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Our brains are divided down the middle into two hemispheres. They work independently but constantly communicate information to one another. The right hand side of our brain works differently to our left in that it is intuitive, non-verbal and driven by image. Patterns, shapes and textures exist everywhere. They are integral to the make up of our universe and inform us of how our earth works and why. Pattern is engaging; a visual stimulus that tests our sense of perception, order and creativity. Similarly, as to why we exercise our bodies it is important to give our brains a work out too. This book uses colour, shape and form to not only expand our brains but stimulate exploration and play. From drawing and colouring to note-taking and problem solving, unleash your creative conscious and go beyond ruled paper and a biro.

Continuous Line

object or landscape or person

Pattern Search

Daily Weather Code


Patterns are a form of visual coding. Like language, different shapes and marks act as symbols in which we can read and receive information.

daily weather code









memory blah howrequires Absorbing and then information re-producingblah information oerhtgihurgfdnjkgfdkjghdfgdf repetition. Through visually noting and drawing motifs we rguiherkjndfuhgierjknds3920urwioejfksndhh memeory do not recognise it enhances our memory whilst goodboth for the 18) using sidesbrain-( of thesize brain.

Time Yourself

1 second

15 seconds

Having restrictions on an activity such as using the opposite hand varies our outcomes and introduces a new way of thinking. Time limits for example notes our impulses and immediate responses. It speeds up our thinking and breaks comfortable habits.

Time Yourself

1 second

15 seconds

5 seconds

30 seconds

10 seconds

1 minute


Our visual recognition of images differs between people dependant on their experiences. Abstract marks test our imagination. How do you interpret these marks?

Pattern Spotting

Pattern Spotting

Shape Sequence

Our brains can recognise pattern in all different forms throughout our surroundings. They are integral to our earth balancing order with chaos. If we improve our understanding of sequence we improve our organisational abilities.

Opposite Hand

tracing paper

Odd One


No looking





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