Identity Standards Guide Prepared 05/2018
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Welcome Main Logo
Composition Clear Space & Minimum Size Variations Uses to Avoid Use with Cincinnati Reds
Modesto Open Proxima Nova Lust Script Headings & Subheadings
Hero Logo Composition Uses to Avoid
Stitching Color HOFM Red Primary Palette Secondary Palette
Symbols Photography Subject Duotone Treatment
Tone of Voice Who We Are
In Application Advertisements Environmental Applications Merchandise
Our Brand Mission
The country’s largest baseball Hall of Fame in both size and number of inductees, the Reds Hall of Fame and Museum represents the proud spirit of the nation’s first ever Major League baseball team. In sharing a location with its own Great American Ball Park, the Reds Hall of Fame and Museum represents the achievements of Cincinnati baseball’s past, present, and future. The Reds HOFM brand speaks to the heart of the youngest Reds fans and most seasoned ticket holders. Its flexibility reflects the uniqueness of the museums fascinating and ever-changing exhibits.
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Main Logo About the Logo
At its core, the Main RHOFM logo gives the museum its identity. Bold and recognizable, the mark is what often introduces people to the brand.
Feel free to use the main logo: ✓ in any application where the logo is less than 2.5 inches in width ✓ in corporate environments, like in stationery or business cards ✓ as a consistent brand identifier for use in print advertisements or other marketing collateral
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
The Reds HOFM logo is made up of three things: the stacked REDS type, a diamond base, and the museum name. The stacked REDS type is representative of the strong historical foundation on which Cincinnati’s baseball legacy sits. The diamond base invokes traditional baseball imagery while providing a strong, identifiable shape for the logomark. The museum name always sits below the REDS type to differentiate it from the Cincinnati Reds baseball team.
Main Logo
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Clear Space & minimum size
We want the Reds Hall of Fame and Museum to sit proud. Appropriate clear space sizing is imperative to maintaining the integrity of the brand. Clear space should be no less than 25% the width of the diamond in the logo. The mark can be no less than one inch in width, or 72 points, lest the type get too small to read.
Main Logo
minimum size: 1 inch
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
The main Reds HOFM logo can appear as one color on a solid background or in white on top of a picture showcasing Reds Hall of Famers, the museum architecture, or any of its exhibits.
Main Logo
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Uses to avoid
The main Reds HOFM logo needs to maintain consistency in order to uphold its strength. Below are some examples of uses that should be avoided. When in doubt, refer to the application reference section of this guidebook.
Do not: X invert the logo X tilt or rotate the logo X alter, distort or stretch the logo X add any kind of "subheading" to the logo X use the logo on non-primary color fields X use the red logo on a solid black background.
Main Logo
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
HOFM with the Cincinnati Reds
In cases of co-sponsored events and other special occasions, it may be necessary to use both the sport and museum logos. Because the two entities share a location, it is crucial that their identities work cohesively together without confusion. When the HOFM logo is locked up with any of the sport logos, clear space rules must be followed. Only the main HOFM logo in black may be used in conjunction with one of the sports logos. Horizontal lockup must be used. The two logos should be roughly the same width
Main Logo
With Main Reds Logo:
With Alternate Reds Logo:
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
The Hero Logo
The Hero Logo About the hero
The Hero Logo gives flexibility and personality to the Reds Hall of Fame and Museum. These flexible marks celebrate recent Reds history and achievement with use of photo and feature individual Reds Hall of Famers in uniform. The Hero Logo can be used: ✓ in any print ad prominently featuring one specific Reds Hall of Famer ✓ during inductee season to introduce new members of the Reds Hall of Fame in digital or print applications. ✓ on promotional material, such as apparel, packaging, or museum merchandise.
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
The flexibility lies within a foreground figure on the left side of the logo and a photographic background inside the diamond base. The following guidelines should be followed when using or creating a hero mark:
Players shown must be in the Reds Hall of Fame or soon to be in the Reds Hall of Fame. Featured players must be in Reds uniform. Figures must be identifiable, full-body, and in action. The background of the letter should be the actual background. It may be in full color or red duotone. The height of the figure should be about the height of the tacked REDS lettering. At the designer's discretion, the mark can be on a blurred, grayscale photographic background. 18
The Hero Logo
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Uses to avoid
The hero logo is flexible, but it still follows a few rules in order to maintain consistency with the tone of the overall brand. Keep these in mind when using an existing hero mark or when creating a new one for future use:
Do not: X place the figure on the right side of the mark X use a partial figure or cut out parts of the figure X use any color other than HOFM red for duotone treatment, should you choose to use it X place the hero image on a background that would make it difficult to see X use low quality or grayscale images for the figure X use an image taken from behind a featured player as the main figure 20
The Hero Logo
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Stitching Bringing it together
An important aspect of the RHOFM identity is the use of baseball stitching as a graphic. The stitching, representative of baseball itself, is functional while being dynamic and playful in attitude.
This graphic can be used: ✓ as an accent on its own, over a picture or on a solid color ✓ as an element uniting separate parts of a composition ✓ to convey movement within a photo or video ✓ as a directional wayfinding graphic on walls within the museum
The stitching graphic is made with an illustrator brush. Do not try to create it yourself or edit the brush in any way. Always use the brush in a one point stroke, otherwise the proportion will be off. If needed, in order to create more stitches in longer lines, cut the line into segments so that the scale makes sense.
Reds History
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Color Hofm red
Reds HOFM red is bold and vibrant. It is similar to the red used by the Cincinnati Reds baseball team, though it is used more liberally. Use it in duotone photo treatments, iconography, and callout text. White text is always used on a HOFM Red background.
HOFM Red #D12229
CMYK 15, 100, 90, 10 RGB 210,35, 42
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Primary colors
In addition to HOFM Red, black and white are the primary colors in the museums visual language. These colors contrast nicely with HOFM Red, meet accessibility standards, and allow the color scheme to reflect all eras of Reds baseball history.
Secondary Palette HOFM Gold #D6AB36 10, 33, 100, 0
Just as baseball is part of Cincinnati’s vibrant culture, so is our secondary palette. Use these in promotional material as an accent color to the HOFM red. Utilize these colors sparingly, as using them too heavily will detract from the Reds HOFM brand and make it unrecognizable.
HOFM Blue #244D91 10, 78, 14, 1 Away Gray #ABADAF 0, 0, 0, 38 HOFM Green #7CAA4E 67, 10, 100, 1 27
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Typography Modesto Open Primary & Inline Fill
Modesto Open is a chromatic typeface in which the fonts can be overlapped to create new visual styles. The logo combines the Primary and Inline Fill faces to create one solid font reminiscent of traditional bold letter forms seen in sports, harking back to the tradition and history that the museum contains while keeping a modern, fresh-faced attitude. Modesto Open Inline Fill can also be used in subheadings in place of Proxima Nova. Any font in the Modesto Open family may be used in promotional material, though Primary and Inline Fill should be the most commonly used.
Modesto Open Primary
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890‘?’“!”(%)[#{@}/&\<$>:€;¢*£ Modesto Open Inline Fill
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890‘?’“!”(%)[#{@}/&\<$>:€;¢*£
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Proxima nova
Proxima Nova is the primary typeface used in headings as well as body copy. Proxima Nova conveys a friendly, modern, approachable personality fit for a family museum. Proxima Nova is a large, diverse typeface family with several weights and styles. It should be the most commonly used font in the RHOFM brand. When in doubt, use Proxima Nova.
Proxima Nova Light
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSs TtUuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890'?’“!”(%)[#]{@}/&\$ Proxima Nova Regular
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSs TtUuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890'?’“!”(%)[#]{@}/&\$ Proxima Nova Medium
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSs TtUuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890'?’“!”(%)[#]{@}/&\$ Proxima Nova Semibold
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSs TtUuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890'?’“!”(%)[#]{@}/&\
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Lust Script
Lust Script is a friendly font reminiscent of traditional baseball script. The Reds Hall of Fame and Museum uses Lust Script in callout text to create more visual interest or to put emphasis on a word or short phrase, such as the name of an exhibit. In select cases, Lust Script can be used as the main heading in promotional materials. Captial letters should only show the most basic style. Flourishes may be present only in lowercase letters if the letter has a descender and appears at the end of a word.
Lust Script
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPp QqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890'?’ “!”(%)[#]{@}/&\$
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Headings & Subheadings
In order to be responsive and flexible, there is no set heading size, as long as they establish a consistent hierarchy and are consistent in size and treatment throughout applications. Subheadings are 2.5 times smaller than the heading (For example, a 40 pt. heading divided by 2.5 is a 16 pt. subheading). The subheading and heading are to be aligned left. Creative freedom can be given to leading, as long as the lines are legible at most distances. Use of Modesto Open Inline Fill and Proxima Nova in subheadings should be consistent and intentional. When in doubt, use Proxima Nova, unless the heading is already set in the Proxima Nova family.
Examples of Acceptable Heading Size/Placement:
The Plaque Room Reds Hall of Fame
Usage in signage or informational material.
Class of 2018
Usage in graphic or promotional material.
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Symbols Symbols and Iconography
There are three general shapes that a HOFM uses in its iconography: The home plate, the diamond, and the ball. Each of these serve their own communicative purpose. Other icons should be recognizable and universal. High contrast and intentional application is key.
You are here. For use when a visitor has arrived at a specific part of the museum.
You want to go there. For use as a wayfinding or directional tool in signage.
This is what is here. For use in labeling sections of the museum. Helps with navigation.
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Photography Subject is key
Photography should heavily feature Reds Hall of Fame members or the interior of the museum itself. The usage of photography is very importantâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;it helps bring the museum and fall of fame to life. Think action, excitement, and things that invoke interest in the viewer. Use photos only with purpose and to communicate or enhance a message. Make sure that pictures of people donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel static and convey movement. Pictures of the museum should not be used in anything other than when showcasing exhibits or events within the museum itself.
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Duotone photography treatment should be used in situations where text cannot be readable when placed on top of a full color picture. Red duotone is especially useful in use in the hero logo when it is placed on top of another image for better clarity. For greater contrast, it helps to desaturate the underlying picture before applying color. To create the duotone effect, simply apply the HOFM red in a layer above the photo and set the blend mode to multiply in Photoshop.
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Tone of Voice Reds HOFM Voice
The Reds Hall of Fame and Museum has an established identity as a family-friendly, interactive museum. As such, we strive to convey this same tone throughout our messaging. Think of us as a family or friend that loves baseball and Cincinnati. They've lived here their whole life and are always welcoming, open, and relatable. They feel proud of this city and are excited about its promising, bright future.
Tone of Voice
What we are
✓ proud ✓ optimistic ✓ lively ✓ fun ✓ family-friendly
What we're not
X nostalgic X braggadocious X competitive X corporate X static
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
In Application How we look in action
The following pages show how Reds Hall of Fame and Museum look when all of these components are combined and utilized. Take these as a visual guide; as long as the brand guidelines are followed, anything is possible.
In Application
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Use all or elements of the Hero Logo on its own or the stitch graphic around photographs. Include calls to action and strong, powerful messaging that brings people to the museum.
In Application
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
In Application
Celebrate Reds History
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Environmental Applications
The new brand harmonizes in the current space and is fleshed out in updated wayfinding and environmental design.
In Application
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
In Application
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
Hall of fame Merchandise
Showcase the flexibility of the brand in applications ranging from staff uniforms to tickets to gift shop souvenirs. In these cases, showcase photography of the museum itself, as confusion between the Museum and the baseball team is likely in this particular medium.
In Application
Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Style Guide
In Application