designed by Lauren Blackburn, a sophomore in the Sam Fox School at Washington University. It was created using Meta Book LF Roman Typeface at point size 13. Colophon 13