Your Guide to Zines, Diy and Total World Domination 1
Riot Grrrl
Riot 101 This zine is full of instructional how-to’s and guides to help YOU share YOUR voice and find new ways to express YOURSELF. Resist the internalisation of capitalism. YOU do not need to define YOURSELF or your art/feelings/passions by corporate media. This is a guide not a bible take what serves you and abandon what doesn’t. Grrrls constitute a powerful force in this world, you just need to take what is already yours.
Call to Action ! Because YOU deserve a space to create to share to learn without restrictions because what YOU have to say is important because YOU are not represented in the mainstream because YOU have more power than you know Our zine workshop will show YOU how to layout fold and bind a zine YOU will learn how to make something meaningful or silly or brilliant with whatever YOU have in YOUR pencilcase because YOU deserve to have something that is entirely YOURS!
Riot Grrrl
First of all Before you get stuck in make a PLAN!! Do you have a theme?? Do you wanna talk about social justice, share your art, poetry, talk about your favourite music, share recipes or even just use it like a journal?? Remember what matters most is self expression. Next up!! What materials are you gonna use?? Do you want coloured paper?? Will you use printed text, markers, crayons, pencils, paint?? Once you have gotten all of these materials together you can plan out your pages and get a move on !!
Riot Grrrl
Riot Grrrl
How to Layout a Zine Laying out a zine is very simple. All you need is a sheet of paper of your choice, whatever items you want for the contents of your zine, some glue and a stapler. Assemble your own using these instructions and the diagram in fig.1. 1. Fold your sheet of paper in half 4 times. At the end of this you will have a sheet divided like in the diagram. 2. Mark out the pages as labeled here so you remember which page is which. 3. Stick your contents in on the appropriate pages. Go crazy! 4. Using a scissors or a scalpel knife, slice the middle portion of the sheet as shown by the dashed line in the diagram. 5. Fold pages into a booklet and staple down the centrefold.
Riot Grrrl
How to Bind a Zine Now !! You have a brand new shiny gross zine !! After all that work it deserves some nice binding. You only need a needle and thread of your choice. 1. Punch 3 holes down the centrefold of your zine 2. Cut a piece of thread 3 times the length of your zine 3. Open the book and thread the string through hole 2 from the back and up into hole 1. 4. Thread the string through hole 3, skipping hole 2. 5. Thread the string back through hole 2 and tighten up that stitch. Then, tie the thread around the thread running along the spine.
Diy Publishing WHY should other people be able to control what YOU create? YOU have so much to contribute, YOUR experiences as a person can’t be cens*red. YOU don’t want to be discriminated against because the content of your art makes them *uncomfortable*. If YOU want to share your unadulterated truth with the world YOU need to read our guide to DIY self publishing. Diy Publishing means YOU get the final say in what goes out into the world. Sharing zines/posters/tapes with friends is a good place to start. Contact your local indie book and record stores and ask if they would stock your zine. Search for zine distributors online if this is not an option or better yet !! Host an event to celebrate the publishing of your zine and invite friends to create/share zines/projects of their own !
Riot Grrrl
Manifest 1. What do you want to SAY??? Find the message/feeling/experience you want to share. 2. Read, read, read and read some more. If you want to become involved in a cause get EDUCATED 3. Start a grrrl gang. Find your people, friends or strangers, and start a community to share your work/ideas/art with and EMBOLDEN each other. 4. M A K E !! Write and paint and and sing and scream and SHARE and worry about *selling yourself* to audience make what makes sense to
Riot Grrrl
learn don’t an YOU
What’s next? NOW you have read this entire zine. You know all you need to know to do this thing yourself. So what next?? GET OUT THERE!!! Start making things just for you and if you like it start making them for everyone. YOUR voice is unique to YOU. Don’t let ANYONE tell you that your voice is unimportant or stupid. Tap into that unharnessed grrrl power and GO!!
Riot Grrrl
Riot Grrrl
This companion to the Riot Grrrl event catalogue has all the information you need to plan, create and bind your OWN zines as well as DIY publishing and distribution.What are you waiting for?
Riot Grrrl