Bacardi Experimental Typography

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Lip Type

For my Bacardi brief I created a set of typefaces to apply to a number of products here are the typefaces that created for this brief. To create the letterform for this typeface I created the style of the letter from the shape of lips. I then went on to creating the fill of the letters by creating lip marks on paper using my lips and lipstick to create a mark. This was then edited in Photoshop to create a more darker and detailed lipmark where I then took the design into Illustrator to create a clipping mask with the lipmark image.

Leg Type

To create the letterform for this typeface I created the style of the letter from the shape of females legs. First I started out with a simple outline with red shoes, then I added stockings which then developed on to using silohettes to create a more simple and clear letterform.

Lip Mark Type

To create the letterform for this typeface I used a kiss mark to form part of the letter and the outline of the letter using a rough edge line to look as though it has be drawn with lipstick.

Kiss Type

To create the letterform for this typeface I used the lipstick marks that I made on paper and used the outline of lips to form the lip shape.

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