1 minute read

Slacker Scripture

1. These are only suggestions, do whatever you want with your time that is literally our dream for you.

Picture it: now you’ve gotten your extra day, your 24 hours a week have been clawed back. What do you do with that time now? Don’t allow your new freedom to be swallowed up in the vast sea of productivity.


It is no small task to unlearn the guilt we feel about being unproductive. It stretches back to the literal days of colonisation so it is well and truly lodged in there! Rewiring your brain is simply a matter of practice. 1 First things first: the morning routine. What does your average morning look like? Take the things you would usually rush or forego in the name of saving time. If it’s a quick shower or a dry shampoo job, give yourself a longer shower. If it’s a coffee to go try to sit and enjoy your coffee slowly instead. Starting your day in a relaxed state sets you up properly for a full day of nothing.

Next order of business: Ambling. Doing nothing doesn’t have to mean sitting on the couch all day (not that we don’t advocate for that). This time is for anything you wouldn’t usually do because of that little voice in the back of your head saying you should get something more important done instead or that it’s a waste of time. Wandering around the town with no particular agenda is perfect. From window shopping, to people watching, to getting on a bus to nowhere, there are plenty of options for slacker excursions. Last of all, for your consideration: Embrace boredom.

If doing nothing on your newfound sabbath is boring for you, that’s okay! At this point in time boredom is a luxury many of us can’t afford. I would love to be bored, honestly. So if you are one of the lucky few that has achieved that higher state of being, embrace it! Doodle on your forearm. Stand in the sun. Wander around your house without clear intent. Become comfortable in your own boredom.

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