Bay to Breakers has prevailed as a testament to San Francisco’s uniqueness and audacity. Each year the race is a glorious celebration of the human spirit - a giant wave of athleticism, fun, frivolity, and determination flowing across the City from the Bay to the Pacific ocean. Bay to Breakers is one of the largest footraces in the world with 50,000 + participants and 100,000 + spectators annually. As the race grew in size it even set a Guinness Book record, with 110,000 participants in 1986. The course is challenging and beautiful, and consistently attracts world class competitors. But, it isn’t just a race for the serious runner. In the true spirit of San Francisco the race is a celebration for everyone. Thousands of costumed participants join with families, and weekend runners and walkers. As they make their way through the heart of San Francisco, energized by continuous bursts of live music, they are cheered on by thousands of spectators lining the route. Throughout its long history Bay to Breakers has been a showcase for the City’s irrepressible color and its affection for eclectic traditions. Although runners come from across the country and around the globe, the race is still a quintessential experience and a true reflection of life between the breakers and the Bay.
Costumes are always encouraged and have been an iconic part of the event for more than 60 years.
Professional runners, casual runners, centipedes, walkers, moms and dads, kids, and groups of friends can participate.
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We invite you to register for Bay to Breakers 12k and join with us in celebrating one of the most unique, festive, and competitive road races in the world. Registration will be limited to 50,000 participants in 2011 so register early to guarantee your place in this event.
Janu R AT ar $52 y 1- Ma ION y 11 ad u l ts $47 ch ild re n u nd e r 18
R EG M ay 14 IST May $60 R AT 15 ad u l ts $50 ION ch ild re n u nd e r 18
Bay to Breakers 12k - USA Track and Field Certified Registration required in order to participate
FRID AY M 11t a AY 1 m-7 3 pm
TH West Conc o urse o 635 8 f the S th Stre .F. Des et at On-sit ign Ce B ra e late nnan nter St., Sa registra n Fran tion c cisco loses at 6:0 0 pm SUND AY M 7 am AY 1 - 12 p 5 m
TH Start L ine at H o 8 am ward - 1:30 and B eale S pm The Fo treets otstoc k festiv chale a t socc l will b er field e at t he be s in G ach olden Gate Park.
AY M 9 am - 6 pm AY 1 West 4TH Conc ourse 635 8 o f the S.F th Stre . Desig et at On-sit n Cen Brann e late a ter n St., Sa registra n Fran tion c c isco loses at 6:0 0 pm