star dwellers: for the cosmic citizens of earth

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star dwellers for the cosmic citizens of earth

written. by: lauren zeiher, of lauren on earth

© Copyright All content is the original property and work of Lauren on Earth unless stated otherwise. No derivative works/adaptations, printing or republishing without authorization by copyright owner. Please tag @laurenonearth in all recycled work or anytime you re-share this information.

When booking a session, please know that healing services are a complement to traditional medical/psychiatric treatments, and NOT a replacement. Healing services are meant to address the spiritual causes of suffering and help you achieve wholeness in conjunction with whatever medical treatments your doctor has prescribed. For serious medical conditions or emergencies, please consult your physician. Note that the information in this book is for entertainment purposes.

REFERENCES 1: Marciniak, Barbara. Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians (p. 114). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition. 2. Lyssa, Royal; Keith, Priest. The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage (p. 49). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition. 3. Marciniak, Barbara. Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians (p. 114). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition. 4. Lyssa, Royal; Keith, Priest. The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage (p. 54). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition. 5. Cori, Patricia. The New Sirian Revelations (p. 147). North Atlantic Books. Kindle Edition.


the contents for the cosmic citizens of earth

star dwellers

This content includes channeled information from the Akashic Records and stories from my own personal journey and those of my clients.

intro to celestial beings


lyra and vega


the pleiades








the centauri constellation






negative soul groups


other starseed types


learn to channel cosmic beings


additional information, resources and support



prayer of protection Words are powerful. Each time you begin to absorb the contents of this book, I recommend stating this prayer of protection beforehand. If you prefer to channel something more aligned to you, please do so! This is just a guide.

I set the intention to connect to my oversoul, to source energy, to the eternal divine mother and cosmic realms of light. I set the intention to create a strong and powerful force field of protection around myself and my home: made of copper, liquid light, black tourmaline, rose quartz, rainbow frequencies of unconditional love and it will remain in place protecting me until I state otherwise. This force field is impenetrable unless I actively give permission for other energies to enter. I declare my sovereignty. I declare that no other being or consciousness has access to my energy field or any part of me unless I consciously give permission. I do not give consent to false light. I cut all cords from any being wishing or intending me harm. If it is not in the highest vibration of love and light, it is not welcome. Thank you to my loving guides. I am love. I am divine. I am protected. I AM.

welcome to the family of light

a glimpse into my journey of reconnecting with my cosmic family of light.

for the cosmic citizens of earth

star dwellers

Hello light beings! My name is Lauren, of Lauren on

story that something must be wrong with me, seeing

Earth, and I am a cosmic and ET channel, Akashic

as the other members of my community were alike

Record reader, international psychic, Reiki Master,

and could connect with each other more easily. They

healer and teacher of psychic and intuitive

didn’t seem to feel out of place, different or unhappy.

development. I began to awaken to my galactic and cosmic family in 2018 after searching far and wide for

I continued to build on this story throughout my life

"home" here on planet Earth.

until my world came crashing down in 2015 when I developed a chronic illness. In actuality, this story I

Feeling out of place throughout my entire childhood

told myself (that something is wrong with me) shaped

and early adult life, I never understood this realm, my

my reality and I manifested this illness from the

body, other humans, society, or my role in it. This

dense energy I carried with me. I simply was angry to

confusion brought with it many challenges as I’m sure many other souls reading can relate. I created the

la u r en on earth

be on Earth and angry that of all people, I had to be me.


While scrambling to understand my chronic illness, I was

form of a thought, although I knew that it wasn’t me

bedridden for about 10 months. However, at this point in

thinking those thoughts. These voices were saying, “you

time, I was already passionate about holistic wellness

will heal, do not attach to those statements, listen to our

and completed a certification in holistic nutrition. I was


struggling to understand how this could have happened despite my clean diet and daily yoga practice. What I

I remembered this exact experience happening the third

couldn’t see was this: because I felt like such an alien and

grade during Sunday School at my church. The teacher

blamed myself for it, I abused my body by under-eating

was telling us children that god can hear our thoughts

(anorexia) and over-exercising for 10 years. Not only that,

and if we think bad thoughts, we will be punished. I

but every time I looked in the mirror I saw a person that I

spiraled in fear. Not because my thoughts were bad, but

hated. This combination of beliefs, patterns, behaviors

because I understood that sometimes I could not control

and thoughts are the reason I found myself in this

them. In that moment, during class, I heard a voice

situation. Unfortunately, I did not have the tools or

telling me this is not true and to detach from religion. I

awareness to understand the importance of mindset and

was maybe 10 years old at the time but I listened.

belief work at the time. Although I blamed myself, I now understand that this was a necessary part of my

Regardless, I recognized the voices and knew it was

awakening journey and have only love for this past

Spirit. I listened to the guidance, but that was as far as

version of myself.

my relationship to Source and my psychic gifts progressed at the time. This is mainly because I did not

I have been claircognizant (clear knowing) and

understand what was truly happening, did not see

clairsentient (clear feeling) from a young age, and while I

myself as gifted and didn’t have the proper tools to go

never turned those abilities off, my clairaudience began

deeper with my psychic gifts.

to fully develop during my five year healing process. I was seeing countless doctors in search of an answer as to

In 2017, I was intuitively guided to move to Los Angeles

why I was too weak to walk or pick up a fork to feed

to heal and learn. About four months into my move, I

myself. The doctors' responses were quite similar: you’re

had an opportunity to go to Thailand and remember

going to live like this for the rest of your life, there’s

sitting in a cafe with a new friend. I started to cry and

nothing we can do if you refuse medication, your case is

blurt out 24 years worth of feelings I’ve had about my

too complicated, it’s just stress.. relax!

existence: something is wrong with me, I can’t relate to other people, I feel disconnected, like I don’t belong here








clairaudience, or clear hearing. They came in the

star dwellers


or I’m not from here, I feel scared. His response: oh, it's okay honey, you’re a starseed.


star dwellers

for the cosmic citizens of earth

I remember tears streaming down my face as I read about

my body and meeting myself on such a deep and intimate

the starseed, describing exactly how I felt about myself.

level. As this experience with my cosmic family was

However, once again I did nothing with this information

unfolding, I was already taking several classes to develop

for about 6-7 months. With that said, know that as you

my psychic abilities with two different mentors in Los

move through the contents of this book, allow yourself

Angeles. These abilities were fully turned on by the age of

time to integrate and process the information being

25 and my autoimmune disease fully healed by age 26.

presented to you. From my experience, everything is truly unfolding in divine timing and there is no rush to

Despite having these intuitive gifts, I did not share this

absorb and integrate all of it at once. Some of us will

with most friends and family for another two years. I was

awaken quickly, while it is a slower process for others:

secretly communicating with cosmic beings and receiving

this is in our blueprint so try not to force anything.

downloads and messages from Source, my higher self and my guides. At the same time, I was awake to the injustices

When I felt ready in 2018, I asked my healer (who

of our world and trying to make sense of the agenda and

communicated with the Pleiadians) if she could shed

the reason our systems were created to suppress. I was

light on where my home was in the cosmos. Remember, I

also studying Clinical Herbalism and my plan was to use

was still feeling lost on this planet and was solely just

my psychic abilities to help my future patients heal, just

looking for home. At the time, I had no concept my of

as I had.

multidimensionality, soul fragments or the multiverse. In late 2019, Spirit began to send messages that it was time The Records told me that I didn’t have just one home, but

to read for others. I sat with that for about 4-5 months

that I was connected to many star systems and was a

until I could no longer ignore the inevitable. I knew this

traveler of the cosmos. I cried and remember thinking:

was my path, despite fear and ego trying to tell me

no home here on Earth, no home in the Universe either?!

otherwise. I came out of the spiritual closet and now, I am

It took some time to accept this. What came next was not

beyond grateful for this journey and couldn't imagine it

the start of my communication to my cosmic family, but

any other way.

rather more healing and inner work to learn how to create that home within and love my own soul. This is a reminder to you all: connecting to your star family is a process, one with divine intelligence behind it and not to be bypassed or rushed. Before I could connect to my star family, I had to truly love myself, my body and this Earth. This path involved recognizing my own beliefs






programming and patterns, healing ancestral, inner

“Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence.” 1

child and past life trauma, moving stuck energy out of


life beyond the third dimension






place around 6,000 years ago. I will go into greater

multidimensional and always evolving. To assume

detail in later chapters, but these souls sought

that we are the only living beings in this infinite

control for their own personal benefit.

realm is a linear way to perceive reality. However, we have been told throughout our history that this is

Prior to this, humans and other beings have been

indeed the truth. We have been told many “truths”

thriving on this planet for hundreds of thousands of

about not only what lies beyond the third

years. Not only that, but these civilizations were far

dimension, but “truths” about who we are as living

more advanced than ours today.

beings, what our purpose is and how we are supposed to fill our time here on Earth.

These negative soul groups have suppressed our species for thousands of years, using fear, greed,

The truth is, we are powerful, eternal and limitless


souls who have chosen a temporary incarnation into

separation and more to keep us in lower states of

the physical plane. In other words, our boundless

vibration and stuck in karmic cycles as we continue

souls chose the path of human incarnation, into

to incarnate on Earth. Finally, the truth is being

finite bodies, for the purpose of individual soul

illuminated and the cosmic beings outside of the

growth, service to others or to learn how to return

third dimension have played a major role in the shift

back to Oneness and unconditional love. In addition

into the light. This is why I am contracted to

to that, we forget the truth of who we are during the

communicate with them: to bridge the information

incarnation process. The reason this truth has been

they're sharing in regard to the collective

kept from us is because of a shift in power that took

consciousness and healing.

la u r en on earth





These benevolent cosmic beings are ahead of us in the

Sirian or Arcturian beings we have been communicating

evolutionary process and have already moved through the

with. We are the cosmic citizens of Earth.

initiations and lessons that we are moving through now. They, too, have experienced and transmuted darkness and

If you're called to this path, to return to your cosmic

illusion within their own societies and can share valuable

family, it is most likely because you were always

information to help us do the same.

contracted to re-establish this connection. Us starseeds did not incarnate to do this alone: we have an entire

The Earth is fairly young compared to other civilizations

family of Light supporting us in the unseen realms.

and star systems in our galaxy. Many of the beings that reside within them have been working with the Earth and

Two major laws on this physical plane are the law of free

humanity from the dawn of our creation. Most are in a

will and law of non-intervention. Despite these galactic

state of service-to-others, where they genuinely care

beings having the ability to see the truth of what these

about the fate of our world as it directly affects their own.

negative soul groups were accomplishing, they could not

Most are loving, kind, compassionate and gentle, but keep

bypass these laws, disclose and insert themselves and

in mind that some indeed operate in a service-to-self

shift the timelines for us.

mentality. Instead, they created a loophole: to incarnate into this Some of these benevolent beings are assisting us from

plane and do the work from within. Each soul created a

other realms, while others have chosen to incarnate into a

blueprint or contract that would wake them up to this

human body and serve the Light from within. These

truth and reconnect them back to their cosmic family for

beings are the starseeds and light workers of our present

support in their quest. Everything the starseed needs to


carry out this purpose is encoded in their DNA. In other words, all answers are found within. However, this DNA is

While some humans are triggered by these words and

dormant until activated (absorbing this information is

terms, or see them as New Age, I am just simply grateful to

one way to begin those activations.)

have these phrases to help us make sense of who we are. Being a starseed or lightworker does not make you any

Because they (you) have also already experienced

better or more prestigious than your neighbor. There is no

polarity, war, separation and conflict but have learned to

ego here and these terms hold a neutral frequency, so if

evolve beyond, they (you) are being called to remember

you find yourself triggered, look within as to understand

and apply that knowledge to the present moment on

the lesson.


The mission of the lightworker is a bit different than the

Keep in mind that while starseeds are here to support the

starseed: the lightworker is here to hold light, spread love

collective, they are also moving through the human

and anchor those higher frequencies into the Earth. Both

experience just as everyone else is. It's a dual mission:

are advanced souls from other realms and dimensions.

individual and collective evolution. Another important

Starseeds can also be light workers, but are here to

note is that not all souls are here to support the collective:

specifically assist in the ascension process. In other words,

some are here to evolve their individual consciousness

the starseeds are the aliens: we are the Pleiadians,

and have chosen Earth to do so.


how to prepare For lifetimes, we have been told that if we cannot see it or scientifically prove it, it does not exist. Waking up to the truth that has been hidden from you and tapping into these unseen realms can be both chaotic and beautiful. You will go through a unique process as you awaken and must remain grounded. Remember that these beings are not separate from you, as they are also expressions of the same creator, same universe and same energy. They are just different aspects of you and as you begin to connect to your cosmic guides, you might find that some are future or past versions of the self. We are all multidimensional beings, meaning our souls fractal and can experience many realities at once. As you move through the information in this book, I encourage you to become aware of that truth and begin to apply it.

integration When you're reading this book, the information presented is unlocking your encoded DNA. Your multidimensionality and memories are being activated, which can cause your physical body to respond to that shift in frequency. Allow yourself time to process and integrate what you are receiving and continue when you feel ready.

vibration Remember that we are only able to meet others as far as we've met ourselves. Sometimes, we must be at a certain frequency to absorb and understand this information. This will be a lesson in shifting out of a logical way of thinking. Take what resonates and leave the rest; practice receiving from a place of neutrality.

meditation The portal to these unseen realms lies within. To begin communicating with these beings or absorb the information fully, it is necessary to find stillness within, learn to control your mind and emotions and create that intimate relationship to your soul.

Please remember that regardless if your level of evolution, it is not easy to understand all of the layers and intricacies of our Universe. Truthfully, you'll realize that the more you learn, the less you know. The information about our galactic history, this book included, usually approaches everything from a linear perspective. This is because that is how we perceive information in our third dimensional world. Remember that not everything is black and white and that there are several truths to one reality. There are layers upon layers of history and I am only scratching the surface. I encourage you all to question my work and use it as a tool to discover your own truth and the wisdom within. We, as human beings, are here on Earth to evolve, grow, create, play, learn and simply exist. We are non-physical and expansive souls here to experience love and abundance in tangible form. In this realm, we chose to incarnate into a physical body, experience a range of emotion and learn how to return to Oneness despite the density and separation. We are a hybrid species with many cosmic beings involved in our genetic coding and evolution. From my perception, we are simply just the cosmic beings of Earth and each star civilization is a version of our own, but held within a different density and on a different point in the evolutionary spiral. Our souls and our true essence is formless energy, as are many of the beings within our Universe. They do not attach to identity like we do here on the Earth plane. Always extend an invitation when wishing to work with them. They genuinely want to guide and be of service.

the earth experiment

the dawn of humanity

We will never be able to fully understand the history of

Not only that, but they polarized themselves and sides

Gaia or human evolution without acknowledging the

began to form: Sirius, Vega and some Orion beings vs the

heavy involvement of extraterrestrials. Homo sapiens

Lyrans, Pleiadians and other Orion beings. Millions of

are not necessarily a sole byproduct of evolution, but

years passed between the dawn of human evolution on

rather the result of a cross breed of genes between

Lyra and their colonization of Earth.. so what happened

primates and the ETs. Not only that, but the humanoid

to create such conflict between the species that were

species has actually existed in this galaxy for millions of

once One? And when did the involvement of negative

years and each humanoid race to emerge since is a

soul groups begin?

descendent of the original human, or the Lyran group. Let’s go back millions of years to Lyra, a small Before our species emerged, our planet was visited by

constellation in the Northern Hemisphere where the

other humanoid races: the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion, Lyra,

human race was seeded. Upon the creation of humanity,

Vega and Andromeda to name a few. Eventually, they

there was almost an immediate polarization of positive

began colonizing Earth and struggled to get along or

and negative energies. In other words, you could say that

agree when it came to mankind and the planet's future.

the human race was destined to divide itself.

la u r en on earth


lyra and vega

This only continued to grow and fragment as this

species and personally, I do not categorize them

species evolved in their technology, interactions,

together or see the Greys as human.

community, philosophy and more. Eventually, the Vegan civilization emerged from the Lyran group and over

Despite what happened on Apex, the Lyran and Vegan

time, isolated themselves completely. The Vegans, of the

groups were continuing their evolutionary process on

Vega star within the Lyra Constellation (which is

their home planets. Yes, there was still conflict and war

actually closer to Earth than Lyra despite being in the

but they were also slowly developing the ability to travel

same constellation) had darker skin and features, while

through space and eventually began to spread outward

the Lyrans had caucasian qualities.

and colonize new star systems.

However, this polarization was not just within their

However, possibly around that same time, the

physical appearance. They each had a different set of

Draconians and Lyrans came in contact with one

philosophies, neither right nor wrong, but just

another. My guides shared that these species did know

contrasting perspectives. Sound familiar? They could

of each other before their physical encounter and that

not learn how to co-exist and bring balance to these

the Lyrans also knew of their advancements. Apparently,

energies: one embodied the feminine polarity while

the Draconians were the first in our galaxy to own such

other other group embodied the masculine.

progressive technology and what the Lyrans possessed at the time was incomparable.

Eventually, a third civilization emerged where these beings held characteristics of both Lyra and Vega. They

The Draconians came to this galaxy with the intention to

lived on a planet called Apex, which eventually

conquer other civilizations to better their own, taking

destroyed itself due to the rising conflict and war. Peace

their resources or whatever else they could get their

was never found and the illusion of separation

hands on. Just like their agenda to conquer Earth

continued. The story is that those that survived lived

because of her resources, they saw the same opportunity



on Lyra: lush vegetation, food, water, minerals and a

morphing into the species we know today as the Greys.

weak species. This began the cycle that we still see

I'll share more about this in later chapters but here's

playing out today: the timeline where the Draconian

what I was told in the Records: despite possibly being of

races saw humans as a weak species, slaves and food

Lyran descent, there has been so much manipulation

sources. They killed millions of Lyrans and destroyed

and evolution since. The Greys are now their own

nearly all of the planets within that



la u r en on earth




system, including Avalon which many of us know of

share that the Vegans were hostile, while others say

today. They also used some of them as sex slaves to

they were essentially walked all over by the Lyrans.

continue to breed and because of that, a small

I’ve heard that the Vegans were the negative

number of Lyran-Draconian hybrids were born. The

embodiment of polarization while the Lyrans were

Lyrans that did survive were seeking refuge within

the positive embodiment. But who embodied the


feminine and who embodied the masculine?






Andromeda, Orion and Sirius. Many of them traveled on starships with very little resources,

When receiving within my own Akashic Records, I’ve

searching for safety without much of a plan.

been shown that both species had a sense of authority and stubbornness. The Vegans are

Keep in mind that this timeline is not linear and

independent, strong and confident but a bit

there were constant evolutionary shifts in their

egotistical. The Lyrans had the reputation of doing

genetic coding and DNA due to their changing

what they needed to do to get the desired outcome,

environments, cross breeding and all of the

regardless of consequences. And when all said and

hybridization that began to occur as they seeded

done, the Lyrans pushed out the Vegans when it

new worlds.

came to their involvement in Earth affairs. The Sirians, descendants of the Vegans, wound up

I’ve heard quite a few stories over the years in regard

stepping in to claim their voice and role in this Earth

to the characteristics of these beings: some


la u r en on earth


lyran characteristics There were several species within this civilization, despite the majority of them being caucasian. The Vegans were quite similar in structure, but had a darker appearance and oriental features.

caucasian The majority of those within the Lyran species had these features and the body types ranged from thin to muscular. They were light-skinned and light-eyed, with the darkest eye color being light brown. Height generally ranged from 5 to 6 feet. The hair color also ranged from white to light brown. The Nordics or Blonds are descendants of this race, as are the Pleiadians.

redheads These beings had light skin with red or orange hair, but otherwise a similar build to the caucasians. However, some were of average height and others were giants because this race branched off from the Lyran giants. Believe it or not, the purebred red heads were rather aggressive and violent and appear in our mythology as Vikings or Norse gods. The Pleiadian redhead group are descendants of this race, but they are much more gentle in nature.

dark skinned These beings were more rare; their skin was a light brown color. The hair was a dark brown and eyes were either brown or green. They are not to be confused with the Vegans, but are generally a peaceful and passive race.

birds and felines The bird-like beings of Lyra are a bit different from the Avian species but are also highly philosophical and intellectual. They also incarnated to Earth during Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. As for the felines, these beings are humanoid with cat-like qualities. They do not have fur, but rather peace fuzz for protective purposes and have delicate features with large eyes.

lyran-draconian hybrids After the Lyran-Draconian war, the Draconians bred with some of the captured Lyrans. If you're a Lyran starseed and feel connected to the Draconian race, this could be why.

lyran starseed qualities: Lyran beings are experienced in incarnating and evolving into different physical dimensions so they have this fearlessness about them. They, generally speaking, are quite grounded and rooted in third dimensional worlds and feel a bit more at peace here than other starseeds. They also relate to many starseed qualities and star systems, often struggling to find their soul origins. This is normal as the Lyran energies are woven into nearly all of the humanoid star races among us. On the topic of grounding, this quality allows them to excel in anything physical: labor, exercise, being in tune with the body, craftsmanship. They enjoy bringing their creations and ideas to life through physical form and are good at completing and managing projects. They are dreamers and visionaries but at the same time, are grounded in their reality and being when in alignment. Because of that, they can also be quite independent. They love travel, exploration, adventure and truly embodying all this world has to offer. Giving them the space to explore their independence is crucial, especially to young Lyran starseeds who are just beginning to learn this about themselves. They are usually not ones to settle down and stay put. Their independent nature can make them seem a bit emotionless, but they are quite sensitive. They tend to bury their emotions and not wear their heart on their sleeve, but it doesn't mean they don't feel just as deeply. Their energy is high and they enjoy exploring new things and new ways of being. They can often dive head first into projects and get ahead of themselves, but are usually always up for a challenge. They also love diversity! Like many starseeds, they demand justice and are vocal about ethics, morals and rights. They are innate leaders and despite not always welcoming conflict, they do fight against unfair treatment. From my experiences, Lyran starseeds are outgoing, buoyant, fierce and hold a mixture of different energies within their being. While many of us have descended from the Lyran group, that does not necessarily mean that we still hold all of these qualities so prominently. Keep in mind that the Lyran civilization happened millions of years ago and many Lyrans have evolved and seeded into new species since. This also explains their energies as a cosmic mix. We choose our mixture of DNA based on our mission and intention for each incarnation, so while you may have Lyran roots, you may not have chosen to encode large amounts of Lyran DNA in this embodiment.

la u r en on earth


vegan starseed qualities: Those with Vegan DNA are generally self-sufficient, independent and both mentally and physically strong. Now that you are aware of their galactic history, you can understand why those qualities have been so ingrained into their being. There is this beautiful balance of creativity and intelligence. They are quite knowledgable, especially when it comes to technology, but the difference is they approach this from a feminine perspective. They understand technology through feeling, while other beings don’t incorporate feeling at all. Vegans are not as logical, analytical or practical as other star beings like the Alpha Centaurians; this knowing they possess comes through intuition. Many Vegan starseeds are healers and find alignment in work that allows them to care for others. This can manifest in careers in but not limited to healthcare, the education system or nonprofit work. When imbalanced, they can sometimes become too focused on healing others that they neglect to care for themselves. As innate nurturers, it is important for them to put their needs first. This is also true for Pleiadian starseeds. Just like those on Orion, the Vegans can be skeptical of concepts or theories they do not understand. They can sometimes doubt or question theories, but the truth of what they believe must come from within, or that inner knowing. Vegans have a deep sense of integrity and can become frustrated to see others not teaching responsibly or upholding such values. This may be woven into their work on the Earth plane as they enforce the ethics and morals of the industry they are in. The Lyrans have very similar qualities, which again makes sense considering their past experiences. Just like the Apollonian starseeds, they have a wide variety of interests and oftentimes begin more projects than they finish. They simply just have a range of talents, qualities, knowledge and experience. They are not necessarily meant to finish every project and that is okay: the intention for creating and following the passion is to experience, not complete.


from lyra to the pleaides:

The Lyrans eventually began to colonize other planets in this galaxy: some souls went to Andromeda, some to Sirius, Orion, the Pleiades or beyond. There are many different truths and timelines to how the Lyrans began colonizing the Pleiades. Some came after the Lyran-Draconian war and others came before. The intention, however, was to seek refuge or create a civilization that did not include the negative polarization. They sought to create a new culture free of the conflicts from their past. This Pleiadian civilization was intended to become harmonious, loving and balanced. Despite all of the positive intention infused into this process, it still took time for these beings, these hybrids, to evolve outside of their Lyran roots. There was conflict, but they eventually found peace. So much so, that they were unaware of the outside world and closed themselves off from the happenings of the Universe around them (as did the Arcturians and Sirians at one point in time.) This is quite similar to how humanity is today: unconscious of the life existing around us and only focused on our own conflict. There are millions of years of evolutionary history not shared here. And don't forget that the Pleiadians were also involved in genetic restructuring of human DNA and other projects they don't often speak about because of the law of non-intervention. Some of them even came to Earth to colonize before settling on the Pleiades but they wound up leaving because Earth's electromagnetic field was not in complete harmony with their own. However, during their time here, they did create a Pleiadian-Human hybrid species. Overall, despite the lost details in the galactic history, the Pleiadians have evolved into a loving race of heart-centered beings who are delighted to serve as our guides.

la u r en on earth



i am pleiadian Most of us who incarnated on Earth have spent at least one lifetime on the Pleiades prior to prepare. While their home base is 444 light years away, many of them reside on starships around the Earth's atmosphere.

Of the seven stars, which make up the Pleiades

dimensional and utopian society free of war,

cluster in the Taurus Constellation, the majority

negativity, disease, pollution, hunger and fear

of Pleiadians live on a planet called Erra that

although it was not always this way. The

orbits the star Taygeta. While nine planets revolve

Pleiadians have worked hard to achieve this

around this star, only four are inhabited and Erra


is one of them. Erra is similar to Earth in many

spiritual awareness.





ways, including the beautiful nature and oceans that exist there. This planet is slightly smaller

They've evolved from the feminine polarization of

than Earth, meaning that it spins a bit faster and

Lyra and are an ancient race of sensitive,

has less surface gravity. There are approximately


400 million inhabitants on Erra. This is a 5th

humanoid beings.






life on the pleaides

There are no large or crowded cities, but

They travel throughout these communities by an

rather smaller communities that span the

underground tube that connects them. This

planet. The beings here live in a more rural

tube-way is not only for transportation, but also


acts as an educational platform.

They communicate telepathically to each

There is no government system, but rather a

other, despite any distance. This is another

High Council of the wisest and most evolve

way they stay connected throughout the

Pleiadian beings. They do have a voting system

communities. There are no phones or

to listen to the voices of the collective and call it

communication devices.

a democracy.

There is no financial or economic system. Instead, they have a system for sharing and distributing resources. Material possessions and basic needs are all provided, based on their contribution to the community.

They have beautiful oceans, forests, rivers and natural landscapes very similar to our own. We share many of the same minerals and elements.







production takes place on other planets where no beings reside. This is to not upset the ecology or create any harm to any living being.

Other facts: The average lifespan is 700 years. They've given us the english language and have also worked with the Sirians to give us the internet. Their prominent clairs are clairsentience and claircognizance

involvement with humanity

Pleiadian beings are intuitive, sensitive, nurturing,

healing techniques discovered over the years. They

radiant, communicative, loving, creative and

thrive in peaceful and tranquil environments and

empathic. They are natural healers on many levels

as for their appearance, there are several different

due to their radiance and ability to hold immense

species that reside within the Pleiades star cluster.

amounts of Source light. I see this for almost all Pleiadian souls I work with in session: they have

The majority of the beings are humanoid with

this beautiful ability to transfer light and higher

Caucasian and ethereal features. Generally, they

frequencies for the purpose of healing, evolution

range anywhere from blonde to even some dark-

and ascension. Sharing this light with Gaia and

brown-haired strains. There are also a breed of

other souls is often a substantial part of their

Pleiadian redheads and Nordics.

purpose, as well as their superpower. Most of the Pleiadians look like us in both size and They have been called to support Gaia through this

stature, but are a bit smaller, thinner and less solid.

light transfer of healing vibrations, as well as to

They are a beautiful species with symmetrical

introduce new ideas and concepts to humans in a

features and bodies. They do not have blood, so

nurturing way. Their intention is to open us up to

their skin is whiter and more translucent. In

celestial contact in a non threatening way. They are

addition to humanoid beings, the Pleiades is also

assisting in re-establishing our belief systems and

home to reptilian-humanoid hybrids, dolphins,


whales, mer-people, giants and many species of




consciousness. They've given us many energy


plants and animals.


starseed qualities: in alignment Millions of Pleiadian souls have incarnated on Earth since the time of Lemuria. Approximately 12-14% of the population has Pleiadian starseed DNA. Pleiadian starseeds are here to remind us of our divinity and our connection to Source. They radiate heartfelt feminine energy and often flow with emotion and passion. In addition to their softness, they also have this warrior-like energy. These starseeds have a natural ability to reflect your soul purpose and intention for this incarnation while guiding you on the path of self discovery. They are innate healers and often choose professions involving psychology, health, childcare, non profits, teaching and fields related to the above.

Pleiadian starseeds are visionaries, dreamers, creatives and healers with expressive, introspective and grandiose tendencies. They choose to believe in the good of all: lovers of life and all beings, love to see others happy and drawn to anything bright, beautiful, fun and charming. Pleiadians are confident, outgoing, joyous and want to be seen. They generally have large personalities with a great deal of charisma and influence on others. They love the drama, excitement and seek experiences that completely immerse them in the present moment. They also welcome change, movement, transformation and growth. Loyal beings deeply in touch with their emotions, Pleiadians are master healers and don’t like to see others suffer because of their empathic nature. Many Pleiadian starseeds (and starseeds in general) struggle to watch the news or movies with violence, war or any sort of suffering. Despite the sensitivity, they are not afraid to let out their emotions as their emotional and energy bodies are massive. With strong intuitive and psychic abilities, these souls are on a mission of raising consciousness through love, unity, light and acceptance. The Pleiadians are communicating with us to bring a broader perspective on the collective timelines so we can understand our reality from higher perspectives. Some other Pleiadian starseed qualities include: Advanced musical knowledge and masters of sacred sound Masters of sacred sexuality Lovers of animals, nature, water and all living beings Bringing challenge to social cultural norms Creative with a strong sense of imagination Deeply rooted in the heart center

la u r en on earth


starseed qualities: out of alignment

We must always remember that all starseeds are still

relationships. They don’t want to give up or hurt the

human, taking on the same emotions, feelings,

other person, thinking ‘maybe I can fix you’ or ‘maybe

experiences as others. They do not get to bypass the

you can change.’ They believe in the good of everyone

challenges and hardships of this plane. When any

and sometimes that doesn’t work to their advantage.

starseed is not in alignment with their true self, they can struggle here on Earth.

They must come to the realization that they cannot decide or control when others are happy or what they

One of those struggles is in connection to the density of

need to find that happiness. The lesson is to instead

the 3D world. Though Pleiadians do experience

focus on their own inner world and creating that

suffering, they are not likely to give up and once they

contentment from within.

commit to the work, they remember their innate ability to transmute and release karma or heavy energies

Because the Pleiadians are big picture thinkers, they

quickly. They also dislike feeling stuck, boxed in or

can become impatient with the little steps and slow

limited. And wanting to avoid negativity, shadow work

moving manifestations of the 3D world. Remember,

or inner work is not something they necessarily

their energy is quick moving since everything on their


planet revolves faster. Because of that, they are accustomed to instant manifestation. To the Pleiadians,

When Pleiadian starseeds are out of balance, they can experience




the Earth is in slow motion.


discontentment and lack of luster. Unaligned souls may

Sometimes, they think they can bypass the laws of 3D

come off as manipulative. This can be because they

and achieve results immediately only to find

tend to take on the responsibility of others happiness

themselves stuck, confused or going in circles. They are

and although the intention is usually pure, they must

learning to master the laws of the physical realm: no

learn to listen and not push their agenda or ideas. In

bypassing, but grounding and rooting into the physical

addition, they can sometimes stay in unfulfilling


la u r en on earth


The Sirians are not meant to be spoken about as a group of extraterrestrials as much as a group consciousness expressing itself both physically and nonphysically. They have been a guiding force for the developing civilization upon Earth.


the teachings of the


who are the sirians?

The Sirians are a group of extraterrestrials that inhabit

did not incarnate into physical bodies until the second

the Sirius star system, which is comprised of Sirius A, B

cycle of Atlantis (to learn more about Sirian involvement

and C. Sirius A, or Sothis, remains anchored into a

in Atlantis, click here.) Many of my clients were one of the

physical world and is only eight light years away from us.

souls who visited Earth as a non physical being long

To put into perspective how close of a neighbor Sirius is to

before the rise of humanity.

us, Sirius A and B are between 8 and 31 light years away from each other and orbit each other every 50 years. Sirius

The visits for scientific reasons were predominantly short,

is also moving closer to our solar system each day and

although they eventually began to colonize and set up

despite it currently being the most illuminated star in our

longer term stays. This colonization led to a greater

night sky, it will only continue to get brighter.

involvement with our planet. Remember that the Sirians are descendants of Vega and at one point in time, had

Sirius B, or Satais, is both a physical and non-physical

been in disagreement with the Lyrans and Pleiadians

world submerged in water, where many high vibrational

about the future of Earth. These three species (in addition

souls have originated from (Osiris, Isis, Jesus.) Sirius also

to many others) had direct involvement with the creation

shares a deep rooted connection to our sun, Ra. In the

of mankind and genetic coding, as they all blended their

Akashic Records, I was shown that at one point in time,

DNA with the humanoid species. From what I've gathered,

our sun was actually connected to their solar system,

it seems that each species involved agreed to the others

which explains their heavy involvement in Earth affairs.

plans because they saw that it would either eventually

I've gotten the feeling that some of the Sirians do believe

also benefit them, or it was necessary to play out the

they have rights and ownership to this planet for that


reason, but from another perspective, it explains the immense amount of love they have for our species.

Before moving forward with their galactic history, I will say that many of my clients, as well as myself, have had

I’ve traced back Sirian involvement beyond Ancient Eygpt,

incarnations and loving connections to the Lyrans,

Atlantis and Mayan civilizations. I was shown in the

Sirians, Pleiadians. It’s interesting to take a step back and

Records that there were many beings, as I mentioned

acknowledge that there had been quarrels among them,

previously, who were visiting the Earth for research

because from my perspective, there is no separation. I’ve

purposes long before the existence of any physical life.

been given the reminder of oneness: that we were and are

This took place millions of years ago, although the Sirians

all just simply at war with our own self, not each other.



sirian involvement in galactic affairs

Sirius is home to a variety of species, both humanoid and

Dogon Tribe of Africa told us otherwise and they were



correct! The planet that revolved around Sirius C, or

benevolent toward mankind. It is, however, important to

Nibiru, was thrown out of orbit when Sirius B ascended.

note that there are Reptilian-Sirian species and a group of

Nibiru, which still exists, may no longer a part of the Sirius

nefarious Sirian beings with an agenda involving personal

star system and actually spends about 30 years in our own

gain and manipulation. I believe that these negative

solar system. More on this in later chapters.





Sirians are either connected to the Anunnaki, or are the Anunnaki to some degree but more on that later.

my sirian experiences: I will start off by saying this: despite our souls having

The beings of Sirius A are currently assisting us in many

several incarnations in this galaxy, many of us did not

ways, including the restructuring of our DNA from a

originate here. We came from other galaxies, realms,

double helix to twelve strand. They are sharing vital and

universes and migrated to the Milky Way by way of

necessary information with us regarding the truth of our

starships, portals or other means of transportation or

galactic history and how to move forward in love as a

teleportation. Some of us received the call to help Gaia


from either Gaia herself or other star systems, others traveled here with their incarnated species at the time,

The beings of Sirius B are assisting, as well, but in much

some came by means of curiosity and exploration and

more subtle ways. They have come forth as ascended

others chose to evolve through the Earth mass

masters throughout our history, but have also incarnated


as the cetaceans who are raising the frequencies of our oceans.

For example, I did one soul journey reading where my client’s soul was summoned to Earth by the Arcturian

Sirius C was home to the descendants of the Reptilians

Council. She was incarnated into a highly advanced

and Reptilian hybrids also known as the Anunnaki. While

civilization in another galaxy that works closely with the

many believed that Sirius was a binary star system, the

Arcturians (the most advanced species in our galaxy.)

la u r en on earth



The Arcturians are actually in communication with

Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) session, where I

several species of other galaxies who hold the same

was experiencing the most vivid visuals I've ever had

title: advanced. They share technology and are in

without the help of plant medicine.

constant telepathic communication with one another. The Arcturians saw that the highest timeline for all

The Anunnaki came to me and said that I must change

involved was for my client to incarnate into an

the story as they do not like the way they are perceived.

Arcturian body to assist them on their mission. Several

The reason that I continue to turn to the Sirians for

incarnations later, she was sent to Earth to continue

information on the dark forces is because they present

her service.

in a neutral and unbiased tone. It is simply fact; they withhold emotion or their own opinion. If the

While my soul did not originate on Sirius, it sure feels

Anunnaki are unhappy with the relaying of this

that way sometimes! Sirius is like home and the beings

information, it is not because they were perceived

of Sirius feel like family; there is an immense amount of

negatively, but because their actions simply are

love between them and my heart and soul. I have been


building my connection to them for a few years now and the evolution has been beautiful.

Not only that, but the Sirians have also confirmed that we have halted in our scientific achievements here on

The majority of information I receive in regards to the

Earth because our physicists struggle to fully

negative soul groups, the dark agenda and the

understand that our physical laws cannot possibly

corruption woven into our society comes from the

apply to the non physical dimensions that exist within

Sirian Council. Of course, the information I am sharing

it. Yes, our scientists and physicists have made great

about the Anunnaki, the Reptilians and the Galactic

contributions, but are capable of more. They’ve also

Wars was not divulged by the perpetrators themselves,

shared that there is advanced technology on this

but came from the beings I trust who are not afraid to

planet, more advanced than what the elites have

speak their truth.

released to the public and most of the technology is stored underground. They’ve even shared that there

Not long ago, I was channeling a bit of galactic history

are starships, quite similar to those of cosmic beings,

on a plane ride about the Anunnaki by the Sirians for

that are underground as well. Why are they hiding the

this book. It was the story about Nibiru, which I shared

truth about our existence and our Universe? Why are

above and will divulge more in further chapters. I

they hiding such advanced technology from us? Is this

found it to be absolutely fascinating and about two

technology being used to serve the light or dark

days into my move to Mexico, I was receiving a




Last spring, I spent a week sitting in an Yagé (Ayahuasca) ceremony with the Cofan Tribe of Colombia. The moment this opportunity arose, my first intention or hope was to connect to the star races in ways I never had before, especially Sirius. In my channeling, I’ve seen bits and pieces of life on both Sirius A and B: I’ve seen glimpses of the cities, the landscapes and the humanoid beings that live there. However, I wanted to see their worlds vividly, as vivid and as real as my Earth experience and on the third night, I found myself standing in front of the portal to Sirius. Back tracking a bit, I do want to share that our Universe looks nothing like the night sky. Everything, and I mean everything, is connected and corded into each other. The dimensions don't sit on top of each other in chronological order, but rather look like pockets scattered across time and space. As you enter the “pocket,” the energy within that space determines the level of density. For example, two pockets could be held directly next to each other, with one being of the third density and the other being of the eighth. When I entered the “pocket” to Sirius, I was met with a massively tall doorway with two staircases leading up to it on either side. The energy of this realm was blue and I felt like I was in a 6th dimensional frequency. As I entered, I was standing on a balcony that overlooked a major city. The name given for this city is Satos and I was told this was the largest city on Sirius A. It felt familiar although I remember needing a moment to get my bearings and figure out where to go. I took a breath and my intuition began guiding me down toward the left. As I was walking, I noticed many similarities to Earth: tall skyscrapers, bicycles, trees, beings walking around on perfectly paved sidewalks. There were no roads, no cars, no cell phones, no trash, no homeless or poverty. There were hills and the grass was perfectly landscaped. I even saw beings hanging out in what looked like hammocks at the park. Within a minute or two, I heard someone call my name. Completely shocked, I turned around and noticed it was a male with long brown hair, peach skin with blue undertones, prominent brown eyes and a tall and lean yet muscular figure. I turned around to face him and he said, “Lauren! What are you doing here?!” I realized in that moment that he must be someone I knew from a past life and he thinks my human is dead. Suddenly, I turned around and said, “Ayahuasca in the jungle!” It was also in that moment I realized I was observing myself having this interaction. I wasn't actively thinking about my responses. I told him that I was so sorry for not remembering him, but asked if he’d like to be my guide. He said his name was Michael. We walked and talked for what felt like hours but was probably only 20-30 Earth minutes. One thing that stood out to me as I observed this society was that it truly was rooted in unity consciousness. I’ve been told this while channeling the Sirians, but to be immersed in it is something different. Each being was in tune and connected to themselves, the collective, the land, to each other. There was so much love in the air. Everyone was present. Everyone was kind and radiated happiness. I thought about our world and how disconnected people truly are from their own soul. To see that side by side comparison shifted my perception entirely. I asked Michael question after question regarding how I can effectively educate humanity on these concepts that they, as a society, have mastered. I don’t remember what he said exactly, just that his answers were profound. I couldn’t believe that a random being I found on the sidewalk had such deep wisdom within him and not only understood these universal laws with such detail, but applied them to his reality. They all did. For a moment, I thought about how if I began to ask these questions to a human on Earth, it is highly unlikely I would receive such feedback but instead receive uncertainty or a cold shoulder. The more time I spent with Michael, I began to realize that he was not just some acquaintance from a past life but indeed a close friend. Since this remembrance, our souls connect from time to time. I am so grateful to have had experiences like this and honored to be the bridge to all of you who seek the same. If you’re curious about your starseed origins or soul journey, click here.

star dwellers


the beings of sirius a

Sirius A is the brightest star in the night sky and you can often see it with a blue hue. Sirius is also known as the Dog Star, because it’s the chief star in the constellation Canis Major, the Big Dog.


Sirius A, which is the star you can see with the naked eye.

evolved from

Descendants of Vega.


Humanoid, often with canine or fox-like features, although there are several different species that also exist among them.

Darker features: dark skin, hair, eyes. Muscular build and taller than

general appearance

humans. Skin color can range from peach to blue. I often see the skin tone with a blue hue.


They reside in a harmonious society that is united with no great separation. They are generally a peaceful, gentle and loving species.

the beings of sirius b

Sirius B is completely covered in water, making it home to 7th dimensional etheric beings or 5th dimensional physical beings. Both Sirius A and B are quite watery with very little land mass compared to Earth.


Sirius B is a white dwarf star that is not usually visible to the naked eye.

evolved from

Unknown; non physical

Sirius B is just a tad smaller than Earth's diameter.

Mer-people, dolphins, wales, fish, other rich marine life. These beings


are aquatic with a fishy-looking appearance and don't necessarily resemble the typical mermaid. Appearance varies, but blue or greenish skin that can change multiple

general appearance

colors, like a chameleon. Think cetacean beings who group-think within pods.

Higher dimensional and hyper-intelligent water beings who’s intention


is to raise the vibration of the many planets they reside on. They are advanced beings who are tapped into universal consciousness with a playful and loving energy.

life on sirius a and b: Sirius A: The size and climate of the planet orbiting Sirius A is similar to Earth but a bit larger in diameter. Everything is communal. Everyone is in abundance. The technology is highly advanced. When referring to Sirius here, I am speaking on the majority who are rooted in light. This society is harmonious, connected to universal consciousness and united with no great separation. The population is quite large and there are big cities like we have here on Earth. However, these cities are immaculate and there is great intelligence behind the planning and infrastructure. In two Soul Journey readings I've done, my clients have actually played a role in the creation and organization of these cities and facilities. There is no trash, no decay, no waste. Everything is pristine and organized due to their advanced technology and love for their planet. Everything works on the basis of what is needed: there are no jobs and money does not exist in this society. To be honest, I have yet to come across a star civilization who has a financial system like ours. The Sirians genuinely want to improve their systems and take care of their home and each other (as do many others.) They're tapped into each others needs and there's no comparison or score keeping. They want to serve, help and contribute. The Sirians love culture and you can see this in their architecture. They are lovers of the arts and music. They are balanced in the heart and mind, spirit and soul, as well as male and female aspects. There are no extreme polarities and they are calm and centered in their personality and energy field.

Sirius B: This planet is completely covered by water, making all of the beings that reside here aquatic. It is home to 5th dimensional physical beings and 7th dimensional etheric beings. As stated before, it is home to cetaceans, mer-people and other aquatic beings. They are great healers and teachers. Despite being animals, they are of extremely high consciousness. Many of us have incarnated as such in previous lifetimes prior to our Earth incarnations. If you feel connected to dolphins or whales, this could be one of many reasons as to why.

starseed qualities Sirian starseeds make up about 10-12% of the population. They are here in great numbers, which is no surprise since they have been supporting humanity since the very beginning.

They are intense day dreamers, mystics, healers, creatives and feel a deep connection to the Earth. Because of their artistic characteristics, you will often see them with piercings, tattoos, accessories, clothing that can be labeled as eccentric and maybe even a bit hippie (same with the Andromedans.) However, they don't like labels and prefer to just express themselves as their unique self. They are creative beings by nature and have chosen to channel that creativity into their work here on Earth. I see this in the many Sirian starseeds around me. Their creativity shines through beyond their appearances and is often woven into their work and personoality. Sirian starseeds may also take on roles in advancing technology. They may be drawn to mathematics, physics, computers and science. Many Sirian starseeds are here to help us shift from using technology to serve the dark agenda (think nuclear weapons that are destroying the Earth) and instead create to serve the light. They are highly focused, hard working and have strong beliefs and ideals. They are animal and nature lovers with an affinity for water. These starseeds are often drawn to dogs, wolves, cats, horses, dolphins or whales. This is because these animals originate from Sirius and because of their intense DNA manipulation, the Sirian beings often have fox-like or wolf-like features. They are loyal friends and partners, but prefer to keep their circles small. They are honest, loving and care deeply about those in their lives but expect the same in return. If those expectations are not met, Sirian starseeds can take deep offense to it. They can develop trust issues and have a hard time expressing their emotions, hiding or burying them to avoid drama or confrontation. A major lesson for Sirian starseeds is to work on communicating their expectations, needs and desires.

la u r en on earth


involvement in ancient civilizations


Ancient Egypt


The Mayans were Sirian souls who made

The Sirians gave the beings of Ancient

The Sirians had been coming to Earth in

the conscious choice to incarnate on

Egypt a great deal of knowledge and

non physical form for a long time, but

Earth to experience the third dimension.

wisdom, as well. Know that in Egypt,

the third cycle of Atlantis was the first

many species co existed together

time they incarnated into a physical


body. However, it did not resemble the

The Sirians imparted

their cosmic,

astrological and medical knowledge to




pleiadians, etc.)

bodies we have today. They were about 7 feet tall with translucent skin because

them during their time on Earth. They, along with the Pleiadians, warned the

The Sirians gifted them advanced

they struggled to hold the density of

Mayans of their eventual collapse and

medical knowledge. In Ancient Egypt,

this reality. They came to assist in the

aided in their relocation to inner earth.



rebirth of the human race as part of

To learn more about that, check out my

operations just as we do today including

their karmic bond with us and the

workshop on inner earth and ancient

but not limited to heart transplants,



cosmetic surgeries and even limb




During this time, the Sirians brought us a

Remember that the Mayans also built





temples that aligned with the stars,

They also provided them with advanced

elements, telepathy, teleportation and

opened portals and created powerful

astronomical knowledge. This includes

trained keepers of the crystals. In

crystal grids under the pyramids. They

the mathematical accuracy and the

addition, they aided in the rescue

received all of this from their Sirian

technology within the Great Pyramids

operations during the fall of the

brothers and sisters.

and temples.


star dwellers

for the cosmic citizens of earth

A deep dive into the wisdom of the most advanced species in our galaxy.

the codes of


the arcturians Arcturus is a giant red star in the Bootes constellation. It is the 4th brighest star in our night sky and the brighest star in the Northern Hemisphere.

Arcturus is a 5th dimensional gateway home to some of

to call home after the Lyran-Draconian wars, they were

the most advanced beings in our galaxy. Eons ago, they

met with the Arcturians who guided them to create a

learned to process and release their karma and

loving and unified civilization that we know as the

developed the ability to transcend the ego and lower,

Pleiades today.

fear based self. Their planet is prosperous and everything is optimized due to their technology and

The Arcturians have this ability to see all perspectives

ability to control the mind and emotions. The

and understand all points of view without judgement

Arcturians have evolved to shift their consciousness at

or bias. They don’t feel that someone is higher or lower

a rapid pace and barrel through fears, patterns,

because of their status and accept and understand

limitations or other obstacles to the point where these

everything and everyone. Status on Arcturus is

frequencies no longer exist. They have acted as master

measured in terms of light frequency and they

teachers to other beings in the galaxy, sharing their

recognize that if one is suffering, all suffer. For this

knowledge, wisdom and tools to help them achieve the

reason, they collectively check the frequency of each

same reality. The Pleiadians are one of those beings:

individual on the planet to restore vibrational levels if

while the Lyran refugees were in search of a safe place

necessary. In this society, no one is left behind. They

star dwellers


possess several technologies that assist them in

Earth. Remember that the Arcturians are masters of


the mind and think all things into creation. To create






a new life, the beings bond through meditation to unify their consciousness. At birth, each young

There are two suns on Arcturus but they don’t need

Arcturian is raised by wise Elders or those who are

the energy of the sun like we do. Their atmosphere,

deemed qualified. By carefully monitoring the

clothing and physical features actually protect them

frequency that these young beings are exposed to

from its damaging and harmful effects. Their

early on, this mirrors back the young’s own ability to

atmosphere is a combination of several heavy gases

develop awareness and increase their own vibratory

that produces a reddish-violet hazy environment; it

rate. There is also no sickness or illness, no

also acts as a natural protective coating for their

uncertainty around death and they have learned

sensitive eyes. One of the gases is similar to oxygen

how to effectively control their population and

and is used to sustain life, while another is for

lifespan by focusing on the evolutionary patterns for

shielding the rays of the sun. Another gas is liquid by

the highest good of all.

nature and it is the closest substance they have to water. The fourth gas has a corrosive quality to it and

They do not eat food, but rather effervescent liquids

cleanses the negativity or dense energy around the

as needed. They would describe these liquids as

planet. This gas is also necessary for their own self-

similar to the minerals we have here on Earth and


when they’ve shown this to me, it reminds me of liquid chlorophyll. I've also seen it appear as a deep

There is no duality: no night and day, no extreme

blue, deep green or deep purple. They don’t consume

temperatures and no seasons. Their lifespan is

often, only when they run low on energy. They also

around 350-400 years and the lifetime ends when the

understand that it is detrimental to consume

mission completes. They remember the entirety of

anything that vibrates on a lower level because it

their lives as well as past incarnations! As stated

dulls the senses and the consciousness. Around the

before, they have the ability to transcend time and

time the Arcturians told me about how they consume

ego by simply not acknowledging them. Another

food, I noticed that I was personally beginning to eat

concept they do not acknowledge is age, and

less and less, which was very unlike me. Meat was no

therefore, they simply do not age in the way we do.

longer a part of my diet and not by choice, but my

They often remind me that I, too, can create this

body no longer resonated with the frequency. I

reality or slow down the aging process by simply not

remember being intrigued by their process, asking if

putting energy into it.

I too, could consume nutrients through energy and frequency. They said yes, reminding me that this is

They have units, rather than families, with elders in

also what I receive from our sun, Ra, but that they

charge of raising the young, or young vibration as the

can also transmit these frequencies to me in

Arcturians call them. Reproduction on Arcturus

meditation. Food for thought when working with

looks different from reproduction here on

your guides!

The Arcturians are the emotional planet of the Universe, but have learned to master them, making Earthings the weakest and least disciplined of the species.

Back tracking a bit: my relationship to the Arcturians

interplanetary past life regression and discovered this:

was slow and unstable in its early form. I had difficulty

in one lifetime, I held a high position with a great deal

understanding or relating to them as their intelligence

of responsibility on Arcturus and the mission did not

was beyond what my human could comprehend. I

go as planned. Actually, the word used was “failed.” Part

knew that I was contracted to work with them, but my

of the reason that I did not understand them, or felt all

relationship with Arcturus felt vastly different than my

of this resistance and tension toward them, was

relationship to the beings on the Pleiades or Sirius.

because I was still carrying this within my

When they came into my life, I had not yet stepped into

subconscious and needed to forgive myself. This

the role of a healer or reader and was still struggling to

resonated and catapulted me into completely new

understand and control my emotions.

territory with them, as if the forgiveness came effortlessly with only my need to remember this past

They presented me with tough love, a technique I never

experience and release the stuck energy. If you're

did welcome. They were quite strict and our

interested in learning more about your cosmic guides

encounters always felt like business or work, whereas

and relationship to them, click here.

the communication with the Pleiadians and Sirians felt a bit more playful. I felt as if the Arcturians never

I have three Arcturian guides that I work with on a

allowed me the space to wallow in pity or sadness.

daily basis and they project themselves to me in

Looking back, I am beyond grateful they persisted

physical form on my right side whenever they have

because that mentality was exactly what I needed to

made contact. However, this physical projection is not

reach my current initiation. They taught me how to

the norm as they prefer non-physicality. Most of my

control my emotions, how to control my mind and how

students connect with them energetically or by tapping

to properly and effectively create my reality. Discipline was necessary for this process. Despite that realization, I still felt I was missing something in regard to my relationship with them as there was still a minor disconnect. I did an

la u r en on earth

into their frequencies. However, I specifically asked to see their physical form years ago and have honored my request ever since. If you've been trying to make cosmic contact, know that you can ask for the information you're receiving to be presented in the way you feel is best for you.


technology and starships: Our relationship has grown immensely in the last few

use it to power technology.

months. They’ve taught me well and I know that they trust me just as I trust them. They’ve been sharing new

A few other chambers on the ship include:

technology and guiding me as I grow as a healer; these

The Remembrance HQ: This space is a replication of

beings truly are master teachers. They’ve taught me the

their home planet with the intention to connect them

majority of my psychic protection skills and have

to the loving energy of their home base. To them, the

introduced me to several healing frequencies that I use

Earth's atmosphere is quite harsh and foreign so they

in my sessions. If you're interested in learning the same

need to use this chamber frequently.

skills and connecting deeper to your Arcturian family of Light, click here!

The Motivation Chamber: This technology assists the Arcturians in detaching and clearing themselves from

The Arcturian beings that I am in communication with

the energy they encounter when coming to Earth. This

are living on starships directly outside of Earth’s orbit.

essentially motivates them to continue their mission



on Earth as it helps bridge the gap between the

Andromedans, Sirians and even Reptilians, have

distortion of information as it passes from one

multiple ships orbiting our atmosphere for a plethora

dimension to the other.




of reasons (research, protection, communication with us.) Most of the starships in our atmosphere are there

The Learning Facility: This chamber supports the

to keep the peace.

growth and development of everyone on the ship. Keep in mind that several technologies and chambers are

Athena is the name of the Arcturian mothership, which

only used by those qualified. The learning facility

is also the one that Sansha (my main Arcturian guide)

contains universal knowledge and information that

and the others reside on. This ship is massive and has

they can access at any time.

advanced technology that allows them to thrive in a lower density and unfamiliar atmosphere. There are

The Communication Chamber: This technology

several chambers to assist them in their mission here

supports their continual growth and development of

with Earth and they have “computer systems” that

telepathic powers. It essentially absorbs their mental

connect to every division of the starship. These


computer systems, despite not looking like the

transcribes it for them in detail and gives a telepathic

computers we are familiar with here, are powered by

readout of the findings. They are then given tools,

crystals that come from another constellation our

information and feedback. It tells them if there are any

scientists have not yet discovered. These crystals have

difficulties in focusing because an unfocused being is

the ability within them to capture Source energy and

unable to send and receive clear messages.

la u r en on earth







Appearance All Arcturian beings look alike and pride themselves on their appearance as they are past the pettiness of comparison. Additionally, they are androgynous, or a perfect balance of masculine and feminine.

large, dark almond-shaped eyes The eyes can be in two or more places

They act like shields for the sun and

Their eyes are a secondary source of

at one time, meaning they have inner

sift through certain rays of energy that

sight, but they also act as filters to

and outer vision and can also see

can hurt their telepathic abilities.

weed out lower vibrational energies in

through objects.

the atmosphere.

other physical features They have highly developed hearing

Arcturians do have legs; they use them

They only have 3 fingers because they

with hearts that function similar to

for the exercise but can also float and

do not feel the need for more.



clothing They wear functional and protective

It helps them to filter out the

The clothing looks similar to a tight

clothing. It acts as a safeguard when

consciousness and thoughts of those

jumpsuit and I often see it in shades of blue,

they're in atmospheres with lower

they are interacting with.

green, or purple.



While we can't deny that us humans are highly emotional beings, the Arcturians share that they are indeed more emotional than we are. They remind us too, that they are not the only species of this nature and there are several others who have mastered the flow of emotion. This is because they understand that tapping into feeling is how they not only access higher realms, but how they manifest into the physical. The difference between us and them is not only that we lack the discipline, but that we are programmed or manipulated into fearing our emotions. The Arcturians understand that this process is absolutely critical for achieving higher states of consciousness and are eager to help other individuals through this process.

xray vision through time and space incredible memory

sacred geometry


Ability to see through objects, strong telekinesis abilities (moving objects with the mind.)

Ability to remember the entirety of their lives, each incarnation.

Masters of sacred geometry, they have this ability to break down complicated patterns and make them simple.

This is their main means of communication. They can telepathically communicate to any being in the universe.

analytical, brain-oriented, technology-oriented

star dwellers


TheArcturusStargate Within Arcturus, there is a stargate, or energetic portal, where all souls incarnating to Earth pass during death and rebirth. This stargate, guarded and balanced by the energy of the Arcturians, assists each soul in lowering its density to adjust to the frequency of Earth and prepares the soul to inhabit a physical body. The Arcturian beings take turns working this stargate, just as they have a system for the many portals they oversee. Millions of souls move through this Stargate every day. They do go through a life review and discuss and reflect on the experience with other beings who are supporting them. At one point in time, earlier on in their evolution, this stargate was under attack by the Draconian forces who were looking to gain access and take control of it. In the present moment, though, it is thoroughly protected because of advanced technology and their evolutionary process.

TheSirius-ArcturusMatrix The Sirians, who are passionate about and masters of physical healing, aligned with the energies of the Arcturians, who are masters of emotional and non-physical healing. This merge formed the Sirius-Arcturus Matrix and has been woven into almost every physical planet in our galaxy. It represents holistic healing of the body, mind and spirit. As it pertains to Earth, this matrix manifests in many different forms. It reminds us that we are fragments of the whole with the innate ability to self heal.

starseed qualities

Arcturian starseeds are pathfinders, pioneers and way showers who incarnate on Earth to create a better way of life or new way of being. They are strong and efficient leaders with a great deal of influence because of their wisdom. There is an innate calling to serve others and share that knowledge for the betterment of all. Many are drawn to their energy and magnetism. They have strong personalities and deep inner strength that other humans find attractive and motivational. However, they are a bit quieter and prefer to be in the background of a social scene, unlike the Pleiadians who display high energy and enjoy the attention. These beings are highly creative: many choose the path of the artist, designer, writer or use their abilities to create in some way. Their profession is often paralleled by their spiritual path and many become healers, builders, creatives, or find themselves in the tech industry. Arcturian starseeds have a good sense of humor and do enjoy making others laugh. Their humor can be a bit dry: I've seen this come through while channeling Arcturian beings and have found myself laughing out loud at times. Arcturians on Earth are sometimes uncomfortable expressing their deepest emotions and tend to react to situations that stir dense emotions by creating diversions. Of their emotions, they are most comfortable with expressing anger and humor. They love to travel, get bored easily and often seek new experiences to avoid the boredom. When imbalanced, however, this can show up in the tendency to create big problems out of little ones or avoiding situations. From childhood, there is a constant searching for purpose which often leads to spiritual exploration. If they have not yet come into that alignment, they will feel dissatisfied in life without understanding the cause (as will most starseeds.) They often gravitate toward veganism or a plant based diet, which aligns more with their diet on Arcturus. This is the same for Spican starseeds! Because of their wisdom, they are good advice givers and people often see that in them. However, it is important to remember that they do experience the same highs and lows as others. Many forget this about them because of their wisdom and level-headed demeanor. Although willing to listen and give advice, Arcturians may be impatient with those not willing to put forth any effort needed to shift their reality or perception. It is a pet peeve of theirs when they take the time to help friends or family, but that advice is never put into action. There is impatience with "whiners". They always feel they need to be working toward or accomplishing something and struggle to relax or be still. With energy and focus used well, they can accomplish a great deal. When it's scattered and without focus, they struggle to complete projects. They may seem hard to get close to or distant at times and do not have many close, intimate, personal friends, although they do have a wide circle of acquaintances. In relationships, Arcturians need personal freedom. They feel trapped in relationships that are restricting and value alone time, time with friends, and to be able to do this without guilt or explanations.

“Individually and collectively you produce a vibrational frequency that locates you in a specific version of reality. This non-physical energy signature defines your personal nature from moment to moment and outlines the parameters of your Earth-based experience. Your greater world reality is founded upon a series of mass agreements, and your personal life is an intimate journey of self-discovery within this massive framework of reality, where you live out your chosen beliefs. How you grasp and interpret the vast array of sensations and stimuli within this multilayered environment determines the degree of self-realization you develop.”

Barbara Marciniak Path of Empowerment: Pleiadian Wisdom for a World in Chaos

a voyage to the andromedas TheAndromedaGalaxy TheAndromedaConstellation The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier 31 or M31, is a spiral galaxy that neighbors the Milky Way and contains over one trillion stars, almost double that of the Milky Way. The Andromeda Galaxy has a diameter of approximately 220,000 light years. The Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies are expected to collide in the next 4.5 billion years. With that being said, the beings of Andromeda are not in fear of this eventual collision and share that their civilization is a prototype for what is to come when both worlds merge. This will come full circle as the Milky Way Galaxy was actually birthed from the Andromeda Galaxy a long time ago. While the Andromeda Galaxy and the Andromeda constellation are different, they are all part of the Messier Group and located in the same part of the night sky. Most starseeds are connected to the constellation, but few have also come from the Andromeda Galaxy. If you are questioning your Andromedan roots, ask your guides for clarity on whether your soul is connected to the galaxy or the constellation! Within the constellation, there are 7 stars, several planets, and a plethora of different races between them.

galactic history and earth involvement The Andromeda constellation is one of the 48 original constellations listed by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy. The constellation is actually named after the daughter of Queen Cassiopeia and wife of Perseus.

While the Andromedans have mainly chosen to avoid

While there were Andromedan beings thriving before

involvement in Earth affairs, their first visit to Earth

the Lyran refugees created a new home in the

was long before the start of human evolution. Just like

Andromeda constellation, I am unable to trace the

the Sirians, they established colonies on both outer


and inner Earth for research purposes. However, unlike

settlements. They settled in two solar systems within

the Sirians, they were not often involved in DNA

the Andromeda constellation in the star system

restructuring or hybridization programs. The only

Zenetae and began to evolve, adapt and thrive in their

beings that may have had some involvement here are

new home. Because the vibrational frequency of

the winged Andromedans, a subspecies. While I have

Andromeda was much higher than that of Lyra, they

seen Andromedan and Cassiopeian fairies before, these

began to notice physical changes to their appearance

winged beings are larger and are depicted as Sumerian

and genetic coding. After millions of years of evolution,

beings or Archangels. For the most part, they’ve

along with several other races that all co-exist here, the

continued that hands off approach and collectively feel

present day Andromedan beings are highly intelligent,

that all species should stop interfering with our DNA

highly spiritual and about 45,000 years ahead of us

and allow us to play out our timelines without any










the gateway

The Andromda Galaxy is a gateway for intergalactic travel for both physical and non-physical beings. Many andromedan beings have used this gateway to travel from their galaxy to ours. In previous readings I've done, I've seen the portal to which some starseed souls have traveled through prior to their entrance into the Milky Way Galaxy or Earth incarnations.

la u r en on earth


andromedan characteristics and starseed types: There are more than 30 races of beings that co-exist

freedom in expressing their unique souls without

within the Andromeda constellation: winged beings,

judgement or discomfort and are leading by example.

Cassiopeians, fairies, several species of humanoids

While Andromedan starseeds are more rare, their

including hybrids, avians, giants and more. However,

unique appearance allows you to identify them fairly

below, I am describing qualities and characteristics of

easily: eccentric style, tattoos, piercings, colored hair

the humanoid races.

and/or a vibrant expression. Remember that not all those with Andromedan DNA will reflect this.

They range from 6-10 feet tall and are generally much larger than humans. They have elongated

The Cassiopeian Andromedans, who migrated from the

body types and can weigh up to 500 lbs. They also

Cassiopeian star system that neighbors Andromeda, are

have thin and elongated arms, legs, fingers and toes.

a bit more conservative and blend in with other humans.

Their eyes and heads are slightly larger than ours. From my experience, these beings also have an

They enjoy their isolation and don’t work with the other

element of non-physicality.

star races as frequently, although they are connected to

Most have a light blue skin tone that gradually

the Pleiadians and Sirians.

changes to white as they age. When the Lyrans settled here, they began to develop blue skin because

The Cassiopeian beings of Andromeda are tall and

of their new environment. However, I have seen

elegant with either black and glittery skin or pale skin

many different skin colors including peach, black

with lavender undertones. Teachers of spiritual

and violet.

awareness, they are gentle and quiet healers and seers.

Their hair color and features range from Nordic (blonde, fair skin, blue eyes) to light to dark brown

The Andromedan starseeds often find themselves in

hair and brown eyes.

career paths in technical fields, computers, medicine,

They are a beautiful species, especially the women.

science or they're in the creative and healing space.

The Andromedan women are powerful. They hold

These beings are highly advanced and consider

positions of leadership, are well respected and honor

themselves to be scientists, so it makes sense that they

their freedom.

would translate that inner wisdom to their Earth lives.

Andromedan starseeds are not as common as those of

The path of the Andromedan starseed often revolves

Sirius or the Pleiades because they prefer to remain

around freedom: an intense craving for adventure,

distant from Earth affairs, but the Andromedan starseeds

experience, change and movement. There is a deep inner

are teaching us new ways of being by showing us that we

thirst and drive that leads them searching for this

can comfortably lean into ultimate self expression. They

freedom. They will continue to make external life

like to shake up perspectives and are here to prepare

changes in search of this: switching up their jobs,

humanity for a diversity of appearances coming to Earth

partners, friendships and locations more than the

in the distant future. They want more humans to find

average person.

starseed qualities:

Society can often place pressures or judgments on

When I say that Andromedan starseeds are not here in

them for being quitters, scattered, disorganized,

large numbers, I am mainly referring to those with

confused, failures or rebels. This can confuse young

almost 100% of Andromedan DNA. Remember: many of

Andromedan starseeds and cause them to question

us are cosmic mixes with a multitude of connections to

their truth, especially because most already feel alien

different star systems. Some of us, which from my

or disconnected from society. This inner search is also

experience is more rare, solely have DNA from one or

a common theme for Apollonian starseeds.

two star beings. In my opinion, the Andromedan energy is strong and it is very obvious when a client

Eventually, like all starseeds, they begin to realize that

holds this connection. They make it known to me.

there is no shame or guilt in exploring a multitude of

Many of us, however, have some Andromedan DNA

passions. They also come to the understanding that

within us and even if we don't, it doesn't mean our

this search for freedom is found within, through

souls never explored or incarnated to this realm. Like I

spiritual work and self love, and not from their external

mentioned previously, we choose the codes in our DNA


that will best support our mission in the present moment.

All starseeds tend to experience the similar challenges when it comes to the struggle of being confined to

As for their unique gifts, these starseeds have a strong

societal rules. However, as the connection between self

connection to Source with natural healing abilities,

and Source strengthens, this allows past life memories

especially on physical, emotional or psychic pain. They

to flow through, gifts and talents to emerge and the


true purpose of their incarnation to be revealed.

communicators with an ability to empathize and hold







compassion for others, making many of them empaths Despite their search for inner freedom, Andromedan

or highly sensitive souls. They enjoy expressing

starseeds will still never compromise their free will or

themselves, a variety of activities and pushing their

sovereignty in the process. They refuse to be subjected

limits. They can often get into careers in the

to the restrictions, control and limits our society places

entertainment industry. They love virtual reality, as

on us. You will often find these starseeds working to

well as experiencing many types of realities. This love

deconstruct these systems or creating their own path

for virtual reality, however, can go both ways because

by going against the norm. Remember, they are paving

when imbalanced, they can easily isolate themselves or

the way to a new reality by setting the example of living

become overly critical or serious.

your ultimate truth.

star dwellers


alpha and beta centauri

The centauri constellation is the closest planetary system to our own and is only 4.3 light years away.

lauren on earth

alpha centauri

The Centauri constellation consists of three stars: A, B

seen have either a golden or blue-ish hue to their skin,

and C. Alpha Centauri is the brightest of the three in

a muscular build and are on the taller side (possibly 8+

our night sky, but Centauri C is actually our closest

feet.) From my experiences, they don't often project

neighbor at only 4.3 light years away. While several

themselves in physical form.

planets circle both A and B, only a few are inhabited. There is a planet called Metharia that circles Alpha

From what I’ve seen in the Records, there is a Reptilian-

Centauri and is home to a humanoid species of Vegan

hybrid race as well. Remember that there are both

descendants, who can also be referred to as Santinians.

positive and negative souls within every species: I was

These beings are also closely connected to the Pleiades,

shown that there were a group of Alpha Centaurians

Sirius and the Ashtar Command.

who broke away from their collective with a focus on the negative agenda. It seems they willingly linked up

There are several races that exist within this system

with the Reptilians and Greys and the hybrid race was

including hybrid-human and amphibian-humanoid

born. Keep in mind that the Reptilians completely

hybrid species. These amphibians have humanoid

invaded the Alpha Centaurian’s brothers and sisters:

features with gills and webbed toes. This could explain

the beings of Hadar on Centauri B.

why so many Alpha Centaurians currently have so many of their starships in our oceans!

The positive Alpha Centaurians are highly intelligent and this quality often translates into their starseed

The humanoid beings of Alpha Centauri that I have

star dwellers



alpha centauri

The Alpha Centaurians are intellectually gifted. Their

who I'm contracted to work with: they are carrying

mission here on Earth is to bring advanced universal

trauma from past interplanetary incarnations and

concepts to the level of human understanding and apply

intended for that density to be illuminated and healed

them to our current reality. The intention of the Alpha

in this lifetime.

Centaurians is to speed up creation of new technology needed for this shift in ascension, but they struggle to

There are Alpha Centaurian starseeds here in large

bring their scientific and technical knowledge to our

numbers, however, and the starseed qualities include:

comprehensive level. Because of this, they work closely with the Sirians as these beings are here to help ground

You're drawn to science, technology, research or a

higher forms of information coming to Earth. The

career in any type of scientific or technological

Sirians are masters at bridging the gap between


practical and theoretical knowledge. You are highly intelligent and this intelligence is a The beings of Centauri A want to expose the shadow

driving force and top priority in your life. You love

government and fight for social injustice (similar to the

to build, invent and create.

Lyrans, Vegans and Indigos,) While this civilization is highly intelligent and advanced, they are not as far

You are on the quieter side, don't like to be in

ahead of us technologically as one might assume. This is

crowds, prefer solitude and avoid complicated social

because they are still struggling to trust any higher

situations. You can struggle with social anxiety and

power other than their own.

can tend to be a loner, although you are independent.

I, personally, have not connected with too many Alpha Centauri starseeds. I've only met one where this energy

You often feel disconnected from those around you

appeared so prominently. Often, I'll see that clients had

who are not at your level of intelligence and can

past lives on Alpha Centauri, but it is not so much

sometimes be judgmental of others who express

connected to their present reality. I, personally, come in

their intelligence differently.

contact with more Hadarian (Centauri B) souls. They are

star dwellers


beta centauri

Beta Centauri was a civilization of unconditional love:

When souls experience trauma, they can sometimes

love was a natural part of Hadarian life and all beings

fractal off parts of their essence to lessen the pain. This

gave and received love freely.

has been the path that many Hadarian souls took and part of my work is to reunite them with the lost fractals

At a point in the galactic history, negative soul groups

of their soul. I perform many soul retrievals on these

began to invade Hadar, seeing them as weak and easy

souls, as well as those from Orion. You can learn more

targets to manipulate because they were so giving and

about this work here!

open (they see angelics and elementals the same way.) Hadarian civilization was invaded and many Hadarians

Earth feels so savage to Hadarian starseeds. They also

were captured, enslaved, tormented and traumatized.

struggle to trust others and often fall into the victim or

Some escaped the tragedy and fled to Alpha Centauri

slave mentality due to their past subconscious

or Earth while others were captured and forcefully

memories. There is still so much fear within their

brought to Earth.


Many Hadarian starseeds on Earth are being called to

Their lesson here on Earth is to recover and regain

remember their past so they can consciously heal their

their power and work through the obstacles that have

pain and move forward in their evolutionary process. I

disempowered them. They have to find that balance

perform many soul retrievals on Hadarian souls with

between sovereignty, power and love and learn that

the intention to recall those memories.

just love alone is not enough.


starseed qualities

They are here to create and maintain loving connections and are less focused on achieving individual success. They are not necessarily big entrepreneurs and their goals are not aligned with money or success. For that reason, they do not do well in the corporate world and will often become frustrated by the 9-5, seeking alternative ways to make a living. This is common for many starseed types. Often, their career aligns with their purpose of helping others and weaving love into their world. They often become philanthropists, counselors, therapists, humanitarians or teachers. This is also similar to the path many Pleiadians take. They bring a loving energy to everything they do and understand that it connects us beyond the illusion of separation. They understand creative energy and are intelligent in their own way. They have strong empathic abilities. It can be hard for them to open up to others and make new friends. They are often shy and timid but once they do open up, the bond is strong and comfortable. However, they have to be wary of others taking advantage of them due to their loving nature (as do the angelics.) They feel happier and more fulfilled in relationships, even if it's a toxic one and want nothing more than to have strong relationships in life, whether that be platonic or romantic. However, they can sometimes find themselves in disparaging relationships because of their past experiences: staying in unfulfilling relationships, putting up with abuse, being mistreated or taken advantage of (another quality similar to the Pleiadians.)

la u r en on earth


the elementals

I have come across multiple elemental realms in

Some of these fairies are actually quite large! For the

sessions with clients and within my own personal

purpose of understanding the elementals, I am

exploration of the cosmos. The elemental realm that

grouping them together here: the fairies, gnomes,

many of us are familiar with, however, is the one that

pixies, elves, leprechauns, spirits of plants, spirits of the

sits directly within Gaia and has been a part of our

elements, giants, whips, mermaids, angels, unicorns,

folklore for centuries. These elementals, or nature

dragons and will be speaking only on the Elemental

spirits, live within the Earth plane but reside within a

Kingdom of Gaia.

different dimension and the portal to their realm can be accessed through our physical world or within. The elementals are nature spirits who are connected to the four elements: earth, air, water and fire. However, I have seen so many different versions of these elementals, especially fairies, who exist within other star systems.

la u r en on earth

From my personal experiences, I believe that the elemental realm sits on top, or within, the physical plane and there is often cross over between our world and theirs. This is why some of us have come in contact with their spirits here in the physical world. I have


Elementals are lovers of animals, children, nature and weave those energies into the collective grid.

always been curious about fairies, although I never saw

the collective grid. It is quite easy to spot an incarnated

myself as one, but followed the intuitive hit to continue to

elemental as their appearance often gives it away: smaller

develop that connection to them anyway. The first time I

build, delicate and gentle features with a playful and

ever saw them in the physical was in Golden, Colorado,

warm energy. They can incarnate into any race.

during a hike. They appeared as little orbs of golden light that looked as if they were flashing in and out. Some of my

Elementals hold a very unique and special frequency.

clients, who carry elemental DNA, have felt their presence

They are nature lovers and need to spend as much time as

through their claircognizant or clairsentient abilities, as

possible connected to Gaia to recharge. A disconnection

well. I believe that they are all around us and if you have

from her can bring about misalignment, depression or

the ability to tap into that 5th dimensional realm, you too,

challenges. They find it hard to stay indoors and can

can make contact. It also makes sense why so many young

sometimes have instinctive knowledge of plants or the

children have these experiences as the veil is thin. In

world around them. They do not understand the

ancient times, the crossing over to this realm was much

destructive behaviors toward nature and this can often

easier and more common as the planet held less density.

frustrate them. They are playful, magnetic, joyful, innocent, childlike, warm, fun-loving and maybe even a

For example, these myths date back to the times of Ancient

bit mischievous. They help to balance out the serious

Atlantis when Indigenous tribes would tell stories of the

energy that many of us humans carry with us. They truly

fairies they saw disappearing in the trees. Remember,

embrace their inner child, which is a reminder we all need

there were a myriad of different beings all co-existing on


this planet for hundreds of thousands of years. Just look at the carvings in the walls of the temples in Egypt.

They do not like to be confined or limited physically, emotionally or mentally. They prefer to get their way and

Incarnated elementals have chosen to experience the

can sometimes come off as selfish, moody or stubborn.

Earth plane in a different dimension and in human

They also struggle with trusting others, but this is

bodies, despite still originating from the Earth realms.

especially mirrored in partnerships. This can stem from

They have chosen to step over into the human realm to

the centuries of hardship they’ve had while co-existing

evolve their own soul, raise the consciousness of humanity

with the human race. Remember, they’ve witnessed

and the Earth or both. They are lovers of animals,

humans hurt the planet, animals and each other and do

children, nature and weave those energies into

not agree with that type of behavior. In addition to that,

characteristics and qualities: humans have not been so kind to them in the past. Despite

beings are born whole, as adults, and are ageless. They travel

their vivacious characteristics, they are also quite sensitive

throughout our oceans to activate portals, energy grids,

and passionate. They can often get taken advantage of

crystals and generally speaking, the planet. They often do

because of their kind hearted nature. I see this all too often in

this through their voice or activation of the throat chakra.

my sessions.

Grouping angelic beings into this realm for the purpose of organization. Keep in mind that the

Keep in mind that there are many layers to the elemental

angelic realm is not the same as the elemental realm.

realm: some of these spirits are guarding the elements, others

Angels are celestial beings who can act as messengers,

are guiding humans, others are the elements themselves. For

guides and healers for us humans. From my

example, some fairies work solely with the spirits of flowers

experience, the angelic realm is essentially pure light.

or the trees, while others are here to help the collective. Pixies are quite different than fairies despite having some similar features: the playfulness, child-like tendencies, innocence. They are the helpers and hard workers, users of magic and generally have kind souls. Gnomes tend to have a sense of humor and are guardians of grid lines, so you might find them around the energy lines on the planet. They, in addition to the dwarves,

While there is a hierarchy within this system, it doesn’t hold as much weight as all angelic beings understand and accept their role. We are most familiar with the Archangels and guardian angels as they are the ones who work most closely with humanity. Each human soul has guardian angels who are with them throughout the entirety of their lives, with the ability to call on the Archangels for guidance

trolls and giants work with and bring healing to the

as needed. The guardian angels oversee the

ground, the Earth and the soil.

individual, while the Archangels oversee the

The elves are the peace keepers of the Elemental


Kingdom and to be expected, there are several different varieties of them. Some protect the land, others are

There are many Earth angels here at this time who carry

contracted to restore order and maintain peace, others

the vibration of pure love and light with the intention to

work toward removal of dark entities while some focus

realign us back to our divine blueprint. These incarnated

on creating harmony within the human collective. Elves

angels can greatly suffer here on Earth and carry wounds

can be a bit more serious than the other Elementals, but

from past incarnations. This is because they choose to see

that doesn’t mean they don’t hold the codes of play, joy

the good in everyone and can sometimes be naive to a

and childlike wonder. They are magnificent guides and

situation. They have such a strong desire to help and heal:


they are the peace-makers and the lovers. This perception

Merpeople carry the knowledge of the ocean within them

can leave them more likely to get hurt here on the Earth

and work diligently with oceanic crystals. They actually use their voice to recalibrate the crystals

with the

intention to keep the ocean’s vibrations high. These

star dwellers

plane, just like the Elementals and Beta Centaurians. Both groups must learn to set clear boundaries and discern where their energy is best spent.


Many of my clients have elemental DNA

interfering with their kindness for quite

Those with elemental DNA should bring

or had just come from the fairy realm

some time now and I’m not only

this into their awareness and spend

prior to this current incarnation. I've

speaking about the cosmic groups.

extra time in their self-care practices:

found that the majority of these souls

Humans are included, especially when

whether that be recharging, alone time,

carry deep trauma from past lifetimes

ego is involved.

meditation, salt baths, play. Learning

and are still suffering in this one,

how to recognize and transmute these

despite their buoyant, child-like and

Their loving nature does not make them

heavy energies is important for their

playful demeanor.

a weak species but unfortunately, they

sense of freedom and well-being. They

have been depicted as such and taken

must learn to say to no to what they

This also includes the clients with high

advantage of. Most are also empathic, so

intuitively know is not serving them

amounts of angelic DNA. This is because

they're picking up on and carrying a lot

without feeling shame or guilt.

they are so gentle and open; they see the

of external energies that are not their

Elementals and angelic beings are being

best in everyone. Negative soul groups


asked to reclaim their power and

have been targeting and

sovereignty in this lifetime, just as the Hadarian and Orion souls are called to do the same.

personal experiences:

star dwellers

for the cosmic citiizens of earth

the souls of orion

“Allow the people choice, freedom, and the ability to continuously improve their lives, and you cannot own them.” 2

Starting with the top one (in the Northern hemisphere), the names of these three stars are Mintaka, Alnilam and Alnitak. A famous phenomenon in the Orion constellation is the Great Nebula, a Stargate or star cluster in which thousands of stars are born. The Orion Nebula lies hundreds of light years beyond the Orion open cluster and has been identified as a "gateway" to an infinite realm beyond the physical universe.

la u r en on earth


duality conflict: the orion wars

Orion is a mysterious realm and this quality is certainly

Orion being one of them. Additionally, at one point in

woven into the DNA of Orion starseeds. Just like on

time, it was decided that the ongoing conflict within

Earth, there is extreme polarity within the Orion

the humanoid species would move from Sirius to

constellation, however, it is even more apparent and

Orion. More on that later, as well.

intense than it is here. As always, there are layers as to why and how their reality became what it is.

So while Orion has so much beauty and positive influence, it’s associated with duality of the human

On one hand, within Orion is a cosmic gateway to the

spirit and negative soul groups who have caused such

realm of Source and the creator. It is also a gateway to

destruction within our galaxy.

infinite realms beyond our own. This stargate, also called the Great Orion Nebula, is undoubtedly powerful,

Orion is also home to many of the Greys, as well as the

magnificent and must be heavily protected and guarded.

Reptilian-Grey Empire. The negative soul groups have

Because of this, it attracts the attention of negative soul

also made several attempts to access the cosmic

groups. We’ll come back to this in a moment.

gateway and this conflict has lasted for millennia. Star Wars is actually heavily influenced on the events

The beings of Orion are descendants of the Lyran group

within the Orion Wars.

and therefore, have carried that energy and extreme polarity with them as they seeded new civilizations,

star dwellers

There were and are peace-loving and benevolent


Orion souls who were in constant conflict with other

responsibility of the Reptilian forces, but our inability

Orionians who were of service-to-self. At one point in

to unite as a species. The takeover and destruction of

time during these wars, the nefarious groups were

the Lyran home planet may have amplified the drama,

creating immense amounts of trauma to the Orion

but the war on Orion eventually became about duality.

souls to the point where even death was not a route to

Essentially, some Orions maintained a service to others

freedom. They trapped the souls from being able to

outlook while others, along with the Reptilian forces,

escape the Orion mass consciousness through the

focused on their own personal gain. This mentality

death and rebirth process. Some found that they could

ultimately meant that others would suffer at their

“free” themselves by entering the Earth mass

expense. This was the shift into victim vs victimizer and

consciousness, ultimately forgetting their identity and

the victims began to see the victimizers as evil.

playing out the Orion drama in a different realm.

Therefore, the wars became polarized.

While the Orion beings are quite secretive when I ask

These wars on Orion lasted for eons and conflict

them to share more detail of their experiences, I was

remained a staple in their society. The Galactic

shown that the Orion Wars are still playing out today to

Federation did have involvement here, although they

some degree. Much progress has been made to dilute

were never successful in bringing about resolution.

the polarity conflict, but it has not fully been resolved. I

There were renegade and rebel groups that emerged

believe much of it has been moved to the Earth plane.

throughout the wars, as well. Some fighting for freedom, some against it and some with their own

The main battles of this war were fought in the constellation of Orion, although the wars truly began over territory in the constellation of Lyra. Essentially, this is the same drama from the seeding of humanity on Lyra and the wars spread from Lyra to Sirius to Orion and now to Earth. This war is not solely the

unique agenda. Eventually, an Orion priest was able to create a great shift within many Orion souls of all parties by reminding them that the duality is an illusion and the only way to end the conflict is to see beyond it.

"The Orion civilization was one of the very few that evolved into a state of technological advancement while still being in a state of intense spiritual conflict." 3

star dwellers


the diversity on orion

These teachings have cycled through our own

There are a variety of different beings on Orion:

civilization as well. They taught that the battle between

humanoids with caucasian skin, asian features, dark or

light and dark is not a battle between external forces,

black skin, plus Reptilians, Greys, amphibians, giants

but only between parts of yourself. The point in Orion’s

and more. There is also a race of angelic feline beings

evolution where they began to successfully integrate

and Orionian angels with large wings. Orion is a mixing

the polarity, where the Orion Mass Consciousness

pot of diverse species, comparable to the United States

awakened, can be termed Orion’s Light.

of Earth. About 75% of the population are human while the rest are non-human. A small percentage of Lyrans

The Orion Light Council was formed which regulated

made their way to Orion after the Orion wars, but there

laws on Orion as well as many other star systems,

are also many Sirians and Vegans who have chosen to

including the council that governs Earth. They also

call Orion home.

have control over which souls incarnate to Earth through the Arcturus Gateway. This council is one of

The majority of stars around the belt stars were

the highest governing bodies in this section of our

inhabited by the Reptilians, Greys or nefarious beings.

Universe and is subject to no laws of its own.

These stars include Betelgeuse, Rigel and Bellatrix.

The atmosphere on several planets within the Orion

Rigel is the second largest star in the constellation of

system is very similar to that of our deserts. Some of the

Orion that was initially inhabited by a humanoid race

land can be quite desolate and there are also caves and

of Blonds. The Blonds, or Nordics, are also descendants

underground facilities. However, I’ve also seen that

of Lyra. During the Orion wars, Rigel was taken over by

Orion is home to cities so the landscape is diverse.

the Draconians and other negative soul groups and

star dwellers


the diversity on orion

the short Greys declared Rigel their new home.

It is home to the humanoid species and higher

However, Rigel is now predominantly a Reptilian

dimensional beings, both physical and non physical.

society. During the takeover of Rigel, many of the

Mintaka is also directly in line with the star system

Blonds fled to Procyn, which is the star system nearest


Sirius. The Mintakans live in the 4th and 5th dimension and Betelgeuse is the largest and brightest star in the

are mostly humanoid, but more evolved than Earth

constellation of Orion and is nicknamed the red giant.

humans. The beings of Mintaka are a mixing pot of

It is home to the tall Greys and negative Zetas, but at

races, but a large majority of them were of Vegan

one point in time was home to the Council of Light.

descent. I always see them with grey-ish skin tones. Life on Mintaka could be difficult at times between the

Bellatrix is home to many Reptilian species, as well as

raging wars and unpredictable natural disasters like

several species of Greys. There is advanced technology

wind storms or extreme weather, so these beings

on Bellatrix which is mainly used for control,

understood the value and necessity of sticking together

expansion, oppression and genetic engineering. Many

and supporting each other. Family was of great

of the abductions and implants, chips or AI is coming

importance to them. They had to learn to live among

from the beings on Bellatrix. In my opinion, Bellatrix

different species of beings: diversity in unity. Because

has the most density surrounding it.

Orion was under conflict for quite some time, there is a resiliency to these starseeds souls. These beings were

Mintanka, the brightest star in the belt of Orion, is the

generous hosts to travelers, helpful to strangers,

most peaceful place to reside. It is the brightest star in

benevolent, community-oriented and generally loving

the belt of Orion and actually consists of 4 different


starseed qualities

Constantly seeking the truth due to eons of deception. They are truth seekers and do not take anything at face value. They have a questioning nature and are constantly searching for understanding, just like the Vegans.

The Orion people are more technical than they are spiritual and this reflects in the starseed DNA. They love to understand how things work and are scientifically, architecturally and technologically intelligent.

They are extremely resourceful due to having to deal with limited assets. They are sharers, but at the same time very protective over their belongings. They can create beauty out of nothing.

They stand in love, truth and unity despite the adversary around them. They know how to deal with constant conflicts which is why many Orion starseeds were called to Earth.

They are organized and innate problem solvers and for this reason, are natural teachers. However, they can sometimes overanalyze or lose the balance between logic and intuition.

They can struggle to access and integrate their emotional bodies and are here to learn to become aware of their emotions while not allowing the analytical mind to take over.

They can be very social but love to spend time alone. They love to observe the human race and their behaviors, almost like they are studying them.

la u r en on earth


what's happening to orion souls on earth:

The Orion Wars are simply a continuation of the drama from Lyra, the Lyran-Draconian war and the polarization and feud between the Lyrans and Vegans. Before continuing, remember to try to detach from the linear or black and white perspective when it comes to this galactic history. It is very layered, with several groups of beings on different timelines within the same present moment. Eventually, the Sirians became involved. When the Lyrans began to venture outward and settle on Sirius, conflict between the positive and negative Sirian groups emerged. The beings of Sirius went through their own evolutionary process in regard to the polarity they were presented with. They had to learn to return to unity, just as we are doing here on Earth in the present moment. And just like the Pleiadians, they lost their connection to Source at one point in time and had to learn how to return to Oneness. At some point during or after that time, the decision was made to move the conflict from Sirius to Orion. So with the conflict shifting to Orion and everything that has been shared on the Orion wars thus far, it is important to reestablish that humanity is now playing out the same dynamic from the previous three civilizations: control, oppression, polarity, separation. However, we are experiencing a much more mild version of what occurred on Orion. In my sessions, I've seen bloodshed, gory images of war and deeply traumatic experiences to both adults and children. When we think about the trauma on Earth, or the way humans treat each other, the planet and our animals, it is almost hard to imagine it being intensified and worse somewhere else. I send prayers to the beings of Orion often. Some sources say that Orion has healed from its conflict. I, however, have received consistent information that counters this suggestion. The Orion drama is very much still playing out, although to a lesser degree. While the conflict has seemingly subsided, don't forget that the Reptilians and Greys still reside on several planets within that system. In the Records, I am blocked from seeing so much of their physical world and intuitively know that it is because something is being intentionally hidden. I also believe that Earth has since taken on a majority of Orion’s pain. Orion souls who come to Earth carry these oppressive patterns lodged deep within their soul memory and are not necessarily conscious of their behavior or the root cause of it. Orion souls experienced ugliness, pain and torment to a level that we cannot comprehend as humans. Orionians, know that you intended for these memories to resurface in this lifetime so you can heal from them. I have worked with many Orion souls to better understand their soul journey and the root cause of the anger they carry with them. We work together to heal on a soul level, expose the truth of the dark agenda and their individual role in it so they can experience freedom. If this resonates with you, learn more about my psychic surgery sessions here and the soul journey readings here.

star dwellers


While there are both positive and negative souls within each species, these three soul groups are actively involved in agendas that do not serve the light or greatest good of all.

the greys the draconians the anunnaki star dwellers


the anunnaki The Anunnaki are a group of Reptilian-Humanoid hybrids who gained control over Earth's terrain around 6,000 years ago. They're depicted as the gods in our mythology and hold quite a bit of power in the present day.

the greys There are several different species of Greys despite them all having a similar appearance. Most come from Zeta Reticuli or the Orion constellation. These beings are focused on advancements in technology and genetic experimentation.

the reptilians The Reptilians, also called lizard people, are a soul group who came to our galaxy in search of resources and control over weaker populations. Only ten percent of our population here on Earth are Reptilian souls (while 60% are lightworkers), yet they are all mainly seeded in our government or elite roles with high positions of power, just as the Anunnaki are.

the sirian group A group of negatively influenced Sirian beings who worked with the negative groups mentioned above. My theory is that the negative Sirians are also the Anunnaki, or there is at least crossover between the two.

Reminder: There are so many brilliant, loving and light-hearted souls within these species. The information you will read does not reflect every soul within the group and I have met a couple of Grey and Reptilian starseeds in the physical world who do serve the light. There are also many positive Reptilian souls ready to revolt against their kind who serve the dark agenda. My experience with the majority of souls within these groups is shared in the coming pages and it is not always rooted in light. Remember that this is my experience, not the only experience. If you do choose to communicate with beings from these soul groups and feel that they are of the light, please have full trust in your ability to discern and keep in mind that this could be false light, or the idea that darker beings disguise themselves as light to confuse or manipulate the channel.

the greys

There are many solar systems in which the Greys reside, but the two most known being the Zeta stars and the Orion constellation. While there are several different types of species within this race, it has been rather difficult for me to pinpoint exactly which species lives where. In addition to that, there are several types of Greys that are most common (Types A, B and C), as well as multiple hybrid species which hold similar features. Some of the Greys are actually distinguished by their height and while they are most commonly referred to as A, B and C, they can also be named the tall, standard and short greys.


The tall greys are said to have originated as blond humanoids in the Rigel system of Orion. This shift in DNA was due to extreme levels of radiation from a nuclear exchange a long time ago. There are two different types of tall greys: one being the Orion Greys who are about 7-8 feet tall with insectoid features. The second type are a bit shorter, ranging from 6-7 feet tall but still have similar features of large black eyes, grey skin and large heads.


The standard greys are about 4-5 feet tall with shorter legs, no earlobes, no visible nose, large heads and eyes. Generally, there are many different features with apparent physical similarities. For example, some have webbed fingers, others do not.


star dwellers

The short Greys are about 3-4 feet tall and claim to originate from Bellatrix. These beings are quite aggressive and are often the ones doing the grunge work for the taller Greys.


characteristics of the greys

They have the ability to control their heat rate, which is

lost at one point in time during their evolution.) If you

above the average BPM than the human heart rate.

made contact with these beings, you may have found that

Their eyes are very sensitive to ultraviolet light but they can

they appear cold or difficult to read. Know that this is not

operate quite efficiently in the dark.

because they do not understand emotion. While they do

The brain has more lobes than ours, which is also true for

not experience emotion to the level that we do, some do

the Sirian's brains. They operate with a hive mind as the

find pleasure in tapping into intense human emotion by

idea of individuality is exhausting to them, although

connecting us to devices (these are the chips and implants

individuality does exist on some level (keep in mind that the

I often speak of.)

higher the dimension, the less individuality.) When they do not feel connected to each other, they feel lost and

They can also tune into our energy field telepathically to

misunderstood. They also understand that in order to

receive this pleasure. Some of the Greys use sex, pain, fear

effectively problem solve, they must come together.

and alteratives to get the reactions they are seeking (the

They do not have digestive systems (or reproductive

Reptilians do this as well, but it is less common within the

systems.) They receive nourishment from extracted enzymes

Grey species.) As stated before, this is not the case for all

from plants and animals through the pores on their skin.

Greys but please use discernment and decide for yourself if this is an energy you want to invite in.

They have advanced psychic abilities, despite not always using them for positive purposes. These

qualities include seeing

In my opinion, many of the Greys are deeply lacking in

through time and space, telepathy, telekinesis and the ability to

spiritual and social awareness, but have a choice to invite

move through other dimensions by shifting their frequency and

it in. I believe they are too focused on their genetic

manipulating energy fields. They appear emotionless, but are

projects to see beyond it. They have superior technology

skilled in reading frequencies, especially that of humans. They

and are involved in a secret alliance with our government

also do not

need to show a physical expression in order

for the exchange of that technology. In return, the Greys

toexperience emotion. However, they are trying to regain their

have access to what they need for their experiments. It is

lost motherly instincts and rebuild their emotional bodies (this

true that they do abductions and are involved in the use of

is why many of them study humans and these instincts were

human and animal genetics for advanced analysis and

crossbreeding. It appears that their main focus is the

turn grey due to lack of sunlight and other nutrients.

development of the human-hybrid race.

Natural child birth became less common and they began to clone to keep their species alive. Eventually, natural

Another important share is that some of these Greys who

reproduction was no longer an option. Their eyes became

are seeking domination and control do so by targeting

larger and wider to see clearly in darkness. With little

elite leaders of different societies and replace them with

food, they began adapting to absorbing nutrients in other

entities they can control. Again, the Reptilians do this, too.

ways. With no need for their digestive or reproductive

While this may seem morbid and foreign, understand that

systems, they evolved beyond it. This is when they

this is not uncommon within our own systems. The

detached from those nurturing and motherly instincts.

Arcturians have confirmed this alliance when they shared with me that they (the Arcturians) have tried to make

They began to lean into this new species and new world

contact with our elites multiple times to share

they’ve created as they collectively did not want to return

information. They said that our species is only interested

to how they once lived. They chose structure and order.

in their technology but do not want to listen to how we

They chose group over individual mentality.

can improve emotionally or spiritually. They also shared

people became the Greys of Zeta Reticuli and during their

that each time they've made contact (with multiple

time underground, planetary shifts occurred and they

presidents, as well) they were redirected to our military. It

shifted from the Lyran to the Zeta star system.


seems our elites found an alliance with the Greys that worked more toward their benefit.

Despite thriving with their genetic modifications, they eventually hit a wall in their evolutionary growth: the race

In regard to the abductions, there are many theories or

was dying out. They came to Earth with the purpose of

myths that have surfaced over the years. Some say that the

using our DNA to learn how to reproduce and connect to

higher self has agreed to them and that they are in the

their heart once again. According to many, the GFL and

soul's individual contracts. Others have expressed that

higher powers gave permission to further this agenda.

because of this alliance with our government system, they override that and allow these abductions to take place to

I understand that the Greys are teaching us one of the

obtain and study human DNA. I believe both to be true

most fundamental lessons we deny time and time again:

and have actually seen this first had in a session with a

unity. I understand that souls volunteered to give the

client who was asked to donate her eggs to one of their

Greys genetic material. I understand that fear is what


drives humanity and why fear is involved in the relationship between the Greys and humans.

I've mentioned Apex previously in the chapters on Lyra, but wanted to spend a moment breaking down their

However, I have been very open minded about the Greys

galactic history even further: Apex was a humanoid planet

with an attempt to understand them on a deeper level

within the Lyran system and they eventually allowed the

without making any judgements. There is also a future

polarity to destroy them. This planet had high levels of

hybrid race of Greys who are benevolent and loving. My

radiation and pollution, making the surface of the planet

intention is to share all aspects of their galactic history in

unlivable, forcing them underground. Their skin began to

a neutral tone to allow your own decision.

star d wellers


personal experiences: During the summer of 2020, they were appearing in my

energy field by sending out low electromagnetic

room regularly after midnight, asking me to come on their

frequencies that create disharmony in the body and

ship. My body reacted with a bit of fear and uncertainty,

allow them to more easily tap into our frequency for

which told me that this might not be in my best interest.

self serving purposes.

When you begin to communicate with cosmic beings, it is not recommended to speak or connect with whoever tries

If the Greys are asking to study you or connect with you,

to connect with you. Learn to distinguish between the

ask for the reason behind the connection before giving

frequencies of these beings, as the energies are so subtle

them access to your energy and DNA.

and sometimes overlooked. This is why meditation and stillness are so important, it is how we discern what is of

In my sessions, I’ve also received confirmation that the

the light and what is not. Remember that your higher self

Greys and Reptilians do indeed work together. It seems

is in control and you do not have to communicate or

that all negative soul groups have formed an alliance.

connect with everything that comes into your field. In one my psychic surgery sessions, my client was I telepathically told the Greys that I was not interested in

unwillingly connected to an inner Earth underground

working with them unless I fully understood their

operation led by the Draconian Empire. A fractal of her

intentions, although I did know that this had something to

essence was being stored in their facilities and her energy

do with human genetics, they were being quite vague

was being drained for their benefit. Remember, these

which confirmed my decision not to get involved. I was not

negative soul groups have chosen to disconnect from

comfortable with the secrecy. I was also quite frustrated

Source and must receive their energy another way: taking

with their timing of contact as I was always either asleep

Source energy from us. Sometimes, I will see machines or

or trying to fall asleep, so I banished them from my space

chips connected to my clients that do just that: drain their

and have not been in contact with them for that reason

energy. This was the most ruthless operation I’ve seen


thus far and the Greys were certainly a part of it.

My only connection to them now is the work that I do in

I am by no means sharing this information to scare you,

my psychic surgery sessions, which mostly involves

but rather bring education and awareness so you can

working against them. I find that many of my clients have

protect your own energy field. If you feel uncertain as to

chips or implants in their energy bodies that were placed

whether you are affected, you can grab your pendulum

by the Greys. I've also found that they stay connected to

and ask your guides: Am I connected to Source? Are there

and observe or watch many of my clients. Thus far, I’ve

any negative soul groups in, on or around me? Is there any

discovered a variety of functions for the implants: to

negative artificial intelligence connected to my energy

collect information and send it back to their HQ or

field? If you get a yes, click here to learn more about my

underground operation systems, to disrupt the human

psychic surgery sessions.

star dwellers


the greys of orion and zeta one perspective is that the greys are somewhere in the middle of the division and split of light and dark.

There are two stars within the Reticulum Rhomboialis

many species of hybrid-grays that are results of this

constellation, or the Zeta stars, where many of the

project. One being the Essassani, or Zeta-human

Greys reside. These beings are generally of humanoid

hybrids. While they identify as the Essassani, that is

descent, whereas races coming fro the Draco or Orion

actually the name of their planet, which resides beyond

star systems are more of a Reptilian species. These

the Orion constellation, and their race is the Sassani.


These beings live in the future and are a successful







indistinguishable. This is due to the consistent

product of the Grey mass hybridization program.

manipulation of their DNA, although their genetics are partly based on the genetics of the insectoids.

They consider themselves to be a benevolent race: they do not cause polarity and are in unity. They have an

As stated previously, the Greys do not have digestive or

eurasian look with enlarged eyes, white-grey skin and

reproductive systems and reproduce by cloning. In

are about 5 feet tall. Some have white hair, while others

some ways, you can view this as the Greys evolving

are bald. Just like the Greys, they are androgynous

beyond the need for these systems, but my guides have

species but with balanced female and male energies.

expressed to me that it also can be perceived as a halt

Some of you may be familiar with Bashar, a perfect

in their evolution. This explains the fascination with

example of an Essassani being from the future. There

human DNA and the genetics programs. There are also

are many Essassani starseeds here, as well.

star dwellers


zeta starseeds There are millions of Zeta starseeds here on Earth today, as well as Grey-hybrids who are encoded with advanced Zeta DNA. However, not all hybrids have a Zeta soul but they are advanced beings with the potential to become the future of humanity. Remember, the Zeta human-hybrids are indeed from the future and are considered to be a successful hybrid race. Some starseed qualities include:

These souls have the ability to think outside of the box and tap into astral knowledge. They see beyond the physical limits. They may often struggle with communication in general and can appear awkward in social situations. Although gifted critical thinkers with high intelligence, they can find themselves a bit detached from reality. They struggle to express their emotions and can disassociate from the rest of society quite easily. Simply put, they are generally misunderstood and can struggle to be human. Many of these starseeds find themselves working in technical fields involving scientific or mathematical advancements, computers, coding or anything related to the above. They need constant mental stimulation and can sometimes struggle to connect with those who exhibit cognitive dissonance. Many are here to bridge the gap in technology and do evolutionary work (very similar to the Alpha Centaurians.)

star dwellers



reptilians and the draconian empire


There are several lizard races descending from multiple solar systems: the Alpha star of the Draco constellation called Thuban, another star within the Draco system called Tiphon, Bellatrix and Rigel of the Orion constellation, Zeta Reticuli and several species who live in Inner Earth. Like the Anunnaki, they have bases on Earth, the moon and Mars.

appearance and characteristics:

The Alpha Draconians are considered to be the creators of the other Reptilian races. I often see them appear red, green, grey, black or brown. They also have some connection to the Sirian government, whether that is a positive or negative connection. Generally speaking, they are 7-20 feet tall, walk upright and have a reptile or serpent-like appearance. Note that it is not uncommon to see shorter Reptilians in the 4-5 foot range, or giant Reptilians who can grow beyond 20 feet tall. Their eyes have vertical slits in their pupils, which is often how I can pick up on Reptilian DNA in humans. They have webbed fingers, scaly skin, gold irises, muscular bodies and have the ability to shapeshift. Some reptilian species have wings, some have dinosaur-like features, others look like snakes, dragons, lizards or amphibian cross-breeds. There is also a hybrid vampire-reptilian species that feeds off of human energy and emotion, as well as a Sirian-Reptilian hybrid species. As for life within the Draco system, there are beautiful tall trees with streams and lakes, similar to Earth in many ways. Their skies give off a green-ish hue with a red sun.

star dwellers


the draconian empire While they are intelligent, they use this intelligence to

their lives was because of these dark forces, who

feed their agenda to take over civilizations by means of

targeted them either at birth or have been in prior

manipulation, shapeshifting, invading dreamscapes,

incarnations. If you suffer from any of the above, ask

interfering with the thoughts, emotions, feelings and

your oversoul if this could be the reason you've not

actions of others, war, separation and deceit. Another

been able to free yourself from your own mind. There

reason for their pursuit in conquering Earth has to do

may be external forces inhibiting you. I have done so

with the collection of various rare minerals and

much work to heal my relationship to the Reptilian

resources. They are also the only other species I’ve

species and am grateful for these experiences and the

come across to eat meat and animals, besides us.

contracts I made in this lifetime because has brought me closer to my life purpose of teaching the

They prey upon fear and weakness, which is one reason

importance of understanding and integrating both

why our society is structured the way it is. Most of our

light and dark forces. Each time they attack, rather

government systems (Hollywood, too) today are

than acting with anger or frustration, I perceive it as an

infiltrated by these Draconian souls and have spent

opportunity to learn and strengthen my abilities.

thousands of years working toward dividing and separating us as a species by manipulating us into

If you are someone who struggles with these negative

thinking we are powerless to them. Keep in mind that

soul groups, remember that it is not in our best interest

these beings cannot evolve past the fourth dimension,

to continue to hold onto any fear, anger or distain

so when we, as a species, enter the fifth, they lose that

toward this species. We must work to forgive, so we too,

sense of control.

can heal.

My own personal history with the Draconians goes

During an Ayahuasca journey, my consciousness was

back eons. My soul has been fighting for freedom

in the realm of Source energy. I was given the reminder

against the Draconian Empire for millions of years and

of Oneness, that we are all one, all connected and

many of you have a similar soul journey.

created from the same energy. was quite beautiful until remembering of the existence of the Reptilians and all

In sessions with my clients, as well as myself, we have figured out that the root of their cycles of depression, anxiety and mental illness throughout the entirety of

star dwellers

of the harm they’ve done to millions of souls. I remember asking: how could these souls possibly descend from Source? How could I possibly love them?


Source said yes, they are a part of my creation but they

against the Reptilian agendas in this lifetime, remember

have chosen to turn their back on themselves, they

that you will only be victimized if you believe you are

detached from their true essence. In other words, when

powerless. You will suffer the loss of your personal power

you lose sight of who you are, when you separate from

only if you believe that to be true.

your divine truth (source), this is the outcome. Remember that point in time, in this current incarnation of yours,

When interacting with the dark forces, it is also important

where you also disconnected from your soul? When you

to remember to seek out the positive outlook to these

treated your body poorly, avoided your family, felt

encounters. These beings are simply illuminating your

immense amounts of anger and hatred toward the Earth

shadow aspects. What are they mirroring back to you that

and your life? You became severely ill, you made decisions

you still hold within? What are they teaching you? Every

that did not reflect who you truly were as a person, you

encounter with a Draconian soul, while difficult in the

were trapped in a cycle of lower emotion. While this was

moment, has rewarded me with more strength, knowledge

not the exact level of what has happened with the

and an opportunity to not only go deeper into shadow

Draconians, it is an acceptable comparison to what begins

work, but access my divine gifts. Ultimately, the release of

to manifest when you disconnect from your own soul,

this density allowed me to hold more light and

your own truth, your own essence. You returned home,

frequencies of a higher nature.

you did the work to heal, and I trust that they, too, will do the same.

If you are a Reptilian soul or know you have created negative karma in past or present lifetimes around this

Earlier in the journey, Source reminded me that every

agenda, know that you will not require many lifetimes of

physical and non physical manifestation has been created

suffering to release the pain you inflicted somewhere else.

by us, including the shadows, the darkness, the void. Then

This is the beauty of karmic law: it is a memory activation

Source said, these beings are still a part of me and I love

tool and a balance of cause and effect. To clear your

them, just as you should too because they are also a part of

karma, simply begin to create positive karmic vibrations.

and reflection of you. There are aspects of these beings in

Karma is a force that runs trough you simply by existing in

all of us, that is the beauty of polarity.

these physical realms; it is not what you shall do, you shall have the same done to you. It is, rather, a vibratory match

Another beautiful message that came through that

to the energy you are emitting. If your intention is for the

evening was that we are all different embodiments and

highest good of all, it will indeed return to you as such.

energies of Source. That there are infinite versions of us all. Can you unconditionally love all of the infinite

One more thought from my experiences with the

versions of you, despite the differences? Maybe we go to

Draconian Empire here on Earth is that because of free

these lower realms to experience that separation and

will and the law of non-intervention, they must

learn to return to love, to unity, to oneness, to wholeness.

continuously disclose their agenda before playing it out. They cannot do anything that we do not give consent to. In

Understanding darkness does not draw you to it, only fear

other words, they give us all of the answers. Pay attention



to this thought moving forward because once you see how

Acknowledging darkness allows you to access a broader

blatantly obvious everything is, it is impossible to plug

scope from which to observe the outer world. This polarity

back into the matrix. Ask your guides to clearly show you

is a part of who you are whether you choose to

the deceit, the deception and the illusion.







acknowledge it or not. If you are fighting for freedom

draconian qualities They thrive off of fear, respect and order. They do not necessarily feel love, but instead loyalty and the drive to survive and keep their bloodlines alive. They do have family units, but families were created out of respect for hierarchy rather than love. They also fear their leaders but they like it. They are masters of illusion. As stated before, they are shapeshifters. This means that they can change form and disguise themselves as something they are not to get what they want (this is how they conquered many civilizations, like Hadar.) This is also an example of false light. They are master strategyzers and can smell both weakness and strength. They consider themselves to be superior to us and have little regard for humans, or any species they see as weak for that matter, including all animals. They actually find us quite ugly and repulsive, although some consider us to be valuable for the purpose of enslavement. They have been involved in cross-breeding, although unlike the Greys, do not participate in this for survival. Instead, it is to create a sub-class species within their own culture to be their laborers. This, however, is not the only purpose for the hybrid species. Their main motive is to conquer and multiply. One timeline presented to me, that helps to explain this innate desire, is that at one point in their history, their civilization was dying out. It took them a long time to rebuild and regain their strength and I believe that they are still holding onto a good majority of that fear, animosity and anger.

starseed qualities While there are Draconian souls on this planet looking to cause chaos (think elites and celebrities, but also regular humans,) many Draconian starseeds are here to help awaken humanity, raise consciousness and clear the karma of their kinds past. While describing these starseed traits, I am speaking only on the Draconian starseeds here to serve the light: These beings are natural leaders, problem solvers and enjoy working with organizations, governments or teams. However, they still feel uncomfortable at the bottom of a hierarchy, can struggle to take direction from those in higher authority positions and can sometimes see lower vibrational emotions rise up because of that. The intention is to acknowledge, heal and integrate their shadow aspects. They can adapt to many different environments (remember they have shapeshifting abilities.) However, they can struggle with expressing emotion and can often be called cold or emotionless. Drawn to mathematics, science and technology, they also love to invent, create and find new ways of accomplishing tasks. They usually always finish what they start.

Throughout our soul's many lifetimes, the Draconian’s have created a karmic cycle to keep us in lower states of consciousness. This has been done through manipulation of the lower chakras and sexual organs, separation from God or religion, big Pharma, plagues or disease, 5D technology, chemicals in our air, food and water supply, instigation of war and murder, genocide, abuse and torture in all forms. Think about this for a moment: do you not believe that we, as a species, are too intelligent to have created a world with so many problems? These systems and structures have been created this way for a reason. There is high intelligence behind all of it, but it is not being used to serve the highest timelines. Our world does not need to reflect the agenda of the dark forces and that is why so many beings from higher dimensions received the call to come to Earth. Only 10% of the beings on this planet are Reptilian souls, while 90% are here with a more positive intention. It is up to us to stop blindly listening to the rules of society and begin to question the why behind all of it. The Sirians remind us of this: Never in our time here upon Earth, have they been able to break the human spirit, although they have certainly tried with all of their might. Starseeds, we are here to expose and rebuild and we will do it with the forces of love behind us, not hatred.

the anunnaki

The term Annunaki actually originated in Sumerian

It now travels in an unnatural path: extending out

mythology and before taking on this new name, these

to Sirius and back until it reaches our sun's orbit.

beings were known as the Nibiruans, named after their

From what I’ve been shown, they spend an ample

home planet Nibiru. These beings have not made it

amount of time without sunlight. This has caused

easy to gain access to their galactic history and I've

them to inhabit underground cities and their

slowly been piecing the information together over

survival depends on their ability to produce and

time. Here's what I've learned in the Records:

store resources.

Nibiru, at one point in time, was a planet within the

They are constantly searching for energy and like

Sirian star system. This civilization existed on a 3-

the Reptilians, saw that Earth could provide them

dimensional plane.

with such. Keep in mind that the Reptilian and

At one point in time, the planet spun out of orbit

Anunnaki breeds are in our government systems.

because it could not acsend or hold the new and

They don’t actually have an interest in protecting

higher frequency of the star system it was

Earth’s resources or addressing environmental

connected to. Nibiru was eventually picked up by


the gravitational pull of our sun, Ra, but only stays in our solar system for approximately 30 Earth

They will never admit this, but I believe this

years. It eventually makes it’s way back toward

species is greatly struggling to survive and are in

Sirius and has an orbit of around 3,000 years.

fear of their future.

la u r en on earth


The Anunnaki beings may or may not have been

the human body in general. This abuse keeps humans

involved in the Galactic Wars on Lyra, but I believe

stuck in the incarnation cycles on Earth. We begin to

they’ve evolved from those beings who were in conflict

see the occult forming during this time, as well: the

with one another and migrated over to Sirius

use of black magic and ritual as a form of


manipulation. The Anunnaki also created control structures,

These are the beings who interfered with some of our

generated lower vibrational frequencies, and

ancient civilizations and created extreme disharmony

imposed their own belief systems in Ancient

between us as a collective. Then and now:

Egypt. I’ve only done a handful of readings on

They began the use of electromagnetic pulse

Ancient Egypt, but my guides constantly remind

technologies, which started in Atlantis and is still

me of the darkness and chaos of this time.

being used today. These frequencies send out a low vibration that disrupts the natural and

Remember how I said that Nibiru is in our solar

organic flow of energy in the human body, as well

system for 30 years? This reconnection coincides with

as Gaia’s celestial body. These frequencies can

periods of turmoil and chaos on Earth: interference in

cause physical symptoms such as depression,

Egypt, the rise of Sumerian civilization, the

fatigue, headache, aches and pains, inability to

appearance of Homo sapiens, the fall of Atlantis.

control emotions or thoughts and more. Do your

Other times where Nibiru was in the orbit of Ra, they

research on the Woodpecker theory in Russia.

established military bases on both Mars and the moon.

The Anunnaki developed this technology during Atlantis with the help of Nikola Tesla, who was not yet

From what I’ve seen in the Records, the Anunnaki did

Nikola Tesla at the time, but the same soul. To learn

not actually receive ownership of Earth until the rise

more about Nikola Tesla’s involvement in Atlantis,

of the Sumerian and Mesopotamian civilization, but

click here.

had been fighting for this control long before. This explains their involvement in Atlantis and prior

This agenda is still being utilized today through

civilizations where they began to seed the dark

several methods (ie: 5G towers) and is also found in


our technology like cell phones and tablets. I also find the same technology in the chips and implants I pull

We have been taught that the Mesopotamian

out in psychic surgeries.

civilization was the first civilization to have ever emerged, while the Sumerians were the first

In addition to that, the Anunnaki also interfered

established culture to arise within Mesopotamia. If

with Atlantean priesthood and used the power of

humans lived peacefully for hundreds of thousands of

the lower chakras to plug in ego consciousness.

years here on this planet, why are we taught

Just like the Reptilians, they too, were involved in


sexual abuse of these lower chakras, women and

new ownership of earth:

This switch in power brought about a lot of change and

our cosmic brothers and sisters. To learn more about

the Anunnaki beings rewrote the majority of our history

this, click here.

to their own benefit. Know that the information on the truth of these past civilizations is kept within the

Not only that, but they’ve (and this possibly involves

Akashic Records, as well as within other star systems,

other species like the Reptilians) also blocked and

wisdom keepers and select beings of Inner Earth.

controlled the amount of light frequency we can receive here on Earth. There is an artificial grid around our

The Anunnaki not only recreated our history, but

planet that greatly disrupts and interferes with her own

completely reconstructed the human DNA. This came

electromagnetic vortex points. It acts as a force field that

after the DNA manipulation by the Sirians and Lyrans

controls what can and can’t come through. I’ve seen this

mentioned earlier.

grid before and at the time, didn’t know exactly what I was looking at. Despite this, there are several other grid

Our DNA is our intelligence, our blueprint. Prior, we had

systems in place that serve the light and our highest

12 strands of DNA which connected us to Source and all

good. There are also multiple cosmic beings, especially

dimensions or states of consciousness. Our gifts and

the Pleiadians and Arcturians, who send high

abilities were stripped and replaced with mechanisms

frequencies to our planet to help combat any damage.

that suppress our thoughts and emotions. This locked us into the 3D and allowed for an easier form of control.

I’ve also been shown that many of these negative beings

The DNA shifted and anything not absolutely necessary

reside on ships outside of our atmosphere. These ships

for survival was disabled. Generally, we operate on less

are so powerful that they can bring mass destruction to

than 5% of our DNA. The beautiful thing, however, is

our world. The beings of light told me that while this is

that the original blueprint is still within our cellular

true, they arefar from us and there are countless

matrix and we have the ability to reconstruct it with the

starships of light beings that sit in between. They act as a

help of advanced technology, sound and frequency from

shield of protection amongst many other reasons.

la u r en on earth





While they've never shown

They've depicted themselves as gods

They are warriors and have warrior-

themselves to me in physical form,

in previous civilizations, including

like energy; these beings, regardless

we know that they've appeared as

Sumerian, Mayan and Egyptian

of whether they serve the light or

giants in mythology, ranging from

cultures. Many still worship these

not, are very powerful with

10-20 feet tall or more.

ETs in organized religion today.

masculine energy.

"At the very top are the Annunaki overlords—you know them as the reptilian aristocracy. It is they who have been so busy lowering Earth’s frequencies to the lowest possible denominator, attempting to pull Nibiru through the ascension. Why do you think they have spent so much effort to block your view of the sun, through the use of chemically induced cloud formations? They cannot bear to see the light that is rising, foiling their master plan—and they do not want you to see it, either." 5

la u r en on earth


other starseeds

There are at least hundreds of interplanetary species in communication with the beings of Earth and an infinite number of species within our multiverse. I mainly work with the cosmic beings who have been involved in Earth affairs for quite some time, although I've explored many realms, species and energies through the Akashic Records of my clients that are connected to these other species. The beings spoken of in this section are connected to the Earth, although not in such high quantities.

the insectoids the avian species venusians the spicans of virgo the polarians

la u r en on earth


the insectoids

The insectoids are beings who's appearance and

believe that these insectoid beings, who have decided

behavior greatly resemble those of insects. These

to serve the dark agenda, are high up in the hierarchal

beings are said to have come from a galaxy that is about

placements. And just like the Anunnaki, they prefer to

28 light years from Earth and is near Spica of the

keep their connection to the agenda a secret.

constellation Virgo. There are several species existing within this group and some even have humanoid traits,

Generally, these beings have long and narrow faces,

but the most common of all are the beings that look

large, dark eyes slanting upward and extremely thin

like a praying mantis.

and long torsos and extremities. They stand upright and are about 8-10 feet tall.

I’ve encountered both positive and negative souls within this group and have been told that those who

As for the beings of light, here's how you can tell the

serve the light come from a very high density. They are

difference: they carry themselves with a graceful and

advanced and their civilization reflects this. The mantis

feminine energy and are masters of sound and

beings have always been benevolent in my experience,

vibration. They create with color and light, quite

but there are species of insectoids where many have

literally weaving color and sound into their reality.

reported seeing these beings during abduction experiences. I, too, have seen them in sessions when I am working against the underground ops, although this is not common. From what I’ve gathered thus far, I

la u r en on earth

They are highly skilled in using their light bodies to protect them, help them travel through time and space and move swiftly and easily across the Universe.



These beings require fluidity and flexibility. Their

As for the Mantis starseeds here on Earth, they can

purpose is to give guidance and direction when it

struggle to feel at home and often bottle up their

comes to creation: they ensure that the right

feelings and emotions when imbalanced. However,

elements are coming together, that the frequencies

once they open up to their gifts, they can create

are appropriate, the atmosphere is conducive, the

magic. They are here to infuse the higher

energy is exactly as it should be. They are artists,

frequencies into the heart center of humanity using

creators, alchemists and weavers of beauty.

sound, color, vibration, form and energy. They are often writers, actors, musicians, poets,

There is less involvement with Earth despite these

artists, designers or anything involving a

beings having been here from the dawn of evolution.

creative process. If they do find themselves in a

Some mantis beings are spiritual guides to those

non-creative role, they will always find a way to

here on Earth and they are here in large qualities

weave in their flare or unique expression.

(over 1 million.) The main connection that they have

They are gifted in creating the perfect

to Earth is their connection to the Greys, or Zetas,

environment or experience and bring visions to

and the Zeta hybrid program. The Mantis beings

life seamlessly. What comes to mind here are

were asked to participate in this project because of

fashion, graphic or interior designers. (Another

their gifts and expertise in frequency alignment.

soul group who is gifted at creating beauty from

Remember that this project does become a success.

nothing are the Orion souls.)

la u r en on earth


the avian species

the avians are a species of bird-like or bird-headed beings...

... who originally came from another Universe billions of years prior, but are now found throughout our galaxy in many forms. When the Avians arrived in our galaxy, they were already highly advanced and held the vibrations of efficiency, intelligence and expansion. They are tuned into their multidimensionality, especially when it comes to sight and have the keen ability to see all perspectives, angles and visions. Their innate longing for expansion led them to explore new worlds in which they adapted and evolved effortlessly. They are here to help us expand the frontiers of thought and creation; they are the way showers guiding us to higher levels of knowing. There are indeed higher dimensional Avian beings here on Earth and they have also come through the form of shamans, ascended masters and high priests throughout our time. The Blue Avians, a subspecies, are probably the beings who interact most with humanity (there is also more than one type of Blue Avian, some of them are also white or orange.) In present day, they are space travelers and live on ships. Their home planet goes by the name of Kir and despite it being far, the Blue Avians can easily project their consciousness back to it when they choose. Their planet is massive with many different types of Terrain and when they have spoken of their home, they do it with such fondness, love and appreciation. There are some similarities to Earth: communities, family units and serving a purpose, but they do share that there is also no war, poverty, financial system or any sort of oppression. They love their planet and share that all beings there are happy. The Avian souls who have chosen human reincarnation are here to help raise the energetic potential of mass consciousness and assist humans in seeing beyond their limiting perspectives. Their gifts include: Natural and easy ability to raise the vibration around them and uplift others. They are free thinkers, love freedom and are not bound to societal rules or the hive mind mentality. They do not like to be confined and will always seek ways to move around limitations. They do this through belief system work. They are connectors. They are helping humanity connect to each other, to the Earth, to their individual and collective light, to their innate knowledge. They will create what others deem as impossible. This can sometimes give the impression of the “mad scientist” or “spacey Kasey.”

the venusians

From my experiences traversing through the cosmos,

incarnations there, but because it helped me better

Earth is not the only planet that sustains life within our

understand their energies and why they are so

solar system. My guides have shared that there is non-

connected to one another.

physical life on Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Mars and at one point in time, Saturn. There are souls on Mars in

Venusian starseeds are highly spiritual beings and

non-physical form, but in the Akashic Records I saw

quite connected to their soul, the Universe and cosmic

that when physical beings lived on Mars, it actually

energies. They’ve interacted with several early

looked quite like Earth: lush green vegetation, water,

civilizations on Earth, including the Tibetan Buddhists.

ample resources. While I do know that there are

I’ve been shown that these beings are actually from

Anunnaki and Reptilian bases on Mars, as well as the

another intergalactic civilization and traveled to our

confirmation that many of my clients have had past

galaxy through the portal or stargate on Sirius. Despite

lifetimes there, I do not know much more about the

being our neighbors, they have little involvement in

planet’s current state. As for Venus, there is indeed life

our timelines.

thriving on that planet in non-physical form. Those that have made contact are quite loving, In an Ayahuasca journey, I was spending time with my

nurturing, compassionate, kind, sensual and embody

grandmother who had passed from the Earth plane

the divine feminine energy. They’re natural healers

when I was 12. We’ve had this same topic of

and often use sacred geometry, sound and color to

conversation in multiple ceremonies: helping me to

communicate. They are teaching us humans the way

understand why I feel such a disconnect with the

back to Oneness through heart-centered connection

biological family that I chose. I was shown that my

and unconditional love. Just like the Andromedans,

mother and sister are both deeply connected to Venus

they do not agree with interference or the savior

and have high amounts of Venusian DNA. This brought

mentality. They are supportive and act as guides, but

me so much clarity and not because I don’t resonate

only through sovereignty.

with Venusian energy, as I do feel that I've had past

la u r en on earth


the spicans Spica is the Alpha star of the Virgo constellation and the beings that live there are a higher dimensional humanoid race. This race is advanced, well-balanced in their masculine and feminine energies and possesses positive technology that they have shared with humanity throughout history. While they have been visiting Earth for quite some time, there is a very small number of Spican starseeds on the planet. Their planet is smaller than Earth with a much smaller population. The beings of Spica are slim and tall, with an average height of 12 feet. They have long faces in the shape of an oval. Many of them have wings and sometimes they can remind me of a humanoid-angel hybrid although they are not. These beings, just like many others, are not meat eaters but rather fruitarians and take in a lot of sunlight for energy. They don’t often eat much in general and this can reflect in the diet of Spican starseeds here on Earth. Spican starseeds are on the quieter side. They have a soft, calm, neutral energy field and gentle aura. Despite not being talkative and preferring to take on the role of the wallflower, they’re generally likable, generous, intelligent and hard working. They are gentle caretakers and nurturers; they understand the needs of others and people trust them easily. Spican starseeds are also quite sensitive and can become easily traumatized on the Earth plane. If you come across a Spican starseed, strike up a conversation! They are wise beyond their years!

star dwellers


the polarians Polarian starseeds have descended from the star System of Polaris, or the North Star. At one point in time, our Earth’s axis pointed directly to this star. Polaris is a triple star system, although the planet only orbits around one star, and is the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor. The beings of Polaris are tall, androgynous and appear to have translucent skin. The most common trait of Polarian starseeds is their loyalty. They are a down to Earth species and quite grounded, yet are resistant to change and can sometimes find themselves rather sensitive to Earth’s energies. While they are not the leaders in the group, they act as the glue that holds the group together. They understand unity and wholeness and make it a priority to include and value everyone. At times, they can take this a bit too far and need to understand that not everyone wishes to be included in everything; part of their individual mission throughout the Earth incarnation process is to allow others to make their own decisions. This is quite similar to the path of the Pleiadian. Some other qualities include: Highly spiritual, empathic and in tune with Earth energies. They can also feel natural disasters on Earth deeply within their bodies and souls. They love monogamy, make loyal partners and are family oriented. They are steady and comfortable in relationships and often expect their partner to have the same expectations when it comes to unity. They often act as mediators in situations of conflict by trying to unite both sides. They are hard workers and team players because they keep the group functioning. However, they prefer stability and this preference can sometimes keep them stuck in areas of life that are no longer serving them, career included. It is a challenge for them to initiate change. They can sometimes struggle to make decisions and often need an ample amount of time to do so.

These starseeds bring the gift of unity to a world clouded by the illusion of separation. However, this fragmented world can cause them immense amounts of pain and isolation, especially when these starseeds have not yet woken up. Within their own personal evolution, they can often find themselves between two timelines: a lower timeline of steadiness, predictability and inability to accept change, or the higher timeline involving access of spiritual gifts and moving in flow.

Essentially, most of these star civilizations are all expressions and versions of Earth, but in held within different evolutionary timelines, dimensions and densities. While there are so many species of humanoid beings, there are also an infinite number of non-humanoid civilizations. Beings who would appear more alien to you if you were to see them, as well as beings without a physical form. The higher the density, the less physical the world becomes. From my experience moving through these realms, most beings are of non-physical form. That is our natural state. While the beings mentioned in this e-book are commonly spoken of in the spiritual community here on Earth, know that these are not the only beings or civilizations you could be connected to. They are just the species working most closely with the Earth plane. Keep in mind that there are so many different hybrid species, as well. While this information is valuable in understanding your own soul and multidimensionality, and many of you are called to communicate with your cosmic family, your connection to your oversoul and Source come before all else.

building your own cosmic connections The journey to becoming a clear channel takes time, dedication, strength and perseverance. It is not to be rushed. The work is not to be bypassed. This path will force you to confront your deepest fears, shadows and traumas from all lifetimes. It will force your identity and previous perception of reality to crumble before you. To step into this role, you have gone through lifetimes of initiations, teachings and practice of strengthening these gifts. This is a sacred gift. Treat it as such.

deep inner healing 01

When lower vibrations enter our field, our channel becomes murky and clouded by these dense energies. This distorts the information coming through. It can also trap in you in the lower astral planes when you are not properly trained on how to access other realms. To receive clear and accurate information from Source energy, we must heal and clear our systems of old, repressed emotions.

meditation / stillness 02

Everything you need to know lies within. It is all encoded in your DNA or accessed through the heart center, or zero point field of creation. In order to access this, we must learn to control our minds and find stillness or neutrality within. Develop a daily meditation practice. It is absolutely vital before you begin to channel.

connect to your oversoul and the earth 03

Before trying to access cosmic realms, how connected are you to your higher self? How connected are you to your own realm of existence..the Earth? If you are not yet receiving messages from your higher self or Source, you are not ready to begin channeling beings. After developing the connection to self, you then strengthen your connection to the Earth. If you are not grounded and do not have unconditional love for this planet, you will not find success in channeling because the information will not filter through properly.

practice and learn proper protection and techniques 04

Developing your psychic abilities is similar to strengthening a muscle. It involves lifestyle changes, dedication and commitment. It takes time to perfect the skill and when stepping into this role, you are responsible for upholding ethical standards in your practice. Learn about what you are doing before attempting it blindly. Learn how to properly protect your energy. Get a mentor to guide you.

building your own cosmic connections When you're ready to begin, get into a meditative state. You can choose to play sound frequencies if you feel that helps you shift your vibration. I often opt for the 963 or 528 hz, but there are also sound meditations you can find on YouTube that are attuned to the different star systems.

protect yourself and ground into the earth plane: 05

After that, make sure that your energy field is clear. You can visualize liquid light moving through your aura, clearing out anything unaligned or simply set the intention. You can use fire or invite in Source energy to assist as well. Pay attention to the subtle shifts you feel in the energy around you.

connect to source and oversoul 06

After you get the message that you are complete in your grounding and clearing, and before making any other contact, attune your energy to your own soul and Source's and spend the first few moments of meditation focusing on that and your breath.

call in your star family of choice 07

When calling in your star family, always make sure to declare that you wish to speak to the beings in the highest vibration of love and light. An example of what I would say is: I set the intention to call in my Arcturian family of Light. Be patient, release expectation, focus on breath, observe and allow these frequencies to come through organically.

begin to communicate 08

The messages can come through in several different ways including but not limited to seeing, feeling, knowing and hearing. Before asking questions, get to know them and their energy! Show them love and gratitude. Call their energy in and familiarize yourself with it. My guides always remind me that energy comes first, information comes second. Get an understanding of how you best interpret information and allow it to flow in without force. Don't forget that you have control over the way the information is received. If you don't understand, ask them to show you another way. If you get a vision or sensation that you don't understand, ask them to interpret it. Last but not least, have fun!

la u r en on earth


understanding false light

As mentioned previously, when beginning your journey

in the military.) It was quite intense and at one point

into the unseen realms, it is vital to understand the

during the session, there were several light beings

concept of false light.

around him as I got ready to perform a healing. I looked into the eyes of one of the light beings and

When a light worker remembers their truth and when

something felt wrong. I remember just staring at it,

they wake up to their power, the dark agenda becomes

unsure what to do next, and all of a sudden, I saw its

threatened. The dark forces are actively attempting to

true form. The dark eyes bulged out of its head. It was a

keep as many souls asleep as possible. They do this by

demonic entity disguising itself as a light being and all

adding chemicals to our air, soil and water supply to keep us dull and disconnected. They do this by creating systems that suppress us. They do this by telling us, from birth, that we are powerless to them. When a soul begins this journey, the dark forces can interfere with the light workers process of learning how to connect to Source and these higher realms. This is why it is so important to work with a mentor.

of a sudden, every light being in that room became exposed and a battle broke out. Another example was with a client who felt like the Reptilians were programming his DNA. When tapping in, I saw this to be true. There was a portal right over his heart that had gold light language written within it. I kept staring at it. All of a sudden, the light language turned black, and within a split second, turned gold

They do this through the concept of false light: disguising

again. False light. If I didn't pick up on the fact that

as light to make you think that's who you're connecting to.

something seemed awry, I would have acknowledged

They make you believe you can trust them, but in reality,

the gold, thought it was of the light or some form of

you are only connecting to realms or beings of the lower

protection over the portal, and moved on with the

astral plane. You are only receiving fragments of

healing. This is why proper training, practice and

information that may not fully be rooted in love.

education is so important.

Here are two examples I've seen in my sessions: I was

As always, I am not sharing this to scare you. My intention

working with a Marine who was experiencing a psychic

is to share my knowledge and tools to help each of you

attack. There were too many demonic entities to count

find success on your individual path as you return to the

around him (this is unfortunately so common


In the following pages, I will be sharing images of some of these beings. All artwork was done by Vashta, please check out her work to see more variety. Know that each photo will give you the general idea of appearance, but keep in mind there is so much diversity within most species.

star dwellers






Sirius A

Sirius A


Sirius B


Lyran Redhead



Benevolant draco


Nefarious draco


sessions with lauren on earth

the akashic records A





psychic surgery

quantum healing


The removal of artificial intelligence, dark

A deep healing of all of the layers of the

information of every past, present and future

entities or any dense or stagnant energies


experience of every soul in the universe. tap

stuck in the body. This also includes soul

activations and clearing of the auric field and

into this realm for guidance and clarity,

retrieval and auric field reparation.

cellular matrix.





including past and interplanetary lives.

soul journey reading

starseed reading

Learn about your soul's journey and past



If you feel you may have lived during

interplanetary lives leading up to this

starseed family. Discover who they are, your

Lemuria or Atlantis, this reading will share

current incarnation. What star systems and

connection to them and learn how to

the details of those lifetimes. Who were you

other galaxies have you incarnated into and

strengthen or develop your channel of

then and how does it affect your present

what was your purpose?



w w w .laurenonea r t h . c o m




atlantis and lemuria reading


continue your cosmic education


star dwellers: if you’re interested in learning about cosmic beings and galactic history, this 100 page e-book takes a deep dive into life beyond the third dimensional realm. learn about the characteristics, appearance, way of life and galactic history of over 15 beings in our galaxy.


monthly membership: coming soon I have an abundance of stories from my own personal experiences as well as what I see in sessions as I am always exploring new and familiar realms, connecting with beings and tapped into the unseen on this Earth plane and beyond. What I cannot share on Instagram, I will be sharing here: stories, tools and tips, downloads, support, community. Click here to be the first to know when it goes live.


arcturian blueprint activation: learn to channel the arcturians a four-week course for arcturian starseeds ready to begin connecting to their star family. learn about their galactic history and starseed characteristics, learn their tools and techniques to develop psychic abilities and telepathy, get introduced to their advanced technology and begin using it on yourself or your clients.


pleiadian and blue ray light language

click here

sirius gateway frequencies

click here

ayahusca medicina

click here

963 hz | lemuria

click here

restorative sound bath and healing

click here

chakra clearing and balancing

click here

star dwellers


get in touch to learn more about Lauren and her work:





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Lauren Zeiher BOOK AUTHOR Lauren is an international Akashic Record reader, Reiki Master, cosmic channel and teacher of psychic development. To learn more about her story, click here.

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