Overtown, Miami: Neighborhood Mapping

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Saint-Louis, L.



Mapping the Neighborhood’s Health and Built Environment Assets

“This Way to Freedom” Chris Brown & Ron Bass (a local artist), 1039 NW 3rd Ave, Overtown, Miami

Laurent Saint-Louis, MPH (2016) University of Miami Department of Public Health Sciences

Saint-Louis, L.

LOCATION “The Hole in the Doughnut.” This is the phrase often used to describe Overtown because of the fact that it is surrounded by many “tasty” parts of Miami. Wynwood to the North The Beach, Club District, and the Arena to the East Downtown to the South Little Havana to the South West

Google Maps

Zip code 33136 outlined. Overtown located within zip code.

Saint-Louis, L.

Existing Land Use Study, Miami-Dade County 1949


Saint-Louis, L.




Congress for New Urbanism (CNU)

Saint-Louis, L.



South Florida Regional Planning Council & Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, Overtown Charette 1999

Saint-Louis, L.

Google Earth

Saint-Louis, L.

ZONING Government Housing


0.3 mi

Multi-Family, High-Density Multi-Family, Low-Density Townhouses Duplexes Single Family Parks Vacant, Government Vacant, Private Miami Dade Open GIS Data (2015)

Saint-Louis, L.


Convenience Stores





Miami Trolley

Fast Food




Grocery Stores

Mapping was conducted with data and imagery from the following:

• Google Earth (2015) • Google Maps (2015)

• Miami-Dade County Open GIS Data (2015) • ArcGIS


Civic/ Institutional

Saint-Louis, L.

TRANSPORT Metrorail ($2.25) Metrobus ($2.25) Miami Trolley (Free) Bike Lanes Civic Center




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Saint-Louis, L.

TRANSPORT “Separating people from hazards is always a goal when designing environments in which people work, live, and play. This principle is exemplified by properly built bike lanes that separate bicyclists from cars.” Pollack et al, 2014

These crosswalks are found along 3rd Ave. and are a great step towards improving crosswalk visibility for drivers. Not only is this a safety measure; it can also serve to reimagine Overtown’s identity.

Saint-Louis, L.

TRANSPORT “Active transport that incorporates walking and cycling to work or school is a promising way to improve people’s health, in particular cardiovascular health, through integrating physical activity into daily life.” Xu et al, 2015

Overtown residents rely heavily on alternative transportation (as opposed to the car). This can be indicated by the lack of a gas station within the neighborhood.

Miami Critical Mass often rides by overtown every last friday of the month. Events like such have the potential to begin bringing saftey awareness and designing streets for “alternative transporters” in Miami -- a city founded on the automobile.

Miami Critical Mass

Saint-Louis, L.

FOOD Supermarket Restaurants Convenience Stores Fast Food


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Saint-Louis, L.

FOOD “Disparities in supermarket accessibility on the basis of race were evident among the most impoverished neighborhoods: the most impoverished neighborhoods in which African Americans resided, on average, were 1.1 miles farther from the nearest supermarket than were the most impoverished White neighborhoods.” Zenk et al, 2005

Overtown exhibits the characteristics stated above. With only one grocery store -- disconnected from the area -- it makes it very difficult for Overtowners to shop for whole foods. Residents’ easiest food access is within the abundant convenience stores.

Many of these convenience stores have very similar aesthetics and merchandise -- sodas, cigarettes, liquor, processed foods, etc...

Arena Supermarket, Overtown

Black Eagle Market, Overtown

Butterfly Market, Overtown

Despite the obvious health concerns with having these stores easlily accessible, their presence is a part of the Overtown culture. Many of the facades are hand painted and may welcome some local artists to use the structure as a canvas. Having these corner stores also have the potential to provide “eyes on the street.”

Saint-Louis, L.

FOOD “Disparities in supermarket accessibility on the basis of race were evident among the most impoverished neighborhoods: the most impoverished neighborhoods in which African Americans resided, on average, were 1.1 miles farther from the nearest supermarket than were the most impoverished White neighborhoods.” Zenk et al, 2005

Restaurants Cafe 2020

Latino Food consisting of rice, beans, poultry, red meat, burritos, quesedillas, soda. Salad bar available.

Manger Creole

Haitian food consisting of rice, beans, poultry, meats, seafood, spiced veggies, and fried foods. Soda Available

Convenience Stores 7/11 Food Store

Contains processed foods, soda, alcohol, processed meats, chicken wings, candy, cigarettes.

Fast Food This is where many Overtowners seek their health care, yet they will find the same food sources which have probably led them here. Ironically, Health Distric employees are also seen eating at these reastuarants due to practicality.

Buger King McDonald’s Chicken Kitchen Moe’s

Jimmy John’s Dunkin Donuts Au Bon Pain*

* Out of all fast food restaurants, Au Bon Pain has the healthiest selection.

Saint-Louis, L.

CIVIC & INSTITUTIONAL Jackson & UHealth Phyllis Wheatley Elementary

Jefferson Reaves Sr. Clinic Williams Park

Schools Parks

Gibson Charter

Dorsey Park

Gibson Park Booker T. Washington High

Henry Reaves Park

Frederick Douglass Elementary

RJW Academy


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Saint-Louis, L.

CIVIC & INSTITUTIONAL Access to Health “A patient’s geographic location is not only associated with access and utilization of services, but also with outcome of care.” “Primary care physicians located in urban communities with high percentages of minority and uninsured populations experience the greatest unmet need for geographically-proximate behavioral health professionals.” “Availability and proximity of care in one’s own neighborhood can reduce travel distance, which has been shown to be an important factor associated with visit attendance.” Weilen et al, 2015

Outside of the Jackson and UHealth systems, Overtowners have only one other option for recieving primary health care and related services. Servicing a population of over 13,000 containing many uninsured, this clinic is often overburdened. Services Offered: Adult & Geriatric Services Prenatal Care Pediatric Nutrition

Behavioral HIV Testing Laboratory Services

When considering the demographics and affordability of care, many wait until their condition becomes acute and they are forced to receive care at the emergency room. These costs get deferred to patients with insurance and the burden spills over to the other health systems.

Saint-Louis, L.

CIVIC & INSTITUTIONAL Parks “Accessibility of green spaces influences not just the likelihood of physical activity being undertaken but also its frequency.” “This in turn could help reduce social isolation, generate social capital, and lead to greater personal resilience and wellbeing.” “In a few studies, social factors (eg, neighborliness) had a greater influence on the frequency of use of urban parks than the physical features of the parks.” Lee et al, 2015

Gibson Park is one of the larger parks in Overtown. It is home to the Overtown Youth Center and has various recreation amenities. These areas have the potential to be “Safe Havens” for the Overtown Youth.

Unfortunately, many parts of Overtown are vacant and contribute to the crime and safety issues in the community.

Saint-Louis, L.

OVERLAY Metrobus Miami Trolley Metrorail Bike Lanes Supermarket Restaurants Convenience Stores Fast Food Jackson & UHealth Jefferson Reaves Schools Parks


0.3 mi

Saint-Louis, L.

Overtown - a neighborhood with a history of hardship beginning with segregation, and continuing with dissection. This disconnect has helped it evolve into a poor, crime and drug-ridden community where health and safety is rare. The biggest crime is not conducted by the neighbor, but by the system which allows for these conditions to persist in isolation.

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