A book that consists of creative based activites that use shape, colour, texture and pattern alongside plainer pages for personal use. I am also planning to design workshops and group activities that will complement the book. In relation to my previous studies and interests of pattern, mark making and interactivity, the main aim is to highlight how using our creative side of the brain is beneficial and opens up a new way of thinking. These activities will be playful and stimulating; they will vary from challenging puzzles that improves our brain to expressive and thereaupetic self-initiated activites. I want those who may believe they are very creative to enjoy different materials and go beyond the biro and notebook.
exampler pages
using continuous line draw
object or landscape or person
draw its partner here
find the one without a partner
time yourself
draw a face in:
1 second
4 seconds
7 seconds
10 seconds
15 seconds
20 seconds
complete the sequence
(staggered throughout the book)
using your opposite hand
tracing paper
tracing paper
draw what's out the window