Annual Report
Sarkeys Foundation
Improving the quality of life in Oklahoma
Contents Leadership 2 Executive Director’s Message 3 President’s Message Grants at Work 4 Clarehouse 6 Stigler Health and Wellness 8 ReMerge 10 One True Light 12 William W. Barnes Children’s Advocacy Center Outreach 14 2019 Southwest Regional Leadership Forum 16 Grants Paid 20 Grants and Guidelines 21 Resources 22 Financials People 24 Board of Trustees 24 Staff
Publication staff: Executive Editors: Kim Henry, Natalie Carns Graphic Designer: Teresa Dotson, Acme Design Works
The Sarkeys Foundation Annual Report is a publication of the Sarkeys Foundation.
Executive Director A letter from Kim Henry
arkeys Foundation is pleased to present our 2018 Annual Report. Since 1962, our mission has been to “Improve the Quality of Life in Oklahoma.” We are honored to continue to fulfill that vision by working with organizations from across the state.
We have been gearing up for our biennial Southwest Regional Leadership Forum that will take place November
5th and 6th of 2019. We know that the environment for nonprofits is everchanging. This year’s theme is “Going Beyond Today, The Challenge of Change.” This two-day event will provide training to nonprofit professionals and volunteers to become more effective leaders in their organization. Once again, Sarkeys will underwrite a huge portion of the Forum to make it affordable for any nonprofit to attend.
To highlight accomplishments made in 2018, we profile just a few of our nonprofit
grantees. These stories demonstrate how, working together, we can ensure that Oklahoma is filled with unlimited opportunities. All of our grantees provide vital services to make communities vibrant and stronger. They inspire us. And we hope they will inspire you as well.
Board President A letter from Joseph Morris
t has been an absolute honor to serve as Board President for the Foundation and on behalf of the Board of Trustees. We are very excited about the tremendous accomplishments and successes of Sarkeys Foundation over the last year.
Sarkeys Foundation has engaged in investing in Oklahoma nonprofits since 1962. Since then, the Foundation has dedicated over $114 million to Oklahoma. We are committed to continue to carry out Mr. Sarkeys’ vision to “Improve the Quality of Life in Oklahoma.”
It is the board’s fiduciary responsibility to ensure that we have a diverse portfolio so more dollars are available
for deserving organizations both in good and bad markets. In 2018 we had a record amount of funds distributed to nonprofits across Oklahoma. The total awarded was over $4.6 million to 131 grantees. As of the end of November, our total assets were over $105 million.
As we enter 2019, we are inspired by the enthusiasm of our nonprofit grantees,
and we are grateful for the opportunities to make a difference in the communities they serve.
“I am so appreciative of Clarehouse. My wife passed on the deck in the open and amidst greenery and trees. How beautiful!�
Sarkeys Foundation Annual Report 2018
Grants at Work
Clarehouse Tulsa, Oklahoma
larehouse provides a loving home and round-the-clock care for dying people. For those needing more care than family or friends can manage, Clarehouse offers compassion, grace and dignity in a beautiful home atmosphere. Their 24/7 comfort care is provided via a team of LPNs and trained caregivers, who work in tandem with local hospice agencies to meet all the needs of individuals in their final days. Over 200 volunteers care for the home and guests by providing warm meals, housekeeping and laundry, pet therapy, music and a bedside presence. Clarehouse’s primary program of end-of-life care served 371 dying individuals and their families in 2018. Care is offered when an elderly couple or working family faces the insurmountable challenge of physically and emotionally demanding 24/7 care. The hospitality and loving care extend an option to grief-stricken parents immobilized by the impending death of a child at home. Occasionally, social dynamics drive the need for a safe environment, away from a dysfunctional family situation. Sometimes, there is simply no one available to provide needed care. In 2018, Sarkeys Foundation provided a grant of $15,000 for their Clinical Education Program. Through their collection of educational opportunities, they continually work to improve the end-of-life experience for people with terminal illness. Clarehouse brings awareness to students in various disciplines of the importance of communication and providing holistic care. They share what they have learned to developing and open community end-of-life homes. Through their efforts, they aspire to improve and increase participation between individuals, families and health care providers.
Stigler Health and Wellness
“The mobile unit was able to come to my town, so it was convenient. It’s the first time I’ve been able to get to the dentist in 30 years. I have no money, but was able to get my tooth pulled that’s been giving me problems for almost a year. I’m finally out of pain. Thank you so very much for this service!”
Sarkeys Foundation Annual Report 2018
Grants at Work
Stigler Health and Wellness
Stigler, Oklahoma
he Health and Wellness Center, Inc. (HWC) began offering care to its patients in Stigler, Oklahoma, a medically underserved area, in March of 2005. The vision came from a group of like-minded community leaders that realized the need for quality, affordable access to healthcare. With eight patients being seen on the first day they opened to over 100,000 patient visits taking place annually, the vision was not only accurate but needed. HWC, a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), or what is also known as a Community Health Center (CHC), not only provides comprehensive primary care, but dental, behavioral health, substance abuse, optometry, and pharmacy services to the nearly 27,000 patients it cares for each year. Currently HWC has approximately 200 employees in seven counties, with seven clinics, a mobile dental bus, and an inpatient substance abuse treatment facility. Clinic locations include Stigler, Eufaula, Sallisaw, Checotah, Poteau, Wilburton, and Warner with the substance abuse treatment facility located in McAlester. While tremendous strides have been made in improving the oral health of patients in rural eastern Oklahoma, less than half of the residents in the service area have had a recent dental exam. In 2018, Sarkeys Foundation awarded Stigler Health and Wellness Center, Inc. a grant of $20,000 for their Mobile Dental Unit (a full-size bus with two dental operatories on-board). This program currently travels the region and offers multiple preventive and restorative dental services free of charge to the uninsured and underinsured, allowing even more patients from across southeastern Oklahoma to be served.
“Today I stand before you - whole, grateful, joyous and free. I will continue to fight using all the tools I’ve learned on my journey. Thank you for my daughter, for my life.” - Sharee
Sarkeys Foundation Annual Report 2018
Grants at Work
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
klahoma incarcerates more women per capita than any other state in the nation. ReMerge is a comprehensive female diversion program designed to transform pregnant women and mothers facing incarceration into productive citizens. Participants are offered evidencebased treatment to address mental and behavioral health, trauma, and substance abuse addiction. ReMerge provides services which will reduce or permanently remove the barriers preventing women from leading healthy and productive lives. They offer a variety of services including basic needs provision such as housing, transportation, medical and behavioral health care, domestic violence intervention and counseling, education training and job placement, parenting and family services, legal services, life skills and more. The twelve to twenty-four month program is challenging and offers life changing opportunities for the women and their children. Participants are on site daily, placed in sober living housing, and monitored by the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. The program provides every opportunity for the women to change the trajectory of their future for themselves and their children. Upon successful completion of the program, ReMerge graduates have the extraordinary opportunity to have their felony charges dismissed. In 2018, Sarkeys Foundation awarded ReMerge a grant of $250,000 toward their capital campaign. This new facility will serve 50% more women and children. ReMerge participants gave feedback and helped design a space that will foster their recovery and treatment. The new building will be co-located near several key community partners including Positive Tomorrows, Variety Care, City Care, and NorthCare. ReMerge is scheduled to move into their new home in September 2019.
One True Light
“We are thankful for the nice lunches you help provide to me and my sisters�
Sarkeys Foundation Annual Report 2018
Grants at Work
One True Light
Duncan, Oklahoma
ne True Light, Inc. was incorporated in April 2012 in Duncan, Oklahoma with the mission of “Linking Generations to Learn, Love, and Live Together.” This broad mission statement was intended to allow the organization to bring together many parts of the community to serve the physical, social, and emotional needs of children. Since then, One True Light has focused on meeting the needs of children in Duncan through two programs, Link ONE Mentoring and Spokes for Hope Summer Feeding. Link ONE Mentoring Initiative is a school-based mentoring program placing volunteers in Duncan Public Schools for the purpose of building one-on-one relationships with students. Mentors are placed in ALL Duncan Public School facilities, including the EDGE Academy and Duncan High School. Mentors receive quality training and ongoing support from the staff to assist them in helping students claim education and personal success as a goal. In-school mentoring has proven to be a source of encouragement not only for the students who are linked to a mentor, but for all the students and staff at the schools. During summer vacation, Spokes for Hope offers free lunch for Duncan children ages 0 to 18. In 2018, over 6,875 meals were prepped by local volunteers and delivered to children over an eight-week period. Spokes for Hope can also provide a method of staying “linked” to the Link ONE kids during the summer months when they still need love and encouragement, along with a daily meal. In 2018, Sarkeys Foundation awarded $5,000 toward Spokes for Hope Summer Feeding. This grant allowed One True Light to expand and serve a meaningful number of the neediest families with door-to-door meals during a time they are away from school for the summer.
William W. Barnes Children’s Advocacy Center
“It was recommended after the children’s interview that they seek trauma counseling. The counsel here has been excellent for both children in helping them to learn new coping skills, increase confidence, and the ability to use their words to express themselves more clearly.”
Sarkeys Foundation Annual Report 2018
Grants at Work
William W. Barnes Children’s Advocacy Center
Claremore, Oklahoma
hildren are the greatest resource for our future, but they are the most helpless victims of abuse. They cannot shield themselves from violence and too many have become vulnerable victims of sexual and physical abuse. The William W. Barnes Children’s Advocacy Center was created in 2001 to provide comprehensive, multidisciplinary services for children who are abused in Rogers, Mayes, and Craig Counties. Too often, when a report of child abuse is made, a child is subjected to multiple interviews by law enforcement, child welfare, a doctor, District Attorney’s representative, and possibly a therapist. At the Center, a trained forensic interviewer questions the child only once, and in a childfriendly room. The interview room is equipped with two cameras and a microphone that allows the investigators to monitor the interview from another room. The services that William W. Barnes Children’s Advocacy Center offers support multiple agencies in coordinating services for young victims and ensure they are not further victimized by the system set up to protect them. Research shows without effective therapeutic intervention, many traumatized children will suffer ongoing adverse social, emotional, developmental, and health outcomes that may impact them throughout their lifetime. A $4,000 grant from Sarkeys Foundation in 2018 helped provide mental health therapy to the child victims. This treatment can be the lifeline that helps them regain their self-confidence and develop coping skills. Before they leave the Center, children are given a toy and are excited to place their handprint on the wall.
Sarkeys Foundation presents
The Southwest Regional Leadership Forum November 5th and 6th, 2019 Norman, Oklahoma COST: Register by July 31 for the Early Bird Price of only $199 Register between August 1 and October 31 for $299
onprofit challenges are everchanging. This full two-day conference features keynote presentations, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities for you to become a more effective leader in your organization. Learn how to provide meaningful direction and oversight to help navigate challenges in the nonprofit field.
Who should come?
Keynote Speakers
n Nonprofit professionals n Board members n Volunteers
To register and for more details, visit #sarkeys2019
Bob Goff, NY Times Best Seller and Encourager to Millions
Valorie Burton, bestselling author, speaker, and life coach.
Alison Levine, an American mountain climber, sportswoman, explorer, and leadership consultant.
By the Numbers
Last year Sarkeys Foundation awarded over
$4.6 million to 131 nonprofits across
Who we are
Sarkeys Foundation’s mission is direct and simple – to improve the quality of life in Oklahoma.
Since its founding, Sarkeys Foundation has invested more than
Who The Sarkeys Foundation was established as a charitable foundation by Mr. S.J. Sarkeys in 1962 with a gift of 2,750 shares of Sarkeys Inc. stock and various properties, worth about $10,000.
What Governed by a dedicated Board of Trustees, the foundation that bears S.J. Sarkeys' name is deeply committed to furthering his vision to improve the quality of life in Oklahoma. With assets of approximately $100 million, Sarkeys Foundation provides grants to a diverse group of nonprofit organizations and institutions in Oklahoma.
Sarkeys Foundation Annual Report 2018
$114 million to nonprofits The Foundation manages over
$100 million in assets
Grants Awarded Grantee Name Project City
Boys & Girls Club of Bartlesville Supplies for child nutrition program Bartlesville $16,000.00 Boys & Girls Club of Leflore County Equipment for a technology lab Poteau
4RKids Foundation, Inc. Capital Campaign Enid
A Chance To Change Foundation Community Assistance Programs Oklahoma City
A New Leaf Inc. Vocational Training Program Tulsa
Anna’s House Foundation Capital campaign to build a foster home Edmond $25,000.00 Armed Services YMCA of the USA-Altus Armed Services YMCA Operation Hero and Little Learners Altus $10,000.00 Bethesda, Inc. Personal Space Boundary Education for students in Payne and Logan Counties Norman $23,354.00 Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Oklahoma Inc. One-to-one youth mentoring program in Shawnee Tulsa $30,000.00 Boys & Girls Club Of Ottawa County Technology and educational materials for an afterschool program Miami $7,500.00
Boys and Girls Club of Durant Capital campaign Durant
Boys and Girls Club of Oklahoma County, Inc. Summer enrichment program at three school sites Oklahoma City $30,000.00 Branch15, Inc. Privacy fence and to purchase items needed for residents to enter the work force Edmond $13,500.00 Camp Fire - Heart of Oklahoma Council Scholarships Oklahoma City $10,000.00 Car Care Clinic, Inc. Equipment for three repair bays Tulsa
CARE Center - Child Abuse Response and Evaluation Medical exams Oklahoma City $25,000.00 CASA of Oklahoma County Inc. Operating funds for recruitment, training and support of court appointed special advocates Oklahoma City $30,000.00 Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Tulsa Rural outreach program Tulsa $15,000.00 Center for Children and Families, Inc. Programming support for Boys & Girls Club of Norman Norman $30,000.00 Center of Family Love General operations Okarche
Central Oklahoma American Indian Health Council Inc. Purchase of digital mammography equipment Oklahoma City $25,000.00 Citizens Caring for Children Underwear & pajamas for foster kids ages 10 - 18 Oklahoma City $20,000.00 Clarehouse Clinical education program Tulsa
Community Action Project of Tulsa County Oklahoma Early Childhood Program Partners Tulsa $10,000.00 Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma Food for Kids: Free Family Farmers’ Markets Tulsa $20,000.00 Community Health Centers Inc. General operations Midwest City
Compassionate Hands Care-A-Van program expenses Yukon
Cookson Hills Christian School Update technology of therapy center Kansas $23,500.00 Crossings Community Clinic Inc. Electronic medical record partnership with INTEGRIS Health Systems Oklahoma City $10,500.00 Crosstown Learning Center, Inc. General operations Tulsa
Daily Living Centers Client Scholarship Program Bethany
Dentists for the Disabled and Elderly in Need of Treatment D-DENT Restorative Dental Care Program Oklahoma City $25,000.00
Domestic Violence Intervention Services Therapeutic Children’s Counseling Program Tulsa $50,000.00 Dress For Success Oklahoma City Inc. General operations Oklahoma City $10,000.00 Edmond Mobile Meals Inc. New commercial convection oven Edmond $7,238.00 Education and Employment Ministry, Inc. Capital campaign Oklahoma City $50,000.00 Family and Children’s Services Children’s therapist for the Women in Recovery program Tulsa $20,000.00 Fields & Futures Foundation Renovations of the athletic complex at US Grant High School Edmond Food and Shelter General operations Norman
Freedom School Oklahoma City, Inc. Books, snacks, art materials, and STEM materials for a summer literacy program Oklahoma City $10,000.00 Full Circle Senior Adult Day Center Capital campaign Norman
Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma, Inc. Girl Scouts Beyond Bars Tulsa $15,000.00 Good Shepherd Catholic School Educational and therapeutic services in the Discovery Room Oklahoma City $10,000.00 Good Shepherd Community Clinic Integrated care program Ardmore
Good Shepherd Ministries of Oklahoma Purchase of diabetic and pre-diabetic medications and supplies Oklahoma City $15,000.00
Just About Mothers Excelling in School, Inc. (J.A.M.E.S., Inc.) Parent Academy Tulsa $7,000.00
Gospel Rescue Mission Inc. Felon Reintegration Program Muskogee
Kipp Reach Academy Charter School Inc. Professional development funding for academic success Oklahoma City $50,000.00
Ground Zero Emergency Training Center Trainer position for the Hero Team Training Program Norman $25,000.00 Harvest House Outreach Inc. General operations Tulsa
KIPP Tulsa Academy College Preparatory Inc. Curriculum related books & novels, instructional supplies and training & development for curricula transition Tulsa $40,000.00
Health Alliance for the Uninsured, Inc. Medications and emergency equipment Oklahoma City $32,960.00
Knights of Columbus Building Corporation of Oklahoma City Elevator installation project at the Santa Fe Family Life Center Oklahoma City $50,000.00
Home of Hope, Inc. General operations Vinita
Leadership Oklahoma Youth Leadership Oklahoma Class 18 Oklahoma City $4,000.00
Life Change Ballroom Youth Empowerment & Leadership Program (YELP) scholarships Oklahoma City $10,000.00
Hope Outreach Inc. Restoration/repair of Transitional Housing Home Enid Hopehouse Supportive And Transitional Living Inc. Renovations of Hannah’s House Oklahoma City
Hospice of Green Country Courtesy Care and hospice education outreach Tulsa $30,000.00 Infant Crisis Services Emergency nutrition and diaper program for babies and toddlers in crisis Oklahoma City $50,000.00 Jesus House Life Transformation Program Scholarships Oklahoma City $20,000.00
LIFE Senior Services, Inc. Adult Day Health Services Tulsa
Lilyfield Inc. Empower OKC Edmond
Little Dixie Community Action Agency Renovation of two bathroom areas within the Broken Bow facility Hugo $20,000.00 Logan Community Services Inc. Instructors and educational materials for in-school group counseling Guthrie $15,000.00 continued on page 18
Grants Awarded, continued Martha’s Task Inc. Empowering Skills Program Bartlesville
McClain-Garvin County Youth and Family Center Parents As Teachers, a home visitation child abuse prevention program Purcell $25,000.00 McIntosh County Youth And Family Resource Center Expand the executive director to a full time position Eufaula $16,000.00 Metropolitan Better Living Center Inc. Client Transportation Program Oklahoma City $15,000.00 Ministries of Jesus Inc. Procedures, surgeries, medications, and counseling scholarships for uninsured, non-Edmond patients Edmond $30,000.00 MPower Inc. Reconstruction of a sidewalk and adding a covered breezeway Stillwater NAIC-Norman Addiction Information & Counseling Phone system and rebranding Norman
Neighborhood Alliance of OKC, Inc. Crime Free Neighborhoods - Training and Assistance for neighborhood crime reduction and elimination Oklahoma City $10,000.00 Neighborhood Housing Services/Oklahoma City Foreclosure Prevention Program Oklahoma City $10,000.00
Neighborhood Services Organization General operations Oklahoma City $25,000.00
Oklahoma State University Foundation OSU Center for Health Sciences Project ECHO Stillwater $125,000.00
North Oklahoma County Mental Health Center, Inc. Family KINnections Oklahoma City $30,000.00
One True Light, Inc. Spokes for Hope 2018, door to door summer feeding program Duncan
OKC Metro Alliance New construction of a kitchen/dining facility Oklahoma City $50,000.00
Opportunity Center Inc. Development officer salary Ponca City
Oklahoma Arts Institute 2018 Oklahoma Fall Arts Institute scholarships for rural-area public school educators Oklahoma City $10,000.00
Parent Child Center of Tulsa Parents as Teachers bilingual home visitor salary and expenses Tulsa $50,000.00
Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits Statewide Outreach Program Oklahoma City
Payne County Casa Association, Inc. Case supervisor salary support Stillwater $10,000.00
Oklahoma City Beautiful Supplies, educational materials and support of the outdoor classroom garden program Oklahoma City $10,000.00
Payne County Youth Services Building a Competent Community for Suicide Prevention program Stillwater $25,000.00
Oklahoma City Metro Literacy Coalition Expanded services to OKC Metro Literacy learners Oklahoma City $15,000.00
Pivot, Inc. General operations Oklahoma City
Positive Tomorrows Community Board, Inc. General operations Oklahoma City $50,000.00
Oklahoma Dental Foundation For Research and Education MobileSmiles Program Oklahoma City
Oklahoma Lawyers for Children Volunteer coordinator position Oklahoma City
Rebuilding Together Oklahoma City Inc. General operations Oklahoma City $30,000.00
ReMerge Of Ok County Inc. Capital campaign Oklahoma City
Oklahoma Project Woman, Inc. Breast healthcare for the uninsured Tulsa $25,000.00 Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics Foundation Faculty endowment and the 2018 Sarkeys Summer Math Institute for Oklahoma middle school math teachers Oklahoma City $285,000.00
Resonance Listening and Growth for Women Case management services and transitional housing expenses for women preparing to return to the community after incarceration Tulsa $45,000.00
Restore Hope Ministries Inc. Project School Supplies Tulsa
River Parks Foundation Renewal of contract with the Center of Employment Opportunities for River Parks Tulsa $25,000.00 Rogers County Literacy Council Literacy education Claremore Rogers County Youth Services Inc. Building interior renovations Claremore
Special Care Adaptive supplies and equipment Oklahoma City
The Hospitality House of Tulsa, Inc. General operations Tulsa
Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless, Inc. Capital campaign Tulsa $100,000.00 Tulsa Girls Art School Project, Inc. Transportation costs and healthy snacks and lunches for students Tulsa $10,000.00
The Lowe Family Young Scholars Program Inc. ACT study guides and testing fees for low income students Bartlesville $4,089.00
The Tristesse Healing Hearts Grief Center, Inc. General operations Tulsa $25,000.00
University of Tulsa Terry West Civil Legal Clinic Tulsa
The Urban Mission Inc. General operations Oklahoma City
Upward Transitions Community outreach program Oklahoma City
Ronald McDonald House Charities Of Oklahoma City Inc. 26 Bedroom Expansion Oklahoma City $50,000.00 Saville Center Inc. Medical Center Stillwater
The Homeless Alliance WestTown Day Shelter Oklahoma City
Thunderbird Clubhouse Board, Inc. Flooring replacement Norman
To By For Kids Foundation (DBA Oklahoma Cleats for Kids) Athletic shoes and equipment for K-12 kids Oklahoma City $10,000.00
William W. Barnes Children’s Advocacy Center Mental health therapy for children who are victims of child abuse Claremore $4,000.00 Wings, Special Needs Community, Inc. Day Program Edmond $10,000.00
Stand In The Gap Inc. Program Support for Women in Transition, Life Launch, and SITG for Widows Tulsa $25,000.00
Town and Country School Four SMART Interactive Flat Panel boards for classrooms Tulsa
Stigler Health & Wellness Center Inc. Free oral health services for uninsured/underinsured patients Stigler $20,000.00
Transitional Living Centers Of Oklahoma Inc. Job training program Tulsa $15,000.00
Young Women’s Christian Association of Oklahoma City Funding for family advocate Oklahoma City $30,000.00
Tulsa Advocates For The Protection Of Children Inc. Foster Parent Mentoring Program Tulsa $10,000.00
Youth and Family Services of El Reno Independent Living Program assistance for homeless teens and young adults El Reno $50,000.00
Tulsa Advocates for the Rights of Citizens with Developmental Disabilities Family Support Program Tulsa $15,000.00
Youth Services of Tulsa Health Education and Pregnancy Prevention Program for youth Tulsa $25,000.00
Sunbeam Family Services Support for the Emergency Senior Shelter Oklahoma City $50,000.00 Teen Recovery Solutions, Inc. Scholarships Oklahoma City
The Christmas Connection New school uniforms Oklahoma City
Tulsa Boys’ Home Education program Tulsa
United Way of Central Oklahoma Development of new strategic plan Oklahoma City
WovenLife, Inc. Web-based system for Adult Day client records Oklahoma $10,000.00
Grants and Guidelines
The letter must include the following information: n Organization Name n Contact Name, Address, Email and Phone Number n Description of the Organization n Description of the Project n Requested Amount n Total Project Cost n Federal Tax ID Number
The Foundation is administered by a Board of Trustees and an Executive Director.
B. Needs normally outside the range of support by the Sarkeys Foundation: n Local programs appropriately financed within the community; n Direct mail solicitations and annual campaigns; n Out of state institutions; n Hospitals; n Purchase of vehicles; n Grants to individuals; n Responsibility for permanent financing of a program; n Programs whose ultimate intent is to be profit making; n Start-up funding for new organizations; n Feasibility studies; n Grants which trigger expenditure responsibility by Sarkeys Foundation; n Direct support to government agencies; n Individual public or private elementary or secondary schools, unless they are serving the needs of a special population which are not being met elsewhere; and n Religious institutions and their subsidiaries.
III. Meetings
VI. Letters of Inquiry
Below are the primary components of the application: n Executive Summary n Financial and Endowment Template n Board Template n Description of the Organization n Description of the Project n Collaborative Efforts in Your Community n Line-item Budget for the Request n List of Secured Funds and Pledges, Outstanding Requests and Other Potential Sources of Funding n Audit required for organizations with assets in excess of $500,000. n Management letter stating no material weakness
I. Definition The Sarkeys Foundation is a private, charitable foundation, incorporated under the laws of the State of Oklahoma and operated exclusively for providing support through gifts and grants to charitable, scientific, and educational institutions which are qualified under section 501(c)(3) and which are not private foundations within the meaning of section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Service Code of 1954 or comparable sections of the Internal Revenue Service Code added at a later date.
II. Governing Body
The Trustees meet quarterly in January, April, July and October. Grant proposals are considered at the April and October meetings.
IV. Response to Inquiries A response to each request or inquiry will be made by the Foundation within a reasonable time.
V. Proposals The Trustees accept proposals and applications from qualified charitable institutions. To qualify, a 501(c)(3) agency must be headquartered and provide services in Oklahoma. A careful evaluation of each such request will be made. Nonprofit representatives are urged not to wait until the final deadline. A. Major areas of support by the Sarkeys Foundation include: 1. Education; 2. Social service and human service needs; 3. Cultural and humanitarian programs of regional significance.
Organizations are required to submit a Letter of Inquiry to determine whether they meet the criteria and priorities for funding via email. Representatives are encouraged to speak with a program officer for more information, to ask any questions about the process and for a pre-grant interview. Deadlines for letters to be received at Sarkeys are: n 5:00 pm, June 3, 2019 for the August 1, 2019 grant deadline. OR n 5:00 pm, December 2, 2019 for the February 1, 2020 grant deadline
Successful applicants will be notified two weeks after the Letter of Inquiry deadline and will be given information to complete an online application. There are no exceptions made for applications or parts of applications submitted after the deadline. A Letter of Inquiry should be no more than two pages and should be submitted via email with the subject line: Letter of Inquiry to
VII. Application Frequency Organizations are limited to one application per calendar year or twelve month period. Organizations with a current grant from Sarkeys Foundation are prohibited from applying for additional funding until final payment has been received.
VIII. Content of Proposals Successful applicants will be notified two weeks after the Letter of Intent deadline and will be given information to complete an online application. Sarkeys accepts proposals through an online process at Sarkeys Foundation does not accept faxed or e-mailed proposals.
IX. Challenge Grants The Board may, at its discretion, determine to award a grant contingent upon the fulfillment of an institution’s additional fundraising obligation for the project in question within a specified time period.
X. Proposal Format The application must be completed online by setting up an account at For any questions, problems, or concerns contact a program officer for assistance.
Resources Outreach and Education
skills development
It’s easy to give away money. The more difficult task is giving it away to organizations that spend it wisely. That’s where the board and staff must work together to ensure effectiveness. One of our strategies continues to be helping enhance a nonprofit’s ability to work toward its mission. We do this by providing high level professional development opportunities and making our facilities, resources and staff available for nonprofits.
Sarkeys Southwest Regional Leadership Forum Every other year Sarkeys hosts the Southwest Regional Leadership Forum for nonprofit professionals and volunteers from Oklahoma and the region. Although the next Forum is scheduled for November 5 and 6, 2019, much of 2018 was dedicated to finding the best speakers. “Going Beyond Today, The Challenge of Change” is the theme for the upcoming Forum. You can read more about 2019’s event on page 14.
Research Library The Sarkeys Foundation Research Library, adjacent to the meeting room, offers fundraising directories, board development information, and materials on a variety of management and governance issues. The library is available during business hours by appointment.
Sarkeys Meeting Room The Sarkeys Meeting Room is in a former church in downtown Norman, renovated with rich oak accents and mission-style furnishings. The large meeting room is designed for maximum flexibility. It can seat over 150 people theater-style or 100 classroom-style. It can also be divided into smaller rooms to accommodate 20 to 75 people. It includes a large full-service catering kitchen.
Sarkeys Foundation Annual Report 2018
Statements of Financial Position
November 30, 2018 and 2017
Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 743,911 $ 1,273,659 Interest and dividends receivable 68,109 54,423 Federal excise taxes receivable 80,723 2,908 Investments 102,996,143 107,361,612 Property and equipment, net 1,718,241 1,791,752 Other 23,233 21,691 Total assets
$ 105,630,360
$ 110,506,045
Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 26,002 $ Deferred federal excise taxes 121,309 Grants payable 1,298,700
73,017 242,412 1,717,500
Total liabilities
Unrestricted net assets Total liabilities and net assets
$ 105,630,360
$ 110,506,045
Sarkeys Foundation Annual Report 2018
November 30, 2018 and 2017
Statements Activities 2018
Revenues and Gains Investment return Grant Returned Other
1,890,778 50,000 14,377
15,336,605 200,000 96,592
Total revenues and gains
Grants awarded Educational programs Professional fees Investment fees Trustee fees Employee costs Depreciation and other property costs Federal excise taxes Other
4,652,001 5,356 71,296 312,164 125,000 791,776 156,544 (31,469) 161,254
3,251,349 169,154 90,827 276,440 127,000 793,751 131,297 162,451 166,618
Increase (decrease) in unrestricted net assets
Unrestricted net assets, beginning of year
Total expenses
Unrestricted net assets, end of year
Sarkeys Foundation Annual Report 2018
2018 Board of Trustees
President Joseph Morris
Teresa Adwan
Terry West
Elizabeth Base
Dr. John Bell
Blake Virgin
Dan Little
The Hon. Kris Steele
Sarkeys Foundation Staff Kim Henry Susan Frantz Executive Director Senior Program Officer
Lori Sutton Executive Assistant and Facilities Manager
Angela Holladay Director of Grants Management
Linda English Weeks Senior Program Officer and General Counsel
Janice White Receptionist and Events Manager
Natalie Carns Program Officer
SARKEYS FOUNDATION 530 East Main St. Norman, OK 73071 405-364-3703 (Office) 405-364-8191 (Fax)